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1880 Pamlico Co., North Carolina Census

(Transcribed by Sallie Gargis & Jan Orndorff)

    No attempt was made to correct mistakes in the spelling of the names thus you should look for all conceivable variations of the surnames.  A question mark was placed where it was too difficult to read the person's name or age. The enumerators started taking the census on June 1st.

About twenty columns were used in the original census but the columns used for our purposes are:
  1) House - numbered in the order of visitation.
  2) Family - numbered in the order of visitation.
  3) Name of all persons whose place of abode on June 1, 1880 was in this family.
  4) Race - White was indicated with a "w", Black with a "b", Mulatto with an "mu", Chinese with a "c" and Indian with an "i".
  5) Sex - Male was indicated with an "m"; female with an "f".
  6) Age at last birthday prior to June 1, 1880; if under 1 year then months were given in fractions; i.e. 3/12.
  7) Relationship of each person to the head of the family, i.e. son, daughter, wife, etc.
  8) Marital Status - Whether single (s), married (m), divorced (d), or widowed (w)
  9) Occupation - the trade of each person, male or female
10) Whether a person could Read and Write
11) Birth Place of Person - naming the state or territory of the U.S. or the country
12) Birth Place of the Father of the Person - naming the state or territory of the U.S. or the country
13) Birth Place of the Mother of the Person - naming the state or territory of the U.S. or the country
14) Remarks - This column will be used to indicate whether a person attended school during the year, was insane, idiotic, blind, deaf & dumb, crippled, month of birth, etc.  Annotated notes have also been added to the remarks section in order to help further your research.  If you have anything to add to these annotations or see errors please send me an e-mail.  Sources used for these annotations were:
    a) Various census records
    b) Pamlico County, North Carolina Cemeteries by Dixie T. Willis; © 1983
    c) Pamlico County, North Carolina Marriages 1872-1940 by Margaret Reel Buck
    d) Marriage Records, Carteret County, North Carolina 1755-1868 by Frances T. Ingmire; © 1984
    e) Craven County, North Carolina Marriage Records 1780-1867 by Frances T. Ingmire; © 1984
    f) Brides Index for Beaufort County, NC; Vol. 1 (1847-1909) by Beaufort County Genealogical Society; © 1994
    g) Various death certificates on

Links to Page Number

Twp. #1

251A 251B 252A 252B 253A 253B 254A 254B 255A 255B 256A 256B 257A 257B
258A 258B 259A 259B 260A 260B 261A 261B 262A 262B 263A 263B 264A

Twp. #2

265A 265B 266A 266B 267A 267B 268A 268B 269A 269B 270A 270B 271A 271B 272A 272B 273A 273B 274A
274B 275A 275B 276A 276B 277A 277B 278A 278B 279A 279B 280A 280B 281A 281B 282A 282B

Twp. #3

283A 283B 284A 284B 285A 285B 286A 286B 287A 287B 288A 288B 289A 289B 290A 290B 291A 291B 292A 292B
293A 293B 294A 294B 295A 295B 296A 296B 297A 297B 298A 298B 299A 299B 300A 300B 301A 301B 302A 302B

Twp. #4

303A 303B 304C 304D 305A 305B 306C 306D 307A 307B 308C 308D 309A

Twp. #5

310A 310B 311C 311D 312A 312B 313C 313D 314A 314B 315C 315D 316A 316B 317C 317D 318A

Surame Index


Abbott - 290b
Adams - 269b, 270a, 285b, 290b
Addix - 302a
Alcock - 307a, 307b, 308d, 309a
Alden - 269a
Aldridge - 282a
Alexander - 253a, 283b, 287a, 288a
Alford/Alfred - 289b, 290b, 302a
Allen/Allan/Allin - 252b, 285a, 293b
Always - 310a
Ambers - 310b
Armstrong - 290b, 292a, 298b
Askins - 311c, 311d
Atherly - 311d, 315c
Atmore - 272b
Avery/Avry - 260b, 295a
Axam - 275b


Babbitt - 275b, 297a, 299a
Badger - 301a
Bailey - 299a
Baker - 292a, 312b
Ball - 290b
Ballance - 287b, 294b
Bank/Banks - 251a, 251b, 252b, 253b, 256b, 258b, 259b, 261a, 263b, 264a, 277b, 294a, 311d, 312b, 318a
Banton - 310a, 310b
Barber - 310a
Barington/Barrington - 254b, 255a, 256a, 256b, 264a
Barnes - 265b, 285a, 289a, 296b
Barnett - 287a, 308d, 316a
Barrow - 256b, 258a
Barton - 314a
Basnight - 290a
Bass - 271a
Bateman/Baitman - 296b, 307a, 308d, 309a
Baxter - 272b, 273a, 297a
Beasley/Beasly- 293b, 313d, 314a
Beckton - 316a
Belangy/Belangey/Belanger/Belangie - 257a, 291a, 292b, 297b, 312a
Bell - 270b, 300b
Belshur - 276a, 280b
Benners - 314b
Bennett - 251b, 257b, 261a, 263a, 288a, 291a, 311c, 311d
Best - 274b, 275a
Bexley - 254b
Biggs - 314b
Bland/Blan - 257a, 265b, 286a
Blount/Blunt - 257a, 269b, 270b, 293b, 310a
Bly/Blye - 289b, 300a
Bohanion - 295a
Bonner - 274b, 315c
Boon - 291a
Bosky - 317c
Bowden - 251a, 311d
Bowen - 257a, 310a, 313c
Boyd/Boid - 259b, 273b
Brabble/Brable - 266b, 274a
Brady - 267b
Braxton - 273b
Brinn - 304c
Brisco - 277a
Brinson - 251a, 251b, 252a, 252b, 255b, 256b, 257a, 257b, 258a, 262am 262b, 264a, 310b, 311c, 311d, 312b, 315c
Bright/Brite - 251b, 253a, 281b
Broadwaters - 267a
Brooks - 269a, 273b, 278a, 290b, 293b
Broughton/Broughton - 276b, 277a, 311d, 312a
Bryan - 273a
Bryant - 287b
Buck - 252a, 255b, 256b, 259a, 297b
Bucklin - 272a
Burch - 265b, 286a
Burgess - 313d
Burnett - 257a
Burney - 277a
Burrus - 284b, 286b, 289b, 299a, 299b


Cafity - 260b
Caho - 272b
Cahoon - 271b, 278b, 280b, 281a, 303a, 307a, 313c, 316a
Caiton/Caton - 252a, 257a, 258b
Calhoon - 280a, 292a
Campbell/Cambell - 286b
Campen - 284a, 295a, 303b, 304c, 307a
Cannon - 315d
Capps - 296a
Carawan /Carowon/Caravan - 285b, 289a, 292a, 296b, 303a, 303b, 305b, 306d, 307a
Caraway - 268a, 268b, 271b, 275b, 293b
Carmady - 312a
Carman/Carmon/Curman - 257a, 296a
Carney - 314b
Caroon - 268b, 271b, 283b, 317d
Carpenter - 271b
Carrow - 268b, 269a, 312b
Carter - 280a, 282b
Carthin - 293b
Cary - 278a, 278b
Casey/Casia - 251b, 255b, 258a, 275a, 294a, 297a, 314a
Caswell - 274b
Ceaser - 298b
Cherry - 273a
Chesnut - 273b
Clark - 272a, 273b, 278b, 280a
Clinton - 290a
Cobb - 297a
Cognell - 295b
Collins/Collens - 270b, 282a, 285a, 290a, 302b
Conner - 251b
Cooper - 261a, 265a, 267b, 277b, 278a, 279a, 280a, 287b, 302a, 314a, 314b, 316a
Corbin - 288a, 291b
Cowel/Cowell - 273a, 296a, 297b, 302b
Cox/Cocks - 253a, 313d
Cradle/Credle - 287a, 287b, 289a, 299a, 308c, 317d
Cratch - 301b
Crawford - 275a, 312b
Culpeper/Culpepepor - 278b, 297b
Curtis - 271b
Cuthrell - 255a, 255b, 258a
Cutler - 257b, 262a


Daniels - 265a, 265b, 268b, 274a, 278b, 279a, 281a, 285a, 285b, 287a, 298b, 302a, 302b, 303a, 303b, 304c, 306c, 307a, 307b, 309a
Davice/Davis - 257a, 280a, 283b, 287a, 294a
Davenport/Deavenport - 281a
Daw - 253a, 255b, 280b, 283b, 297b, 313c
Dawson - 272b, 298b, 302b
Day - 292a, 304d, 308d, 316a
Dean/Deans - 272a, 274b
Dees - 261a
Delamar/Dellamar - 253a, 260a, 269a, 281a, 315c, 315d
Dickerson - 283a
Dilahunt - 289a
Dill - 293a
Dillard - 281b
Dixon - 252b, 253a, 255a, 256a, 256b, 260a, 261b, 262a, 262b, 263a, 264a, 296b, 298b, 311d, 312b, 313c
Dosier/Dozier - 281b, 314a
Douty/Dowddy/Dowdy/Dowty - 260a, 262a, 262b, 263a, 264a, 268b, 273a, 283a, 301b
Driggers - 288a
Dudley/Duddley - 285b, 298b
Dun/Dunn - 254a, 254b, 261b, 274b
Duster - 291a


Ebern/Eborn - 274a
Edwards/Edards- 260A, 267a, 274b, 277a, 314a
Elbert - 273b
 - 289a, 297a
Emery - 284b, 287b, 307b, 308d
Ensley/Insley - 263b, 290b
Evett/Event - 259b, 284b


Faison/Phason - 300b, 313d
Farmer - 283b
Farrow - 269b, 275b
Fell - 294b
Fentress - 292a
Ferabee/Feribee - 258a, 274b
Fields - 273b
Fisher - 256a, 256b, 257a, 273b, 283b, 284b, 289b, 302a, 310a, 310b
Flemens - 311d
Flowers - 266b, 283a, 284b, 286b, 287a, 288b, 292a
Follett - 317c
Fornes - 263a
Fortescue/Fortiscue - 275a, 303a, 305a
Fowler - 253a, 273a, 302a
Foy - 257a, 310a
Franks - 317c
Freeman - 272a, 280a, 283b, 314b
French - 302b
Fulcur/Fulcher/Fulchur/Fulshur - 258b, 260b. 261a, 265a, 268a, 271a, 315c
Fulford - 266b, 271b, 287a
Furlough/Fulaugh - 290b


Gaylord/Galer - 256a, 299a
Ganus - 254a
Garnes - 253a
Gaskil/Gaskill - 282a, 283a, 288a, 308d
Gaskins - 255a, 258a, 275b, 276b, 278b, 279a, 281a, 300b
Gatlin - 275a, 302b
Genette (see Jennett)
Gerganus - 310b, 311c
Gherkin - 313d
Gibbs- 270b, 272b, 275b, 276a, 277a, 285a, 286a, 286b, 287b, 295b, 298a, 299b, 300a, 300b, 302a, 303b, 306c
Gilcrice - 301a
Gillium - 271a, 275b, 282b
Goelett - 291a
Gooding - 270b
Goodwin - 308c
Gorden - 269a, 275a
Gorum - 314a, 315c
Graham - 266a
Gray - 279b
Green - 252b, 266b, 269b, 293a, 312b, 314a, 315d
Grice - 277a
Griffin - 280a
Griffis - 254b
Guion - 283b
Gustus - 256a


Hadder - 273b, 274a
Hagan - 316b
Hall - 272b, 312a, 312b
Hamblin - 295b
Hamilton - 257b, 271b
Hammans - 256b
Hamontree - 253a, 255b
Hand - 284b
Hardison/Hartison - 251a, 253a, 261a, 285a, 311d, 312a, 313c
Hardy/Hardee - 276b, 282a, 286a
Hargett - 270b
Hargrove - 279b, 280a, 295b
Harper - 251a, 261a, 263b, 274a, 278b, 293a, 294b, 317d
Harrington - 271b
Harris/Haris - 278b, 289b, 291b, 297b, 298b, 310a, 315d
Harvey - 270a, 275b, 293a, 313d
Haskett - 315c
Haskill - 260a, 297b
Haslin - 310b
Hatch - 277b
Hatchell - 294b
Hathaway - 270b, 275b
Haughton - 273a
Hawkins - 270b
Hayes/Hase - 256b, 287b
Haywood - 266a, 280a
Heath - 266b
Henries/Heries - 267a, 294a, 305a
Henry - 303a, 309a
Herring - 268a, 297b, 316a
Hickman - 284a
Hill - 271a, 273b, 300b
Hilton - 313d
Hines - 267b, 274a, 277b
Hinnout - 302a
Hinton - 257a
Hobbs - 283b
Hodge/Hodges - 283a, 283b, 285a, 287a, 293a, 307a, 315c
Holley/Holly - 303b, 304c
Hollis - 297a
Hollowell - 272b
Holt - 310b
Holton - 253a, 253b, 254a, 254b, 256a, 257b, 262a, 273b, 284b, 289a, 291b, 298b
Hooker - 280a, 297b, 298a, 302a, 315d
Hoover - 292b, 310a
Hopkins - 260b, 291a, 303a, 305a, 308c, 308d
Hough - 291a
Houston - 280b
Howard - 299b
Hudnell - 287b, 297a, 305a
Hudson/Hutson - 274a, 278a
Hughes - 317c
Humphry - 315c, 315d
Huning/Hunings/Hunnings - 258b, 259a, 260b, 296a, 302b
Hunter - 293b

I - J

Ipock - 256b, 274a, 279a, 296a, 286b
Ireland/Iriland - 258a, 267b, 270b, 278b, 295a, 296b, 307a, 307b, 308c
Ives - 267a, 271a, 283a
Jackson - 278a
Jarvis - 280a, 289a, 289b, 294a, 308c. 307d
Jenkins - 277a, 280a, 294b
Jennett/Genette - 279b, 286a, 287a, 297a
Jenson - 271b
Jewell - 257a, 257b, 285b, 288a
Johnson - 255b, 256a, 284b, 288a, 289b, 293b, 294a, 296a, 307a, 314b, 316b. 317c
Joiner/Joyner - 261a
Jones - 265a, 265b, 266a, 267b, 269b, 272a, 272b, 273a, 273b, 276a, 276b, 277a, 277b, 279a, 279b, 281a, 281b, 283a, 283b, 284a, 284b, 285a, 287b, 288a, 288b, 290b, 292a, 292b, 293a, 293b, 294b, 295a, 296b, 300b, 302b, 304c, 307a, 310a, 313d, 314b, 315c
Jorden/Jordon - 294b, 314b, 317d


Keel - 261b, 292b
Kenady - 273a
Keys - 315c, 316a
King - 311c
Kinsey - 313d, 314a
Kinyon - 283a
Kirk - 292a


Lampert - 273a
Land - 311c
Lane - 258b, 259b, 270a, 272b, 273a, 302b, 315c
Langley/Lamgly - 266b, 282b, 298b
Lanier - 257a
Lary - 283b, 285b
Latham - 283b
Lathinghouse - 314b
Lawrence/Larrance - 273b, 311d
Leary - 267a, 281a, 304d, 306d, 307a
Leath/Leeth - 282b, 314b, 316a
Lee - 251a, 253a, 258b, 259a, 260a, 260b, 261a, 261b, 263a, 264a, 311d, 312a, 312b, 313c
Leggett - 314b
Lewis/Louis - 254a, 257b, 262a, 271b, 272a, 275a, 277b, 278b, 279a, 281b, 287b, 289a, 289b, 295a, 297b, 303a, 304d, 305a, 305b, 312b, 316b
Liggins - 280b
Lincoln - 284b, 294b, 314b
Lindsy/Lindsay/Linzy - 253b, 254a, 265a, 273b, 287b, 300b
Linton - 264a, 291b, 294a, 303b
Little - 276b, 289a, 313d
Liverman - 289b, 294a
Lodge - 274a, 274b
Loftin - 305b
Long - 273a, 273b, 278a
Longest - 290b
Lupton - 265a, 273a, 279b, 297b. 298a, 302b, 303a, 304d, 306c, 307b, 308d, 309a

Mc - M

McClease/McClees/McClese - 270a, 290a, 317c
McCotter - 268b, 270b, 272a, 273a, 275b, 277a, 280b, 282b, 283b, 286b, 290a, 293b, 295a
McGowan - 304c
McKiney/McKinney - 306d, 307b
McLean - 284a
McPerson - 313d
Mackey - 286b
Mahone - 272a
Malison - 259b
Manley - 293b
Mann - 268b, 274a, 275a, 283a, 289a, 293b, 298b, 299a, 316b, 317c
Marshall - 292a
Martin - 251b, 252a, 262b, 263a, 265b, 266a, 283b, 297b, 301a, 311c, 312b
Mason - 257b, 266a, 293a, 316a, 317d
Mathews - 267b
Mattocks - 267a, 313d
Mayo - 283a, 286a, 288b, 309a
Mekins/Meekins - 255b, 262a, 285a
Mercer/Murcer - 304c, 306d
Messick - 276a, 281a, 288a, 295b
Midgett/Midyette/Mydgitt/Mydgett/Mygitt - 269b, 270a, 275b, 279b, 284b, 285b, 291b, 293a, 295b, 304c, 312b, 316a, 316b, 317c, 317d
Miller - 251a, 251b, 252a, 253b, 256b, 263b, 266a, 287a, 290b, 292b, 293a, 294a, 294b, 295b, 298a, 298b, 300a, 301b, 302a
Mills - 271a, 271b
Mitchell - 288a, 310b
Mixon - 306c
Monk - 302b
More/Moore/Moor - 258a, 269a, 269b, 270a, 276a, 277b, 280a, 281b, 282a, 282b, 284a
Moreslender - 304c
Morgan - 293a
Moris/Morris - 252a, 260a, 267b, 268a, 269a, 288b, 290a, 315d
Mosley - 268a, 270a
Moten - 277a
Moy - 276a
Mozingo/Mosingo - 278a
Mullen - 291b
Murray - 298b
Muse - 267a, 268b, 283b, 290a, 293a, 294b, 295b


Neal - 273b, 290a, 290b
Nelson - 256a, 269a, 274b, 276b, 293b, 315c, 315d
Newton - 280a
Nichols - 298a
Nixon - 277a
Nobles - 296a
Norman - 303b
Norris/Norras - 306d
Norstrand - 301b


Oconor [see Conner]
Odom - 310b, 311c
Ollison (see Ellison)
Oneal - 291b, 303b, 306d, 309a, 317d
Ormund/Ormon - 272b, 274a, 298b
Overton - 288a
Owens - 294a

P - Q

Palmer - 293b
Parker - 278a, 316a
Parris - 269a, 271a, 317c
Parsons - 303b
Pate - 277b
Patrick/Pattrick - 280b, 289a, 306c
Patterson - 272a
Paul - 253b, 255b, 256b, 258a, 258b, 260a, 262b, 263a, 263b, 265a, 267b, 298a, 313c
Payne - 301a
Percy - 255a
Perkins - 314a
Perry - 313d
Phelps - 313d
Phillips - 288a
Phipps - 268a, 281a, 305a
Pierson - 285a, 295b, 296a, 302a
Pipkin/Pippkin - 252a, 253b, 255b, 256b, 257b
Pittman - 284a
Pollard - 308d
Popperwill - 288b
Potter - 254b, 259b, 273a, 284b, 295a, 297b, 298a, 303a, 303b, 304c, 304d, 305a, 306c, 306d, 309a
Powell/Powells - 252b, 313d
Powers - 251b, 255b, 265b, 278a, 285b, 296b
Price - 254a, 256a, 262a, 262b, 263b
Prince - 253A, 263a
Pritchett - 274b
Pugh - 285b
Purdy - 287a
Purifoy/Purify/Purifey - 255a, 259b, 261a
Quick - 297a, 301b
Quidley - 272a, 272b


Ragland - 310a
Randall - 312b
Rawls/Rawles - 279a, 281b, 301b, 311d, 313c
Reddick/Redick - 275a, 281b, 315d
Redding/Reding - 280a
Reed - 282a
Reel - 257b, 258a, 262a, 301b
Rice/Rise - 255a, 255b, 258b, 259a, 261b, 266b, 271b, 292a, 298a, 305a
Rich - 313d, 316a
Richardson - 265b, 272a
Riggs - 265b, 266a, 268a, 278a, 285a, 286b, 287a, 291b, 294b, 295a, 296b
Riley - 285a
Ringule? - 278a
Robbins - 283b, 285b
Robertson/Roberson - 272b, 274b, 276b, 277b, 307b
Roberts - 256b, 259a, 277b
Roe/Rowe - 257a, 258b, 262a, 298b, 318a
Rollison - 286a, 291b
Rose - 280a, 285b
Ross - 258a, 279b, 289a
Rouse/Rows - 280a, 311c
Rowntree - 252b
Rue - 274b, 285b
Russell/Russul - 279a, 280a


Sadler/Saddler - 267a, 278a, 279a, 283a, 288a, 296b, 301b, 307b, 308c, 308d, 309a
Salter - 252a, 285a, 296b
Sanders - 283b, 286b, 289b, 296b, 310b
Sanderson - 283a, 285b, 299a
Sarrow? - 255b
Sauls - 270a
Saunders - 271b, 274a, 296b
Sawyer - 259b, 260a, 266a, 266b, 268a, 275b, 276a, 276b, 282a, 284b, 289a, 289b, 290b, 291a, 292b, 294a, 297b, 298a, 298b, 301a, 302a, 303b, 304d, 306d, 309a
Scott - 258b, 260a, 262b, 263a, 263b, 264a, 293b, 311c
Sexton - 301b
Shaw - 310a
Shine - 312a
Sikes - 317c
Silverthorn - 267b, 268a
Silvia - 310a
Simmons/Simons - 251b, 254a, 291a, 295a, 298b, 313d
Simpson/Simson - 253b, 267b, 271b, 286b, 308d, 314b, 315c
Skinner - 262a
Skipp - 291a
Slade - 267a, 280a, 281b, 283a, 283b, 284b
Slocumb - 294a
Small - 268b, 276a, 278a
Smith - 267b, 281a, 281b, 297b, 298b, 302b, 308d, 310b, 314b, 315d, 316b
Smithwick - 251a, 260a, 317c
Snell - 302b
Spain/Spane - 265a, 265b, 288b, 306c, 306d, 307b, 308d
Sparrow - 275b, 285a, 287b, 289a, 315c
Spellman/Spelman - 280b
Spencer - 265b, 272a, 277b, 282a, 287a, 287b, 289b, 290a, 290b, 313d, 314a
Spight - 254b
Spikes - 283b, 298b
Spruill/Spruvill - 268b, 274a, 280b, 281a, 297a
Squirs/Squires - 251A, 256a, 259a, 275a, 279a, 283a, 283b, 286b, 291b
Stablefoot - 255a
Staden - 274a
Stancil/Stansil - 285a, 289b, 290a
Stanton - 256b
Stevens - 272a
Stewart - 279b
Stilley/Stilly - 261b, 301b
Stowe/Stoe - 279a, 281a, 305b
Streets - 273a
Styron/Stion - 272a, 284b, 293a, 305b, 306d, 314a, 314b
Sulivan - 283b, 290a
Sumberlin - 261b
Sumrell - 291a
Surles - 283a, 288b
Sutton - 270b, 271a, 275b, 310b, 312a
Swan - 283a
Swindell - 274b, 275a, 275b, 277b, 278a, 279b, 283a, 284a, 288b, 289a, 304c, 308d, 317d
Szybowski - 302a


Tarkinton - 313d
Tatum - 304d
Taylor - 274a, 293a, 312a, 312b, 315c, 315d
Tetterton/Tettiton - 280b
Thomas - 272b, 295a
Thompson/Thomson - 269b, 272a, 281a, 297a
Tier - 294a
Timberlake - 272b, 276b, 282a, 295a, 302a
Tindal/Tindale - 261a, 295b, 296a
Tingle - 255a, 256a, 259b, 262a, 279b, 280a, 280b, 285b, 287a, 294a, 295a, 297b, 310b, 311d, 312b, 313c
Toler/Towler - 255a, 260b
Trip/Tripp - 253a, 255b, 265a
Truett/Truitt - 311c, 312a
Tunel/Tunnell - 271b
Turner - 290a
Tutt - 298b, 299a
Tuttle - 311c

U - V

Underhill - 273b
Valentine - 283b
Vendrick - 275a, 280b, 315c
Venters - 270a
Vicory - 266a
Vinison - 289a
Voliva - 286b, 304c

W - Z

Wade - 291a
Walker - 281a
Wallace/Wallis - 272b, 282a, 296a, 310a, 317d
Walston - 315d, 316a
Ward - 314a
Waters/Watters - 269a, 304d
Watson - 272b, 276a, 281b, 283b, 290b, 303a, 305b, 306c
Wayne - 254a, 255b
Weatherly - 260b, 297a
Wells - 269a
Wescott/Weskett - 290b
West - 295a, 315d
Wheelington - 283a, 285a, 286a, 288a, 288b
Whidbee - 297a
White - 270a, 292b, 293a
Whitfield - 291b, 304d
Whitnot - 304c
Whorton - 266a, 268a, 277a, 281b
Wiggins - 293b, 313d
Wiley - 255a, 260b
Wilcox/Wilcock - 292b, 313c
Wilkerson - 304d
Williams - 257a, 263b, 270b, 271a, 272b, 279b, 283b, 291b, 302a, 304c, 306c, 311c, 312b, 313d
Williamson - 305a, 308d
Willis - 251a, 251b, 252b, 264a, 268b, 275b, 286a, 312b, 313c
Wiloby - 299a
Wilson - 286a, 315d
Wines - 312b
Wise/Wyse - 268b, 269a, 269b, 271b, 277a, 280a, 288b, 316b, 317c
Witherspoon - 293a
Wood - 275a, 282a, 304c
Woodard - 265a, 268a, 274a, 307b
Woolard - 306c
Wright - 281b, 282a, 310b
Wynn/Winn - 277a, 301b
York - 313d


© 2011 Kay Midgett Sheppard