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The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain. No portion of these records may be reproduced for any purpose


Indications point to the conclusion that BOOK A was originally known as BOOK 2. Some of the original documents of the few which are still in existence are designated as being recorded in BOOK 2. But it has been on record as BOOK A for so long, and is indexed as such, that it is officially accepted as such and therefore designated as BOOK A in the preceding abstracts.

WILL BOOK A, abstracted in the preceding pages 11 through 39, contains some pages which are mutilated and, in part, impossible to reconstruct in entirety, but I am satisfied that no essential information is missing which might be found. In each case in which the recorded document is torn, an effort has been made to determine whether the original document has been preserved. When the original has been found, it has been examined and parts missing in the recorded documents have been inserted. No attempt has been made in this book to show which of all documents have been preserved in the original.

All documents in Will Book A are certified as having been proved and ordered recorded at the Bute County, North Carolina, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, by BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. As you will have noted from the abstract of his bond as clerk of court, on page 11 (WILL BOOK A, page 1), BENJAMIN MCCULLOCH received his commission as the first clerk of BUTE COUNTY Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions from BENJAMIN HERON, Esq., clerk of the pleas for the province of North Carolina, 19 June 1764, just nine days after the Act of Assembly creating BUTE COUNTY became effective. The commission itself is not of record in this county but is referred to in the bond which BENJAMIN McCULLOCH gave at the first court held for Bute County, August 1764, and recorded, perhaps as the first recorded document.

Some of the documents ordered recorded at the Bute County, N.C., may court 1774 are recorded in WILL BOOK A, as seen in the abstracts, pages 38 and 39, but documents ordered recorded at the same court are continued in WILL BOOK 2, the abstracts of which now appear, beginning page 41.


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