Trueblood Marriages (grooms)

Perquimans County, North Carolina  1856-2000

The above was taken from the Perquimans County Marriage Register. In many cases there is a great deal of time between marriages. I went through the Register name by name and have included all that were listed. Where no age is given, none was listed in the Register.

Trueblood Marriages




will, 14 February 1734, Perquimans County

Proved in Court 9 July 1735, Perquimans County

In the name of God, amen the fourteenth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundren and thirty four Benjamin Hurdle of Perquimons in North Carolina in the County of Albemarle plantor being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament  that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian mannor at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurection(?) I shall relive the same again by the Almighty Power of God and as <word illegible> such worldly estates herewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis: I give and bequeath to William Hurdle all my close(clothes) and three yards of cloth and a m??? bridel and saddel and a Negro boy named Sam unto Moring Hurdle after the decease of my mother Elizabeth Hurdle.

This my Last Will and Testament.

Benjamin Hurdle (his B mark)  Seal

Nathaniel Williams  (his mark)       

Daniel Rogeson  (his mark)

Joseph Riddick

Signed Sealed publish and delivered in the presents of the Subscribers


NOTES: Benjamin was the son of William and Elizabeth Hurdle of Surry County, Virginia. He was one of three brothers who came to North Carolina from Surry County, Virginia. His brother, Martin, settled in Chowan County and his brother, William, purchased land in Perquimans County as evidenced by an April 17, 1732 deed. Benjamin apparently did not marry nor did he have any children.



In deed book 10, page 62, Norfolk Co Va, can be seen the will of Matthew Spivey dated Feb 16, 1718. He bequeathed to Extrix “the use of my water Mill, & Rents of my lands, use of Cattle, and old Cows, with my Stock of Hoggs in the hands of Edward Wood, Edward Weston, and William Ward, in the Government of N. C.” To said Extrix, use of lands “for bringing up my four youngest Children” dau Sarah, son Matthew, “when he comes of full size, to him my Maner plantation, with Water Mill, at age provided he affirm Saile for tract of Land in the tenor of John Staford, unto my son George Spivey.” Children: Sarah, Judith, Tamer, Elizabeth, Matthew, & George Spivey. To Wm Joshson “one coate.” Appointed “Mother, Mrs. Judith Nichols, & dau Sarah Extrix” jointly. Test’ Hannah Holiday, Robert, & John Bowers, Thomas Maning.

  • John Granbery of Nansemond Co Va, made a deed in Norfolk Co Vir, “with consent of Ann his wife,” unto Moses Prescott of Norfolk Co, “Land on Northwest River,” patented by John Creekmore, April 20, 1689, and sold by him to Daniel Browne, June 24, 1691, by said Browne, conveyed to Maj John Nichols, and bequeathed by him to his dau Ann “now wife of said Granbery” 100a. July 13, 1704. Test’ Nath’l Wilder, Matthew Spivey, Sarah Spivey, Judith Nichols.
  • Ann Granbery of Nansemond Co, appointed “brother Matthew Spivey” to act as her attorney, July 15, 1704. (As Judith, mother of Matthew, will 1718, m 2d Nichols, as before seen, Ann was probably a “step-sister” of Matthew Spivey, Jr.)
  • Matthew Spivey was J. P. in Norfolk Co Va, July 16, 1704.
  • George Spivey, obtained a grant in Nansemond Co Va, Oct 22, 1666, “near the head of Southern Branch,” and John Spivey had a grant Oct 28, 1697, “at a place called ‘planters delight’ ” on E. side of Southern Branch.
  • Thomas Spivey of Chowan Co N. C. deeded land, 150a to his son Jacob, on west side of Catherine’s Creek (Gates Co), and he with wife Mary conveyed 100a on South side of said Creek, unto Moses Hill, Apl 18, 1720. William Hill of Chowan, was “son-in-law” of Thomas Spivey, and had son Moses Hill, wife Mary. (Will Chowan, p 10, 1mo 1750/1.) Thomas Spivey, & wife Mary, sold 200a on North side of Catherine’s Creek, called “Meherrin Neck” unto—James Griffin, July 15, 1717. Test’ Abram Spivey, Thomas Rountree.
  • The will of Thomas Spivey, p in Chowan Co. Feb 7, 1729/30. Sons: Benjamin, Jacob, Thomas, & William.
  • Benjamin Spivey of N. C. sold to John Edwards of “Lower pish” Isle of Wight Co, Va, “for 16 barrels of Tarr, and 600 lbs of Tob” Land in Lower parish, which was part of a patent for 1800a, patented in 1680. Seal April 20 1723.
  • Thomas Spivey made a deed of gift to his son Benjamin, 496a “as per Patent to me” on N. E. side of Katherine’s Creek. 1715/6.
  • George Spivey, conveyed 100a, on Catherine’s Creek, unto Thomas Walton Jr. Dec 4, 1734. Test’ Benj Spivey.
  • Littleton Spivey made a deed in Chowan Co, to John Benton, conveying 40a “where John Spivey, father of said Littleton, lately lived, which he bequeathed to Littleton, & John Spivey his sons.” Jane Spivey of Nansemond Co made a deed soon after this, and she is thought to be wife of John dec’d.
  • Champion Spivey was dead, 1794, division names the following children: John, Dorothy, Delia, & Rachel.
  • Sarah & Zilpha Spivey were dau’s of Palatiah Walton of Chowan Co. Nov 6, 1776.


  • Spivey, John, m Rhoady Ward. May 9, 1790. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, Josiah, m Orpha Hurdle, Mar 9, 1802. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, William, m Charity White, Dec 21, 1807. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, Seth, m Lovey Ward, July 25, 1808. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, William, m Louisa Vandermon, Nov 25, 1831. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, Nathaniel, died 1758. (Records Chowan Co.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).