• Phillip Perry emigrated to Va, and settled in Isle of Wight Co, where he acquired large land holdings. He was uncle of Micajah Perry, London Merchant; who died 1721. The will of Phillip Perry was p in Isle of Wight Co Va, Oct 9, 1669, at which time he gave his age as 70 years. His will names sons: Phillip, & John, “under age” wife Grace. John son of Phillip Perry, conveyed a place called “Whitemarsh” to Col Joseph Bridger, 1673 (Isle of Wight Records). John Perry of “Upper pish of Nansemun Co Vir” for 5000 lbs of Tob, pd by Col Nathaniel Bacon, sold 70a in Lower pish of Isle of Wight Co” May 26, 1675. June 7, 1675, Elizabeth Perry acknowledged her dower to sd land. Phillip Perry had other sons, than Phillip, & John. These sons: James, Jacob, & Joseph, all moved to N. C. James to Chowan, where he made a deed to his brother John Perry of Nansemond Co Va, with consent of wife Patience, land on “Middle Swamp.” As Middle Swamp is in what is now Gates Co, then a part of Chowan, it seems certain that this conveyance was in the last named county. Jacob Perry witnessed this deed. The will of Timothy Clare is authority for the fact that said Jacob Perry, m Hepzibath dau of said Clare (step-daughter) and it is thought, but not proven that she was a dau of his 2d wife Elizabeth—(maiden name unknown). All of the children of Timothy Clare are placed without doubt, but Hepzibeth, and she is not named in the last clause of his will. His children were by the first wife Mary Bundy, & the last one Hannah, by Hannah née Larance (widow of Israel Snelling). Therefore it seems evident that Hepzibeth Perry was not his blood child.
  • Among emigrants to Va in “Bonaventure” Jan 1634, are found Thomas Perry, age 34, Dorothy Perry age 36, Ben Perry age 4. (Hotten.)
  • Benjamin Perry Sr, died Mch 11, 1788. Hannah Perry, widow of Benjamin, died Nov —, 1791.
  • Benjamin Perry Jr (s of Benjamin, & Susan) died Jan 10, 1784. The elder Benjamin Perry was a brother of Micajah, wealthy commission merchant of London. Both Benjamin and Phillip’s descendants migrated to Perq Co, at quite an early date. The Tithe, and Tax List in this county show where they lived, and in some cases how much land they owned. Micajah Lowe in his will, 1703, mentions his uncle Micajah Perry of London, who in his will 1721 names “sister Elizabeth Evens,” dau Sarah Perry, with her two sons (not named). The Elizabeth Evens here named may have been, wife of Richard Eivens of Perq, who died 1693, naming wife Elizabeth.
  • Judith, & Thomas Perry are named in the will of Francis West of Nansemond Co, Va, 1715. She m Abram Hill of said County, and they moved to N. C. They sold to John Perry of Bertie Co, 100a, 1756, and to Josiah Granbery land in same Co, which is now situated in Hertford Co. Several of the children of Phillip Perry moved to Perq, as did also some of his brothers. His gr-son Phillip died in Perq 1751, and names in his will, sons: Jesse, & Phillip, brothers John, Joseph & Jacob. He left to son Jesse “land on Little River” and to Phillip “plantation whereon I now live.” dau’s: Sarah, Mary, Rachel, Jude, Elizabeth, and Miriam. Jacob (son of Jacob) is made Exor. Witnessed by Benjamin, & Elizabeth Perry.
  • Jacob Perry Sr (s of Benjamin, & Susan) was brother of Benjamin Perry II. Died 1790, will probated July of said year. He names wife Mary, sons: Miles, Lawrence and Benjamin, Dau’s: Hepsebeth, Sarah, & Mary Perry, Maria Bunch, and gr-dau Priscilla Perry (d of Leah). Test’ Jacob, & Jos. Riddick, Benj Perry.
  • Perry, Benjamin (3) m Millicent Riddick, Dec 13, 1785, issue: 1 Mary, b Oct 26, 1786—2 Thomas, b Jan 27, 1789—3 James, b Aug 13, 1792—4 Joseph, b Aug 20, 1796—5 Christian, b Dec 20, 1798.
  • Perry, Israel (s of John & wife Mary, gr-son of Phillip Sr), died in Perq county 1779, will p May 27, 1779. Sons: Josiah, Israel, John Cader, & Jacob, Dau’s: Millicent, Ruth, Rachel, & Ann Perry, dau Priscilla Twine. Wife (not named). His brother Phillip, & Thomas Twine were Exrs. Of these children; Ruth, m Micajah Hill of Perq, May 12, 1763. Rachel, m Richard Skinner, Dec 11, 1770. Priscilla, m Thomas Twine.
  • Perry, Jacob (s of John, & Mary, brother of Israel, & Phillip) will Perq, p Oct 1777. Sons: Jacob, Israel, & Reuben, dau Priscilla Welch (wife of Dempsey) dau Hepzibah Stallings (wife of Hardy) dau Ann Winslow (wife of Caleb) sons Dempsey, and John, gr-son Isaac Wilson (s of Isaac) wife Ann.
  • Joseph Perry of Perq died 1801. Jesse Perry the same year.
  • Perry, Jesse (s of Israel) m Elizabeth Linder. His will Perq p Nov 1801, names sons: Benjamin, John, Josiah, William, & Robert, dau’s: Margaret, Christian, Martha, Sally, Asenith, wife Elizabeth, Leg: Mary, Elizabeth, & Millicent Nicholson. Of these children: Sally m 1790 Lemuel Weeks, & had John, James, Hugh, Polly (who m Cornelius Raper) another dau m — Benton. Nancy, James, & Hugh died unmarried.


  • Perry, Mary, m William Hollowell, July 6, 1778. (From Judge Benj B. Winbourne’s book, on the Perry family.)
  • Perry, Reuben, m Elizabeth Pearson, Jan 18, 1780.
  • Perry, Amos, m his cousin, Elizabeth Perry, Feb 10, 1783.
  • Perry, Elizabeth, m Thomas Stanton, Aug 28, 1784.
  • Perry, Israel Jr, m Miriam Hollowell, Apl 4, 1785.
  • Perry, Seth, m Mary Riddick, Dec 29, 1785.
  • Perry, Susannah, m Moses Howard, June 2, 1790.
  • Perry, Sarah, m Leverne Garriss, Dec 27, 1791 (d of Jacob Sr).
  • Perry, Jacob, m Ruth Chappell, Jan 11, 1791.
  • Perry, Josiah (s of Israel Sr, & wife Priscilla) b in Perq Co, Nov 19, 1741, m Elizabeth Twine (d of John, & Pleasant) lived in Pasq county, and was a lawyer of note, moving from that county to Bertie, where he m 2d — Freeman. Marriage bonds Perq Co.
  • Perry, Reuben, m Dorcas Chappell, Jan 11, 1791. (2d marriage.)
  • Perry, William, m Ferebe White, Apl 21, 1791.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Peter Pearson, who came to Va from Cumberland, England, about 1701, presented a letter from Friends at Pardshow Cragg, said county, to the Mo Meeting in Isle of Wight Co Va, setting forth the fact that “Peter Pearson the bearer thereof, who hath in Mind to remove to America, is descended of Honest Parents, who hath been Serviceable Among us, and we are Loath to part with him, who has been of Blameless Conversation.” (Reg of Friends, Pagan Creek)
  • The records in Isle of Wight do not disclose a person of this name before this date. A John Person appears at an early date in the county, with wife Frances, who was dau of William Miles. They had a son John Jr, who m Mary Partedg (d of Thomas of Sirry (Surry) Co, 10, 1mo 1692. This person may have been a Pearson, & like so many on old records, spelled first one way, & then another, but there is nothing to prove this statement. Of Peter Pearson we are sure, and also the time he was living in Isle of Wight. He probably remained a very short time in that county, and it is thought he married there Rachel — as no mention of his marriage can be found in Perq, although the Quaker records may hold some information, if they were only available. He appears to have been affiliated with Lower Mo Meeting in Nansemond Co, in 1700, and moved to Perq soon after, and as a consequence has no further mention on the Chuckatuck Reg.
  • Pearson, Peter (1) will Perq Co, p Apl 21, 1735, names sons: Jonathan, Nathan, Peter, John, & Bailey, dau’s Rachel, & Mary. His wife is not named, but she survived him 15 years. Rachel Pearson “Exhibited the will of her dec’d husband Peter Pearson, in Court, 1735. (Loose papers, in Perq Co.) The sons: Nathan, & Bailey, are thought to be sons by a former wife as Rachel does not name them in her will. Of course they may have died between the date of his will (1735, 1750) and the time she made her will. Nathan Pearson’s name appears on Tithe List Perq Co 1741.
  • (2) Pearson, Jonathan (1) Peter (1) m Rebecca Elliott, 4, 6mo 1745 (in Perq Co) issue: 1 dau — m Peacock, 2 dau —, Coley, 3 Mark, m Elizabeth Lamb (d of William, & Mary (Newby) Lamb) had issue: 1 William, married Elizabeth Chance (Chancey)—2 Rebecca, m Benoni Bentley—3 John, m Hannah — —4 Isaac—5 Elizabeth, m — Chance. (All moved to Ohio.) Jonathan, m 2d Sarah Bundy Oct — 1765 issue: 4 Elizabeth, b 15, 7mo 1767, m Richard Ratcliff 22, 2mo 1784 in Wayne Co (Contentnea Mo Meeting) died 22, 5mo 1839 in Henry Co Indiana, issue: 1 Anna, b 3, 4mo 1786, m William Maudlin (s of John, & Ann)—2 Joseph, b 8, 3mo 1788, m Rebecca Lamb—3 Jonathan, b 2, 8mo 1791, m Sarah Palmer—4 Nathan, b 9, 6, 1793, m Lydia Palmer—5 Richard, b 8, 11mo 1796, m Catherine Bailey—6 Mary, b 22, 8mo 1799, m John Elliott—7 Gabriel, b 8, 5, 1802, m Catherime Pearson—8 Elizabeth, b 11, 10, 1805, m Exum Pearson.
  • (3) Pearson, Mark (1) Jonathan (1) Peter (1) m Elizabeth Lamb 6, 3mo 1772 (issue above).
  • (3) Pearson, Ichabod (1) Jonathan (1) Peter (1) m Miriam Lamb (sister of his brother Marks wife) —, 9mo 1774, issue: 1 Ichabod (2), b — 1777, d 1845, m Elizabeth Bradbury—2 Abraham, m Senna Lamb—3 Barney—4 Job—5 Rhoda, m John Collyer—5 Margaret, b — 1788, m Samuel Collier—6 Huldah, m Jesse Maudlin (s of John, & Ann (Newby) Maudlin)—7 Jonathan—8 William, b 22, 9mo 1790, d in Iowa, m Katherine Pickrell.
  • (3) Pearson, Jonathan (2) Jonathan (1) Peter (1), m Sarah Peele —, 8mo 1780, Contentnea Wayne Co N. C.
  • (3) Pearson, Rhoda (dau of Jonathan, & Rebecca (Elliott) b —, 4mo 1750, m Reuben Peele (s of Josiah) —, 11 mo 1778, d 11, 24 1833, in Clinton Co Ohio—issue: Jecovey (Howard) Peele.
  • (3) Pearson, Nathan (1) Jonathan (1) Peter (1), b 10, 28, 1770, m Hulda Lamb (d of Jacob, & Sarah) 6, 12, 1807, in Randolph Co N. C., d 11, 13, 1845, in Henry Co Indiana.
  • (3) Pearson, Sarah, Jonathan (1) m Exum Elliott, 19, 3mo 1788 (s of Jacob, & Zilpha) d in Randolph Co N. C. 8, 7, 1788.
  • (II) Pearson, Peter (2) Peter (1) m — Newby, 10, 3, 1746, and was “disowned for marrying out of discipline,” issue: (according to his will p April 1755) sons: Jonathan, Nathan, Peter (3), dau’s: Rachel, Mary, Elizabeth. He moved with his family to Wayne Co, from there to Guilford, and from that Co, to the North-West. (Untraced.)
  • (II) Pearson, John (1) Peter (1), m Elizabeth Croxton (d of Arthur) by “consent of Mo Meeting,” 11, 3, 1738. He died intestate, in Perq Co before June 7, 1760, on which date his widow Elizabeth was made Admx. “Elizabeth Pearson widow.”
  • Peter Pearson petitioned the Court Apl 1766, to be appointed Guardian, for her children: Joseph, Sarah, Eleazer. Peter Pearson appears as guardian of Sarah, Jan 21, 1771, & Enoch Jessop as guardian of Eleazer. (Loose papers, in Perq.)
  • A Sarah Pearson was dec’d April 17, 1758, John Pearson Ex.
  • Robert Jordon made a dep’ in Surry Co Va, Mar 21, 1758, that “he had known John Pearson for 26 years.”
  • Pearson, Rachel (d of Peter (1) m Robert Bogue (s of Lydia, widow) 8 —, 1738, & had it is thought a dau Lydia, who m Joseph Draper, —, 8mo 1766, and probably other children.
  • (II) Pearson, Mary, m John Winslow (s of Thomas, & Elizabeth (Clare) Winslow) 2, 9mo 1740. John Winslow died 1754, when Mary m 2d Joshua Morris, s of Aaron & Mary. (See Winslow, for their issue.)
  • (II) Pearson, Elizabeth (posthumous child) m William Bagley,—5mo 1747, issue: 1 John, b 4, 8, 1749—2 Nathan, b 22, 1mo 1751, m Mary Low (d of George, & Tamer) —, 8mo 1776—3 Ephrim, b 21, 1mo 1752. “Disowned for marrying out of Meeting.” 1802.
  • Pearson, Nathan, (no parents given) m Rebeckah Nicholson (relict of Joseph) at Symons Creek, 26, 12mo 1773, issue: 1 Sarah, b 6, 1mo 1775—2 Anna, b 21, 12mo 1779—3 Huldah, b 4, 8mo 1784, d 22, 9mo 1786. Nathan Pearson with his family moved to Back Creek, Randolph Co N. C. 20, 12mo 1794. Anna his dau, m Stephen Henley, 29, 7mo 1798. Sarah m Benjamin Hill, 1, 8, 1794, d 12, 1, 1794.
  • Pearson, Nathan, (s of Peter dec’d of Wayne Co N. C.) m Mary Bailey (d of John, of Randolph Co) 3, 7mo 1796, issue: 1 Peter—2 John—3 Ann—4 Levi—5 Catherine—6 Bailey—7 Stanton—8 Elliott. Most of these moved with the Quaker emigration, to the Northwest Territory, where slavery could not go. Nathan Pearson of the Contentnea Meeting was certainly a son of Peter Pearson Jr. It is thought that Nathan who m widow Nicholson, was a gr-son of Peter Pearson Sr, but no proof is to be found.
  • Pearson, Joseph, of Perq, will p Jan 1785, d. s. p. Names Heliot Elliott, & Caleb White Exrs. (Untraced.)
  • Pearson, Eleazer, Will Perq, p May 1795, wife Barsheba, child is esse, daughters; (not named) Caleb Elliott, & Reuben Perry Exrs.

(I am indebted to Mrs. J. E. McMullen of Ada Ohio, for above data.)

  • Pearson, William (no father named), lived in Piney Woods District, where he paid tax on 60a of land, on East side of Perq River, 1774. He m Miriam Evans (d of Robert), before Dec — 1773. She is named in the division of the Estate of said Robert Evans, May 1777. William Pearson will Perq, p Feb 1807, names son Peter, dau’s: Miriam, Lillia, Elizabeth, & Esther Pearson, & Peninah Elliott, wife Miriam, & Thomas White Exrs.

Marriages from Quaker Records

  • Sarah Pearson (d of Peter) m Joseph Lacey, Sept —, 1757.
  • Mary Pearson (d of Peter) m Enoch Jessop, April —, 1765.
  • Rachel Pearson (d of Peter) m Samuel Newby, Mar —, 1766.
  • Mary Pearson (d of Peter) m John Moore, Nov —, 1769.
  • Ruth Pearson (d of Peter) m Robert Wilson, Dec —, 1770.
  • Peninah Pearson (d of William) m Thomas Elliott (s of Pritlow) April 1, 1796.
  • Peter Pearson (s of William) m Ann Morgan, Oct —, 1763.
  • Levi Pearson (s of William) m Elizabeth Bogue, Oct —, 1776.
  • Rebecca Nicholson (widow) was b June 30, 1743, m 1st John Lane, 2d Joseph Nicholson, 3d Nathan Pearson, all of Perq.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  •  Zachariah (1) Nixon (s of Zachariah, of Nottingham, Parish of North Masrom, Eng) m in Perq Co, Elizabeth Page (d of Hask? or Mark Page dec’d, of Albemarle) “according to Quaker rites, 2, 1mo 1681,” issue: 1 Damaris, b 8, 6mo 1682—2 Zacharias, b 22, 3 mo 1684—3 Barnabe, b 21, 11mo 1687—4 Francis,? b 20, 8mo 1689. (Quaker Record Pasq Co.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah, took up 323a of land in Pasquotank Co, 1684 on N. E. side of Little River, “adj lands where Wm Turner now dwells, running to the mouth of said River.” Zachariah Nixon, “dying intestate, his son Zachariah surviving him, inherited said land, and cultivated it for several years, who dying bequeathed same to his sons: Zachariah, & Barnabee” the first made choice of that part adj Wm Turner, and Barnabee the part near the main Road, running to the old School House.” Zachariah “moving” sold his part 152½a at public vendue, for £100, after having laid out part thereof, in half acre lots, for a Town-ship, and the rest for a common, known by the name of Nixonton, formerly called Wind Mill Point.” 9, 5mo 1748. (Records Pasq Co, N. C.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah (1), died 3, 12mo 1691. Mary Page “Laid down the body,” 4, 5mo 1680.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (3) had a grt for land in Perq county, Jan 21, 1712/3, 105a “in the fork of Little River, adj John Tomlin.” Another grt in Chowan Co, 110a “in the fork of Coniby Creek Swamp, adj Edward Moseley.” Xber 21, 1712.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, of Perq Co sold to Aaron Morris of Pasq “two half acre lotts, in Nixonton, on Water Street, adj Jos Newby Jr, con’ £38.” July 9, 1748.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, of Perquimans (Planter) and Elizabeth his wife, conveyed to Wm Simpson of Nixonton (Merchant) for “£15-10s, ½a lot in said Town, on the South end, near the Ship-yard.” Oct 6, 1750. (Records Pasq Co, N. C.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah (3), m Elizabeth Symons (d of Thomas, & Rebecca) “at a Meeting at Symons Creek, Pasq Co” 11, 1mo 1707/8, issue: 1 John, b 18, 10mo 1708—2 Phineas, b 7, 1mo 1710—3 Zacharias (4), b 15, 4 mo 1713—4 Rebeckah, b 11, 6mo 1715—(m Francis Toms Jr)—5 Mary, b 25, 6mo 1717—6 Hannah Newby, b —, 1mo 1718—7 Elizabeth, b 23, 4mo 1720—8 Barnabe (2), b 28, 3mo 1724.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, (s of Zachariah) “father of above children,” b 22, 3mo 1684, died 12, 8mo 1739. (Quaker Records Perq Co.) His will, p in Perq Oct 1739, names sons: John, Phineas, Zachariah, & Barnaby, dau Rebecca Toms, gr-children: Joshua, & Mary Moore.
  • Nixon, Barnaby (1), appears to have moved to Va, and lived in Prince George Co.
  • Nixon, John (1), m 1st Elizabeth (d of Gabriel Newby, & Mary née Toms) issue: Elizabeth, b 29, 4mo 1733. He m for his 2d wife, Mary (d of Wm Enervigin) 4, 1mo 1736, issue: 2 Miriam, b 16, 11mo 1736. Mary Nixon, wife of John, died 12, 10mo 1738. By the 3rd wife (name unknown) 3 Zachariah, b 20, 8mo 1744—4 Huldah, b 2, 11mo 1746—5 John, b 20, 5mo 1748—6 Ezra, b 17, 12mo 1751, d 14, 12mo 1773. John Nixon m 4th Hannah Albertson (d of Nathaniel, b 18, 2mo 1719) 10, 3mo 1753, issue; 7 Mary, b 10, 12mo 1753—8 Lidda, b 14, 3mo 1756, d 12, 11mo 1767—9 Frederick, & Abigall (twins), b 4, 11mo 1758. Hannah Nixon d 18, 2mo 1793.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (5), (s of John) m Mary White (d of John) 15, 9mo 1771, issue: 1 John (2), b 23, 10mo 1772—2 Margaret, b 8, 10mo 1775—3 Zachariah (6), b 10, 3mo 1778—4 William, b 5, 1mo 1781—5 Benjamin, b 19, 8mo 1784—6 Frederick, b 23, 7mo 1791—Sarah, b 14, 7mo 1786—7 Ann Skinner Nixon, b 15, 8mo 1794.
  • Nixon, Frederick, died 6, 9mo 1793; Sarah, his sister, d 16, 9mo 1793.
  • Nixon, Phineas, (s of Zachariah, & Elizabeth Symons) m Mary Pierce (d of Thomas, & Mary née Jones, d of Peter, & Mary Jones) issue: 1 Elizabeth, b 18, 12mo 1731/2—2 Mary, b 9, 7mo 1734—3 Rebeckah, b 27, 4mo 1741—Thomas, b 12, 2mo 1745—Sarah, b 17, 12mo 1756/7. Phineas Nixon “an Elder departed this Life” 28, 12mo 1771. His will p in Perq, Mch 11, 1772, names sons: Pierce, Barnaby, & Phineas, gr-sons: Nathan, & Phineas (sons of Thomas) dau-in-law Sarah Nixon, wife Mary, dau’s Rebecca Arnold, Sarah Albertson (wife of Benjamin), Elizabeth Lamb, Jemima, Hannah, & Kesiah Nixon, children of Mary Elliott; viz., Gabriel, Miriam, & Nixon Elliott.
  • Nixon, Thomas, (s of Phineas) m Sarah Smith (d of John) 13, 3mo 1768, issue: 1 Nathan, b 11 5mo 1769—2 Phineas (3), b 28, 11mo 1770. Thomas Nixon (s of Phineas) died 2, 11mo 1771, age 27 years.
  • Nixon, Pierce, (s of Phineas) m Penninah Smith (d of John) 16, 12mo 1770, issue: 1 Joseph, b 15, 10mo 1771—2 Rachel, b 1, 12mo 1773—3 Thomas (2), b 30, 1mo 1776—4 Mary, b 27, 2mo 1779—5 William, b 26, 10mo 1781—6 Jacob, b 28, 2mo 1784.
  • Nixon, Peninah “departed this Life” 17, 5mo 1787.
  • Nixon, Phineas, (s of Thomas dec’d) m Miriam Jones (d of Joseph) 13, 10mo 1808, his will probated in Perq, Aug 1813. Wife Miriam, child in ésse; other Leg: Abigail, Charles, Mary Nicholson (d of Thomas), Huldah Bundy (d of Josiah Jr). George, & Josiah Bundy Exrs.
  • Nixon, Nathan, (eldest s of Thomas, & Sarah (Smith) ) m Lydia Anderson 6, 3mo 1793, “at Welles Meeting house” issue: 1 Thomas, b 23, 1mo 1794—2 Lydia, b 29, 1mo 1797. He m 2d Margaret Bagley (d of Nathan) 14, 6mo 1798, issue: 3 Sarah, b 13, 9mo 1800—4 Phineas, b 2, 14mo 1803. His will p in Perq, Feb 1810. Wife Margaret, son John, Dau’s: Sarah, & Pheribe Nixon. Brother Phineas, & Francis White Exrs.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (6), m Martha Toms (d of Foster) 8, 5mo 1793, issue: 1 Joseph, b 12, 9mo 1794—2 Foster, b 7, 10mo 1796—3 Mary, b 21, 11mo 1798—4 Zachariah, b 16, 9mo 1800, d 7, 7mo 1806—5 John, b 22, 5mo 1803—6 Sarah, b 20, 12mo 1805, d 18, 7mo 1806—7 Toms Nixon, b 14, 5mo 1807—8 Elizabeth, b 27, 7mo 1811.
  • Nixon, Barnabe, (son of Zachariah, & Elizabeth (Symons) ) b 28, 3mo 1724, m Sarah Newby, “at Symons Creek,” 1, 1mo 1753.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, (s of Zachariah, & Elizabeth Symons, b 1713) m Elizabeth Nicholson, June 10, 1734, issue: Francis, b 2, 2mo 1735—2 Mehetebell, b 15, 11mo 1738—3 Zachery, b 10, 10mo 1741. He seems to have died intestate. The will of his wife Elizabeth, is however probated in Perq, July 1769. She names son Francis; gr-children: Joseph Nixon, Zachariah, Miriam, Caroline, Christopher, & Samuel Nicholson; Margaret, Miriam, Jonathan, Mourning, & Elizabeth Newby; gr-sons: Zachariah Newby, & Jonathan Phelps, gr-dau Elizabeth Winslow, Benjamin Phelps, Dorothy Phelps, Mourning Henley & Elizabeth Toms. Sons: Zachariah, & Francis Exrs.
  • Nixon, Francis (1), m Kesiah Pierce (d of Thomas, & sister of Mary wife of Phineas Nixon). She was a widow Newby when he married her about 1760. (Kesiah m 3d Samuel Pritlow.) His will p in Perq, Jan 1773. Wife Keziah, her former husband Nathan Newby (2) sons: John, James, Samuel, & Thomas.
  • Nixon, Samuel (1), will p in Perq, Nov 1815, Wife Sarah, daus: Elizabeth Copeland, Margaret, Sarah, Peninah, Mary, Ann, Kesia, & Martha Nixon, sons: Samuel, Francis, brother Wm Jones, son-in-law Henry Copeland Exrs.
  • Nixon, John, (s of Nathan dec’d) m Anna Henby (d of Thomas) 9, 4mo, 1815.
  • Nixon, Samuel (2), m Rachel Copeland, 2, 1mo 1793. (Wells Mo Meeting, Perq Co.
  • Nixon, John, m Ann Morris (Intention) 20, 9mo 1794. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • Nixon, James, m Sarah Robinson, 17, 10mo 1795. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • Nixon, John, was made an Elder in Quaker Meeting Pasq Co, 15, 2mo 1786.
  • Nixon, John, removed to “Wain Co N. C.” and was given a certificate from the meeting in Pasq county, to “Contentnea Meeting” in Wayne Co, with children: Lydia, Sarah, Dorothy, Thomas, Josiah, & Mary, 1790.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


William Nicholson, weaver; of Nor’wch Norfolk Co England, embarked for Boston, Apl 8, 1637, age 33; with wife Anne, age 28, & children, Nicho, Robartt, Elizabeth, & Anne. (Hotten.)

*Christopher Nicholson emigrant to Perq Co, N. C., m before coming to Albemarle Hannah Rednap, issue: 1 Christopher (2)—2 Deliverance, m

*Edmund Nicholson, & wife Elizabeth came to New England from Bootle, Cumberland Co England. He died in Marblehead Mass, 1660. Issue: Christopher, b 1638, m Hannah Rednap (d of Joseph, who moved to Perq Co N. C. very early). 2 Joseph, b 1640—3 Samuel, b 1644—4 John, b 1646—5 Elizabeth, b 1649, m Nicholas Anderson—6 Thomas, b 1653. (New England Hist & Genealogical Reg.) See issue of Christopher, above Joseph Sutton (s of George & Sarah) Jan 1 — —3 Samuell, b Mar 12, 1665—4 Hannah, b Mch 4, 1667—5 Joseph, b Sept 28, 1670—6 John, b Dec 17, 1671—7 Nathaniell, b Jany 7, 1675. The ages of Christopher, & Deliverance are not given in the Reg.) 

  • Nicholson, Hannah, wife of Christopher, d Dec 2, 1678.
  • Nicholson, Christopher (s of Edmund), m 2d Ann Atwood (d of Thomas, of Middlesex,” in ould England) Aprill 11, 1680, issue: 8 Elizabeth, b Jan 13, 168— d Sept 11, 1682—9 Sarah, b Aug 5, 1682—10 Thomas, b Feb 7, 1687—11 Ann, b Feb 8, 1689.
  • Nicholson, Christopher, died Sept 10, 1688. Ann “Relict of Christopher” m 2d Richard Dorman, June 26, 1690, issue: Hannah Dorman, b Mar 30, 1695.
  • Nicholson, Christopher, the elder, seems to have died intestate.
  • Nicholson, Deliverance, issue can be found chronicled in the Sutton record.
  • Nicholson, Samuel, m Elizabeth Charles, at Quarterly Meeting, Dec 16, 1688 (d of Wm & Abigail Charles, b Jany 8, 167—) issue: 1 Abygall, b Sept 24, 1689—2 Hannah, b Aprill 9, 1692—3 Ida, b Nov 10, 1694—4 Elizabeth, b Jan 15, 1697.
  • The will of Samuel Nicholson, p in Perq Mar 22, 1728, names dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, son-in-law John Anderson, wife Elizabeth. Samuel Nicholson, d Mar 29, 1727. His wife Elizabeth, m 2d Zachariah Nixon (2). Her Will Perq, p Jan 1748, names, son-in-law John Anderson, Dau’s Elizabeth Anderson, & Sarah Jones, gr-sons: Samuel, John, & Joseph Anderson, gr-dau Sarah Anderson.
  • Nicholson, Hannah (d of Christopher, & Hannah, b Mch 4, 1667, m Ezekiel Maudlin (1).
  • Nicholson, Christopher (2) m Mary (s of Christopher, & Hannah) issue: 1 Thomas, b June 1, 1715 (loose paper) 2 Mary, b Nov 1, 1717—3 Ann, b Feby 20, 1719. His will p in Perq, July 23, 1723. Son: Thomas, dau’s Miriam, Dabora, Mary & Ann; wife Mary & brother Samuel Exrs.
  • Nicholson, Joseph (s of Christopher, & Hannah) m Hannah Albertson (d of Albert, & Mary, née Gosbey) b Dec 11, 1675, d Jan 2, 1695—m 7, 4mo 1693, issue: Sarah, b Dec 5, 1694. (According to the old Roman calendar.)
  • Nicholson, Joseph, will Perq, p Jan 1698, made bequest to his brother John, “his plantation on Perq River,” other brothers named; Benjamin, Samuel, Nathaniel, & Christopher. (According to this will his dau Sarah, & wife were both dec’d.)
  • Nicholson, Nathaniel, (s of Christopher, & Hannah) b 1675, m Sarah Harris (d of John, s of Thomas Harris (first Clerk of Perq) & wife Diana) issue: 1 Nathan, b Nov 22, 1716—2 Samuel, b Nov 26, 1722—3 Jonathan, b June 27, 1730. His will Perq, p July 1737, names only one son; Jonathan, to whom he bequeathed his “plantation” dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, wife Sarah.
  • Nicholson, John (son of Christopher, & Hannah) b 1671, m Priscilla Toms (d of Francis, & wife Pershillah) Nov 20, 1700. He d June 19, 1718. The division of his Est, April 14, 1719, gives his heirs: d Elizabeth, d Mary, s Samuel, wife Pershillah (who m 2d John Kinsey). Nicholson, Thomas, (s of Christopher (2) m Mary — issue: 1 Christopher (3), b Feby 20, 1733—2 Joseph, b Apl 15, 1736—3 Mariah, b May 12, 1738—4 Nicholas, b June 7, 1741—5 Mary, b June 3, 1744—6 Caroline, b Aug 21, 1748—7 Margaret, b Jany 1, 1752—8 Thomas (s of Thomas, & Sarah) b Feby 26, 1774.
  • Nicholson, Thomas, m Mary Griffin, 7, 6mo 1780. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Thomas, m Sarah White, 3, 9mo 1796. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Margaret, (d of Thomas) m Aaron Morris (s of Aaron) 30, 11mo, 1768. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Samuel (husband of Elizabeth) d 29 — 1727. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Joseph, son of Elizabeth, d 10, 1mo 1727. (Quaker records.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Henry Newby was transported to Va in Thomas, & John Jan 6, 1635. William Newby came from London to New England in Mary, & John Mar 24, 1633, age 24. (Hotten.) The records of Nansemond Co Va show that William Newby was a resident of said county 13, 10mo 1684, being at that date a member of “Chuckatuck” Mo Meeting, where he is found as a witness to a marriage, with wife Izabell. As neither of his three sons, had a wife by that name, and the name of Isobel came down in the family for several generations, among his descendants, it seems natural to suppose that this “Izabell” was William Newby’s wife. His sons named on Chuckatuck Reg, were Gabriel, who was the first to migrate to Perquimans, Nathan a Quaker minister about 1707, and Thomas, who is not named on the said Register, but is named in his brother Nathan Newby’s will, in Perq. From the records in Perq, it seems that Thomas remained in Isle of Wight Co Va, where his son (presumably) m Mary Pretlow. (Thomas 2.)
  • Thomas Newby is often called on the records in Perq, “Thomas Newby of Va.”
  • Newby, William (1) and wife Izabell, had issue: 1 Gabriel, b — 1659, d—, 12mo 1735, m Mary Toms (d of Francis, & Pershillah) b April 27, 1670, married 10, 2mo 1689, issue: I William, b 13, 1mo 1690, m 1st Jean Bier (widow of Richard, née Loadman) July 3, 1701, m 2d Ann —? and had one son William, born after his death, about 1720. (See deeds in Perq.)
  • Newby, Edward (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b 12, 10mo 1691. d. s. p. Will Perq Co, Aug 6, 1717, names father Gabriel, and brother William Newby.
  • Newby, Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b 7, 9mo 1693, m Elizabeth Nixon (d of Zachariah, & Elizabeth, of Little River) “at Little River meeting house” 9, 11mo 1715, m 2d Mary (widow of Edward Mayo née Clare d of Timothy).
  • Newby, Francis (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b 3, 11mo 1695, m Huldah Hunnicutt (d of Robert, & Margaret née Wyke, d of Peter Wyke, & Huldah née Ladd, of Prince George Co Va) Feb 9, 1723, issue: 1 Robert, b Apl 16, 1724—2 Mark, b Mch 25, 1726—3 Margaret, b May 29, 1728—4 Miriam, b Apl 20, 1730. Francis Newby’s will p in Perq, April 1744 names sons: Robert, Jesse, Mark, & Francis, dau’s: Margaret, & Sarah.
  • Newby, Jesse (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b Mar 30, 1704, m Mary Hunnicutt (d of Robert of Virginia, sister of Huldah, his brother Francis’ wife) 9, 11mo 1727. d. s. p. Will Pasquotank Co, p Oct 1765, names his brothers.
  • Newby, Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) (no birth date), m it is thought 1st Ann Mayo (d of Edward Jr, & Mary née Clare, who m 2d Joseph Newby, son of Gabriel, his 2d wife; Mary Newby’s will 1739, names her son-in-law Samuel Newby and three of his children. (See Grimes Wills.) Samuel Newby m 2d Elizabeth Sanders (d of Benjamin & Ann) 1, 8mo 1740 issue: 1 Joseph, b Aug 10, 1741—2 William, b Dec 30, 1743—3 Ann, b Feby 5, 1745—4 Gabriel, b Feby 13, 1747—5 Mary, b Oct 16, 1749—6 Gideon, b Sept 15, 1751—7 Elizabeth, b Mch 16, 1756—8 Miriam, b Oct 16, 1757—9 Samuel, b Mch 25, 1761. It is thought that Samuel Newby had by 1st wife, Ann (supposed to be d of Edward Mayo) dau Jemima, who m her cousin William Newby (s of William, & Ann, b about 1720) Mary Newby née Clare (widow of Edward Mayo) in her will p Jan 1739, names gr-children: Edward, Jemima, & Isabell Newby, who appear to be the children of her “son-in-law” Samuel Newby, and these children are not named among the issue of Elizabeth née Sanders. (See above.)
  • Newby, William, as seen died before 1720, and is not named in Gabriel Newby’s will p in Perq, Mar 1, 1735, but his son William received 300a from his gr-father, in equal division with the sons: Joseph, Jesse, & Samuel; Francis is named but no part allotted to him. He had probably had “set off to him” his share of his fathers Estate. No daughters are named in Gabriel Newby’s will, but he had three dau’s: Isabel, b 28, 10mo 1697—2 Mary, b 30, 11mo 1699—3 Miriam, b Dec 2, 1701, and a dau Elizabeth (no age given) who m John Nixon, and died 10, 7mo 1730, when John Nixon m 2d Mary—and 3d Hannah Albertson. (See Nixon family.)
  • Newby, Gabriel (1) of “piquemons” d — 12mo 1735 age 76. His wife Mary née Toms died 2, 9mo 1738, age about 70 years.
  • Gabriel Newby in his will left to son Samuel his “maner plantation,” which was usually given the youngest son, for the better maintenance of the widow, and mother, the younger son usually being single.
  • Newby, Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m 1st Elizabeth Nixon, and 2d Mary née Clare, and had issue (according to his will, p in Perq Oct 1766) Sons: Gabriel, Joseph, Benjamin, and “poor decrepit son Josiah” whom he left “in care” of his other sons, wife Patience (widow Jordan, See Jordan) 3d wife whom he married in Isle of Wight Co Va 15, 12mo 1746. (Pagan Creek Mo Meeting.) Dau’s: Mary Thornton, Elizabeth Mayo (wife of Joseph)gr-son Joseph Thurston, gr-dau Mary Newby, Elizabeth Newby (wife of Francis, d of Matthew Jordan, & his last wife Patience) widow Jordan. Brother of Samuel, and son Gabriel Exrs.
  • Three Joseph Newby’s appear in Perq practically at the same time, & this makes quite a bit of confusion, but the writer has turned the leaves of time over, & over to discover proof of each one, and still has some doubt, but of this last named Joseph, she is sure.
  • Joseph Newby (unplaced) made his will in Perq, p April 21, 1735, and names no legatees, but wife Mary. As he left no heirs, he isn’t pertinent to this history anyway, so we will dismiss him.
  • Another Joseph, will p July 1752, wife Elizabeth, and dau Mary. This Joseph in the legal papers in Perq is called Joseph Jr, therefore it seems probable that he was son of Joseph Sr, and gr-son of Gabriel (1). He certainly could not have been son of Samuel, whose son Joseph, was born 1741, which would have made him only eleven years of age at the time this will was probated. It is thought that Joseph Newby (1) m Elizabeth Turner, (no date however) and had son Samuel who made his will 1737, and probably son Joseph Jr, but no proofs appear.
  • Joseph Newby petitioned the Court Jan 1735 for permission “to build a Mill on Suttons Creek, for the public good.” His son Gabriel made the same request on same date “if my father doth not comply with the Law in Building a Mill on Suttons Creek” craved leave to finish it. A final audit of the Est of Joseph Newby, Dec 1777, shows that his son Gabriel died prior to this date. The heirs of Gabriel (2) dec’d were allotted £54, s2, p10½. Other heirs: Joseph, Benjamin, Mary Clary, heirs of Elizabeth Mayo dec’d, Mary Thornton, Dorothy Phelps (step-dau, and daughter of his last wife Patience, by her 1st husband Matthew Jordan of Isle of Wight Co Va. Dorothy m 1st Jonathan Phelps, and 2d John Skinner) Elizabeth, wife of Francis Newby (also step-dau), and one of the heirs being “dead without issue,” his part was divided between all the heirs. The supposition is that this dec’d heir was the “poor decrepit son Josiah,” as he is not mentioned in this division.
  • Matthew Jordan (s of Matthew & Patience of Isle of Wight Co Va) will Perq, p July 1763, names “mother Patience Newby, and sisters Elizabeth Newby (wife of Francis) & Dorothy Skinner.” (The division of Jonathan Phelps shows that his wife was Dorothy, & loose papers give the fact that she m 2d John Skinner. She had by Jonathan Phelps sons: Jonathan, & Benjamin, and dau Dorothy. (See Phelps.)
  • Newby, Benjamin (1) Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m Sarah Lilly, 1, 3mo 1775. As he died intestate his issue can not be traced.
  • Newby, Gabriel (2) Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m Pleasant White (d of Wm) 5, 12mo 1787. He also died intestate, and can not be traced.
  • Newby, William (3) William (2) William (1) m Jemima Newby, his cousin, (d of Samuel & wife Ann Mayo) issue: 1 Demsey—2 Anne, b 5, 16, 1750, m John Maudlin 2 — 1769, d in Henry Co Ind about 1845—3 Elizabeth, m Job Bogue, 3 — 1775—4 Isabella, m Truman Moore 10 — 1774—5 Sarah, m Josiah Albertson 3, 8, 1775. d Jan 10, 1793/96—6 Joseph, m Mary White “at Welles in Perq” 4, 8mo 1796—7 William, m Hannah Bundy (d of Caleb) 1, 25, 1797, she d 29, 9mo 1798—8 John (s of William dec’d) m Susannah Tatlock (d of Edward dec’d) of Perq, 22, 10mo 1801 (issue: son John, b 4, 9mo 1802)—9 Mary, b 7, 7, 1768, m Thomas Draper Feb — 1790 (2d wife, they moved to Ind)—10, Miriam, b 2, 2mo 1772, m Josiah Draper 12, 6, 1789, d 9, 1, 1812 in Highland Co Ohio.
  • Of Demsey Newby nothing is known. For descendants of Anna Newby, see Maudlin. Job, and Elizabeth Bogue both made will in Perq. (See N. C. Hist & Gen Reg, Vol 3-2). Joseph probably died intestate. Of William, & Hannah, née Bundy nothing is known. For descendants of Mary, & Miriam Newby, see Draper.
  • Newby, Joseph (2) Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m 1st Mary Moore 1, 12mo 1763 issue: 1 Joseph—2 Robert—3 Nathan—4 Ann—5 Jemima Elliott—6 Sarah, all named in his will p in Perq Nov 1814, with gr-children: Samuel and Ann Moore, wife Huldah (2d wife). Joseph Newby died 27, 9mo 1814.
  • Newby, William (3) Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b Dec 30, 1743, d 5 30, 1831, m Elizabeth Ratcliff (d of Joseph) 10, 8 1766, issue: 12 children, m 2d Elizabeth (Symons) Small, widow, 4 — 1805, issue: four children. 4 Gabriel (son of Samuel) b Feby 13, 1747, m Rachel Townsend (d of William, & Rachel née Wilson, widow of Timothy Winslow, dau of Robert Wilson, & wife Rachel née Pricklove, dau of John Pricklove, & wife Elizabeth)—5 Mary (d of Samuel), b Oct 16, 1749, m Joseph Bogue—6 Gideon, b Sept 15, 1751, d 1, 29, 1816, m Mary Arnold, 1, 1mo 1788, issue: ten children.
  • Newby, Gabriel (2) Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) and wife Rachel (Townsend) who were m before 6, 3mo 1776, had issue, according to his will, p in Perq Co 1824. Dau’s Rachel Newby, Margaret Cannon (wife of Joseph) gr-children: Mary, & Sophia Cannon, Catherine Baker, & Edwin Newby, Rachel Winslow (wife of Francis (1) and dau of his son William) Achsah Bunch, & Lydia Newby. His wife Rachel is not named in his will, but she was living July 1777, when her mother Rachel (née Wilson) Williams will was probated in Perq, who named her “dau Rachel Newby” and gr-son William Newby (s of Gabriel). (See will of Rachel Williams, N. C. Hist Reg, Vol 3-2.)
  • Family tradition says that William Newby (s of Gabriel) m Lydia — and had among others, dau Rachel, who m Francis Winslow (1) son of William. William Newby’s division, shows “a part to Francis Winslow, & wife Rachel.
  • Newby, Mark (1) Francis (1) Gabriel (1) William (1), m Mourning Phelps, Jan — 1750. His will p in Perq July 1785, names sons: Jonathan, Zachariah, and dau’s: Margaret, Arrington, Miriam, Mourning, & Elizabeth Newby. Mark Newby m 2d Keziah Nixon (widow) 6, 12, 1775. Zachariah (s of Mark) m his cousin, Mary Newby (d of Nathan) (2) Nov — 1773. Jonathan, (s of Mark) m Mary Jones, 3, 8mo 1785.
  • Newby, Robert (1) Francis (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m Jemimah Pierce (d of Thomas, whose will was p in Perq 1756) 1, 4mo 1748, issue: according to his will p in Perq Apl 1790. Thomas, Robert (2), Wyke, gr-son Willis Newby, dau’s: Karin Parker, Mary Walton, Sarah Cosand, Jemimah Cannon (wife of Jacob) and Huldah Newby. Robert Newby (s of Robert) m Mary Moore, 4, 3mo 1789. Thomas Newby (s of Robert) m Mary Saunders, 5, 11mo 1777.
  • Mary Newby (unplaced) about to move to Back Creek, in Randolph Co, N. C. 3, 12mo 1796. (Quaker records Pasq Co.)


  • Newby, John, m Elizabeth Nicholson (d of Christopher) June 11, 1701. (Quaker Rec.)
  • Newby, John (s of John), died 4, 1mo 1734.
  • Newby, Ann, m Francis Mase, at Newbegun Creek, Pasq Co, 5, 11mo 1726. (Quaker Rec.)
  • Newby, Thomas, m Miriam Nixon, at Symons Creek, Pasq Co, 1, 10mo 1756. (Quaker Rec.)
  • Newby, Thomas (s of Joseph), m Mary Bogue (d of Duke) at Suttons Creek, 20, 12mo 1797.
  • Newby, Mary, m Elias Albertson, 7, 12mo 1785. (Quaker records.)
  • Newby, Gabriel, m Pleasant White, (d of William) 5, 12mo 1787.
  • Newby, Jesse, m Elizabeth Townsend, 6, 4mo 1791.
  • Newby, Francis (2) m Elizabeth Jordan (d of Matthew) Nov — 1755.
  • Newby, Elizabeth (d of John), m John White (s of Henry Sr) Nov 14, 1696.
  • Newby, Elizabeth (d of Gabriel), m John Nixon (s of Zachariah) Before 1730.
  • Newby, Sarah, m Barnaby Nixon (s of Zachariah) Jan — 1753. She m 2d Ralph Fletcher, July — 1753.
  • Newby, Elizabeth, m Daniel Saint, Sept — 1753. She m 2d Esau Lamb, April — 1757.
  • Newby, Jemima, m Jacob Cannon, Nov — 1778.
  • Newby, Sarah (d of Thomas), m Josiah Albertson (s of Elihu) 3, 8, 1775.


  • Nathan Newby (1) William (1) (brother of Gabriel) m in Nansemond Co Va, Elizabeth Hollowell (d of Alice of Elizabeth River, 13, 10mo 1678, among wit Wm Newby, (father) Gabrell Newby, John Hollowell, Dorrithy Newby, Elizabeth Scott, Elizabeth Copeland. Elizabeth, (d of Thomas, & Alice Hollowell) was b 9, 7mo 1662, issue: one son Thomas, age not given, but named in his fathers will.
  • Nathan Newby was Clerk of the Mo Meeting, at Pagan Creek, Isle of Wight Co Va, 1702. “Att a meeting att Chuckatuck, Co of Nansemond,” 9- 8mo 1707, Quakers assembled registered their opinion of Friend Nathan Newby, in these words “to the best of our Judg’mts Nathan Newby, is a man that fears the Lord, we believe his call is to the Ministry, & we desire the Lord to Prosper him, and bee with him, to the end of his daies.” Lower Mo Meeting, Nansemond Co Va.)
  • After coming to Perquimans Co, N. C. Nathan Newby m Mary Toms (d of Francis Toms Jr, & wife Margaret Bogue) issue: 2 Francis (whose will was p in Perq July 1752. Naming “brothers Thomas, & Nathan, & mother Mary Moor.” He also names John Robinson, who m his sister Mary)—3 Nathan—4 Mary (m John Robinson), wife Mary.
  • Mary Newby née Toms, m 2d Samuel Moore. (Minute book, & division of Estates.)
  • Thomas (1) Nathan (1) Wm Newby (1) m Sarah Scott (d of Joseph of Va) early in 1700, (date illegible). He is spoken of on records in Perq, as “Thomas Newby of Va.”
  • Ann Scott of Vir, in a deed recorded in Perq, mentions her “nephew Exum Newby,” & apt’s him att’ to sell a place belonging to her in sd Co, called “Belvidere.” This estate is thought to be the same now called “the old Lamb place” across the River, from the town of Belvidere, & it is probable that the town derived its name from the adjoining plantation. Tradition has made it a fact. What relationship existed between Ann Scott, & Joseph, the records do not disclose, but this we do know; William Scott, of Nansemond Co, m Mourning Exum, & as the name of Exum continued to be carried down in the Newby, & allied families, in Perq Co, it seems more than probable, that Joseph Scott, was a son of said William. Mourning is also found as a given name of many of the ladies of the family. But as Thomas Newby did not make a will in Perq, no absolute proof can be found, to substantiate the fact.
  • Nathan Newby, lived over the “Causeway” at Bear Garden. He was one of the attendants of the “Ferry” over Perq River, to Phelps Point, & built the first “Goal” in Hertford. He was dead July 1735, “Mary Newby Relict.” She petitioned the Court July 1740, that “her tithables be taken off the main Road, to labour on the ferry Road, as it would be more convenient for her to ‘set over’ people and in that way ‘I shall get no Blame.’ ” The Causeway was at that time called “Newby’s Point” later called “Mary’s Point.” By Act of Assembly July 1755, a public “Ferry was Established, from Phelps Point, to Newby’s Point,” & Nathan (2) Newby was appointed “Ferryman” on his side, & Jonathan Phelps on his point. They were allowed the stipend of £4 per annum for their services. A ruling was made that they were to “Set over free; Inhabitants, of said Co, at Court times; Elections of Assemblymen; Vestry Elections; & Musters.”
  • Nathan Newby (2) Nathan (1) Wm Newby (1) m Keziah Pierce (d of Thomas) 6, 9mo 1752. His will Perq, p Feby 1763, Son Francis (his gr-mother Mary Moore) dau’s Mary, Millicent, & Sarah, wife of Keziah, & bro Thomas, Exrs.
  • Keziah Newby, widow of Nathan, m 2d Francis Nixon, May — 1763.
  • Francis (3) Nathan (2) Nathan (1) William (1) m 1st Elizabeth Jordan, (d of Mathew, & wife Patience née Darden) Nov — 1755, m 2d Rachel Winslow, (d of Joseph (2) & wife Mary, née White; d of Thomas White, & wife Rachel Jordan; d of Joshua Jordan, & wife Elizabeth Sanborn; of Isle of Wight Co Va.)
  • Francis Newby, will Perq p May 1807, names sons: Francis (4), Joseph, Nathan (3), & Thomas, dau’s Kesiah Sutton, Parthenia, Rachel, & Elizabeth Newby, wife Rachel.
  • Mary Newby, d of Nathan (2) m Zachariah Newby, Nov — 1772, (s of Mark Newby).
  • Keziah Nixon née Pierce, m 3d Samuel Pritlow, who took charge of the “Ferry.”
  • Mary Newby (d of Nathan (1) m Jonathan Phelps, & had a dau Elizabeth m Gabriel Newby. Nathan Newby m Keziah Pierce, 6, 9mo 1752. (Deed Perq.)

The Nathan Newby line is better defined, & easier to carry out, than the Gabriel Newby line, and it is evident that they crossed each other many times.

  • Nathan Newby m Peninah Copeland, 5 12mo 1781.


  • James Newby, m Sarah Nicholson (d of Christopher), May — 1699, issue: James, b Aug 1, 1702—2 Samuel, b 23, 8mo 1704—3 Benjamin, b 25, 6mo 1707—4 Ann, b 1, 11mo 1708—5 Jeams, b 24, 7mo 1710.
  • Sarah Newby (wife of Jeams) d 13, 3mo 1718. James Newby m 2d Elizabeth (d of Henry White) she d 1, 12mo 1728, age 55.
  • Jeames Newby “of the precinct of Pasq,” m Elizabeth Daniel (widow) of same, 18, 5mo 1715.
  • Samuel Newby (s of James, & Sarah Nicholson) m Elizabeth — issue: 1 Miriam, b —, 6mo 1726, m William Lamb—2 William, b 22, 7mo 1727—3 Huldah, b 16, 4mo 1729, m Joshua Morris, June 19, 1752—4 Dorcas, b Oct 4, 1730, m John Sanders, Aug — 1751—5 Mary, b July 28, 1732, d 9, 5, 1763, m Joseph Morris, June — 1755—6 Joseph, b Sept 2, 1734, d Aug 2, 1739—7 Dempsey, b Dec 20, 1736, m Mary Ross, Feb — 1760—8 Elizabeth, b Oct 30, 1738, m Esau Lamb, April 1757, or Jacob Jacobs April 1759—9 Pleasant, b Mar 2, 1740—10 Ruth, b Mar 20, 1743, d Mar 2, 1752—11 Samuel, b June 8, 1746, m Rachel Pearson, July — 1766—12 Mordical, b Jan 8, 1748, m Mary Maudlin, July — 1766. Will probated 1784.
  • Samuel Newby, & Rachel Pearson, issue: 1 Millicent, b 12, 20, 1766—2 Jesse, b 11, 7, 1768—d 4, 4, 1819, m Elizabeth Townsend, 4 — 1791—3 Elizabeth, b 9, 17, 1771, d 4, 14, 1844, m Benjamin Hill, 12 29, 1787—4 Margaret, b 8, 27, 1773—5 Samuel, b 3, 16, 1776, m Peninah Hobbs, 7, 30, 1801—6 Rachel, b 9, 16, 1779, m Reuben Lamb—7 Anna, b 10, 27, 1781, m Wm Osborn & 2d Obadiah Harris, 2, 17, 1851—8 Jemima, b 4, 5, 1784—9 Nathan, b 2, 22, 1787—10 William, b 7, 16, 1789.
  • Samuel Newby “worthy minister” died 16, 12mo 1770.
  • James Newby (s of James) m Naomi White (d of Henry Sr) May 12, 1732, issue: 1 Thomas, b 13, 4mo 1735—2 Enoch, b 19, 10mo 1736—3 Jeams, b 20, 12 mo 1740—4 Elizabeth, b 17, 4mo 1743. James Newby died 1, 11mo 1760, age 50. Naomi Newby d 2, 11mo, 1771, age 68.
  • Thomas Newby (1) James (2) James (1) m Sarah Overman, 9, 11mo 1763, issue: 1 Nathan, b 20, 7mo 1765—2 Naomi, b 30, 9mo 1767—3 James, b 6, 5mo 1770—4 Jemima, b 22 7mo 1774.
  • James Newby, m Sarah — issue: Henery, b 13, 10mo 1769. He m 2d Keziah Bowles, 22, 6mo, 1774, issue: (unknown).
  • Benjamin Newby (s of Benjamin) m Ruth Wilson, 13, 10mo 1765, issue: Mary, b 7, 9mo 1768—2 Sarah, b 22, 1mo 1771—. Ruth Newby d 16, 12mo 1771.
  • Benjamin (1) Newby m Sarah Albertson (d of Elihu) 21, 2mo 1737. He d 28, 9mo 1739.
  • Joseph (s of Benjamin (1) m Ann — issue: 1 Thomas, b 27, 12mo 1759—2 Enoch, b 29, 10mo 1761—3 Miriam, b 29, 1mo 1765—4 Robert, b 18, 10mo 1767—5 Joseph, b 3, 5mo 1770—6 Nathan, b 14, 4 mo 1772.
  • Thomas Newby (s of Jesse, & Elizabeth) m Nancy Wilson (d of Christopher, & Pheraba) all of Perq, at Suttons Creek, 23, 2mo 1826.
  • Elizabeth wife of John Newby died 6, 1mo 1720.
  • Sarah wife of James, d 10, 1mo 1770.
  • James Newby of Pasq Co, m Elizabeth Davis (widow) May —, 1719.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


Among passengers in Speedwell of London bound for America May 28, 1635 Richard Morris, age 19 years. Another by same name came to Va from London, the same year age 17. Edward Morris was transported to Va by John Ellis, Apl 1648. (Hotten.)

Mr Richard Morris “Minister of Bristol pish” Henrico Co Va, became later a resident of Isle of Wight Co, and had dau Anne, who was his heir 1678, her uncle Samuel Morris acting as Ex of his Estate. (Isle of Wight records.)

John Morris was living in Lower Norfolk Co Va, 1740. Charles Moris whose name is the first to appear on the records of Perq Co N. C. attended a Mo Meeting at Arnold White’s house 24, 4mo 1679. He was probably father of John who appears in Perquimans county about 1704, with wife Hannah, they were living in Perq 1716. Little River Quaker Reg, gives most valuable information about this family, and they are always the best of authority.

Morris, John Sr was b 3, 3mo 1680, m Mary Symons (d of Thomas’ & Rebecah), b 1687, d 14, 8mo 1745 age 58 years, issue:

  • 1-  Aaron, b 14, 7mo 1704—
  • 2-  Elizabeth, b 6, 9mo 1707—
  • 3-  Joseph, b 4, 12mo 1709—
  • 4-  Sarah, b 6, 9mo 1712, m Samuel Moore and was his widow, Jan 21, 1755—
  • 5-  John, b 21, 12mo 1716—
  • 6-  Mary, b 24, 11mo 1719.

The will of John Morris Sr was p in Pasquotank Co N. C. Jan 1739 Sons: Joseph, and John to whom he bequeathed “my Manner plantation” sons: Zachariah, Isaac, Aaron, dau’s: Sarah, and Hannah.

  •  Zachariah (s of John) was b 23, 9mo 1722—
  • Hannah (d of John, & Mary) b 23, 12mo 1726.

Elizabeth Morris (d of John, & Mary) m William Symons, at Newbegun Creek Pasquotank Co, 5, 7mo 1725.

Mary Morris (d of John) m John Robinson, at Symons Creek, 3, 1mo 1738.

Elizabeth Morris (d of John) m Wm Symons, 5, 7mo 1725.

Morris, Aaron (1) John (1) m Mary Pritchard—6mo 1724, at Symons Creek, issue:

  • 1 –  Joshua, b 6, 4mo 1726—
  • 2 –  Benjamin, b 20, 8mo 1728—
  • 3 –  Joseph, b 1, 2mo 1731—
  • 4 –  Miriam, b 4, 3mo 1733—
  • 5 –  Susannah, b 4, 7mo 1735—
  • 6 –  John, b 11, 12mo 1737—
  • 7 –  Mary, b 8, 1mo 1739—
  • 8 –  Sarah, b 5, 1mo 1743, d 26, 7mo 1743—
  • 9 –  Aaron, b 5, 9mo 1744—
  • 10 –  Elizabeth, b 22, 4mo 1747, m Thomas Gilbert, 20, 5mo 1765.

Aaron Morris, an Elder in the Quaker Church, died 10, 9mo 1770, age 66.

Mary Morris (wife of Aaron) died 12, 10mo 1791.

Morris, Joseph (1) John (1) m Elizabeth Pritchard, at Symons Creek, 2, 10mo 1730. (no record of their children, if any).

Mary Morris (wife of John Sr, dau of Thomas, & Rebecah Symons) died 14, 8mo 1745, age 58.

Morris, John (2) John (1) untraced.

Morris, Joshua (1) Aaron (1) John (1) m Hannah Anderson (d of John) 1, 11mo 1748, issue:

  • 1 Mordicai, b 14, 3mo 1749—
  • 2 Clarke, b 29, —1750.

Hannah Morris, died 3, 5mo 1751.

Joshua m 2d Huldah Newby, 9, 6mo 1752, issue:

  • 3 Benjamin, b 26, 5mo 1754. Joshua Morris m 3d Mary Winslow, 1, 5mo 1755, issue:
  • 4 Nathan, b 11, 1mo 1757—
  • 5 Jonathan, b 7, 7mo 1759—
  • 6 Zachariah, b 17, 9mo 1761. Joshua Morris took for his 4th and last wife, Rebeckah Symons, 27, 4mo 1774, issue:
  • 7 John, b 1, 11mo 1774—
  • 8 Mary, b 25, 1mo 1776. Mary wife of Joshua, d 13, 3mo 1773.

Morris, Benjamin (1) Aaron (1) John (1) m Mary Bundy (d of Samuel) 6, 10mo 1750, had no issue apparently. He m 2d Elizabeth Overman, 9, 10mo 1763, issue:

  • 1 Joseph, b 25, 8mo 1764—
  • 2 Elizabeth, b 27, 12mo 1765—
  • 3 Benjamin, b 29, 1mo 1768—
  • 4 Rachel, b 2, 4mo 1770, d 16, 8mo 1770. Benjamin Morris m 3d Millicent Draper, 15, 11mo 1772, issue:
  • 5 Peter, b 5, 9mo 1774—
  • 6 Ezra, b 3, 5mo 1776—
  • 7 Jacob, b 4, 6mo 1778—
  • 8 Demcey, b 16, 5mo Eli, b 19, 11mo 1786.

Mary Morris, wife of Benamin, d 18, 5mo 1753, age 22. (d of Samuel Bundy) (Elizabeth wife of Benjamin) d 12, 4mo 1770.) Elizabeth (dau of Benjamin & Elizabeth) d 23, 6mo 1785.)

Morris, Joseph (2) Aaron (1) John (1) m Mary Newby 1, 6mo 1755, issue:

  • 1 Miriam, b 28, 3mo 1756—
  • 2 Benjamin, b 5, 10mo 1757—
  • 3 John, b 28, 7mo 1759—
  • 4 Mary, b 29, 3mo 1761—
  • 5 Joseph, b 21, 2mo 1763. Joseph Morris, m 2d Hannah Overman 4, 10mo 1764, issue:
  • 6 Elizabeth, b 19, 7mo 1765—
  • 7 Thomas, b 15, 11mo 1766—
  • 8 Joshua, (of Joseph, & Elizabeth) b 24, 5mo 1769—
  • 9 Sarah, b 6, 9mo 1770—
  • 10 Susannah, b 27, 2mo 1772—
  • 11 William, b 7, 11mo 1773, d 27, 8mo 1775—
  • 12 Chalkey, b 1, 8mo 1775—
  • 13 William (2) b 15, 9mo 1777—
  • 14 Nathan, b 11, 7mo 1779—
  • 15 Ann, b 18, 7mo 1782—
  • 16 Penelope, b 3, 1mo 1785—
  • 17 Millicent, b 16, 8mo 1787. Joseph Morris (s of Aaron, & Mary, née Pritchard) died 24, 11mo 1798.

Hannah wife of Joseph, nee Overman, died 27, 11mo 1766.

Morris, John (2) Aaron (1) John (1) m Mary Albertson, 20, 1mo 1762, issue: John, & Mary, (twins) b 3, 12mo 1762, died 22, 12mo 1762.

Morris, John (unplaced) m Mary Nicholson, 1, 1mo 1762. (Dau of Thos Nicholson, d 23, 1mo 1772.)

Morris, Aaron (2) Aaron (1) John (1) m Margaret Nicholson (d of Thomas) 30, 11mo 1768, issue:

  • 1 Thomas, b 11, 9mo 1769—
  • 2 Christopher, b 18, 10mo 1771—
  • 3 Mary, b 31, 3mo 1774—
  • 4 Mark, & Ruth (twins) b 9, 1mo 1775—
  • 5 Isaac, b 20, 4mo 1780. Margaret wife of Aaron died 17, 12mo 1780. Aaron Morris m 2d Lydia Davis, 27, 2mo 1782, issue:
  • 6 Aaron, b 18, 11mo 1782—
  • 7 Pritchard, b 15, 9mo 1784—
  • 8 Jehoshaphat, b 17, 8mo 1786—
  • 9 Margaret, b 24, 6mo 1788—
  • 10 Susan b 24, 6mo 1790—11 John, b 24, 6mo 1794.

  • Benjamin Morris (s of Aaron, & Mary) died 3, 1mo 1762.
  • Mary (widow of Benjamin) died 4, 2mo 1762.
  • Mary (wife of Joshua) died 13, 3mo 1773.
  • Morris, Joseph (3) m Sarah Sanders, 3, 3mo 1790.
  • Morris, Jonathan, m Penelope Symons, 21, 12mo 1785 (Pasquotank Co).
  • Morris, Aaron (3) m Miriam Robinson (d of William) before 1785. (Named in his will.)
  • Morris, William m Esther Gardner, no date. (Loose papers.)
  • The will of John Morris, p in Perq Co, Oct 1774, names brother Cornelius, and wife Sarah, two sons (not named).

Joshua Morris will Perq, p April 1777, Wife Rebecca, sons: John, Benjamin, Jonathan, Zachariah, Mordicai, & Nathan, dau’s Clarkey Pool, and Mary Morris, father Aaron Morris.

Jonathan Morris will, p in Perq Feb 1796. Sons: Jehoshaphat, and Jonathan nephew John Pool, brother Nathan, & Josiah Bundy Exrs.

Morris, Mordicai (s of Joshua) m Abigail Overman (d of Nathan) 28, 4mo 1773.

Morris, Zachariah, m Ann Williams, 2, 9mo 1752. Ann Morris died same year.

Morris, Demcy (s of Benjamin Morris dec’d) of Pasquotank Co, m Jemima Bogue, (d of Job dec’d) 22, 12mo 1802, at Suttons Creek.

Morris, Mordicai (s of Mordicai) of Pasquotank Co, m Martha Winslow (d of John of Perq) 17, 12mo 1806, at Welses Meeting house in Perq.

Morris, Jacob (s of Benjamin dec’d) m Elizabeth Cornwell (d of Aaron) 22, 12mo 1796.

MARRIAGES (Quaker Records)

  • Joseph Morris, m Sarah Sanders, 3, 3mo 1790.
  • Jonathan Morris, m Penelope Symons, 21, 12mo 1785—In Pasq Co.
  • Aaron Morris, m Miriam Robinson (d of Wm) named in his will July 1785.
  • William Morris, & Esther his wife, née Gardner. (Loose papers Perq Co.)

DEATHS (Quaker Records) 

  • Benjamin Morris, d 3, 1mo 1762. (s of Aaron, & Mary.)
  • Mary Morris, widow of Benj d 4, 2mo 1762.
  • Mary Morris, wife of Joseph, d 15, 9mo 1763.
  • Hannah Morris, wife of Joseph, d 27, 11mo 1766.
  • Mary Morris, wife of John (d of Thos Nicholson) d 23, 1mo 1772.
  • Mary Morris, wife of Joshua, d 13, 3mo 1773.
  • John Morris, will Perq, p Oct 1774, names “brother Cornelius” & wife Sarah, Also 2 sons; not named.
  • Joshua Morris, will Perq, p April 1777, names wife Rebecca, sons: John, Benjamin, Jonathan, Zachariah, Mordicai, & Nathan, dau’s Clarkey Pool, & Mary Morris, father Aaron Morris.
  • Jonathan Morris, will Perq, p Feb 1796. Sons: Jehoshaphet, & Jonathan, nephew John Pool, brother Nathan, & Josiah Bundy Exrs.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • James Morgan emigrant to N. C. came from “Mary Land” where he had married, Jane Knea, Oct 12, 1673. (Berkeley Parish Reg) According to same, they had issue: 1 James, b Feb 2, 1675/6—2 John, b Mar 26, 1678—3 William, b Aug 27, 1679. James (1) Morgan was grt 300a in Perq Precinct, May 22, 1694, “on a Branch of Vosses Creek” adj William Vosse, & Mr Francis Toms. His son John made a deed of gift to his dau Mary Elliott, wife of Thomas Jr, Jan 12, 1724/5, 50a on said Branch. He called this land “Broad Neck,” and later it was spoken of as “on Morgans Swamp” and it seems evident that it was situated on the south side of Vosses Creek, where sd Toms land was located, and the Swamp here mentioned, is probably the one just above what is now called Brights Mill, between Winfall, & Brights Creek. (Vosses) James Morgan, (2) James (1), m Jane Martin (d of John of Pasq Co) issue: James (3) b Jany 17, 1707/8. He died intestate, and we have to rely on the will of his wife Jane, for further information. Her will proven in Perq Co, Mar 22, 1742, Sons: John Anderson (son-in-law) & James Morgan, dau Sarah Parsons (wife of Samuel) dau-in-law Ann Morgan (wife of James) gr-daus: Mary, & Miriam Morgan, Elizabeth Cosan, & Jane Anderson.
  • James Morgan Esq J. P. 27, 8ber 1739. He was Commissioned Sheriff of Perq, by Gov Gabriel Johnston Esq, Apl 1741. Zachary Chancey Dept Sheriff.
  • Morgan, James, (4) Will’m (1) James (1) m Hannah Overman, who was his Extrix Oct 1741, issue: Rebecca, b May 28, 1739.
  • (2) Morgan, William, (1) James (1) m Sarah Fletcher (d of Ralph, & Elizabeth) Mch 13, 1699-1700, issue: 1 Sarah, b Jan 8, 1700/1—2 William, b Sept 14, 1703.
  • Morgan, James, (3) James (2) James (1), wife Ann (née Overman) issue: 1 Elizabeth b Sept 30, 1739—2 Seth, b Sept 16, 1740.
  • (2) Morgan, John, (1) James (1) m Mary Jones (d of Mary Jones, “ye Relict of Robert Beasley”) Sept 2, 1699, issue: 1 Sarah, b Oct 20, 1700—2 John, b Oct 13, 1705—John Morgan will p in Perq Co, Jan 1755. Sons: John (2) & Joseph, dau’s: Rachel Overman, Elizabeth Elliott, Mary Elliott, & Hannah Boswell, to them “my manner Plantation,” gr-son Joseph Boswell. (No wife is named.)
  • Joseph Morgan (s of John ? & Mary) was b July 14, 1741.
  • Morgan (3) James, will Perq Co, names himself “son of William” proven Oct 1741. Sons: Jacob, & Charles, “land on Morgans Swamp” dau’s: Elizabeth, & Rebeckah, wife Hannah, & Thomas Overman (bro-in-law) Exrs.
  • (3) Morgan, William (2) William (1) James (1) m Frances Hendricks (d of Solomon), who made petition July 1747, for “filial Portion” of his Est, out of the hands of Jeremiah Hendricks, her Guar. (Loose papers.)
  • Morgan (4) James, m Hannah Griffith, 16, 3mo 1768, issue: 1 Millicent, b 1, 1mo 1679—2 James, b 7, 3mo 1771, d 17, 8mo 1774—3 Sarah, b 31, 7mo 1773—4 Charles, b 28, 4mo 1777. Sarah Morgan died 27, 11mo 1780. Hannah Morgan died 27, 11mo 1780.
  • Morgan, James, m 2d Millicent Symons, 2, 4mo 1783, issue: 5 James, b 22, 12mo 1783—6 Penninah, b 6, 4mo 1785—7 Lydia, b 1, 11mo 1786—8 Margaret, b 18, 11mo 1788—9 Mary, b 14, 7mo 1791—10 Nathan, b 21, 5mo 1793.
  • (4) Morgan, Charles, (s of James) m Susannah Nixon (d of Barnabe) 1, 5mo 1771, issue: 1 Benjamin, b 1, 7mo 1772—2 Ann, b 18, 2mo 1775—d 18, 10mo 1775—3 Sarah, b 2, 9mo 1776, d 15, 2mo 1777—4 Micajah, b 2, 2mo 1778, d 5, 11mo 1778—5 Penninah, b 26, 12mo 1779—6 Susannah, b 24, 3mo 1782. Susannah wife of Charles Morgan, died 24, 5mo 1783. Charles Morgan (s of James) m 2d Lyda Bundy (d of Josiah) 25, 1mo 1786. (See her will Perq Co, p May 1802; N. C. Hist & Gen Reg Vol 3-3.)
  • Morgan, Seth, m Sarah Lindrier, May 18, 1785.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • William Moore was transported to Va, in “Primrose” by Rev George White “minister of the word of God” July 27, 1635, age 16, and said White obtained a grant 200a “upon Nancimund River, for transpotations.” William Moore, age 32, came to Norfolk Co Va Feb 15, 1648. (Norfolk Co records) Henry Moore, late of Bristol in England, Merc’t; now resident of Vir, Feb 6, 1663. Mary Moore (widow of Henry) of the City of Bristol, appointed Richard Penny of James River, to act as her Att’. Nov 25, 1667. John Moore, of Scotland, now in Western Branch, Nansemond Co Vir, m Jane Edwards (d of Peter, of Isle of Wight Co Va, whose will, p Oct 8, 1681, names her). He was trans’ to Upper Norfolk Co Mar 6, 1638, by John Ashcomb.
  • Moore (1) William, recorded his mark in Perq Pre’ct, Sept 1690. With his mother Jean Byer, he proved rights, in Perq, April 1696. Jane Loadman came to N. C. with James Loadman. They came from Surry Co Va, and her mother in said Co, names her later as Jean Newby. Richard Bier, m Jane Loedman, Jan — 1682/3. It seems from this record, that she was m 1st to—Moore—2d to Loadman—3d to Richard Bier, & 4th to William Newby, by whom she had no issue. William Newby m 2d Ann—. (Thought to be Ann Mayo.) William Moore was granted 90a of land in Perq, Feby 4, 1713/14, on Perq River, adj Richard Fox, and 100a on N. E. side of Perq River, adj Timothy Clear, Nov 11, 1719 (This last grant was to William 2d it is thought, as the elder William was dec’d, 1717) Margaret Moore, was granted Admix on Est, of her dec’d husband William Moore, April 16, 1717. (Minute book Perq Co) William Moore (1) was Constable in Perq Pre’ct 1700. Margaret was his 2d wife. Berkeley Par Reg gives the children of William Moore, by his 1st wife Elizabeth, as follows: 1 William, b Nov 10, 1699—2 John, b Oct 21, 1702—3 Joshua, b Aug 5, 1705—4 Samuel, b Dec 23, 1707—5 Hezekiah, b Nov 24, 1718. His will, Perq p Oct 31, 1732. Sons: William, John, Joshua, Samuel, & Truman, (to each a plantation) dau’s: Elizabeth, & Jane, wife Elizabeth, cousin Robert Bogue.
  • (3) Moore, William, (2) William (1) m Martha Odome of Henrico Co Va. d. s. p. will Perq p April 1752. Leg: Truman Moore, & William Wilson, wife Martha.
  • (3) Moore, John, m Ann Denman (d of Charles, Clerk of Perq Co, & wife Sarah) issue: 1 Charles, b Sept 30, 1732—2 Priscilla, b Feby 6, 1734/5. His will Perq, p May 18, 1746. Son: Charles (his plantation) dau Mary, wife Rachel (2d wife). Charles Moore (s of John, & Ann) m Sarah—issue: 1 Ann, b Oct 22, 1756—2 Isaac, b Nov 3, 1757.
  • Moore (3) Joshua, d. s. p. will Perq, p Feb 24, 1734. Brothers: Samuel, John, Truman, nephew, Cornelius Moore (s of John) niece Elizabeth Nixon, wife Elizabeth.
  • (1) Moore, Samuel, m Mary, widow of Nathan Newby, née Toms (d of Francis Toms Jr) about 1735/6. His will Perq, p Jan 1752, Wife Mary, nieces: Mary, Hanna, and Martha Moore (dau’s of brother John) Leg: Elizabeth Elliot, Francis, & Nathan Newby (s of Nathan, & Mary) He had by Mary, dau Mary, b July 11, 1739.
  • Moore (3) Truman, Will Perq, p April 1753. Sons: William, Samuel, Thomas, & Jesse, dau’s: Jane, & Mary, wife Leah.
  • (1) Moore, Samuel (2) Samuel (1), m Sarah. His will Perq, p Jan 1756. Sons: Joshua, Aaron, Jonathan, John, dau’s: Mary, & Sarah, wife Sarah.
  • (3) Moore, John (2) Samuel (2) Samuel (1) William (1) m Mary Ratlif (d of Richard, & Damaris Nixon, d of Zachariah Nixon, & Elizabeth Symons). His will Perq, p Oct 21, 1755. Sons: Cornelius, Joseph, (land in Balahack) Gideon, (maner plan’), Dau’s: Miriam, Sarah, & Betty Moore, wife Mary. Joseph Ratliff Ex (bro-in-law).
  • Moore (1) Robert, came to N. C. from the Isle of Man, with Rev Richard Marsden. He m Hannah Manwaring (d of Stephen), issue: 1 James, b Oct 23, 1717—2 Martha b Mch 26, 1726/7—Robert, b Mch 29, 1729.
  • Hannah Moore Orphan of John dec’d made petition to the Court in Perq, before April 19, 1762, for “her Estate, left her by her gr-father Robert Moore Dec’d, & her uncle Samuel Moore Dec’d, now in the hands of Keziah Newby, Extrix of Nathan Newby Dec’d.”
  • Mary Moore of Johnston Co N. C. discharged Charles Moore of Perq, of his guardianship, Oct 7, 1763.
  • Joshua Moore of N. C. m Hannah Hargrave, 20, 3mo 1760. (Pagan Creek Isle of Wight Co Va.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • John McMullen born in Dublin, Ireland, 1740, came to Virginia in 1760, where he lived until the fall of 1797, when he migrated with part of his family to Elbert Co Georgia. He had a large family, ten sons and five daughters, all of whom married and became prosperous, living to ripe old age, and themselves rearing large families, who scattered to almost every state in the union. In 1900 when a granite monument was raised to his memory in the family burying ground, on the brow of a hill near the residence of Blackston L. Richardson, in the historic “Valley of Virginia” there were living at that time five thousand persons who owed their strong Scotch-Irish blood to him, through many generations.
  • “He was a man of noble traits of character, which gave a rich inheritance to those who descended from him. He was a man of strong features, positive convictions, keen intellectual insight, lofty moral ideals, and tireless energy,” all of which traits characterized the family. He was a distinguished Virginia Soldier in the Rev War, and it seemed only an act of loyalty, and justice for Judge F. M. McMullen and other of his numerous descendants to thus honor him.
  • As John McMullen never trod the soil of Perquimans, and the writer has no way of making a detailed line of the ramifications of his family, and the records in Perquimans yielding nothing regarding him or his descendants, we can only write of those who later moved to Perquimans, and have made their home here ever since. John McMullen emigrated to Va at the age of 20 years, and was a tailor by trade. There is a tradition in the family that he made for no less a person than George Washington, his first Military suit. This was a great honor, especially if done well, which bears no shadow of doubt it was, knowing the stern rectitude of the maker.
  • James McMullen (s of John, and Edith Kendall) had son Jeremiah, who m Frances Dabney Shelton, Dec 22, 1830, Greenesville Co Va. He was born in said county Nov 2, 1815, and died at Boydton Va Aug 19, 1873, and was buried there. Frances Dabney Shelton, born in Greenesville Co Va, Nov 8, 1818, died in Hertford N. C. Oct 23, 1880, buried in the cemetery in Hertford. They had issue:
  • 2 Virginia Anne, b Nov 17, 1837, d Oct 2, 1899—2 William Thomas, b May 11, 1841, d July 6, 1918, in Hertford, one of our best beloved citizens, and a man of high integrity, and worth, m 1st Sallie Wood (d of Mr. John S. Wood, & Wife — Wood) issue, Dr. Shelton McMullen of Hertford, & Elizabeth City, who m Lydia Palin and had issue: six children; 2 Percy McMullen who m Flora Brockett of Elizabeth City, issue: four children. Mr. Tom McMullen m 2d Mary Wood, and had issue eight children: 1 Sallie, unmarried—2 Roulac, m Miss Mary — 3 Frances, m Whit Wright, (Sheriff of Perquimans.) 4 Tom Mac, unmarried, drowned last spring) 5 Mattie, m Julian Jessop of Winfall N. C., issue two children—6 Ruth, m Thomas B. Sumner, of Hertford, no issue—7 Edwin, youngest (unmarried). 2 Percy McMullen, a lawyer of note.
  • (3) Lucullus Walker (1) Jeremiah (1) James (1) John (1) b June 20, 1843, d Oct 8, 1899, m 1st Mollie Reed, issue four children, m 2d Lina Terris, by whom no issue to live.
  • (4) Martha Susan, b July 11, 1847, d Feb 26, 1928, m George Durant Newby (a descendant of George Durant pioneer to Perquimans) issue five children. 1 Mary m Mr. C. W. Toms of Durham, & New York, President of the Liggett Myers Tobacco Co. 2 Dr. E. G. Newby of Hertford, one of our best physicians—3 Evart, m Marion Whedbee of Hertford, Auto dealer, issue five children. 4 Bruce of Los Angeles Cal, m Sophia Capehart of Bertie Co, issue four children. 5 Fanny, m 1st — Williams, and had one son Alfred, m 2d Simon Rutenburg, of Hertford.
  • (5) Frances Katherine, b Mar 15, 1845 (no record) 6 John Henry, b July 7, 1849, d Dec 10, 18— —7 Oscar Gregory, b Dec 4, 1856, d Feb 12, 1918, m Mollie Whedbee (d of Monroe Whedbee of Hertford) issue two children.
  • (8) John (Jack) Doctor of Hertford, & Edenton, much beloved by every one, white and black, m Lina Tucker, and had 7 children, one of whom is a lawyer of renown in Washington N. C.
  • (9) Jerry twice married, one child by second wife Elizabeth Anderson of Annapolis, Md.
  • (10) Minnie Lee McMullen, m Kenneth Rayner Newbold of Perquimans, residence Hertford. She was born in Princess Anne Co Va, where her father had charge of the Methodist Church at that time, he being what was called in old times a “Circuit Rider” and member of the Va Conference. The Churches in Eastern N. C. remained in the said Conference until about 1889-90. This brought to Perquimans Jeremiah McMullen before the War Between the States, and here his daughters, and sons found wives, and husbands, after which they continued to reside in N. C. for many years, until the children grew up and scattered to other far places, where they have prospered, and reared families of their own.
  • Kenneth Rayner Newbold, and Minnie Lee McMullen had issue: twelve children, all of whom grew to maturity. They are all married but one, the youngest, Minnie Mac, who is the mainstay of her parents in their old age. These children have scattered to the four winds, but usually assemble once a year for a family reunion, when great times are seen by the Newbold family. Last year Mr and Mrs Newbold celebrated their “golden wedding” with much ceremony. All the children were here to attend, and the wedding feast was something to marvel at. Mrs. Newbold still retains her full activity, and mental faculties, and her husband bids fair to see many summers again we hope. They have been very fortunate with their children, only losing one, a daughter Edith, wife of Mr. E. B. Skinner, who died about ten years ago, leaving three little girls. Truly it can be said that their children “rise up and call them blessed.”
  • Mr. Thomas McMullen, brother of Mrs. Newbold, was a man of fine traits, true to his friends, honest in business, a splendid father, and devoted husband. He was Mayor of Hertford for some years, later employed in the mercantile business, always respected and highly esteemed, he enjoyed the affection of a large circle of friends. His passing was much regretted, and his memory is a by word in Hertford to this day.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Edward Mayo Sr was a resident of Perq Precinct 1684. He is found proving right for himself, son Edward Jr, and dau’s Sarah, Ann, & Elizabeth Mayo, John Nixon, Em Nixon, and Anne Nixon (their daughter) and three negroes. (Col Rec Vol I.) On Nov 6, of same year he officiated as Att’ in Perq, and May 1693 was appointed “Clarke of this Court.” The records in Perq, neither Quaker, or secular, throw any light on his former dwelling place. He held office as Clerk, in Perq for several years.
  • Mayo, Edward (2) m Mary Clare d of Timothy, & Mary (Bundy) b Feb 21, 1686 (twin sister of Elizabeth, who m Thomas (1) Winslow) issue: 1 Edward (3) b 7, 2mo 1703—2 John, b 27, 11mo 1705/6—3 Mary, b 26, 12mo 1709/10—4 Ann, b 23, 1mo 1713—5 Joseph, b —6 Elizabeth, b 21, 8mo 1717—7 Sarah, b 19, 12mo 1719.
  • Mayo (2) Edward, will Pasq Co, p Oct 20, 1724, names son Edward (3) to whom he bequeathed “my plantation,” son Joseph, dau’s Mary, Ann, Elizabeth, & Sarah. Wife Mary, & brother Thomas Jessop Exrs. (Said Thomas Jessop was his brother-in-law, having m Jane Cleare, sister of said Mary.) (See Timothy Clares Will.) Mary Mayo, m 2d Joseph Newby (s of Gabriel) about 8, 5mo 1726. (See Deeds.)
  • Mayo, Edward (3) Edward (2) Edward (1) m Mary Jessop (d of Joseph) issue: 1 Mary, b 21, 1mo 1727/8—2 Edward (4), b 19, 12mo 1730. Will of Edward (3) also p in Pasquotank Co, Feb 14, 1734, names dau Mary; Wife Mary, & Joseph Jessop Exrs. (wife’s father) Joseph Jessop in his will, p in Perq, Aug 29, 1735, names gr-dau Mary Mayo. As Edward Mayo (s of Edward & Mary Jessop) is not named in either his fathers will, or his gr-father Jessops, we may suppose he had passed away.
  • Mayo, Mary Newby (dau of Timothy Clare, once wife of Edward Mayo) died 27, 10mo 1739. (Quaker records.)

    Her will Perq Co, p Jan 1739, Son Joseph Mayo, dau Elizabeth Wilson, son-in-law John Wilson, gr-children: John Wilson, Edward, Jemima, & Isabel Newby niece Elizabeth Winslow (dau of Thomas, & Elizabeth).

  • Mayo, Joseph, m Elizabeth Newby, (d of his step-father Joseph Newby) before 1766, and shortly after this date, they disappear from Perquimans Co. They probably moved with the Quaker emigration, west.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).