• Jane Charles had a grt for land in Perq 200a on “Southwest side of Western Branch of Yawpim Creek, at a branch that divides sd land from Robert Harmon,” Apl 1, 1694. She appears on the Rent Roll of Perq, prior to 1700, with 287a of land. The records do not make plain exactly who this Jane Charles father was. She is named in two of the Charles wills, as a sister. She died d. s. p. 1688.
  • Charles, William, m Abigail Balie, by Mr. Jefuery Magst, in Rode Island, 14—. Issue: 1 William (2) b July 13, 1661—2 Daniell b Sept 24, 1666—3 John b Nov 22, 1668—4 Jane b Jany 20, 1670, d July 12, 1688—5 Elizabeth b Jan 8, 167—6 Samuel b Mar 22, 1674—7 Isacke b Mar 12, 1676.
  • Charles, Elizabeth, d of William, & Abigail, m 1st John Long, Aug 11, 1687, m 2d “at a quarterly meeting,” Dec 16, 1688, Samuel Nicholson.
  • Charles, William, Dept this Life Augst 6, 1677. His wife Abigail m 2d John Lary, 21 —. Issue: Sarah Lary b Sept 15, 1680. Abigail Lury m 3d Francis Toms (1), Jan 6, 1683, issue: Abigail Toms, b Dec 10, 1684. Abigail Toms died Mar 17, 1687.
  • Charles, William (2), m Elizabeth Kent (b June 1, 1667) Nov 8, 1683, issue: Jane b Oct 1, 1685.
  • William Charles made his will (Co not given, but certainly in Perq) dated April 7, 1687. He bequeathed to brother John 120a of land, & to dau Jane “plantation I now live on” wife Elizabeth. Ex Francis Tomes (father) step-father, & Jonathan Philips (Phelps). All of Perq County.
  • Daniell, Charles, d. s. p. (will Perq) April 17, 1687, names brothers: John, & Samuel, sister Jeane. Ex Francis Tomas (Toms) & Christopher — (Nicholson).
  • John Charles, also d. s. p. His will not dated & no Co given, names brother Samuel.
  • The will of Jeane Charles, Perq Precinct, July 11, 1688, names only Aunt Marie Stepney, & John Stepney, brothers, & father, but not named. Coat of Arms on Seal.
  • Charles, Samuel, m Elizabeth Jones, (d of Peter Jones Sr) no date, issue: 1 Jean b Dec 10, 1697—2 Elizabeth b Sept 22, 1700—3 Samuel (2) b Aug 20, 1703—4 John b Dec 22, 1705, m Mary, & had s William (3) b May 27, 1738.
  • Charles, John, dec’d 28, 3mo 1740, Margaret Relict. (Division of his Est Perq Co.)
  • Charles, John & William, were gr-sons of Peter Jones Sr, (Will Perq Co April Court 1752.)
  • Samuel Charles will Perq Co, p Mar 1728, names son Samuel, to whom he left a plan’ “on which I live” son John “land on Gum Swamp” son Josuay same, dau’s Lidey, Sarah, & Hannaugh Charles. Gr-dau Elizabeth Overman.
  • Hannah Charles, who was 2d wife of Samuel Charles, also made her will in Perq, p July 1752. She names son Edward Moulin, & dau’s Elizabeth White, Sarah Perry, & Ann Cox, son-in-law Robert Cox, gr-dau Mary Moulin, (d of John), & gr-son John Moulin. (She was d of Joshua Toms, m 1 Ezekiel Maudlin, 2 Samuel Charles.)
  • William Charles (s of John, b 1738) will Perq p Jan 1771. Sons: William, Joshua, Aaron, & John, bro-in-law John Henby, wife Jane, d Margaret, father-in-law Aaron Albertson, Ex.
  • John Charles, will p Perq Co, Jan 1780. Son Daniel, brother Benjamin, wife Elizabeth, & Ralph Fletcher Exrs.
  • Samuel Charles m Hannah Davis, Oct 7, 1722, issue: Hannah b Dec 5, 1723.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).





North Carolina
George ye Second by ye grace of God, King of Great Brittaine &c., to the Provost Marshall of the said Province or Deputy, Greeting, &c. Wee Comand you to take the body of John Keatton of North Carolina aforesayd planter alias Dick John Keatton of the upper parish of Nansemond County in Virginia if found in your Bailiwick & him safely keep so that you have him before our Cheif Justice & his Assistance at the next Genl. Court to be held for this Government at the Court house in Edenton the last Tuesday of this Justant October then & there to answer unto Sarah Bond Extrix. of Richd. Bond Deced. and John Perry in an action of Debt for Sixty pounds Virga. Curr. & lawfull money of Virginia the damage twenty pound & therein faile not & have you there
this Writt.

Chr. Gale Esqr., Ch. Just. this
third day of October
Anno Dm. 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

North Carolina
George by the grace of god, King of Great Brittain &c., To the Provost Marshall of the said Province or Depty, Greeting, &c. Wee Comand you to take the bodys of Edward Maudlin, Richard Whidby & Joshua Toms all of the precinct of Perquimans, planters, (if to be found in your Bailiwick) & him safely keep so that you have him before our Cheif Justice & his Assistants at the next Genl. Court to be held for this Governmt at the Court house in Edenton the last Tuesday in October next, then & there to answer unto Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond decd in an action of Debt Sur Statut. — — Damage two hundred & twenty pounds — herein faile not & have you there this Writt.
Chr. Gale Esqr., Ch. Just. this
30th day of September
Anno Dm. 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

North Carolina
George ye Second by ye grace of god, King of Great Brittaine &c., To ye Provost Marshall of ye said Province or Depty, Greeting, &c. Wee Comand you as Wee comanded you before to take the body of Richard Whedbee and Joshua Toms of the precinct of Perquimons, planters, if to be found in your Bailiwick and him safely keep so that you have him before our Cheif Justice & his Assistants at the next Genl. Court to be held for this Government at the Court house in Edenton the last Tuesday in March next, then and there to answer unto Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond deced in an action of Debt Sur Statut: damage two hundred & twenty pounds herein fayle not and have you there this Writt.
Chr. Gale Esqr.
Ch. Just. this 8th day
of February 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

North Carolina
October Genl Court 1728
Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond deced & John Perry complaine against John Keatton of North Carolina aforesayd planters alias Dick: John Keatton of the upper parish of Nansemond County in Virginia in custody of the Marshall &c. of a place that he render to them the full & just Sum of thirty pounds current & lawfull money of Virginia which to them he oweth & unjustly detaines &c for that to witt that whereas the sayd Deft. in the province of North Carolina aforesd on the twenty fifth day of October Anno Dm One thousand seven hundred twenty seven by his certain Bond Signed with the sayd Defts marke sealed with his Seale dated the same day and year & here in Court produced did firmly bind himself to payment the sayd Richard Bond & John Perry the aforesayd sum of thirty pounds current & lawfull money of Virginia when he should be thereto
required yet Nevertheless the sayd Deft the aforesayd Sum of thirty pounds current & lawfull money of Virginia to the sayd Richard Bond in his lifetime next to his Exetrx since his death & John Perry hath not payd nor to either of them tho he hath been often thereto required but the same to do hath altogether denyed & refuted which is to their damage twenty pounds & therefore
they bring this Suite, &c.

North Carolina
George ye Second by the Grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, &c. Whereas in the Suite brought by Sarah Bond Executrix of Richard Bond deced against Edward Moudlin, Richard Whedbee & Joshua Toms at October Genl. Court last the Said Edward Moudlin tho Solomnly required came not and the Marshall having returned the Writt Executed on his Body but fild no baile bond therefore at the Plats. Mocon an order was past against the Marshall for two hundred & twenty pounds Damages with Costs and at the Sayd Marshall’s request an Attachment was then and there granted against the Estate of the Said Edward for the like damages with all accruing Costs returnable to the next Court the last Tuesday in March next.

Wee therefore autherise and impower you to attach the Goods & Chattells of ye said Edward Moudlin if to be found in your Bailiwick, to ye Value of ye damages aforesd. with Costs repleyable on Security given & Safely keep ye same so as to compell him to appear at ye next Genl. Court to be held for this Governmt. at Edenton on ye last Tuesday in March next to make answer to the Plea of the Plt: aforesd. herein faile not & make due return.

Chr. Gale Esqr., Ch. Just.
this 8th day of Febr. 1728

C. Gale, C.J.

Know all men by these presents that I, John Keatton of the upper parrish of Nansd. County in Virginia am held and firmly bound unto Richard Bond and John Perry of the place aforesd. in the full and just sum of thirty pounds current and lawfull money of Virginia to the which payment well and truly to be made I bind my self my heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents as witness my hand and seale this 25th day of October Anno Dom. 1727.

The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound John Keatton his heirs Exers. or admrs. shall and do make and deliver or cause to be made and delivered to the above written Bond and Perry a good and sufficient title sufficient to warrant the said Richard Bond and John Perry in quiet and peaceable possession of one hundred and fifty eight acres of land lying and being in Pequimons precinct on the northeast side of Pequimons River joyning on the line of Nathanell Sutton it to be complyed with att the request of the said Richard Bond and John Perry then the above obligation to be void and of no effect, otherwise to stand and abide in full force and virtue.

John (his + mark) Keatton

Signed Sealed and delivered in the
presents of us

Jacob Perry
Chas. Wilks