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The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain. No portion of these records may be reproduced for any purpose


Paid May Court 1769: MR. HENDERSON'S fee and FRANCIS STROTHER. Receipts: From MARTIN DICKISON, Esq., Estate of MAJR. HURST, CHRISTOPHER STROTHER, JOSEPH DUKE, BENJAMIN MERRITT, GEORGE PLATT. Estate divided: 1/3 for the Widow & remainder, in equal shares, to the seven sons: ZACHARIAH MARTIN (eldest son), JOSEPH MARTIN, WILLIAM MARTIN, GEORGE MARTIN, ROGER MARTIN, JAMES MARTIN, & PHILEMON MARTIN. Recorded November Court 1769.

100 MATTHEW GIBBS & MILBRA GIBBS, his wife, of St. Marks Parish, Craven Co., S.C., to PRESLEY NELMS of St. John's Parish in Bute Co., N.C. Dated 4 Sept. 1769. Bond to insure execution of deed to 320-acre tract of land, on BE Red Bud Creek, adj. WILLIAM ROSE, WILLIAM HILL, & PRESLEY NELMS, which ROBERT HILL gave to his daughter MILBRA and which she & her husband MATHEW GIBBS have agreed to sell to PRESLEY NELMS. Wit: JOHN PINNALL, THOMAS HILL. Recorded November Court 1769.

101 (A) Will of ELIZABETH TABS. Dated 31 August 1769. Recorded November Court 1769. To sister SARAH TABB, for life or marriage, & then to brother WILLIAM TABS. To cousin DIANA TABS, daughter of my brother WILLIAM TABS. To brother WILLIAM TABS, negro given me in my Father's will, after his widow's death; also my part of my Father's Chariot which fell to me by the death of my brother JOHN TABB & all other part of brother JOHN TABB's Estate; and all the rest of my Estate except money due me for which I have a mortgage on his, my brother WILLIAM's Estate, which money to be equally divided between brother WILLIAM's four children: MARY TABB, DIANNA TABS, JUANA TABS, and REBECCA WYTHE TABB, as they come of age. Exr: Brother WILLIAM TABB. Wit: MARY ARMISTEAD, GEORGE WOOTON, JAMES MERRIT, JOHN EMMERSON.

103 WILLIAM TABS, Guardian of MARY ARMISTEAD, Orphan of WESTWOOD ARMISTEAD, dec'd. Bond, dated 17 Nov. 1769, to Justices: WILLIAM JOHNSON, PHILEMON HAWKINS, HENRY HILL, & JETHRO SUMNER, Esqrs. Sec: THOMAS BELL, ROBERT GOODLOE. Wit: THOS. MACHEN. Recorded November Court 1769.

104BLACKMAN PARDUE, Orphan, 14 years old next 14 Oct., apprenticed to WILLIAM REDDOCK.  Agreement with WILLIAM JOHNSON, Presiding Justice, on behalf of Justices, dated 9 May 1769, same day as Court Order. He is to be taught the business of a taylor. Wit: WILLIAM ROSE, JOHN GREEN. Recorded Nov. Ct. 1769.

105 Will of THOMAS CHRISTMAS of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., Va. Dated 29 Dec. 1768. Names: Son JOHN CRISTMAS. Daughters: ELIZABETH PAULETT, CATY HIGGASON, RACHEL CHISOLM. Mentions land purchased from JAMES FLANNAKIN. To the children of my son THOMAS CHRISTMAS, dec'd.: JOHN, MARY, THOMAS, RICHARD, & WILLIAM (the youngest), negroes, livestock, & tools now in possession of TEMPERANCE, widow of my son THOMAS, and to be managed by my son JOHN & his son THOMAS CHRISTMAS. To my 6 Grandchildren: CHARLES WHITLOCK, JAMES WHITLOCK, MARY JONES, ANNE AUSTINE, THOMAS WHITLOCK, & NATHANIEL WHITLOCK. To my 5 Grandchildren: JOHN SAUNDERS, ELIZABETH SIMMS, NANCEY SANDERS, MARY SANDERS, & RIETTA SANDERS. To JOHN CHRISTMAS, son of ELIZABETH PAULETT. Residue in 5 parts to: my four children, JOHN CHRISTMAS, ELIZABETH PAULETT, CATEY HIGGASON, RACHEL CHISHOLM, and children of my dec'd. son THOS. CHRISTMAS. Exrs: Son JOHN CHRISTMAS and JOHN HIGASON. Wit: DAVID ANDERSON, RICHARD HIGGASON, JOHN HIGGASON. Proved Hanover Co., Va., 7 Sept. 1769, by the three witnesses and by the oath of the Executors named in will who presented it to proof. Recorded Hanover Co., Va., by WILLIAM POLLARD, C.H.C. Attested Copy Recorded Bute Co., N.C. February Court 1770, by JOHN CHRISTMAS, one of the Extrs., together with Certificate from LORD BOTETOURT, Governor of the Colony of Va., as to WILLIAM POLLARD Gent. being Clerk of Court of Hanover Co., dated Williamsburg, 19 Jan. 1770.

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