• Thomas Davis of  Warricksqueake, planter—son of James, late of Henrico, in Vir’ dec’d, was granted 300a of land on Warricksqueake Creek, “100 in right of his father, an ancient planter, who came to Va in the “George” 1617, and 100a in right of his mother Rachel, wife of sd James.” Mar 6, 1633. Thomas made deposition in Norfolk Co Va 1640. He sold a grant from Sir Wm Berkeley June 1, 1649, to Thomas Maros, who sold sd land 400a unto Robert Bowers, who in like manner gave the land to his dau Mary, wife of Thomas Davis, and was conveyed by them Nov 14, 1708, unto Phillip Reynolds Mer’cht, “lying on W. side of Western Branch,” in which deed Thomas Davis is styled, “of Nansemond Co. planter.”
  • Thomas Cook, & Mary his wife “to make good” to John Davis, & Mary his wife, all of Isle of Wight Co, conveyed land to them, on Neck Swamp, Oct 6, 1677. The records of said county, give the will of John Davis “of upper pish” Isle of Wight Co, p June 28, 1714. He names wife Mary, sons: Thomas, Samuel, William, and dau Mary (wife of William Murray) dau’s: Sarah, Elizabeth, & Prudence, gr-dau Elizabeth Murray.
  • Samuel Davis (s of John) will same county; p June 6, 1751. d. s. p. Leg: Mother Amey Jones, to whom he bequeathed “plan’ at Meherrin,” at her death to sister Mary White, at her death to cousin Ann White, negro girl to sister Sarah Davis, sister Amey Davis, sister Marshillah Davis.
  • Samuel Davis, planter, “sone of Samuel, late of Isle of Wight Co Vir” appointed Nicholas Cobb, his Att’ to dispose of his dec’d fathers Estate, in said county July 23, 1667. Samuel Davis, & Ann his wife removed to Albemarle 1660, and had several children, the eldest being Samuel. (Affidavit of Henry White, who knew them in Isle of Wight Co.) “Samuel Davis of Albemarle in Carolina, heir of Samuel dec’d, and cousin of Ann his wife,” sold to John Bond of Isle of Wight Co, 100a of land, which was grt unto Thomas Edghill, by John Harvey, 1637, and by him assigned to William Strange, Mar 2, 1639, “who sold sd land to my father, June 11, 1642.” Seal May 12, 1668. Test’ Nicholas Cobb, Edward Hickman. (Isle of Wight Rec.) *In Surry Co Va a deed was made by John Davis, & wife Elizabeth “heiress of Roger Rawlings, late of Surry Co,” unto Thomas Lane Jr, for 5000 lbs of Tob, sold 50a on Lawnes Creek, “pish of Southwarke, plantation my father died on.” Dec 29, 1705. Admix was granted Elizabeth Davis, on Estate of her husband Edward Davis, July 1, 1679. Thomas Davis of Southwarke Parish, sold to James Davis 150a of land on Basses Swamp, Oct 14, 1712. His will Surry
  • Co, Sept 22, 1716, Son: James, dau’s: Jane, & Elizabeth Ellis, gr-sons: John, James, & Henry Davis, wife Elizabeth.
  • Davis, Jeames, (1) first in Perq Co, m “at a Meeting at the house of Henry White,” Elizabeth White (d of Henry of Albemarle) 26, 4mo 1690 (s of Wm Davis). Symons Creek Reg gives the ages of their children as follows: 1 William, b 4 4mo 1692—2 Mary, b —, 11mo 1694—3 John, b 14, 1mo 1695—4 Jeams, b 6, 8mo 1698—5 Robert, b 13, 1mo 1701/2—6 Henry, b —, 11mo 1712, d 1, 11mo 1718.
  • Davis, James, died 14, 12mo 1716. Jeames Davis (Probably son of James) d 24, 3mo 1719. The will of James Davis (no County, or probate) April 22, 1715. Sons: William, James, John, Robert, Henry, Wife Elizabeth.
  • Davis, Robert, (1) Jeams (1) m Sarah Eager (Eagor) 16, 12mo 1720, “at Symons Creek,” issue: 1 Mary, b 4, 12mo 1722—2 Jeames, b 2, 6mo 1726—3 Thomas, b 10, 2mo 1729—4 Joshua, b 1, 1mo 1731—5 Ruth, b 7, 2mo 1737—6 Robert (2) b 22, 11mo 1739.
  • Davis, William, (2) James (1) William (1) moved to Carteret Co, where his will was p June 1756, Sons: Nathan, Joseph, Wicker, Callip, Beniemen, William, Solomon, dau Abigail, wife Mary.
  • Davis, Elizabeth, wife of James Davis, m 2d James Newby of Pasq Co, “James Newby & Elizabeth his wife (widow of James Davis bound our son Robert Davis to Jno Symons, to live with him until he be 21 years of age,” and said Symons agred to “learn said Davis to weave, & do House carpenter work,” also to read, & write, “and sypher as far as sd Symons can do.” (Pasq Co. records.)
  • Davis, John, will Perq Co, p April 1753. Sons: Joseph, William, John, Samuel, dau Sarah Gorden (wife of William.)
  • Davis, Robert, who m Sarah Eager, will Pasq Co, p Jan 1750. Sons: James to whom he left his “maner plantation” Thomas “plantation next James Lowry,” dau’s: Elizabeth, & Ruth, wife Sarah.
  • Davis, Thomas, (1) Robert (1) James (1) William (1) m Lidia Griffin (d of Jeams) 13, 12mo 1752, issue: 1 Thomas, b Aug 13, 1753—2 William, b 7, 5mo 1757—3 Caleb, b Feb 23, 1759—4 Thomas, b Sept 17, 1761—5 Nathan, b Nov 7, 1763.
  • Davis, Thomas (s of Thomas, & Lydda) died 10, 10mo 1777.
  • Davis, Thomas (the elder) died 27, 8mo 1781.
  • Davis, Thomas, of Perq, will p April 1746. Son: Moses, “plantation whereon I live,” dau’s Elizabeth Davis, & Sarah Bond, wife Elizabeth.
  • Davis, John, of Pasq Co had wife Dorothy, April 15, 1747. (Pasq Co Records.)
  • Davis, Thomas, made a deed to his son Arthur Aug 19, 1747. (Pasq Co Records.)
  • Davis, Thomas, made a deed to his son John, 100a in Pasq Co, Jan 30, 1748.
  • Davis, Solomon, (s of William) with wife Sarah deed land in Pasq Co, Jan 26, 1713/4. His will said county, p Jan 1739. Dau’s: Dorothy, & Elizabeth Davis, Margaret Forster, son-in-law Caleb Coen, gr-son Daniel Coen.
  • Davis, John, of Perq m Rachel Redding (sister of James, & John) before Oct 12, 1769.
  • Davis, Joseph (1) John (1) m Elizabeth Sutton (sister of Ashbury) before Feb 1794.
  • Davis, Thomas, division in Perq (no date) shows sons: Moses, John, William, dau’s: Mary, Ruth, Elizabeth, Charity, & Judith. (Loose papers.)

     (See deeds in this book, for further data on Davis.)

  • Davis, Robert, will Perq, p, May 1799. Sons: James, & Caleb, dau’s: Mary Davis, & Miriam Albertson, wife Margaret.
  • Davis, Sarah, will p in Perq, Aug 1717, dau Bethany, Children: Letty, & Alexander.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Jane Charles had a grt for land in Perq 200a on “Southwest side of Western Branch of Yawpim Creek, at a branch that divides sd land from Robert Harmon,” Apl 1, 1694. She appears on the Rent Roll of Perq, prior to 1700, with 287a of land. The records do not make plain exactly who this Jane Charles father was. She is named in two of the Charles wills, as a sister. She died d. s. p. 1688.
  • Charles, William, m Abigail Balie, by Mr. Jefuery Magst, in Rode Island, 14—. Issue: 1 William (2) b July 13, 1661—2 Daniell b Sept 24, 1666—3 John b Nov 22, 1668—4 Jane b Jany 20, 1670, d July 12, 1688—5 Elizabeth b Jan 8, 167—6 Samuel b Mar 22, 1674—7 Isacke b Mar 12, 1676.
  • Charles, Elizabeth, d of William, & Abigail, m 1st John Long, Aug 11, 1687, m 2d “at a quarterly meeting,” Dec 16, 1688, Samuel Nicholson.
  • Charles, William, Dept this Life Augst 6, 1677. His wife Abigail m 2d John Lary, 21 —. Issue: Sarah Lary b Sept 15, 1680. Abigail Lury m 3d Francis Toms (1), Jan 6, 1683, issue: Abigail Toms, b Dec 10, 1684. Abigail Toms died Mar 17, 1687.
  • Charles, William (2), m Elizabeth Kent (b June 1, 1667) Nov 8, 1683, issue: Jane b Oct 1, 1685.
  • William Charles made his will (Co not given, but certainly in Perq) dated April 7, 1687. He bequeathed to brother John 120a of land, & to dau Jane “plantation I now live on” wife Elizabeth. Ex Francis Tomes (father) step-father, & Jonathan Philips (Phelps). All of Perq County.
  • Daniell, Charles, d. s. p. (will Perq) April 17, 1687, names brothers: John, & Samuel, sister Jeane. Ex Francis Tomas (Toms) & Christopher — (Nicholson).
  • John Charles, also d. s. p. His will not dated & no Co given, names brother Samuel.
  • The will of Jeane Charles, Perq Precinct, July 11, 1688, names only Aunt Marie Stepney, & John Stepney, brothers, & father, but not named. Coat of Arms on Seal.
  • Charles, Samuel, m Elizabeth Jones, (d of Peter Jones Sr) no date, issue: 1 Jean b Dec 10, 1697—2 Elizabeth b Sept 22, 1700—3 Samuel (2) b Aug 20, 1703—4 John b Dec 22, 1705, m Mary, & had s William (3) b May 27, 1738.
  • Charles, John, dec’d 28, 3mo 1740, Margaret Relict. (Division of his Est Perq Co.)
  • Charles, John & William, were gr-sons of Peter Jones Sr, (Will Perq Co April Court 1752.)
  • Samuel Charles will Perq Co, p Mar 1728, names son Samuel, to whom he left a plan’ “on which I live” son John “land on Gum Swamp” son Josuay same, dau’s Lidey, Sarah, & Hannaugh Charles. Gr-dau Elizabeth Overman.
  • Hannah Charles, who was 2d wife of Samuel Charles, also made her will in Perq, p July 1752. She names son Edward Moulin, & dau’s Elizabeth White, Sarah Perry, & Ann Cox, son-in-law Robert Cox, gr-dau Mary Moulin, (d of John), & gr-son John Moulin. (She was d of Joshua Toms, m 1 Ezekiel Maudlin, 2 Samuel Charles.)
  • William Charles (s of John, b 1738) will Perq p Jan 1771. Sons: William, Joshua, Aaron, & John, bro-in-law John Henby, wife Jane, d Margaret, father-in-law Aaron Albertson, Ex.
  • John Charles, will p Perq Co, Jan 1780. Son Daniel, brother Benjamin, wife Elizabeth, & Ralph Fletcher Exrs.
  • Samuel Charles m Hannah Davis, Oct 7, 1722, issue: Hannah b Dec 5, 1723.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Albertson, Penelope, d of Joshua & Mary, b 16, 6mo 1753. Reg of Friends.

  • Albertson, Mary, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 17, 11mo 1745. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Caleb, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 4mo 1747. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Joshua, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 11, 11mo 1749. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Josiah, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 12, 12mo 1750. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Miriam, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 4, 12mo 1752. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Sarah, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 18, 11mo 1754. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Liddea, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 8, 1mo 1755. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Abigail, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 2mo 1757. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Elizabeth, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 3mo, 1759. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Sarah (d of Elihu) m Benjamin Newby 25, 2mo 1773. He died 28, 9mo 1779.
  • Albertson, Elias, (s of Elias, & Elizabeth) was b 24, 9mo 1763.
  • Albertson, Benjamin (s of William, & Sarah) m Sarah Nixon (d of Phineas, & Mary) 19, 10mo 1773. b 17, 12mo 1746/7.
  • Albertson, Hannah (d of Nathaniel) b 18, 2mo 1719—m John Nixon 10, 3mo 1753; issue: 1 Mary b 16, 12mo 1754—2 Liddea b 14, 3mo 1756—3 Frederick b 4, 11mo 1758—Abigail, (twin to Frederick). (She was 2d wife of John Nixon.) Hannah (Albertson) Nixon d 18, 2mo 1793.
  • Albertson, Joshua, m Mary Symons (at Symons Creek Meeting) 4, 10mo 1734.
  • Albertson, William, m Sarah Pritchard (at Symons Creek Meeting) 1, 8mo 1747.
  • Albertson, Joshua, m Mary Scott (at Symons Creek Meeting) 2, 5mo 1752.
  • Albertson, William, died 29, 4mo 1803, & “was buried at Suttons Creek Meeting house.” (in Perq Co.)
  • Albertson, Miriam, m Nathan White, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 6, 4mo 1785.
  • Albertson, Penninah, m Benjamin Saint, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 2, 12mo 1789.
  • Albertson, Phineas, m Rebeccah White, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 4, 9mo 1793.

* Albertson, Chalkey, m 1st Elizabeth, & had son Zachariah, who died 10, 8mo 1798. m 2d Mary Hollowell, “Suttons Creek Meeting” Perq Co, 18, 8mo 1808, & had issue: 1 Chalkey b 21, 4mo 1809—2 Daniel b 24, 1mo 1811.

*It is thought that the name of Chalkey in the Albertson family was for Thomas Chalkey, the celebrated Quaker minister, and in other families through intermarriage with the Albertson.

  • Albertson, Mary, wife of Chalkey, died 20, 9mo 1812, & “was buried at Suttons Creek Meeting house.”
  • Albertson, Benjamin, (s of Benj of Old Neck dec’d) m Margaret Nixon (d of Nath’l Bagley) all of Perq, 17, 10mo 1811. (Sutton Creek Meeting Perq.)
  • Albertson, Toms, m Martha Albertson (Symons Creek) 16, 9mo 1810, had issue: 1 Elias b 10, 3mo 1813—2 James b 12, 8mo 1811—3 Mary b 19, 2mo 1815.
  • Albertson, Benjamin, m Sarah — (at Piney Woods Meeting) 12, 10mo 1809, issue: 1 Alfred Parker b 22, 4mo 1811—d 25, 9mo 1816—2 Edmond Peel b 21, 9mo 1813—3 Isabel b 2, 2mo 1816.
  • Albertson, Nathan, (s of Benj dec’d) m Pheraby Nicholson (d of Nathan) 14, 8mo 1824.
  • Albertson, Albert, had a grt for land in Perq May 22, 1694—290a by the side of Suttons Creek Swamp. (Land Office Raleigh.)
  • Albertson, Albert Jr, land grt in Perq Precinct, Sept 1, 1694, on the bank of Perq River, 300a.
  • Albertson, Albert, appears on Rent Roll in Perq 1700, with 300a on Deep Creek.                           

Birth, Deaths, and Marriages, in Berkeley

  • Albert Albertson m Mary Gosby, Dec 20, 1668, issue: 1 Albert, b July 15, 1669—2 Susanna, b Feb 19, 1670—3 Esau, b Aug 19, 1672—4 Hannah, b Dec 11, 1675—5 Peter, b Last of June 1677.
  • Hannah Albertson m Joseph Nicholson, s of Christopher, & Hannah.
  • Albert Albertson died “att his on house” Feb 28, 1701.
  • Albertson, Albert Jr, m Elizabeth Mullen, (d of Abraham) who m 2d Wm Bateman, before Oct 18, 1768. (Deed b H-41.)
  • Albertson, Albert, s of Albert & Elizabeth b ye Nov 23, 1694.
  • Albertson, John, s of Albert & Elizabeth b Nov 27, 1696.
  • Albertson, Peter, (s of Albert & Mary Gosby) m Ann Jones (d of Mary Beesly, wid) Aug 27, 1701. issue: 1 Samuel, b Oct 25, 1702—2 Peter, b Oct 7, 1704—3 Joseph, b Feby 5, 1705/6—4 Ann, b Aug 4, 1708—(died young)—5 Mary, b Mch 12, 1710—6 Patience, b Dec 5, 1711—7 Hannah, b June 15, 1715—8 Anne (2d by that name), b Aug 4, 1718—9 Martha, b Aug 15, 1721.
  • Albertson, Esau, (son of Albert, & Mary Gosby) m Sarah Sexton (d of Darby, & Doroty) ye 27 Jany 1700/1, by Rev Richard French.
  • Albertson, Esau, (s of Esau, & wife Sarah) b Feb 5, 1703/4.
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, m Abigail Nicholson (d of Samuel) “at a meeting, at ye house of Samuel Nicholson,” July 12, 1704. issue: Sarah, b Nov 2, 1706.
  • Albertson, Aaron, m Ann Gilbert, July 10, 1729. issue: Nathaniel b Aug 19, 1733. His will Perq Co, p April Court 1782, names wife Anne, Children; Nathaniel, Abigail Cosand (wife of Gabriel) Jean Charles, sons Benjamin, & Nathaniel Exors. Test’ Mary Sanders, Mary, & William Albertson. (Perq Co records.)
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, will Perq Co, p July Court 1785, names sons Joseph, & Jesse, daus Margaret, & Miriam Albertson, Roda Munden, & Anne Moore, son-in-law Levi Munden, wife Mary. (2d wife). Test’ Aaron Moore, Anne Moore, Roda Munden.
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, will Perq Co, p Jan Court 1752/3, names sons Joshua, & William, (Wm, gr-son of Samuel Nicholson) gr-sons Benjamin, & Chalkey, (sons of William) daus Hannah, & Elizabeth Newby, son Aaron, d Lydia True-blood. Test’ Joshua Perisho, James Henbe, Mary Morris.
  • Albertson, Joshua, will Perq Co, p Oct Court 1753. names son Francis, wife Mary, daus Elizabeth, Mary, & Penelope, brothers Aaron, & William, Exors.
  • Albertson, William, will Perq Co, p Sept 10, 1784, names sons Benjamin, Chalkey, & William, gr-sons William, & Thomas Hasket, d Mary Anderson, Elizabeth Albertson, wife Sarah. (Who was d of William Newby, by whom she is named, in his will Perq Co, Aug 10, 1782) Exors sons Benjamin, & Chalkey. Test’ John, & Samuel Anderson, Josiah Yatton. (Latton.)
  • Albertson, Albert Sr, will Perq Co, p Apl 14, 1702, names sons Peter, Nathan, Esau, & Nathaniel, son Peter, & wife Ann Exors. son Albert. Test’ John Falconer, Nathaniel Nicholson. 

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).