Inquisition in the death of BENJAMIN PERRY (1854)

State of North Carolina

Perquimans County

Inquisition indented, taken on the land of Mr. Wm. Smith, on the field usually known as the old Israel Smith place, on the West side of Goodwins Mill Pond, about one mile South of the Main Road known as the Chicapen Road in the County aforesaid, the 1st day of April in the year of our Lord 1854 – before me Wm. Felton Coroner of said County, upon view of the body of Benjamin Perry, late of said County then and there at the Grave of said Perry, there lying dead, after having dug the said body from the Grave; and upon the oath of – Mark. D. Hathaway, foreman, Willis Robenson, Wm. J. Skinner, Wm. J. Hall, James M. Goodwin, Chas. More, Steph. Skinner, Henry Elliott, Sol. Eason, Hend. Goodwin, Danl. Roberts, and William Smith, good and lawful men of the said Co. of Perquimans who being charged and sworn to inquire how and in what manner the said Benj. Perry by his death came; upon their oaths do say that on the 30th day of March in the year and at the place aforesaid that the said Benj. Perry came to his death by a Fit or some other disease consequent to severe drinking of intoxicating liquor, and we the said Jurors after having dug up the body – and having diligently examined the said body, come to the above conclusion, we believe, the above verdick to be correct to the best of our belief.

In testimony where of as made I, the said Coroner, as the Jurors aforesaid, to this Inquisition have severally put our seal, the day, year and place, first above mentioned.


  • Wm. Felton, Coroner
  • M. D. Hathaway, Foreman
  • Willis Robinson (his X mark)
  • Wm. J. Skinner
  • Wm. J. Hall
  • Jas. M. Goodwin
  • Chas. Moore (his X mark)
  • Stephen Skinner
  • Henry Elliott
  • J. Eason
  • Henderson Goodwin
  • D. J. Roberts
  • William A. Smith






Contributed and transcribed by Frances C. Griffin

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



The Martin Van Buren White Bible is a “Pictorial Family Bible.” It is the “Self-Pronouncing Edition” of the Bible, “containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, with the Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms. and Revised New Testament, the Old (King James) Version and the Revised Version arranged in parallel columns for convenience in reference and comparison.” It was published by Southwestern Publishing House, Nashville, TN, with an 1891 copyright date.  Handwritten on the Title Page is the date 1894. It measures about 9 1/2 X 12 1/2 inches. The cover is very heavy, sculpted, and covered with leather. It is a beautiful, well-illustrated edition. Its condition is poor.

On the inside front blank leaf is written, “This is Mr. & Mrs. M. V. Whites Bible.”

Marriage Certificate:

What God has joined together, let not man put asunder.

This certifies that Martin Van Buren White of Chowan County, North Carolina and Mary Ann Perry of Chowan County were united by me in the Bonds of Holy Matrimony at the residence of Caleb G. Perry on the twenty seventh day of December in the year of our Lord 1866. In the presence of J(?) M. Forahand. Signed R. D. Simson


  • John M. Cleary & Martha Ann White April 8, 1890
  • Charley D. White & Mary Elizabeth Elliott April 23, 1890
  • James G. Umphlet & Nanny L. White Dec 20/93
  • James P. Brite & Ferebee Idessa White Nov 25, 1896
  • Shelton Whitson & Marian Virginia White Dec 24, 1905
  • Charlie E. Hurst & Cassie Lee White June 20, 1906

There are no Births or Deaths recorded.

Found in the Bible is the funeral notice for Martin Van Buren White. It is hand-written on a piece of lined paper, about 5″X7″. The paper is covered with a piece of black.  It states:

“The funeral services of Martin V. White will be held this afternoon at the M. E. Church at 3 O,Clock. Jany 28th 1907.”

Martin Van Buren White is buried at Cedarwood Cemetery in Hertford. Mary Ann Perry White is believed to be buried there as well, but there is no tombstone for her.

The Bible is currently in the possession of the family of Raymond E. White, Jr. (deceased), great grandson of Martin White. The Bible cover, title page, copyright page, and the family pages have been digitally photographed.

Contributed by Mary Hurst



Will of

26 July 1778

In the Name of God Amen I John Hollowell of the County of Perquimons and province of north Carolina am Sickley and weak of boddy butt of Sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almity God for the Same and Caling to mind the unseartanty of this transetory Life and the Sartanty of Death do Constitute and ordain this to be My last Will and testement in maner and form as folloeth.

And first~ I Give my Soul to God Who Gave it me and Boddy to the Earth to be Desantly Buried by Executors herafter names and what worly Estate it has been pleas God to Bless me with in this world I Give and Despose of itt in maner and form as folleth.

And first~ I Give unto my Son William Hollowell two Hundred pounds currant money of this province which he has already Received I Likwis Give to my Son William one feather bead and furniture and two stools and one oval table three head of Cattle fore Sheep one Long Gun and my Croscut Saw ane one hors Coult that he has had in his poseson and two puter Dishes and two puter Basons with all other things that he my said Son has in his posseson to him my Said Son and his heirs for Ever.

Secodly~ I Give my Son Henry Hollowell my plantation where on I Now Dwell and all my Land that I hould in this wourld to him my Said Son and his heirs for Ever only it is my will that my wife Should not be Desturbed in the plantation nor any part of the Land During hur natrel Life but if She should marrey then to have but one third part of my plantation I Likwise Give unto my Said Son Henry one feather Bead and furniture and my hand mill and my Small Gun and two puter dishes and two puter basons I Likwise Give unto my Said Son Henry three Head of Cattle Such as his brother has had and four Sheep and one pott and huke and my hansaw and all my Cuppers tools and one half Dozen spoons and one Skillet and one oval table I Likwise Give my Said Son Henry one Hors Coult Named Derrik and one Cheast Caled my Cheast and two sows and pigs to him my son and his heirs for Ever it is my will he have all that I have Given him at the age of twenty one years.

Thirdly~ I Give to my Dauter Elizabeth Perry one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that I have Given Hur that shee has had in posison with them to Her my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and no more for She has had hur Shear.

Foerthly~ I Give to my Dauter Sarah Riddick one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other thing that I have Given Hur that shee has had in poseson with them to Hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and it is my will that my Said Dauter have on Cow and Calf more because Thee has bad Luck with hur Cattle and that must be Hur Shear.

Fiftly~ I Give unto my Dauter Mary Riddick one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that She has had in poseson Given Her by me to Hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and that is hur Shear.

Sixtly~ I Give unto my Dauter Christian White one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that Thee has in poseson Give hur by me to hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever.

Sevently~ I Give to my Dauter Ann Evins one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that Thee has had in poseson Given hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and that is hur Shear all but as much money as will purches hur a sute of Clouse Equal with the Clouse that hur Sisters had befor.

Eightly~ I Give to my Loving wife Christian Hollowell one feather Bead and for it being the bead that She and I has on and my young mare Caled Lou my womans Saddle and bridel and one mans Saddle to hur my Loving wife and hur heirs for Ever.

I Likewise Give my Dauter Christian White my flocks Staple to hur my Said Dauter and her heirs for Ever.

Ninethly~ it is my will and desier that all my Just Debts and funeral Expences be paid and Discharged out of my Estate by my Executor and after all my Debts and Charges is sattesfied and paid then all the Rest of my Estate that is to be found that is not by me Given away I Lend to my loving wife during hur natural Life and after hur Death to be Equely Divided between my two sons William Hollowell and Henry Hollowell who I nominate and apoint to be my hole and Soul Executurs to See this my Last will and testament fulfiled and properly as witness my hand and Seal this 26 of July 1778 anno Domuni.

This will under Lined in one place be fore asigned:

John Hollowell.

Testies: John Twine, Caleb Winslow, Uriah Hudson.
(Proved January Court 1784, Book 3, p. 273).


JACOB PERRY (1779 Will)


written 1775

Proved 1779

In the name of God, amen, March 4, 1775, I, Jacob Perry, of Perquimans County in the province of North Carolina, being weak in body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be given to God for the cause and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament. That is to say. . .

First and principally of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it me and for my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a Christian-like and decent manner, according to the directions of my executors hereafter named, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same by the almighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me within this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in manner and from the following—that is to say in the first place…

I give and bequeath to my son Jacob Perry the land and plantation whereon he now lives in Perquimans County aforesaid to a line of marked trees mentioned in a deed of gift to my son Israel Perry which is supposed to contain about 187 1/2 acres to the same more or less to him, his heirs or assigns forever also such part of my personal estate with which he is now possessed with to him and his disposal.

Then I give to my son Israel Perry all such part of my estate as he is now in actual possession of meaning among other things, 50 acres of land for which some years past acknowledged a deed of sale to him that through mistake happened to be without date, to him and his disposal.

Then I give to my son Reuben Perry all such part of my estate as he is now in actual possession of to him and his disposal.

Then I give to my daughter, Priscilla Welch, wife of Dempsey Welch, all such part of my estate as she is now in actual possession of to her and her own disposal.

Then I give to my son Dempsey Perry all such part of my estate as he is now in actual possession of to him and his own disposal.

Then I give to my son John Perry, named Dick … and also such part of my estate as he is now in actual possession of to him and his own disposal.

Then I give to my daughter Hephzibah Stallings, wife of Hardy Stallings, all such part of my estate as she is now in actual possession of to her and her own disposal.

Then I give to my daughter Ann Winslow, wife of Caleb Winslow, land and plantation and improvements whereon I now live, also one plantation and improvements which I bought of Zachariah Lilley, also one plantation which I bought of my son Jacob, to her and her heirs forever, only my will is that the true intent and meaning of these presents also is that my well beloved Ann Perry shall have the use of the said lands during the time of her natural life without molestation.

Then I give to my grandson Isaac Wilson, son of Isaac Wilson, a parcel of land lying on the northwest side of a place called the Little Beaver Dam in Chowan County, containing by estimation 100 acres to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Then I give to my well-beloved wife Ann Perry one horse call Spring, one woman’s saddle and bridle, one featherbed and furniture, also the use of the labor of my Negro man named Tom and Negro woman named Pat during the time of her natural life or widowhood, also the use of my copper still for the same time.

Then I give to my 8 children sig: Jacob, Israel, Reuben, Priscilla, Dempsey, John, Hephzibah, and Ann my copper still and Negroes Tom & Pat to be equally divided among them after the expiration of the time above limited to them and their disposal.

Then I give all the rest of my estate to be equally divided between my wife Ann Perry, and my youngest daughter Ann Winslow, wife of Caleb Winslow, to them and their disposal.

Then, lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my well-beloved wife executress and Jacob Perry and Israel Perry and Caleb Winslow executors of this my last will and testament, hereby disannulling and disallowing all and any other forms, wills and testaments, legacies, bequeaths, or executors before this time by me named, willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to by my last will and testament.

In witness thereof I have hereunto set my name, seal the day and year first
above written.
Recorded November 24, 1779.





North Carolina
George ye Second by ye grace of God, King of Great Brittaine &c., to the Provost Marshall of the said Province or Deputy, Greeting, &c. Wee Comand you to take the body of John Keatton of North Carolina aforesayd planter alias Dick John Keatton of the upper parish of Nansemond County in Virginia if found in your Bailiwick & him safely keep so that you have him before our Cheif Justice & his Assistance at the next Genl. Court to be held for this Government at the Court house in Edenton the last Tuesday of this Justant October then & there to answer unto Sarah Bond Extrix. of Richd. Bond Deced. and John Perry in an action of Debt for Sixty pounds Virga. Curr. & lawfull money of Virginia the damage twenty pound & therein faile not & have you there
this Writt.

Chr. Gale Esqr., Ch. Just. this
third day of October
Anno Dm. 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

North Carolina
George by the grace of god, King of Great Brittain &c., To the Provost Marshall of the said Province or Depty, Greeting, &c. Wee Comand you to take the bodys of Edward Maudlin, Richard Whidby & Joshua Toms all of the precinct of Perquimans, planters, (if to be found in your Bailiwick) & him safely keep so that you have him before our Cheif Justice & his Assistants at the next Genl. Court to be held for this Governmt at the Court house in Edenton the last Tuesday in October next, then & there to answer unto Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond decd in an action of Debt Sur Statut. — — Damage two hundred & twenty pounds — herein faile not & have you there this Writt.
Chr. Gale Esqr., Ch. Just. this
30th day of September
Anno Dm. 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

North Carolina
George ye Second by ye grace of god, King of Great Brittaine &c., To ye Provost Marshall of ye said Province or Depty, Greeting, &c. Wee Comand you as Wee comanded you before to take the body of Richard Whedbee and Joshua Toms of the precinct of Perquimons, planters, if to be found in your Bailiwick and him safely keep so that you have him before our Cheif Justice & his Assistants at the next Genl. Court to be held for this Government at the Court house in Edenton the last Tuesday in March next, then and there to answer unto Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond deced in an action of Debt Sur Statut: damage two hundred & twenty pounds herein fayle not and have you there this Writt.
Chr. Gale Esqr.
Ch. Just. this 8th day
of February 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

North Carolina
October Genl Court 1728
Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond deced & John Perry complaine against John Keatton of North Carolina aforesayd planters alias Dick: John Keatton of the upper parish of Nansemond County in Virginia in custody of the Marshall &c. of a place that he render to them the full & just Sum of thirty pounds current & lawfull money of Virginia which to them he oweth & unjustly detaines &c for that to witt that whereas the sayd Deft. in the province of North Carolina aforesd on the twenty fifth day of October Anno Dm One thousand seven hundred twenty seven by his certain Bond Signed with the sayd Defts marke sealed with his Seale dated the same day and year & here in Court produced did firmly bind himself to payment the sayd Richard Bond & John Perry the aforesayd sum of thirty pounds current & lawfull money of Virginia when he should be thereto
required yet Nevertheless the sayd Deft the aforesayd Sum of thirty pounds current & lawfull money of Virginia to the sayd Richard Bond in his lifetime next to his Exetrx since his death & John Perry hath not payd nor to either of them tho he hath been often thereto required but the same to do hath altogether denyed & refuted which is to their damage twenty pounds & therefore
they bring this Suite, &c.

North Carolina
George ye Second by the Grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, &c. Whereas in the Suite brought by Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond deced against Edward Moudlin, Richard Whedbee & Joshua Toms at October Genl. Court last the Said Edward Moudlin tho Solomnly required came not and the Marshall having returned the Writt Executed on his Body but fild no baile bond therefore at the Plats. Mocon an order was past against the Marshall for two hundred & twenty pounds Damages with Costs and at the Sayd Marshall’s request an Attachment was then and there granted against the Estate of the Said Edward for the like damages with all accruing Costs returnable to the next Court the last Tuesday in March next.

Wee therefore autherise and impower you to attach the Goods & Chattells of ye said Edward Moudlin if to be found in your Bailiwick, to ye Value of ye damages aforesd. with Costs repleyable on Security given & Safely keep ye same so as to compell him to appear at ye next Genl. Court to be held for this Governmt. at Edenton on ye last Tuesday in March next to make answer to the Plea of the Plt: aforesd. herein faile not & make due return.

Chr. Gale Esqr., Ch. Just.
this 8th day of Febr. 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

Know all men by these presents that I, John Keatton of the upper parrish of Nansd. County in Virginia am held and firmly bound unto Richard Bond and John Perry of the place aforesd. in the full and just sum of thirty pounds current and lawfull money of Virginia to the which payment well and truly to be made I bind my self my heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents as witness my hand and seale this 25th day of October Anno Dom. 1727.

The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound John Keatton his heirs Exers. or admrs. shall and do make and deliver or cause to be made and delivered to the above written Bond and Perry a good and sufficient title sufficient to warrant the said Richard Bond and John Perry in quiet and peaceable possession of one hundred and fifty eight acres of land lying and being in Pequimons precinct on the northeast side of Pequimons River joyning on the line of Nathanell Sutton it to be complyed with att the request of the said Richard Bond and John Perry then the above obligation to be void and of no effect, otherwise to stand and abide in full force and virtue.

John (his + mark) Keatton

Signed Sealed and delivered in the
presents of us

Jacob Perry
Chas. Wilks