Contact: Myrtle Bridges
This is an obituary for Lewis G. White who died in Dunn in 1955. Shared by William Brackett. June 24, 2020
A news article concerning the death of Lewis G. White was carried on the front page of the Dunn Dispatch on 03 Jun 1955 and it reads:
"Louis G. White, Photographer, Died Here Early This Morning Louis G. White, 86, of Dunn, photographer here for over a quarter of a
century and former Oklahoma Indian agent and official photographer for the City of Detroit, died in Dunn Hospital early Friday.
He had been in ill health for some time. Last rites will be held from Cromartie Funeral Home at 10 o'clock Saturday morning and
services will be conducted by the Rev. J. W. Lineberger, pastor of the Divine Street Methodist Church. Interment will be in
Smithfield cemetery.
Born in Fulton, Ill., in 1868 Mr. White married the former Miss Josephine Upson in Chicago in 1892.
During his early career Mr. White held a number of posts, including that of Indian agent in Oklahoma, a chemist with the
Simmons Company in St. Louis and at one time, official photographer for the city of Detroit.
Mr. White learned photography early in life when a photographer friend of his on a mid-west newspaper got him interested
in the work.
Mr. and Mrs. White toured the United States and Canada years ago, doing photographic work.
Mr. White, at one time also, worked as a typesetter on the Chicago Tribune, the Cincinnati Inquirer, the St. Louis Post Dispatch
And several other mid-west papers.
He came here to live in Dunn after the turn of the century and later moved to Selma for a while. His wife died there in 1926
and at her death he returned to Dunn. He has lived here ever since doing photographic work at his studio above the old A and
P building on Broad street. He had been active in the work up to several months ago. He was one of the oldest photographers
in North Carolina.
He was a Christian Scientist and a member of the mother Church in Boston, Mass."
MALCOM DARROCH - 1844 (and others)
WILLIAM WAYNE HORTON, of High Point Dies at 73
The High Point Enterprise (High Point, North Carolina) August 1, 1975 Issue
William Wayne Horton, 73, of 1042 Rockford Rd., died at 3 a.m. Friday at his home after suffering a heart attack.
He had been in declining health for several years.
Mr. Horton was born January 23, 1902, in Harnett County near Fuquay Springs, on a farm that had been in his family
for generations, a son of Edgar Edward and Elizabeth Jones Horton. On May 10, 1924, he married to Eva Penny. He
received his early education in the Harnett County schools. He later trained a bookkeeper and telegraph operator,
and worked for the Norfolk and Southern Railway for 15 years. He moved to High Point in 1935. He opened a finance
business at that time and in 1938 he founded Horton Furniture Company which has operated continuously since. In
addition, he operates Horton Realty Co. which has properties in High Point, Greensboro and Harnett County. …
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eva P. Horton of the home; one daughter Mrs. James Reitzel (Patsy) Wagner Jr.; one son,
Dr. Charles W. Horton of Greensboro; nine grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Chapin (Mabelle) Petty and Mrs. Woodrow W.
(Mary Lee) Williams, bot of Durham; and two brothers, Jesse Horton of Long Island, NY, and Jack Horton of Ellerbe.
Burial Floral Garden Park Cemetery with Masonic Graveside rites by the Numa F. Reid Masonic Lodge … additional info.
January 6, 2015
The High Point Enterprise (High Point, NC) May 23, 1974 Issue
Floyd Mason Locamy, 58, of 811 W. Green St. was dead on arrival at High Point Memorial Hospital Wednesday
at 11 a.m. He had been in usual health.
Mr. Locamy was born July 23, 1915, in Harnett County, a son of Hardy M. and Carlessa Blackmon Locamy. He had
been a resident of the High Point area all his life and was an employee of High Point Furniture Industries Inc.
for the past ten years.
On Nov 17, 1973 he was married to the former Miss Ruth Webster, who survives of the home. Surviving in addition
to his wife are one son, Delmar Locamy of Charlotte; one daughter, Miss Janet Locamy of Baker Road; one sister,
Mrs. Ray (Verlone) McQuaigue of 527 Roy Ave. ... Burial will be in Floral Garden Park Cemetery. The body will
remain at Cumby Mortuary until placed in the chapel 30 minutes prior to the service.
January 6, 2015
The Landmark (Statesville, North Carolina) November 13, 1906 Issue
In Raleigh Saturday H.L. Matthews, of Harnett county, 22 years old, took 20 grains of strychnine in
a glass of coca-cola and died in a half hour. He had been drinking, was out of a job and despondent
and had threatened several times to take his life.
January 6, 2015
Death and Obituary Notices from The Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878 Issue of September 10, 1873 (pg. 214)
Mrs. Jeanette Douglass, wife of Rev. John Douglass, was born in Harnett County, NC, August 24, 1819 and died
in Little Rock, Marion County, SC, June 18, 1873. James C. Stoll. Raleigh Christian Advocate please copy.
January 6, 2015
Fayetteville Observer, Thursday, January 5, 1899
Miss Mary Carolina Harriss, who upon coming to the full estate of perfect womanhood, accepted Mr.
James H. Davis, that typical southern gentleman of Linden, in Harnett County as her life consort.
It was on the first day of December that she took her final leave of that pleasant home where she
was the center of attraction, surrounded by five lovely children, Robert, Effie, Bertha, James and
Janet, from twelve to five years of age. Never were stronger chords of affection sundered by mother,
wife or friend. It was in her 38th year that the Saviour, whom she had loved and trusted from her
childhood, called her to himself, not to crush the loved ones in the family circle and community,
but to lift and draw them to Himself; such is the way to Heaven from this vale of tears.(additional)
March 4, 2013
Fayetteville Observer, July 01, 1896
Death of Mrs. Eliza McDaniel
Mrs. Eliza McDaniel, relict of the late Rev. Randal McDaniel, formerly of this city, died in Dunn,
yesterday evening at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Meta Denning. Her remains arrived in this
city this afternoon and the funeral will take place from the Baptist Church at 5 o'clock. Mr. McDaniel,
who was past 70 years of age, leaves two children, Mr. Furman McDaniel, of Wilson, and Mrs. Meta Denning,
of Dunn. She was a christian lady and a life-long member of the Baptist Church.
January 25, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, March 23, 1896
Death of Mrs. James P. Hodges
Mrs. Flora Hodges, wife of James P. Hodges, and mother of John M. and Dr. J. Allison Hodges and
Mrs. Jesse Smith, died at her residence in Little River Academy Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Hodges, who was in her 79th year, was a daughter of Col. Kenneth Murchison, of Harnett County.
She was a Christian lady, greatly beloved and respected for her uncommon intelligence. She leaves
a large number of relatives and friends who deeply mourn her death.
The funeral took place at 11 o'clock this morning from the Presbyterian Church at Little River Academy.
Dr. Hodges, her youngest son, arrived from Richmond last night, and attended the funeral this morning.
January 21, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, January 21, 1861
Died in Harnett County, N.C., on the 12th instant, of membranous croup, Christopher Foy, youngest son
of James W. and Francis F. McALISTER, aged 8 years, 8 mos., and 9 days. January 21, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, August 13, 1860
Died at the residence of Wm. S. Mallett Esq., near Brenham, Washington County, Texas, on the 27th July,
John D. SMITH, aged about 33 years, senior son of Farquhard Smith, Esq., of Harnett County, NC January 15, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, July 05, 1860
Died in Johnsonville, Harnett County, on the 1st day of July, William A. MORRISON, only child
of D. and Sarah C. MORRISON, aged 1 year and 9 months. January 15, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, January 09, 1860
Died in Harnett County, on the 2nd January, Daniel SHAW, aged about 85 years. January 13, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, November 03, 1859
Died in Harnett County, on the 21st October, Mrs. Catharine CAMERON, wife of Samuel Cameron,
aged about 47 years. January 13, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, August 29, 1859
Died in Harnett County, on 14th August, Mrs. Catharine McNEILL, aged 81 years. For thirty-five
or forty years a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. January 13, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, July 25, 1859
Died in Harnett County, on the 9th instant, very suddenly, Miss Sally FERGUSON, aged about 65 years. January 12, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, June 20, 1859
Died in Harnett County, on Thursday last, Mr. Daniel FERGUSON, aged about 67 years. January 12, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, May 12, 1859
Died in Harnett County, on the 27th ultimo, after a protracted and painful illness, Mrs. Mary CAMERON, relict of
John CAMERON, in the 86th year of her age. For 20 years previous to her death she had been in connection with the
Presbyterian Church, and living a life conformable thereto. When the summons came she died in hope, reposing in the
promises of the gospel. January 11, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, December 30, 1858
Died in Harnett County, on the 22nd ultimo, in the 36th year of his age, Michael DARROCH, a native of Jura, in the
Highlands of Scotland. January 09, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, October 07, 1858
Died in Harnett County, on the 21st ultimo, Catharine DARROCK, wife of John Darrock, aged 62 years. January 09, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, September 09, 1858
Died in Harnett County, on the 24th ultimo, of Typhoid fever, Mrs. C.W. SMITH, daughter of Col. John Hodges,
and wife of R.B. SMITH, in the 39th year of her age. January 09, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, September 02, 1858
Died at his residence, in Harnett County, on the 27th ultimo, in the 77th year of his age, Neill McLEAN, Sen.
The deceased was a native of the Island of Coll, Argyleshire, Scotland. He embarked for the country of his
adoption at Grenock in October 1804, arriving at Wilmington, N.C., on 23rd Dec. of the same year. He was a
very consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. As the fruits of a well ordered life and conversation,
at death he gave the most unmistakabel evidences of having made his peace with God, through the blood of a
crucified Saviour. He leaves a large family of children, who, with all who knew him, deeply mourn his loss.
January 09, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, July 29, 1858
Died in Harnett County, on Thursday the 8th instant, Mrs. Nancy CLARK, relict of David CLARK, deceased.
Mrs. Clark was born in August 1770, and though the eldest, was the survivor of all but one of a large
family. A. member of the Presbyterian Church from early life, her christian course was consistent and
exemplary to the end. Possessed of a strong and intelligent mind, remarkably accurate and retentive as
to memory, she was looked to for advice and as authority in the history of families and events of this
section of counrty for the last 80 years. January 08, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, January 21, 1858
Died on the 6th instant, in Harnett County, James Kyle, son of William D. and Margaret Jane Harrington,
aged three months and twenty-eight days. January 06, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, January 21, 1858
Died on the 10th instant, in Harnett County, at the house of her daughter (Mrs. Mary McLeod,) Mrs. Flora Munn,
in the 86th year of her age. Mrs. Munn was a member of Barbecue Church for nearly sixty years. January 06, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, Monday, December 07, 1857
Died at Shriveport, Texas, on the 29th October Mr. KIMBREL JONES, formerly of Harnett County. January 05, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, Thursday, October 05, 1857
Died in Fayette County, Texas, on the 20th of August, ALEXANDER B. CAMPBELL, in the 54th year of his age.
The deceased was a native of Cumberland County; but for many years resided in Harnett County, from whence
he removed to Texas in 1852. He did in full hope of happy immortality. January 03, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, Thursday, July 30, 1857
Died on Tuesday night last, very suddenly, near Summerville, in Harnett County, Maj. NEILL McLEAN, in the
34th year of his age. He was in perfect health at the usual bed-time, and died of apoplexy at midnight. He
leaves a wife and children and numerous friends to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father, a
kind neighbor, and a useful citizen. January 01, 2010
Weekly Standard, August 20, 1862
Died at Barclaysville, Harnett County, on the 7th instant, Mrs. MILDRED BARCLAY, aged 84 years.
Mrs. Barclay's house was for more than forty years the welcome resting place of the weary traveler.
She was truly an excellent woman. There are thousands who remember her kind attention to their wants,
and her unwearied efforts to render their sojourn with her pleasant and agreeable. She was one of the
best neighbors. She has descended to the grave full of years, regretted and mourned by her family and
many friends. The writer of this is not informed as to her spiritual condition during the illness that
preceded her death; but it may be safely concluded that such a woman lived with reference to the great
change that awaits us all, and that she had made the needful preparation for her departure. January 01, 2010
Fayetteville Observer, October 20, 1856
Died on Thursday, 2nd instant, in the county of Harnett, at the house of his father-in-law, Silas Douglas, Esq.,
Mr. JOHN W. ROLLINS, aged 35 years. January 01, 2010
The Death of Mr. Denny Floyd Barker
The Death of Mr. T. L. H. Young
The Funeral of Mrs. T. L. H. Young
Death of Ica Parker
Death Notices from Weekly Standard - 1859-1864
Faucett / Cameron Obituaries
Murchison Obituaries
Death Notices from New & Observer 1888-1893

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This page created February 6, 2010
Up-dated June 24, 2020