William Bundy, the first by that name to appear in Perq, married Mary Pearre (Rellicke of John) Desember 15, 1683. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.) Caleb Bundy, (who was a brother of William) m Jane Maners, “at ye quarterly Meeting,” July —, 1690.

William Bundy, had previously married Elizabeth —, probably before coming to N. C., who died Mar 4, 1676, by whom he had one son Samuel, b Feby 4, 1676. Also a dau Mary, who was 1st wife of Timothy Clare. In her marriage bond, she is named as his dau. He had by his 2d wife Mary (née Scott) widow Pearre) a dau, Sarah b Jan 23, 1685, who married Francis Pettitt, of Chowan Co.

William Bundy Dept this Life, Mar 27, 1692. Mary Bundy m (3d) Nicholas Simons, June 30, 1692. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)

Bundy, Caleb, will Pasquotank Co, names brothers: William, & John. (No date.) He appears to have died childless, & no wife is mentioned.

Little River, Mo Meeting Reg. Gives the following:

John Bundy’s Children: 1 Johnua b 4, 4mo 1717—2 John b 12, 1mo 1719—d 8-2, 1745. 3 Caleb b 12, 5mo 1721—4 William b 21, 1mo 1723—5 Jean b 12, 1mo 1725—6 Benjamin b 12, 12mo 1729.

Bundy, Samuel, (s of William) Planter; of Pasq Co, m Tamer Symons (d of Jeremiah) 5, 10mo 1696, “at the house of Henry White, in Perq.” Had son Jeremiah, b July 21, 1725. Samuel Bundy also had a son Samuel, b July 24, 1724.

The will of Samuel Bundy, Pasq Co, p July 1740, names sons: William, Abraham, Gideon, Josiah, d Jane Pike, (wife of Benjamin) Wife Anne. Cousin Samuel Bundy, wife, Ann, & Thomas Nicholsin Exrs.

David Bundy of Perq, will p April 1750, names brothers: Jeremiah, Moses, & Caleb. Uncle Josiah Bundy. (He evidently died without issue.)

Caleb Bundy, of Pasq Co, will April 27, 1721, Sons: John, Benjamin, Samuel, (to whom he left all his land, “up Little River”) d Mary Bundy (land bought of brother Samuel) gr-dau Liday Bundy, (d of son William). His wife is not named.

Anne Bundy, will Pasq Co, p Dec 1744. Sons: Gideon, (his wife Miriam née Bogue) Abraham, gr-dau Lydia Bundy. (She was widow of Samuel Bundy.)

Benjamin Bundy, of Pasq Co, names in his will, Pasq Co, p Oct 26, 1728, Wife Hannah, to whom he left a plan’ of 1,200a. Brother Samuel Ex.

William Bundy of Perq, will p Jan 1749, names dau Sarah Barrow (wife of Joseph) wife Mary.

The Bundys lived on the edge of Pasquotank Co, & some of them in Perq. They were identified as much with one County, as another.

The children of Samuel Bundy are given in Little River Record, as follows: 1 Mary (d of Samuel Bundy, & Jean his wife), b 24, 2mo 1732—2 Liddah b 23, 7mo 1733—3 Sarah b 5, 3mo 1736—d 19, 9mo 1739—4 Caleb b 28 2mo 1738—d 9, 9mo 1739.

Children of William Bundy: 1 Joseph b 2, 6mo 1745—2 John b 4, 6mo 1752—3 Mary b 28, 6mo 1754.

Joseph Bundy m Sarah—issue: 1 Josiah (no date) 2 William b 15, 11mo 1760—d 27, 11mo 1760.

Josiah Bundy m Elizabeth—issue: 1 Sarah b 22, 8mo 1736—2 Joseph b 26, 10mo 1738—3 Ellis b 1, 7mo 1741—d 14, 3mo 1762—4 Joshua b 18, 4mo 1744—5 Josiah b 12, 4mo 1748—6 Jane b 8, 5mo, 1751—7 Caleb b —, 11 mo 1753—8 Sarah b 18, 9mo 17—.

Caleb, & Elizabeth Bundy,—issue: 1 Dempsey b 16, 4mo 1746—2 John b 10, 11mo 1747—3 Miriam b 1, 8mo 1749—4 Samuel b 28, 3mo 1756—5 Sarah b 9, 1mo 1759.

Bunday, Dempsey m Mary—issue: 1 Zadock b 20, 9mo 1777—2 William b 1, 1mo 1780—3 John b 22, 5mo 1782.

Bundy, Gideon, m Miriam Bogue, (d of William) issue: 1 Lyda b 2, 10mo 1740—2 Samuel b 27, 10mo 1742—3 Sarah b 11, 8mo 1745—4 John b 17, 1mo 1748—5 Miriam b 27, 10mo 1753—6 Christopher b 20, 4mo 1758. Miriam wife of Gideon Bundy d 14, 3mo 1762.

Bundy, Josiah, m Mary Symons, (d of Jehosaphat) 25, 12mo 1766, issue: 1 Lydia b 29, 9mo 1767—2 Elizabeth b 4, 4mo 1769—3 Sarah b 17, 6mo 1770.

Bundy, Joshua, m Elizabeth Bailey, 7, 8mo 1763, issue: 1 Elizabeth b 4, 7mo 1764—2 Sarah b 24, 4mo 1767—3 Ellis b 4, 6mo 1769—4 Hannah, & Penninah, (twins) b 1, 3mo 1773.

Bundy, Caleb, m Miriam (Nicholson) issue: 1 Benjamin b 30, 10mo 1763—Caleb b 16, 5mo 1765—3 John b 24, 10mo 1766—4 Jeremiah b 21, 2mo 1768—5 James b 28, 7mo 1769—6 Hannah b 26, 3mo 1772—7 Moses b 26, 11mo 1774—8 Samuel b 26, 9mo 1776—9 Christopher b 13, 9mo 1777.

Bundy, John, m Lyda Griffin (d of Joseph) issue: 1 Gideon b 31, 3mo 1774—2 Reuben b 25, 11mo 1776.


  • Bundy, John, m Elizabeth Keaton (Newbegun Creek In) 16, 6mo 1716.) (Quaker Records, Perq Co.)
  • Bundy, William, m Anne Keaton (Newbegun Creek In) 19, 9mo 1719. (Quaker Records, Perq Co.)
  • Bundy, Sarah, m Joseph Barrow, (Symons Creek), 2, 3mo 1745.
  • Bundy, Abraham, m Naomi White, (Symons Creek) 3, 1mo 1748.
  • Bundy, William, m Hannah Morris (d of John & Mary) 6, 10mo 1750.
  • Bundy, Miriam, Zadock, William, & Mary Bundy, (children of Demsey, received “Unity” in Quaker Meeting, Pasq Co, 19, 1mo 1788.
  • Bundy, Josiah, was one among those holding slaves, in Pasq Co, 15, 9mo 1787.


  • Bundy, Jane, Dept this Life, 23, 11 mo 1719.
  • Bundy, Caleb, Dept this Life 31, 11mo 1723 (21?).
  • Bundy, William, (s of Caleb) Dept this Life 9, 2mo 1721.
  • Bundy, Caleb Sr, Dept this Life, 4, 3mo 1721.
  • Bundy, Mary (d of Caleb Sr) Dept this Life, 10, 3mo 1721.
  • Bundy, Benjamin, Dept this Life, 13, 8mo 1728.
  • Bundy, John, Dept this Life 22, 2mo 1731.
  • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of John, d 17, 3mo 1731.
  • Bundy, Jean, dau of John, d 30, 1mo 1735.
  • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of William, d 7, 10mo 1748.
  • Bundy, Miriam, dau of sd Elizabeth, d Last of 9mo 1748.
  • Bundy, Samuel, Dept this Life — 10, 1750, in the 49 year of his age.
  • Bundy, Samuel, Dept this Life, 18, 5mo 1753, age 22 years.
  • Bundy, Gideon, Dept this Life 17, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Mary, (wife of Caleb) Dept this Life 19, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, John, s of Caleb, Dept this Life 14, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Miriam, d of Caleb, Dept this Life 13, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Samuel, s of Caleb, Dept this Life 22, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of Caleb, Dept this Life 11, 5 mo 1752.

The will of Josiah Bundy, is found in Minute book, 1755-61, (Perq Co Records). Said will dated 28, 12mo 1760. Made bequest to son Joseph, 39a of Wood land, adj where he now lives, To s Gideon all land in Pasq Co, To wife Elizabeth, all land in Perq, “for her Natual life, but not so as to hinder, my sons Ellis, & Joshua, from settling on their part of sd land” also 76a in Pasq Co, on the head of Little River, called “the forks.” To s Joshua the other half of land, adj Francis Nixon, & half on a new Survey in Perq. To sons: Ellis, & Joshua, “all Right in 300a in Pasq Co, & all three patents in Perq, taken up by myself, Thomas Nicholson, & Gideon Bundy.” To s Caleb 76a in Pasq Co, “which I had of Gideon, & Lydia Bundy.” To d Jane a negro girl. Brother Gideon, & sons: Joseph, & Ellis Exrs. Test’ Phin’s Nixon, Tho Nicholson, Joseph Nicholson.

Pasquotank Mo Meeting

  • Bundy, Sarah, (Intention) m with John Bell, 21, 11mo 1789.
  • Bundy, John, (Intention) m Jemmima Low, 21, 8mo 1790.
  • Bundy, Josiah, (Intention) m Miriam Perisho, 15, 12mo 1792.
  • Bundy, Moses, (Intention) m Elizabeth Jones, 15, 12mo 1796.
  • Bundy, Guliema, (Intention) m Christopher Morris, 18, 2mo 1797.
  • Bundy, Pheribe, (Intention) m Isaac Morris, 20, 2mo 1802.
  • Bundy, Miriam, was “very much decayed, in mind” 21, 3mo  1801.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Bentley, Richard, m Jane — issue: 1 May b August 29, 1662—2 John b Dec 22, 1665—3 Richards b Feby 2, 1668—4 William b August 15, 1671.
  • Bentley, Richard, m 2d Lidia Mann, July 3, 1677, by Mr. Wood.
  • Bentley, Richard (s of Richard) died before May 27, 1697, d. s. p. his will on that date, names as sole legatee, Diana White. Coat of Arms on Seal.
  • John Bentley, m Ann Barrow, (d of John, & wife Sarah) Nov 6, 1694. (Berkeley Par.)
  • John Bentley, will Perq, p Nov 1695. Brother William, cousin Elizabeth Leary, wife Ann. Bro-in-law Jenkins Williams, & William Barrow. Sons: John, & Roger.
  • John Bentley (2) moved to Tyrrell Co, where his will was p June 1754.
  • Amos Bentley, m Zilpah Simpson, May 3, 1766. (Mar bonds Perq County.) (See deeds of Perq Co.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Albertson, Penelope, d of Joshua & Mary, b 16, 6mo 1753. Reg of Friends.

  • Albertson, Mary, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 17, 11mo 1745. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Caleb, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 4mo 1747. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Joshua, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 11, 11mo 1749. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Josiah, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 12, 12mo 1750. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Miriam, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 4, 12mo 1752. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Sarah, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 18, 11mo 1754. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Liddea, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 8, 1mo 1755. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Abigail, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 2mo 1757. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Elizabeth, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 3mo, 1759. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Sarah (d of Elihu) m Benjamin Newby 25, 2mo 1773. He died 28, 9mo 1779.
  • Albertson, Elias, (s of Elias, & Elizabeth) was b 24, 9mo 1763.
  • Albertson, Benjamin (s of William, & Sarah) m Sarah Nixon (d of Phineas, & Mary) 19, 10mo 1773. b 17, 12mo 1746/7.
  • Albertson, Hannah (d of Nathaniel) b 18, 2mo 1719—m John Nixon 10, 3mo 1753; issue: 1 Mary b 16, 12mo 1754—2 Liddea b 14, 3mo 1756—3 Frederick b 4, 11mo 1758—Abigail, (twin to Frederick). (She was 2d wife of John Nixon.) Hannah (Albertson) Nixon d 18, 2mo 1793.
  • Albertson, Joshua, m Mary Symons (at Symons Creek Meeting) 4, 10mo 1734.
  • Albertson, William, m Sarah Pritchard (at Symons Creek Meeting) 1, 8mo 1747.
  • Albertson, Joshua, m Mary Scott (at Symons Creek Meeting) 2, 5mo 1752.
  • Albertson, William, died 29, 4mo 1803, & “was buried at Suttons Creek Meeting house.” (in Perq Co.)
  • Albertson, Miriam, m Nathan White, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 6, 4mo 1785.
  • Albertson, Penninah, m Benjamin Saint, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 2, 12mo 1789.
  • Albertson, Phineas, m Rebeccah White, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 4, 9mo 1793.

* Albertson, Chalkey, m 1st Elizabeth, & had son Zachariah, who died 10, 8mo 1798. m 2d Mary Hollowell, “Suttons Creek Meeting” Perq Co, 18, 8mo 1808, & had issue: 1 Chalkey b 21, 4mo 1809—2 Daniel b 24, 1mo 1811.

*It is thought that the name of Chalkey in the Albertson family was for Thomas Chalkey, the celebrated Quaker minister, and in other families through intermarriage with the Albertson.

  • Albertson, Mary, wife of Chalkey, died 20, 9mo 1812, & “was buried at Suttons Creek Meeting house.”
  • Albertson, Benjamin, (s of Benj of Old Neck dec’d) m Margaret Nixon (d of Nath’l Bagley) all of Perq, 17, 10mo 1811. (Sutton Creek Meeting Perq.)
  • Albertson, Toms, m Martha Albertson (Symons Creek) 16, 9mo 1810, had issue: 1 Elias b 10, 3mo 1813—2 James b 12, 8mo 1811—3 Mary b 19, 2mo 1815.
  • Albertson, Benjamin, m Sarah — (at Piney Woods Meeting) 12, 10mo 1809, issue: 1 Alfred Parker b 22, 4mo 1811—d 25, 9mo 1816—2 Edmond Peel b 21, 9mo 1813—3 Isabel b 2, 2mo 1816.
  • Albertson, Nathan, (s of Benj dec’d) m Pheraby Nicholson (d of Nathan) 14, 8mo 1824.
  • Albertson, Albert, had a grt for land in Perq May 22, 1694—290a by the side of Suttons Creek Swamp. (Land Office Raleigh.)
  • Albertson, Albert Jr, land grt in Perq Precinct, Sept 1, 1694, on the bank of Perq River, 300a.
  • Albertson, Albert, appears on Rent Roll in Perq 1700, with 300a on Deep Creek.                           

Birth, Deaths, and Marriages, in Berkeley

  • Albert Albertson m Mary Gosby, Dec 20, 1668, issue: 1 Albert, b July 15, 1669—2 Susanna, b Feb 19, 1670—3 Esau, b Aug 19, 1672—4 Hannah, b Dec 11, 1675—5 Peter, b Last of June 1677.
  • Hannah Albertson m Joseph Nicholson, s of Christopher, & Hannah.
  • Albert Albertson died “att his on house” Feb 28, 1701.
  • Albertson, Albert Jr, m Elizabeth Mullen, (d of Abraham) who m 2d Wm Bateman, before Oct 18, 1768. (Deed b H-41.)
  • Albertson, Albert, s of Albert & Elizabeth b ye Nov 23, 1694.
  • Albertson, John, s of Albert & Elizabeth b Nov 27, 1696.
  • Albertson, Peter, (s of Albert & Mary Gosby) m Ann Jones (d of Mary Beesly, wid) Aug 27, 1701. issue: 1 Samuel, b Oct 25, 1702—2 Peter, b Oct 7, 1704—3 Joseph, b Feby 5, 1705/6—4 Ann, b Aug 4, 1708—(died young)—5 Mary, b Mch 12, 1710—6 Patience, b Dec 5, 1711—7 Hannah, b June 15, 1715—8 Anne (2d by that name), b Aug 4, 1718—9 Martha, b Aug 15, 1721.
  • Albertson, Esau, (son of Albert, & Mary Gosby) m Sarah Sexton (d of Darby, & Doroty) ye 27 Jany 1700/1, by Rev Richard French.
  • Albertson, Esau, (s of Esau, & wife Sarah) b Feb 5, 1703/4.
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, m Abigail Nicholson (d of Samuel) “at a meeting, at ye house of Samuel Nicholson,” July 12, 1704. issue: Sarah, b Nov 2, 1706.
  • Albertson, Aaron, m Ann Gilbert, July 10, 1729. issue: Nathaniel b Aug 19, 1733. His will Perq Co, p April Court 1782, names wife Anne, Children; Nathaniel, Abigail Cosand (wife of Gabriel) Jean Charles, sons Benjamin, & Nathaniel Exors. Test’ Mary Sanders, Mary, & William Albertson. (Perq Co records.)
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, will Perq Co, p July Court 1785, names sons Joseph, & Jesse, daus Margaret, & Miriam Albertson, Roda Munden, & Anne Moore, son-in-law Levi Munden, wife Mary. (2d wife). Test’ Aaron Moore, Anne Moore, Roda Munden.
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, will Perq Co, p Jan Court 1752/3, names sons Joshua, & William, (Wm, gr-son of Samuel Nicholson) gr-sons Benjamin, & Chalkey, (sons of William) daus Hannah, & Elizabeth Newby, son Aaron, d Lydia True-blood. Test’ Joshua Perisho, James Henbe, Mary Morris.
  • Albertson, Joshua, will Perq Co, p Oct Court 1753. names son Francis, wife Mary, daus Elizabeth, Mary, & Penelope, brothers Aaron, & William, Exors.
  • Albertson, William, will Perq Co, p Sept 10, 1784, names sons Benjamin, Chalkey, & William, gr-sons William, & Thomas Hasket, d Mary Anderson, Elizabeth Albertson, wife Sarah. (Who was d of William Newby, by whom she is named, in his will Perq Co, Aug 10, 1782) Exors sons Benjamin, & Chalkey. Test’ John, & Samuel Anderson, Josiah Yatton. (Latton.)
  • Albertson, Albert Sr, will Perq Co, p Apl 14, 1702, names sons Peter, Nathan, Esau, & Nathaniel, son Peter, & wife Ann Exors. son Albert. Test’ John Falconer, Nathaniel Nicholson. 

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



This very old Bible was printed in a column in the Elizabeth City Daily Advance written by E. O. (Jack) Baum on 8 July 1968. The column was called the “Albemarle Historical Genealogy Researcher” and was sponsored by the Pasquotank County Historical Society.

Sarah Stevens departed this life the 16th day of August 1717 about 12 or 1 o’clock at night, it being a very cleare night and in the 49 year of her age. (Her maiden name was Durant)

John Durant (son of George B. and Ann Marwood Durant) departed this life 15 of January 1699

Ann (Marwood) Durant departed this life the 22 of January 1694

Elizabeth Clayton departed this life the 14 day of January about 2 or 3 hours before ——- in the year 1737

Hagar Durant (daughter of Nicholas Crisp and his wife — Wilkins) departed this life the 14 of January about 8 or 9 o’clock in the morning in the year 1723. (Her husband was George Durant, son of John Durant)

George Durant departed this life the 12 of September 1730

Wilson Reed his Bible given to him by his father William Reed Esq. 1803

This book was published in the year in which ——— was born, 1599

William Reed, his Bible, given him by his father, Christian Reed and he (William) gave it to Rebecca Reed, his daughter.

(Christian Reed married Mary Durant, the daughter of George and Hagar Crisp Durant)

Mary White 1813

Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).


TOWE Family Record (JAMES M. TOWE)

Bible is presently in the possession of Holly Schoenhoff

Pg. 1 —  1875 was a cold an a wet winter. it was said that was the coldest winter that we had in 43 years an on the 18th of Jan we had a large Snow an it was verry cold for several days before. an I [am] now in my 60 year of Age /s/ James Towe

Pg. 2 —  I Bought of Abaham White estate at Publick Sale Addison and Mary his Wife at hertford and I bought them at $1305.00

800 for Addison

505 for Mary


Year of 1857 Jan 1st /s/ Jas Towe

Bought Justus at Publick Sale at Perry Store and Paid Four Hundred dollars and the the right was no count and the Bright was no count an I Bought him a ? an paid $612

Pg. 3 (Marriages)

  • James Towe and Martha Ann Boothe were married near Gatesville, by John Walton. Esq. November 30th 1843
  • Henry Stokes and Elizabeth Francis Towe were married January 16, 1868 by the Rev’d Lumsden
  • Thomas Blunt [Blount] and Mary C Towe was married October 9th, 1873
  • John Cartwright and Alice Towe was married on the 12th of Nov 1874 by Rev. Thenady Near Oke Grove


Pg. 4 (Births)

  • William Cherry Tow the Son of James Tow an Martha Tow was Born the the 4th day of October 1844 at 10 oclock in the morning
  • Elizabeth Francis the Daughter of Martha an James Tow was Born the 4 day of Nov 1846 about 3 oclock in the Evening
  • James Henry Towe the Son of James an Martha Tow was Born the 20th of January 1848 a bout 10 oclock in the morning.
  • Jno. Martin son of Jas. & Martha Tow was born April 21st 1850
  • Mary Caroline daughter of Jas & Martha Tow was born November 28th 1852
  • Alice Daughter of Jas & Martha Tow was born Feb 11th 1854
  • John Martin son of Jas & Martha Towe was born the 19 of April 1856


Pg. 5 (Births cont.)

  • Martha Louisa daughter of James & Martha Towe was born June 20th 1858.
  • Eugenia Boothe daughter James & Martha Towe was born Oct 5th 1860
  • Martha Estola daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Stokes was born Nov of 1868
  • Ann Elizabeth daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Stokes his Wife was born Dec 3rd 1871
  • Charles [a slave] son of Patty was born October 1847
  • Roland, son of Patty, was born April 21, 1850
  • Easter daughter of Patty was born Oct 4th 1852
  • Cdney [Sidney] daughter of Paty was born the 5 day of January 1856
  • Ada daughter of Rachel was born in November 1849
  • Edna daughter of Rachel was born November 19th 1851
  • Ida M. Skinner was born July 25th 1859


Pg. 6 (Deaths)

My Dear Aunt Caroline Hollowell Departed this Life on the First day of April a bout one oclock in the Ev. Year of 1859. and all of her Friends was a round her when she left this world. an she was one of the smartest Ladies that ever was raised in world to my Notion an her Friends spoke of her as such as she was kind to the poor and she left a devoted Husband and one daughter Almira Hollowell [this appears to be written by James Towe]


Martha Towe died May 1888

Joseph Martin Towe departed this Life October 25th at 15 minutes after 7pm 1866

My Grandma Absilla Boothe departed this life April 3rd at 10 minutes after nine in the morning in the year of our Lord 1867


Old Aunt Sallie Douglas a colored woman departed this life on the 13th of Apr. 1870.  She was an excellent nurse a pure Christian. she left a great many friends behind both white & black. /s/ James Towe


My Dear Pa Departed this life Auggus the 16, 1886 10 minutes after 4 oclock in the Eavning


Pg. 7 — Jennie D Towe Harris died Sept 10 1932 at 10:30 pm


Pg. 8 — Daisey was Foled on the 10th of May 1886 out of Dolley an Commet an Towe horse


Written in the back cover:

Sillje a chesnut colt – out of Jennie by Sis – was foalded one 6’clock on Wednesday the 24th of March 1869.

a bay colt out of Jennie by a dark Pony was folded in the 16th of May 1870 monday night


This Bible was published in 1846, very large pulpit-sized Bible. These scriptures are highlighted or circled:

Rev. 14: 13-14

Rom 5:19 and Chapter 6

John 14 marked “my favorite chapter Amina G. Santos?




The Martin Van Buren White Bible is a “Pictorial Family Bible.” It is the “Self-Pronouncing Edition” of the Bible, “containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, with the Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms. and Revised New Testament, the Old (King James) Version and the Revised Version arranged in parallel columns for convenience in reference and comparison.” It was published by Southwestern Publishing House, Nashville, TN, with an 1891 copyright date.  Handwritten on the Title Page is the date 1894. It measures about 9 1/2 X 12 1/2 inches. The cover is very heavy, sculpted, and covered with leather. It is a beautiful, well-illustrated edition. Its condition is poor.

On the inside front blank leaf is written, “This is Mr. & Mrs. M. V. Whites Bible.”

Marriage Certificate:

What God has joined together, let not man put asunder.

This certifies that Martin Van Buren White of Chowan County, North Carolina and Mary Ann Perry of Chowan County were united by me in the Bonds of Holy Matrimony at the residence of Caleb G. Perry on the twenty seventh day of December in the year of our Lord 1866. In the presence of J(?) M. Forahand. Signed R. D. Simson


  • John M. Cleary & Martha Ann White April 8, 1890
  • Charley D. White & Mary Elizabeth Elliott April 23, 1890
  • James G. Umphlet & Nanny L. White Dec 20/93
  • James P. Brite & Ferebee Idessa White Nov 25, 1896
  • Shelton Whitson & Marian Virginia White Dec 24, 1905
  • Charlie E. Hurst & Cassie Lee White June 20, 1906

There are no Births or Deaths recorded.

Found in the Bible is the funeral notice for Martin Van Buren White. It is hand-written on a piece of lined paper, about 5″X7″. The paper is covered with a piece of black.  It states:

“The funeral services of Martin V. White will be held this afternoon at the M. E. Church at 3 O,Clock. Jany 28th 1907.”

Martin Van Buren White is buried at Cedarwood Cemetery in Hertford. Mary Ann Perry White is believed to be buried there as well, but there is no tombstone for her.

The Bible is currently in the possession of the family of Raymond E. White, Jr. (deceased), great grandson of Martin White. The Bible cover, title page, copyright page, and the family pages have been digitally photographed.

Contributed by Mary Hurst



Samuel WINSLOW 5th month 1852 Perquimans Co. N.C.


  • Samuel WINSLOW and Martha Ann WHITE were married on the 13 day of the 5th month 1858
  • Joshua Calvin WINSLOW and Martha Delphina WINSLOW were married 1/25/1882 (cousins)
  • Nathan Elisha WINSLOW and Jane Rebecca CHAPPELL were married 11/30/1886
  • Francis Thomas King WINSLOW and Lenora Gertrude CARTER were married 3/1/1894
  • James Townsend CHAPPELL and Lydia V. WINSLOW were marrried 3/7/1894
  • Caleb CHAPPELL and Martha Grabarilla WINSLOW were married 8/29/1894
  • Charlie Edward WINSLOW and Catherine Ida WINSLOW (cousins) were married 12/23/1896
  • Elihu Wilson WINSLOW and Ida Leonora MUNDEN were married 12/26/1906
  • William P. DAVIS and Sarah Ellen Rebecca WINLSOW were married 2/24/1909


  • Samuel WINSLOW (son of Lancelot & Elizabeth) was born 12/29/1830
  • Mary Ann WHITE WINSLOW (dau of Francis and Mary JONES WHITE) wife of Samuel WINSLOW was born 2/27/1833
  • Joshua C. WINSLOW (son of Samuel and Mary Ann) was born 10/19/1860
  • Mary Elizabeth WINSLOW (dau of Samuel and Mary Ann ) was born 11/24/1862
  • Martha Gabrilla WINSLOW (dau of Samuel and Mary Ann was born 11/24/1864
  • Lydia V. WINSLOW (dau of Samuel & Mary Ann) born 8/20/1866
  • Sarah Ellen Rebecca WINSLOW (dau of Samuel& Mary Ann) born 2/5/1868
  • John WINSLOW born 10/15/1763
  • Lancelot WINSLOW born 9/17/1784
  • Francis Thomas King WINSLOW (son of Samuel & Mary Ann born 10/14/1871
  • Catherine Ida WINSLOW (Dau of Samuel & Mary Ann born 8/17/1873
  • Eli Wison WINSLOW (Son of Samuel & Mary Ann) born 10/9/1878
  • Bessie Clarine WINSLOW (Dau of Eli Wilson WINSLOW and Ida Lenora MUNDEN his wife) was born 11/5/1907
  • Mary Elizabeth WINSLOW (dau of Eli Wilson & Ida Lenora) was born 6/15/1909 (married Marcus Price) children: Ruth, Ricky
  • Etta Rebecca WINSLOW (dau of Eli & Ida) born 9/7/1910 married John Moore


  • John WINSLOW died 10/8/1832 age 69 years, 11 mo. 23 days
  • Margaret BELL (wife of John WINSLOW) died 4/1831 age 55 yrs. 11 mo. 20 days
  • Exum BELL died 10/27/1820 age 17 yrs. 7 months
  • Elisha WINSLOW died 10/5/1854 age 18yrs. 11 mon. 8 days
  • Lancelot WINSLOW died 1/4/1856 age 72 years
  • Martha Gabrilla WINSLOW CHAPPELL died 5/5/1934 (wife of Caleb CHAPPELL)
  • Mary E. WINSLOW (dau. of Samuel & Mary Ann) died 11/16/1869
  • Samuel R. WINSLOW (son of Samuel & Mary Ann ) died 10/17/1870
  • Mary Ann WINSLOW died 4/15/1916 age 83 yrs. 1 mo. 19 days
  • Samuel WINSLOW (son of Lancelot WINSLOW ) died 6/29/1904 age 73 yrs. 6 mon.
  • Eli Wilson WINSLOW died 1/20/1935 age 56 yrs. 3 mon. 11 days (son of Samuel & Mary Ann WINSLOW)


  • Ida L. WINSLOW (wife of Eli WINSLOW born 10/31/1890
  • Ida L. WINSLOW died 5/22/1943 (wife of Eli W. WINSLOW)
  • George RIGGS (Son of Lemuel RIGGS and Betty his wife born 5/1/1851

On several loose pieces of paper in Bible:

  • Children of Nathan Elisha and Jane Rebecca CHAPPELL WINSLOW:
  • Victoria Elizabeth 11/30/1888
  • Obed Samuel 1/18/1890
  • Harriett Ann 10/2/1891
  • Nathan Benjamin 10/24/1901

Children of Joshua Calvin and Martha WINSLOW:

  • Samuel Martin ?
  • Delphine 2/7/1883
  • Martha 4/20/1898 m. Samuel W. RIDDICK
  • Henry Ellison 7/23/1894
  • Ernest Calvin 12/29/1896
  • Irvin Timothy 5/28/1902

Children of Eli and Ida L. WINSLOW:

  • James Henry 3/9/1912-3/25/1912
  • Alice Elimira 3/3/1913-3/5/1913
  • Alma Mae 9/3/1914-9/4/1914
  • Willie P. Born and died 9/5/1915
  • Dorothy L. Born and died 9/22/1916
  • Thomas Fowler born and died 8/13/1926
  • Darvan Ray born and died 12/12/1931

On a piece of stationary:

  • Joshua Calvin WINSLOW died 7/21/1940
  • Nathan Elisha WINSLOW died 10/1928
  • Martha Gabrilla WINSLOW died 5/5/1934
  • Lydia V. WINSLOW died 7/21/1936 wife of James Townsend CHAPPELL
  • Francis Thomas WINSLOW died 9/11/1940
  • First Wife: Sara Jane SUTTON died 9/11/1883 from Milk Fever
  • Daughter Elizabeth born 5/25/1883


  • Monroe Franklin GODFREY 3/7/1857-7/14/1923 married Mary Polly Molly RIGGS who died 1/13/1930
  • Monroe GODFREY’S parents were Tully and Penelope GODFREY
  • Polly RIGGS parents were Lemuel & Betty HALL RIGGS , and Siblings were George, Lemuel, and Peter RIGGS

Births on piece of paper:

  • Samuel WINSLOW CHAPPELL (son of Caleb & Martha G. CHAPPELL) Born 7/29/1895
  • Arthur Malichi CHAPPELL (son of Caleb & Martha G. CHAPPELL) born 12/7/1896
  • Caleb Elmere CHAPPELL (Son of Caleb & Martha G. CHAPPELL) born 8/21/1899

Deaths on tablet paper:

  • Martha G. CHAPPELL died 5/15/1934




Will of

26 July 1778

In the Name of God Amen I John Hollowell of the County of Perquimons and province of north Carolina am Sickley and weak of boddy butt of Sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almity God for the Same and Caling to mind the unseartanty of this transetory Life and the Sartanty of Death do Constitute and ordain this to be My last Will and testement in maner and form as folloeth.

And first~ I Give my Soul to God Who Gave it me and Boddy to the Earth to be Desantly Buried by Executors herafter names and what worly Estate it has been pleas God to Bless me with in this world I Give and Despose of itt in maner and form as folleth.

And first~ I Give unto my Son William Hollowell two Hundred pounds currant money of this province which he has already Received I Likwis Give to my Son William one feather bead and furniture and two stools and one oval table three head of Cattle fore Sheep one Long Gun and my Croscut Saw ane one hors Coult that he has had in his poseson and two puter Dishes and two puter Basons with all other things that he my said Son has in his posseson to him my Said Son and his heirs for Ever.

Secodly~ I Give my Son Henry Hollowell my plantation where on I Now Dwell and all my Land that I hould in this wourld to him my Said Son and his heirs for Ever only it is my will that my wife Should not be Desturbed in the plantation nor any part of the Land During hur natrel Life but if She should marrey then to have but one third part of my plantation I Likwise Give unto my Said Son Henry one feather Bead and furniture and my hand mill and my Small Gun and two puter dishes and two puter basons I Likwise Give unto my Said Son Henry three Head of Cattle Such as his brother has had and four Sheep and one pott and huke and my hansaw and all my Cuppers tools and one half Dozen spoons and one Skillet and one oval table I Likwise Give my Said Son Henry one Hors Coult Named Derrik and one Cheast Caled my Cheast and two sows and pigs to him my son and his heirs for Ever it is my will he have all that I have Given him at the age of twenty one years.

Thirdly~ I Give to my Dauter Elizabeth Perry one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that I have Given Hur that shee has had in posison with them to Her my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and no more for She has had hur Shear.

Foerthly~ I Give to my Dauter Sarah Riddick one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other thing that I have Given Hur that shee has had in poseson with them to Hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and it is my will that my Said Dauter have on Cow and Calf more because Thee has bad Luck with hur Cattle and that must be Hur Shear.

Fiftly~ I Give unto my Dauter Mary Riddick one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that She has had in poseson Given Her by me to Hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and that is hur Shear.

Sixtly~ I Give unto my Dauter Christian White one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that Thee has in poseson Give hur by me to hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever.

Sevently~ I Give to my Dauter Ann Evins one feather bead and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all other things that Thee has had in poseson Given hur my Sd Dauter and hur Heirs for Ever and that is hur Shear all but as much money as will purches hur a sute of Clouse Equal with the Clouse that hur Sisters had befor.

Eightly~ I Give to my Loving wife Christian Hollowell one feather Bead and for it being the bead that She and I has on and my young mare Caled Lou my womans Saddle and bridel and one mans Saddle to hur my Loving wife and hur heirs for Ever.

I Likewise Give my Dauter Christian White my flocks Staple to hur my Said Dauter and her heirs for Ever.

Ninethly~ it is my will and desier that all my Just Debts and funeral Expences be paid and Discharged out of my Estate by my Executor and after all my Debts and Charges is sattesfied and paid then all the Rest of my Estate that is to be found that is not by me Given away I Lend to my loving wife during hur natural Life and after hur Death to be Equely Divided between my two sons William Hollowell and Henry Hollowell who I nominate and apoint to be my hole and Soul Executurs to See this my Last will and testament fulfiled and properly as witness my hand and Seal this 26 of July 1778 anno Domuni.

This will under Lined in one place be fore asigned:

John Hollowell.

Testies: John Twine, Caleb Winslow, Uriah Hudson.
(Proved January Court 1784, Book 3, p. 273).



Will of



North Carolina Pequris, County. Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Hollowell of the place aforesaid farmer do make and ordain these presents to be and contain my last will and testament for the disposal of such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me with in this life in the following manner and forme. Viz.

First I will that all my just debts an contracts be paid out of my estate in covennent time after my decease.

Item I leave the use of my plantation land and improvements where I now live to my well beloved wife Sarah Hollowell duering her natril life and the prevelig for her stock dureing her widdowhood in my land at Little River which I bought of Thomas Nicholson.

Item I give to Thomas Haskit son of William the land plantation and improvements where I now dwell with a parsil of woodland and joyning thereto which I bought of Richard Chesson to him and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body

I give the before mentioned land to John Haskit son of William to him and the heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever.

Item I give to Silas Haskit son of William my lands plantation and improvements which I bought of Thomas Nicholson at Little River to him and the heirs lawfully begotten of his boody forever and for want of such heirs of his body as aforesaid I give the before mentioned land to John Haskit son of William to him and the heirs of his boody lawfully begotten forever.

Item I leave the use of the remaining part of my … land lying in the thee grand forke above Moses Bundy to my wife Sarah Hollowell dureing her naturil life.

Item I give the before mentioned piece of land to John Haskit son of Wm. Hasket to him and the heirs of his boddy lawfully begotten forever.

Item I give Thomas Haskit son of William my Negro girl named Huldah to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever if he should dye without such issue it is my will that the above mentioned Negro girl should return to John Hasket son of William to him and his heirs forever.

Item I give to my wife Sarah Hollowell my Negro woman Candis Negro boys James and Jacob and Negro girl Hannah to her and her disposal.

Item I leave the use of the labor of my other three Negroes David, Jonah and Aron to my wife Sarah Hollowell until the said Negroes arive to the age of thirty one years.

Item I give my Negro men David and Jonah to Thomas Hasket son of William to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever but if he should dy without such issue it is my will that the same Negro boys should return to John Hasket to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.

Item I give my Negro boy Aaron to Silas Hasket son of William to him and the heirs of his body forever lawfully begotton forever. But if he should dye without such heirs of his boddy.

Item I give the above mentioned Negro boy to John Hasket son of William to Him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.

Item I give to my wife Sarah Hollowell my old Negro woman named Jane to her and her disposal.

Item I give to Rachal Wilson, wife of Jacob my book of Tucks History.

Item I give my cousin Thos. Hollowell, son of John one large Foher Bible and Robert Barkleys Apolige after my wifes decease.

Item I give to Thomas … .

Item I give all the rest of my estate of all kinds whatsoever to my wife Sarah Hollowell to her and her disposal.

Item I leave John Haskit son of William as an appointed guardian to my slaves hereby disposed to see that they are well sett by.

Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and apoint my loving wife Sarah Hollowell Execetrix and friend John Hasket and Matthew and Thomas Hasket Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and disallowing all and every other former will or wills legacies bequeath made before this time by me names willed bequeathed rattefying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament this tenth day ye 4 mo. commonly called April one thousand seven hundred seventy two.

                                                                                                        Thomas Hollowell.

Signed sealled published and pronounced and declared by the said Thomas Hollowell to be his last will and testament in presents of us Peter Pearson, Mary White, William Pearson.

Proved July Court 1772, Book C., pg. 116, Perquimans Co., NC
