What’s New


  • Richard Calloway, served on the Jury, in Isle of Wight Co Va July 14, 1664. Nothing further found there, about Richard, or his descendants.
  • Caleb Calloway, was living in Perq Precinct, as early as Mar 1, 1661, when he signed the deed made by the Indian Chief, to George Durant, on sd date. He probably bought land from the Indians, as Durant did, but there is no record of such a transaction, to be found anywhere.
  • Calloway, Caleb, m Elizabeth Laraunce, 29 —. She was d of Will Lawrence, & wife Rachell Welsh. b Dec 24, 1655. Issue:
  • Calloway, William, s of Caleb, & Elizabeth, b Feby 13, 1671/2. d Nov 29, 1692.
  • Calloway, Dorothy, d of Caleb, & Elizabeth, b Aug 16, 1674.
  • Calloway, Caleb (2), s of Caleb, & Elizabeth, b Feby 21, 1676. d Dec 16, 1687.
  • Colloway, Joshua, s of Caleb, & Elizabeth, b July 17, 1679.
  • Calloway, Mary, d of Caleb, & Elizabeth, b Feb 19, 1681. d June 7, 1698.
  • Calloway, John, s of Caleb, & Elizabeth, b Sept 13, 1684. d Dec 18, 1687.
  • Calloway, Karhale, d of Caleb, & Elizabeth, b Feb 16, 1686.
  • Caleb Calloway died, June 15, 1706.
  • Calloway, Elizabeth, widow, m 2d John Pearre, (s of Wm & Margrett) 16— (no date).
  • Caleb Calloway’s will p (in Perq, but Co not given) June 13, 1706. He left to son & Ex Joshua, a “plan’ on Yawpim River” names d Rachel, wife of John Wiatt. Gr-dau Elizabeth Wiatt, wife Elizabeth.

It seems from this will, that all his other children were dead. The records do not show what became of Dorothy, & Karhale.

  • Joshua Calloway m Elizabeth, (thought to have been a d of John Stepney) Issue: Elizabeth b Apl 13, 1716, m Robert Harman (s of Robt, & Elizabeth Freeman).
  • Ann b Feby 26, 1718/19. (Roman Calendar.)
  • Samuel b Feby 5, 1731/2.
  • Joshua Calloway had also a son John, (no record of his birth) who was given liberty April Court, 1744, to “Chuse his Gardian.” (Minute book Perq Co.)
  • Joshua Calloway appears on the Tithe List, in Berkeley Parish Perq Co. 1740, with 4 Tithes.
  • John Calloway was Sheriff of Perq from Nov 25, 1751, to Mar 28, 1758. He was dead Mar 7, 1772. (Loose papers Perq Co.)
  • Joshua Callaway, will p in Perq Co, July 1742. Names sons: Thomas, John & Caleb, and dau Elizabeth Harman, gr-d Elizabeth Callaway, (d of Caleb) wife Elizabeth

This will proves that Joshua Calloway had as well as John, a son Caleb, & son Thomas, whose ages are not recorded, in Berkeley Par Reg.

  • Caleb Calloway (3) m Alice, (widow Calloway m 1st Joseph Pierce—his widow Feb 28, 1729). Issue: Mary b Dec 20, 1737. m — Barto, Caleb (4) b Apl 22, 1742.
  • Caleb Calloway was on the Tithe List in Perq 1740, with 3 Tithes.
  • Thomas Calloway (s of Joshua) m Isabel Gerratt, Mch 20, 1728. (no record.)
  • John Calloway m Johanna —
  • Issue: Elizabeth b Dec 31, 1750.
  • Zebulon b Oct 15, 1752.
  • Joseph b Dec 2, 1757.
  • Zipporah b Jan 10, 1761.
  • Sarah b Apl 20, 1766.
  • Thomas Pierce died before Oct Court 1757, when his Estate was divided, among the several representatives; To Alice Calloway “mother of sd dec’d” one part, to Mary Barto, “sister of the half Blood” to Caleb, & John Calloway, “brothers of the half Blood” each a part.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



William Bundy, the first by that name to appear in Perq, married Mary Pearre (Rellicke of John) Desember 15, 1683. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.) Caleb Bundy, (who was a brother of William) m Jane Maners, “at ye quarterly Meeting,” July —, 1690.

William Bundy, had previously married Elizabeth —, probably before coming to N. C., who died Mar 4, 1676, by whom he had one son Samuel, b Feby 4, 1676. Also a dau Mary, who was 1st wife of Timothy Clare. In her marriage bond, she is named as his dau. He had by his 2d wife Mary (née Scott) widow Pearre) a dau, Sarah b Jan 23, 1685, who married Francis Pettitt, of Chowan Co.

William Bundy Dept this Life, Mar 27, 1692. Mary Bundy m (3d) Nicholas Simons, June 30, 1692. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)

Bundy, Caleb, will Pasquotank Co, names brothers: William, & John. (No date.) He appears to have died childless, & no wife is mentioned.

Little River, Mo Meeting Reg. Gives the following:

John Bundy’s Children: 1 Johnua b 4, 4mo 1717—2 John b 12, 1mo 1719—d 8-2, 1745. 3 Caleb b 12, 5mo 1721—4 William b 21, 1mo 1723—5 Jean b 12, 1mo 1725—6 Benjamin b 12, 12mo 1729.

Bundy, Samuel, (s of William) Planter; of Pasq Co, m Tamer Symons (d of Jeremiah) 5, 10mo 1696, “at the house of Henry White, in Perq.” Had son Jeremiah, b July 21, 1725. Samuel Bundy also had a son Samuel, b July 24, 1724.

The will of Samuel Bundy, Pasq Co, p July 1740, names sons: William, Abraham, Gideon, Josiah, d Jane Pike, (wife of Benjamin) Wife Anne. Cousin Samuel Bundy, wife, Ann, & Thomas Nicholsin Exrs.

David Bundy of Perq, will p April 1750, names brothers: Jeremiah, Moses, & Caleb. Uncle Josiah Bundy. (He evidently died without issue.)

Caleb Bundy, of Pasq Co, will April 27, 1721, Sons: John, Benjamin, Samuel, (to whom he left all his land, “up Little River”) d Mary Bundy (land bought of brother Samuel) gr-dau Liday Bundy, (d of son William). His wife is not named.

Anne Bundy, will Pasq Co, p Dec 1744. Sons: Gideon, (his wife Miriam née Bogue) Abraham, gr-dau Lydia Bundy. (She was widow of Samuel Bundy.)

Benjamin Bundy, of Pasq Co, names in his will, Pasq Co, p Oct 26, 1728, Wife Hannah, to whom he left a plan’ of 1,200a. Brother Samuel Ex.

William Bundy of Perq, will p Jan 1749, names dau Sarah Barrow (wife of Joseph) wife Mary.

The Bundys lived on the edge of Pasquotank Co, & some of them in Perq. They were identified as much with one County, as another.

The children of Samuel Bundy are given in Little River Record, as follows: 1 Mary (d of Samuel Bundy, & Jean his wife), b 24, 2mo 1732—2 Liddah b 23, 7mo 1733—3 Sarah b 5, 3mo 1736—d 19, 9mo 1739—4 Caleb b 28 2mo 1738—d 9, 9mo 1739.

Children of William Bundy: 1 Joseph b 2, 6mo 1745—2 John b 4, 6mo 1752—3 Mary b 28, 6mo 1754.

Joseph Bundy m Sarah—issue: 1 Josiah (no date) 2 William b 15, 11mo 1760—d 27, 11mo 1760.

Josiah Bundy m Elizabeth—issue: 1 Sarah b 22, 8mo 1736—2 Joseph b 26, 10mo 1738—3 Ellis b 1, 7mo 1741—d 14, 3mo 1762—4 Joshua b 18, 4mo 1744—5 Josiah b 12, 4mo 1748—6 Jane b 8, 5mo, 1751—7 Caleb b —, 11 mo 1753—8 Sarah b 18, 9mo 17—.

Caleb, & Elizabeth Bundy,—issue: 1 Dempsey b 16, 4mo 1746—2 John b 10, 11mo 1747—3 Miriam b 1, 8mo 1749—4 Samuel b 28, 3mo 1756—5 Sarah b 9, 1mo 1759.

Bunday, Dempsey m Mary—issue: 1 Zadock b 20, 9mo 1777—2 William b 1, 1mo 1780—3 John b 22, 5mo 1782.

Bundy, Gideon, m Miriam Bogue, (d of William) issue: 1 Lyda b 2, 10mo 1740—2 Samuel b 27, 10mo 1742—3 Sarah b 11, 8mo 1745—4 John b 17, 1mo 1748—5 Miriam b 27, 10mo 1753—6 Christopher b 20, 4mo 1758. Miriam wife of Gideon Bundy d 14, 3mo 1762.

Bundy, Josiah, m Mary Symons, (d of Jehosaphat) 25, 12mo 1766, issue: 1 Lydia b 29, 9mo 1767—2 Elizabeth b 4, 4mo 1769—3 Sarah b 17, 6mo 1770.

Bundy, Joshua, m Elizabeth Bailey, 7, 8mo 1763, issue: 1 Elizabeth b 4, 7mo 1764—2 Sarah b 24, 4mo 1767—3 Ellis b 4, 6mo 1769—4 Hannah, & Penninah, (twins) b 1, 3mo 1773.

Bundy, Caleb, m Miriam (Nicholson) issue: 1 Benjamin b 30, 10mo 1763—Caleb b 16, 5mo 1765—3 John b 24, 10mo 1766—4 Jeremiah b 21, 2mo 1768—5 James b 28, 7mo 1769—6 Hannah b 26, 3mo 1772—7 Moses b 26, 11mo 1774—8 Samuel b 26, 9mo 1776—9 Christopher b 13, 9mo 1777.

Bundy, John, m Lyda Griffin (d of Joseph) issue: 1 Gideon b 31, 3mo 1774—2 Reuben b 25, 11mo 1776.


  • Bundy, John, m Elizabeth Keaton (Newbegun Creek In) 16, 6mo 1716.) (Quaker Records, Perq Co.)
  • Bundy, William, m Anne Keaton (Newbegun Creek In) 19, 9mo 1719. (Quaker Records, Perq Co.)
  • Bundy, Sarah, m Joseph Barrow, (Symons Creek), 2, 3mo 1745.
  • Bundy, Abraham, m Naomi White, (Symons Creek) 3, 1mo 1748.
  • Bundy, William, m Hannah Morris (d of John & Mary) 6, 10mo 1750.
  • Bundy, Miriam, Zadock, William, & Mary Bundy, (children of Demsey, received “Unity” in Quaker Meeting, Pasq Co, 19, 1mo 1788.
  • Bundy, Josiah, was one among those holding slaves, in Pasq Co, 15, 9mo 1787.


  • Bundy, Jane, Dept this Life, 23, 11 mo 1719.
  • Bundy, Caleb, Dept this Life 31, 11mo 1723 (21?).
  • Bundy, William, (s of Caleb) Dept this Life 9, 2mo 1721.
  • Bundy, Caleb Sr, Dept this Life, 4, 3mo 1721.
  • Bundy, Mary (d of Caleb Sr) Dept this Life, 10, 3mo 1721.
  • Bundy, Benjamin, Dept this Life, 13, 8mo 1728.
  • Bundy, John, Dept this Life 22, 2mo 1731.
  • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of John, d 17, 3mo 1731.
  • Bundy, Jean, dau of John, d 30, 1mo 1735.
  • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of William, d 7, 10mo 1748.
  • Bundy, Miriam, dau of sd Elizabeth, d Last of 9mo 1748.
  • Bundy, Samuel, Dept this Life — 10, 1750, in the 49 year of his age.
  • Bundy, Samuel, Dept this Life, 18, 5mo 1753, age 22 years.
  • Bundy, Gideon, Dept this Life 17, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Mary, (wife of Caleb) Dept this Life 19, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, John, s of Caleb, Dept this Life 14, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Miriam, d of Caleb, Dept this Life 13, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Samuel, s of Caleb, Dept this Life 22, 2mo 1762.
  • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of Caleb, Dept this Life 11, 5 mo 1752.

The will of Josiah Bundy, is found in Minute book, 1755-61, (Perq Co Records). Said will dated 28, 12mo 1760. Made bequest to son Joseph, 39a of Wood land, adj where he now lives, To s Gideon all land in Pasq Co, To wife Elizabeth, all land in Perq, “for her Natual life, but not so as to hinder, my sons Ellis, & Joshua, from settling on their part of sd land” also 76a in Pasq Co, on the head of Little River, called “the forks.” To s Joshua the other half of land, adj Francis Nixon, & half on a new Survey in Perq. To sons: Ellis, & Joshua, “all Right in 300a in Pasq Co, & all three patents in Perq, taken up by myself, Thomas Nicholson, & Gideon Bundy.” To s Caleb 76a in Pasq Co, “which I had of Gideon, & Lydia Bundy.” To d Jane a negro girl. Brother Gideon, & sons: Joseph, & Ellis Exrs. Test’ Phin’s Nixon, Tho Nicholson, Joseph Nicholson.

Pasquotank Mo Meeting

  • Bundy, Sarah, (Intention) m with John Bell, 21, 11mo 1789.
  • Bundy, John, (Intention) m Jemmima Low, 21, 8mo 1790.
  • Bundy, Josiah, (Intention) m Miriam Perisho, 15, 12mo 1792.
  • Bundy, Moses, (Intention) m Elizabeth Jones, 15, 12mo 1796.
  • Bundy, Guliema, (Intention) m Christopher Morris, 18, 2mo 1797.
  • Bundy, Pheribe, (Intention) m Isaac Morris, 20, 2mo 1802.
  • Bundy, Miriam, was “very much decayed, in mind” 21, 3mo  1801.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Among adventurers to America 1620; John, Richard, & Edward Blount. (Burke.)
  • Richard Blount settled in Surry Co Va, where his wife Mary, was his “Relict” Sept 19, 1656, Capt Geo Jordan Ex. (Surry Co Rec.)
  • Thomas Blount, “only son of Richard dec’d” sold land in Surry Co, which was grt unto Robert Warren dec’d, Aug 1, 1649, & was conveyed to sd Richard Blount, Apl 2, 1650, said Thomas Blount “came of age Nov last;” land on Lawnes Creek Surry Co, adj Capt Lawrence Baker. Mar 1, 1677.
  • Charles Ford “some time of Surry Co, who in his life time was seized of a Divident of land, 250a, which was pat’ May 19, 1638 (then in the Co of James City) in Surry Co, adj Sunken Marsh, over against Dancing Point, upon James River, he being the first proprietor” dying intestate, sd land became Escheat, and was reissued to Thomas Blount, & Richard Washington jointly, then orphans, sons-in-laws unto sd Ford, sold sd land unto Jno Goring, Mar 1 1678.
  • Thomas Blount was presented by the Gr-jury May 3, 1681, “for not attending Church.” He was a Tithable in Sunken Marsh Par, Surry Co, June 1681, (Surry Rec.)
  • James Blount was living in Isle of Wight Co Va, 1660, moved to Chowan Co N. C. 1664-69. He was the younger son of Sir Walter Blount of Sodington, Worcester, England, who was Capt in the Life Guards of Charles II. In England the family can be carried back for many generations, to and through the Conquest to Normandy, and then for many years. Without doubt they can boast of being “an old family” with perfect right.
  • With the Conqueror, three young Blounds, sons of Blound of Guisnes, went to England in his train. (See Burke’s Heraldry, for descent.)
  • James Blount who settled in Chowan, is said to have had a brother Thomas, who followed him to N. C. and settled on the Taw, or Pamlico River. This brother Thomas, (3 son of Sir Walter Blount) came to America in 1664, & moved to N. C. 1673, m 1st Ann Wilson, m 2d Mary Scott widow of Joseph of Perq Co. They first took up their residence on Kendricks Creek (now called Mackeys Creek) in Washington Co N. C. issue: Thomas, James, Benjamin, Jacob, Esau.
  • Thomas Blount (2) m Ann Reading, issue: James, John, & Jacob. William son of Jacob Blount became Gov of Tenn 1790. Jacob Blount, b 1726, fourth son of Thomas & Ann Reading, participated in the battle of Alamance, 1771, & was an Officer in the Rev War. He m Barbara Gray, and 2d Hannah Baker, née Salter. He had issue: William, (Gov of Tenn) Ann, John Gray, Louisa, Reading, m Mary Harvey; Thomas, Jacob, m — Collins. Barbara, Willie, Sharpe, m Penelope Little.
  • James Blount (brother of Thomas) lived at Mulberry Hill Chowan Co. Capt of Militia, member of the Council, and one of the Lords Pro’ Dept; m Anne (d of Balthazer Willis of Ipswich Mass, widow of Robert Roscoe of Roanoke) issue: James, Thomas, John, Ann, & Elizabeth. James Blount died 1686. His widow m 2d Seth Sothel Gov of the Province of N. C. After his death she m for her 3d husband John Leah of Nansemond Co Va. (See Blount Gen, in N. C. Hist Reg Vol 1-4)
  • Edmund Blount (s of Charles Worth Blount, & Mary Clayton) moved to Perq Co, and acquired large tract of land by purchase, & became a man of great influence and wealth, taking part in the official affairs of the county. He m Mary Hoskins d of William, & Sarah née Whedbee) (See Hoskins family N. C. Hist Reg Vol 3.) A detailed account of this family can be found in N. C. Hist Reg Vol 1-4-pp 522-2324, also from Deeds of Perq Co in this book.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • William Blitchenden was granted 50a of land in Nansemond Co Va, Feb 24, 1675/6.
  • Thomas Blitchenden was granted 53a on Newbegun Creek “perquimans precinct” Nov 11, 1718. Newbegun Creek as the boundaries appear at this time, was in Pasquotank County, but this land was probably in the North Western part of the Co, and might very well be called Perquimans, as the lines were not so well defined as at present. Many tracts of Land in Gates Co, were until 1779 listed for Taxes in Perquimans Co, and the Deeds in Perq show that the boundary of said County stretched as far as, or nearly to the Virginia line.
  • Thomas Blitchenden made his will in Perq Co, p July 23, 1745, naming sons: John, William, and Abraham, dau Sarah, wife Mary (née Norcom, d of Thomas) They had issue: 1 Thomas, b Sept 15, 1715—2 Sarah, b Jany 14, 1716/17—3 John, b Oct 23, 1718—William, b Jany 23, 1720.
  • Thomas Blitchenden bequeathed to son John, a “plantation on Sound Side” and to son William, “plantation whereon I now live.” (See Deeds in Perq, for further information.)

This family from the name appears to have been an old English one, and they probably came into Perquimans simultaneously with the Norcoms. However that may be, they tarried only a short while, or died out, as the name of Blitchenden soon became extinct. They may have migrated west, as so many Perquimans people did, about 1760, but the writer has no data on the subject.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



As this family lived until early in 1800, in Gates County, very little can be found on the Perquimans Records about the Blanchards. Mr. Julian Blanchard of New York City, is preparing a lengthy history of this good family, for publication it is hoped, so this book will grant to Dr. Blanchard the privilege of doing his family in his own way, and we feel sure it will be done right, if he follows all the traditions of the Blanchard family. A few stray items will not come amiss, however, and these may have escaped the vigilant eye of said Dr. Julian Blanchard.

  • The earliest known records of a person by this name, was a grant to Benjamin Blanchard, of 455a “upon Wareck (Warrick) Swamp, at the mouth of Beaver Dam” Oct 16, 1701. This land lay in what is now Gates Co N. C. but was then in the limits of Chowan County.
  • Sarah Blanchard was daughter of William Walton, of Chowan Co and she was m to — before Dec 24, 1760. William Walton was father of Palatiah Walton whose will was p in Chowan Co, Nov 6, 1776.
  • Mary Blanchard (d of Aaron, & Zilpah) married James Sumner. Aaron Blanchard was dead before 1758, Heirs wife, sons: Aaron Jr, Moses, Mary Sumner, and Sarah Blanchard. Zilpah Blanchard, wife of Aaron, was dau of Mary Speight of Bertie Co. Aaron Blanchard was granted 152a adj George Spivey, Sept 28, 1728. (Land in Gates Co.) He is called at this time of N. C. but the grant is listed on the Nansemond Co Land Book.
  • Mary Speight of Bertie whose will was p in said Co, May 7, 1743, was wife of Thomas Speight of Perquimans, who in his will, said Co, p Apl 27, 1737, names sons: Moses, and Isaac Speight. Her will names dau Zilpah Blanchard. Zilpah was Admix of her dec’d husband Aaron Blanchard, 1751, children named in his division: Rachel, Monica, Aaron (2) and Moses Blanchard.
  • Mary Blanchard widow of Robert, 1733. (Records Chowan Co.)
  • Mary Blanchard Admix of her dec’d husband Abraham, 1749. (Chowan Records.)
  • Josiah Blanchard was the first to move to Perquimans, and his name is found on Tax List in Perquimans about 1826. He married Martha Winslow, Nov 3, 1856. (Mar bonds Chowan Co.)
  • From 1832 the Blanchards have been identified with Perquimans Co, their mercantile business being the leading Store in Hertford, and their dealings with the residents of the town and country, always the fairest, have won for them a reputation for honest, square dealing, which makes the Blanchard countersign a solid byword of every one in the county.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Bentley, Richard, m Jane — issue: 1 May b August 29, 1662—2 John b Dec 22, 1665—3 Richards b Feby 2, 1668—4 William b August 15, 1671.
  • Bentley, Richard, m 2d Lidia Mann, July 3, 1677, by Mr. Wood.
  • Bentley, Richard (s of Richard) died before May 27, 1697, d. s. p. his will on that date, names as sole legatee, Diana White. Coat of Arms on Seal.
  • John Bentley, m Ann Barrow, (d of John, & wife Sarah) Nov 6, 1694. (Berkeley Par.)
  • John Bentley, will Perq, p Nov 1695. Brother William, cousin Elizabeth Leary, wife Ann. Bro-in-law Jenkins Williams, & William Barrow. Sons: John, & Roger.
  • John Bentley (2) moved to Tyrrell Co, where his will was p June 1754.
  • Amos Bentley, m Zilpah Simpson, May 3, 1766. (Mar bonds Perq County.) (See deeds of Perq Co.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • John Belman, m Sarah Wilson, (d of Robert, & Ann (Blount, d of Thomas), who came to Perq Co, from Isle of Wight Co Va. John Belmans children are given in Symon Creek Reg, as follows: Sary, b 28, 6mo 1688—Ester, b 22, 1mo 1691—John, b 7, 9mo 1695—Robert, b 2, 12mo 1697—Ane, & Mary (twins) b 13, 1mo 1701—William, b 6, 5mo 1704—Ruth, b 11, 2mo 1707. Hannah, d of John, & Sarah b Aug 28, 1689. Berkeley Reg.)
  • John Belman, will p in Pasq Co, Jan 1706/7, names only sons: John, & Robert, and wife Sarah.
  • Robert Wilson in his will, Perq Prect, p Jan 11, 1696, names his gr-children, Sarah, & Ester Belman.
  • Esther Belman m — Turner, at a meeting in Pasq Co. They were allowed to be “free of each, other,” & were charged by the Quakers, “not to let it happen again.” (See Col Rec, Vol I, Quaker Rec Pasq Co.)
  • John Belman (2) will Perq Co, p Oct 1740, names as only Iegatees, wife Mary, & d Sarah. After this the Belman family, disappear from the records, in Perq Co. Probably the male line died out, or they moved to parts unknown.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Robert Beasley recorded his mark, in Perq Co, Apl Court 1689. He was married to Johannah Jenkins, Sept 19, 1689. (Berkeley Par Reg.) He had two grants for land, in Perq, one June 1, 1694, 218a, & the other, May 1, 1694, for 282a. Robert Beasley, had a former wife, Sarah, by whom he had, Francis Beesley, b July 11, 1678, & James, whose age is not given
  • Robert Beasley appears to have married three times. Mary wid of Robert Beasley recorded the Division of his Est, 1695.
  • James (s of Robert, & Sarah Beasley) m Mary Cropley (d of John, & Ann) Mar 17, 1675. James Beasley, moved to Bertie Co, where his will was p Jan 1758, his only legatee being William Bentley, son of John, who was probably a gr-son.
  • Francis Beasley (s of Robert, & Sarah) m Hannah Sutton (d of Joseph, & Deliverance (Nicholson) May 15, 1701. We find him married to Mary — before 1704. Francis Beasley, & wife Mary, had issue: 1 James b Aug 4, 1704—2 Robert b Dec 1, 1707. Hannah wife of Robert Beasley, died Nov 7, 1702.
  • James Beasley was a member of the House of Burgesses, Oct 11, 1709.
  • Francis Beasley, will Albemarle Co (Perq) p May 20, 1719, names son Jeames, to whom he bequeathed a plan’ on S. side of Perq River, To son Robert, land on Morattock River. Wife Mary. Ex Jeams Beasley (brother). This will was p before Gov Eden. James Beasley, m Miss Ann Taylor, Oct 19, 1773. (Mar bonds Perq Co.) James Beasley’s Division, Chowan Co 1754. Shows children: John, James, Mary, & Thomas, mother Mary Woolard, John, & Thomas Beasley (probably brothers) Mary Payne, wife of Peter. Thomas Beasley, m Martha —.
  • William Beasley, dec’d 19, 1mo 1754, Betty Beasley Admix.
  • Thomas Beezley, will p July 3, 1733, (no Co given) Sons; John, & Thomas, wife Elizabeth Ex. This will was not made in Perq.
  • The will of Samuel Beasley, Nov 13, 1735, names brothers; Francis, & Thomas, Mary Beasley (gr-mother) John Beasley, & James Beasley Jr. Witnesses: William Cropley, Thomas Bentley, & Elizabeth Wells. The witnesses, of this will, prove it to be of Perq Co. (See deeds in Perq, for further data.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Jonathan Bateman, was granted 400a, in Perq, “on West side of Perq River, in the pocoson, by ye side of Robert Wilsons Creek.” 1684.
  • John Bateman, 250a, on ye North side of Perq River, & West side of Lillys Creek. He had another grt, 145a on North East side of Perq River, adj Atterways Eastermost bounds. Mar 30, 1704.
  • Bateman, Jonathan, m Margaret — issue: 1 Jonathan (2) b Feb 12, 1676—2 John b Nov 2, 1678—3 Thomas b Sept 13, 1688—4 Mary b May 16, 16—.
  • Bateman, Margaret, wife of Jonathan, died Sept 15, 1688.
  • Bateman, Jonathan, m 2d Hannah Edge — 1692. By Francis Hartley, J. P.
  • Bateman, Mary, the last child of Jonathan, must have been her child, as she was born after the death of Margaret, his first wife.
  • Bateman, Jonathan, m 3d Elizabeth, widow of Lawrence Arnold, Sept 28, 1694. She survived him, & is named in his will, which was p in Albemarle, (Perq precinct) Jan 1695-6. He names sons: Jonathan, John, Thomas, & dau Mary. Hannah Bateman Dept this Life, Dec 4, 1692.
  • A petition was presented to the Court, April 9, 1702, by Jonathan Bateman (2), to “lett Mr Wm Wilkinson, have a pattent for 400a, Surveyed for Mr Sam Swann, in Lillies Creek” he having sold same to sd Wilkinson. This land was later called “Stevensons Point.”
  • Bateman, Jonathan (2), m Elizabeth Holloway, (d of Thomas, & Elizabeth) Sept 23, 1697, issue; 1 Margaret b Oct 20, 1698—2 Nathan b Sept 10, 1702—3 Jonathan b May 2, 1705.
  • Bateman, John, d. s. p. will Perq July Court 1750. Nephew: Thomas, to whom he bequeathed plan’ called “Broad Neck.” Brother Thomas (father of Thomas) Mary Hawkins (d of nephew John Hawkins) Elizabeth Phelps (d of brother Jonathan Bateman) Mary Phelps (d of brother Thomas) Sarah Butterre, (d of brother Jonathan) Exrs Thomas Bateman (brother), William Bateman (nephew).
  • Bateman, William, m 1st Hannah Mullen, Sept 12, 1759. Jos Barclift sec. m 2d Bettie Mullen, Sept 26, 1760. Father Abraham Mullen. Will p in Perq July Court 1773. Sons: Benjamin, John, Joseph, gr-dau Betty, d of son Benjamin, wife Betty.
  • Bateman, Thomas, will p in Perq, Oct 1766. Son: William, wife Sarah, d Mary Phelps, gr-son John Phelps Bateman. His perishable Est was sold, by his wife Sarah, May 17, 1763.
  • Bateman, Thomas (2), m Elizabeth Raper, before Nov 2, 1787. (See John Rapers will.)
  • Bateman, Benjamin, m Mary Colson, Feb 21, 1765. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
  • Bateman, Jonathan (3), m Sarah Hornbee, Dec 30, 1794. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • William Barclift had grt for land in Perq 150a on Little River, adj John Godfrey. July 23, 1694.
  • Bartlett, William (s of William, & Elizabeth) & Ann Duren (d of George, & Ann) were m Oct 6, 1698. issue: 1 Thomas b Sept 25, 1699—2 William b Feby 17, 1700/1—3 John b Feb 15, 1703/4—4 Samuel b May 18, 1706.
  • Bartlett, William, will Albemarle Co, p July 1698. Eldest son: William, (to whom he left a plan’ adj William Arnold) s Thomas, (to whom he left land, adj Thomas Godfrey), Exrs Elizabeth & William Bartlett. Clerk of Court, William Glover. (This was father, of above said William, who m Ann Durant.)
  • Bartlett, John (s of Wm, & Ann) m Ann Parish (d of John, who names her in his will, Mar 24, 1739) issue: 1 John b May 13, 1724—2 Ann b Dec 16, 1725. Will of John Barclift p in Perq, July 1759. Wife Elizabeth (2d wife). Sons: Asa, Demson, Benjamin, John, & Noah. Dau’s Mary. & Elisa Sanderson.
  • Bartlett, Thomas, (brother of John) will p in Perq, Jan 1750. Names sons: Wm, Thomas, Joseph. Daus: Sarah Bidgood, Elizabeth Wright, Mary Jackson, & Anne Gorden, wife Elizabeth.
  • Bartlett, William (2), William (1) m Sarah Weeks, (gr-dau of Thomas Weeks Esq, 1771) His will Perq p Dec 19, 1733, Names only one son William (3), & wife Sarah.
  • Bartlett, William (3), s of William (2) William (1) will Perq, p Jan 1748. Sons: Joshua, Samuel, Joseph, Thomas, John, d Mary Gibson, Gr-son William (4), s of Joshua).
  • Bartlett, Joshua, will p Perq, Jan 1756. Sons: William (4), James, Blake, daus Miriam & Ann, wife Mary. (She was probably d of Blake Baker, as the name of Blake, appears in that family, as a given name.)
  • Eliza Sanderson, d of John Barclift, m 2d — Trumball ( of William) before Feb 4, 1774. John Barclift, in his will bequeathed to his wife, his “brick house.” As there is only one very old “brick house” in Perq, the one on the road to Harveys Neck, this may probably be the same one here mentioned. No one seems to know when this house was erected.
  • Bartlett, Thomas, wife Elizabeth, was d of Thomas Holloway (Hollowell). Bartlett, Rachel, (d of Elizabeth) m Francis Foster, before Feb 25, 1777.
  • Bartlett, William (4), m Ann Clayton, April 16, 1792. (Mar bonds, Perq Co.)
  • Ecursus, Foster: “William Foster, & Diana Harris was Married by Rev Mr Taylor, 1675.” and had according to his will Oct 9, 1687, son Francis, d Elizabeth.
  • John Foster, & Ann Williams “were Maried at a Meeting, held at ye house of Hanah Philips, in Perquimans the 1st of May, 1689.” m 2d Elizabeth — issue: 1 Susannah, b Dec 17, 1695—2 Elizabeth, b Oct 17, 1698—3 Richard, b Oct 20, 1701.
  • Francis Foster, by wife Frances had issue: 1 Hannah, b Jany 6, 1715—2 Elizabeth, b Apl 1, 1717.
  • Francis Foster, of Accomack, (son of William, & Margaret) m Mrs. Hannah Gosby, relict of John (née Nicholson, d of Christopher, & Hanah) “were m Aug 14, 1694, by Mr. John Whidby.” (Justice.)
  • Frances Foster (wife of Francis) made her will in Perq, p Jan 27, 1763, naming son William, dau’s Elizabeth Barclift, & Frances Hall, gr-dau Elizabeth Foster. (Elizabeth Foster, d of William, & Ann was b Jany 16, 1741/2.)
  • Frederick Foster (relationship uncertain) will p in Perq, April 23, 1784, names: Brother Francis Foster’s children, and children of Gilbert Leigh, Joseph Bateman, children of brother John Foster, sister Sarah Night, brother Ellsberry Foster, sister Winnifred Foster, Francis Pits, Demsey Newby’s widow, Mary Bateman’s children, Mary Maudlin, widow Stevenson.
  • John Foster was granted land in Chowan Co (200a) on Yawpim River. Sept 15, 1694.
  • Francis Foster was granted land 160a in “perquimans precinct,” on Suttons Creek, Nov 11, 1719.
  • William Foster died Oct 10, 1687. His wife Diana m 3d Thomas White (Her 1 husband was Thomas Harris.)
  • Ann Foster, wife of John, died Oct 30, 1692.
  • Elizabeth Foster was drowned April 25, 1688.



(Minute book, 1755-1761, Perq Co.)

To son William, “plantation whereon I live, and two negro men, a negro woman, & two negro boys.” To dau Frances Hall, “a negro wench, and two negro boys. To dau Elizabeth Barclift, “A Negro wench, and a negro woman.” Son William Ex. Test’ James Gibson, Abraham Riggs, Richard Whidbee. Probated Apl 1761.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).