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The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain.
No portion of these records may be reproduced for any purpose.  

DB-A, page 35

JOHN LOSER, planter & Wife ISABELLA(SIBELLA) to JAMES LOSER. 29 Sept. 1764. 50 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. on SS Smiths Creek, adj. HARRISON(HARROSON), LEONARD LOSER at Ridge Path & JAMES DOZER. Wit: JOHN NEWMAN, LEONARD LOSER, MATTHEW McMILLAN. Ack: Bute Nov. Court 1764, Isabella relinquishing her dower rights before JAMES RANSOM, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.

Reg: 3 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 36

MATTHEW(MATTHUS) McMILLAN & Wife SARAH to JESSE GILLUM, Planter. 20 Nov. 1764. 80 Pds. Procl. money for 195 A., part of EARL GRANVILLE Grant to ALEXANDER MACMILLAN, dec'd. dated 20 Aug. 1760, on BS Hendersona Swamp.

Wit: WILLIAM MOORE, JAMES BASKETT. Ack: Bate Nov. Court 1764, SARAH relinquishing her dower rights before JAMES RANSOM, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg. 3 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 38

JOEL SARTIN(CERTAIN) & Wife RUTH to JOHN LOSER. 13 Aug. 1764. 25 Pds. Va. money for 130 A. on WS Little Creek, adj. NICHOLS, JOHN STROUD, Dray Branch & Bottom. Wit: JAMES LOSER, ALEXR.BURNHAM, LEONARD LOSER.

Proved by LEONARD LOSER Bute Nov. Court 1764, BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 39

WILLIAM BOWDOWN,SR. to WILLIAM BOWDOWN, both of Granville Co. 5 May 1764. 65 Pds. Procl. money for 320 A. of land in Granville Co. on Mill Run, adj. HARDY, WILLIAMS, KENDRICK & HENRY LONG. Wit: WILLIAM KENDRICK, BENJAMIN KENDRICK. Proved by BENJAMIN KENDRICK Nov. Court 1764, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 4 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 40

JAMES DOSER(DOZER), Planter & Wife MARY to THOMAS NEWMAN,Planter, of Westmoreland Co., Va. 20 Nov. 1764. 160 Pds. Va. money for 398 A. on SS Smiths Creek, Rocky Branch, adj. JOHN NEWMAN, WILLIAM SMITH, WILLIAM STROUD, COL. HARRISON, JOHN STROUD & JOHN LOSER, at Ridge Path. Wit: WILL JOHNSON. Ack:Bute Nov. Court 1764, MARY relinquishing her dower rights before


Reg: 5 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R. DB-A, page 42

REUBEN LAWSON,Planter to HENRY WESTBROOKES. 28 Aug. 1764. 25 Pds. Va. money for 307 A., being 1/2 EARL GRANVILLE Pant dated 8 Nov. 1755, on BS Ision Glase, Holy's Branch, adj. Westbrooke's own line. Wit: THOMAS BELL, JOSEPH BORDEN. Proved by JOSEPH BORDEN, Bute Nov. Court 1764, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 43

PENNYWELL WOOD to BENNETT WOOD. 1 Sept. 1764. 30 Pds. Va. money for 150 A. on NS Smiths Creek, adj. ETON, to the Country Line, where I now live.


Proved by WILLIAM WOOD, Bute Nov. Court 1764, BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 44

WILLIAM WOOD to Son BENNETT WOOD. 30 Aug. 1764. 20 Pds. Va. money for 550 A., adj. EATON, to the Country Line. Wit: WILLIAM WOOD, ANN WOOD, CATTRON PATTERSON, JOHN WOOD. Proved by CATHRINE WOOD, Bute Nov. Court 1764, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 8 Jan. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

(Underlining above by me: MHK)

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