Capt John Ratcliffe arrived at Jamestown with Capt John Smith, in Discovery, April 26, 1607, with 20 other passengers. After Edward Maria Wingfield was expelled for wasting the “stores” he was elected president in his place. John Ratcliffe was one of the Council, “when the Colonists first reached shore” on their crossing to Accomac Co. (History of Accomac Co.) He was living at Jamestown May 23, 1609. (Browns Gen. to America.)

Roger Radclife was living “att West, and Sherlew hundred” Feb 16, 1623. (Hotten.) He arrived in Va, in “George” May 1619, with his wife Ann, age 40, and son Isaac 9 years old. He gave his own age as 44.

Charles Radcliffe had land grt him, in Accomac Co, July 10, 1664.

The History of Grant Co Ind, shows that James & Mary Ratcliffe came from England to Bucks Co Penn, with five children, as follows: 1 Richard, b April 8, 1676—2 Edward, b Aug 14, 1678—3 Rachel, b Feb 16, 1682—4 Rebecca, b Nov 11, 1684—5 James, b 1686/7.

The theory has been advanced that the Richard (s of James & Mary) is the identical one who was such a prominent Quaker in Isle of Wight County Va, but if one will stop to investigate the date thoroughly, it would be seen immediately, that such could not possibly be the case. The Richard in Penn, was only ten years of age when the Richard in Isle of Wight, made his will 1686. May we not more plausibly surmise, that Roger of West and Shirley hundred, might be the progenitor of Richard of Isle of Wight, for certainly propinquity would lend color to that version. Again he could have been a descendant of John Ratcliffe of Jamestown, however the records do not give any positive proof.

Richard Ratcliffe, first in Isle of Wight Co, made a will in sd county, which was Ack in Court Mar 4, 1686/7. Son Richard (2) to whom he bequeathed 200a of land, “if he die to s Cornelius” son John, dau’s Elizabeth, Sara, Mary, & Rebecca, wife Elizabeth, & John Copeland Exrs. Test’ Daniel Sandbourne, Wm Outland, Edmund Belson.

The children of Richard are given in Chuckatuck Friends Reg, Nansemond Co, as follows:

  1. Elizabeth, b 21, 7mo 1668, m James Jordan (s of Thomas, & Margaret, of Chuckatuck Nansemond Co) 9, 12mo 1688—
  2. Sarah, b 19, 9mo 1670, m Joseph Kennerly, of Dorchester Co Md, 20, 7mo 1696—
  3. Richard (2) b 13 7mo 1672, m Elizabeth Hollowell (d of Henry dec’d of Isle of Wight Co) 18, 7mo 1700—
  4. Cornelius, b 15, 1mo 1674, m Elizabeth Jordan, widow (thought to be Elizabeth Sanborn, wid of Joshua Jordan) of Isle of Wight Co) 3, 9mo 1721—
  5. Mary, b 5, 2mo 1679, m Thomas Newman, 13, 2mo 1699—
  6. Rebecca, b, 3, 5mo 1684, m Richard Jordan (s of Thomas of Chuckatuck) 2, 8mo 1706. The marriage Banns name her as “d of Richard Ratcliff of Trerasco Neck” and her father appears among the witnesses to the m certificate.

Richard Ratcliffe Sr attended a “meeting at Leavy’s Neck, 13, 4mo 1708.” Richard and John Ratliff are named in the m certificate of Rebecca (Jordan) as “brother.”

How to account for the fact that Richard Ratcliff (1) made a second will in Isle of Wight Co 8, 8mo 1713, p Oct 27, 1718, but from the fact that he names the identical children, and that they had the same husbands, we are led to conclude it was certainly the same Richard who made a will 1686, although a period of 27 years intervened. The 2d Richard could not have had a child ofr marriageable age, at the time the sons and dau’s of Richard Ratcliff did marry. Also the issue in the second will is in exactly the same sequence as the first, but the text of the will is different. Will of Richard Ratcliff of Lower pish Isle of Wight Co, p Oct 27, 1718, gives to son “Richard plan’ whereon I now live,” after the death of his wife Elizabeth, to her he left 5 negroes for her “Natual life,” to be equally divided between his children: Richard, Cornelius, John, Mary, Rebeccah, & the “children of my two dec’d dau’s Elizabeth, & Sarah, a childs pt to be divided among them.” Son-in-law Thomas Newman (husband of Mary) Richard Jordan (husband of Rebeccah) “a part of my Estate.” Test’ Wm Best, Humph’ry Marshall, Tho. Copeland.

  • Cornelius Ratcliff will Isle of Wight Co Va, p Feb 4, 1762. Leg: John Outland, Cornelius Moore, Marthy Winslow (wife of Jesse of Perq Co, (will 1771) John Jordan “over Nansemond River,” Richard Jordan & wife Elizabeth, John Newman, Rachel Outland’s heirs, Thomas Outland “my plan’ in Western Branch” Cornelius Outland (s of Thomas). He gave to Thomas Outland, & Gideon Moore “all ready Money.” Test’ Charles Driver, Henry Pitt, Samuel Cutchin.
  • Cornelius, and Gideon Moore were sons of John Moore of Perq Co who made his will Mar 11, 1750. Joseph Ratliff is named in this will as “bro-in-law.”
  • Richard (2) Ratliff moved to Perq Co, where he m for his 2d wife Damaris Nixon (d of Zachariah, & wife Elizabeth Page, d of Mark Page, b 8, 6mo 1682). His will p in Perq pre’ct, July 14, 1724. Sons: Thomas, Joseph, to whom he bequeathed “lands in Vir, & N. C.” Dau’s Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Huldah, wife Damaris, & brother Cornelius Exrs.
  • Damaris Ratlif also made her will in Perq, p Feb 24, 1734. Son: Joseph. Dau’s Mary Moore (wife of John, father of Cornelius, & Gideon) Sarah Winslow, “sons-in-law John More, & Thomas Winslow, gr-dau Betty More.
  • Joseph Ratcliffe, m Mary Fletcher (d of Ralph) 13, 3mo 1747. He was dec’d Apl 2, 1760, apparently without a will. Inventory on that date. His son Cornelius was bound apprentice to Josiah Jordan of Perq, July 1771, “to learn the Art of a Cordwainer,” & Thomas his brother bound at same time to said Jordan. (2) Joseph Ratlif will Perq, p July 1787. Names dau’s: Elizabeth, Mary, Peninah, & Catherine, brother Thomas, wife Sarah. Brother Cornelius, & Benj Albertson Exrs.
  • Joseph (1) Ratliff dec’d Feb 9, 1760; Mary relict. (Loose papers.)
  • Cornelius Ratliff was heir of Daniel Saint, Jan 18, 1783. (Divisions.)
  • Joseph Ratliff in Act’ with his Guardian Ralph Fletcher, Jan 20, 1771. (Audit.)
  • Mary Ratliff Admix of Joseph; William Newby who intermarried with Elizabeth Ratlif, petitioned the Court for division of negroes, “given the several Representatives” by Cornelius Ratlif of Va. Jan 19, 1769. (Loose papers.)
  • Joseph Ratliff m Sarah Newby, 3, 8mo 1774. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Thomas Ratliff m Hannah Munden, 28, 11 mo 1778. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Cornelius Ratliff m Elizabeth Charles, — 12mo 1780. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Daniel Saint, m Margaret Barrow, 15, 6mo 1744. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Damaris (Nixon) Ratcliff, m 1st Joseph Pierce (s of John & Mary, née Scott) Aug 11, 1699, “at Little River meeting.” The Scotts also came to Perq from Nansemond Co Va, and were Quakers.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Samuel Pricklove a resident of Perq Precinct, prior to the coming of George Durant 1661, whose land was adj said grant to Durant from the Indian Chief, had his own grant directly from Sir Wm Berkeley. No mention of a grant to Samuel Pricklove can be found in Perq, but the records make mention of the fact that he had a grant from before stated source. Samuel Pricklove is supposed to have come to Perq from Nansemond Co Va, where that family was strongly entrenched. This family was united with the Quaker faith, but Samuel strayed far from the fold, “by taking up arms” and following the rebellion with the redoubtable Durant, at the time Thomas Miller was deposed from the Government 1677-79. For his part in this insurrection, he suffered the disgrace of being in the “Pillory,” and had his right ear amputated, and was sentenced to banishment from the Colony. The records do not show whether this drastic punishment was really carried out, but we do know his descendants remained in Perquimans. He was dec’d Apl 20, 1692, without a will, so no definite means can be found to establish his issue; except for one son whose age is given in the Berkeley Par Reg: His wife was Rachel, née Larance, m June 1, 1668, by whom he had son: Samuel b Dec 24, 1674, and it is thought another son (John) born before this date, of whom there is no birth date.
  • John Pricklove (1) m Elizabeth — issue: 1 Leah, b Mch 4, 1695, m Joseph Smith, and had several children, m 2d Thomas Winslow, (see Deeds)—2 Judith, b Dec 2, 1697, m Abraham Sanders—3 Elizabeth, b April 25, 1699, m William Elliott, & had son Pritlow Elliott—4 Rebecca, b Dec 10, 1705, m Zachery Chancey.
  • John Pricklove, Will p in Perq, May 1, 1728, names Dau’s: Rachel Wilson (wife of Robert) Judith Sanders, Elizabeth Eliot, gr-son John Smith, wife Elizabeth.
  • Pricklove, Elizabeth, will p in Perq July 23, 1728, names Dau’s: Leah Smith, Rachel Wilson, Priscilla Sanders, Rebecca Chancey, gr-children: John Smith, Silvanus Willson, Judith, & Priscilla Sanders. As a dau Priscilla is named in her will & not in his, Elizabeth may have been a widow when she m John Pritlow.
  • Pricklove, John, had a grant for land in Perq, 400a on Perq River, “at the mouth of Wolf pitt branch,” adj Jonathan Phelps. Jan 1, 1694. As Jonathan Phelps land lay on the mouth of same branch, up Castletons Creek, we may infer that John Pricklove lived near Hertford.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, b 1674, m Purina Penrice (d of Francis, & Elizabeth) Mar 25, 1696, issue: 1 Samuel (3) b Nov 6, 1698—2 Francis, b Mch 25, 1702.
  • His will (no County given, but Perq) p Jan 20, 1702-3, Sons: Samuel, & Francis, wife Peninah.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, had grant for land in Perq, 400a “at the mouth of a small Creek issuing out of Lillys Creek.” Mar 30, 1704.
  • Pricklove, Francis, had grant for land, 165a “in Perq pre’cs adj Jonathan Bateman. Mar 30, 1704. Both of these grants were in Durants Neck, and were probably taken up by their mother, as they were too young to be taking up land. The Perq records show that this was often done.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, (probably gr-son of Samuel (2) m Keziah Nixon, née Pierce, widow of Francis Nixon) 7, 6mo 1780.
  • Pricklove, Kesiah, was wife of Nathan Newby, Oct 1756, at the proving of her fathers will on that date. Her husband Nathan (2) Newby, succeeded his father at the Ferry, “on Nathans Point” and was one of the first Directors of the town of Hertford 1759, when it was incorporated. He was dead 1765 when Seth Sumner was made a Director in his place. Keziah his wife m 2d Francis Nixon, who died before Jan 1773, when his will was probated in Perq, whose will makes mention of the fact that Nathan Newby was “former husband” of Keziah. Francis Nixon, & wife Keziah made complaint to the Court 1765, agst Simon Perisho, for debt. Keziah Pritlow was allowed £13-13-1 “for keeping the Ferry, from her point to Hertford on public days.” Jan 1784. There can be no doubt that Nathan Newby inherited the Ferry House, & appurtenances on the point opposite to Phelps Point, and that Samuel Pritlow continued the same after he m Keziah.
  • Pricklove, Rebecca, m Zachary Chancey, who proved rights Apl 20, 1742.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  •  Zachariah (1) Nixon (s of Zachariah, of Nottingham, Parish of North Masrom, Eng) m in Perq Co, Elizabeth Page (d of Hask? or Mark Page dec’d, of Albemarle) “according to Quaker rites, 2, 1mo 1681,” issue: 1 Damaris, b 8, 6mo 1682—2 Zacharias, b 22, 3 mo 1684—3 Barnabe, b 21, 11mo 1687—4 Francis,? b 20, 8mo 1689. (Quaker Record Pasq Co.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah, took up 323a of land in Pasquotank Co, 1684 on N. E. side of Little River, “adj lands where Wm Turner now dwells, running to the mouth of said River.” Zachariah Nixon, “dying intestate, his son Zachariah surviving him, inherited said land, and cultivated it for several years, who dying bequeathed same to his sons: Zachariah, & Barnabee” the first made choice of that part adj Wm Turner, and Barnabee the part near the main Road, running to the old School House.” Zachariah “moving” sold his part 152½a at public vendue, for £100, after having laid out part thereof, in half acre lots, for a Town-ship, and the rest for a common, known by the name of Nixonton, formerly called Wind Mill Point.” 9, 5mo 1748. (Records Pasq Co, N. C.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah (1), died 3, 12mo 1691. Mary Page “Laid down the body,” 4, 5mo 1680.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (3) had a grt for land in Perq county, Jan 21, 1712/3, 105a “in the fork of Little River, adj John Tomlin.” Another grt in Chowan Co, 110a “in the fork of Coniby Creek Swamp, adj Edward Moseley.” Xber 21, 1712.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, of Perq Co sold to Aaron Morris of Pasq “two half acre lotts, in Nixonton, on Water Street, adj Jos Newby Jr, con’ £38.” July 9, 1748.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, of Perquimans (Planter) and Elizabeth his wife, conveyed to Wm Simpson of Nixonton (Merchant) for “£15-10s, ½a lot in said Town, on the South end, near the Ship-yard.” Oct 6, 1750. (Records Pasq Co, N. C.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah (3), m Elizabeth Symons (d of Thomas, & Rebecca) “at a Meeting at Symons Creek, Pasq Co” 11, 1mo 1707/8, issue: 1 John, b 18, 10mo 1708—2 Phineas, b 7, 1mo 1710—3 Zacharias (4), b 15, 4 mo 1713—4 Rebeckah, b 11, 6mo 1715—(m Francis Toms Jr)—5 Mary, b 25, 6mo 1717—6 Hannah Newby, b —, 1mo 1718—7 Elizabeth, b 23, 4mo 1720—8 Barnabe (2), b 28, 3mo 1724.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, (s of Zachariah) “father of above children,” b 22, 3mo 1684, died 12, 8mo 1739. (Quaker Records Perq Co.) His will, p in Perq Oct 1739, names sons: John, Phineas, Zachariah, & Barnaby, dau Rebecca Toms, gr-children: Joshua, & Mary Moore.
  • Nixon, Barnaby (1), appears to have moved to Va, and lived in Prince George Co.
  • Nixon, John (1), m 1st Elizabeth (d of Gabriel Newby, & Mary née Toms) issue: Elizabeth, b 29, 4mo 1733. He m for his 2d wife, Mary (d of Wm Enervigin) 4, 1mo 1736, issue: 2 Miriam, b 16, 11mo 1736. Mary Nixon, wife of John, died 12, 10mo 1738. By the 3rd wife (name unknown) 3 Zachariah, b 20, 8mo 1744—4 Huldah, b 2, 11mo 1746—5 John, b 20, 5mo 1748—6 Ezra, b 17, 12mo 1751, d 14, 12mo 1773. John Nixon m 4th Hannah Albertson (d of Nathaniel, b 18, 2mo 1719) 10, 3mo 1753, issue; 7 Mary, b 10, 12mo 1753—8 Lidda, b 14, 3mo 1756, d 12, 11mo 1767—9 Frederick, & Abigall (twins), b 4, 11mo 1758. Hannah Nixon d 18, 2mo 1793.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (5), (s of John) m Mary White (d of John) 15, 9mo 1771, issue: 1 John (2), b 23, 10mo 1772—2 Margaret, b 8, 10mo 1775—3 Zachariah (6), b 10, 3mo 1778—4 William, b 5, 1mo 1781—5 Benjamin, b 19, 8mo 1784—6 Frederick, b 23, 7mo 1791—Sarah, b 14, 7mo 1786—7 Ann Skinner Nixon, b 15, 8mo 1794.
  • Nixon, Frederick, died 6, 9mo 1793; Sarah, his sister, d 16, 9mo 1793.
  • Nixon, Phineas, (s of Zachariah, & Elizabeth Symons) m Mary Pierce (d of Thomas, & Mary née Jones, d of Peter, & Mary Jones) issue: 1 Elizabeth, b 18, 12mo 1731/2—2 Mary, b 9, 7mo 1734—3 Rebeckah, b 27, 4mo 1741—Thomas, b 12, 2mo 1745—Sarah, b 17, 12mo 1756/7. Phineas Nixon “an Elder departed this Life” 28, 12mo 1771. His will p in Perq, Mch 11, 1772, names sons: Pierce, Barnaby, & Phineas, gr-sons: Nathan, & Phineas (sons of Thomas) dau-in-law Sarah Nixon, wife Mary, dau’s Rebecca Arnold, Sarah Albertson (wife of Benjamin), Elizabeth Lamb, Jemima, Hannah, & Kesiah Nixon, children of Mary Elliott; viz., Gabriel, Miriam, & Nixon Elliott.
  • Nixon, Thomas, (s of Phineas) m Sarah Smith (d of John) 13, 3mo 1768, issue: 1 Nathan, b 11 5mo 1769—2 Phineas (3), b 28, 11mo 1770. Thomas Nixon (s of Phineas) died 2, 11mo 1771, age 27 years.
  • Nixon, Pierce, (s of Phineas) m Penninah Smith (d of John) 16, 12mo 1770, issue: 1 Joseph, b 15, 10mo 1771—2 Rachel, b 1, 12mo 1773—3 Thomas (2), b 30, 1mo 1776—4 Mary, b 27, 2mo 1779—5 William, b 26, 10mo 1781—6 Jacob, b 28, 2mo 1784.
  • Nixon, Peninah “departed this Life” 17, 5mo 1787.
  • Nixon, Phineas, (s of Thomas dec’d) m Miriam Jones (d of Joseph) 13, 10mo 1808, his will probated in Perq, Aug 1813. Wife Miriam, child in ésse; other Leg: Abigail, Charles, Mary Nicholson (d of Thomas), Huldah Bundy (d of Josiah Jr). George, & Josiah Bundy Exrs.
  • Nixon, Nathan, (eldest s of Thomas, & Sarah (Smith) ) m Lydia Anderson 6, 3mo 1793, “at Welles Meeting house” issue: 1 Thomas, b 23, 1mo 1794—2 Lydia, b 29, 1mo 1797. He m 2d Margaret Bagley (d of Nathan) 14, 6mo 1798, issue: 3 Sarah, b 13, 9mo 1800—4 Phineas, b 2, 14mo 1803. His will p in Perq, Feb 1810. Wife Margaret, son John, Dau’s: Sarah, & Pheribe Nixon. Brother Phineas, & Francis White Exrs.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (6), m Martha Toms (d of Foster) 8, 5mo 1793, issue: 1 Joseph, b 12, 9mo 1794—2 Foster, b 7, 10mo 1796—3 Mary, b 21, 11mo 1798—4 Zachariah, b 16, 9mo 1800, d 7, 7mo 1806—5 John, b 22, 5mo 1803—6 Sarah, b 20, 12mo 1805, d 18, 7mo 1806—7 Toms Nixon, b 14, 5mo 1807—8 Elizabeth, b 27, 7mo 1811.
  • Nixon, Barnabe, (son of Zachariah, & Elizabeth (Symons) ) b 28, 3mo 1724, m Sarah Newby, “at Symons Creek,” 1, 1mo 1753.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, (s of Zachariah, & Elizabeth Symons, b 1713) m Elizabeth Nicholson, June 10, 1734, issue: Francis, b 2, 2mo 1735—2 Mehetebell, b 15, 11mo 1738—3 Zachery, b 10, 10mo 1741. He seems to have died intestate. The will of his wife Elizabeth, is however probated in Perq, July 1769. She names son Francis; gr-children: Joseph Nixon, Zachariah, Miriam, Caroline, Christopher, & Samuel Nicholson; Margaret, Miriam, Jonathan, Mourning, & Elizabeth Newby; gr-sons: Zachariah Newby, & Jonathan Phelps, gr-dau Elizabeth Winslow, Benjamin Phelps, Dorothy Phelps, Mourning Henley & Elizabeth Toms. Sons: Zachariah, & Francis Exrs.
  • Nixon, Francis (1), m Kesiah Pierce (d of Thomas, & sister of Mary wife of Phineas Nixon). She was a widow Newby when he married her about 1760. (Kesiah m 3d Samuel Pritlow.) His will p in Perq, Jan 1773. Wife Keziah, her former husband Nathan Newby (2) sons: John, James, Samuel, & Thomas.
  • Nixon, Samuel (1), will p in Perq, Nov 1815, Wife Sarah, daus: Elizabeth Copeland, Margaret, Sarah, Peninah, Mary, Ann, Kesia, & Martha Nixon, sons: Samuel, Francis, brother Wm Jones, son-in-law Henry Copeland Exrs.
  • Nixon, John, (s of Nathan dec’d) m Anna Henby (d of Thomas) 9, 4mo, 1815.
  • Nixon, Samuel (2), m Rachel Copeland, 2, 1mo 1793. (Wells Mo Meeting, Perq Co.
  • Nixon, John, m Ann Morris (Intention) 20, 9mo 1794. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • Nixon, James, m Sarah Robinson, 17, 10mo 1795. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • Nixon, John, was made an Elder in Quaker Meeting Pasq Co, 15, 2mo 1786.
  • Nixon, John, removed to “Wain Co N. C.” and was given a certificate from the meeting in Pasq county, to “Contentnea Meeting” in Wayne Co, with children: Lydia, Sarah, Dorothy, Thomas, Josiah, & Mary, 1790.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


Rev. John Gregory appears as Rector, of Upper Parish, Nansemond County, Va, in June 1680. It is thought that he was an ancestor of Maj John Gregory, and his brother James. From Duke Creek vestry book said county, the knowledge is gained that Maj John Gregory, James (Gregorie) and his two sons, John, & Thomas were living in that part of the county, on east side of Nansemond River, “Upper Parish,” which was added to Suffolk Parish, and the opinion is advanced that Maj John Gregorie was certainly the father of James, before mentioned. He sent in his resignation as vestryman of said Parish, Nov 17, 1757, which was accepted. It is thought he was at this date old, and feeble, and he certainly died soon after. Upper Parish records, and loose papers in Perq, show that he was dead in 1760. John Gregorie’s name appears as one of the trustees who by Act of Assembly, were appointed to select a site, and establish a town called Suffolk, May 1742. (5 Henning Statutes 199.) 

Mary Gregorie (sister of James) whose will was p in Chowan Co, Nov 25, 1761, made bequest to the children of her brother James, and names her “bro-in-law’s” Rev Daniel Earl, and Josiah Granbery, his wife Christian, her niece Ann Gregory and nephews: William, James, Thomas, & John Gregory, children of brother James. This will proves that James Gregory had sisters, Mary, died unmarried, as before seen, Elizabeth, who m Rev Daniel Earl, and Christian who m Josiah Granbery. John Gregory lived in Nansemond Co Va. He was Chairman of the Co Committee of Safety, 1776, and Capt in Continental line, 15 Va Reg. (See Records Land Office Richmond Va.) 

James Gregory b Mar 10, 1752, m Mary Wynns d of Col Benjamin, & Margaret (Pugh) and moved to Gates Co, N. C. She was b Nov 8, 1775, which made him 23 years her senior. Margaret Pugh was dau of Col Francis Pugh, & wife Pheribe Savage of Bertie Co, N. C. She m 2d Thomas Barker of Edenton, N. C. after 1736. 

James Gregory was Senator from Gates Co. and in the Gen’l Assembly of N. C. 1780-81. He died 1802, leaving wife Mary, and children: Ann, b Mar 3, 1782, m Dr Charles Worth Harvey Oct 28, 1800, d May 28, 1805, issue one son James G. Harvey, who died without issue. 2 Margaret, b Jan 1, 1785, m— Dickerson, m 2d Dr Isaac Pipkin, and had one daughter Eleanor, who m William Muse. 3 Mary Wynns Gregory, b Mar 17, 1787, m Dr John Burgess Baker of Gates Co, (s of Lawrence Baker, & Maria Burgess, d of Rev Thomas Burgess, of Halifax Co, N. C.)

James Gregory, m Patience Godwin, and had 1st William, m Sarah Moore of Perq Co, N. C. (d of Maj Charles Moore, of the Rev, and wife Sarah Hunter) 2d Thomas, m Mary Benton, July 4, 1767, issue: one son, and two daughters. 3d Ann, m Josiah Granbery (thought to be nephew of Josiah who m Christian Gregory) issue: son George, and dau’s: Bathsheba, m Jacob Gordon of Gates Co, N. C. issue: James, George, Joseph, & Jacob Gordon. 4th Elizabeth, m George A. Harvey. 5 Jenny, 6 Mary Hunter Gordon, m Isaac Hunter of Gates Co, N. C.  

John Gregory of 15 Va Reg died intestate, d. s. p. Heirs: James G. Harvey, John J. Granbery, George W. Granbery Sr, Mary G. Gordon, Joseph G. Granbery, Thomas J. Granbery, George W. Granbery Jr, Bathsheba A. Granbery, Elizabeth E. Granbery, Ann Wood, Elizabeth Smith, Thomas W. Gregory, Jr., Mary Gregory, Thomas Gregory Jr, John Gregory, Margaret Pipkin, Mary W. Baker, Josiah T. Granbery, Mary Elizabeth Goodman, Jane A. Hodges, Margaret Ann Gregory, & Joseph A. Granbery. The brothers of said John were: James, Thomas, and William.

Other Gregorys in Perquimans, are probably descendants of this same line, but no data bearing on their family has appeared.

Excursus Earl.

“Parson Earl” as the Rev Daniel Earl, Episcopal minister was familiarly called by his many parishioners who loved him very much, officiated in the Churches of Perq as well as Chowan Co. He rode the entire district baptizing the children, performing marriage ceremonies in all the adjacent counties, and ministered to those bereaved by death. He lived in Chowan, where he died before May 31, 1785, will on that date, married first Elizabeth Gregory, sister of Mary (as above) and second Charity Jones, sister of Thomas, who he names in his will, Aug 2, 1775, nieces: Elizabeth, & Ann Earl, “dau’s of Rev Daniel Earl.”

History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • John Elliott, son of Bennett of Nasing Essex England, bapt 1604, arrived in America 1631, and settled in New England.
  • Jacob Elliott, brother of Rev John Elliott the Apostle, who died before 28, 2mo 1651, at which time his will was p in New Eng. He made bequest to son Jacob a “House” and to dau Hannah the same. His Inventory shows wife Margery, and that he had in money £579-23-8, 29, 11mo 1651. Margery wife of Jacob, died Oct 30, 1661, heirs: son Jacob, Theophilus Frary, & wife Hannah, Susannah, & Mehetabel Elliott of Suffolk Mass. (New Eng Hist & Gen Reg, Vol 4-p 257.)
  • Mehetabel Elliott, m Seth Perry of Boston, before 14, 8mo 1662. Her fathers Est was estimated to be worth £280.
  • William Elliott was transported to Va by Frances Yardley, Nov 15, 1648. (Lower Norfolk Co Rec.)

    He was granted land in Gloucester Co Va, 110a, 1672, and appears as a tithable in Surry Co (Sunken Marsh) June 8, 1681. He was probably a brother of Thomas, of Perq Co. John Elliott came to Va as a headright of Richard Jordan of Surry Co Va, Oct 20, 1689. (Surry Co     Rec.) Also thought to be brother of said Thomas.

  • Thomas Elliott (s of Joseph who d 1697) emigrated to Va, with brothers William, & John, date not given. He acquired large landed Est in Carolina, and served in the Assembly 1696. He was granted 555a in Perq Co, Aug 27, 1714 “on ye N. W. side of Crane Ponds” adj Joseph Smith, & Nathan Newby. John Elliott took up 350a in Anson Co N. C. Feb 25, 1754, adj his own land.
  • Elliott, (I) Thomas, m 1 Sarah, issue Lydde, b 6, 12mo 1718. This could not have been his first child, as William his son was m to Elizabeth Relph Dec 2, 1690, or this may probably be his brother William who came to America with Francis Yardley. William Elliott had a son Pritlow who was m in 1744, a long period of time between marriages, but he may have married late in life, or been born ten or fifteen years after this date. There is no certain proof of either point.
  • Elliott, (1) Thomas, m 2d Margaret, who survived him. His will Perq, p Dec 16, 1729. Sons: Caleb, to whom he left “plan’ on which I now dwell” Joshua 200a of land, Isaac the “remaining part of tract,” William 1 shilling, Thomas (2), Abraham, Solomon, Moses, Joseph, Benjamin, Dau’s Mary Brown, & Ursley, wife Margaret.
  • Elliott, (a) Caleb (1) m Mary Winslow.?

Issue: 1 Ephrim, b July 5, 1731—2 Haig (Hange) b Aug 6, 1735—3 Caleb  (2), b Feb 21, 1737—4 Solomon, b Aug 20, 1743—5 Miriam, b Feb 16, 1745—6 Peninah, b Nov 18, 1746, m Joseph Scott, 12, — 1759. Caleb Elliott will p in Perq, Jan, 1777. Sons: Solomon, Ephrim, & Haig, dau Pennah Scott, gr-sons: Elliott Scott, & Winslow Elliott.

  • Elliott, (b) Joshua, m Anne —. Issue: Joshua (2) b Mch 24, 1740. (untraced.)
  • Elliott, (c) Isaac, m Elizabeth Morgan, 18, 1mo 1743. His will p in Perq, April 1789. Sons: Joshua, Isaac (2), Joab, Nathan, dau’s Margaret, Rebecca, Miriam, & Sarah Elliott, wife Elizabeth.
  • Elliott, (d) William, (Thomas (1) m Elizabeth Pritlow, (d of John). Issue: 1 Pritlow (no date), who m Sarah Croxton (d of Arthur) 19, 7mo 1744, m 2d Betty Moore 3, 1mo 1753 and 3d Mary, who survived him. His will p in Perq, Oct 1787. Sons: Pritlow (2), John, Job, Thomas, Jesse, & William, dau’s Rachel, Mary, & Elizabeth Elliott, Leah Jordan, Huldah Elliott, & Sarah Pearson (wife of Jonathan), wife Mary. Rachel Elliott m out of Unity, before 5, 12mo 1787. Mary Elliott, m — Smith before 5, 9mo 1787.
  • Elliott (e) Thomas (2) m Mary Morgan (d of John).
  • John Morgan, who made a deed of gift to her, Jan 12, 1724. (Deed book B—No 192.) He died intestate before July 1752, on which date his Estate was divided, widow Mary Admix, heirs: James, Rachel, Mary, Moses, heirs of son Thomas dec’d, gr-child Ruth Munden.
  • Elliott (f) Abraham, died “without a will” July 21, 1766, wife Miriam relinquished her right of Admix, and Cornelius Moore became Ex. (Minute book Perq.)
  • Abraham Elliott Planter, 1756. (Loose papers.) He figures as a householder on Tax list of James Sitterson 1762, with 330a of land in Harveys Neck. On this list he is called Abraham Elliott Sr. In 1764 he appears on same list with son Joseph.
  • Elliott Abraham (2) m Juliana Wilson (d of Jacob, will Nov 1793) whose will was p in Perq, Feby 1813. Sons: Jonathan W., Benjamin, Ephrim, & Isaac, dau’s Achsah Saint (wife of William), Rachel, Keren, & Cynthia Elliott, wife Juliana.
  • Elliott, (g) Solomon, m Miriam Winslow, issue: 1 Winslow (who had son Exum)—2 Exum—3 Francis—4 Solomon—5 Joseph, b 1775, d 1778—6 Thomas, b 21, 12mo 1779, m three times, d 3, 11mo 1845—7 James, b 1781, m Sarah Toms, 18, 6mo 1807—8 Caleb—9 Haige.
  • Elliott, (1) Exum (1) Solomon (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1), m Lydia Parker, 4, 8mo 1790 (2d wife) m first his cousin Sarah Elliott (d of Thomas, & Abigail (Anderson) Elliott) by whom he had a dau Mary Ann, who m James W. Groves, 2d David Copeland.
  • Elliott, (II) James, (1) Solomon (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1) m Sarah Toms, (d of John & Mary) at Suttons Creek, 18, 6mo 1807, issue: 1 Benjamin Toms, b 9, 2mo 1809—2 Zachariah Nixon, b 26, 9mo 1811.
  • Elliott (III) Thomas (s of Solomon dec’d) m Abigail Anderson (d of Joseph dec’d) at Suttons Creek, 17, 4mo 1800, issue: 1 Sarah, b 16, 1mo 1801, m Exum Elliott (her first cousin) 2 Joseph, b 18, 1mo 1803, m Margaret L. White, no issue, m 2d Isabella Parker, issue: 1 William L., b 16, 1mo 1832—2 Joseph P., b 12, 7mo 1833—3 John A. (s of Thomas), 2, 2mo 1806, m Hannah Morris, d 27, 6mo 1829—4 Aaron, b 19, 9 mo 1808, m Mary S. White, issue: David, b 28, 3mo 1829, who m 9, 10mo 1856 Mary Ann Hill—Aaron, m 2d Roda C. Mendenhall (d of James, & Miriam (Hoggott) Mendenhall, issue: 1 Aaron, b 24, 1mo 1844, m Lilly Tyner Manley, 4, 14, 1905—2 James, b 8, 4mo 1847—3 Robert Barclay, b 15, 11mo 1849—4 Sarah S., b 27, 10mo 1851, m Poran Reynold, d 5, 5, 1925—5 Roda C., b 22, 4mo 1854, m Arthur C. Leadbetter—6 Mildred Ada, b 16, 4mo 1856, m — Lee—7 J. Gurney, b 19, 7mo 1858.
  • Elliott, John A., (s of Thomas & Abigail) by Hannah Morris (d of Joshua, & Margaret) (Henly Morris) issue: 1 Abigail, b 1, 12mo 1826, d 1832—3 Mordicai, b 2, 12mo 1828, m Martha Paulin (d of Joseph, & Lydia, (Garrett) Paulin), d 20, 1mo 1892, issue: 1 John E.—2 Mordicai.
  • Elliott, (h) Moses (1) Thomas (1) m Judith Sanders, issue: according to his will p in Perq, Jan 1756. Joseph, Moses (2) Benjamin, dau Margaret, wife Judah.
  • Elliott, (i) Joseph, m Hannah Gordon, His will p in Perq, April 1788, gives the issue; as follows; sons Mordicai, Caleb, Dempsey, & Joseph, his dau’s Delilah Barrow, Orpha Mayo, & Mary Elliott, wife Hannah.
  • Mordicai Elliott (s of Joseph) m Leah Smith, 1, 8mo 1778. His will p Perq, Nov 1816, names Gr-children: Peninah, Kesiah, & Martha Elliott (dau’s of s Charles) son Willis, d Jemima Speight, Lydia, a gr-dau Lydia Elliott, s Barnabas, & Jesse, wife Leah.
  • Lydia Elliott (d of Mordicai) will Perq p May 1823, names brother Willis, nieces: Grizzell Speight, & Mary Ann Elizabeth Speight, (br-in-law Noah Speight).
  • Elliott, Charles (s of Mordicai) lived near Edenton, and was Attorney Gen’l of N. C., he moved to Craven Co, & is buried in New Bern N. C.
  • Elliott (j) Benjamin Thomas (1) m Sarah. Will p in Perq, Apl 1774, Sons: Josiah, Benjamin (2), Seth, Exum, & Obed, wife Sarah.
  • Elliott, Ephrim (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1) will Perq, p Feby 1802. Sons: Caleb, Miles, Townsend, & Josiah, heirs of s Stephen dec’d: Stephen, & Mary Elliott, dau’s Mary Wood, Peninah, & Avis, gr-sons Thomas, & Ephrim Roberson.
  • His wife who was probably dead when this will was probated, was Sarah, (d of William Townsend, by his first wife) who names her in his will 1766. (See other Elliott wills, N. C. Hist Reg Vol 3-3.)

Marriages in Perq

  • Elliott, Sarah, m Benjamin Hall, at Symons Creek, 6, 9mo 1753.
  • Elliott, Elizabeth, m Joshua Overman, at Symons Creek, 7, 6mo 1759.
  • Elliott, James, (s of Thomas, m Mary Jones (d of Peter) 6, 11mo 1754.
  • Elliott, James, m 2d Martha Winslow (widow of Jesse) 17, 3mo 1781. His will Perq, p Jany 1791, names sons: Nathan, Gabriel, Nixon, dau’s Miriam Lou, Sarah, wife Martha. The first wife of James Elliott, was Mary dau of Phineas Nixon, who in his will p 1772, names “Mary Elliott’s three children: Gabriel, Miriam, & Nixon Elliott.”
  • Elliott, Thomas (2) William (1) Thomas (1) m Mourning Wilson, 7, 3mo 1778. (Wellses.) He was dec’d Feb 23, 1797. Heirs: Miles, Abraham, Peninah, & Docton Elliott, wife Mourning Admix. She was dau of Abram Wilson, whose will Perq p May 1795, (names all three of these children, & wife Lydia.) Miles Elliott was Sheriff of Perq Co, 1821. He m Patience Jordan, 1, 10mo 1778.
  • Elliott, Docton, was of age before 1766, appears on Tax list on that date.
  • Elliott, Miles, on same list, with 172a of land in Perq, Harveys Neck. His brother Gabriel on same list, 46a in same District.
  • Elliott, Exum, of age 1792, poll 1, List of James Sitterson.
  • Elliott, Ephrim, owned 256a in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Pritlow, 650a “on Sipres Creek” in District of Jacob Perry 1792, sons Job, William, 1771.
  • Elliott, Solomon, 200a called “new neck” in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Sarah, on Vosses Creek, in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Jacob, with 4 Tithables 1748, Joshua with 6. List of James Sitterson. This Jacob was probably the one who m Sarah Clare (d of Timothy, & Mary née Bundy). She m 1st John White, & had son John, m 2d Jacob Elliott.                                                 


  • Elliott, Leah, (d of Pritlow) m Josiah Jordan 7, 3mo 1781. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Francis, m Sarah Park, 3, 11mo 179-. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Margaret, m John Barrow, 4, 1mo 1792. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Joshua, m Rachel Sanders, (d of Samuel) 2, 10mo 1793. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Seth, m Mary White, 3, 7mo 1776. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Caleb, m Rachel Jordan, 6, 1mo 1779. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Thomas, m Judith Wells (d of Dorothy) before 1778, and had dau Anne.
  • Elliott, Nixon, m Rhoda Scott, 12, 2mo 1795. (He son of James; she d of Joseph Scott) “at Piney Woods Meeting house,” issue; 1 Penina, b 15, 11mo 1796—2 Job Scott, b 7, 10mo 1798—3 James, b 4, 9mo 1800—4 Elias, b 23, 1mo 1803—5 Mary, b 11, 8mo 1805—6 Nixon (2), b 20, 1mo 1809—7 Henry, b 14, 10mo 1814.
  • Elliott, Thomas (s of Solomon) m 3d Margaret Cox (widow of Joseph, d of John & Ann Roberson) at Suttons Creek, 19, 12mo 1830. She was b 12, 1mo 1789.
  • Elliott, Abraham (2) and wife Priscilla with their children were given a Certificate, for removal to Cane Creek Mo Meeting, 14, 7mo 1764.
  • Elliott, Exum, (s of Jacob, & Zilpha Davenport) b 10, 4mo 1765, m Sarah Pearson, (d of Jonathan & Sarah née Bundy) 19, 3mo 1788. She lived only three months, when Exum, m 2d Catherine Lamb (d of Jacob, & Sarah née Stone) issue: Sarah, b 15, 3mo 1792. (Center Mo Meeting, Gullford Co N. C.)
  • Elliott, Jacob, (so of Abraham, & Mary) m Hepzibah Stanton (d of Benjamin, & Mary) 24, 5 mo 1804. (Center Mo Meeting.)
  • Elliott, Exum, moved to Guilford County before 1776, and to Ind in 1815.
  • Elliott, Rodah, b 3, 3, 1750—Hannah, b 1, 9, 1752. (unplaced.)
  • Elliott, Haig, was apt Inspector of Perq by Gov Tryon, Jan 23, 1771.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


Inquisition in the death of BENJAMIN PERRY (1854)

State of North Carolina

Perquimans County

Inquisition indented, taken on the land of Mr. Wm. Smith, on the field usually known as the old Israel Smith place, on the West side of Goodwins Mill Pond, about one mile South of the Main Road known as the Chicapen Road in the County aforesaid, the 1st day of April in the year of our Lord 1854 – before me Wm. Felton Coroner of said County, upon view of the body of Benjamin Perry, late of said County then and there at the Grave of said Perry, there lying dead, after having dug the said body from the Grave; and upon the oath of – Mark. D. Hathaway, foreman, Willis Robenson, Wm. J. Skinner, Wm. J. Hall, James M. Goodwin, Chas. More, Steph. Skinner, Henry Elliott, Sol. Eason, Hend. Goodwin, Danl. Roberts, and William Smith, good and lawful men of the said Co. of Perquimans who being charged and sworn to inquire how and in what manner the said Benj. Perry by his death came; upon their oaths do say that on the 30th day of March in the year and at the place aforesaid that the said Benj. Perry came to his death by a Fit or some other disease consequent to severe drinking of intoxicating liquor, and we the said Jurors after having dug up the body – and having diligently examined the said body, come to the above conclusion, we believe, the above verdick to be correct to the best of our belief.

In testimony where of as made I, the said Coroner, as the Jurors aforesaid, to this Inquisition have severally put our seal, the day, year and place, first above mentioned.


  • Wm. Felton, Coroner
  • M. D. Hathaway, Foreman
  • Willis Robinson (his X mark)
  • Wm. J. Skinner
  • Wm. J. Hall
  • Jas. M. Goodwin
  • Chas. Moore (his X mark)
  • Stephen Skinner
  • Henry Elliott
  • J. Eason
  • Henderson Goodwin
  • D. J. Roberts
  • William A. Smith






Contributed and transcribed by Frances C. Griffin

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)



Will of

In the name of God Amen Jonathan Bateman of the county Perq being very sick but of a perfect mine and memory Praised be God do make this my Last will and Testament as followith the in/irimis. My will is that my funeral carges and other Just Debts be paid.

Item unto my Loving wife Sarah Bateman four cows the choise of my Stock of Cattle also one Mare the above gifts to my wife She May Dispose of as She May think propper.

Item Leave my son John Bateman Ten Shillings to him and the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten.

Item I give my wife one feather Bed which I did not think of in the above gifts for her to Dispose of as She may think propper. All the rest of my estate shall be sold by my Excr and the money arising there from to be Eaqually between My wife and Two Daughters, Nancy Stone & Martha Bateman. Caritty?? Leonstatute?? and appoint my friends John Smith & Thos Whedber? Executors To this my Last will Testament in witness

Document Let My hand & Seal.

This 10 Day of Febr, 1802. Jonathan Bateman

Witness Mariam Smith (X) her mark

Recorded: May Term Court, 1802.


From: NC State Archives, Perquimans Co. Wills 1711-1909

C.R.077.801.1. Bateman, Jonathan, 1802

Contributed and transcribed by Ellis Bateman
