What’s New


  • John Barrow, had a grt for land in Perq, 300a, “at Yawpim Creeque, Prec’t of Berkley, at the mouth of little, or Barrows Creeque.” 1681. This land was renewed to him, Apl 24, 1694. He was one of the Justices of Perq, when the precinct was formed, & continued to serve in that capacity, being called Steward, & some time Judge.
  • John Barrow m Sarah Sutton, Feby 1, 1668, issue: 1 Johannah b July 10, 1669—2 William b Feby 1, 1671—3 John b June 3, 1674—4 Elizabeth b Dec 25, 1676, d Dec 16, 1687—5 Ann b Aug 3, 1679—6 Sarah b Jan 15, 1682-3—7 George b Aug 4, 1685—8 James b Jany 24, 1687—9 Joseph b April 4, 1690.
  • John Barrow d June 10, 1718. His will p in Perq Co, Aug 1718. Sons: John, Joseph, James. Will proven before Gov Charles Eden.  ……………………………………………..  As he names no other legatees, we are led to believe, his other children, died before this date, also his wife.
  • Ann Barrow, (d of John) m John Bentley, Nov 6, 1694.
  • William Barrow, (s of John) m Elizabeth Cook (Relict of John) June 14, 1696. issue: William (2) b Feby 9, 1697.
  • Elizabeth Barrow b Apl 3, 1710—John b Oct 20, 1713—Mary b Jan —, 1716. These are not placed, from the fact that no father, or mother is mentioned.?
  • John Barrow (2) m Sarah — issue: Sarah b Aug 8, 1712, Rebeckah b June 12, 1714. His will p in Perq, Aug 12, 1719, names son: John (3) dau’s Sarah, Rebecca, Elizabeth, & Margaret, wife Rachell. Ex brother Joseph.
  • John (3) Barrow will Perq, p Mar 5, 1742. d. s. p. To Sisters Sarah Ashley, & Margaret Barrow, bequest. Cousins John, & Joseph Ashley (nephews).
  • Joseph Barrow m Jeane (Bundy?) issue: 1 Sarah b Dec 20, 1720—2 Joseph (2) b Apl 6, 1724. He m 2d Sarah, issue: 3 John b Jany 30, 1730—4 Orpha b June 20, 1735. Mrs. Jane Barrow died June 13, 1727-8.
  • Joseph Barrow Will Perq, p Jan 1755. Sons: John, William, dau’s Elizabeth Bunday (wife of Josiah), Ann, & Orpah Barrow, wife Sarah, gr-son William Barrow.
  • William & Mourning Barrow, were Orphans of Joseph Jr, 4, 6mo 1753, Sarah Admix. Joseph, & Sarah Orphans of William, June 20, 1771. Charles Moore Guardian. Orpha, & Ann Orphans of Ann Standin, Eri Barrow Guardian. 1798.
  • Humphrey Barrow m Sarah, & had Thomas b July 16, 1691.
  • Joseph Barrow m Margaret Fletcher, 14, 5mo 1807. (Suttons Creek Mo Meeting.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



Lawrence Baker, with his son Lawrence Jr, Elizabeth, John, & Joseph Baker, (all supposed to have been his wife, & children) were Trans’ to Isle of Wight Co, Va 1666, by Anthony Matthews. (Hotten.)

The wills in Isle of Wight Co, make plain the fact that descendants of Lawrence Baker, migrated to Gates Co N. C. and from there to other Counties.

  • Baker, Henry, (died in Isle of Wight) will p Aug 28, 1712. He bequeathed to s Henry, 1800a, “at the Mill, 250a at Somerton” & 25000a at “Buckland,” (the last in Gates Co, N. C.) To son James 300a, son Lawrence, “land where I now dwell,” 500a, in Nansemond Co; To son William 450a, at “Wickham” daus Mary, Sarah, Catherine, & Elizabeth, wife Mary.
  • Baker, Mary, will Isle of Wight, p Oct 23, 1734, Made bequest, to s William 2000a in Nansemond Co, called “Wickham” names her Dec’d husband, Henry Baker, Gent, late of said Co; s Lawrence Ex. Children, Henry, Lawrence, William, d Sarah, & Katherine.
  • Baker, James, of Isle of Wight Co, in his will, Dec 2, 1756. (d. s. p.) Made bequest to Henry Baker, (s of brother Henry,) of N. C. dec’d. Katherine Baker (d of brother Lawrence,) a negro girl, Richard (s of brother Lawrence) Lands in Isle of Wight Co, & a grist mill, called “Little Mill.” Ann (d of brother Lawrence) £25 in money, James (s of brother Lawrence) £25 in money. (James Baker was Clerk of Isle of Wight Co, for a number of years.)
  • Baker, Lawrence, of Newport Par, Isle of Wight Co, will p July 2, 1761. Names d Katherine, s Richard, d Ann Nelson. To s James, he left “all my lands in N. C.” Wife Ann.
  • Baker, Henry, (s of Henry) will Chowan Co N. C. p May 1, 1739. Sons: Henry (3) John, Blake, David, Zadock, daus Mary, Sarah, Ruth, wife Ruth. Brothers: William, James, & Lawrence. (Wife Ruth was d of Edmund Chancey of Pasquotank Co.) (See will of Edmund Chancey.)
  • Baker, Blake, was Clerk of Court, in Chowan Co. He resigned Nov 15, 1787.
  • Baker, Joseph, will Perq Co N. C. p April 1779. Sons: Joel, Moses, & Joseph (2), daus Hannah, Miriam, & Sarah.
  • Baker, Moses, m Elizabeth Browne, Jan 12, 1694/5. (Elizabeth City Co, Va mar bonds.)
  • Baker, Moses, will in Chowan Co N. C. p Jan 1724. Sons: Bennett, & William. (No other legatees.)
  • Baker, Henry, Com’ J. P. in Chowan Co, July 15, 1731. His son Henry, made pet’ to build a Mill on Sarum Swamp, 1748/9, which was granted.
  • Baker, William, & wife Elizabeth, sold land in Hertford Co, N. C. 200a, 1717/18.
  • Baker, Benjamin, m Elizabeth Harvey, Feb 15, 1778.

The Baker family, lived in that part of Chowan which was cut off, & made part of Gates Co, in 1779. Their names do not appear on the Quaker records. They were probably at first Episcopalians. This family figured in a very prominent way in N. C. Many of the male members taking part in the Rev war, & holding offices of rank.

We do not lay claim to either Henry, or Lawrence Baker, whose will was p in Gates Co, Nov 1807, Naming wife Anna Maria, (Burgess) Sons: John Burgess Baker, d Elizabeth Harvey (wife of Col Joseph) daus Agatha, Anna Maria, & Martha Susan, sons: Simmons, James, & Richard (s of brother Wm dec’d). James B. Baker Ex.

Quit Rents for Albemarle Co, from Sept 29, 1729 to Mar 1732, show that Wm Baker Sr, paid on 800a, Wm Baker Jr, pd on 100a, Benj Baker, on 150a, Henry, on 2000a.

  • Henry Baker of Vir, apt his friend Sam’l Swann Esq, Att. (Col Record.) He pet the Court in 1720, for a “lapsed patent, in Hertford Co, on Wickocon.” He was “keeper of a Ferry” over Chowan River, near Menherring. (July 31, 1722.) Henry Baker, Merchant of Vir, brought suit, agst Wm Early, “Att a Court Holden at ye House of Col’o Jno. Hecklefield, (in Perq) Mar 29, 1703.” He is also at other times called “Colonel.” He was a member of the Assembly Nov 17, 1744. This was Henry (2) as Henry (1) was dec’d at this time.
  • Another Henry Baker, was member of Assembly, from Hertford Co, April 14, 1778 to Nov 3, 1788, Dec 8, 1789. Allowed £51-9-8 for “traveling 340 miles, with 3 Ferries to cross.”
  • Lawrence Baker, Justice, in Hertford Co. Congress 22, Dec, 1776, District Auditor. In Pro Congress, N. C. at Hillsborough, Aug 20, 1775, from Hertford Co, serving until Nov 13, 1776. Col Lawrence Baker, was appointed a Field Officer of Minute Men, from Hertford Co, Sept 9, 1775. Councillor at Fayetteville, Nov 10, 1788. He Represented Edenton District, Sept 9, 1775.
  • James Baker, presented a pet’ through Wm Wynn, of Hertford Co, Nov 26, 1790. He was living in Bertie Co, 1786, when the inhabitants of sd Co, petitioned for the Court House to be moved to Windsor.
  • Benjamin Baker, nominated by Committee, “to be returned to the Pro’ Congress, agreeable to Resolve.” (no date) Hertford Co. He received pay for Army services, £2-8-8, by H. Murfree, at Halifax Sept 1, 1784. (Warrenton Settlement.) He was a private, in Dixons Co, 10 Reg, Abraham Shepard Col. Enlisted April 15, 1781, & served 12 months.
  • Wm Baker was a private in White’s Co, Jan 26, 1776, 3 years service, discharged April 1, 1779, received pay £58-14-6. He was a musician, in Blounts Co, July 20, 1778, 9 months service. In Assembly, from Hertford Co April 14, 1778.
  • Thomas Baker private, Nelsons Co, Feb 14, 1777. Dec’d Dec 15, 1779.
  • John Baker private, Ensloes Co, 5 Reg 1777. Deserted Mar 15, 1777.
  • John Baker, Lt Walkers Co, 7 Reg Nov 28, 1776, promoted to Capt July 1777. P. M. June 1778/79.
  • James Baker private, Yarborrows Co, 1781-April 22, 1782.
  • Isaac Baker private, Jones Co, Oct 1, 1781, 12 months services.

Baker Marriages (Chowan Co. Mar Bonds)

  • Baker, John, m Elizabeth Wilson, Sept 5, 1754. d of James Wilson.
  • Baker, John, m Martha Cherry, Sept 17, 1790.
  • Baker, Wm Wilson, m Ferebee Jobe, Aug 24, 1795.
  • Baker, Levi, m Polly Williford, Aug 24, 1803.
  • Baker, William, m Polly Bowen, Dec 7, 1805.
  • Baker, Levi, m (2) Polly Churchwell, June 5, 1806.
  • Baker, Isaac, m Mary Outlaw, Dec 26, 1807. Sec John Wynns.
  • Baker, Jeremiah, m Elizabeth Curry, Sept 22, 1808.
  • Baker, Timothy, m Keziah Parker, Aug 3, 1813.
  • Baker, Matthew, m Temperance Fullerton, Aug 31, 1824.
  • Baker, James F., m Rosetta Ward, June 22, 1863.
  • Baker, Abigail, (wife of Moses,) was d of Thomas Barker, of Edenton, whose will was p in Chowan Co, Oct 16, 1786.

The Bakers drifted over from Gates, into Perq Co, or they may have been in that part of said Co, which was cut off, from Perq in 1779. The County of Perq at one time, embraced part of what is now Gates, almost to the Va line. Gates was formed from Chowan, and part of Perq Counties. Deeds in Perq, call for land around “Orapeake” (Coropeak), and that is just over the Va boundary.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Wm Arnold of Dorset Co England, was bapt June 24, 1587. He “sett sayle from Dartmouth, in Old England, the first of May, & arrived in New England, June 24, 1635.” Settled at Hingham, Mass, & became one of the original proprietors of Providence April 1636. He moved to Newport, R. I., 1651, & held many offices in that State. Married Christian Peak. Benedict Arnold was one of his descendants. (Ancestral Records, & Portraits.)
  • John Arnold had a grt for land in Perq precinct, Jan 1, 1694, 150a on Little River, adj William Barclift.
  • John Arnold of Conn, New Eng, made a deed in Norfolk Co Va, Aug 21, 1723, sold 300a “which was given by Richard Bowler dec’d, unto his son Richard, he now being likewise dec, Mary Arnold, mother of sd John, heir-at-law.” Land on Western Branch.
  • Thomas Arnold, came to Vir on Ship Culpepper, as Carpenter. In Surry Co Va he apt Mr Robert Perry Merch’t Att’ to “recover from James Barnett, & Jno. Nichols Ex of Ann Arnold, a plan’ formerly belonging to his brother Edward Arnold, of Chickahominy” James City Co Vir, “who did in his will Aug 14, 1679, leave said plan’ to her for life, & at her death to next heirs.” Mar 17, 1682/3. (Surry Co Records.)
  • John Arnold on Rent Roll of Perq, prior to 1700, with 150a of land on Little River.
  • John Arnold, (son of John & Mary) b April 18, 1701. (Berkeley Parish Reg, Perq Co.)
  • Elizabeth Arnold, (d of John & Mary) b July 22, 1705. m Thomas Knowles, before Oct Court 1745. (Minute book.)
  • John Arnold (s of Lawrence, & wife Jane) (Richards) b — 15, 1703. Berkeley Par Reg.
  • Joseph Arnold, s of Lawrence, & wife Sarah, b Nov 19, 1745. Berkeley Par Reg.
  • Jane Arnold, d of Lawrence, & wife Sarah, b Feb 7, 1747. (Berkeley Par Reg.)
  • One Lawrence Arnold, was dead in Perq before Sept 19, 1694, when his widow, m 2d Jonathan Bateman of Perq Co. He made his will Dec 14, 1691. p Feb 2, 1691 (Old Calendar) naming only one son John, & Lawrence Godfrey. His wife is not named.
  • John Arnold of Perq, will p July 14, 1724, names sons; John, Lawrence, William & Joseph, d Elizabeth, wife Mary.
  • John Arnold of Perq, will p July 21, 1735, names son John, & wife Elizabeth, to whom he left “land on Deep Creek.” Ex Samuel Parsons.
  • Joseph Arnold of Perq, d. s. p. will p April Court 1752, dau Mary Ex. Brothers William, & Lawrence. (No other Legatees.)
  • Edward Arnold made his will in Chowan Co, probated April Court 1752. Son & Ex Edward, d Hannah Stallings, wife Pleasant.
  • Both Edward Arnold, & John of Perq (1735) have a Crest on their Seals.
  • Benjamin Arnell m Sarah (d of Jeremiah Cannon) who made his will in Chowan Co, 3, 3mo 1779. She m 2d before Oct Court 1745, Samuel Parsons. Sarah Arnell, is named in the will of sd Samuel, July Court 1745, as dau (step-dau).
  • The division of Estate of Edward Arnell, Chowan Co, 1777, gives heirs; Sons Wm, John, Edward, & Richard Arnell, dau’s Elizabeth Norfleet, Pleasant Knight, Bathsheba, & Esther Arnell.
  • William Arnold of Perq, m Miriam Newby, (d of Mark). His will p in Perq, Aug Court 1794, names father William, & sons William, & Jonathan, d Mary.
  • John Arnold, & Thos Holloway, had a joint grt in Perq, April 30, 1703, being “land indented to Priscilla Clay, who died seized of sd land,” 18 Xmo 1701.
  • Mary wife of John Arnold, m 2d Daniel Hall, she appears on Tithe List of Perq, 1740, with “son Lawrence Arnold.”


Little River, Perq Co.

  • William Arnold, s of Will’m & Mary b 28, 4mo 1744.
  • Elizabeth Arnold, d of Will’m & Mary b 19, 4mo 1742.
  • Benjamin Arnold, s of Will’m & Mary b 27, 4mo 1746.
  • Mary Arnold, d of Will’m & Mary b 25, 1mo 1749.
  • Joseph Arnold, s of Will’m & Mary b 1, 4mo 1753.
  • Asa Arnold, s of Will’m & Mary b 9, 1mo 1755.
  • Sarah Arnold, d of Will’m & Mary b 27, 11mo 1757.
  • Thomas Arnold, s of Will’m & Mary b 27 7mo 1759.
  • Rebekah Arnold, d of Will’m & Mary b 23, 12mo 1763.
  • William Arnold m Rebekah Cannon, issue: 1 Jemmima b 15, 8mo 1769.
  • Benjamin Arnold m Sarah Cannon (d of Jeremiah 22, 12 mo 1768, issue Jemmimah b 4, 9mo 1770.
  • Rebeckah Arnold departed this life 17, 2mo 1773.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Albertson, Penelope, d of Joshua & Mary, b 16, 6mo 1753. Reg of Friends.

  • Albertson, Mary, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 17, 11mo 1745. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Caleb, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 4mo 1747. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Joshua, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 11, 11mo 1749. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Josiah, s of Elihu, & Jane, b 12, 12mo 1750. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Miriam, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 4, 12mo 1752. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Sarah, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 18, 11mo 1754. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Liddea, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 8, 1mo 1755. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Abigail, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 2mo 1757. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Elizabeth, d of Elihu, & Jane, b 24, 3mo, 1759. Reg of Friends.
  • Albertson, Sarah (d of Elihu) m Benjamin Newby 25, 2mo 1773. He died 28, 9mo 1779.
  • Albertson, Elias, (s of Elias, & Elizabeth) was b 24, 9mo 1763.
  • Albertson, Benjamin (s of William, & Sarah) m Sarah Nixon (d of Phineas, & Mary) 19, 10mo 1773. b 17, 12mo 1746/7.
  • Albertson, Hannah (d of Nathaniel) b 18, 2mo 1719—m John Nixon 10, 3mo 1753; issue: 1 Mary b 16, 12mo 1754—2 Liddea b 14, 3mo 1756—3 Frederick b 4, 11mo 1758—Abigail, (twin to Frederick). (She was 2d wife of John Nixon.) Hannah (Albertson) Nixon d 18, 2mo 1793.
  • Albertson, Joshua, m Mary Symons (at Symons Creek Meeting) 4, 10mo 1734.
  • Albertson, William, m Sarah Pritchard (at Symons Creek Meeting) 1, 8mo 1747.
  • Albertson, Joshua, m Mary Scott (at Symons Creek Meeting) 2, 5mo 1752.
  • Albertson, William, died 29, 4mo 1803, & “was buried at Suttons Creek Meeting house.” (in Perq Co.)
  • Albertson, Miriam, m Nathan White, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 6, 4mo 1785.
  • Albertson, Penninah, m Benjamin Saint, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 2, 12mo 1789.
  • Albertson, Phineas, m Rebeccah White, (Welles Meeting Perq Co) 4, 9mo 1793.

* Albertson, Chalkey, m 1st Elizabeth, & had son Zachariah, who died 10, 8mo 1798. m 2d Mary Hollowell, “Suttons Creek Meeting” Perq Co, 18, 8mo 1808, & had issue: 1 Chalkey b 21, 4mo 1809—2 Daniel b 24, 1mo 1811.

*It is thought that the name of Chalkey in the Albertson family was for Thomas Chalkey, the celebrated Quaker minister, and in other families through intermarriage with the Albertson.

  • Albertson, Mary, wife of Chalkey, died 20, 9mo 1812, & “was buried at Suttons Creek Meeting house.”
  • Albertson, Benjamin, (s of Benj of Old Neck dec’d) m Margaret Nixon (d of Nath’l Bagley) all of Perq, 17, 10mo 1811. (Sutton Creek Meeting Perq.)
  • Albertson, Toms, m Martha Albertson (Symons Creek) 16, 9mo 1810, had issue: 1 Elias b 10, 3mo 1813—2 James b 12, 8mo 1811—3 Mary b 19, 2mo 1815.
  • Albertson, Benjamin, m Sarah — (at Piney Woods Meeting) 12, 10mo 1809, issue: 1 Alfred Parker b 22, 4mo 1811—d 25, 9mo 1816—2 Edmond Peel b 21, 9mo 1813—3 Isabel b 2, 2mo 1816.
  • Albertson, Nathan, (s of Benj dec’d) m Pheraby Nicholson (d of Nathan) 14, 8mo 1824.
  • Albertson, Albert, had a grt for land in Perq May 22, 1694—290a by the side of Suttons Creek Swamp. (Land Office Raleigh.)
  • Albertson, Albert Jr, land grt in Perq Precinct, Sept 1, 1694, on the bank of Perq River, 300a.
  • Albertson, Albert, appears on Rent Roll in Perq 1700, with 300a on Deep Creek.                           

Birth, Deaths, and Marriages, in Berkeley

  • Albert Albertson m Mary Gosby, Dec 20, 1668, issue: 1 Albert, b July 15, 1669—2 Susanna, b Feb 19, 1670—3 Esau, b Aug 19, 1672—4 Hannah, b Dec 11, 1675—5 Peter, b Last of June 1677.
  • Hannah Albertson m Joseph Nicholson, s of Christopher, & Hannah.
  • Albert Albertson died “att his on house” Feb 28, 1701.
  • Albertson, Albert Jr, m Elizabeth Mullen, (d of Abraham) who m 2d Wm Bateman, before Oct 18, 1768. (Deed b H-41.)
  • Albertson, Albert, s of Albert & Elizabeth b ye Nov 23, 1694.
  • Albertson, John, s of Albert & Elizabeth b Nov 27, 1696.
  • Albertson, Peter, (s of Albert & Mary Gosby) m Ann Jones (d of Mary Beesly, wid) Aug 27, 1701. issue: 1 Samuel, b Oct 25, 1702—2 Peter, b Oct 7, 1704—3 Joseph, b Feby 5, 1705/6—4 Ann, b Aug 4, 1708—(died young)—5 Mary, b Mch 12, 1710—6 Patience, b Dec 5, 1711—7 Hannah, b June 15, 1715—8 Anne (2d by that name), b Aug 4, 1718—9 Martha, b Aug 15, 1721.
  • Albertson, Esau, (son of Albert, & Mary Gosby) m Sarah Sexton (d of Darby, & Doroty) ye 27 Jany 1700/1, by Rev Richard French.
  • Albertson, Esau, (s of Esau, & wife Sarah) b Feb 5, 1703/4.
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, m Abigail Nicholson (d of Samuel) “at a meeting, at ye house of Samuel Nicholson,” July 12, 1704. issue: Sarah, b Nov 2, 1706.
  • Albertson, Aaron, m Ann Gilbert, July 10, 1729. issue: Nathaniel b Aug 19, 1733. His will Perq Co, p April Court 1782, names wife Anne, Children; Nathaniel, Abigail Cosand (wife of Gabriel) Jean Charles, sons Benjamin, & Nathaniel Exors. Test’ Mary Sanders, Mary, & William Albertson. (Perq Co records.)
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, will Perq Co, p July Court 1785, names sons Joseph, & Jesse, daus Margaret, & Miriam Albertson, Roda Munden, & Anne Moore, son-in-law Levi Munden, wife Mary. (2d wife). Test’ Aaron Moore, Anne Moore, Roda Munden.
  • Albertson, Nathaniel, will Perq Co, p Jan Court 1752/3, names sons Joshua, & William, (Wm, gr-son of Samuel Nicholson) gr-sons Benjamin, & Chalkey, (sons of William) daus Hannah, & Elizabeth Newby, son Aaron, d Lydia True-blood. Test’ Joshua Perisho, James Henbe, Mary Morris.
  • Albertson, Joshua, will Perq Co, p Oct Court 1753. names son Francis, wife Mary, daus Elizabeth, Mary, & Penelope, brothers Aaron, & William, Exors.
  • Albertson, William, will Perq Co, p Sept 10, 1784, names sons Benjamin, Chalkey, & William, gr-sons William, & Thomas Hasket, d Mary Anderson, Elizabeth Albertson, wife Sarah. (Who was d of William Newby, by whom she is named, in his will Perq Co, Aug 10, 1782) Exors sons Benjamin, & Chalkey. Test’ John, & Samuel Anderson, Josiah Yatton. (Latton.)
  • Albertson, Albert Sr, will Perq Co, p Apl 14, 1702, names sons Peter, Nathan, Esau, & Nathaniel, son Peter, & wife Ann Exors. son Albert. Test’ John Falconer, Nathaniel Nicholson. 

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).

Inquisition in the death of BENJAMIN PERRY (1854)

State of North Carolina

Perquimans County

Inquisition indented, taken on the land of Mr. Wm. Smith, on the field usually known as the old Israel Smith place, on the West side of Goodwins Mill Pond, about one mile South of the Main Road known as the Chicapen Road in the County aforesaid, the 1st day of April in the year of our Lord 1854 – before me Wm. Felton Coroner of said County, upon view of the body of Benjamin Perry, late of said County then and there at the Grave of said Perry, there lying dead, after having dug the said body from the Grave; and upon the oath of – Mark. D. Hathaway, foreman, Willis Robenson, Wm. J. Skinner, Wm. J. Hall, James M. Goodwin, Chas. More, Steph. Skinner, Henry Elliott, Sol. Eason, Hend. Goodwin, Danl. Roberts, and William Smith, good and lawful men of the said Co. of Perquimans who being charged and sworn to inquire how and in what manner the said Benj. Perry by his death came; upon their oaths do say that on the 30th day of March in the year and at the place aforesaid that the said Benj. Perry came to his death by a Fit or some other disease consequent to severe drinking of intoxicating liquor, and we the said Jurors after having dug up the body – and having diligently examined the said body, come to the above conclusion, we believe, the above verdick to be correct to the best of our belief.

In testimony where of as made I, the said Coroner, as the Jurors aforesaid, to this Inquisition have severally put our seal, the day, year and place, first above mentioned.


  • Wm. Felton, Coroner
  • M. D. Hathaway, Foreman
  • Willis Robinson (his X mark)
  • Wm. J. Skinner
  • Wm. J. Hall
  • Jas. M. Goodwin
  • Chas. Moore (his X mark)
  • Stephen Skinner
  • Henry Elliott
  • J. Eason
  • Henderson Goodwin
  • D. J. Roberts
  • William A. Smith






Contributed and transcribed by Frances C. Griffin

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)


HARRIS Family Bible (LEVI HARRIS 1823-1879)


Bible Printed in 1853
  • Levi Harris and Nancy his wife were married July 29, 1847.
  • William F. B. Sawyer and Martha Ann Harris his wife was married Jan. 16, 1868.
  • Levi Harris and Isadora Layden his wife was married Nov. 5, 1874.
  • William J. Story and Nancy Elizabeth Sawyer his wife was married Jan. 1, 1887.
  • Edmond Levi Sawyer and Angelina Steely were married Nov. 29, 1892.
  • John Wesley Robbins and Martha Ann Sawyer were married Mar. 29, 1893.
  • Died March 11, 1942 (Martha)
  • Clem B. Vance and Ellen H. Sawyer his wife was married 24 March 1901.
  • William F. B. Sawyer, Jr. and Elizabeth Ora Lee Hollowell were married 21 Dec. 1905.
  • J. H. Owney and Mary H. Sawyer were married —-
  • J. A. Sawyer and Nita Banks were married Aug. 1909.
  • Charlie C. Sawyer and Eva E. Hunter were united in marriage Sept. 23, 1914.
  • Jesse A. Sawyer and Myra Vann were united in marriage Dec. 22, 1927.
  • Martha Ann Harris daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife was born 10 April 1849.
  • John Harris the son of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife born 19 Aug 1851.
  • Warren D. Harris the son of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife was born Nov. 3, 1853.
  • Ellen Harris the daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife was born May 11, 1860.
  • Alice Ann infant daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife was born March 21, 1868.
  • Margaret Va. Harris the daughther of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife was born “26 March 1856”.
  • Pennina Harris the daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife was born Aug. 11, 1957.
  • Josiah Harris the son of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife was born July 30, 1862.
  • Nancy Davis the daughter of Adam Davis and Martha his wife was born June 10, 1828.
  • Cordelia the daughter of Levi and Nancy his wife was born July 17, 1865.
  • Mary Hastings the daughter of William F. B . Sawyer and Martha Ann his wife was born March 22, 1880.
  • Ellen Harris and Emma Cobb twin daughters of William F. B. Sawyer and Martha Ann his wife were born 14 Feb 1883.
  • Nancy Elizabeth the daughter of William F. B. Sawyer and Martha Ann his wife was born 18 Oct. 1868.
  • Edmund Levi the son of William F. B. Sawyer and Martha Ann his wife was born Dec. 26, 1870.
  • Martha Ann the daughter of William F. B. Sawyer and Martha Ann his wife was born Nov. 29, 1872.
  • William F. B. Sawyer the son of William F. B. Sawyer and Martha Ann his wife was born Nov. 1, 1876.
  • Emma Cobb the twin daughter of William F. B. Sawyer and Marth Ann his wife died Oct. 7, 1886.
  • Warren D. Harris the son of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife died Oct. 18, 1854.
  • Margaret Va. Harris the daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife died July 15, 1856.
  • Pennina Harris the daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife died 3 Oct. 1857.
  • Ellen Va. (Harris) Simpson daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife died April 11, 1886.
  • William F. B. Sawyer, Sr. died Dec. 14, 1911, age 65 yrs. 8 mo. 14 days.
  • Martha Ann (Harris) Sawyer wife of William F. B. Sawyer, Sr. died Sept. 7, 1925.
  • Ellen Sawyer Vance wife of Clemm B. Vance died 1935.
  • Mary (Channing) Hastings wife of William Hastings died Nov. 7, 1885 age 79 yrs. 2 mo. 2 days.
  • Edmond Levi Sawyer the son of William F. B. Sawyer and Martha Ann his wife died May 26, 1908.
  • Cordelia the daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife died Sept. 22, 1868.
  • Alice Ann infant daughter of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife died 24 April 1868.
  • Nancy Harris the wife of Levi Harris died Dec. 8, 1870 age 43 yrs. 5 mo. 29 days.
  • Josiah Harris the son of Levi Harris and Nancy his wife died Sept. 11, 1875.
  • Levi Harris the son of Josiah Harris and Pennina his wife died 21 Feb. 1879.
  • Isadora the wife of Levi Harris died Oct. 1875.

This Bible was in the possession of Mr. Jesse Sawyer of New Hope, Perq. Co.,  N. C. when copied in Oct. of 1964.

Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).




This very old Bible was printed in a column in the Elizabeth City Daily Advance written by E. O. (Jack) Baum on 8 July 1968. The column was called the “Albemarle Historical Genealogy Researcher” and was sponsored by the Pasquotank County Historical Society.

Sarah Stevens departed this life the 16th day of August 1717 about 12 or 1 o’clock at night, it being a very cleare night and in the 49 year of her age. (Her maiden name was Durant)

John Durant (son of George B. and Ann Marwood Durant) departed this life 15 of January 1699

Ann (Marwood) Durant departed this life the 22 of January 1694

Elizabeth Clayton departed this life the 14 day of January about 2 or 3 hours before ——- in the year 1737

Hagar Durant (daughter of Nicholas Crisp and his wife — Wilkins) departed this life the 14 of January about 8 or 9 o’clock in the morning in the year 1723. (Her husband was George Durant, son of John Durant)

George Durant departed this life the 12 of September 1730

Wilson Reed his Bible given to him by his father William Reed Esq. 1803

This book was published in the year in which ——— was born, 1599

William Reed, his Bible, given him by his father, Christian Reed and he (William) gave it to Rebecca Reed, his daughter.

(Christian Reed married Mary Durant, the daughter of George and Hagar Crisp Durant)

Mary White 1813

Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).


DAVIS Family Bible (JOSHUA DAVIS 1831-1886)


Bible Notes


  • Joshua Davis and Lavania Davis, 3 June 1852
  • Minuard J. Sawyer to Margaret K. Davis Oct. 23 ____.
  • Joshua Davis to Eliza A. Simpson 14 Jan 1875
  • David J. Smithson to Nancy Davis 5 Dec 1878
  • Joshua Davis to Margaret E. Scott 16 Jan 1879
  • Phillip G. Pritchard to Mary E. Dailey 20 Oct 1881


  • Joshua Davis, son of Adam Davis and Martha his wife, was born 13 Jan 1831.
  • Lavania Davis, daughter of John Davis and Keturah his wife, was born 13 Jan 1833.

Children of Joshua and Lavania Davis:

  • Margaret born 15 April 1856
  • Luther W. born 28 Mar 1858
  • Nancy born 20 April 1860
  • Mary E. born 25 Sept 1862
  • Martha born 25 July 1866
  • Keziah born 4 Feb 1869

  • Mary Lavinia, daughter of M. C. Sawyer and Maggie his wife, was born 4 Aug 1874.
  • Eliza Ann Simpson, daughter of Robert Simpson and Eliza his wife, was born 9 Mar 1850.
  • Martin Davis, son of Joshua Davis and Eliza his wife, was born 25 Apr 1876.
  • Effie Sawyer, daughter of Minuard J. Sawyer and Maggie his wife, was born 13 Sept 1879.
  • Margaret W. Sawyer, daughter of M. J. Sawyer and Maggie his wife, was born 24 Nov 1878.
  • Margaret E. Scott, daughter of M. Scott and Phoebe his wife, was born 19 Oct 1854.
  • Martin T. Davis, son of Joshua Davis and M. E. his wife, was born 20 Dec 1879.
  • Eldon M. Davis, son of Joshua Davis and M. E. his wife, was born 7 Dec 1881.


  • Lavania Davis, wife of Joshua Davis, died 18 July 1873.
  • Luther W. Davis, son of Joshua Davis and Lavinia, died 15 Oct 1879.
  • Mary B. Pritchard, wife of Phillip G. Pritchard, died 30 March 1880.
  • Clifford Pritchard, son of Phillip Pritchard and Mary his wife, died 17 July 1885.
  • Joshua Davis died 27 May 1886.
  • Eliza Ann Davis, wife of Joshua Davis, died 26 April 1876.
  • Martin S. Davis died 23 June 1876.
  • Sanford Davis, son of Joshua and Mary E. Davis, born and died 22 July 188?.

Source: North Carolina Bible Records – Compiled by Wilma Cartwright Spence and Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1973).

NOTE: Joshua Davis was born in Perquimans County, North Carolina. His father died when he was about 15 years old. Soon after the death of his father he and his two younger brothers, Adam and Edmond, went to live with their older brother, Captain Warren Davis, and his wife, Jane Rebecca, who lived just across the river in Pasquotank County. Joshua Davis remained the rest of his life in Pasquotank County, although he owned land from his birthplace in the Little River section of Perquimans County.

Joshua Davis’s will was written 7 May 1884 and probated 3 Jun 1886 in Pasquotank Co., NC.

–Susan C. Griffin


Tax Records: 1690s – 1813

Pre-1700 Tithables[image scans]
1702 Poll Tax
1712 Poll Tax[image scans]
1713 Poll Tax & Estate Tax
1715 Poll Tax & Estate Tax[image scans]
Corn Lists ca. 1715[image scans]
1718/1719 Poll Tax & Land Tax
1720 Poll Tax[image scans]
Quit Rents 1735[image scans]
1740 Jurymen[image scans]
1740 Poll Tax
1745 Poll Tax[image scans]
1748 Tax List [image scans]
1750 Tax List [image scans]
1753 Jurymen [image scans]
1754 Poll Tax
1754 Militia Roll[image scans]
1760 Poll Tax[image scans]
1764 Tax List[image scans]
1765 Poll Tax [image scans]
1771 Poll Tax[image scans]
1772 Poll Tax[image scans]
1775 Tax List [image scans]
1778 Oaths of Allegiance [image scans]
1779 Property Tax[image scans]
1783 Property Tax [image scans]
1784 Property Tax [image scans]
1787 Property Tax[image scans]
1791 Property Tax[image scans]
1798 Property Tax[image scans]
1813 Tax List [image scans]