Will of

Mary Ann (Martin) Pearson

16 July 1780

                 Proved in April Court, 1781                 

North Carolina

In Perquimons Countey 

In the name of god the 16th day of July in the year of our Lord 1780: I  Mary Ann Pearson in the Countey of Perquimons Being in perfect mind and memory thanks be to god there fore caling to mind the mortality of my bodey and knowing that it is apointed for all men to Die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principaly and furst of all I give and recomend my soul into hand of god that gave it and for my bodey I recomend it to the Earth to be buried in A Christian and desent like maner at the Discretion of my Executor and as touching such wourldly estait where with it haith pleaised god to Bless me with in this life . I give and devise and dispose of the saim in the following maner and form.

First. I leave unto my grandater Mary Wilson doter of Robert Wilson one cow and ??? or calf and one linen wheal and one large puter dish and one small one  itm. I leave to her 1 two 2’quart bason. Itm I leave untow my grand doter Mary Wilson two puter plaits and I leve unto hur six puter spoons and I leve to hur too ???? nives and too fork. itm I give unto my soon Enock Jesop one feather bead and bolster and bedstead and cord and cover lid. too pilers and own blanket and two sheats itm. I give unto Meriam Jesop dauter to Enock Jesop one year old heffer itm-I give unto my soon Enock Jesop 1 chert 1 baking(?) iron—

I give untow my Dauter Ruth Boice one large iron pot–Itm. I give unto my grand doter Mary Wilson one small trunk and too chairs and I give unto my grand doter Mary Wilson 1 iron pot and if my grand doter Mary Wilson should die without Isew of bodey then it is my will that the above mentioned goods left to my granddauter should be equaly devided with all the rest and remainderof my estait a mongst all my children– Jemima HasketEnock Jesop  Cristefor Pearson  William Pearson  Jonathon Pearson  Mary More  Ruth Boice and I constitute and apoint — Enock Jesop and Calob White to be my executors and I do hereby uterly disalowe and revoke and disannul all and every other former testaments, wills legiaser, bequeath and executors by me in any wise be fore named wiled and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seall this sixtenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty

Maryann Pearson   (her mark)       

Signed Sealed published pronounces and declared by the said Maryann Pearson hur last will and testament in the presenets of us who In Presents and in the presents of each other have here to subscribed our names                                                            

Pritlow Elliot  

Mary Elliot  (her M mark)    

Elizabeth Perry


Perquimans CountyApril Court 1781                        

This may certify that the forgoing will was then and there proved in open Court, g’ Enoch Jesop the exor therein named was qualify agreable to law

By ?? Skinner (?)        ??? Clk



Will of

Daniel Stallings (Sr.)


North Carolina          } 

Perquimons County } 

In the name of god amen I Daniel Stallings being sick of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory thanks be to god for the same do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz–

Item I give and bequeath unto my Well Beloved Daughter Mary Stallings to her and her heirs for ever one Negro girl named Siller she and her increase–

Item I giv and bequeath unto my son Patih (this is no doubt his son Palatiah) Stallings all my land in Gates County to him and his heirs for ever–

Item I giv and bequeath unto my son Henry Stallings my Plantation that I bought of Wiliam Lilley and all the Land joining there unto to him and his heirs for ever–

Item I giv and bequeath unto my three sons Simon Stallings Daniel Stallings Joseph Stallings all the remaining part of my Land to them and their heirs for ever to be devided equaly when they all come of age and if (word illegible) of the three should die without heir then the Surviving heirs of these three to have this land   —

My will and desire is that my well Beloved Wife Milison Stallings shall hav the use and prevelidgs of all my Lands till my Sons comes to Lawfull age or her Marrage

My desire is that my wife shall hav the Plentation during her Natural Life whereon I now live–

Itim I give and bequeath all the Remainder part of my Estate be it of what kind or nator soever to be equal devided beteen my Loving Wife Millison Stallings and my six children Palliah Stallings Henry Stallings Simon Stallings Mary Stallings Daniel Stallings and Joseph Stallings

The above prevelidge of my land to my Well Beloved Wife is to Raise and Chool my small children–

My wish and desire is that my land not to be rented nor my Negros hired out —

I all so ordain and appoint my Brother Simon Stallings Joseph Riddick and Pittiah Stallings to be whole and Sole Executors.

(one or two lines are missing due to a copy error by NC State Archives which is not uncommon)

set my hand and seal this 17th April 1800 in the presents of —

Daniel  Stallings     Seal   (his X mark)  


Will King                                                                          

Rubin Riddick                                                                        

Betsey Bagley

proved in May Term of Court, 1800, Perquimans County, NC



In the name of God Amen: I Daniel Stallings of the County of Perquimans & State of North Carolina being at this time sick of Body but of sound and Disposing mind thanks be to god for the same, do make and ordain this writing to contain my Last Will & Testament in manner and form as followeth, to wit– 

First it is my desire that my Executor here after named shall sell a sufficient number of my Negroes at Private sale to pay all my Just Debts & Funeral Expenses–

Secondly I leave all the remaining part of my Estate to my Beloved wife Elizabeth Stallings for the support of herself and all my children & for the educating of them untill my son James Stallings shall arrive to the age of twenty one years Then it is my desire that all my Estate, Excepting Land & shall be equally Devidid between my Beloved wife & all my children then living–

Thirdly, I leave the use of all my Lands & Building unto my Beloved wife Elizabeth Stallings During her natural life and at her death to be equally divided amongst all my sons then living–

Fourthly, I give devise and bequeath unto my Four sons Namely James, Asa, William & Whitmill Stallings my Brandy still to them and their heirs for ever–

Fifthly, I nominate Constitute and appoint Elisha N. Riddick my hole & sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament desiring him to see the same fully Executed and Performed, In witnes whereof I the said Daniel Stallings have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 5th day of January in the year of our Lord 1837.

Daniel Stallings   Seal 

Signed and sealed in the presence of us }

Simon Stallings             

Benjamin Hinton    (his X mark)          

proved in Feb Term of Court 1837, Perquimans County




will, 14 February 1734, Perquimans County

Proved in Court 9 July 1735, Perquimans County

In the name of God, amen the fourteenth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundren and thirty four Benjamin Hurdle of Perquimons in North Carolina in the County of Albemarle plantor being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament  that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian mannor at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurection(?) I shall relive the same again by the Almighty Power of God and as <word illegible> such worldly estates herewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis: I give and bequeath to William Hurdle all my close(clothes) and three yards of cloth and a m??? bridel and saddel and a Negro boy named Sam unto Moring Hurdle after the decease of my mother Elizabeth Hurdle.

This my Last Will and Testament.

Benjamin Hurdle (his B mark)  Seal

Nathaniel Williams  (his mark)       

Daniel Rogeson  (his mark)

Joseph Riddick

Signed Sealed publish and delivered in the presents of the Subscribers


NOTES: Benjamin was the son of William and Elizabeth Hurdle of Surry County, Virginia. He was one of three brothers who came to North Carolina from Surry County, Virginia. His brother, Martin, settled in Chowan County and his brother, William, purchased land in Perquimans County as evidenced by an April 17, 1732 deed. Benjamin apparently did not marry nor did he have any children.



Will of



In the name of God Amen, I Rachel Jones of the county of Perquimans and state of North Carolina, being at this time sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory and being desirous of settleing and disposing of my Temporal Estate, do make and ordain this pressent wrighting for to be my last will and testament Revoking and making void all former wills by me heretofore made

First of all I do order that all my Just Debts be paid by my Excutrix hereafter made the same to be Raissd out of my Estate which I shall leave at my Decease

I give and Bequeath unto my grandchildren , the children of my son, Silas White, Deceased, one womans saddle, one large Iron pot to be equally divided among them to them and their heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my grandchildren, the children of my daughter, Abigail Winslow, dec, two silver Dollars to be equally divided amongst them, to them and their heirs forever

I give and Bequeath unto my grandchildren the children of my son John White, Dec, one feather bed and furniture, one pine chest to be equally divided anongst them to them and their heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Lydia Griffin, one heifer and one Sesin of wheat to her and her heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my grandaughter, Elizabeth White, the daughter of my son JORDAN White, one book —history to her and her heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my grandson John White, the son of my son, John White, one church Bible, One pewter dish and one pewter bason to him and his heirs forever.

I leave unto my Daughter-in-law, Christian White, the widow of my son Benjamin White, Decs., the use of one feather bed and furniture, one walnut table , one case of bottle and all the residual or Remainder part of my Estate of whatsoever nature or kind during her natural lifetime and at her death I give and Bequeath the same unto her two children, Senah White and Daniel White, My grandchildren unto them and their heirs forever.

Lastly I do nominate and appoint my daughter-in-law Christian White, Executrix to this my last will and testament, desiring her to see this same fully Executed and performed

In witness where of –

The said Rachel Jones has hereunto set my hand and seal

This 15th day of July 1797 

Signed and Sealed in the presence of us

Rachel Jones (Seal) her mark

Benj Perry

Philip Perry


Perquimans County} November Term at Hertford 1797

The within will was exhibited unto open court and proved by the Oath of Benjamin Perry and Evidence this is at the same time appraised Christian White, Quallified as Executrix agreeable to same.  Recorded this the 20h day of December 1797

test M. H.




will dated 25 April 1750

Rachel was the wife of Peter Pearson (1679-1735)

North Carolina

Perquimons County

Know ye that I Rachel Pearson being sick & weak of body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be to God;  Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make & ordain this my last will & Testament, That is to say I will ye all my just Debts & Contracts be well and truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid in Convenient time & place after my Decease by my executors hereafter named; & as touching Such worldly Estate whereas it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give Demise & dispose of in the following manner & form

Imprimis   I give to my son Peter Pearson one large iron pot containing Seven or Eight gallons to him and his heirs for ever and one hand mill

Item    I give to my Daughter Rachel Bogue one blew Rugg, one feather bed being new, one pair of sheets, one bolster, and two pillows, one small iron pot containing about three gallons, Also to my Grandaughter Lida Bogue one two year old heifer to them and their heirs

Item    I give to my Daughter Mary Winslow one iron pot containing about four gallons  to her and her heirs

Item    I give to my son Jonathan Pearson one Small Iron Pot containing about three gallons to him and his heirs

Item    I give to my Son John Pearson, one large Pewter Dish to him and his heirs-

Item    I give to my Daughter Betty Bagley  one Iron  Pott that I bought of James Cobb also one Iron Skillet containing about three quarts, also one small pewter Dish & one new Pewter Bason & two new pewter Plates, to her and her Heirs for Ever

Item    My will is that the residue of my whole estate be equally divided between my six children  viz——-Peter, John & Jonathan & Rachel Bogue & Mary Winslow & Betty Bagley to them and their heirs for Ever

Item    I likewise Nominate Constitute & appoint my Trusty Son in Law John Winslow and Robert Bogue Executors of this my Last will and Testament and I do utterly disallow, revoke & disannul, all and every other former wills & testaments Legacies bequeaths & Executors by me before this time. Names willed & bequeathed, ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my Last will & Testament  In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 25th of the fourth Month in ye year 1750

Rachel Pearson  (her R P mark)      her seal

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by the Said Rachel Pearson as her Last will and Testament             

in Presence of Joshua Hobard

Arthue   Croxen   his mark  affd

John Moore    J M  his mark   affd

Both qualified by affirmation


North Carolina Perquimans County

January Court anno Dom 1750

Present His Majestys Justices

Then was the within will proved in Open Court by the affirmation of Arthue Croxen and John Moore in due form of law and at the same time John Winslow and Robert Bogue Executors to the within will was duly qualified by taking the affirmation of law appointed to be taken by Executors Ordered that the Secretary or his Deputy of Said province have notice that ???? Testamentory issue thereon as the law directs

Test Edmund Hatch  Cl–  




will dated 4 December 1751

 Proved in January Court, 1752, Perquimans County

N. Carolina

Perquimans County Pc.) Know all men by these presents that I Nathaniel Albertson, Farmer of the place aforesaid being very sick & weak of body but of sound disposing mind and memory thanks be given to God therefor, and calling to mind the mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain these presents to  contain my Last will & Testament in manner & form following

(Viz) Principally & first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, & my body to the Earth to be buried in a Decent & Christion manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named: And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to belss me in this life, I give & dispose of the same as follows,

First I will that all my just debts be  Defrayd & paid in convenient time after my Decease by my Executors hereafter named

Item.  I give to my Son Joshua Albertson all of my Land  from Long Branch down to the Creek Swamp and so down to the branch at the upper end of my Mannor Plantation & so out to the back line to him & his heirs for ever, also one feather bed & Furniture on which I lie, also the one third part of all my stock of cattle & hogs to him & his disposial.

Item.  I give to my Son William Albertson my Mannor Plantation I now Dwell on with all the Land from the aforementioned Branch at the upper end of sd. Plantation, running with a direct course with the Branch from the Creek Swamp to the back line & thence down to the line of that Land that was former by his Grandfather Samuel Nicholsons, to him and his heirs for ever, Only my will & desire is that my Daughter Hannah Albertson have the liberty of  the use of my non Dwelling Houses as long as she shall remain unmarried  Also I give to him the one third part of all my stock of cattle and hogs to him & his Disposal Also one Negrow woman named Joan with what issue she may here after happen to have to him & his heirs lawfully begotten of his body them failing then to return to the Heirs of my body; Also I give to my Grandsons  Benjamin & Chalkley Albertson, Sons of William one young Negrow boy named Abraham, to them & the heirs of their bodies them failing then to return to the Heirs of my Body

Item,  I give one Negrow girl named Rose she and her increase to my Son Joshua & Daughter Hannah Albertson to be equally divided betixt them But if it should so happen that my Sd. Daughter Hannah should Depart this life without heirs of her body Lawfully begotten  then my will and intent is that the Sd. Negrow and her increase shall return to my Sd. Son Joshua & his Heirs

Item   Give to my Said Daughter Hannah Albertson one third part of all my sheep, Also one featherbed & furniture also one chest to her & her disposal

Item,  I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Newby one Barrell of Pork   to her & her disposal

Item   I give to my Son Aaron Albertson one hundred weight of fresh Pork and also the one third part of all my stock of hogs & Cattle to him & his disposal—

Item   I give to my Daughter Lydda Trueblood  one third of all my sheep to her & her heirs

Item   I give all the rest of my personal estate to my Son William Albertson to him & his heirs for Ever

Item,  Also I constitute and appoint my three sons, Viz. Aaron, Joshua, & William Albertson Executors of this my Last will and Testament Hereby disallowing & Disanulling all & every other former will  or Will Legucie, Bequests & Executors before this time by me named willed & Bequeathed— Ratifieing & Confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament— This fourth Day of the tenth month commonly called  December 1751

Nathaniel Albertson   (his N mark)

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by  the said  Nathaniel Albertson  to be  his last will and Testament in the presence of

Joshua Perisho

James Henby

Mary Morris  


North Carolina

Perquimans County January Court anno Dom 1752

Present His Majestys Justices

Then was the within will proved in Open Court by the affirmation of James Henby and evidence thereto in due form of law and at the  same time Aaron Albertson and William Albertson Executors to the within will was duly qualified by taking the affirmation by law to be taken by Exec. Ordered that the ???? or his said Deputy of said province have notice that ???? Testamentory issue thereon as the law directs

Test  Edmund Hatch



Will of 



North Carolina

Perquimans County

Be it known to all men by these presents that I Matthew Jordan of the county and province aforesaid being sick and weak in body but sound in mind and disposing memory thanks be to God and calling to mind its uncertainity of this life and knowing that is once appointed for all men to die and the time where is uncertain there I make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say — Principally and first I recommend my soul to the hand of God that gave it and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried I give devise and dispose of my estate in the following manner and ??? after all my just debts be paid.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved brother Gabriel Newby my ??? which belonged to my father Matthew Jordan.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sister Anne Jordan my Negro woman named Rose and my Negro girl named Sue after my mother’s death.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved mother Patience Newby ten pounds  ??.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sister Mary Clay five shillings sterling.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sister Elizabeth Newby twenty pounds ??.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved brothers Francis Newby, Gabriel Newby, Joseph Newby, & Benj Newby all my wearing apparel to be equally divided amongst them. Also it is my will and desire that my land and my Negro man named Peter and all my other estate to be sold for six months credit. Likewise I desire after my mother’s death that my Negro man named Sam be sold also and all the monies arising from the said estate to be divided as followests.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sisters and brothers — namely Dorothy Skinner, Elizabeth Newby, Gabriel Newby, Benj Newby, Joseph Newby, and Josiah Newby all the money arising from the said estate which is to be sold and equally divided amongst them & is to be sold by my exors– I do nominate and appoint my loving mother Patience Newby, Anne Jordan and John Skinner to be my exex and exors of this my last will and testament and I do by these presents ??? revoke and disavow all and every other will by me before made and no other to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three.

Matthew Jordan   (seal)

Signed in the presence of us as

my last will and testament                       

Robt Jordan          John Hensley

Elizth Carver


July Court 1763. This certifies that the foregoing will was proved in court by the affirmation of Robert Jordan and at the same time appeared Patience Newby, Ann Jordan and John Skinner and qualified as exex and exors according to law.

Test  Miles Harvey  C   Crt

December the 4th 1764  this was the said will recorded according to law.

Miles Harvey   C   Crt


NOTES: Matthew was the son of Matthew Jordan and Patience  Jordan of Isle of Wight County, Virginia. He died without issue. Patience Darden Jordan married 2. Joseph Newby of Perquimans County, North Carolina.


JOHN SANDERS (1777 Will)


 will 25 September 1775; proved April Court 1777

Perquimans County, North Carolina 

In the name of God Amen, I John Sanders of Perquimans County in the Province of North Carolina (Joiner) calling to mind the uncertainty of Time here, am moved to commit to writing my Last Will and testament in manner and form following—

Item,  It is my will and desire that all my just debts be fully satisfyd and paid—

Item,  I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Sanders one Negro woman named Cate and her Increase, one Negro man named Tobey, Two feather beds and furniture, one walnut desk, six walnut chairs, one walnut table, one walnut bofet, my riding chair and harness, and my horse called Jockey, two cows and calves, one yoke of oxen, one cart and wheels, one ox yoke and staple, one bar plow, one weeding plow, one iron chain, one narrow ax, one weeding hoe, two sows and pigs–four ewes and lambs, eight spade sows & barrows, two iron pots and hooks, one pot tramel, three pewter dished, three basons, six plates, six ?? spoons, one loom and harness, six tea cups and saucers, one tea pot, one tea kettle, twelve Delf plates, one pair of iron dogs, one pair of fire tongs, one wollen wheel, one linnen wheel, two flat irons, and a sufficiency of provisions for her self and family untill the usual time of year for laying in yearly provisions–To her & her heirs forever—

Item,  I give and bequeath unto my Son John Sanders all my land and buildings that I am possessed of to him and his heirs of his body lawfully begot forever and for want of such heirs it is my will and desire that my said lands be sold at the discretion of my Executors and the money arising by such sale to be equally divided between such of my daughters and their legal representatives as shall be at that time living— I further give unto my Son John Sanders one Negro named Simon, one Negro boy named Ned, one walnut desk and one walnut bofet, two looking glasses to him and his heirs forever—

Item,  I give all the remaining part of my Estate to be equally divided between my five Daughters  — Mary, Miriam, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Pharaby Sanders to them and their heirs forever—

Lastly, I nominate constitute and appoint my Wife Elizabeth Sanders Executrix and my Brother Benjamin Sanders, and my friend Joshua Skinner and William White, Executors to this my Last Will, revoking all other wills heretofore by me made Ratifying this and no other to be my will In Testimone whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 25th day of September 1775.

John Sanders   seal


Signed sealed & Declard by the said Jno. Sanders to be his will in prescence of

W. Skinner                                                                                                        

John ????                                                                                                                  

Josiah Murdaugh

The words of his Body lawfully begotten,  ___?____  before signed.


Perquimans County    

April Court of Quarter Sessions of the Year 1777

This may certify that the foregoing will of John Sanders, Deac’d  was then and there Exibited into Court & proved by the Oath of William Skinner & at the same time Benjamin Sanders & William White two of the Exectrs  therein named appeared and was qualified agreeable to law.

Certifyd by W.Skinner, Clk

Recorded July 15th by ????
