• John Elliott, son of Bennett of Nasing Essex England, bapt 1604, arrived in America 1631, and settled in New England.
  • Jacob Elliott, brother of Rev John Elliott the Apostle, who died before 28, 2mo 1651, at which time his will was p in New Eng. He made bequest to son Jacob a “House” and to dau Hannah the same. His Inventory shows wife Margery, and that he had in money £579-23-8, 29, 11mo 1651. Margery wife of Jacob, died Oct 30, 1661, heirs: son Jacob, Theophilus Frary, & wife Hannah, Susannah, & Mehetabel Elliott of Suffolk Mass. (New Eng Hist & Gen Reg, Vol 4-p 257.)
  • Mehetabel Elliott, m Seth Perry of Boston, before 14, 8mo 1662. Her fathers Est was estimated to be worth £280.
  • William Elliott was transported to Va by Frances Yardley, Nov 15, 1648. (Lower Norfolk Co Rec.)

    He was granted land in Gloucester Co Va, 110a, 1672, and appears as a tithable in Surry Co (Sunken Marsh) June 8, 1681. He was probably a brother of Thomas, of Perq Co. John Elliott came to Va as a headright of Richard Jordan of Surry Co Va, Oct 20, 1689. (Surry Co     Rec.) Also thought to be brother of said Thomas.

  • Thomas Elliott (s of Joseph who d 1697) emigrated to Va, with brothers William, & John, date not given. He acquired large landed Est in Carolina, and served in the Assembly 1696. He was granted 555a in Perq Co, Aug 27, 1714 “on ye N. W. side of Crane Ponds” adj Joseph Smith, & Nathan Newby. John Elliott took up 350a in Anson Co N. C. Feb 25, 1754, adj his own land.
  • Elliott, (I) Thomas, m 1 Sarah, issue Lydde, b 6, 12mo 1718. This could not have been his first child, as William his son was m to Elizabeth Relph Dec 2, 1690, or this may probably be his brother William who came to America with Francis Yardley. William Elliott had a son Pritlow who was m in 1744, a long period of time between marriages, but he may have married late in life, or been born ten or fifteen years after this date. There is no certain proof of either point.
  • Elliott, (1) Thomas, m 2d Margaret, who survived him. His will Perq, p Dec 16, 1729. Sons: Caleb, to whom he left “plan’ on which I now dwell” Joshua 200a of land, Isaac the “remaining part of tract,” William 1 shilling, Thomas (2), Abraham, Solomon, Moses, Joseph, Benjamin, Dau’s Mary Brown, & Ursley, wife Margaret.
  • Elliott, (a) Caleb (1) m Mary Winslow.?

Issue: 1 Ephrim, b July 5, 1731—2 Haig (Hange) b Aug 6, 1735—3 Caleb  (2), b Feb 21, 1737—4 Solomon, b Aug 20, 1743—5 Miriam, b Feb 16, 1745—6 Peninah, b Nov 18, 1746, m Joseph Scott, 12, — 1759. Caleb Elliott will p in Perq, Jan, 1777. Sons: Solomon, Ephrim, & Haig, dau Pennah Scott, gr-sons: Elliott Scott, & Winslow Elliott.

  • Elliott, (b) Joshua, m Anne —. Issue: Joshua (2) b Mch 24, 1740. (untraced.)
  • Elliott, (c) Isaac, m Elizabeth Morgan, 18, 1mo 1743. His will p in Perq, April 1789. Sons: Joshua, Isaac (2), Joab, Nathan, dau’s Margaret, Rebecca, Miriam, & Sarah Elliott, wife Elizabeth.
  • Elliott, (d) William, (Thomas (1) m Elizabeth Pritlow, (d of John). Issue: 1 Pritlow (no date), who m Sarah Croxton (d of Arthur) 19, 7mo 1744, m 2d Betty Moore 3, 1mo 1753 and 3d Mary, who survived him. His will p in Perq, Oct 1787. Sons: Pritlow (2), John, Job, Thomas, Jesse, & William, dau’s Rachel, Mary, & Elizabeth Elliott, Leah Jordan, Huldah Elliott, & Sarah Pearson (wife of Jonathan), wife Mary. Rachel Elliott m out of Unity, before 5, 12mo 1787. Mary Elliott, m — Smith before 5, 9mo 1787.
  • Elliott (e) Thomas (2) m Mary Morgan (d of John).
  • John Morgan, who made a deed of gift to her, Jan 12, 1724. (Deed book B—No 192.) He died intestate before July 1752, on which date his Estate was divided, widow Mary Admix, heirs: James, Rachel, Mary, Moses, heirs of son Thomas dec’d, gr-child Ruth Munden.
  • Elliott (f) Abraham, died “without a will” July 21, 1766, wife Miriam relinquished her right of Admix, and Cornelius Moore became Ex. (Minute book Perq.)
  • Abraham Elliott Planter, 1756. (Loose papers.) He figures as a householder on Tax list of James Sitterson 1762, with 330a of land in Harveys Neck. On this list he is called Abraham Elliott Sr. In 1764 he appears on same list with son Joseph.
  • Elliott Abraham (2) m Juliana Wilson (d of Jacob, will Nov 1793) whose will was p in Perq, Feby 1813. Sons: Jonathan W., Benjamin, Ephrim, & Isaac, dau’s Achsah Saint (wife of William), Rachel, Keren, & Cynthia Elliott, wife Juliana.
  • Elliott, (g) Solomon, m Miriam Winslow, issue: 1 Winslow (who had son Exum)—2 Exum—3 Francis—4 Solomon—5 Joseph, b 1775, d 1778—6 Thomas, b 21, 12mo 1779, m three times, d 3, 11mo 1845—7 James, b 1781, m Sarah Toms, 18, 6mo 1807—8 Caleb—9 Haige.
  • Elliott, (1) Exum (1) Solomon (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1), m Lydia Parker, 4, 8mo 1790 (2d wife) m first his cousin Sarah Elliott (d of Thomas, & Abigail (Anderson) Elliott) by whom he had a dau Mary Ann, who m James W. Groves, 2d David Copeland.
  • Elliott, (II) James, (1) Solomon (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1) m Sarah Toms, (d of John & Mary) at Suttons Creek, 18, 6mo 1807, issue: 1 Benjamin Toms, b 9, 2mo 1809—2 Zachariah Nixon, b 26, 9mo 1811.
  • Elliott (III) Thomas (s of Solomon dec’d) m Abigail Anderson (d of Joseph dec’d) at Suttons Creek, 17, 4mo 1800, issue: 1 Sarah, b 16, 1mo 1801, m Exum Elliott (her first cousin) 2 Joseph, b 18, 1mo 1803, m Margaret L. White, no issue, m 2d Isabella Parker, issue: 1 William L., b 16, 1mo 1832—2 Joseph P., b 12, 7mo 1833—3 John A. (s of Thomas), 2, 2mo 1806, m Hannah Morris, d 27, 6mo 1829—4 Aaron, b 19, 9 mo 1808, m Mary S. White, issue: David, b 28, 3mo 1829, who m 9, 10mo 1856 Mary Ann Hill—Aaron, m 2d Roda C. Mendenhall (d of James, & Miriam (Hoggott) Mendenhall, issue: 1 Aaron, b 24, 1mo 1844, m Lilly Tyner Manley, 4, 14, 1905—2 James, b 8, 4mo 1847—3 Robert Barclay, b 15, 11mo 1849—4 Sarah S., b 27, 10mo 1851, m Poran Reynold, d 5, 5, 1925—5 Roda C., b 22, 4mo 1854, m Arthur C. Leadbetter—6 Mildred Ada, b 16, 4mo 1856, m — Lee—7 J. Gurney, b 19, 7mo 1858.
  • Elliott, John A., (s of Thomas & Abigail) by Hannah Morris (d of Joshua, & Margaret) (Henly Morris) issue: 1 Abigail, b 1, 12mo 1826, d 1832—3 Mordicai, b 2, 12mo 1828, m Martha Paulin (d of Joseph, & Lydia, (Garrett) Paulin), d 20, 1mo 1892, issue: 1 John E.—2 Mordicai.
  • Elliott, (h) Moses (1) Thomas (1) m Judith Sanders, issue: according to his will p in Perq, Jan 1756. Joseph, Moses (2) Benjamin, dau Margaret, wife Judah.
  • Elliott, (i) Joseph, m Hannah Gordon, His will p in Perq, April 1788, gives the issue; as follows; sons Mordicai, Caleb, Dempsey, & Joseph, his dau’s Delilah Barrow, Orpha Mayo, & Mary Elliott, wife Hannah.
  • Mordicai Elliott (s of Joseph) m Leah Smith, 1, 8mo 1778. His will p Perq, Nov 1816, names Gr-children: Peninah, Kesiah, & Martha Elliott (dau’s of s Charles) son Willis, d Jemima Speight, Lydia, a gr-dau Lydia Elliott, s Barnabas, & Jesse, wife Leah.
  • Lydia Elliott (d of Mordicai) will Perq p May 1823, names brother Willis, nieces: Grizzell Speight, & Mary Ann Elizabeth Speight, (br-in-law Noah Speight).
  • Elliott, Charles (s of Mordicai) lived near Edenton, and was Attorney Gen’l of N. C., he moved to Craven Co, & is buried in New Bern N. C.
  • Elliott (j) Benjamin Thomas (1) m Sarah. Will p in Perq, Apl 1774, Sons: Josiah, Benjamin (2), Seth, Exum, & Obed, wife Sarah.
  • Elliott, Ephrim (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1) will Perq, p Feby 1802. Sons: Caleb, Miles, Townsend, & Josiah, heirs of s Stephen dec’d: Stephen, & Mary Elliott, dau’s Mary Wood, Peninah, & Avis, gr-sons Thomas, & Ephrim Roberson.
  • His wife who was probably dead when this will was probated, was Sarah, (d of William Townsend, by his first wife) who names her in his will 1766. (See other Elliott wills, N. C. Hist Reg Vol 3-3.)

Marriages in Perq

  • Elliott, Sarah, m Benjamin Hall, at Symons Creek, 6, 9mo 1753.
  • Elliott, Elizabeth, m Joshua Overman, at Symons Creek, 7, 6mo 1759.
  • Elliott, James, (s of Thomas, m Mary Jones (d of Peter) 6, 11mo 1754.
  • Elliott, James, m 2d Martha Winslow (widow of Jesse) 17, 3mo 1781. His will Perq, p Jany 1791, names sons: Nathan, Gabriel, Nixon, dau’s Miriam Lou, Sarah, wife Martha. The first wife of James Elliott, was Mary dau of Phineas Nixon, who in his will p 1772, names “Mary Elliott’s three children: Gabriel, Miriam, & Nixon Elliott.”
  • Elliott, Thomas (2) William (1) Thomas (1) m Mourning Wilson, 7, 3mo 1778. (Wellses.) He was dec’d Feb 23, 1797. Heirs: Miles, Abraham, Peninah, & Docton Elliott, wife Mourning Admix. She was dau of Abram Wilson, whose will Perq p May 1795, (names all three of these children, & wife Lydia.) Miles Elliott was Sheriff of Perq Co, 1821. He m Patience Jordan, 1, 10mo 1778.
  • Elliott, Docton, was of age before 1766, appears on Tax list on that date.
  • Elliott, Miles, on same list, with 172a of land in Perq, Harveys Neck. His brother Gabriel on same list, 46a in same District.
  • Elliott, Exum, of age 1792, poll 1, List of James Sitterson.
  • Elliott, Ephrim, owned 256a in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Pritlow, 650a “on Sipres Creek” in District of Jacob Perry 1792, sons Job, William, 1771.
  • Elliott, Solomon, 200a called “new neck” in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Sarah, on Vosses Creek, in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Jacob, with 4 Tithables 1748, Joshua with 6. List of James Sitterson. This Jacob was probably the one who m Sarah Clare (d of Timothy, & Mary née Bundy). She m 1st John White, & had son John, m 2d Jacob Elliott.                                                 


  • Elliott, Leah, (d of Pritlow) m Josiah Jordan 7, 3mo 1781. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Francis, m Sarah Park, 3, 11mo 179-. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Margaret, m John Barrow, 4, 1mo 1792. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Joshua, m Rachel Sanders, (d of Samuel) 2, 10mo 1793. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Seth, m Mary White, 3, 7mo 1776. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Caleb, m Rachel Jordan, 6, 1mo 1779. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Thomas, m Judith Wells (d of Dorothy) before 1778, and had dau Anne.
  • Elliott, Nixon, m Rhoda Scott, 12, 2mo 1795. (He son of James; she d of Joseph Scott) “at Piney Woods Meeting house,” issue; 1 Penina, b 15, 11mo 1796—2 Job Scott, b 7, 10mo 1798—3 James, b 4, 9mo 1800—4 Elias, b 23, 1mo 1803—5 Mary, b 11, 8mo 1805—6 Nixon (2), b 20, 1mo 1809—7 Henry, b 14, 10mo 1814.
  • Elliott, Thomas (s of Solomon) m 3d Margaret Cox (widow of Joseph, d of John & Ann Roberson) at Suttons Creek, 19, 12mo 1830. She was b 12, 1mo 1789.
  • Elliott, Abraham (2) and wife Priscilla with their children were given a Certificate, for removal to Cane Creek Mo Meeting, 14, 7mo 1764.
  • Elliott, Exum, (s of Jacob, & Zilpha Davenport) b 10, 4mo 1765, m Sarah Pearson, (d of Jonathan & Sarah née Bundy) 19, 3mo 1788. She lived only three months, when Exum, m 2d Catherine Lamb (d of Jacob, & Sarah née Stone) issue: Sarah, b 15, 3mo 1792. (Center Mo Meeting, Gullford Co N. C.)
  • Elliott, Jacob, (so of Abraham, & Mary) m Hepzibah Stanton (d of Benjamin, & Mary) 24, 5 mo 1804. (Center Mo Meeting.)
  • Elliott, Exum, moved to Guilford County before 1776, and to Ind in 1815.
  • Elliott, Rodah, b 3, 3, 1750—Hannah, b 1, 9, 1752. (unplaced.)
  • Elliott, Haig, was apt Inspector of Perq by Gov Tryon, Jan 23, 1771.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Thomas, and Sarah Draper are found among adventurers to America, 1620 (Hotten.) Robert Draper was transported in ship Jacob, by John Bainham 1624, age 16. (Researcher Mag.) Henrie Draper came in George 1621, age 14 years. Thomas Draper in Paule of London, July 16, 1635. Joseph Draper in Falcon, Apl 1635 Thomas Draper of Heptonstall Yorkshire, arrived in America 1647. Henry Draper was one among the living at Warrasqueake (Isle of Wight) Feb 16, 1623, when the census was taken after the Indian massacre, of May 22, 1622. (Hotten.)
  • Joseph Draper was granted 232a of land in Nansemond Co Va, July 12, 1709 “in the Upper Parish, on Poters, and Basses pocoson,” and John Draper received a grant for 200a in same locality, July 18, 1709. He was transported to Norfolk Co Va, Mar 19, 1643, by Capt Thomas Willoughby. Richard Draper had 300a granted him, in Currituck Precinct, N. C. Oct 21, 1687, “on East side of North River, adj Robert Swaynes.” William Draper was a Tithable in Sunken Marsh Parish, Surry Co Va, 1675, and June 8, 1681. He moved to Pasquotank Precinct N. C. prior to 1704, when he conveyed 100a of land in said county, “which was granted George Cooper, June 24, 1704, and by him assigned to my father Charles Draper.” John Akehurst appeared as Att’ for John Damon Draper, “Citizen of London” and made release of land, 200a in Pasquotank Co, unto Robert Morgan, and wife Elizabeth, “on which James Williams now Dwells, called Burds folly, said Morgan agreeing to build on said land a dwelling house, 30ft long, by 15 ft wide, at his own cost, and maintain same.”
  • Thomas Draper m in Isle of Wight Co Va, Patience Denson (d of John, who names “dau Patience Draper” in his will, p in said Co, July 1, 1748) at Pagan Creek, 2, 6mo 1739. This Thomas was a son of Peter of Perquimans Co.
  • Draper, Peter, first in Perquimans, came to N. C. from Nansemond Co Va, at what date is not known. He may have been a son of Joseph, or John of said county, but as the records of Nansemond were burned in 1867, very little of value can be derived from the county records. The Quaker records found there are however of the best, but unfortunately very little is said on those about the Draper family. Therefore it is problematical whether anything further can be unearthed about this family, in Nansemond county prior to their coming to Perquimans.
  • Draper, Peter (1), of Perq, m Hannah Albertson (d of Peter, & Ann, née Jones, who was son of Albert Albertson, & wife Mary. Ann Jones d of Mary Beasley widow, b June 15, 1701, mar Aug 27, 1715). Peter Draper by wife Hannah had issue: 1 Joseph, m Lydia Bogue Aug 1766—2 Millicent, m Benjamin Morris Nov 1772—He was b 20, 8mo 1738, d before 22, 12mo 1796) Millicent Draper Morris, m 2d Jessie Simonds, and died 12, 5, 1809)—3 Silas, m Mary Morris, Feb 1773—4 Thomas, m Lydia Bundy, 2d Mary Newby (d of William Newby, and Jemima née Newby, d of Samuel) Feb 1790.
  • Draper Joseph (1) Peter (1) and Lydia née Bogue, issue: 1 Josiah, b 9, 8mo 1768, d 27, 6mo 1837 in Henry Co Ind, m Miriam Newby, b 2 2mo 1772, d 9, 1, 1812, in Highland Co, Ohio. They were m 12, 6mo 1789, issue: 1 Jesse, b 2, 12, 1792, m Delphia Davenport—2 Elizabeth, b 9, 13, 1793, m Jesse Small—3 Joseph, b 23, 11mo 1795, m Biddie Jackson—4 Josiah Jr, b 14, 1mo 1798, m Catherine Pearson, d 10, 12, 1865—5 Miriam, b 13, 9mo 1799 m Ephrim Overman—6 John, b 7, 1, 1801, m Martha Palmer—7 Joshua, b —, 12, 1803, m Huldah Pearson. (All of whom were born in Perquimans Co.) 8 Mary Ann, b 20, 11mo 1810, in Randolph Co N. C. (From old Bibles, and Quaker records, located by Mrs. J. E. McMullen, of Ada, Ohio, and kindly passed on to the writer for publication.)
  • Josiah Draper kept a diary, that Mrs. McMullen was fortunate enough to come across, which gives the information “I Josiah Draper, and family set of from perquimans county, in State of North Carolina, the 14th of 12mo 1803, to move to Randolph County in same State,” and later made another entry in same diary, “Josiah Draper set off from Randolph the 14th of 5th mo 1811, and got to Hiland the 20 of 6th mo 1811, in the Ohio State.” He m 2d Jemima Gant, and had dau Rebecca, b 11, 12mo 1811-16.
  • Draper, Millicent, (d of Peter (1) and wife Elizabeth) b 1745, d 12, 5, 1809, m 1 Benjamin Morris, b 20, 8mo 1738, d before 22, 12mo 1796, when she m 2d Jesse Simons. (For her descendants see Morris.)
  • Draper, Silas (1) Peter (1) & wife Mary Morris had issue: Joseph, Samuel, Chalkey, Jesse, David, Daniel, & Benjamin, wife (not named) according to his will, p in Perq Co, Feb 1794.
  • Test’ Daniel Willard, Rachel Hasket, Jos Draper Jr.
  • Draper, Thomas (1) Peter (1) and Lydia Bundy apparently had no issue, m 2d Mary Newby (d of William, & Jemima née Newby, d of Samuel (1) and wife Ann, née Mayo, d of Edward, & Mary née Clare, d of Timothy Clare, and wife Mary née Bundy, d of William Bundy, & wife Elizabeth, all of Perq Co) Feb 1790, issue: 1 John, b 12, 12, 1790, d 1, 6, 1791—2 Achsah, b 4, 6, 1792—3 William, b 7, 10, 1794, d 28, 5mo 1855—4 Jemima, b 12 2mo 1795—5 Gulielma, b —, d 10, 4, 188- —6 Hannah, b 27, 9mo 1900. Thomas Draper moved with his family to Indiana before 1820.
  • Draper, Joseph (2) Silas (1) Peter (1), b 3, 11, 1775, m Penninah Bundy, b 24, 1mo 1781, (d of Abraham Bundy) “at Vosses Creek Mo meeting,” 2, 6, 1801, issue: 1 Benjamin, & Jesse (twins) b 7, 6, 1805. He m 2d Mary, who died 13, 11mo 1849, issue: 3 Joseph—4 John—5 Alfred, d 3, 8, 1848—6 Hannah, d 20, 12mo 1844, m Jobe Hadley, 22 9mo 1841.
  • Joseph Draper will Perq Co, p May 1811. Sons: Nathan, & Josiah, dau Rachel Jessop, cousin Isaac Draper, wife (not named).
  • Test’ Daniel Willard, Joseph Willard, Richard Wood.
  • Draper, Chalkey (1) Silas (1) Peter (1) m Rhoda Willard (d of Martin) 17, 3mo 1803, “at Wells meeting house in Perq Co.” All his family migrated to Indiana and settled near White Water Mo Meeting, in said State, before 1820, White Water being the first established in the new territory.
  • Draper, Samuel (1) Silas (1) Peter (1) m Mary Albertson (d of Josiah, & Kesiah) after 1800, as she is not named as Mary Draper in the will of said Albertson, but is so named in her mothers will, p in Perq Co Feb 1825. In the latters will she is called “daughter Mary Draper,” and her husband Samuel Draper, was one of the Exrs of Mary Albertson’s will. Samuel Draper died without issue, 1829.
  • Draper, Rachel, (d of Joseph (2) m Thomas Jessop, 3, 2, 1790.) (See Jessop family.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



Will of



North Carolina Pequris, County. Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Hollowell of the place aforesaid farmer do make and ordain these presents to be and contain my last will and testament for the disposal of such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me with in this life in the following manner and forme. Viz.

First I will that all my just debts an contracts be paid out of my estate in covennent time after my decease.

Item I leave the use of my plantation land and improvements where I now live to my well beloved wife Sarah Hollowell duering her natril life and the prevelig for her stock dureing her widdowhood in my land at Little River which I bought of Thomas Nicholson.

Item I give to Thomas Haskit son of William the land plantation and improvements where I now dwell with a parsil of woodland and joyning thereto which I bought of Richard Chesson to him and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body

I give the before mentioned land to John Haskit son of William to him and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever.

Item I give to Silas Haskit son of William my lands plantation and improvements which I bought of Thomas Nicholson at Little River to him and the heirs lawfully begotten of his boody forever and for want of such heirs of his body as aforesaid I give the before mentioned land to John Haskit son of William to him and the heirs of his boody lawfully begotten forever.

Item I leave the use of the remaining part of my … land lying in the thee grand forke above Moses Bundy to my wife Sarah Hollowell dureing her naturil life.

Item I give the before mentioned piece of land to John Haskit son of Wm. Hasket to him and the heirs of his boddy lawfully begotten forever.

Item I give Thomas Haskit son of William my Negro girl named Huldah to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever if he should dye without such issue it is my will that the above mentioned Negro girl should return to John Hasket son of William to him and his heirs forever.

Item I give to my wife Sarah Hollowell my Negro woman Candis Negro boys James and Jacob and Negro girl Hannah to her and her disposal.

Item I leave the use of the labor of my other three Negroes David, Jonah and Aron to my wife Sarah Hollowell until the said Negroes arive to the age of thirty one years.

Item I give my Negro men David and Jonah to Thomas Hasket son of William to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever but if he should dy without such issue it is my will that the same Negro boys should return to John Hasket to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.

Item I give my Negro boy Aaron to Silas Hasket son of William to him and the heirs of his body forever lawfully begotton forever. But if he should dye without such heirs of his boddy.

Item I give the above mentioned Negro boy to John Hasket son of William to Him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.

Item I give to my wife Sarah Hollowell my old Negro woman named Jane to her and her disposal.

Item I give to Rachal Wilson, wife of Jacob my book of Tucks History.

Item I give my cousin Thos. Hollowell, son of John one large Foher Bible and Robert Barkleys Apolige after my wifes decease.

Item I give to Thomas … .

Item I give all the rest of my estate of all kinds whatsoever to my wife Sarah Hollowell to her and her disposal.

Item I leave John Haskit son of William as an appointed guardian to my slaves hereby disposed to see that they are well sett by.

Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and apoint my loving wife Sarah Hollowell Execetrix and friend John Hasket and Matthew and Thomas Hasket Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and disallowing all and every other former will or wills legacies bequeath made before this time by me names willed bequeathed rattefying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament this tenth day ye 4 mo. commonly called April one thousand seven hundred seventy two.

                                                                                                        Thomas Hollowell.

Signed sealled published and pronounced and declared by the said Thomas Hollowell to be his last will and testament in presents of us Peter Pearson, Mary White, William Pearson.

Proved July Court 1772, Book C., pg. 116, Perquimans Co., NC
