Will of

Samuel Charles 

12 March 1727/28,

Perquimans County

In the name of god amen the twelth day of March 1727/28 I Samuel Charles of poquimons being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to  god therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye to make and ordain this my last will and Testament  that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the Hands of god that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in in Decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection that I shall receive  the same again by the mighty power of god and as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased god to bless me. I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Item  I give to my wife half my plantation where I now live during her widowhood if she sould marry she is to have but her thirds.

IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Charles the plantation and land whereon I now live to him and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body for ever. If he should dye without such heirs then to falls to his brother John Charles and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body  for ever.

Item I give to my son John Charles a tract of land out back betwix the head of the lower gum swamp and the head of the bull branch to him and his heirs forever.

Item  I give to my son Josuay Charles a small tract of land on the north east side of the lower swamp to him and his heirs for ever.

Item I give to Sarah Maudlin one young cow.

Item I give to my Grand Daughter Eliz Overman one two year old heifer.

Item I give to my Daughter Lidey Charles one young cow and calf.

Item I give all the rest of my cattle be equally divided betwix my wife and my Daughter Sarah Charles and my son Josuay Charles and my Daughter Hannah Charles.

Item I give to my daughter Mary Overman two ews and lambs .

Item I give all the rest of my sheep to be equally divided betwix my wife and other children.

Item I give my wife the use of the feather bed and furniture that I now lie in for her natural life and after her death to my Daughter Hannah.

Item I give all my hogs to my wife for to pay what debts I owe and to bring up my small children.

Item I give to my two sons Samuel and John my two guns each of them one.

Item I give the labor of my Negro woman to my wife during her widowhood for the maintainment of my small children after her deceas or marriage then the Negro woman to work one year with my son Josuay Charles and one year with my Daughter Hannah during the Negroes life.

Item I give to my son John Charles one feather bed with an osenbrigs tick 

Item I give to my wife my white horse called Smoker 

Item I give to my son Samuel my greate table and form

Item I give all the rest of my household goods that is not already given to equally divided betwix my wife and children.

Item I give to my son Josuay Charles one young two year old horse.

Item I give to my Daughter Lidey one yearling mare.

Item I give to my daughter Mary Overman one bay mare 

Item I give one gray mare and her increase betwix my two daughters Sarah Charles and Hannah Charles

Item I leave my great horse called Caper for the use of the plantation and if he proves unluckey then my Executors has power to swap or sell him for money to buy another

Item I likewise constitute make  and ordain my two sons Samuel Charles and John Charles of this my Last Will and  Testament and I do hereby utterly disannul all other wills that have here to fore been by me made. In witness my hand this day and the year above written–

Samuel Charles     (signature) — SEAL

Signed Sealed in the presents of us

 John Keatton

 Nathaniel N. Albert,

 Edward  EM  Maudlin__________________________________

Proved in open court by ye oaths of

Mr John Keatton, Mr. Edward Maudlin and affirma” of Nathl Alburt evidences(?) hereto.

Test Charles Denman Clk Ct–

Letters granted by me 7th(?) 18th  1728–
