Contributed by Susan C. Griffin
Part of the NCGenWeb/USGenWeb Project
Trueblood Marriages (grooms)
Perquimans County, North Carolina 1856-2000
The above was taken from the Perquimans County Marriage Register. In many cases there is a great deal of time between marriages. I went through the Register name by name and have included all that were listed. Where no age is given, none was listed in the Register.
Chappell Bible in possession of Mr. R. C. Hewitt, Rt. 5, Elizabeth City, N. C.
Copied 23 May 1962
This Bible was published by The Society of Friends.
This Chappell Family is from Perquimans County, N. C.
For the convenience of those not acquainted with the record, and where the ones needed are to be found, the following is here printed, taken from Winslow Memorial, Vol I, Chart V.
Excursus. Cannon: John Cannon came to New England in “Fortune” with John Winslow 1620. Such records prove that the two families were known to each other before migrating to Perq Precinct. “Robert Cannon of New England died at Mr Durants, Jan 1, 1690.” Wm Townsend m Rachel Winslow (widow of Timothy) 4, 4mo 1753, and had dau Betty, who m Joseph Cannon. The last made his will in Chowan Co, p 1785. Wife Betty, brother Jacob, his father Jeremiah Cannon, will in Chowan, 3, 3mo 1779, wife Rachel, her former husband John Smith of Perq Co, d Sarah Arnold (wife of Benjamin), sons: Joseph, & Jacob. Jacob Cannon, m Jemima Newby (d of Robert) is named in his will 1789. Joseph Cannon, Orphan of Jacob, in account with his Guar Josiah Townsend, Feb 1806. Jacob Cannon will, Perq Co, p May 1832, names wife Ann, sons: James, Joseph, and dau: Sally Ann, brother Joseph. Exrs Nathan Winslow, & Allen Saunders. Joseph Cannon was a Lawyer of good repute, and owned “Woodlawn” near Hertford, which was acquired by Mr Charles Wood, and a few years ago met with the misfortune of being burned to the ground. On the place is the old Cannon burying ground, with tombstones, and here was buried Joseph Cannon.
(See other Wilson Wills in N. C. Hist Reg, Vol 3-2 & 3-3.)
After much careful work on this family, in N. C. and Virginia, the writer has arrived at the conclusion, that the Toms emigrant, to N. C., was living in Charles City Co Va, where he sold land in sd County, to Francis Gray, Feb 17, 1656. Only mention of him, so far found, but that is not strange, considering the fact, that nothing remains of the records in that Co, except one book. Gabriel Toms appears on the records in Essex Co Va, but no connection between the two, can be made. However, there may have been, some relationship. It is thought, but not proven, that the Francis who settled in Perq, is the identical one, who is named in sd record, as the dates would bear me out, in that opinion. From Edmundson’s Journal, we are led to believe, that he did not embrace Quakerism, until the time of Edmundson’s first journey to N. C. 1672. At which time, he & his wife, Mary (d of John Nicholson, sister of William) went over to the new cult. Mary being his 3d wife, by whom he had no issue. Her will p in Perq, 1717, does not name a single one of his children. She was probably a widow before m Francis Toms, as she names in her will, Vesty Lewis, who was wife of Edward Lewis, & probably her daughter.
Francis Toms, m before coming to Perq, Pershillah — by whom he had issue: Penelope, b Jan 27, 1670—Francis (2), b Sept 19, 1672—Pershillah, b Mch 19, 1674/5—Joseph, b Nov 16, 1677, died June 6, 1679—Caleb, & Joshua (twins), b Nov 25, 1679.
Toms, Francis, m 2d Abigail Lury (widow of John) Jan 6, 1683, by whom one d Abigail, b Dec 10, 1684. Abigail Toms, Wife of Francis, died Mar 17, 1687.†
Toms, Francis, m 3d Mary Nicholson, who survived him.
Toms, Francis Sr, lived near “Lower Pond, on Reedy Branch, at the head of Vosses Creek.” His land adj John Flowers, on western side of “Long Reach” in the “Narrows” of Perq River. The land on Vosses Creek, where his dwelling was erected, adj William Morgan. He had a stretch of land, running from Vosses Creek, to “Middle Swamp” called “Frog Hall.” This place still retains its original name, to this day. Francis Toms Jr owned land on S. W. side of Perq River, on “Bull Branch, adj land sold to Henry Grace, June 24, 1714. His land also joined land of William Jones. Francis Toms Sr, made a deed of gift, to Thomas Pierce, Wm Bogue, Isaac Wilson, & Gabriel Newby, 1a of land, “for the Society of Protestant Desenters, Vulgarly called Quakers, whereon a Church is now built,” in Perq Precinct, 11mo called Jan, 1705/6. This house of Worship, is supposed to have been Vosses Creek Meeting house, on said Creek, the exact location, being lost and uncertain. He was a member of the Council, for many years (see deeds). Clerk of Pasq Precinct Aug 8, 1692 (see will of John Nixon). Dept’ to Lord Amey, & his name appears on many grants given by the Lords Pro’r. His oath before the Gov Council, is of interest, to all historians, in its quaint wording, he promised “to Keepe ye Secrett of ye Council, to ye best of my advice, according to my Understanding.” This oath was administered in 1706. He had been a member of the Council, since Feb 6, 1683/4. Francis Toms “Collector of Customs” (no date).
On 15, 7mo 1696, he left Perq, on a two months journey (probably to London) but his business is not stated, maybe in the interests of the Quaker Church. Before leaving, he deputized “Wm Glover, his Lov’ Friend, to get timber for a big Mill, or a little one, & left it wholely to him, which thee thinks most benificall for me.” This was probably the beginning of Toms Mill, on Suttons Creek, in fact if his land ran to Middle Swamp, as before stated, & sd place was called even then, “Frog Hall” we are certain the “Mill” here mentioned, was built on this property. He made a deed, Feb 9, 1688, with consent of wife Abigail, for 300a at the head of Yeopim Creek, “called John Lasy’s Plan’,” land pat by Wm Charles, June 6, 1683. Another deed Jan 5, 1689/90, with the signature of his last wife Mary. In a deed Mar 24, 1687, he gives the information, that he had been grt 587a in Perq Precinct. (See deeds.)
The Hon’ble Francis Toms, had a grt, in Perq Pr’ct, 640a, adj Capt Ralph Fletcher, & James Morgan, to corner of Wm Voss, & along his line to the River (Perquimans). May 1, 1695. Francis Toms Esq, another grt, in Perq Pre’ct 375a on North side of Perq River, by beaver dam Swamp. Feb 26, 1696.
†Note: John Lacey (Lurey) 2d husband of Abigail Balie, in his Will Perq Precinct, Dec 1, 1682, names wife Abigail, & d Sarah. This may be the same Sarah, for whom Foster Toms put in a claim, for her Estate, in 1754. It is thought she m Christopher Denman, but no absolute proof is forthcoming.
*Note: John Kinse (s of John, & Catherine) was b 6, 10mo 1692, in Nansemond Co Va. He m in Perq Co N. C. Pershillah Toms, (d of Francis Sr, & wife Pershillah). John Kinseys will, Perq April 14, 1717, names d Elizabeth, dau-in-law Mary Nicholson, son-in-law Samuel Nicholson, wife Preshillah.
Capt John Ratcliffe arrived at Jamestown with Capt John Smith, in Discovery, April 26, 1607, with 20 other passengers. After Edward Maria Wingfield was expelled for wasting the “stores” he was elected president in his place. John Ratcliffe was one of the Council, “when the Colonists first reached shore” on their crossing to Accomac Co. (History of Accomac Co.) He was living at Jamestown May 23, 1609. (Browns Gen. to America.)
Roger Radclife was living “att West, and Sherlew hundred” Feb 16, 1623. (Hotten.) He arrived in Va, in “George” May 1619, with his wife Ann, age 40, and son Isaac 9 years old. He gave his own age as 44.
Charles Radcliffe had land grt him, in Accomac Co, July 10, 1664.
The History of Grant Co Ind, shows that James & Mary Ratcliffe came from England to Bucks Co Penn, with five children, as follows: 1 Richard, b April 8, 1676—2 Edward, b Aug 14, 1678—3 Rachel, b Feb 16, 1682—4 Rebecca, b Nov 11, 1684—5 James, b 1686/7.
The theory has been advanced that the Richard (s of James & Mary) is the identical one who was such a prominent Quaker in Isle of Wight County Va, but if one will stop to investigate the date thoroughly, it would be seen immediately, that such could not possibly be the case. The Richard in Penn, was only ten years of age when the Richard in Isle of Wight, made his will 1686. May we not more plausibly surmise, that Roger of West and Shirley hundred, might be the progenitor of Richard of Isle of Wight, for certainly propinquity would lend color to that version. Again he could have been a descendant of John Ratcliffe of Jamestown, however the records do not give any positive proof.
Richard Ratcliffe, first in Isle of Wight Co, made a will in sd county, which was Ack in Court Mar 4, 1686/7. Son Richard (2) to whom he bequeathed 200a of land, “if he die to s Cornelius” son John, dau’s Elizabeth, Sara, Mary, & Rebecca, wife Elizabeth, & John Copeland Exrs. Test’ Daniel Sandbourne, Wm Outland, Edmund Belson.
The children of Richard are given in Chuckatuck Friends Reg, Nansemond Co, as follows:
Richard Ratcliffe Sr attended a “meeting at Leavy’s Neck, 13, 4mo 1708.” Richard and John Ratliff are named in the m certificate of Rebecca (Jordan) as “brother.”
How to account for the fact that Richard Ratcliff (1) made a second will in Isle of Wight Co 8, 8mo 1713, p Oct 27, 1718, but from the fact that he names the identical children, and that they had the same husbands, we are led to conclude it was certainly the same Richard who made a will 1686, although a period of 27 years intervened. The 2d Richard could not have had a child ofr marriageable age, at the time the sons and dau’s of Richard Ratcliff did marry. Also the issue in the second will is in exactly the same sequence as the first, but the text of the will is different. Will of Richard Ratcliff of Lower pish Isle of Wight Co, p Oct 27, 1718, gives to son “Richard plan’ whereon I now live,” after the death of his wife Elizabeth, to her he left 5 negroes for her “Natual life,” to be equally divided between his children: Richard, Cornelius, John, Mary, Rebeccah, & the “children of my two dec’d dau’s Elizabeth, & Sarah, a childs pt to be divided among them.” Son-in-law Thomas Newman (husband of Mary) Richard Jordan (husband of Rebeccah) “a part of my Estate.” Test’ Wm Best, Humph’ry Marshall, Tho. Copeland.
The name Piers is thought to be derived from a French family by that name. It is variously spelled, on the records in Perq Co, as well as elsewhere.
Peter Piers who lived in the reign of Edward IV, & Richard III, was an adherent of the house of York, & fought at Bosworth field 1485. He was standard bearer of Richard III. John Pierce was Bishop of York. The first grt for land at Plymouth Colony, was given to John Pierce June 1, 1621. Abraham Pierce was the first of that name to settle in New Plymouth, & was called a Freeman 1633. He was a householder 1637. Soldier under Miles Standish 1643, purchased Bridgewater 1645. He died about 1673, when his son Abraham was his Ex. He had also a son John settled at Gloucester 1712. (Ancestral families, & Portraits.)
Berkeley Parish Reg, has the following:
Pierce, John, & wife Sarah, had issue
Pierce, Joseph, & wife Alice, issue:
Pierce, James, & wife Elizabeth, issue:
James Pierce in his will p in Perq Co, April Court 1763, names son: Miles. Wife Susannah, Dau’s Kesiah, & Celia. Eldest children, Hartwell, Miles, Florida, & Fen. Test’ James, & John Gibson, & Amy Maudlin.
John Pierce, “an Elder,” departed this life, 10, 6mo 1812, 80 years of age. (Suttons Creek Mo Meeting.)
The Nathan Newby line is better defined, & easier to carry out, than the Gabriel Newby line, and it is evident that they crossed each other many times.