Linnea Ista, Teresa V. Ballard, Gail Raczek and Cheryl J.
Have assisted in completing this on-line book.
This NCGenWeb page is presented
as the result of work done by
Sharon Miller Williamson
All rights reserved © 1998 to present
Go to Chapter:
Chapter I. The relation of
Watauga County and it's residents to remainder of the mountains.
Early settlers in eastern part of State. Difference between eastern
and western settlers. Our Yankee ancestry. Critics eager to find
fault. Our annals. Difference between "poor whites" and "mountain
whites." Cooperation has ceased. Moonshining an inheritance.
Pennsylvania "Whiskey Rebellion."
Chapter II. Similarity of Indians
to Hebrews. A study in ethnology and philology. Speculations as to
the beginning of things. Indians never residents of Watauga in
memory of whites. Cherokees parted with title to land long ago. Old
forts on frontier. Cherokee raids. First white settlers of Watauga.
Linville family and falls.
Chapter III. The greed for land
in the eastern section. Bishop Spangenberg sets out to get land for
Moravians. He is misled and "wanders bewildered in unknown ways."
Reaches delicious spring on Flat Top. Three Forks described. An
Indian old Field. Caught in a mountain snow-storm. Their route from
Blowing Rock. Conflicting claims as to locality described.
Chapter IV. No direct Daniel
Boone descendants. Other Boone relatives. Jesse and Jonathan Boone.
Their Three Forks membership. Marking the Trail of Daniel Boone.
Boone Cabin Monument. Locating Trail. Cumberland Gap pedestal.
Boone's Trail in other States. Congress urged to erect bronze statue
there. Boone's first trip across Blue Ridge. Probability of
relocation of trail. Improbability of carving on the Boone tree.
Boone's relations with Richard Henderson considered.
Chapter V. Backwoods Tories.
Samuel Bright, Loyalist. Patriots feared British influence with
Indians. Bright's Spring and the Shelving Rock. Watauga County once
part of Watauga Settlement. Doctor Draper's errors. W. H. Ollis's
contribution. No camp on the Yellow. Cleveland's parentage and
capture. His rescue, etc. Greer's Hints, of two kinks. The Wolf's
Den. Riddle's execution. Killing of Chas. Asher and other Tories.
Ben Howard. Marking old graves by United States. Its niggardly
policy. Battlefield in Watauga.
Chapter VI. The Yadkin Baptist Association. Three Forks Baptist
Church. List of its early members and officers. A great moral force
in the community. Church trials, grave and gay. Other ancient
happenings. First churches. Revivals.
Chapter VII. Order of the Holy Cross. Picture of Watauga Valley in
1840. Valle Crucis as first founded. Rt. Rev. L. S. Ives. Feeble and
undignified imitation. Why Ives vacillated. Old buildings. Adobes
and humble bees. Easter Chapel. Spiritual starvation on the Lower
Watauga. The Mission store. Death of Mr. Skiles. Removal of St.
John's. Reinstitution of Mission, and School for Girls. Summer
resort, also.
Chapter VIII. Light on the Jersey Settlement. Meagre facts
considered. John Gano, preacher. Fairchild's diary. Adventures on
road. Mr. Gano constitutes a church. A colonial document. Other
ancient documents and facts. Letter from Morris Town, N. J., Church.
The Fairchild ladies.
Chapter IX. Democracy of the religion of the mountaineer. Our morals,
as appraised by others. Pioneer Baptists. The Farthing family. A
family of preachers. Rev. Joseph Harrison. Cove Creek Baptist
Church. Bethel Baptist Church. Other early churches. Stony Fork
Association. White's Spring Church. Methodist Churches. Henson's
Chapel. A family of Methodist church preachers. M. E. Churches.
Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans.
Chapter X. Formation of county. Councill's influence. Three New
England visitors. Doctor Mitchell's geological tour. Tennessee
boundary line. Boundary line and Land Grant Warrants. Running State
Line. Watauga County lines. Watauga County established. Changes in
county lines. Avery County cut off. Jails and court houses. To
restore lost records. First term Superior cour. Tied to a
wagon-wheel. Roving spirit. Legislative and other officers.
Watauga's contribution to Confederacy and Federals. Population and
other facts. Mexican War soldiers. Weather vagaries. Agricultural
and domestic facts. Forests. Altitudes.
Chapter XI. Boone incorporated. Its attractions. Miss Morley's visit.
First residents of Boone. First builders. Saw-mills for new town.
The Ellingtons. Other builders. First merchants, J. C. Gaines, Rev.
J. W. Hall. Post-bellum Boone. Coffey Bros. Their enterprises.
Newspapers. Counterfeiters.
Chapter XII. Too many troops for limits of book. Keith Blalock. Four
Coffey Bros. Danger from Tennessee side. Longstreet's withdrawal.
Kirk's Camp Vance raid. Death of Wm. Coffey. Murder of Austin
Coffey. Other "activities." Michiganders escape. Camp Mast. Watauga
Amazons. Camp Mast surrender. Sins of the children. Retribution?
Paul and Reuben Farthing. Battle of the Beech. Stoneman's raid.
Official account. A real home guard. Mrs. Horton robbed. No peace.
Fort Hamby. Blalock's threat.
Chapter XIII. Some Thrice-Told Tales.-- Calloway sisters. Pioneer
hunters. James Aldridge. His real wife appears. Betsy Calloway. Delila Baird. A belated romance. Colb McCanless, sheriff. His death
by Wild Bill. Bendent E. Baird. Zeb Vance's uncle makes inquiry.
Peggy Clawson. Other old stories. Joseph T. Wilson, or "Lucky Joe."
"Long-Distance." An African romance. James Speer's fate. Joshua
Pennell frees slaves. Jesse Mullion. Crosscut suit. Absentee
landlord. "School Butter." Lee Carmichael. The musterfield murder. A
Belle of Broadway.
Chapter XIV. Fine Watauga County scenery. Cove Creek. Our flowers.
Valle Crucis. Sugar Grove. Blowing Rock. along the Blue Ridge. Moses
H. Cone. Brushy Fork. Shull's Mills. Linville Valley and Falls. The
Ollis Family. Elk Cross Roads. Banner's Elk. A trip on foot. Meat
Camp. Rich Mountain. The "Tater Hill." The Grandfather and
Grandmother. Grafting French chestnuts. Beaver Dams. Boone's Beaver
Dams trails. Beech Creek and Poga.
Chapter XV. Ante-bellum education. Peculiarities of speech. We speak
the best and purest English. Place-names. Kephart's dissertations.
Ante-bellum pedagogues. Our schools. Penmanship. Phillip Church.
Jonathan Norris. Eli M. Farmer. Burton Davis. Todd Miller. The
"Twisting Temple." Lees-McRae Institute. School-teachers. Normal
school at Boone. "Skyland Institute. T. P. Adams' long service.
Silverston public school. Walnut Grove Institute. Valle Crucis
School for Girls. First argicultural instruction. Promiment in
education. Lenoir School lands. School-house Loan Fund. T. L.
Clingman, a teacher. Mount Mitchell controversy.
Chapter XVI. Gold mines and mining. First owners of Cranberry. Iron
forges. Iron bounties. Some old hammermen. Clingman's mining.
Chapter XVII. First wagon roads. First across Blue Ridge. Caldwell
and Watauga Turnpike. Yonahlossee Turnpike. Early road legislation.
Earliest stopping places. First paper railroads.
Sketches of Prominent Families Alphabetically Arranged