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The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain.
No portion of these records may be reproduced for any purpose.  

DB-A, page 17

WILL(IAM) JOHNSON to CHARLES ALLEN. 10 Aug. 1761. 5 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Granville Co., adj. ad. Allen, CHRISMASS & CAPT. HAWKINS, to the Clear Glade, part of EARL GRANVILLE Grant 4 Nov. 1757. No witnesses. Ack: Bute Aug. Court 1764, BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 27 Sept. 1764, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 17

PHILEMON HAWKINS to ABRAHAM MAYFIELD. 22 Aug. 1764. 10 Pds. for 540 A. on Beckham's Branch. Wit: WM. SIMS, NATHL. HENDERSON. Ack: Bute Aug. Court 1764, BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 27 Sept. 1764, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.


THOMAS CHILD, Esq., Agent of EARL GRANVILLE, to JAMES MOORE, of Granville Co. 1 Aug. 1762. 10 Sh: Sterling, Quite Rents, etc. for a Grant of 650 A. in Parish of ______, Granville Co., on NS Tarr R. adj. HARIS, CARROL, Spring Branch. Wit: WM. CHURTON, J. MONTFORT. Proved by JOSEPH MONTFORT, Esq., Halifax, 12 Sept. 1764, MONT. ELBECK, A.J. Reg: 28 Sept. 1764, SUGAN JOHNSON, P. R.

DB-A, page 20

JOHN PERSON, of Southampton Co., Va., to THOMAS PERSON, of Granville Co.

16 June 1762. 45 Pds. Va. money for 276 A. in Granville Co. on branches of Grassy Creek, adj. JOHN PRYOR, CHARLES SMITH. Wit: WILLIAM PERSON, ROBT.PRYOR Ack: Halifax, 12 Sept. 1764, MONTFORD EILBECK, A.J.

Reg: 28 Sept. 1764, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 21

JOHN RUTHERFORD, his Majesty's Receiver for Province of N.C., and his spouts FRANCES RUTHERFORD to MR. WILLIAM BLACK, of Va. 7 Jan. 1763. 866 Pds:13Sh:4d. Procl. money for 1250 A. in Granville Co., 'Possum Quarter', on Possum Quarter Swamp, deeded to FRANCES RUTHERFORD by MR. WILLIAM CATHCARD who had bought it, 29 May 1746, at public sale at the Courthouse in Edgecomb, formerly mortgaged by FRANCIS CLAXTON, since deed., to the late COL. THOS. POLLOCK, Treasurer. Wit: BENN. HEREN, WM. IRBY. Ack: N.C., 15 Feb. 1764, FRANCES RUTHERFORD ack: that she did the same voluntarily, and Ordered registered in Granville Co., JOSEPH MONTFORD, A.J. Reg: 28 Sept. 1764, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 23

JOHN MOSELEY, EDWARD MOSELEY & SAMPSON MOSELEY, all of New Hanover Co., to JOSEPH MONTFORT, of the Town & Co. of Halifax. 26 March 1763. 4800 Pds. Procl. money for 10,000 A. in Granville Co., granted by the late Lord Proprietors of the Carolinas, 4 Nov. 1728, to EDWARD MOSELEY, Esq., deed., father of JOHN, EDWARD & SAMPSON MOSELEY, excepting lands sold to PHILIP ALSTON and SOLOMON ALSTON,JR., on SS Fishing Creek, ES Branch of Possom quarter Swamp, adj. Richneck Creek, Long Branch which falls into Shoccoe Creek & Shoccoe Creel Wit: JAS. HASELL,JR, ANN MOSELEY, JOHN DENNY(?) Proved at Wilmington by

MR. JAMES HASSELL,JR. 19 Oct. 1763, CHAS. BERRY. Reg: 28 Sept. 1764, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 24

JAMES MOSELEY, of New Hanover Co., to JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax Co.

24 Sept. 1763. 5 Sh: for his undivided 1/6 part of 10,000 A. in Granville Co. called 'Clun Seat', between Fishing Creek & Shoccoe Creek.


Reg: 29 Sept. 1764, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

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