Letter of Governor James Turner to Judge John Hall -1808 |
Contributed by
Sally Turner Goodhart &
Kim Waddy |
Washington 25th Decr. 1808 |
This being a day of rest and festivity throughout the Christian
wourld, but as none of the latter attaches to me in this place I
dont know how I can devote a part of my time better than to that of
a friend. In the first place I intend to offer an excuse in not
sooner acknowledging your favour of the 6th instant, on the receipt
of it I calculated by the time a letter could reach Warrenton you
would have left it for Raleigh, its true I might have written to as
to trust you on your return but as I never was very particular in my
affairs it has passed of until this time.
As to the proceedings of Congress you have it in the papers, as to
the situation in which we stand with foreign governments, I
endeavoured to place you as nearly on a footing with the good folks
here as possible by sending you the Presidential message and
documents which accompanyed it, and the report of the Committee on
Foreign Relations, from which you will in the first place be able to
form your opinion as to the probability if any exists of our causes
of complaint being settled in an amicable way- and from the next you
will be enabled to see the course that will probably be pursued by
Congress as to those Tygers & Sharks. I also sent you Giles' speech
against the repeal of the Embargo. The farmer I think coloured
rather too high the prosperous situation of his broken farmers, or
at least as one of them know fine advantages of improving lands &c
which is deemed more beneficial than the sale of valuable crops, is
lost on me. My plan has hitherto been to enjoy what today presents
itself and let tomorrow provide for itself- But ajoking apart it
certainly was a most excellent speech, and does honor to be heard,
and the Patriotism of the heart of the man who delivered it.
I still continue of opinion that the Embargo is the best plan to be
pursued, and let the British Ministers say what they will, aided by
every thing their friends in this Country can do (for friends they
have) acquisition to our school, and be a permanent resident amongst
us. I rec'd a letter the other day from W. Falkener saying that the
Raleigh folk bad out lied him for Wm. Sambourne, and requested me to
aid him in procuring a teacher of music if possible in this place or
elsewhere, I have put a notice in Smiths Paper and engaged Jo Gales
Jr. to aid me in procuring one, his acquaintance in Phil'a probably
will contribute much towards making my endeavour successful. I wish
every much for Mrs. Falkener to get a good teacher if she does not
her school will certainly decline.
The Citizen Davison is becoming the owner of more real property in
Warrenton than almost any other of our citizen - does he intend
having entertainment kept at Hazzard's place.
I am sorry to hear that Warrenton should have so much degenerated in
the short span of two months as to have her principal citizens
called before the Court by the presentment of the grand jury. You
did not name any particular character, and to my great mortification
it is known here and somewhat balked of that our friend Plummer was
one of those presented, near his friend Jammie for whom he gave his
suffrage April next. The want of timber & other naval stores
provisions for her Spanish & Portuguese allies if not for herself
and the cotton to employ her labouring citizens will compell them to
relinquish those orders.
There is a strong part here that I believe are for war direct, and
the Federalists who were unanimously opposed to the Embargo are
becoming lukewarm as to its repeal in sentiment list if that measure
is given up that War with England will be substituted.
The Presidential Election is settled, Mr. Madison gets 123 votes,
Mr. Pinckney 47. and the present Vice President 6. to that that
matter is gotten over satisfactorilly to the Republic generally and
yourself & I may say myself particularly
I believe I mentioned to you that I expected Miss Craven would
endeavor to sell and her brothers wills. I hope the property sold
will at the sales, and that a sufficiency of furniture may be left
for the accomodation of his sister. does she intend living there or
not. What have you done with Prince and Hannah - did
you make a trial to have them emancipated or did you conclude to
defer it to some future time. I am glad to hear our Boys stood
a good examination - I hope if Mr. Nicholson is qualified as has
been represented that he will be come as a member of the College of
Election for North Carolina will hear of it, be informed that he
owes part of his success to the vote of a man presented for gaming.
Why does not Fitts lecture him, except that foible he is a well
meaning man, and with good advice I think that notwithstanding his
tatterly having become so conspicuous as to attract the notion of
the grand jury he might be saved. On my return with the aid of Fitts
I think by our example, and advice he may yet be reclaimed.
Let me hear from you frequently, it has been a considerable time
since we parted and will be before we meet again as your circuit
will commence about the time I return. My respects to everybody I
know. God is great & mercifull. May give you many day of happiness &
J. Turner
To Judge John Hall
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This may be of interest to someone on the Warren
County website. It is an obit from the "Warrenton Gazette" from May
3/1873. I'm including the text as written. This was transcribed from
microfilm of this newspaper. Kim Waddy |
Death of Hannah Hall, former slave of Judge
John Hall |
Died in Warren County at the residence of Thomas
Carter, Hannah Hall, an old and faithful colored woman, aged eighty.
We all mourn the loss of one that had been so useful while living,
but are consoled by knowing that she
professed faith in her Redeemer for many years before her death, and
she is now doubtless standing in the presence of her Lord and Master
singing His praises.
Aunt Hannah was buried on the premises of her old master, Judge
Hall, on Friday the 18th inst. Many citizens, both white and
colored, attended the funeral services, which were conducted with
impressive solemnity by the Rev. Mr. Bialy, of the 1st Baptist
"In the blank silence of the narrow tomb,
The clay may rest which wrapped her human birth;
But all are conquered by that silent doom,
The spirit of her thought shall walk the earth,
In glory and in light."
Notes by DW: May 3, 1873 was a Saturday.
"Friday the 18th" would have been April 18, 1873, so Hannah Hall
died probably about that date. In 1870, Hannah Hall, age 75, black,
midwife, was living in the household of Ned & Martha (Hall) Turner,
in Warren County, Township No. 10. The "Thomas Carter
residence" mentioned would have been Thomas M. Carter (1839-1922),
wife Sallie Boyd ( 1845-1911); Thomas was a Free Person of Color who served on
the Warren Co. School Committee, whose ancestors were longtime
Warren Co. residents. Sallie Boyd, a former slave, whose
parents were William Smith Boyd & Louisa Falkener, was likely
formerly acquainted with Hannah during slavery, and possibly even
related through her mother. Thomas & Sallie named a daughter, born
in May 1873, Hannah, apparently after Hannah Hall. |
Thanks to the owner of this letter is Sally Turner Goodhart, the 3rd great
granddaughter of Gov. James Turner & Judge John Hall. |
©2015 by Sally T. Goodhart,
Kim Waddy, Deloris Williams, Ginger Christmas-Beattie for the NCGenWeb
Project. No
portion of this or any document appearing on this site is to be used for
other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is
expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated
04/18/2017 |