Tag: Colson
Trueblood Marriages (grooms)
Perquimans County, North Carolina 1856-2000
The above was taken from the Perquimans County Marriage Register. In many cases there is a great deal of time between marriages. I went through the Register name by name and have included all that were listed. Where no age is given, none was listed in the Register.
Trueblood Marriages
- Jonathan Bateman, was granted 400a, in Perq, “on West side of Perq River, in the pocoson, by ye side of Robert Wilsons Creek.” 1684.
- John Bateman, 250a, on ye North side of Perq River, & West side of Lillys Creek. He had another grt, 145a on North East side of Perq River, adj Atterways Eastermost bounds. Mar 30, 1704.
- Bateman, Jonathan, m Margaret — issue: 1 Jonathan (2) b Feb 12, 1676—2 John b Nov 2, 1678—3 Thomas b Sept 13, 1688—4 Mary b May 16, 16—.
- Bateman, Margaret, wife of Jonathan, died Sept 15, 1688.
- Bateman, Jonathan, m 2d Hannah Edge — 1692. By Francis Hartley, J. P.
- Bateman, Mary, the last child of Jonathan, must have been her child, as she was born after the death of Margaret, his first wife.
- Bateman, Jonathan, m 3d Elizabeth, widow of Lawrence Arnold, Sept 28, 1694. She survived him, & is named in his will, which was p in Albemarle, (Perq precinct) Jan 1695-6. He names sons: Jonathan, John, Thomas, & dau Mary. Hannah Bateman Dept this Life, Dec 4, 1692.
- A petition was presented to the Court, April 9, 1702, by Jonathan Bateman (2), to “lett Mr Wm Wilkinson, have a pattent for 400a, Surveyed for Mr Sam Swann, in Lillies Creek” he having sold same to sd Wilkinson. This land was later called “Stevensons Point.”
- Bateman, Jonathan (2), m Elizabeth Holloway, (d of Thomas, & Elizabeth) Sept 23, 1697, issue; 1 Margaret b Oct 20, 1698—2 Nathan b Sept 10, 1702—3 Jonathan b May 2, 1705.
- Bateman, John, d. s. p. will Perq July Court 1750. Nephew: Thomas, to whom he bequeathed plan’ called “Broad Neck.” Brother Thomas (father of Thomas) Mary Hawkins (d of nephew John Hawkins) Elizabeth Phelps (d of brother Jonathan Bateman) Mary Phelps (d of brother Thomas) Sarah Butterre, (d of brother Jonathan) Exrs Thomas Bateman (brother), William Bateman (nephew).
- Bateman, William, m 1st Hannah Mullen, Sept 12, 1759. Jos Barclift sec. m 2d Bettie Mullen, Sept 26, 1760. Father Abraham Mullen. Will p in Perq July Court 1773. Sons: Benjamin, John, Joseph, gr-dau Betty, d of son Benjamin, wife Betty.
- Bateman, Thomas, will p in Perq, Oct 1766. Son: William, wife Sarah, d Mary Phelps, gr-son John Phelps Bateman. His perishable Est was sold, by his wife Sarah, May 17, 1763.
- Bateman, Thomas (2), m Elizabeth Raper, before Nov 2, 1787. (See John Rapers will.)
- Bateman, Benjamin, m Mary Colson, Feb 21, 1765. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
- Bateman, Jonathan (3), m Sarah Hornbee, Dec 30, 1794. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).