The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr
and is not public domain.
No portion of these records may be reproduced
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THO. CHILD for EARL GRANVILLE to MARY WOOD, of Granville Co. 5 Dec. 1761. 10 Sh: Sterling, plus Quit Rents, etc. for 587 A. in Granville Co., on BS Little Isinglass Creek, adj. TAYLOR & BUTTS. Wit: SAM. SWANN, JNO. LINTON. Exm'd by JNO. LINTON. Proved by JOHN LINTON, Halifax Co.. 21 Aug. 1762, STEPHEN DEWEY(?), J.S.C. Reg: 24 July 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON,P.R.
THOS. CHILD for EARL GRANVILLE to JAMES MOSELEY, of Granville Co. 1 Aug. 1762. 10 Sh: Sterling, plus Quit Rents, etc., for 700 A. in Parish of , Granville Co, on branches of Sycamore Swamp, adj. BRINKLEY & HILL. Wit: WM. CHURTON, J. MONTFORT. Examn'd. by JNO. LINTON. Proved by JOSEPH MON'TFORT, Esq., Halifax Co., 13 Feb. 1765, MONTFORT EELBECK,A.J. Reg: 25 July 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 228
SOLOMON ALSTON,JR. to SOLOMON ALSTON,SR. 30 July 1765. 100 Pds. Procl. money for 213 A. between Fishing Creek & Shoccoe Creek and on Richneck Creek, adj. MOSELEY. Wit: ROBERT TURNBULL, ZACHR. GIBBS. Ack: Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 24 Aug. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 230
GEORGE MARTIN to PHILAMON HAWKINS, both of Granville Co. 7 Aug. 1761. 300 Pda Va. money for 6 tracts of land in Granville Co., a total of 1742 A, all the land owned on Sandy Creek. Tract No. 1: 200 A. on NS Sandy Creek, land JOHN MARTIN bought from EDWARD JONES & conveyed to GEORGE MARTIN by deed of gift. Tract No. 2: 30 A. on ES Owens Pounders branch which JOHN MARTIN bought from FRANS. STROTHER 2 Jan. 1758 and gave to GEO. MARTIN, by deed of gift 3 Oct. 1759 and where he now lives. Tract No. 3: 350 A. on NS Sandy Creek, on BS Owens Pounder Branch, adj. STROTHER, an EARL GRANVILLE Grant 6 Aug. 1759. Tract No. 4: 200 A. on line of JOHN MARTIN, bequeathed to GEORGE MARTIN by the will of his father JOHN MARTIN, dec'd. Tract No. 5: 650 A. on NS Sandy Creek, adj. TERRELL, WARD, COOK, LYLES, STROTHER & MARTIN, an EARL GRANVILLE Grant 16 March 1761. Tract No. 6: 314 A. on BS Sandy Creek, adj. OWIN, bought from ROBERT JONES,JR., Esq. Wit: MOURNING ROBERTS. JOHN STROUD. Proved by JOHN STROUD, Granville Co. Nov. Court 1761, DAN WELDON, C.C. Re-Ack: 11 Oct. 1763. Wit: LEN HENLEY BULLOCK & JOHN HAWKINS,JR. Proved by LEONARD HENLEY BULLOCK, Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 28 Aug. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 233
JOHN FFROHOCK, of Rowan Co., Executor of will of THOMAS PARKER, dec'd., of Rowan Co., to JOSEPH BRANTLEY. 1 Aug. 1764. 120 Pds. Va. money for 650 A. in Bute Co., formerly Granville Co., on Mill Creek alias Woolfpitt Creek, adj. ROBERT JONES,JR., BRIDGES & JOSEPH BRANTLEY, sold to JOSEPH BRANTLEY in the lifetime of THOMAS PARKER when he gave bond to make title. Wit: JOEL MOODY, JOHN CURTIS, SUSANNAH EDWARDS. JOHN FFROHOCK ack. receipt of purchase price 1 Aug. 1764. Wit: JOEL MOODY. Deed & Receipt proved by JOEL MOODY, Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 Aug. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 235
JOSEPH BRANTLEY to JOHN FFROHOCK, of Rowan Co. 5 Sept. 1764. 217 Pds: 10 Sh: Procl. money for 650 A. on NS Tarr R. on Mill Creek alias Woolfpitt Creek, adj. ROBERT JONES, JR., BRIDGES & JOSEPH BRANTLEY. Wit: SUSANNAH EDWARDS, JOEL MOODY, JOHN CURTIS. Receipt of purchase price ack. 5 Sept. 1764. Wit: JOEL MOODY. Deed & Receipt proved by JOEL MOODY, flute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 Aug. 1765, SUGAR JOHNSON, P.R.
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