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Family Histories and/or Family Narratives

Those of us who spend much of our free time on our genealogical pursuits often gloss over the fact that between birth date, marriage date and death date, our ancestors actually had a life. Nothing means more to someone than actually finding biographical sketches of their ancestors, however brief.  If you have any biographical sketches prepared about or by your Warren County, North Carolina ancestors, we hope you will consider sharing them with others in our Warren County circle of cousins. They can include a brief description of family life or any particular historical incidents that may be of interest to researchers.  Please email us to contribute materials to this website.




- A -

Alston Family: Sandy Alston David L. Green
Alston Family: New John Alston Research of Chowan County Forrest D. King
Alston Family: Ancestors of Phillip Pasfield of Wethersfield, England Forrest D. King

Anne Alston and her father Samuel Yeargain of Yeargain's Chapel

Bebe Johns Fox
Lt. Col. William Alston and wife Anne Yeargain Bebe Johns Fox
William & Nancy Pattillo Aycock/Acock Ann Brosnahan
Aycock Family Ann Brosnahan

- C -

John Callier Family Sue Burns Moore
Robert Callier Family Sue Burns Moore

Captain Thomas Christmas - 1744/45-1810

By Ginger Beattie-Christmas

An Early American Christmas in The Revolutionary Era By Ginger Beattie-Christmas
Family photos of Martha Hoyle Clark and family John Clark 
Photos of George Clark and wife Nancy Hoyle Clark John Clark 
County of Warren:  
  A Brave New Name Submitted by Ginger Beattie-Christmas
  Early Warrenton Submitted by Ginger Beattie-Christmas
  Building The County Submitted by Ginger Beattie-Christmas
  Troubles and Triumphs Submitted by Ginger Beattie-Christmas

Note on following COLLINS Files: Some researchers have mis-identified the Pleasant Hill (in Ridgeway)  purchased by Michael Collins as "Rivenoak", however Hawkins family records clearly show the home of Philemon Hawkins, d.1801,  in their possession until it was sold in 1853 to John Clark of New Bern, NC, who again sold it in 1856 to James R. Carroll, who renamed it "Rivenoak", which is located in current day Vance Co. The property that Michael Collins purchased was a different one that belonged to Col. Benjamin Hawkins (1754-1818) son of Philemon, d.1801, who also named his property Pleasant Hill, I have added the link to the real Pleasant Hill/Rivenoak below. DW

Pleasant Hill/Rivenoak - National Register of Historic Places  
Pleasant Hill Plantation David Collins
Collins Family Judy Stell
Family of Michael Collins, II David Collins
Family of Thomas Collins David Collins

- D -

Burwell Davis Family -Letters of Rebecca P. Davis (61 MB pdf) Ginger Christmas-Beattie
Ancestry & Family of Peter Davis, died 1804 Forrest King
Ancestors of Frank Pierce Davis and Mary Hinton Duke Forrest King
Drakes of Warren and Nash Co. Judy Stell
Duke Family Papers Ginger Beattie-Christmas

- E -

Earles Family History Jim Earles
Matthew Evans and Nathaniel West Deloris Williams

- F -

Fitts Family of Warren Co., North Carolina Judy Stell

- G -

Wharton J. Green and his man-servant Guilford Nola Duffy

- H -

Hamm, King, Thompson, & Saintsing Family Photos Dawn Diven
Harper Family Linda Carpenter
"A Harris Family Journey" by Robert E. Harris Ginger & Nola with many  volunteers
Family of Joseph John Harris (Harriss), Jr. Beverley Harris Vincent Pierpoint
Photo of Joseph John Harris, Jr. (1825-1909) Beverley Harris Vincent Pierpoint
Genealogy of Thomas Harris Jr. b.1730 Isle of Wight, VA John Blythe, Beverly Peoples, Elgivia Lisle
Family photos of William A. Harris Beverley Harris Vincent Pierpoin
Descendants of John Hawkins of Halifax County Forrest King
Col. Philemon Hawkins, Commemorative Oration  
John Hilliard 1598  Lineage Charles Hilliard
The Hilliard Family Nola Duffy
Hilliard Family Ancestors through Capt. William Farrar of Virginia Charles Hilliard
Alvin Henry Hunter L.E. Hunter
The Hunter - Bridges Families L.E. Hunter

- J -

Descendants of Benjamin Jones J. Norvill Jones
Descendants of William Duke Jones and wife, Mary Speed Michelle Woodham
The Jones - Wilson Family History Freddie D. Smith

- K -

Armistead King Kama Webster

- M -


Descendants of James Maddray of Isle of Wight,VA/Thomas Ward of Surry Co. VA

Forrest King

- P -

Ancestors of Phillip Pasfield of Wethersfield, Essex, England Forrest D. King
Descendants of Daniel Pegram (1720-1777) Nola Duffy and Winona Solomon
David Perry 1871 - 1948 Hallie E. Williams
Family of Peter Powell of Grove Hill, NC Tracey Kirkland

- S -

Descendants of Stephen Schell Lawrence Schell
Smith letters Paulette Smith

- T -

Early Thompson Ancestors - The family of William Thompson Jane Harton Peyrouse

- W -

Adam "Chuckaluck" Williams John E. Hodge
***See Also: Historical Family Collections Page  
A listing of Family Collections available at local university libraries  
Last updated: 02/21/2025