• As everyone knows there are Jones, and then Jones. While it is extremely difficult to decide with absolute certainty the descent of any line of this numerous family, and one is often very much confused by their many Johns, & Peters, yet we can with good grace give the various Peters in Perq with well founded authority. They are well defined on the records, but no mention is made of the place from which they came.
  • Jones, Peter (1) died in Perq Aug 4, 1679. As he made no will, nothing further can be found. It seems reasonable to suppose that the next by that name was his son. Also it seems probable that there was some connection by marriage, or otherwise, between the Jones’ family, & Robert Beasley, where said Peter Jones was buried. He was probably one of the Peter Jones descended from Abraham Jones, of Va, but there is no positive proof of this fact.
  • (2) Jones, Peter (2) Peter (1), m Elizabeth —. Issue: 1 Rebecca b Mar 14, 1694—2 William, b Sept 28, 1697—3 Peter, b May 7, 1700, Peter Jones, m 2d Mary Overman, issue: Elizabeth, Margaret, Sarah, John, Hannah, & Mary.
  • His will p in Perq, April 1752, names children: John, to whom he bequeathed “plantation whereon I now live” & land at “Mile Branch.” To son William he left 170a, son Peter “plantation whereon I now live” dau’s: Mary, Hannah, & Margaret Jones, Sarah Sutton, Rebecca Denman, gr-son Thomas Sherwood, Exrs son John, & dau Mary.
  • The division of Mary Jones estate (d of Peter) Jan 1, 1758, makes plain the fact that he had two wives. Heirs of Mary Jones dec’d:
  • Rebecca Denman, “sister of the half blood.”
  • William Jones, “brother of the half blood.”
  • Peter Jones, “brother of the half blood.”
  • Elizabeth Sherwood, “sister of the whole blood.”
  • Margaret Henby, “sister of the whole blood.”
  • Sarah Sutton, “sister of the whole blood.”
  • Hannah Hinds, “sister of the whole blood.”
  • John Jones, “brother of the whole blood.”
  • By this division the marriages of the daughters are disclosed.
  • (3) Jones, Peter (3) Peter (2) Peter (1), m Mary Pierce (d of Thomas) (See Pierce) issue: son—b Aug 24, 1723—2 Peter, b Mch 27, 1726—3 Mary, b June 24, 1727—4 Isaac, b Mch 29, 1733—5 Thomas, b Jan 14, 1735—6 Zachariah, b Nov 25, 1740—7 Mahachy, b Oct 1, 1745. (The 1st son probably Zephaniah named in will.)
  • (2) Jones, William (1) Peter (1), m Priscilla Toms (d of Francis Jr, & Margaret Boge) issue: William, b Apl 27, 1732, d Mch 20, 1753, age 19 years. He was living when his father made his will, p in Perq, April 1752, naming, son William, dau Elizabeth Barber, & Rebeckah Jones, Exrs: Peter Jones (brother) & Moses Barber (son-in-law). As this son died the following year in young manhood, it seems probable that he died unmarried, therefore we are led to believe that William Jones had no male descendants in Perq.
  • Jones, Peter (3) will Perq p April 1753. Sons: Thomas, Zephaniah, Zachariah, Malachy (land on Mile Branch) dau Mary, wife Mary, gr-son Joseph Jones. Peter Jones Estate was divided Aug 1, 1758, among the several heirs; James Elliott received £81-11-9 “in Right of his wife Mary,” Zephaniah, & Malachi Jones same.
  • The division of Mary Jones Estate, July 1758, a “part to Joseph Jordan, in right of his ward Joseph Jones,” other heirs: Thomas Jones, James Elliott “in right of his wife” Zephaniah Jones, Malachi, & Zachariah Jones, each a part. In this division Thomas Jones is said to be the “eldest son of Mary Jones, who died intestate” April 18, 1758.
  • Thomas Jones m Sarah—issue Elizabeth, b Dec 26, 1730.
  • Mary Jones, (d of Peter, & wife Anne) b Aug 17, 1754.
  • Ann Jones (d of Mary Beesley, widow) m Peter Albertson, Aug 27, 1701.
  • (5) Jones, Joseph (1), (gr-son of Peter 3d) became a Quaker, and his issue is given in their records. He m Mary—“at Little River Meeting house” 2, 3mo 1768, issue: 1 Margaret, b 9, 12mo 176—2 Sarah, b 15, 2mo 177—3 Elizabeth, b 9, 11mo 177—4 Miriam, b 9, 8mo 1777—5 Huldah, b 15, 11mo 1779, m —Bundy, d 1, 2mo 1811—6 Joshua, b 6, 1mo 1782—7 Joseph (2), b 17, 1mo 1786, d 22, 11mo 1808—8 Mary, b 18, 1mo 1788—9 Charles b 9, 10mo 1791, m Nancy Wills, 19, 1mo 1811—.
  • Jones, Joshua, m Pleasant Hasket (d of John) “at Suttons Creek” 13, 7mo 1806. He died without issue, will 1814, wife Pleasant, brother Charles, Pleasant (Hasket) Jones m 2d—Jordan. (See her fathers will, p 1818.)
  • Jones, Joseph, will p in Perq, May 1819. Son Joseph H. Jones, dau’s: Mary Jones, & Margaret Trueblood, sons: Joshua, & Charles Exrs.
  • Jones, Joseph (2) Joseph (1) m Mary—issue: 1 Joseph (3), b 22, 11mo 1803—2 Huldah Bundy Jones, b 1, 2mo 1811. Mary Jones died 14, 10mo 1813.
  • Mary Jones, wife of Joseph (1) died—1803.
  • Jones, Malachi (1) Peter (3) Peter (2) Peter (1) d. s. p. Will p in Perq, Jan 1777. Nephews: Joseph Jones, Nathan Elliott, William Jones (s of Zephaniah) Joshua Jones (s of Thomas) niece Mary Jones (d of Thomas) Exrs wife, brother Thomas, & Caleb White.
  • Jones, William, will p in Perq, Aug 1794, Wife Ann, dau’s: Sarah, Mary, & Margaret, sons: Josiah & Thomas. He lies buried at the Jones farm across “Jones Bottom” near Hertford.
  • Jones, Miriam (parents not named) m Thomas Nixon (both of Perq) 13, 10 mo 1806.
  • Jones, Thomas, m Margaret Toms, 5, 4mo 1775. (Welleses).
  • Jones, William, m Mary Gilbert, 3, 6mo 1737.
  • Jones, William (s of John) m Jane Albertson, 7, 8mo 1741.
  • Jones, William, m Rebecca Wiley, Sept 1, 1790.
  • Jones, Josiah, m Betsey Standin, Nov 3, 1793.
  • Thomas Jones, will p in Perq, April 1788. Sons: Thomas, William, Zachariah, daus Mary Newby, & Sarah Jones, wife Margaret (nee Toms).  –This Thomas Jones was evidently the father of William, of Jones Farm across “Jones Bottom” whose will was p Aug 1794, he being son of Peter (3) and Mary Pierce.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).