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Warren County NCGenWeb Military Index

These records are available because someone cared enough to share.  Please consider contributing your own transcriptions and or documents for the benefit of other researchers.
Colonial Period 1754 Militia for Granville Co.  [Includes present Warren Co.]
1773 Thomas Eaton's Regimental Militia Returns [Bute Co. list]
American Revolution Letter re Thomas Bell Pension - Archives
Rev. Pension file for Joseph Fogg
Rev. Pension file for Thomas Hilliard
Rev. Pension file for Thomas Hilliard - Images
Letter Re Rev. Pension file for Francis Riggan

Rev. Pension file for John Wadkins

Rev. Pension file for John Dew
Rev. Pension file of William West
Rev. pay voucher for Thomas Paschall
Pay Record of Revolutionary War Captains~Halifax District
War of 1812 Pension Application for Benjamin D. Langford (large PDF file) submitted by Jeff Davis
Service records for John Langford (PDF file) submitted by Jeff Davis
Widow's Pension Application by Mary Rose, widow of John Rose submitted by Jeff Davis
Pension Application for John Laughter submitted by Jeff Davis
War of 1812-Warren County Regiments
War of 1812 Pay Vouchers-Warren Co. (NC Digital Collection) 
Civil War  Alphabetical index of Warren Co. residents who served in the Civil War
Letter home from T. D. HIlliard.  transcribed
Letter from Joseph B. Jones, 1862
U.S. Colored Troops- Warren County
U.S. Colored Troops- Formed in North Carolina
NC Union Volunteers
World War I End of the War and Casualties (diary entry)
World War II
NCGenWeb Military  NCGenWeb Statewide Military Files

©2002, 2011 to present by Deloris Williams for the NCGenWeb Project and/or individual contributors.  No portion of this any document appearing on this site is to be used for other than personal research.  Any republication or reposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 02/20/2025