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Last Changed:  02/20/2025

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02/25/2023 27 New transcribed Deeds
02/07/2022 1899 Insolvents Tax List
02/07/2022 1879 Insolvents Tax List
04/30/2021 Warren County Wills -13 new wills & estates, see highlighted list
02/06/2021 Descendants of John Hawkins of Halifax County
02/04/2021 Descendants of James Maddray of Isle of Wight County, Virginia and Thomas Ward of Surry County, Virginia
08/10/2020 Entire new Deeds pages with 60 new deeds
04/07/2020 David Boyd Family Bible
03/18/2020 Olive Grove Church Cemetery photos moved to page
03/18/2020 Warren County Wills - 4 new wills & estates, see highlighted list
01/11/2020 Ancestry & Family of Peter Davis of Warren County
11/29/2019 Alston Family: New John Alston Research
05/21/2019 Will of Anthony King-1823
05/20/2019 William K. Kearney Slave Book 1829
02/05/2019 New Surnames  & Surnames Query added
10/21/2018 Warren County Wills- 12 new wills & estates see highlighted list
01/27/2018 Warren County Wills- 8 new wills & estates see highlighted list
12/06/2017 Peter Foster Sr. Family Bible, and John Buxton Williams/Peter S. Foster Bible
03/17/2017 New book listing added "The Coleman Family of Warren County, North Carolina"
01/26/2017 Warren County Notes - various incidents to call your attention to
01/26/2017 Apprentice Bonds
08/25/2016 Warren Co. Locations seen in Records
08/09/2016 Thomas Whitmell Family Bible
08/09/2016 Deed: William Howell to John Dickerson -1786
08/09/2016 Warren County Wills - 8 new wills & estates see highlighted list
12/27/2015 Letter from Gov. James Turner to Judge John Hall 1808; Death of Hannah Hall, former slave of John Hall 1873
11/28/2015 Warren Co. Voter Registrations 1902-1908
07/18/2015 Updated entries to the African American Page
07/18/2015 Warren County Wills - 12 new wills & estates; see highlighted list
12/18/2014 Slaves of Nathaniel Macon
12/17/2014 Slaves Mentioned in Town Leaders: Littleton, NC 1790-1920
08/21/2014 Completed all Warren Co. Bible Records starting from 147, and updated others
05/20/2014 Warren County Wills - 16 new wills & estates, see highlighted list
03/24/2014 Updated Bible Records thru No. 146 (Pretlow) - added all bibles previously indexed but not transcribed up thru letter P
02/10/2014 Slaves of Sterling Pitchford-1832
02/10/2014 Slaves in Thomas J. Pitchford Family Bible
10/29/2013 Warren County Wills- 16 new wills, see highlighted list
09/20/2013 Olive Grove Church Cemetery- updated listings & photos
06/24/2013 U.S. Colored Troops-Warren County
04/13/2013 Overby Family Bible Records
04/12/2013 Genealogy of Thomas Harris Jr., b.1730 Isle of Wight, VA
03/26/2013 Cuffee Mayho/Frances Hamilton Bastardy Bond-1822
03/26/2013 Warren County Wills - 10 new wills, see highlighted list
12/13/2012 Warren County Biographies
11/04/2012 Cemeteries: Episcopal Church Cemetery, Fairview Cemetery, Old Warrenton Cemetery -PDF format
10/08/2012 Family of Peter Powell of Grove Hill, NC
09/19/2012 Wills: David H. Newell-1820 , John Newell-1796 , Nancy Newell-1846 , Henry West-1897 , Nelson W. Wilkins-1923
09/19/2012 Wills: Jesse Bell-1803, Joshua Capps-1805 , Sarah Marshall-1821 , George Myrick-1805 , Arabella F. Newell-1830
08/25/2012 Olive Grove Church Cemetery- updated with new listings & photos
07/15/2012 James King/Martha Wright Bastardy Bond-1868
07/15/2012 Will of Susan West-1871 ; Will of Harty H. (Davis) Williams-1867
07/14/2012 Will of Henry A. Foote-1863
06/04/2012 Books Page updated
04/30/2012 Will & Estate of James Arrington-1851
04/30/2012 Will of Henry Cawthorn-1846
04/30/2012 Will of Lewis Y. Christmas-1857
02/22/2012 Will & Estate of Martha Alston-1823  - includes slave records
01/14/2012 Jones -Wilson Family History
12/12/2011 Wills: Jacob Burt, 1833Erasmus Christmas, 1911Robert E. Carter, 1911;   Nancy Hawkins-Green, 1906
12/12/2011 Will & Estate of Hilliard T. Howard, 1907
10/29/2011 Hamm, King, Thompson, & Saintsing Families Photos
10/19/2011 Wills of Matthew Hawkins-1856 and Frank Hawkins-1851
09/10/2011 Letter during Civil War  Jones, Joseph B.
09/01/2011 Additional listings & photos Olive Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
09/01/2011 Surnames Page and Surnames Queries Page
08/25/2011 Warren County Slavery Petitions
08/04/2011 Index to Diary of Christopher Nicholas Riggan (1852-1922)
08/04/2011 Diary of Christopher Nicholas Riggan (1852-1922)
08/03/2011 Updated Queries Page with additional info
08/03/2011 added a Research & Lookup Volunteers Page
07/14/2011 Will of Charles Allen-1808
07/04/2011 Warren Co. Minutes to the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1780-1786 (complete book)
05/03/2011 War of 1812-Warren County Regiments
04/13/2011 Bennett Richardson Family Cemetery and Photos
03/19/2011 Warren County Officials (thru the years)
03/19/2011 Petition of Philemon Hawkins-1771
03/19/2011 Updated Books page with new listings
01/07/2011 Links - updated with info on Register of Deeds, Courthouse, Gen. Societies and other helpful research info
01/06/2011 Warren Co. Townships - updated About page with new info: Townships, Communities & Locations, Township Map
12/05/2010 Slaves of Peter R. Davis-1850 -  distribution of his slaves and will abstracts
11/04/2010 Will of Simon Williams-1809
09/13/2010 Wills of Solomon Williams and Maria Kearney Williams
08/31/2010 Olive Grove Church Cemetery- Updated with additional files, including new photo album
07/31/2010 Historical Family Collections
06/21/2010 Will of Cofield Richardson, 1920
06/21/2010 Will of Harriet Richardson, 1909
05/28/2010 John Adams Hyman, Biography
05/21/2010 Will of Samuel Williams, 1791
04/27/2010 Will of Bennett Richardson, 1917
04/27/2010 Will of Sumner Davis, 1898
01/21/2010 "A Harris Family Journey" by Robert E. Harris
01/20/2010 Davis Family   Note:  This is a 61 mb PDF file.  You may wish to wait until we can get it broken down if you have a slow
    internet connection.
09/31/2009 Will of Peter Robertson
09/08/2009 Olive Grove Cemetery
09/07/2009 Marriage Bond Images 1779-1868
03/14/2009 Oil painting of Hartwell Hodges Davis-Williams
02/09/2009 Civil War - Letter home from T. D. Hilliard
01/4/2009 "Country Store" The memoirs of Hope Powell Allen, b. 1900,
11/18/2008 Warren Co. Marriages 1865-1900
01/01/2007 Will of Philemon Hawkins - 1801
12/29/2007 Greater Lovely Hill Baptist Church Cemetery
12/28/2007 Photos of Edward S. Aycock, CSA and wife Mary Ann Godbold Aycock
12/09/2007 Photos of Dalkeith, an early plantation home built 1824/25.
12/09/2007 Photos of Tusculum, an early plantation home built in 1830
12/09/2007 Photo of  "Long Branch", a/k/a  Dr. Pitchford house
11/09/2007 White Rock Baptist Church and Cemetery
11/02/2007 Rev. Pension file for Joseph Fogg - Transcribed
10/30/2007 Rev. Pension file for Thomas Hilliard - Transcribed
10/30/2007 Rev. Pension file for Thomas Hilliard - Images
10/29/2007 Letter Re Rev. Pension file for Francis Riggan
10/29/2007 Rev. Pension file for John Wadkins
06/30/2007 Apprenticeship Records of Warren County (1779 – 1799)
06/30/2007 Apprenticeship Records of Warren County 1800 – 1835
06/30/2007 Apprenticeship Records of Warren County – 1836 - 1867
06/30/2007 Bastardy Bonds Filings Warren County 1779- 1868
06/20/2007 Inventory - Estate of Philip Alston - 1784
05/29/2007 Walnut Grove Baptist Church
05/29/2007 Walnut Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
05/27/2007 Shocco Chapel Missionary Baptist  Church
05/27/2007 Inventory of Shocco Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
05/01/2007 Reedy Creek Baptist Church
05/01/2007 Reedy Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
04/27/2007 Pleasant Hill Plantation
04/27/2007 Family of Michael Collins, II
04/27/2007 Family of Thomas Collins
04/16/2007 Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery
04/10/2007 Comments on 1813 Legislature - letter from Mordecai collection
04/06/2007 Cherry Hill and Myrtle Lawn Plantation
04/06/2007 Fork Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery
04/01/2007 Birth Records Abstracted from WWI Draft Cards [ A - F online ]
03/31/2007 Little Zion Baptist Church Cemetery
03/22/2007 Rev. Pension file for William West of Warren Co.
03/22/2007 Rev. Pension file of  John Dew of Warren Co.
03/22/2007 Estate of Matthew Evans - 1845
03/02/2007 Samples from the Mordecai Collection
02/21/2007 Early Schools in Warren Co.
02/18/2007 Martha Hoyle Clark and numerous family members - 2 photos with identified individuals
02/18/2007 George Clark and wife, Martha Hoyle Clark
02/17/2007 Marriage Certificate - Nathaniel S Hawks and Catherine W. Hicks - 1867
02/17/2007 Marriage Certificate - Thomas Y. Perdue and Catherine W. Hicks - 1871
02/15/2007 Pendergrass-Hicks family photo
02/08/2007 Will of John Hicks - 1877
02/08/2007 Will William Hicks Sr. - 1851
02/08/2007 Marriage Bond of Thomas Perdue and Martha E. Young - 1842
02/08/2007 Partition of Estate of Thomas Paschall - 1821
02/08/2007 Charity Paschall relinquishment of administration - 1821
02/02/2007 Obituary of Thomas Y. Perdue - 1913
02/02/2007 Will of John Paschall - 1832
02/02/2007 Marriage Bond for John Pardue and Elby Duty - 1813
01/21/2007 Marriage Bond John Hicks and Roan Paschall - 1840
01/21/2007 Deed - William Hutchins to Robert Callor 1757
01/21/2007 Deed - William Graves and his wife Mary Graves to John Pardue - 1761
01/21/2007 Deed - Robert Callor and his wife Jemima Callor to William Graves - 1758

The Way It Was   This is an absolutely delightful book published this year by Charles Hiliard.  We are truly thrilled that Charles has decided to make it available here  for  Warren Co. researchers.  Anyone with Warren Co. roots will find something of interest in the book and it offers a great snap-shot of life in the area during the first half of this century.  I still can't type so this is a "cut and paste" copy.  Any errors found are mine and I will correct them as soon as possible.

10/28/2006 Aycock Estate Records - Warren Co., NC
10/28/2006 Photo of George Griffin Aycock, CSA
05/30/2006 Antioch Christian Church Cemetery
09/29/2004 1870 Census images on NCGenWeb Archives
03/16/2004 Sketches of Old Warrenton
07/21/2003 Fort Bible
07/21/2003 Felts Bible
05/09/2003 North Carolina Genealogical Societies
03/01/2003 Drakes of Warren and Nash Co.
Collins Family
03/25/2003 George D. Baskerville 1862
03/01/2003 Smith Letters
02/25/2003 Rev War record Thomas Paschall
Pay record Rev War Captains Halifax Dist
02/07/2003 John Hilliard 1598  Lineage
02/06/2003 Ransom Walker Will 1831
02/02/2003 Microfilm in my home
01/26/2003 Thomas D. Hilliard Civil War Records
01/23/2003 1900 Census Project

  Will of Thomas Hilliard Jr.

01/05/2003 Black Marriage Bonds, Warren Co., North Carolina Grooms
01/05/2003 Black Marriage Bonds, Warren Co., North Carolina Brides
01/05/2003 Will of Thomas Green
09/21/2002 The Hilliard Family
09/20/2002 Descendants of Henry Fitts
09/14/2002 Warren Co. Deaths from  Newspapers
Warren Co. Marriages from  Newspapers
09/08/2002 Business Directory for Warren Co. 1872, Part 1 of 2
09/08/2002 Early Advertising Poster
09/08/2002 Abstract of Warren Co. Will Book 14
10/02/2002 Abstract of Warren Co. Will Book 16 Tax list 1811
10/11/2002 Index to Warren Co, Will Book 16
10/13/2002 Will of John Tanner Jr.
Will of Dorcas Tanner
Inventory of Sarah Christmas
10/19/2002 Harper to Kearney
Harper to Courtney
Carolina to Harper

Sandy Alston
10/26/2002 Walker to Cook
Sims to Davis
Christmas to Green
Dickerson to Moore
Dickerson to Christmas
A Brave New Name
Edward & Broughton Printing Company
Building The County
Troubles and Triumphs
11/07/2002 Alfred Alston 1846
Edward Alston 1856
Medicus Alston (noncupative) 1809
Martha Alston 1830
Philip Alston 1812
William Alston 1795
William Alston 1810
Whitmell Alston 1824
William Durham 1783
William Durham 1827
William Riggan 1815
Sarah Jones Kendrick 1793
Martha Lancaster 1798
Willie Lancaster 1861
Nathaniel Macon 1833
Henry Willis Martin 1913
Gideon Pegram 1823
Julia J. Williams Martin, 31 Jan 1927
George Pegram 1825
Joseph Renn 1833
William Rieves
Francis Riggan 1816
James Riggan 1867
Michael Riggan 1853
John Riggan 1795
William Riggan 1815
William W. Riggan1855
Estate Records 1852
Last updated: 02/20/2025

©2002 - 2025 by Deloris Williams, and/or individual contributors, for the NCGenWeb Project.  No portion of this any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research.  Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 02/20/2025