Source: Year Book – Volume 4 – Pasquotank Historical Society – Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Compiled and Edited by Edna M. Shannonhouse (1983).
Tag: Jennings
Source: Year Book – Volume 2 – Pasquotank Historical Society – Elizabeth City, N.C. Edited by John Elliott Wood (1958).
- In “Paule” of London, July 16, 1635, Kathren Wilson, age 28, and children: Robert, age 6—Richard, age 5. (Hotten.)
- William Edwards, Clerk of Surry Co Va, was grt (with Rice Davis) 1080a in sd county, for trans’ among others, Robert Wilson, & Henry White. July 10, 1648.
- William Wilson “of the City of Bristoll, Mercht; apt’ son John of Isle of Wight Co, Va Att’ Aprill 26, 1666.” (Isle of Wight Records.)
- George Hardy of Isle of Wight Co, in his will bequeathed, “Land, Housing, my Mill, with all movable Est, to be equally divided between Kinsman George Hardy, & Christopher Willson, after the decease of my wife,” He gave also 1000 lbs of Tob toward building a Church in this Parish, “to be Built of Brick.” To Christopher Willson “Land in Suit between me & Successors of Justinian Cooper, in case it be restored.” (Records Isle of Wight.)
- Robert Wilson was living in Chuckatuck, Nansemond Co Va, 9, 12mo 1688, when he witnessed the mar banns of Levin Buffkin, & Dorothy Newby, at the house of Thomas Jordan. He recorded his mark in Perq Co N. C. April 1689, and his son Isaac did the same, May 1689.
- At a quarterly meeting at the house of Henry White, in Perq, 1, 3mo 1695 Robert Wilson, Francis Tomes, & Henry White, were apt to “write a letter to friends in London, in behalf of the Meeting.”
- The will of Robert Wilson, p in Perq Precinct Jan 11, 1696. Son: Isaac, dau Sarah Belman, gr-children: Robert, & Ann Wilson, Sarah, & Ester Belman; wife Ann Extrix. (This will was proven before John Archdale, Daniel Akehurst, Francis Tomes, & Samuel Swann, Justices; at the house of Samuel Swann.)
- (1) Robert Willson died “at his own house, up the Narrows of Perq River” Dec 21, 1696. (Roman Calendar.) His wife Ann moved back to Surry Co Va, where her will was p 21, 5mo 1702, reads as follows: “Disposing of worldly Est itt hath pleased God to bestow upon me in Carolina, do bequeath unto Robert Borsman, & Ann, ye son, and dau of John Borsman; & Sarah His wife, except cattle etc, to be equally divided between Robert Wilson, & Ann Wilson, son & dau of Isaac Wilson, & Ann his first wife.” Jno Tooke, & Sam’ll Cornell Exrs. (Surry Co Rec.)
- (1) Isaac Wilson, m Ann — issue: 1 Robert, b 10, 8mo 1690—2 Ann, b 16 7mo 1692—3 Benjamin, b 19, 10mo 1694. Isaac Wilson m 2d Ann Parker (d of Robert, & Hannah, “b at Nattensate in Ash Church Parish, in Glouster Sheer”) Mch 31, 1701, issue Isaac, b Nov 18, 1702. (The Quaker Rec’ds give the first three, the last are found in Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)
- Isaac Willson will Perq, p July 13, 1714. Sons: Benjamin, Robert, Isaac, dau Ann, wife Ann. He was a Burgess in Perq Co, Oct 11, 1709.
- (2) Isaac Wilson d. s. p. will p in Perq Dec 29, 1724. Brothers: Benjamin, Robert, nephews: Joseph, & Isaac Wilson, to whom he left a plan’ on Perq River “where Capt Pettiver now lives,” niece Rachel Wilson, mother Ann Pettiver, uncle Ralph Bozman, other legatees: Joseph, & Thomas Elliott.
- (3) Isaac Wilson, will Perq p April 1751. Sons: Robert, James, dau’s Rachel, and Miriam Wilson, wife Elizabeth (née Perry, married 2, 12mo 1742).
- (1) Joseph Wilson (s of Benjamin) Will Perq, p July 1752. Son: Reuben, dau’s Elizabeth, & Mary, wife Mary. Wit’ Jacob Wilson, Wm Townsend, Rachel Winslow.
- (2) Robert Wilson (s of Isaac & Ann) m Rachel Pricklove (Pretlow) (d of John, and wife Elizabeth). His will p in Perq, June 1758. Sons: Isaac, and Silvanus, dau Rachel Townsend, gr-sons: Reuben Wilson, Obed Winslow, Caleb Winslow, gr-dau’s Elizabeth, and Mary Wilson. Exrs Barnaby Nixon, & Jacob Winslow (gr-son).
- Rachel Wilson, m 1st Timothy Winslow, issue three sons, & one dau; m 2d William Townsend, issue four children, m 3d John Williams, by whom no issue. Her will Perq county, p July 1777, is a very interesting document.
- Isaac Wilson, (s of Benjamin) b Nov 16, 1694.
- Robert Wilson, m Martha Gilbert, 4, 1mo 1739. (Quaker Records.)
- John Wilson (s of Thos) m Mary Pearson (d of Peter) 20, 9mo 1740. (Quaker Records.)
- Thomas Wilson m Elizabeth Newby, 6 8mo 1777. (Quaker Records.)
- Isaac Wilson m Roda Chappel. 5, 6mo 1776. (Quaker Records.)
- Jonathan Wilson, m Huldah Harrel, 4, 7mo 1795. (Quaker Records.)
- William Wilson m Elizabeth Munden 3, 11mo 1765. (Symons Creek Pasq Co.)
- Robert Wilson, m Anne Reed 2, 3mo 1752, Suttons Creek Perq Co.
- Edward Wilson, came to Va in “Plaine John” May 15, 1635, age 22. He settled in Surry Co, from which place he moved to Perq Co N. C. When or where he married can not be certain, but his wife is given in Berkeley Par Reg.
- Edward Wilson, & wife Rachell—issue: 1 John, b Jan 11, 1686—2 Edward, b Last of Feb, 1687/8—3 John (2d by name) b Sept 14, 1693—4 Elizabeth, b Feby 24, 1692—5 Sarah, b July 14, 1695. Edward Wilson died 1712. Dau Sarah m Daniel Jones.
- (1) John Wilson, m Elizabeth Mayo (d of Edward (2) & wife Mary née Clare, d of Timothy Clare, & wife Mary née Bundy) & had according to Mary Newby’s (née Clare) will 1739, issue: 1 son John Wilson.
- (2) John Wilson, m Ann — will p April 1785, Wife Ann, dau’s Rebecca, & Amey. His division, Nov 24, 1798, shows: dau Rebecca Webb, & Amey Wilson.
(See other Wilson Wills in N. C. Hist Reg, Vol 3-2 & 3-3.)
- Jacob Wilson (1) m Rachel Hollowell (d of Thomas) m 2d Sarah. His will p Perq, 1793. Son: Jonathan, brothers, Zachariah, & Moses, dau’s Misala, Miriam Elliott and Julianna Elliott (buried in Episcopal Cemetery in Hertford, wife of Exum Elliott) Rachel Nixon, sister Sarah Copeland, (wife of Jesse) Jesse Copeland (s of Jesse) d Absala Seymour, kinsman Thomas Hollowell (s of Joseph) Ex.
- (3) John Wilson, m Margaret White, 5, 11mo 1828, issue: 1 Alfred, b 9, 1mo 1830—2 Timothy, b 20, 1mo 1832—3 Christopher, b 4, 5mo 1834.
- Joseph Wilson, m Sarah Charles, 7, 6mo 1780. (Welles Meeting, Perq Co.)
- (1) William Wilson, moved from Pasq Co, to Tyrrell, where his will was p June 1741. Sons: Patterson, William, Thomas, Benjamin, dau’s Rebecca, Sarah, & Rosaman Wilson, & Mary Scarbrough, Elizabeth Barclifte. His wife Sarah evidently moved back to Pasq, where her will was p April 1754. Sons William, Benjamin, Thomas, dau’s Rebeckah Furbush, Elizabeth Bartlet. Patterson Wilson died in Pasq Co before his mother, so he is not named in her will. His will sd county: p July 12, 1746, names son: William, dau Mary, wife Elizabeth.
- (1) Thomas Wilson, will Perq, p April 1785. Sons: Thomas, Samuel, William, wife Elizabeth.
- Robert Wilson had 450a grt him, “upon ye West side of Perquimons River, near the mouth of Robert Wilsons Creek, to ye South East side of sd Creek, or branch” 1684.
- Isaac Wilson, 490a, in Perq pre’ct, to line of Robert Wilson, by Cypress Swamp. May 22, 1694.
- Edward Wilson, 250a in Perq pre’ct on the head of Albemarle River (Sound) near the mouth of a Creek. Feby 17, 1696.
- William Wilson, 300a in Anson Co N. C. on North side of Broad River, & Dry Creek, Oct 3, 1753.
- Capt John Pettiver, 240a in Perq, “by ye side of Perq River, adj Jno Spelman, Xber 10, 1712, and 400a on the head of Bentley Creek (now called Muddy Creek) adj James Cheston, to Spelmans corner, & line of Edward Wilson. Dec 10, 1712, (same) 377a on Cypress Swamp, along ye Indian Swamp. Dec 10, 1712. (same) 220a adj his own land, on Cypress Swamp. Xber — 1712.
- John Pettiver was murdered by Joseph Haines. (See deeds.) He m Ann widow of Isaac 1716.
- Ralph Bosman (called uncle by Robert Wilson) 166a in Perq Pre’ct, adj Samuel Phelps. Feb 10, 1718.
- Wilson, Christopher, Intention, with Pharaby Saunders, 15, 11mo 1788. (Quaker Reg.)
- Wilson, Jesse, joined the “Baptist Society” and was “out of Unity” 20, 12mo 1788.
- Wilson, Thomas, m Martha Pendleton, Mar 31, 1806. (Mar bonds Pasq Co.)
- Wilson, Francis, m Nancy Jennings, Nov 19, 1806. (Mar bonds Pasq Co.)
- Wilson, John, Intention, with Millicent Trueblood, 20, 7mo 1799. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
- Wilson, Sylvanus, m Rebecca Pierce (d of Joseph, sister of Thomas dec’d) Oct 18, 1757.
- Wilson, Sylvanus, (son of Robert, & Rachel (Pricklove) Wilson). (See Robert Wilsons will.)
- Wilson, Benjamin, (s of Isaac, & Ann née Parker) m Judith Docton (d of Jacob), & had son Jacob Wilson, whose dau Julianna, m Exum Elliott. (See deeds.)
- Wilson, Reuben, (s of Joseph) m Mary Winslow (d of Timothy, & Rachel Wilson, d of Robert, & Rachel née Pricklove) issue: Silvanus, b 8, 9mo 1768—Jacob, b June 12, 1774. Mary, b 8, 1mo 1779—Huldah, b Mar — 1781. (Bible record.)
Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).
Inquisition in the death of DAVID JACKSON JR. (1860)