Will of




IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The 10th. Day of Aprell, in ye year of our Lord, one Thousan, Seven hundred & Twenty nine. I, Thomas Harvey, of ye precinck of perquimens & Province of North Carolina, Gent., Being of perfickt mind & memory, Thanks be to Allmitey God. Thare fore, Calling unto Mind ye Mortality of my Body & knowing yt it is apointed once for all men to Dye, do make & ordain this my last Will & Testement, yt is To Say, Principally & ferst of all, I Recomend my Soul into ye hands of God yt Gave it; & my Body I Recomend to ye Earth to be buread in a Decent & Cristeon maner, at ye Descration of my Exetors. Hareafter named, nothing Doubting but Genarll. Resuration, I shall Receive ye Same aGain by ye Power of Allmitey God; and as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it bath pleased God to bless me with in ys. Life, I Give & Demise & Dispose of ye Same in ye following maner & Forme:

Imprimis. I will & Desire yt as Sune as my Death, all my Just Debts yt in write or Conchinnces I owe To Eney person or persons be Deschard. & payd, with Justes.

Item. I Give to my Dear beloved wife, Elizabeth Harvey, ye one thuerd part of my personell Estate, to be Equally Taken out of ye Hole, both in quantity & Qualety of ye Same, after all my Just Debts are payd. But all Legeaseys to be payd out of ye other Two Thurdes of my Estate.

Item. I Give to my Beloved wife aforesaid, my Negro Man Called Jamey.

Item. I Give To my beloved Wife aforesaid, My Plantation whareon I now Live, dureing her Natrall Life & at hur desse., To be Injoyd by my soun, Thomas Harvey, and his aires for Ever. My Will is, That ye Said Thos. Harvey, shall not be debard or hindread from bulding or leiving on Eney Part of ye Lands so Sune as he Shall arive to ye Age of Twenty one yers, Ye Clear’d land & Dweling house Exceptd.

Item. I Give To my Soun, Thomas Harvey, my Negro Boy, Callead Ned, and my Negro Gall, Called Dinear, to be Injoyd by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I Give to my Soun, John Harvey, my Negro Boy, called Frank, and my Negro Gall, called Marey ann., To be Injoyed by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I give to my Son, Benjn. Harvey, my Negro Boy- Callead Willcock & my Negro Gall Callead Hannah, To be injoyd by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I Give to my Soun, Miles Harvey, my Negro Boy Callead Jack & my Negro Gall Called fates, & my Negro Gall Callead Pegg, To be inJoyed by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I Give To my fore Souns, namely: Thomas, John, Benj’n. & Miles, My fore plantions or Pasealls of Land; To my Soun Thos. Harvey, My Plantion whareon I now live, after his Mothers Desese as above said, To be in Joyd for Ever; To my soup, John Harvey, My Plantion, CaHead ye Quarter, with ye Lands beLoing thare to, To be inJoyd by him & his ares for Ever; To my Son, Bejn. Harvey, my Plantion Called Foleks Pint, with the Lands belonging thareto, To be Injoyd by him & his ares for Ever; To my Soun, Miles Harvey, all my Lands on Chowan River, ling in Rockahock neck, ye lands I Bought of Samuel Woodard, To be InJoyd by him & his ares for Ever.

Item. I give to my Brother, Miles Gale, of Boston, in Newengland, one Quarter or forth part of the Slupe Called The two Brothers, whare at this Time I own Three partes & he one.

Item. I Give To Each of Collo. Robad Wests Dafters, which he had by my Sester, Marey Harvey, Namely: Mathe, Sarey & Marcy, one Gold Ring, To Each of them, to ye valey of fortey Shillings Each. And likewise Give to my two Sisters, Elizabeth Clayten, and Penelopy Lettell, Wife of Mr. Willm. Lettell one Gold Ring apes, or fifty Shillings each.

Item. I Give to The Children, or so many of them as is now Living, Belonging to ye Wife of James Settersen, & ye Wife of Willm. Tetterten, fortey Shillings a pese, or to ye Valey of ye Said Money in what my Exceters. hareafter named Shall Tink fitt.

Item. I Give to John Cole, Soun of John Coles, of Nances- mun in Virieny, one tree year old Hores.

Item. I Give to Josway Wherey, Soun of Antoney Wherey, one Bed and Furneture, To ye Valey of Tenn pounds.

Item. I Give to Elizabeth Wherey, Dafter of Antoney Wherey, one feather Bed, To ye Valey of Ten pounds, & Ten pounds in Current Money of North Carolina.

Item. I Give one Hundred Pounds, Current Money of North Carolina, To be Emplid & Lade oute for ye youse & benefett of ye pore & pore Children beloing to ye precinck of Perquimons, Such as are Mentanead by ye paresh Excepted out. But ye money to be Ametadatly Layd out at ye Descretion of my Excetr. hareafter namead, but to ye youse aforesaid.

Item. I Give To Mr. Willm. Lettell of North Carolina, & my Friend, Collo. Edward Moseley, & my Friend, Mr. Thos. Pollock, & To Each of Them, one Gold Ring a pesese to ye Valey of Ten pounds, Currant Money of North Carolina, Each Ring to be purched out of my Estate by my Excetrs. hareafter named.

Item. I Give all ye Rest & Residue of my Estate, Both Reall and Persnall, be it in North Carolina or Eleswhere, be it in wot kind or maner SoEver, To my foure Sounes, namely; Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, Bejn. Harvey, & Miles Harvey, To be Equally Sheard & Devided betwene them & To them & thare ares for Ever. And If Either or Eney of Them shall Diye before thay ARive to ye age of Twenty one Years, that then, & in Such Case, that part of ye Estate as beloingd to ye Desesead, to be Equally Devided among ye Sirvivrs & thare ares for Ever, both rell and persnall. And my will is that the Money ariseing out of my Estate, Either by ye Sale of Good, Hire of Negroes, or by Eney ways or menes wot Ever, To be Emplid in Trade or Lett To Entrest for ye Benefett of my Children after an alownces for thare Edecation.

And Lastly, I do aPint my Brother, Miles Gale, of Boston in Newengland, my Knnsman, Mr. Willm. Lettell, My Friend, Collo. Edward Mosley, Mr. Thos. Pollock, Excters. & my Loving Wife, Elizabeth Harvey, Excetres, of this my Last Will & Testement, To Se it Strickely fullfilld in all its parts, Revocking & disallowing all other will or wills by me mayd, Ratefying & confirming This To be my Last Will & Testament.

In Witness whareof, I Have hareunto Sett my Hand & Sele ye Day & Year above written.

                                                                                                 THOS. HARVEY,   (Seal).

Sind, Seld, Publeshid, pronounced & Declared by the Said Thos. Harvey, To be his Last Will & Testement, in presences of us ye Subskribers:



JOHN WIAT, Jurat. (Seal)

I, The Thomas Harvey, doth further apoint my friend the Honble. John Lovick, Esq., one of my Executors to this my above will, Provided my Kinsman, Mr. William Little is not Capable Of Acting, In the proformance of this my will, and tis my will that my Sd. friend, John Lovick, Esq., have one gold Ring to the Vallue of ten pounds, current money of No. Carolina.


Singd. Seald, and Delivered In presence of:






Memd. That about Three Dayes before his Death The within Mentiond, Thos. Harvey, payd me to take notice that it was his desire that Mr. Lovick shoed Act with the other extrs., notwithstanding the manner of Expression as to Mr. Little’s Illness or incapacity of Acting, mentioned in the Codicil as a condition wch might imply the contrary.


Novbr. 10th, 1729.

Proved This will before me, RICHD. EVERARD.


Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State

Contributed by Nola Duffy
