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7 Volumes of Court Records 1780-1813
Minutes to the
court of
Pleas and Quarter Sessions
By Ginger Christmas-Beattie
for Sale
Once on the site, click onto the BOOKS link to see the complete set of titles View a list of names in the book of interest by clicking onto
Index Page for each book See the pages for pricing information
Description: The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
By Ginger Beattie
The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions is the lowest court of
in the Warren County, North Carolina area. This court met every three
months throughout the year. From a researcher's point of view the names
of more people will appear here more than any other single source of
records and some names will only appear here.
There are deeds that are proved and recorded, orphan bonds, leans,
child support orders, administration of wills and estate records, the
construction of county roads and bridges across waterways, the licensing
of taverns and eating houses, tax officials and their districts among
other things.
Coleman Family of Warren County North Carolina"
by James Michael Paschall Coleman.
From England to Virginia in 1637 and then down the
Great Wagon Trail to North Carolina in 1778 with a three day stay at
Gettysburg in 1863.
“Family genealogical histories can range from fanciful collections of myth
and supposition to detialed works of historic research. James M Coleman’s
book, The Coleman Family of Warren County, North Carolina, is clearly
in the latter category.” – Robert P. Winthrop, AIA, author of
Architecture in Downtown Richmond
Descendants of Sterling Johnston of Halifax Co., North Carolina 1770-2013",
Rebecca L. Dozier
LC No. 2014949431; published by Otter Bay Books, 2014
Sterling Johnston lived in both Warren
and Halifax counties.
His descendants still live in both counties today.
Book Review:
Halifax and Warren Counties are in northeast North Carolina tucked in right
next to Northampton County, just below the Virginia line, and it is the
place where the author traipsed through cemeteries while growing up there.
While that, in itself, is not unusual,her penchant for finding out “who
lived there and when” has led her to explore dozens of records for actual
facts about who was related. Having a father named William Johnston Leach
gave her a head start to satisfy the quest for more about the Johnstons.
Chapters are listed in the CONTENTS, then each person is identified at each
chapter beginning:
I. Sterling Johnston (1770-2843) Son of Abraham and Susannah Johnston,
Grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth Johnston, Great-Grandson of William
Johnston, Jr. and (unknown), Great-Great-Grandson of William and Sarah
Griffith Johnston
II. William (Willis) Johnston (1795-1835) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor
III. John Pittman Johnston (1795-1879) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor
IV. Anthony McGregor Johnston (1796-1874) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor
V. Littleberry Johnston (1797-1834) Son of Sterling and Sarah McGregor
VI. Atherton Johnston (1804-1850) Son of Sterling and Nancy Carter Johnston
VII. Amanda Johnston (1813-1837) Daughter of Sterling and Nancy Carter
VIII. Wade Hampton Johnston (1814-1886) Son of Sterling and Nancy Carter
IX. Francis Marion Johnston (1818-1843) Son of Sterling
and Nancy Carter Johnston
X. Andrew Jackson Johnston (1819-1855) Son of Sterling and Nancy Carter
XI. Augustus Crockett Johnston (ca. 1822-1870s) Son of Sterling and Nancy
Carter Johnston
XII. Mary Ann Sacca (Lassie) Johnston (1826-1899)Daughter of Sterling and
Nancy Carter Johnston
There are a lot of Johnstons or Johnsons. [Most often with the t and
occasionally without the t]
Verifications are everywhere. Footnotes are numbered 1-212 through Chapter
II. Chapter III has 721 all by itself.
Chapter IV has 54, Chapter V has 61, Chapter VI has only 3, Chapter VII has
13, Chapter VIII has 217,Chapter IX has 2, Chapter X has 22, Chapter XI has
and Chapter XII has 29. Keeping a record of all those sources was a
monumental task in itself, but information without documentation would be
pointless, and the author relies on being exact.
As a matter of fact, she found an error after this book went to press and
has inserted a page to explain the correction.
Some of the surnames in the 25 page Index are Abbott, Ashby, Avent, Bell,
Braziel, Browning, Campbell,Cheek, Cummings, Daughtry, Dowd, Duke,
Efird,Eibland, Evans, Fetter, Fleming, Francis, Garner,Gilliam, Groves,
Hardy, Harris, Henderson, Hill, Hopkins, Iles, Izard, James, Johnson,
Johnston, Jones, Keith,Kennedy, King, Lambert, Leach, Leagan, Lewis,
Long,Lyman, Manning, McCutcheon, Mercer, Montgomery,Moore, Neal, Nicholson,
Northington, Osborne, Panattoni, Parks, Perkins, Perry, Pettigrew, Pitchford,
Powell, Rhyne, Riggan(s), Roche, Ryder, Sanders, Shearin, Sledge, Smith,
Stallings, Taylor, Thompson, Turner,Vaughan, Von Sprecken, Wade, Wemyss,
Whitehead, Williams, Wilson, Wilmer, Woodridge, Yates, Yingling, Yonce and
The author has put into print this book with lots of data on the Johnstons.
She is active in so many endeavors as well as being a valuable member of the
Augusta Genealogical Society.
Looking Back on Littleton
By Becky Dozier
Reprinted in December, 1997
[There are about 100 pictures of Littleton back into the late 1800s]
Chapter I ------------
The Beginning of a Town--1774
Person's Ordinary, Little Manor
Chapter II -------------
The Town Charter (1877)
Chapter III -------------
A Developing Town
Resort areas: Indianola Inn, Panacea Springs---
Transportation: Railroads, Ferry, Cars ---------
Over Night Accommodations: Inns, Hotels -----
Religion: Churches -----------------------------
Education: Grade Schools, Academies, Colleges --
Medical: Medical Doctors, Dentists, Drug Stores -
Legal and Financial: Bankers, Lawyers ------------
Communication: Telegraphs, Newspapers, Telephones --
Business Establishments --------------------------
Industrial Developments ---------------------------
Public Library--------------------------------------
Town's Utilities and Services -----------------------
Chapter VI -----------------------------
Littleton, 1994 --------------------------
Appendixes -----------------------------
1. A Map of Littleton: 1860-1900 -------
2. Important Landmarks of Littleton: 1994
3. The Business District of Littleton: 1994
4. Town Officials: 1877-1994 ------------
5. Law Enforcement Officers: 1917-1994
6. Postmasters: 1790-1994 ---------------
7. Streets of Littleton: 1877-1994 --------
8. Organizations: 1905-1994 --------------
9. Sunset Hill Cemetery: (an inventory) 188-1937
10.Revoluntary War Soldiers: 1775 -------
11.Confederate Soldiers: 1865 ------------
12.World War I Soldiers: 1914-1917 -----
13.World War II Soldiers: 1942-1945 -----
14. Memories of Littleton, N. C., Abstracted from Newspapers
A. Agnes Walter Cree Ceane (1907-19__) ---
B. Jesse Esward Aikins (1910-19__)
C. Marion Newson, Sr. (1848-1921)
D. Clifton Alston (1905-1991)
E. Rebecca Leach Dozier (1940- ) ------------
15. Memories of Mosby Hall: 1913-1933
By: A. Rebecca Leach Coffin (1913-19__) -----
B. John P. Leach III (1914-1988) -----------
By Becky Dozier
If Interested in more information, please, email Becky. The Book contains
Biographical sketches of 64 families, including:
Dr. Willis Alston
Miss Mary Beckham
Governor P. H. Bell
Several Bobbitt's
Virgil Bond
Harry Fitz Bonney
Thomas L. Cole
William G. Coppersmith
Horace J. Cordle
Samuel Garland Daniel
William Deloach Daniel
Hugh Devine
John R. C. Faison*
Henry Ruben Faulcon*
Charles E. Foster
Governor Ellis Harris*
Charlie Harris*
Helena Harris*
William Alston Harris
Thomas Nicholson Harrison
Dr. John Henry Harrison
Thomas Whitmell Harriss
Charles W. Hart
William A. Harvey
William N. Hawkins*
John W. Heptinstall
Henry Anderson House
James Henry House
Sterling Johnston
Delma A. Jones
Rev. Francis Joyner
Dr. Linwood Justis
John Robert Kirkland
John P. Leach
Robert James Lewis
Dr. Neill MacRae
Francis Mallory
Thomas Joseph Miles
Charles Godwin Moore
Mary Skinner Moore
John Jesse Myrick
Walter Blair Myrick
Meynardie Nelson
Marion Eaton Newsom
A. Marvin Newsom
William H. Nicholson
James Hill Northington
Dr. Willis Perkins
Edward Alston Perry
Elijah B. Perry
Dr. J. Louis Picot
Judge Joseph Pippen
Robert Plummer*
Kemp Richardson*
Paul Howard Rose --- This is the family who started the store "Rose."
William Elijah Spruill
Cleveland Stallings
Soloman J. Stalling
Claude Stratton Tate
Joel Wiley Thornton
Raymond Walker Thornton
Littleberry Vinson
Nicholas Warren
Claude Warren
Jim Warren
Dr. Matthew Cary Whitaker
John Jesse William
Joseph Ritner Wollett
Lewis Young*
Winfield Young*
The ones with a "*" beside them are African-Am. families.
Nathaniel Macon of North Carolina: Three Views of his Character and Creed
by William S. Price Jr. From North Carolina Historical Publications
Nathaniel Macon (1758-1837), a Warren County native, entered public service
in 1781 when he was elected to the North Carolina Senate. He later served
North Carolina in the U.S. House of Representatives (1791-1815) and in the
U.S. Senate (1815-1828). During this period he held numerous important
positions in the Congress and was respected by his peers. Thomas Jefferson
hailed Macon as "the last of the Romans" for his steadfast devotion to
Republican ideals.
***Other Books from North Carolina Historical Publications***
Native Carolinians: The Indians of North
Carolina (Revised 2010 Edition) by Theda Perdue & Christopher
Arris Oakley
In Native Carolinians, Dr. Theda Perdue, Atlanta Distinguished Professor of
Southern Culture at UNC-Chapel Hill, discusses the history, life-style, and
culture of the native people of the region before the arrival of Europeans.
She expands this discussion to include the interaction of the Indians with
white settlers during the colonial period. In separate chapters, Perdue
chronicles the experiences of the Cherokees and the Lumbees in the 19th and
20th centuries. She concludes this study with a discussion of Native
Carolinians today and a detailed timeline of important dates and events in
North Carolina Indian history
Indian Wars in North Carolina, 1663-1763
By E. Lawrence Lee
Discusses various Native American tribes, including the Cherokee, Catawba,
and Tuscarora, that inhabited colonial North Carolina. Separate chapters are
devoted to early Indian wars (1663-1711), the Tuscarora War (1711-1715), the
Yamassee and Cheraw Wars (1715-1718), the French and Indian War (1756-1763),
and the Cherokee War (1759-1761).
A History of African Americans in North Carolina
This important study, which
traces the story of black North Carolinians from
colonial times through the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s, is
the first one-volume survey of black history in the state. Includes an
appendix that identifies black legislators who served in the North Carolina
General Assembly from 1868 through 1900 and a selected list of suggested
readings for further study. Ninety black and white illustrations enhance the
The Colonial Records of North Carolina (2nd series)
The inaugural volume of The Colonial Records of North Carolina [Second
Series] printed the key constitutional documents of early Carolina, such as
royal charters and the Fundamental Constitutions. Volumes II - VI focus on
records of the various higher courts in the colony to 1730, while volumes
VII - IX concern the Executive Council, the body advising proprietary and
royal governors on the exercise of their extensive powers.. The documents in
volumes X - XII will tell the story of the Church of England in colonial
North Carolina.
North Carolina Headrights: A List of Names,
1663-1744 Compiled by Caroline B. Whitley
In North Carolina's proprietary period (1663-1729), the primary means of
acquiring land was by headright. A free person was
allowed to claim a specified amount of land for each person,
including himself/herself, that he/she transported into the colony
for the purpose of settlement. While the amount of land attached
to a headright varied throughout the era, the most common amount was fifty
The Journals of William Emmanuel Bugg 1848-1935: Mecklenburg County,
Virginia, and Warren County, North Carolina, with Bugg, Davis, Hudgins, Nicholson, Smith, Walker
By June Banks Evans
The Bugg journals include a significant amount of genealogical detail about Warren County,
beginning in 1870, the year in which he moved from his native Mecklenburg County, Virginia, to live with his uncle, John Askew of Hawtree Creek, near Warren
Plains. There, he married, raised a large family, and did not move back to Virginia until after the death of his wife in 1925.
Read review at the Atlantic
Locate a copy of this book
or Contact the author
June Banks
Evans in Brodnax, VA, for a copy
Warren County Cemetery Book
A book many years in the making covers about 1000 cemeteries in the Warren County area, which include both
public and private family cemeteries throughout the County. A 3-volume set each with a categorized index to the names in the volume. Click onto the
name Shirley Pritchett to contact her for further details and pricing for
ordering. Published in 2012.
Battalions and Companies of North Carolina, Vol. XIX
Edited by Matthew M. Brown and Michael W. Coffey
This volume contains the unit histories and troop rosters for six battalions and twenty-five independent
companies of North Carolina troops.
The battalions included are Avery’s, Hahr’s, McLean’s, Mallett’s, the Salisbury Prison Guard Battalion, and Clark’s Special Battalion Militia. Mallett’s fought
in the December 1862 Battle of Kinston. Clark’s was assembled to assist in the defense of New Bern in March 1862.
The independent companies included in this volume are Banks’s, Bass’s, Cox’s, Croom’s, Devane’s, Doughton’s, Duke’s, Galloway’s, Gibbs’s, Griswold’s, Harding’s,
Hoskins’s, Howard’s, Lanier’s, Lawrence’s, Lee’s, Luke’s, Lyon’s, McDugald’s, Mallett’s, Myers’s, Nelson’s, Townsend’s, Wallace’s, and Warren’s. Most of these
companies were formed for local or special service. Duke’s and Luke’s companies took part in action at Fort Hatteras in August 1861.
A well-researched history of each battalion/company is followed by a complete roster and service records for all who served in the unit. A thorough index
concludes the volume.
Hardbound. Pp. xiii, 516. Illus. Index. (2013)
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Last updated
06/30/2017 |