Warren County Wills |
(all transcribed by Deloris Williams) |
Will of JESSE BELL - 1803
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 13, Pages 96-101 |
In the name of god amen I JESSE BELL of the County of Warren and the State of North Carolina being low in health but in perfect
mind & memory thanks be given unto god calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make
and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principly and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of almighty god
that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a discreet Christian burial at the discretion of my executors nothing douting
but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the might power of god & as tuching such worldly estate wherewith it has
pleased god to bless me in this life which I give & demise & dispose of the same in following manner & form that is to say
First I give and bequeath to my son CHARLES a part of a tract of land I purchased of JAMES HARDWICK beginning at a post oak on the old road from
that near a south course to ROBERT R. JOHNSON's line upon a small post oak & red oak saplines thence ROBERT R. JOHNSON's line a west course to a
poplar MOSES SHEARIN corner taking along s'd SHEARIN's line North to a timber white oak for a corner to start a line to david between my son
CHARLES and JACOB thence near a northeast course to a spanish oak saplin on Elbow thence to a small hicory a Northern Elbow thence a straight
line to the Cossway branch to an ash thence up the branch to the old rode thence up to the rode to the first station suppoing to be one hundred
& seventy acres more or less a ded one mare a bed and furniture and some other things I left him I now release and give them to him forever.
I also give to my son BENJAMIN a certain tract or parcel of land bounded by TOM WARD's line JOSEPH JOHN SHEARIN CHARLES WORTHAM & JACOB BELL's
also the part of the tract of land I bought at the sale of JOHN SHEARIN dec'd joining of the above tracts to making MOSLEY's road the land
supposed to be two hundred and ten acres be the same more or less in addition to that one bed & furniture one horse &c and some other house
furniture I lent him I now release and give them to him forever.
I give to my daughter PERTHENA one hundred pounds current money of this State to be paid by the hands of my executors in addition to that a bed
& furniture I lent & other house furniture I now release & give them to her forever.
I also give to my son JACOB one certain tract or parcel of land whereon he now lives begining on an ash on the cossway branch through the old
field to a small hicory saplain on elbow from thence to a small spanish oak saplin on Elbows from thence near a south west course to a timber
white oak on MOSES SHEARIN's line thence north to the little road thence up the road to hawtree Creek to a poplar a corner thence down the
meanders of s'd Creek to a poplar a corner thence making and elbow of a line made by JAMES HARDWITCH & ANO HARDWICK around the old field
commonly called HARDWITCH's old field continuing to a side oak on the cossway branch thence up the branch to the first station suppose the same
to be one hundred and ten acres more or less likewise one bed an furniture I lent and other house furniture I now release and give them to him
I also give to my son JESSE one certain tract of land begining at a post oak on the old road thence near a south course along my son CHARLES
line to ROBERT R. JOHNSON's line to a small post & red oak saplins all the land on that side of the rode he lives on also a small bit of land on
the opposite side of the s'd road I purchased of WM. WORREL supposed to be on hundred acres & forty more on his & likewise a bed and furniture &
some other trifling thing I lent him I now release & give them to him forever.
I also give to my daughter POLLY a tract of land I bought of WM. LAUGTER [sic]. Containing one hundred more or less one bed and furniture and
other trivling house furniture I give them to her forever.
I also give to my daughter REBECCA a certain tract or parcel of land lying on the branches of Hawtree Creek begining on the old rode leading
CALLER's on the Northside of s'd rode begining at a little dreen the head of the spring branch down the branch to EFRAM ELLIS & JOHN ELLIS's
line the past lying on the westside afs'd branch all the land adjoining to the s'd rode supposed to be one hundred & fifty acres be the same
more or less also one bed and furniture with same other house articles I give them to her forever.
I also give to my dauter LUCY one hundred pounds currency in place of some land of once intending giving her her & one bed & furniture & some
other articles I once lent I now give to her forever the remainder part of my estate real and perishable after my debts being first paid I leave
to be equally divided between all my children both sons and daughters & I do hereby appoint my son CHARLES BELL & JESSE BELL my executors to
this my last will and testament
In witness whereof I hereby set my hand & seal this 17th day of December 1803.
Warren County August Court 1805
This last will and testament of JESSE BELL dec'd was proved in open court by the oath of WILLIS WHITE & WILLIAM WATSON subscribing witnesses
thereto & upon motion ordered to be recorded whereon CHARLES & JESSE BELL executors therein named qualified according to law & letters
testamentary was granted.
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Will of JOSHUA CAPPS -1805
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 13, Pages 94-95 |
In the name of god amen this twenty third day of July in the year of our lord Christ one thousand eight hundred and five I JOSHUA
CAPPS of Warren County and state of North Carolina being weak in body and knowing the shortness of life do constitute this my last will and
testament in the first place I do recommend my soul into the hands of god who gave it and as for my worldly goods I dispose of them in following
manner (to wit)
Item- I give and bequeath to my sons HILLARY CAPPS the land and plantation whereon I now live with the exception that my wife MARY CAPPS is to
have the use of the house to live in for her life and to be supportted on but not liberty to take in any one to cut down and make wilful wast of
said land and plantation and for my son HILLARY CAPPS to take charge that she may not suffer this to him and his heirs.
Item- I give to my wife MARY CAPPS one cow and two heifers and three head of hogs one feather bed and furniture one horse bridle and saddle one
pewter dish and bason and four plates and one chest one safe two which one cotton one linen wheel two tables three potts and one skillet all
this she is to dispose to who she please at her death.
Item- I give to my son FRANCIS CAPPS ten silver dollars out of the residue of my estate.
Item- my will and desire is the remaining part of my estate to be sold and equally divided amongst my three children (to wit) HILLARY, SARAH and
I constitute my son HILLARY CAPPS my Executor to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day
and year first above written.
JOSHUA CAPPS ("X" his mark)
In presence of us
JOHN BREWER, jurat ("X" his mark) Warren County August Court 1805
This last will and testament of JOSHUA CAPPS Dec'd was proved in open Court by the oaths of JESSE PERSON and JOHN BREWER and upon motion was
ordered to be recorded whereupon HILLARY CAPPS the Executor herein named qualified and accordingly.
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Will of SARAH MARSHALL- 1821
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 23, Page 221 |
In the name of God Amen, I SARAH MARSHALL of the County of Warren and State of North Carolina being in perfect mind and memory
and sensible of the uncertainty of life, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, viz
Item 1st - I give and bequeath unto my Brother THOS. MARSHALL five dollars to his own use.
Item 2nd - I give and bequeath unto my Cousin CRITTY who belong to THOS. MARSHALL of Lunenburg, Virginia Four dollars to his own use
Item 3rd - I give and bequeath unto a Negro woman belonging to MARMADUKE SLADE (and orphan) by the name of CLOE, the cloth which MR.
GEORGE MACON's wife has to weave for me.
Item 4th - I give and bequeath unto MR THOMAS BRAGG's AGGY, the stiped cotton Habit which I got of MISS BETSEY DAVIS.
Item 5th - I give and bequeath unto MR. CASWELL DRAKE's CEALY my umbrella.
Item 6th - I give and bequeath unto DAVID MARSHALL (a Freeman of Colour) my large sholl.
Item 7th - I wish my Executor herein after named to collect such debts as are due me and pay off all my just debts, and sell all my property of
every description (bonds, notes, and accounts excepted) which is to go towards the payment of Debts,and after my debts are paid and the above
legacies distributed, I give and bequeath unto my brother JOHN MARSHALL all the rest of my Estate of every discription.
Item 8th - And last, I hereby nominate and appoint my friend WILLIAM H. MARSHALL my Executor.
I testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this Twenty ninth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
Twenty one.
Signed and sealed in the presence of
Warren County August Court 1821
The execution of this noncupetive will of SARAH MARSHALL dec'd was proven in open court by the oath of BENJA. DYE & on motion it is ordered to
be recorded.
An Inventory of SARAH MARSHALL's Property
Page 225 |
3 old chairs, 1 tub, 1 pail, 1 peggon, 1 coffee pot, 1 1 qt. pot, 3 bottles, 3 jugs, 1 wood spin morter, 1 shovel, 3 butter pots, 1 oven & lid,
1 runlet, 1 small iron, 4 old barrels, 1 book looking, 2 rugs, 5 blankets, 1 set candle mold, 5 baskets, 1 tin pan, 1 bed & stead, 1 brush, hoe,
1 chest, 1 sifter, 1 safe, 2 trayes 2 pieces of bacon, 1 pepper box, 1 dish, 1 mug, 1 bowl, pitcher, 1 tin cup, 1 saucer, 1 candle stick, 8
plates, 2 baking pans, 2 chafing dishes, wearing apparel, veals, knoves forks &c
One note against Adams & Fisher for $46 bearing date the 25th day of September 1819.
One account against FREEMAN LEWIS for $7.00.
Cash received in a letter, directed to SARAH MARSHALL from Adams & Fisher - $10.
Warren County August Court 1821
This Inventory of the Estate of SARAH MARSHALL, dec'd was returned upon oath, in open court, by WILLIAM H. MARSHALL Special Administrator & on
motion it is ordered to be recorded.
Will of GEORGE MYRICK- 1805
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 13, Page 68 |
In the name of God amen I GEORGE MYRICK of Warren County & State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect memory do this the
seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & four make this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz-
First I lend unto my sister NANCY ALLEN the tract of land whereon I now live and a negroe man named CROSSLIN and at her death to be
equally divided amongst her children.
I lend unto my sister ELIZABETH WORSHAM, PEGGY, MARIAH & ADAM their increase during her natural life and at her decease to be equally
divided amongst her children.
I give and bequeath unto my brother OWEN MYRICK, HERCULOUS to him & his heirs & assigns forever and I further give to MIDDLETON
ALLEN, SARAH POWELL & POLLY HARRIS, BRUNSWICK to be sold & equally divided amongst them.
And I further wish my Executors to give SUCKEY provision to last her one year as being a faithfully and trusty servant she should have
her liberty if my Executors can obtain it by the worshipfull Court and my further wish is that the residue of my property should be sold and
after paying my just debts that one half of the remainder I give and bequeath unto my nephew GEORGE MYRICK ALLEN and the balance to be equally
divided between MIDDLETON ALLEN, SARAH POWELL, POLLY HARRIS and I hereby make and ordain my worthy JAMES ALEN (sic) and GIDEON M. MACON my
executors to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
ARCH BROWN jurat ("x" his mark) |
Warren County May Court 1805
The last will and testament of GEORGE MYRICK dec'd was proved in open court by the oaths of GEORGE ALLEN, NATHAN TURNER and ARCH BROWN
subscribing witnesses thereto & upon motion was ordered to be recorded, whereupon JAMES ALLEN & GIDEON H. MACON Executors therein named
An Inventory of the Estate of GEORGE MYRICK dec'd |
6 Negroes, one of which (BRUNSWICK) is run away.
2 beads, bead steads & furniture, 1 Table cloth
2 Towells, 2 tables, 10 Chairs, 1 Chest, 2 trunks
1 candle stand & Candle stick & snuffers 2 Sad Irons
1 Coffee pot 3 quort Baskets 5 Judgs & bowl
1 Earthen dish 9 do plates 1 Tea pott 1 Butter boat
1 Pepper box 1 mustard pott 2 tumblers
1 wine glass & crust[?] 1 pitcher 3 tea cups and saucers 6 pewter teaspoons 1 do dish 8 ditto plates 1 ditto basin 6 knives & 6 forks
Sugar box 3 Phials 1 pr broken fire irons 1 bible and 4 old books.
Warren County, North Carolina 1805
Freedom of Slave named SUKEY
Myrick & Falkener Bond to Indemnify the Parish & Publick |
State of North Carolina Warren County:
Know all men by these presents that we OWEN MYRICK and WILLIAM A. K. FALKENER are held and firmly bound unto THOMAS EATON Chairman of the County
Court of Warren in the Penal sum of One Hundred Pound to the which payment well and truly to be be made we bind ourselves our heirs & joinly &
severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 27th day of November A. Dommino 1805.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas upon the petition of GIDEON H. MACON and JAMES ALLEN Executors of GEORGE MYRICK dec'd
for freeing and liberating Negro SUCKEY agreeable to the request of their Testator it is ordered that the said Negro SUCKEY be
liberated now if the above bound OWEN MYRICK shall and do well and truly comply with the act of the General Assembly made and provided in such
case, and indemnify the Publick against all costs and charges respecting said Negro SUCKEY, then the above obligation to be void
otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
Signed sealed &c in the presence of
Warren County November Court 1805
This Bond was Executed in open and upon motion was ordered to be recorded.
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Will of ARABELLA F. A. NEWELL-1830
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 35, Page 341 |
In the name of God Amen I, ARABELLA F. A. NEWELL of Warren County being of sound and perfect mind and do this the 8th day of March 1830 make and
publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say
Impr. I give and bequeath unto my beloved mother NANCY NEWELL the following Negroes known by the names of SOLOMON, ROSE, CATHARINE, EMELINE
and CATHARINE to her and her heirs forever.
Item- I give and bequeath to my niece NANCY T. D. NEWELL one Negro girl, HANNAH and her increase forever, but should she die without
lawful heir then and on that case, it is my wish and desire that the same be equally divided among the lawful heirs of WM. P. NEWELL and JAS. A.
NEWELL to them and theirs forever.
Item- I lend to my brother WILLIAM P. NEWELL during his natural life, the one half of my interest in the Negroes now undivided and at his death
to be equally divided among his children, lawful heirs of his own body, to them and their heirs forever.
Item- I lend to my brother JOHN A. NEWELL, the one half of my Interest in the Negroes now undivided, and if he shall have lawful issue, then I
give and bequeath it to him, her or them. And should he not have lawful heir, then and in that call, I give and bequeath the same to the lawful
heirs of WILLIAM P. NEWELL, to them and their heirs forever.
Item- It is my wish and desire, that all the property that I may die in possession of every description whatever and which is not heretofore
given away, be equally divided between my brothers WILLIAM P. and JOHN A. NEWELL to them and their heirs forever- and I do hereby appoint
WILLIAM C. CLANTON & JOHN A. NEWELL Executors to this my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand & seal the day and date above written. Signed, Sealed, published & declared by the said ARABELLA F.
A. NEWELL the Testator.
in the presence of us who were present at the Signing & Sealing thereof
X. SNOW Jurat
Warren County November Court 1836
This last Will and Testament of ARABELLA F.A.A. NEWELL was exhibited in open court for probate, and the due Execution thereof being proved by
the oath of XANTHUS SNOW the subscribing witness, it was ordered to be recorded.
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Will of DAVID H. NEWELL 1820
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 23, Page 224
In the name of God Amen I DAVID H. NEWELL of the County of Warren N. Carolina do make this my Last Will and Testament.
Item. The first I lend to my wife the land that she resides on during her widowhood.
Item the second. I give and bequeath unto my son JOHN A. NEWELL all the land beginning at white oak running west to a corner white oak to
BAKER's line, and the balance of the old tract and I give and bequeath unto my daughter ARRABELLA FRANCIS NEWELL. My will and desire is that all
my Negroes and all my household and stock and crop should remain together until my children as they should come of age and then equally divided.
Lastly I do appoint my Friend ROBERT T. CHEEK as executor to my last will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty sixth day of December one thousand eight hundred and Twenty.
Warren County August Court 1821
The execution of this last will and testament by DAVID H. NEWELL was proved in due form of law by the oaths of JAMES H. JONES & HENRY W. ADAMS
subscribing witnesses thereto & on motion it is ordered to be recorded. Whereupon ROBERT T. CHEEK qualified as Executor thereto in due form law.
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Will of JOHN NEWELL -1796
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 8, Pages 238-243 |
In the Name of God Amen I JOHN NEWELL Sen'r of Warren County & State of No. Carolina being weak in body but of Sound mind &
memory thanks to all mighty God for the same & calling to mind the Mortality of the body & that it is appointed for man once to dye do nominate
this my last Will & Testament Imprimis I bequeath my Soul to God who gave it me or into the hand of a Sure Redeemer & my body to the dirt its
original in sure & certain hopes of the Resurrection of Eternal life thereto Jesus Christ our lord & as for my Worldly goods which God hath
graciously given me after my just worldly debts are paid I dispose of in manner & form follows - Viz
Item I lend to my loving wife LUCY NEWELL during her natural life the land & plantation whereon I now dwell with all the stock of hoggs, cattle
& sheep one bay horse called Dick and a sorrel mare called Sillomy & a black colt called Linck a Negro fellow named SOLOMON a Negro woman
named old PHILLIS & a Negro woman named Young PHILLIS together with the house hold & kitchen furniture & plantation tools
Item I give to my daughter ELISABETH ROBERTSON on Negro woman named JINNY one feather bed & furniture 1 sorrel horse called Warren 1
saddle & bridle two cows & calves 2 ewes & lambs
Item I give to my son WILLIAM NEWELL the land & plantation whereon he now lives which land I purchased of RICH'D HAMBLET lying on the South side
of little Fishing Creek adjoining THO'S PERSONS upper line containing 170 acres (more or less) one Negro woman named SILVIA, one feather
bed & furniture two cows & calves one dark bay mare saddle & bridle one yoke of oxen two ewes & lambs
Item I lend to my daughter REBEKAH MYRICK during her natural life one Negroe woman named SAL with her increase one bay mare Sadle &
bridle two cows & calves two ewes & lambs one feather bed & furniture one square walnut table one chest one half a dozen walnut turned chairs,
now if my daughter REBEKAH should die before her youngest child comes of lawful age, my desire is that the above loan be sold by my Executors
and the money put on interest till her youngest child arrives at lawful age and the money be equally divided among all her children
Item I give to my son JOHN NEWEL and to his heirs forever the land & plantation whereon he now lives which land I purchased of HENRY CLARK lying
on the southside of Bear (?) Creek containing 200 acres be the same more or less together with one Negroe fellow named LIBERTY one bay
mare Saddle & bridle one feather bed & furniture three cows & calves one yoke of small stears two ewes & lambs
Item I give to my son EDWARD NEWEL the land and plantation which I purchased of CHAMBERLAIN & JOHN HUDSON lying on th south side of little
Fishing Creek above and joining the land which I gave to my son WILLIAM containing 200 acres be the same more or less together with one Negro
boy named BOB one sorrel mare saddle & bridle one feather bed & furniture two cows & calves & two ewes & lambs one sow & pigs one yoke of stears
& eighteen pounds Virginia money in cash.
Item I give to my son DAVID HYDE NEWEL after the decease of his mother the land plantation whereon I now live lying on the north side of little
Fishing Creek joining SAM'L TAYLOR on the lower and THOMAS BOROUGH of the upper side containing acres be the same more or less together with one
Negro boy named SOLOMON one sorrel colt saddle & bridle one feather bed & furniture two cows & calves two ewes & lambs one yoke of small
stears & one sow & pigs.
Item I give to my daughter SALLY NEWEL one Negro girl named FANNY and one Negro boy child named JACOB together with one bay colt
saddle & bridle one feather bed and furniture two cows & calves & two ewes & lambs
Item I give to my daughter POLLY HYDE NEWEL after the decease of her Mother one Negroe woman named PHILLIS and the first child which she
has after my decease together with one feather bed and furniture one bay colt saddle & bridle two cows & calves & two ewes & lambs
Item I will that my waggon and three bigett horses & one sorrel mare and filly be sold to to repay my just debts & if the money arising from the
sale of the waggon & horse overpays my debts the over plus together with all the property which I have lend to my wife after her decease exept
those things will above I desire to be sold & the money eqully divided among all my children except PAT MYRICK & her part to be divided among
her children as above I further I do nominate & appoint my wife LUCY NEWELL & my sons WM. & JNO. NEWELL Exc'rs of this my Last will & Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 27th day of Jan'y Anno Dom 1792.
Signed & ack'd
In presence of
Warren County Feb'y Court 1796
J. NEWELL proved this last Will & Testament of JNO NEWELL deceased whereupon Testamentory was granted to the Exrs. herein named who qualified
accordingly & the s'd will is ordered to be recorded.
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Will of NANCY NEWELL- 1846
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 39, Pages 237-238 and Estate of WILLIAM P. NEWELL- 1848
Warren County
Will Book 40, Page 145 These 2 files are intermingled and contain many of the same documents |
In the name of God Amen
I, NANCY S. NEWELL, of the County of Warren & State of North Carolina being of sound & perfect mind & memory do hereby make & ordain this to be
my last will & Testament, in manner & form following viz:
Item 1st. I give & bequeath unto my grand children who are the children of WILLIAM P. NEWELL dec'd (NANCY who is now the wife of ANTHONY M.
JOHNSON excepted) the tract of land lying on the south side of Reedy Creek, adjoining the lands of WILLIE LANCASTER, DAVID DOWTIN & others,
containing three hundred acres more or less. It is distinctly understood that it is my wish & desire, that the aforesaid NANCY, who is the wife
of the said A. M. JOHNSON is to have no part or share in the above mentioned tract of land.
Item 2nd. I give & bequeath unto my grandchildren, who are the children of WILLIAM P. NEWELL dec'd (NANCY the wife of A. M. JOHNSON included)
the following Negroes viz: PRISS, RACHEL, FANN, FADY, HIXY, and their increase, also JEFFREY, TIMOTHY, GID & a boy called
GEORGE, also my interest in girl CAROLINE, and also the hire of said Negroes, heretofore mentioned to them & their heirs forever.
Item 3rd. I give & bequeath unto my grand children, who are the children of JNO. A. NEWELL dec'd the following Negroes viz: CHARITY, ROSE,
EMELINE, & MARTHA & their increase, also Negroes, MARTIN, SCOTT, CHANCE & JERRY, which Negroes have already been loaned or given to
the aforesaid JOHN A. NEWELL, but no title conveyed to him for the said Negroes heretofore. Also I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid children
of JOHN A. NEWELL two other Negroes, namely a boy named GATES & girl named RODA & her increase, to them & their heirs forever.
Item 4th. I lend unto my grand daughter NANCY S. JOHNSON, the land whereon I now reside (containing five or six hundred acres more or less,
during her lifetime, and at her decease, I give & bequeath said land and premises unto the heirs of her body, if she has any, but if she has no
heirs of her own body, the above tract of land to revert to my grandchildren LEMUEL A. NEWELL & SAMUEL T. NEWELL, children of WILLIAM P. NEWELL
dec'd, to them & their heirs forever.
Item 5th. I give & bequeath unto my grand daughter, NANCY S. JOHNSON two horses or my mule & horse, that is she is to have her choice of any two
animals of the horse kind, that I may own at the time of my death, also my window curtains, carpets, one curtain beadstead & two counterpanes
1st choice to her & her heirs forever.
Item 6th. I give & bequeath unto my grand daughter ARRABELLA F. NEWELL, daughter of JOHN A. NEWELL, dec'd, the following Negroes, namely
AMANDA & DELLAR & their increase which have hereto fore been loaned to JOHN A. NEWELL, dec'd the Father of the said ARRABELLA F. NEWELL. It
is my will & desire, that if the said ARRABELLA F. NEWELL should die without lawful issue of her body, the said Negroes be equally divided
between her own Brothers & sisters, children of JOHN A. NEWELL dec'd.
Item 7th. It is my will and desire, that at my death the Negroes belonging to me not heretofore given away, including, FANNY, the
daughter of LUCY, be equally divided between the children of WILLIAM P. NEWELL dec'd and JOHN A. NEWELL dec'd, & that the Negroes that
shall fall to the heirs of JOHN A. NEWELL in the division shall be sold on my premises on a credit of twelve months, my Executors taking bond
and approved security for the same, and that the amount arising from the sale of the said Negroes, shall be given to the sd. heirs of JOHN A.
NEWELL dec'd as they respectively become twenty one years of age or get married, that is to say, each one's equal proportion shall be given to
him or her as they respectfully get married or become twenty one years of age.
Item 8th. I give and bequeath unto the heirs of JOHN A. NEWELL dec'd the sum of three hundred dollars, out of the money now in my possession, to
be equally divided between them, which sum or amount is to be paid them in cash.
Item 9th. It is my will & testament that the residue of my estate of what nature soever, consisting of household & kitchen furniture, stock of
every description, crop farming utensils &c &c be sold on a credit of twelve months & that the proceeds together with the money & bonds on hand
be equally divided among the heirs of WILLIAM P. NEWELL dec'd and JOHN A. NEWELL dec'd them and their heirs forever.
Item 10th. I do hereby constitute and appoint my faithful friends ANTHONY M. JOHNSON and JAMES T. BROWN Executors of this my last will &
testament, hereby revoking & making void all other wills by me heretofore made. In witness I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this
sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & forty six. NANCY NEWELL
Signed, Sealed & published
in the presence of
State of North Carolina
Warren County
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, November Term 1846
This will by NANCY NEWELL was duly proved in open court by the oaths & examination of JOHN P. JOHNSON & JOHN KELLY the subscribing witnesses thereto
& on motion is ordered to be recorded -- whereupon A. M. JOHNSON & JAS. T. BROWN the Exrs therein named came into Court & qualified in due force of
law by taking the usual oath.
Estate of NANCY NEWELL, 1846 |
Warren County
Amount of the Following Negroes sold the 15th day of March 1847 by the Executors of NANCY S. NEWELL, dec'd. |
Ben |
William S. Ransom |
$500.00 |
Caesar |
Henry Harris |
235.00 |
Emma |
Henry Harris |
151.00 |
Lucinda |
John P. Johnson |
511.00 |
Jacob |
Henry Harris |
257.00 |
Burchett |
John P. Johnson |
.25 |
Fanny } |
William S. Ransom |
570.00 |
Elizabeth } |
Matilda } |
Jerry } |
William S. Ransom |
277.00 |
Nicy } |
Martha } |
Daniel } |
Andrew J. Johnson |
511.00 |
Lucy } |
Wade H. Johnson |
201.00 |
Siller & Child, Boston
X |
Primus |
John P. Johnson |
500.00 |
Catherine |
John P. Johnson |
400.00_ |
(Total) |
$4113.25 |
[signed] |
Warren County Court 1847
This acct of Sales was returned upon oath in open court by the Executors and ordered to be recorded.
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To the Worshipful Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions for the County of Warren & State of North Carolina |
Pursuant to an order to us directed the undersigned commissioners convened at the late residence of MRS. NANCY S. NEWELL, dec'd,
on Friday the 12th day of March 1847 and proceeded to the division of the Negroes given by her will to her grandchildren the following Negroes:
Fanny, valued at $500
Fady, valued at $100
drawn by MRS. NANCY JOHNSON and -$600
received from the children of WM. P. NEWELL - 9 = $609
making an equal distributive share of six hundred and nine dollars & the following Negroes belong in common stock as follows: |
Gid |
valued at |
$600.00 |
Geoff |
valued at |
500.00 |
Priscilla |
valued at |
54.00 |
Tim |
valued at |
400.00 |
Hixy |
valued at |
400.00 |
George |
valued at |
500.00 |
Rachel |
valued at |
100.00 |
Caroline & child |
valued at |
500.00 |
(Total) |
$3054.00 |
Making three thousand and fifty four dollars, all respectfully submitted.
Know all men by these presents that we PETER D. POWELL & SAM'L A. WILLIAMS are held and firmly bound to the State of North
Carolina in the sum of Nine Thousand Two Hundred & Fifty Dollars to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us
himself our and each of our heirs Executors and administrators firmly by these presents.
The Conditions of the above obligation is such that whereas ANTHONY M. JOHNSON and JAMES T. BROWN Executors of NANCY S. NEWELL dec'd have
The above named Negroes were valued at $3050/4650 =$7705 dollars belonging to the Estate of said Testator which said Negroes were bequeathed to
the said JOHN D. NEWELL, ELIZABETH J. NEWELL, LEMUEL A. NEWELL, SARAH A.M. NEWELL, & SAMUEL T. NEWELL by the said testator. Now if any debt or
debts truly due or owing from the Estate of the said NANCY S. NEWELL shall hereafter be sued for and recorded or otherwise duly made to appear
and the said PETER D. POWELL guardian of the said orphans- shall refund or pay his ratable or proportionable part of said debt or debts then
this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this the 15 day of
March 1847.
------------------------------------ |
State of North Carolina
Warren County
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
November Term 1848
To the Justices of the Honorable Court aforesaid the petition of LEMUEL A., SAMUEL T., ELIZABETH J, and SARAH M. NEWELL by their guardian PETER
D. POWELL and of JOHN D. NEWELL all of the County of Warren and State of North Carolina respectfully sheweth that NANCY S.NEWELL late of the
County & State aforesaid died in the year 1846 leaving a last Will and Testament, which was duly proved and admitted to record in the County
Court of the County aforesaid at its November Sessions of the same year, that by her said will she bequeathed to your petitioners, children of
WILLIAM P. NEWELL and grandchildren of NANCY S. NEWELL dec'd certain Negroes, viz, HAGAR, REBECCA, TRIM, ISABELLA, JENNY, MARTIN, DANIEL,
PLUMMER, LOUISA, AMY, EMANUEL, NELSON, PRISCILLA, and RACHAEL, to be equally divided between them. Your petitioners further shew that
JOHN D. NEWELL is now of full age and further represent that a division of said slaves according to the Will of the deceased is both necessary
and proper and they hereby pray this Honorable Court to order and decree the division of the estate. And your petitioners will ever pray &c.
Solicitor for Petitioners
State of North Carolina
Warren County
December 26, 1848
In obedience to an order of Court to us directed at Nov. Term 1848, we have this day proceeded to divide the following Negroes among the heirs
of WM. P. NEWELL so as to allot to JOHN D. NEWELL one equal fifth part thereof: |
Solomon |
63 |
$ 50.00 |
Adam |
55 |
237.50 |
Jeff |
37 |
575.00 |
Plummer |
30 |
612.50 |
Tim |
32 |
525.00 |
Gid |
21 |
650.00 |
George |
16 |
612.50 |
Manuel |
17 |
450.00 |
Solomon (boy) |
12 |
362.50 |
Martin |
10 |
332.50 |
Daniel |
6 |
250.00 |
Trim |
3 |
200.00 |
Sandy |
2 |
125.00 |
Priscilla |
65 |
25.00 |
Rachel |
50 |
31.25 |
Hagar & child |
35 |
400.00 |
Caroline |
25 |
450.00 |
Louisa |
18 |
318.75 |
Amy |
17 |
500.00 |
Jenny |
17 |
500.00 |
Malissa |
15 |
375.00 |
Hicksy |
11 |
350.00 |
Rose |
9 |
275.00 |
Beck |
7 |
200.00 |
Isabel |
2 |
150.00 |
Total valuation |
$8557.50 |
One fifth part of this sum is $1711.50 and we have allotted to JOHN D. NEWELL the following Negroes: |
Priscilla |
Valued at |
$ 25 |
Gid |
" " |
650 |
Daniel |
" " |
250 |
Amy |
" " |
500 |
Rose |
" " |
275 |
Total Valuation: $1700 & he is to receive from ELIZABETH J., LEMUEL A., SAMUEL F. & SARAH A. M. NEWELL the sum
of Two Dollars 87 1/2 and each all of which is respectfully submitted. THOS. J. PITCHFORD, J.P.
SAM'L DAVIS Warren County Feb'y Court 1849
This Report of Commissioners was returned in open court confirmed & ordered to be recorded.
JNO. W. WHITE, Clk ------------------------- |
Warren County, NC
December 24, 1852 |
In obedience to the annexed order directed to us at Nov. Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County and State
afores'd, we the undersigned Commissioners, proceeded after being duly sworn, to divide and allot the Negroes belonging in common to the
petitioners and their minor brother and sister.
After valuations and divisions into four equal parts ($10900 total valuations & $2725 for each part) we have allotted No. 2 to LEMUEL A. NEWELL
the following Negroes: |
Valued at $2700 and to receive $25 in money from No.3 allotted to ELISABETH J. NEWELL. |
We have allotted to ELISABETH J. NEWELL, lot No. 3 the following Negroes:
Valued at $2825 and she is to pay to lots 1 & 4 in common the sum of $75. |
The Negroes in lots 1 & 4 we have left in common to the minors SARAH A. M. & SAM'L T. NEWELL.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Given under our hands and seals this 24th Dec'r 1852.
----------------------------------------- |
Will of HENRY WEST -1897
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 52, Pages 22-25 |
North Carolina
Warren County
Sept. 9th, 1897 |
I, HENRY WEST of the County of Warren and State of North Carolina, being in sound mind but considering the uncertainty of life,
do make and declare this my last Will and Testament.
1st. My Executor hereinafter named- shall give my body a decent burial, and pay all my funeral expenses together with all my just debts.
2nd. I give and bequeath to my daughter LUCY JOHNSON ten (10) acres of my land, on the south side of my land on road leading to H. GREEN's.
3rd. I give and bequeath to my daughter LIZZIE DAVIS ten (10) acres of land on the south side of my land on the road leading to HENRY GREEN's.
4th. I give and bequeath to my son JULIUS WEST one acre of land, on the south side of my land on the road leading to HENRY GREEN's.
5th. I give and bequeath to my son JERRY WEST five (5) acres of land, on the South side of my land on the road leading to HENRY GREEN's.
And the remainder of my estate is to be equally divided between my son ALEXANDER J. WEST and my daughter PATTIE WEST my two youngest children
excepting therefrom my horse "Daisy" which I give and bequeath to my son ALEX J. WEST individually.
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife ANN WEST a lifetime interest in al my personal property and estate excepting the horse Daisy.
She my said wife is to remain at my place and to be cared for by my son ALEX J. WEST provided she remain single, or a widow.
In addition to the Twenty ($20.00) Dollars already given to my daughter LAURA WELLS' children, I give and bequeath to her two ($2.00) Dollars.
In addition to the ten (($10.00) Dollars already given to my son RICHMOND WEST's children I give and bequeath to them two ($2.00) Dollars.
This instrument is made however subject to the life interest of my wife in and to my estate at my death.
I hereby constitute and appoint my son ALEXANDER J. WEST, my lawful Executor o all intent & purposes to execute this my last will and testament
according to the true intent and meaning of the same every part thereof.
In witness whereof I the said HENRY WEST do hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of September 1897.
HENRY WEST ("X" his mark)
Signed sealed and published
by said HENRY WEST as his
last Will and Testament in
our presence and we, in
the presence of each other have
at his request here to subscribed
our names.
State of North Carolina
Warren County
In the Superior Court |
A paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of HENRY WEST deceased, is exhibited before me, the undersigned,
Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, by ALEXANDER J. WEST the executor therein mentioned, and the due execution thereof by the said
HENRY WEST is proved by the oath and examination of M. F. THORNTON & BURREL THORNTON the subscribing witnesses thereto: who being duly sworn,
doth depose and say, and each for himself deposeth and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the paper-writing now shown purporting to be
the last will and testament of HENRY WEST that the said HENRY WEST in the presence of this deponent, subscribed, his name at the end of said
paper writing, now shown as aforesaid, and which bears date of the 9th, day of September 1897.
And the deponent further saith, that the said HENRY WEST the testator aforesaid, did, at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid, declare
the said paper-writing so subscribed by him and exhibited, to be his last Will and Testament, and this deponent did therefore subscribe his name
at the end of said Will as an attesting witness thereto; and at the request and in the presence of the said testator. And this deponent further
saith, that at the said time when the said testator subscribed his name to the said last Will as aforesaid, and at the time of deponent's
subscribing his name as an attesting witness thereto, as aforesaid, the said HENRY WEST was of sound mind and memory, of full age to execute a
will, and was not under any restraint to the knowledge, information or or belief of this deponent; and further these deponents say not.
Severally sworn and subscribed
this 3rd day of Sept. 1903
before me.
Clerk Superior Court |
State of North Carolina
Warren County
In the Superior Court
In the matter of the last Will of HENRY WEST.
It appearing to the Court by the oath and examination of M. F. THORNTON and BURREL THORNTON the subscribing witnesses thereto, that the paper
writing propounded by the Executor therein named, is the last will and testament of HENRY WEST and that the same was duly executed by said HENRY
WEST in the presence of said witnesses and that at the time of signing the same the said HENRY WEST was of sound mind. It is therefor adjudged
that the said paper writing be admitted to probate as the last will and testament of the said HENRY WEST and the Executor therein named qualify
as such. This the 7th day of Sept. 1903.
WILLIAM A. WHITE, Clerk Superior Court
State of North Carolina
Warren County
Before W. A. White, Clerk Superior Court
In the matter of the last Will of HENRY WEST, dec'd
ALEX J. WEST being duly sworn doth say: That HENRY WEST late of said County, is dead, having first made and published his last Will and
Testament, and that the said ALEX J. WEST is the executor named therein. Further that the property of the said HENRY WEST consisting of one
tract of land containing 120 acres- & personal property is worth about $600.00 so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application; and
that the personal property is sisty-six Dollars - and that LUCY JOHNSON, LIZZIE DAVIS, JULIUS WEST, JERRY WEST, PATTIE WEST, LAURA WELLS, dec'd
child, RICHARD WEST's children, ANN WEST widow of dec'd & myself are the parties entitled under said wll to the said property.
Subscribed & sworn to before me
the 7th day of Sept. 1903
(This was former slave Henry West, b.abt 1824, who married Ann Elizabeth Hunt in 1847 as registered in their Cohabitation Marriage Record in
Warren County) |
----------------------------------------- |
Will of Susan West -1871
Warren County Wills
Will Book 51, Page 48 |
I SUSAN WEST of the County of Warren and State of North Carolina do make and declare this paper writing to be my last will and testament in manner
and form following, to wit;
I give and bequeath to JAMES VERSER freedman my plantation on which I now reside during his life, and at his death to his son YOUNG CLANTON to him
and his forever- My old man JONAS, and woman CHANY are to remain with them if think proper to do so.
I give and bequeath to my sister NANCY DAVIS five dollars, to my niece ELIZA HARRIS, wife of JOHN J. HARRIS five dollars, ELIZABETH RIGGAN, PETER
RIGGAN's widow, five dollars, to the children of JAMES STALLINGS five dollars between them. To JESSE VERSER & LUCY VERSER, JOHN VERSER's children
five dollars to be divided between them; to SUSAN STALLINS (sic), JOHN STALLINS daughter five dollars; to DANIEL VERSER's children, my nephew five
dollars to be divided between them. All the balance of my property not willed away I give and bequeath to my friend JOHN WHITE of Warrenton, N.C.
Signed Sealed & acknowledged
2nd April 1870
SUSAN WEST ("X" her mark)
in presence of
North Carolina
Warren County
Probate Court; May 2nd, 1871
A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of SUSAN WEST, deceased, is exhibited for probate before me the undersigned Probate
Judge by JNO WHITE, a legatee in said will, and the due execution thereof by the said SUSAN WEST, is proved by the oath and examination of E. W.
BEST and JAMES STALLINGS, the subscribing witnesses thereto. It is therefore considered that said paper writing and every part thereof is the last
will and testament of the said SUSAN WEST and the same is ordered to be registered and filed- And it appearing that no executor is named in said
will, in motion JOHN WHITE is appointed administrator with the will annexed, and is duly qualified according to law.
WM. A. WHITE, Probate Judge |
None of the Freed people ever received the land since the deed
issued for the land was voided by the Court in March 1872, when it
was ruled that it had been a scheme by West to defraud her
----------------------------------------- |
Will of NELSON W. WILKINS, 1923
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 54, Pages 13-16
North Carolina
Warren County
In the name of God Amen, I, NELSON W. WILKINS of he above state and county realizing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do disclose
tis to be my last will and testament.
Item 1- I give and bequeath to my wife LUCRETIA WILKINS during her natural life all of my real estate, personal property and money of which I may
die possessed with and at her death to be equally divided between my lawful childrens NELSON W. JR, McKINLEY, LEONARD, CUBIE, MARTHA and COURTNEY
and BEN and to my son HENRY I leave the sum of one dollar only and I appoint my son BEN my executor with request that he carry out my will and
instructions as soon as possible after the death of his mother. Signed sealed and delivered this the 3rrd day of March 1923.
NELSON W. WILKINS ("X" his mark)
In case that my wife should remarry then she looses all interest in my estate and I desire the division to be made at once NELSON WILKINS ("X" his
This to be attached and being apart of NELSON W. WILKINS' will. That NELSON W. WILKINS has given to his daughter MARTHA WILKINS FIELDS, 15 acres of
land, her part of my land.
And my daughter CUBY WILKINS CARTER 12 acres her part of my land, and COURTNEY WILKINS SUMMERVILL 12 acres land and NELSON W. WILKINS JR. after he
pays what he owes my estate to my estate he shall share equal with my other children.
NELSON W. WILKINS, SR. ("X" his mark)
May 18/25
North Carolina, Warren County
In the Superior Court Before the Clerk
In the matter of the Will of NELSON W. WILKINS, deceased.
The paper writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of NELSON WILKINS, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned
Clerk of the Superior Court of Warren County, by BEN WILKINS, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the
oath and examination of T. C. ALSTON, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and of J. H. HARRISON as follows:
North Carolina, Warren County
T. C. ALSTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper writing new shown him purporting to be the last
will and testament of NELSON W. WILKINS and that he saw NELSON W. WILKINS execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant
attested it in the presence and at the request of said NELSON W. WILKINS deceased, and that or the time of its execution said NELSON W. WILKINS was,
in affiant's opinion of sound mind and disposing memory. Affiant further swears that J. H. HARRISON, the other subscribing witness to said signed
the same, and that the said J. H. HARRISON, is sick and unable to testify.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21 day of Nov. 1927.
JOS. C. POWELL, Dpy Clerk Superior Court
North Carolina, Warren County
K. B. TOPPING being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of J. H. HARRISON one of the subscribing witnesses
to the paper writing to be the will of NELSON W. WILKINS, deceased, which is hereto attached dated the 3 day of March 1923 having often seen him
write, and that the name of the said J. H. HARRISON as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said J. H. HARRISON, and affiant
further swears that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of NELSON W. WILKINS, deceased, whose will the attached paper writing, dated March 3,
1923 purports to be, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said NELSON W. WILKINS subscribed to said will is in the genuine
handwriting of the said NELSON W. WILKINS.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21 day of Nov. 1927.
Dpy. Clerk Superior Court
State of North Carolina - Warren County - In the Superior Court
A paper writing purporting to be a codicil to the last will and testament of NELSON W. WILKINS, deceased, is exhibited before me, the undersigned,
Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, by BEN WILKINS the executor therein mentioned and the due execution thereof by the said NELSON W.
WILKINS is proven by the oath and examination of K. B. TOPPING, A. R. DELBRIDGE and J. H. RIGGAN the subscribing witness thereto who being duly
sworn, doth depose and each for himself deposeth and saith that he is subscribing witness to the paper writing now shown him, purporting to be a
codicil to the last will and testament of NELSON W. WILKINS, that the said NELSON W. WILKINS in the presence of the deponent, subscribed his name at
the end of said paper writing, which is now shown aforesaid, and which bears date of the 18 day of May 1925.
And this deponent further saith, that the said NELSON W. WILKINS the testator aforesaid, did, at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid, did
at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid declare the said paper writing so subscribed by him and exhibited to be a codicil to his last will
and testament, and this deponent did thereupon subscribe his name at the end of said will, as an attesting witness thereto, and at the request and
in the presence of said testator. And this deponent further saith that at the same time when the said testator subscribed his name to the said
codicil of the last will as aforesaid, and at the time of the deponent's subscribing his name as attesting witness thereto, as aforesaid, the said
NELSON W. WILKINS was of sound mind and memory of full age to execute a will, and was not under any restraint, to the knowledge information or
belief of this deponent. And further these deponents say not.
Severally sworn & subscribed this 21 day of Nov. 1927 before me
JOS. C. POWELL, Dpy., Clerk Superior Court
It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that the paper writing and every part thereof in the last will and testament of NELSON W.
WILKINS deceased, together with the codicil thereof. Let said will and codicil, together with the probate be recorded and filed.
This 21 day of Nov. 1927.
Clerk Superior Court
----------------------------------------- |
Warren County, North Carolina
Will Book 50, Page 268
(Transcribed by Deloris Williams) |
I HEARTY H. WILLIAMS of the County of Warren and State of NC, being of sound mind and knowing the uncertainty of life do make and publish this my
last will and Testament therby revoking and making void all other former wills by me made.
Item 1st. I wish my Executor hereinafter named to pay to my son in law B. T. BALLARD one note or obligation which I hold against him, also one note
which I hold against ALFRED ALSTON SR. in payment of a note B. T. BALLARD holds against one one the balance of said two notes I give to my son in
law B. T. BALLARD.
Item 2nd. I give to my grand children RUINA, ROBERT and JAMES YARBROUGH one note and interest which I hold against my son in law JAMES S. YARBROUGH
Item 3d. I give to my son A. D. WILLIAMS one note I hold against him.
Item 4th. I give to my son R. E. WILLIAMS one note I hold against him for his part of interest on sale of my land and also one other note which I
hold against him of One hundred dollars.
Item 5th. After paying my just debts I give to my daughter RUINA T. ALSTON the remainder of my notes and accounts due me, to wit, one not against S.
T. ALSTON, dec'd, one note against A. D. ALSTON, one note against T. E. HARRIS, SLEDGE and FULFORD security, one note against P. G. ALSTON endorsed
by A. H. DAVIS, one note against HENRY WILLIAMS endorsed by A. H. DAVIS, one note against WHIT A. KEARNEY. Accounts against R. A. SPEED, account
against JOHN WADDEL, account against Dr. SOL. W. PERRY. I do hereby nominate & appoint my grand son ROBT. W. ALSTON Executor of my last will and
testament. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 4th day of June 1867.
Warren County Court, May Term 1868
A certain paper writing purporting to be the last Will and testament of H. H. WILLIAMS deceased, is exhibited in open court, by ROBERT W. ALSTON,
the executor therein named, and the due execution thereof, by the said H. H. WILLIAMS is proved by the oath and examination of EDWARD ALSTON one of
the subscribing witnesses thereto. It is therefor considered by the Court that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and
testament of the said H. H. WILLIAMS and the same is ordered to be recorded and filed. And thereupon the said ROBERT W. ALSTON, executor as
aforesaid, duly qualifies as such by taking the oath required by Law.
This was Harty Hodges Davis, born April 27, 1793, died 1868, daughter of Archibald Davis & Elizabeth Jane Hilliard of Halifax and Franklin
Counties. She was married to Robert Webb Williams, who died in 1822.
See photo and more info about Harty Hodges Davis |
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©2012 by
Deloris Williams and Ginger Christmas-Beattie for the NCGenWeb
Project. No
portion of this any document appearing on this site is to be used for
other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is
expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated
07/22/2020 |