Tag: Perry
Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse
Deed Book B
page 6. Jan. 20, 1779 John Sawyer to James Johnson…John Sawyer here unto moving….for 500 pds. 10 a. of land & swamp…north side of Sawyers Creek. witt. Samuel Ferill & Thomas Perkins
39. Jan. 9, 1779 … Dempsey Sawyer Admins. of the estate of Theophilious Gregory…..to Richard Gregory..part of a tract of land that Theo…bought of Davis Grandy & in will that the land be sold. …..for 150 pds the land near the head of Sawyers Creek Sw binding James Sawyer, Malachi Grandy, Philip Gregory…50 a. witt. Joseph Morrisette & Isaac Seborn
44. Barbara Powell to Stephen Sawyer..1,000 pds 50 a. bounded by John Peddnick, Dempsey Burgess, John Griffin, George Ferill decs., John Gilbert, Henry Miller, Joseph Jones and me, Barbara Powell. Jan. 5, 1779
51. Tully Sawyer & wife Ruth to Willis Sawyer for 100 pds , land on the Mill Dam prong of Arranuse Creek ..containing 51 a. begining at a willow by the well in the head of a branch near the house and running near north 1/4 mile thence S.E. to Ivey Neck then to the branch…
115. Oct. 9, 1779 Lewis Sawyer to Jacob Sawyer for 1,000 pds. 40 a. binding Ferills pocosin, Ross line to Solly’s line…
172. Feb 7, 1781 Willis Gregory to James Sawyer 10,000 pds. State money, 50 a. land in North River Swamp bounded by Noah Gregory…
176. Dempsey Sawyer, Sheriff of Camden County to Dempsey Burgess March 12, 1781. Goods, chattel,tenements & lands of Thomas McKnight late of said County. (McKnight was a Tory during the Rev. War. He left the county and went back to England.) Mc Knight’s land …on the public road in the neighborhood of the Down River Chapel. bounded by the road, John Wright, Brockett, Torksey….60 a. tract of land formerly sold by Peter Brown to said Thomas McKnight. 1,000 pds…..
186. May 29, 1781 Macke Morgan & Ann, his wife , to Thomas Sawyer.. for 200 Spanish Milled dollars 40 a. given to Ann by her father Joseph Humphries…
187 Caleb Grandy Jr. to Thomas Sawyer, Feb. 20, 1781..Tract of land that said Caleb Grandy Jr. bought of Jesse Godfrey called the New Survey on North River. Bounded by James Dauge, Caleb Dauge…..to Ezekiel Sanderlin that he bought of John Humphries, Thomas Sawyer, Joseph Mercer & Peggy Nash.
192. June 17, 1781 – William Burgess to Richard Sawyer for 72 pds. 58 1/2 a. ..tract sold by Dempsey Burgess to Costain Barco & by Barco to William Burgess.
211. June 17, 1781 Richard Sawyer Jr. to Lemuel Crain alias Linton for 60 pds. 37 a.. The land conveyed by Jarvis Jones to Richard Sawyer…… .
Pg. 4. Joshua Sawyer for 50 pds. gold to Joseph Godfree (Godfrey)….N.E. side of Pasq. River. A tract pattent to Joseph Guilford..beginning at a branch before Joseph Godfree’s door thence up the branch to Nathan Bell’s line..to Thomas Smith thence down into Beech Neck to Robert Harrison’s line. Dec. 31, 1781
8. Dec 28, 1780 Authur (Arthur) Sawyer to John Hammon for 500 pds 50 a… Beginning on the western side of Sawyer’s Creek thence to… it being all the southern part of the land agreeable to the last will & testament of John Sawyer Jur. decs.(Pasq. Will Book HIK p. 391 Aug. 1771) witt. Caleb Grandy & Phillip Morgan
12. Willis Gregory & Mary his wife, 200 dollars species to Coston Sawyer land bounded by Peter Dauge, north to swamp & North River then up river opposite a hickory to James Sawyer’s line thence to Peter Dauge’s line 150 a. ..being part of a larger tract formerly belonging to Mark Gregory. witt. Thomas Nickols & Peter Dauge (Dozier)
13. Coston Sawyer & wife Rhodah for 200 pds. to Willis Gregory…beginning in..branch of Mill Dam Swamp between James Sanderlin’s line & mine to William Humphries land & Thomas Nickols land to a line tree by a pole bridge it being part of a larger tract formerly belonging to Joseph Jones & by him conveyed to John Jones by deed March 7, 1782
18. Joshua Sawyer for 25 pds. to Nathan Bell, tract of land granted to Joseph Guliford. Beginning at a maple in Cabin Neck Branch down to Joseph Godfree’s line..to a line formerly belonging to William Anderson now Thomas Smith’s line and Robert Harrison’s corner 20 a. Dec. 12, 1781 witt. Asa Burgess, Joseph Godfrey & Isaac Godfrey
22. May 18, 1782, Thomas Sawyer to Luke Lamb for 100 pds. 90 a. head of Sawyer’s Creek. Beginning at..oak by edge of a branch to Amon Grandy’s ditch at the old Road, thence westerly as the ditch runs to a corner tree of Richard Sawyer’s pattent. Thence a southerly course to a pine that was formerly Willis L. ?..mans line. witt. Isaac Lamb & Benj. Brown
20. June 27,1780 Isaac Gregory to Dempsey Sawyer for 50 pds 178 a. land near the head of the east prong of Aranuse Creek. witt. Joseph Gray & John Gray
49. Coston Sawyer for 50 pds. to Peter Dauge 30 a. formerly belonging to Willis Gregory and conveyed by him to Coston Sawyer 1783..?
57. Authur Sawyer to Caleb Grandy Jr. Aug. 1, 1783 for 60 pds. 50 a. high ground & swamp bounded by James Johnson’s on the southwest binding Johnsons land that he bought of John Sawyer Jr. deces. then east binding the land laid off for Millar Sawyer, orphan of John Sawyer Sen. deces. to the creek. Then up the creek & swamp binding Luke Lamb & the old causeway …& Caleb Grandy’s deeds they had from Thomas Perkins. Thence west to Authur & Millard Sawyer’s line….witt. Caleb Gregory & John Hammond.
81. Feb. 17, 1783 Joseph Sawyer to Ammon Grandy for 50 pds. 65 a. beginning near the ditch on the Lake Road binding Williams line on a Easterly course to Humphries line then binding John Murden pattent…witt. Caleb Grandy Jr. & Levi Sawyer
82. March 15, 1782 (COURT HOUSE DEED) Thomas Sawyer & Margaret Sawyer, his mother to Lemuel Sawyer, Isaac Gregory, Dempsey Burgess, Caleb Grandy & Joseph Jones …..a plot of ground to build a Court House, prison, and stocks for the county. witt. Thomas Humphries Cornealious Gray
90 Sylvanus Sawyer to Edward Upton, Jan. 4,1783 for 50 pds ….being the land I bought of Robert Gray, 100 a. begining at a sweet gum on Luke Lamb’s Mill pond then binding on Benjamin Brown’s line to a line of marked trees to Joseph Sawyer’s line thence down to the creek swamp…Sylvanus Sawyer, wife Mary Sawyer
98. March 18, 1769 Pasquotank Co. Sylvanus Sawyer exect. to the last will & testament of Col. Griffith Jones deces. to Isaac Gregory.Whereas the said Griffith Jones by his will…dated Oct 27, 1766 to sell the estate & divide among his seven children. Exectors appointed Sylvanus Sawyer & Samuel Swan…..Samuel Swan being deces. on the 18, Mar. 1769…did expose to public auction…land known by the name of Ivey Neck 50a. bounded by Jacob Jones line close to the side of a beech ridge up line to swamp to Isaac Gregory’s line…the land Griffith Jones deces. bought of William Hughes. witt. Charles Grandy & Mirriam Sawyer
99. Sept 24, 1782 Caleb Sawyer to William Perry, 60pds 25 a. .. mouth of a branch that forks out of a bever dam & up branch to water oak. witt. Lodwick Williams & Coston Sawyer
121. Lemuel Sawyer Grant Aug 18, 1783 – 28 a. beginning at an old cypress a small distance below River Bridge at the riverside thence running south to Relfs pattent to Jonathan Hearrings house thence sw thence back to river.
127. Richard Sawyer Grant – 475 a. Beginning at River Swamp bounded by James McDonald’s grant…John Murden to Jennings Ridge west to Thornton Gray’s line thence binding Joshua Parrisho’s Grant ..thence back to McDonald’s old pattent….Oct. 27, 1784
Abstracted and Contributed by: D. G. Owens