The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr
and is not public domain.
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DB-A, page 237
LEONARD HENLEY BULLOCK to JOSEPH MONTFORT, of Halifax. 1 Aug. 1765. 60 Pds. Procl. money for 330 A. bought from LAWRENCE LANCASTER, beginning at mouth of Ellibys Branch, adj. WEST HARRIS, LEWIS PATTERSON, WILLIAM ROWLAND & JOHN BURCH, on Fishing Creek where LAWRENCE LANCASTER now lives & which BULLOCK sold to LANCASTER. Wit: WILL JOHNSON. Proved by. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCK, C.C. Reg: 30 Aug. 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON,PR
DB-A, page 239
PETER SMART to JOSEPH JOHN WILLIAMS. 20 July 1765. 20 Pds. Procl. money for 100 A. adj. HURD. Wit: WM. DAYE(?), ARCHD. HAMILTON, STEPHEN JETT. Proved by STEPHEN JETT, Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 Aug. 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 241
THOMAS PENIAL & Wife MARY to JOHN NORWOOD. 8 June 1765. 10 Pds. Procl. money for 92 A., beginning at Norwood's line where it crosses the road, adj. WOOTAN(?), part of a tract where Penial now lives, all he has on SS the road, an EARL GRANVILLE Grant 1 Dec. 1760. Wit: WILLIAM GANT, WILLIAM MOORE. Ack: Bute July Court 1765, MARY having relinquished her dower rights before WILLIAM TABB, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 5 Sept. 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 243
WILLIAM VINSON Ales(alias?) BANGER to NICLAS HILL. 22 March 1765. 10 Pda. Va. money for 100 A. on SS Sandy Creek,. adj. TERRELL. Wit: DAVID VINSON, MICHL. COLLINS, WILLIAM VINSON. Proved by MICHAEL COLLINS, Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 6 Sept. 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 244
JAMES MOSELY to son JOHN MOSELY. 30 July 1']65• For natural love & affection, Gift deed to 125 A. on SES Crabtree branch or Creek at mouth of Spring Branch of JOHN MOSELEY, part of survey where JAMES MOSELEY now lives. Wit: JOHN NORWOOD. Ack: Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 7 Sept. 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 246
LEONARD WEBB & Wife SARAH to JAMES DOZER. 25 Feb. 1765. 21 Pds:3Sh:6d. Va. money for 100 A. on SS Rocky Branch, adj. WILLIAM SMITH, ROBERT KING, SHEPPA ALLEN PUCKETT. Wit: BENNETT WOOD,JR., JOHN DOZER. Proved by BENNETT WOOD, Bute July Court 1765, BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 9 Sept. 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 247
JAMES MOSELY & Wife MARY to JOHN NORWOOD. 30 July 1765. 32 Pds:10 Sh: Procl. money for 175 A. on NWS Crabtree Creek, adj. intended line of WATLEY, originally granted to SHERLEY WATLEY by EARL GRANVILLE 9 Nov. 1757. Deed & receipt for payment of purchase price witnessed by HENRY HILL. Footnote, signed by JOHN MOSELY that he has received the consideration money & releases his claim to lands mentioned to JOHN NORWOOD. Wit: HEN: HILL. Ack: by JAMES & MARY MOSELY and JOHN MOSELEY ack. writing at foot to be his act, Bute July Court 1765, MARY having relinquished her dower rights before JETHRO SUMNER, Esq. BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 18 Sept. 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-A, page 250
ROBERT HICKS to JOSIAH RANDAL, both of Brunswick Co., Va. 27 July 1765. 15 Pds. Va. money for 160 A. on the water of Great Creek, beginning on the Reedy Branch at the mouth of a Slash. Wit: HARDIGE WALKER, JOHN HICKS. Proved by HARDIGE WALKER, Bute July Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 19 Sept. , SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.
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