Wise, N. C.
Transcribed by Jacqueline
Martin |
Last Name |
First Name |
Born |
Died |
Comment |
Green |
Mary |
7/4/1911 |
no date |
age 79 yrs. |
Harriss |
John W. |
5/28/1848 |
5/20/1911 |
Harvey |
G. W. |
7/8/1845 |
1/4/1914 |
Hunt |
Nick, Sr. |
11/12/1834 |
9/15/1902 |
Hunt |
William, S. |
9/15/1911 |
10/3/1911 |
Johnson |
Annie |
no date |
11/24/1913 |
age 40 yrs. |
Jones |
Carolina |
no date |
9/28/1922 |
age 77 yrs. |
Jones |
Gabriel |
5/4/1831 |
8/11/1907 |
Jordan |
Pattie L. |
12/12/1884 |
3/21/1915 |
Leonard |
Pattie |
12/17/1900 |
6/11/1920 |
Fitts |
Joseph |
6/5/1896 |
8/18/1968 |
Bland |
Alma |
1/16/1899 |
12/11/1966 |
Fitts |
Emma |
1897 |
1958 |
Palmer |
Robert |
2/20/1881 |
3/20/1954 |
Lewis |
James |
3/10/1885 |
3/21/1959 |
Carter |
William |
1888 |
1954 |
Mushaw |
Altie |
1883 |
still living |
at time of survey
Alexander |
Rev. Lowst |
5/17/1907 |
5/12/1956 |
Alexander |
Rev. L. J. |
1865 |
1950 |
Wright |
Laura G. |
1869 |
1942 |
Hendrick |
Johnnie |
12/20/1910 |
3/21/1951 |
Martin |
Bertha Mayfield |
1/19/1902 |
10/12/1946 |
Alexander |
Clifton |
10/29/1900 |
11/13/1944 |
Alexander |
Ann |
6/20/1894 |
6/4/1938 |
Alexander |
Noah |
12/25/1879 |
12/20/1943 |
Dunon |
James |
9/15/1847 |
7/12/1907 |
Cobb |
Percy |
8/8/1900 |
8/22/1972 |
Daisy T. |
9/6/1906 |
8/22/1965 |
Green |
William |
9/13/1877 |
5/30/1953 |
Green |
Lalla B. |
3/7/1877 |
12/18/1970 |
Holly |
Lenora |
12/17/1900 |
6/11/1920 |
Jones |
Minerva |
1877 |
still living |
at time of survey
Jones |
Waverly |
1878 |
1946 |
Evans |
Lucy |
12/1/1879 |
2/3/1957 |
Sterduvant |
Fannie |
1900 |
1970 |
Garnes |
Kemp |
2/5/1889 |
2/26/1967 |
Garnes |
Junus K. |
1916 |
1966 |
Alexander |
Richard |
12/25/1893 |
10/6/1971 |
Evans |
Charles |
10/26/1881 |
still living |
at time of survey
Jones |
Parrie |
2/8/1893 |
11/10/1963 |
Brickley |
Viola Jones |
5/8/1888 |
7/11/1969 |
Jones |
Montetious |
1890 |
1970 |
Winnie |
Mrs. L. |
1889 |
1964 |
Brooks |
Martha |
5/30/1905 |
3/17/1972 |
Lewis |
Helen |
6/3/1897 |
2/23/1971 |
White |
Mary E. |
8/4/1886 |
9/3/1966 |
Russell |
Mrs. L. |
1885 |
1967 |
Montague |
Robert |
5/15/1890 |
6/3/1966 |
Davis |
John F. |
1872 |
1945 |
Jones |
Belle A. |
1882 |
1961 |
Algood |
Mary |
3/13/1886 |
9/23/1968 |
Trower |
Mary D. |
8/5/1872 |
2/15/1951 |
Dunston |
John W. |
2/3/1886 |
10/13/1967 |
Dunston |
Emma G. |
6/11/1894 |
7/20/1952 |
Alexander |
Nathaniel R., Sr.
9/25/1885 |
6/10/1967 |
Green |
Elizabeth |
1872 |
1952 |
Green |
Ollie |
3/13/1891 |
6/11/1959 |
Green |
Sidney, Jr. |
9/9/1889 |
7/31/1960 |
Watson |
George |
1/1/1907 |
8/1/1967 |
Davis |
Leticus |
8/5/1894 |
11/29/1952 |
Jones |
Margret |
1860 |
1952 |
Jones |
Hartwell |
1/12/1853 |
12/28/1933 |
Jones |
Bettie |
5/18/1853 |
8/28/1953 |
Mayfield |
Addie |
3/12/1878 |
3/26/1927 |
Harris |
William O. |
1848 |
1923 |
Fitts |
Lucy |
1884 |
1906 |
Jones |
Rebecca Alexander
5/7/1891 |
11/30/1929 |
dau. Of Rev. & Mrs. L. J.
& wife of Lafayette Jones |
Jones |
Millie Long |
1901 |
1969 |
Hendricks |
Mrs. Florgan |
1937? |
1965 |
Davis |
Rhoda A. |
1890 |
1974 |
Palmer |
Phillis L. |
11/7/1895 |
7/29/1964 |
Brown |
Clossie |
1912 |
1964 |
Watkins |
Jasper P. |
1900 |
1969 |
Mayfield |
Lizzie |
1872 |
1969 |
Watkins |
Sarah |
1870 |
1964 |
Perry |
Odell |
6/3/1899 |
7/25/1955 |
Baskerville |
Napoleon B. |
10/28/1877 |
5/25/1947 |
Baskerville |
Emma Harris |
1/26/1878 |
5/3/1955 |
wife of Napoleon B.
Baskerville |
Alexander |
Roxie |
1869 |
1924 |
wife of P. D.
Alexander |
White |
Lucy H. |
4/4/1893 |
3/9/1973 |
Allgood |
Angie L. |
8/30/1892 |
4/25/1962 |
Davis |
Rosa H. |
1870 |
1953 |
Hendrick |
Mary E. |
1873 |
1958 |
Davis |
Tull |
3/9/1865 |
4/29/1944 |
Davis |
Henry W. |
no date |
12/22/1934 |
Walker |
George W. |
4/9/1881 |
3/ /1960 |
husband of Mary Goode
Hicks |
Lucy |
1879 |
10/11/1948 |
Kersey |
Almia |
1854 |
1949 |
Dowtin |
Winnie B. |
1903 |
1970 |
Parker |
Lucy J. |
1861 |
1941 |
©2007 by
Jacqueline Martin, Nola
Duffy, and/or individual contributors. No
portion of this any document appearing on this site is to be used for
other than personal research. Any republication or reposting is
expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated
08/29/2007 |