SILAS DRAPER (1794 Will)

Will of



Perquimans Co, NC

Know all men by these presents that I Silas Draper of the county and presence aforesaid do make and ordain these presents for the disposal of such worthy estate, wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life. To contain my last will and testament in the following manner and form Viz:

1st–I will that all my just debts should be paid out of my estate in due time after my departure.

2nd–I give my son Joseph Draper and son Samuel Draper all my land lying upon the North side of the swamp to be equally divided between them when they come to the age of twenty-one years to them and their heirs forever.

3rd–I give to my son Chalkley Draper and son Jesse Draper all my land upon the South side of the swamp. The East end of it to Chalkley Draper to be equally divided between them according to the value when they come to the age of twenty-one years to them and their heirs forever.

4th–I give all the remaining part of my estate to my beloved wife Mary Draper during her widowhood and after that to be equally divided between my three other sons land, David Draper, Daniel Draper and Benjamin Draper to them and their heirs forever.

Lastly–I make, constitute and appoint my friends first my wife Mary Draper, Joseph Draper, senior, and Martin Willard executors to this my last will and testament and I hereby confirm this to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of the ninth month, one thousand seven hundred and ninty-one.

Silas Draper  (seal)

Signed, sealed, pronounced and declared by the said Silas Draper to be his last will and testament in the presence of

Daniel Willard,

Rachel Hasket (her mark), and

Joseph Draper, Sr.  (his mark).


Perquimans County, Hereford 1794: February term.

The foregoing will of Silas Draper dec and was proven in open court by the app. of Daniel Willard an evidence thereto at the same time. Appeared Joseph Draper and Martin Willard and qualified as each agreeable to law.

Test. M. Haweglele. Recorded the ___ of August 1795. Test. M. Haweglele.


Contributed by Cindy McCachern


THOMAS BELL (1733 Will)

Will of


IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. I, Thomas Bell, of Albemarle County, Gentn., being of Sound and Perfect mind and memory, doe make, Ordaine, constitute and declare these presents to be and contain my last Will and Testiament, hereby revokeing & makeing Null and Void all former and other Wills by me heretofore made or declared.

Imprimis. I give devise and bequeath unto my Cousen, William Bell, and to his Heirs for ever, all my Tract of Land called Matthew’s Point in Perquimains Precinct.

Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my Cousen, Thomas Bele, Son to my Brother, John Bele, and to his Heirs for ever Fifteen Acres of Land out of my Tract of Land joyning on Kendricks Creek, it being the Tract of Land on which I now live, and to be laid out according to the discretion of my Execut’s hereafter named, so as to take in & include the Plantation that is cleared & the House now built at the Back Landing; Also Two hundred Acres of Land more to be laid out by my Executo’s as aforesaid so as to joyne on the deep Runn & Swamp or division between my land and Mr. Cullen Pollocks & so as not to take in or include my Plantation that is Cleared at the deep Runn.

Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my Cousens, Ann & Jane, the Children of my Brother, John Bell, the Sum of Fifty Pounds (the currancy of this Country) to each, to be paid unto them Severaly as they shale arrive to full age or day of Marriage which shall first happen.

Item. It is my Will that my Executs. hereafter named or the survivor of them doe see that out of the profitts annualy arriseing by my Estate, they doe maintain & Educate my Cousins, Thomas, and Anne, Children of my Brother, John, in as handsome and good a manner as may be.

Item. Is my Will that ale the residue of my Estate boath real & personal be and remain unto my Loveing Wife, Elizabeth, dureing her life, and after her dcease unto my Cosen, William Mackey, & his heirs for ever. Provided & be it here- by understood that if my Cousen, William Mackey, shall depart this life before my Wife; or dye without Heirs lawfully begotten by him, that then all my said Estate boath real & Personal be and remain (after the Decease of my Wife) unto my Cousen, Thomas Bell, the Son of my Brother, John Bell & his Heirs for ever.

Item. It is my Will that no Sale be made of any Slaves or Stock, but that my Estate be kept intire as it now is as near as possible dureing ye life of my Loving Wife, Elizabeth, excepting my Sloop which I leave to the discretion of my Executors hereafter named to employ or dispose of as they shall think most proper.

Lastly, I doe make Nominate & appoint my Loveing Wife, Elizabeth, and Loveing Cousen, William Mackey, to be Executrix & Executor of this my Will & Teastiament whome I desire to see all Parts of this my Will performed. In Testimony whereof, I, the said Thomas Bell, have here- unto put my hand & Seale this Eleventh day of December, One thousand, Seven hundred & Thirty three.

                                                                   THOS. BELL. (Seal.)

Signed, Sealed, Published & declared to be my last Will & Testiament (being Interlined, with ye words [after ye Decease of my Wife]) in Presence of us.






CHOWAN, Sc. January Court, 1733. The within Will of Thomas Bell was in Open Court proved by the Oath of William Downing, one of the Subscribing Evidences thereto.

Test. MOSELEY VAIL, Cler. Cur.


Copied from Original Will filed in the Office of the Secretary of State

Contributed by Nola Duffy


WILLIAM BOGE, SR. (1721 Will)

Will of



Perquimans County, NC 

The Last will and testament of William Boge Senr of Perquimons Precinct being sick and weak in body but in perfect mind and memory ITEM I give and bequeath to my well beloved sons William and Josiah my manor plantation whereon I now dwell after the decease of my dear wife Ellender Boge to them and their heirs forever

ITEM I give and bequeth to my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Hill a parcel of land from a branch called the Wolf Pit Branch to the further end of my line Joyning on Richard Chesson and Thomas Pettyjohn to her and her heirs forever

ITEM I give to my well beloved daughter Jean Boge a parcel of land from the Wolf Pit Branch to the _ _ _ _ of the Great Swamp to her and her Heirs forever

ITEM I give and bequeth to my well beloved daughter Myriam Boge a plantation Joyned _ _ this plantation I now dwell on _ _ _ Plantation of Richard Choston Decd. to her and her heirs forever

ITEM I give to my dear wife Ellandor eight calfs & cows

ITEM I give to my grandson William Hill one cow yearling

ITEM I give to my daughter Elizabeth Hill pewter dishes and three porringers

ITEM I give my well beloved son Robert Boge one hundred and twenty two acres of land joyning on William Morgans line to him and his heirs forever

ITEM I give to my daughter Rachel Boge a parcel of land lying on the west side of the Great Swamp Lint to her and her heirs forever

ITEM I give to my dear wife five ewes

ITEM I give to ny sons Josiah and Robert each of them a young heiffer

ITEM I give to my daughter Rachel one young heiffer

Lastly I appoint my son William Boge and my Son-in-law Jacob Hill my full and sole executors to this my last will and testament fufilled this the 20 of December 1720

This will proved in open court on the 11 day of April 1721 by an afformation of Benjamin Mundy & John Moor

Test. Richd Leary Clk


Contributed by Katherine Jordan


PETER DRAPER (1764 Will)

Will of



I, Peter Draper, of Perquimans County in North Carolina being in perfect sense and sound memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth Viz:

First–I recommend my soul to God that gave it me and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Exor hereafter named.

2nd–My will is that my just debts be fully paid and discharged.

3rd–I give to my son Joseph Draper all my land between Thomas Hollowell’s land and the Dunking Pond and from the plum tree branch to the middle of Pine Island to him and his heirs forever.

4th–I give all the rest of my land that is the remainder part of that tract of land both North and South side of the swamp which Thomas Hollowell and I took up to my son Silas Draper, him and his heirs forever.

5th–I give to my son Joseph Draper one brown cow with a white back to receive her when he sees fit to him and his heirs forever and also one sow and two pigs commonly called his and also my long gun to the said Joseph Draper to him and his heirs forever.

6th–I give to my son Silas Draper my short gun to him and his heirs forever.

7th–I give to my son Thos Draper one iron pestle with two iron wedges and one cropcut saw to him and his heirs forever.

8th–I give to my daughter Milicent Draper one featherbed with a trummel bedstead and what furniture belonging thereof–when of age or at the time of marriage to her and her heirs forever.

9th–I give to my well beloved wife Hannah Draper all the remainder part of my etate wheresoever to be found to her and her heirs forever.

Lastly–I do make, ordain and constitute my loving wife Hannah Draper Executrix and my son Joseph Draper Exor to this my last will and testament making void all other wills and testaments by me made heretofore whereunto I have set my hand and seal this 16th day of April 1764.

Peter Draper

Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Thos Hollowell and Cornelius Moor __________________________________

Perquimans County–July Inferior court 1764. Presents his majesty’s justice and this certifies that the within will of Peter Draper dec’s was proved in court by the affirmation of Thos Hollowell and Corenelius Moor and at the same time appeared Hannah Draper and Joseph Draper and were qualified as Exec and Exor according to law.

Test. Miles Harvey C.JS. Crt.

Dec. the 18th, 1764.     Then was the said will recorded.

Miles Harvey C.Js.


Contributed by Cindy McCachern



Will of




IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The 10th. Day of Aprell, in ye year of our Lord, one Thousan, Seven hundred & Twenty nine. I, Thomas Harvey, of ye precinck of perquimens & Province of North Carolina, Gent., Being of perfickt mind & memory, Thanks be to Allmitey God. Thare fore, Calling unto Mind ye Mortality of my Body & knowing yt it is apointed once for all men to Dye, do make & ordain this my last Will & Testement, yt is To Say, Principally & ferst of all, I Recomend my Soul into ye hands of God yt Gave it; & my Body I Recomend to ye Earth to be buread in a Decent & Cristeon maner, at ye Descration of my Exetors. Hareafter named, nothing Doubting but Genarll. Resuration, I shall Receive ye Same aGain by ye Power of Allmitey God; and as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it bath pleased God to bless me with in ys. Life, I Give & Demise & Dispose of ye Same in ye following maner & Forme:

Imprimis. I will & Desire yt as Sune as my Death, all my Just Debts yt in write or Conchinnces I owe To Eney person or persons be Deschard. & payd, with Justes.

Item. I Give to my Dear beloved wife, Elizabeth Harvey, ye one thuerd part of my personell Estate, to be Equally Taken out of ye Hole, both in quantity & Qualety of ye Same, after all my Just Debts are payd. But all Legeaseys to be payd out of ye other Two Thurdes of my Estate.

Item. I Give to my Beloved wife aforesaid, my Negro Man Called Jamey.

Item. I Give To my beloved Wife aforesaid, My Plantation whareon I now Live, dureing her Natrall Life & at hur desse., To be Injoyd by my soun, Thomas Harvey, and his aires for Ever. My Will is, That ye Said Thos. Harvey, shall not be debard or hindread from bulding or leiving on Eney Part of ye Lands so Sune as he Shall arive to ye Age of Twenty one yers, Ye Clear’d land & Dweling house Exceptd.

Item. I Give To my Soun, Thomas Harvey, my Negro Boy, Callead Ned, and my Negro Gall, Called Dinear, to be Injoyd by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I Give to my Soun, John Harvey, my Negro Boy, called Frank, and my Negro Gall, called Marey ann., To be Injoyed by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I give to my Son, Benjn. Harvey, my Negro Boy- Callead Willcock & my Negro Gall Callead Hannah, To be injoyd by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I Give to my Soun, Miles Harvey, my Negro Boy Callead Jack & my Negro Gall Called fates, & my Negro Gall Callead Pegg, To be inJoyed by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I Give To my fore Souns, namely: Thomas, John, Benj’n. & Miles, My fore plantions or Pasealls of Land; To my Soun Thos. Harvey, My Plantion whareon I now live, after his Mothers Desese as above said, To be in Joyd for Ever; To my soup, John Harvey, My Plantion, CaHead ye Quarter, with ye Lands beLoing thare to, To be inJoyd by him & his ares for Ever; To my Son, Bejn. Harvey, my Plantion Called Foleks Pint, with the Lands belonging thareto, To be Injoyd by him & his ares for Ever; To my Soun, Miles Harvey, all my Lands on Chowan River, ling in Rockahock neck, ye lands I Bought of Samuel Woodard, To be InJoyd by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I give to my Brother, Miles Gale, of Boston, in Newengland, one Quarter or forth part of the Slupe Called The two Brothers, whare at this Time I own Three partes & he one.

Item. I Give To Each of Collo. Robad Wests Dafters, which he had by my Sester, Marey Harvey, Namely: Mathe, Sarey & Marcy, one Gold Ring, To Each of them, to ye valey of fortey Shillings Each. And likewise Give to my two Sisters, Elizabeth Clayten, and Penelopy Lettell, Wife of Mr. Willm. Lettell one Gold Ring apes, or fifty Shillings each.

Item. I Give to The Children, or so many of them as is now Living, Belonging to ye Wife of James Settersen, & ye Wife of Willm. Tetterten, fortey Shillings a pese, or to ye Valey of ye Said Money in what my Exceters. hareafter named Shall Tink fitt.

Item. I Give to John Cole, Soun of John Coles, of Nances- mun in Virieny, one tree year old Hores.

Item. I Give to Josway Wherey, Soun of Antoney Wherey, one Bed and Furneture, To ye Valey of Tenn pounds.

Item. I Give to Elizabeth Wherey, Dafter of Antoney Wherey, one feather Bed, To ye Valey of Ten pounds, & Ten pounds in Current Money of North Carolina.

Item. I Give one Hundred Pounds, Current Money of North Carolina, To be Emplid & Lade oute for ye youse & benefett of ye pore & pore Children beloing to ye precinck of Perquimons, Such as are Mentanead by ye paresh Excepted out. But ye money to be Ametadatly Layd out at ye Descretion of my Excetr. hareafter namead, but to ye youse aforesaid.

Item. I Give To Mr. Willm. Lettell of North Carolina, & my Friend, Collo. Edward Moseley, & my Friend, Mr. Thos. Pollock, & To Each of Them, one Gold Ring a pesese to ye Valey of Ten pounds, Currant Money of North Carolina, Each Ring to be purched out of my Estate by my Excetrs. hareafter named.

Item. I Give all ye Rest & Residue of my Estate, Both Reall and Persnall, be it in North Carolina or Eleswhere, be it in wot kind or maner SoEver, To my foure Sounes, namely; Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, Bejn. Harvey, & Miles Harvey, To be Equally Sheard & Devided betwene them & To them & thare ares for Ever. And If Either or Eney of Them shall Diye before thay ARive to ye age of Twenty one Years, that then, & in Such Case, that part of ye Estate as beloingd to ye Desesead, to be Equally Devided among ye Sirvivrs & thare ares for Ever, both rell and persnall. And my will is that the Money ariseing out of my Estate, Either by ye Sale of Good, Hire of Negroes, or by Eney ways or menes wot Ever, To be Emplid in Trade or Lett To Entrest for ye Benefett of my Children after an alownces for thare Edecation.

And Lastly, I do aPint my Brother, Miles Gale, of Boston in Newengland, my Knnsman, Mr. Willm. Lettell, My Friend, Collo. Edward Mosley, Mr. Thos. Pollock, Excters. & my Loving Wife, Elizabeth Harvey, Excetres, of this my Last Will & Testement, To Se it Strickely fullfilld in all its parts, Revocking & disallowing all other will or wills by me mayd, Ratefying & confirming This To be my Last Will & Testament.

In Witness whareof, I Have hareunto Sett my Hand & Sele ye Day & Year above written.

                                                                                                 THOS. HARVEY,   (Seal).

Sind, Seld, Publeshid, pronounced & Declared by the Said Thos. Harvey, To be his Last Will & Testement, in presences of us ye Subskribers:



JOHN WIAT, Jurat. (Seal)

I, The Thomas Harvey, doth further apoint my friend the Honble. John Lovick, Esq., one of my Executors to this my above will, Provided my Kinsman, Mr. William Little is not Capable Of Acting, In the proformance of this my will, and tis my will that my Sd. friend, John Lovick, Esq., have one gold Ring to the Vallue of ten pounds, current money of No. Carolina.


Singd. Seald, and Delivered In presence of:






Memd. That about Three Dayes before his Death The within Mentiond, Thos. Harvey, payd me to take notice that it was his desire that Mr. Lovick shoed Act with the other extrs., notwithstanding the manner of Expression as to Mr. Little’s Illness or incapacity of Acting, mentioned in the Codicil as a condition wch might imply the contrary.


Novbr. 10th, 1729.

Proved This will before me, RICHD. EVERARD.


Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State

Contributed by Nola Duffy



Will of



IN YE NAME OF GOD AMEN, ye Second Day of November, in ye year of our Lord, 1713. I, Humphrey Harrington, of North Carolina, in perquomons Precinct, Black Smith, being very sick & weak in body, but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be Given to God therefore, calling to mind ye mortality of my Body & knowing it is appointed for men once to dye, doe make & ordain this my last will & Testament, that is to say principally & first of all; I Give and recommend my Soul into ye hands of God that gave it, hopeing through ye Merits, Death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ To have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins, & to inherit Everlasting life; And my Body I commit to ye Earth, to be decently buried at ye discretion of my Executrix hereafter named, nothing doubting but at ye Genll. resurrection I Shall receive ye same again by ye mighty power of God; & as touch- ing such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I demise & dispose of ye same in ye following manner & forme, that is to say:

I will that all those debts duties as I doe owe in right or Conscience, To any manner of person, or persons, whatsoever shall be well & truely contented & paid, or ordained to be paid, in Convenient time after my decease, by my Executrix here- after named.

I Give & bequeith unto my daughter, Ann, my Plantation that I now live on, with one hundred and twenty of land, & to ye heirs of Body lawfully begotten, & She to be posesed at ye age of Sixteen years.

I Give & bequeith Unto my daughter in law, Ann Majour one hundred & twenty acres Joying to ye aforesd. Plantation of a Tract of land of 340 Acres, & to ye heirs of her body lawfully begotten.

I give unto Elizabeth Major, whom I have taken to be my wife, whom I likewise Constitute, make & ordaine my onely & Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testamt., by her freely to be posses’d & enjoyed, & I doe hereby utterly disallow, Revoke & disannul all & every other Testaments, will & legaces beqts. & Exts. by me in any ways before this time named, willed & bequeithed, Ratifying & Confirming this & noe other to be my last will & Testament.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal, ye Day & ye year above written.                                                                                          


Signed, Sealed, published, Pronounced & declared bye sd. Humphrery Harrington, as his last will & Testament in ye presents of ye Subscribers, Vizt:



Recorded in Will Book 2, page 18.


Contributed by Nola Duffy 


JOHN FENDALL (1696 Will)

Will of



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I, John Fendall, of Pequimons Prcinct, being very Sick and weake in body tut of perfect mind and memory, God be praysed, doe make and Ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in forme following:

First, I surrender my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker & unto Jesus Christ my only Saviour & redeemer trusting in his merritts and prcious Death to have pardon of all my Sins; & my Body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently Interred according to the Discretion of my Executor; And for the Worldly Estate God bath given me, I bequeath as followeth:

Imprimis. I give unto my Brother, Robert Fendall, all my wearing Cloathes; And all the rest of my Estate whatsoever, be it real or personall, in any kind whatsoever, I give to my loving Wife Elizabeth Fendall, and to her heyrs forever.

And I make & Ordayne my loving Father in Law, Alexander Lillington, Executor of this my last will and Testament. And I revoake all former Wills by me in any wise made.

In wittness whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand & Seal, the Seventeenth Day of December, 1695.                                              


Signed, Sealed, published &

declared (after the word Lillington interlyned) in Presence of:





Att a Court held for the prcinct of Chowan, the first Monday in April, 1696, this will of Capt. John Fendall was proved by the Oathes of Captn. Henderson Walker, Mrs. Ann Walker & John Dix.

                                                                         Attested by NATH. CHOWIN Cler.

No. CAROLINA. The Hono’ble the Palatines Court.

Whereas, Captn. John Fendall, of Pequimons, is Deceased having made by his Last Will and Testament, Major Alexander Lillington, his Exec- utor, a true Coppy whereof is hereunto annexed, These are to impower the said Alexander Lillington, to Enter in and upon all and Singular the Goods & Chattles, Rights and Creditts of the sd. John Fendall, and a True Inventory thereof to return, & within one year after the Date hereof, and the Same to dispose of as by the sd. Will. Dated the Eighth Day of April, 1696.





Recorded in Will Book 1, page 81, Office of the Secretary of State.


Contributed by Nola Duffy

Edited and proofed by Mary Maarbjerg



Will of



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, This first Day of august, Anno, 1726. I, Anthony Hatch, of the precinct of pequimons, in the County of Albemarle and province of North Carolina, Gent., being of Sound Mind & perfect Memory, Doe Declare, make & ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament, Revoking and disannulling & making voyd all & every other Will & Wills by Me at any time heretofore made, in any kind whatsoever, in manner & form following, that is to Say, first and principally I Recomend my Soul into the hand of god almighty, who first gave it, Hoping for Salvation through mercy & the Merrits of Jesus my Saviour; & my Body I Commit to the Earth from whence it was Taken to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hearin after mintioned & appointed; And to what Worldly Estate it has pleased god to bestow upon me (after my Debts & Funeral Expences thereout paid and Sattisfied), I give and bequeath, order and dispose of as follows:

Imprimis, I give & bequeath all that my plantation & Lands thereunto belonging or appertaining, Lying in Neuse, in the County of Bath in the province afforesaid, in as full and ample man as I my Selfe now doe, might or Could hold & enjoy the Same, unto my Two Sons, Edmond Hatch and Lamb Hatch, to he equilly devided between them, to their Heirs and assigns for ever.

Item. I give and bequeath all this my plantation & lands thereunto belonging or appertaining lying in perquimons afore sd. and where I Live, in as full & ample manner as I my Selfe now doe, might or could hold, occupie enjoy the Same, unto my Dear & Loving wife, Elizabeth Hatch, for and During the Term of her Natural Life, and from & after her Decease, I give and bequeath the Same plantation and Lands in Like Manner as afforesaid, unto my Son, Anthony Hatch, his Heires and assigns for Ever.

Item. I order and Direct that all that my moyety or halfe part of a tract or parcel of land lying in Alligator, and by me held in partnership with my brother in Law, George Durant, to be Sold by my Execut’s as soon after my Decease as Conveniently may be, & to the best Advantage, & the Money or Commodities the Same shall be for, to be Devided, Disposed of in the very same manner as the rest of my personal Estate is to be, by this my Last Will & Testament.

Item. I give and bequeath my great Bible unto my Son, Anthony Hatch, after his Mothers Deceases, and it is my Will and Desire and I doe hearby order and direct the Same accordingly, that all my personal Estate in any Kind or Respect whatsoever, belonging unto me at the time of my Decease, shall be equally deviled between my sd. Dear wife, Ellizabeth Hatch, my three Sons, Vizt: Anthony Hatch, Edmond Hatch, & Lamb Hatch, and my Daughter Ellizabeth Hatch, to be and Remain, to them, and their heirs for ever, and her & their proper use and behoof.

And Lastly, I doe nominate, Constitute and appoint my afforesaid Dear & Loving Wife, Ellizabeth Hatch, my true & Loving Brothers in law, Richard Whidbey and George Durant, to be my Executrix and Executors of this my Last Will and Testement.

                                                                                                      ANTHO. HATCH. X

Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced, and declared to be the Last Will & Testament of Anthony Hatch, in presence of:










NORH CAROLINA CS. SR. RICHD EVERARD Barrt. Governor and Ordinary.

The above Will was proved before Me by the Oaths of Thomas Penrice and John Stephens, Evidences thereto, in due form, this 16th. Day of Novr. 1726.

RICHD. EVERARD. __________________________________

Copied from Original Will filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.

Contributed by Nola Duffy


GEORGE DURANT (1693/4 Will)

Will of


Written 1688 – Proved 1693/4

In the name of God, Amen, the ninth day of October 1688. I, George Durant, of the Countie of Albemarle, in the Province of Carolina, Marriner, being in perfect health and memory, thanks bee to Allmighty God for the same, and calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please to call and being desirous to Settle things in order, Doe make this my last will and Testament in Manner and form following. Revoking and Absolutely unwilling by these presents, all and every testament and testaments, will and wills, heretofore by me made and declared, either by word or by writing, notwithstanding any promise to the contrary or clause derogatory in the same, and this to bee taken only for my last will and testament and non other. First, I bequeath my soule to God my maker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my sancifier; and my bodie to the Earth from which it came, to bee buried in such decent and christian manner as to my Executor shall bee fitt and convenient, there to rest untill my body and Soul shall meete again at the Joyfull Resurection; and for my worldly estate I give and bequeath as followeth:

1st. I bequeath to my son John Durant my plantation wheron I now live with the eaquall part of on half of the tract of belonging thereto to him and his Heiyrs male, lawfully begotten of his own bodie for ever, and the other half of the said tract of land I give to my son Thomas Durant, and to his Heiyres male, of his bodie lawfully begotten, forever, and in case of failing of Heiyrs as Aforesaid, that then the of … either of them is … . My will is that my Nephew George Durant, the son of my brother John Durant, of London, Shall enjoy the whole tract of land, to him and his Heiyrs male, of his own body begotten, for ever and for want of such heyers as aforesaid, that then the said plantation and land to fall to Henry Durant, the son of my Brother John Durant aforesaid, and for want of Heyre male as aforesaid in him, then my other nephew John Durant, the sone of my Brother John Durant aforesaid, and his Heyres male as aforesaid, to have hold and enjoy for ever, and for want of Heyers in him I doe give and bequeath my said plantation and tract of land thereto belonging … Rights and priveledge for ever.

2ly. I doe give and grant to my loving wife, An Durant, my Said plantation, with all benefitts and profitts during hir naturall life, without control or any molestation whatsoever, and that all the remainder of my estate be equally divided between my loving wife, An Durant, and my Daughters Sarah, Matytya, Pertyenia and Ann Durant, and likewise I doe here make my loving wife, An Durant, to bee my whole and Sole Executrix to see this my last will performed, leaving her the trust of my Children until they shall come to age or married.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and year first above written.

Geo. Durant (Seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in presence of

John Philpott.

The marke of Francis X Hossten.

The marke of John C. Cully


Proved in Court by the oath of Mr. John Philpott and Mr. Francis Hossten, ye 6th day of Feby 1693/4.

Attested Edward Mayo, Clerk

Recorded ye 26th day of Feby, Anno Do: 1693-4. Edward Mayo, Clerk


Contributed by Donna Cooper


GEORGE EASON, SR. (1774 Will)

Will of



In the Name of God Amen. I George Eason, Senr of Perquimons County in the Province of North Carolina, being weak in body, of a sound & disposing mind and memory. Thanks be to God for the same. But Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die, Do make, constitute and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following to wit

Impremis I give and bequeath to my beloved son Jesse Eason my grist mill with all the appurtanances thereunto belonging to him and his heirs forever I allso give my said son Jesse Eason four Negroes Towil, Legee, Lydda and Hannah to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Moses Eason the sum of Ten Shillings Prov. money which is all I desire he should have of my estate he having received his part already

Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Abner Eason five Negroes to wit, Hagar, Arena, Rose, Robin, and Betty to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved son George Eason one Negro woman named Cherry to him and his heirs forever and five shillings Prov. money and shall be his full part of my estate by reason he has already received it

Item I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter in law Sarah Eason the use of my
Plantation lying on the south side of Basses Swamp during her natural life provided she doth not marry but if she marrieth then it is my will and disire that my grandson Seth Eason should take possession thereof. I also give my daughter in law Sarah Eason the use of two Negroes to wit, Chinea and Jack, during her natural life in case she doth not marry but if she marrys then it is my will and desire that my grandson Seth Eason Take Chinea and my grandson Moses take Jack

Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Seth Eason my plantation lying on the
South side of Basses Swamp after the marriage or death of his mother Sarah Eason to him and his heirs forever I also give my said Grandson Seth Eason one Negroe
fellow called Chinea after the marriage or death of his mother Sarah Eason to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Moses Eason one Negroe fellow called Jack after the marriage or death of his mother Sarah Eason to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter in law Sarah Eason one of my best feather beds with all the furniture thereto belonging to her and her heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Sarah Eason daughter of Moses Eason one Negroe girl named Pashance to her and her heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Racheal Eason daughter of Moses
Eason one Negroe girl named Zilpah to her and her heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath to my grandson George Eason son of Abner Eason one negroe boy named Lewis to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Abraham Eason son of George Eason my riding horse to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Sarah Eason daughter of George
Eason one negro woman called Judah to her and her heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath to my grandson Issac Eason son of George Eason one cow
and calf to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my Granddaughter Betsey Eason daughter of George
Eason one sow and piggs to her and her heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath unto my Grand son John Eason son of George Eason two hives of bees to him and his heirs forever

Item I give and bequeath all the remainder and residue of my estate of every sum
and kind whatsoever to my two sons Jesse Eason and Abner Eason to be equally
divided between I say to them and their heirs forever

Item I nominate constitute and appoint my beloved sons Jesse Eason and Abner Eason joint Executors To this my last will and testament and to see the same fully accomplished and complies with Hereby revoking disamuling and utterly making void all other and form or wills by me made Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed my seal this Twelfth day of May ammo domini 1774

(his mark) George Eason

Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence if us
Wilr. King
Demsey Eason
Thos Small


Contributed by Tammy G. Tyner
