Perquimans County Deeds—Trueblood Grantees from 1600s to 1870

1. John Trueblood from Phineas Nixon, 1790 deed for 64 1/2 ac. Book I, #899. (Phineas Nixon was from Randolph County and John Trueblood was from Pasquotank County. The 64 1/2 ac. was purchased for fourteen pounds. This was probably the John Trueblood who was the son of Daniel Trueblood and Mary Morris.) 

2. John Trueblood from Thomas Saint, 1794 deed for 285 ac. Book K, #332. (the same John Trueblood as in # 1.) 

3. Samuel Trueblood from James Brothers, 1838 deed for 53 ac., Book Z, #41 (James Brothers was from Perquimans County and Samuel Trueblood from Pasquotank County)

4. Samuel Trueblood from Ambrose McPherson, 1840 deed for 1 1/4 ac. Book Z #441 (This deed was between Ambrose McPherson of Perquimans County and Samuel Trueblood of Perquimans County.)

5. Samuel Trueblood from John W. Speight, 1844 deed for 44 ac. Book BB, # 68. (John Speight and Samuel Trueblood were both of Perquimans County. This acreage was in Bagley Swamp Road area.)

6. Lydia Trueblood, Division of Jeremiah Speight estate, 1846, Platt Book 1, #78. (Samuel Trueblood & wife Lydia vs. John Speight, et al to divide the lands of Jeremiah Speight. The heirs were Lydia Trueblood, John Speight, Jeremiah Speight, James Speight, Orpa Speight, and Henrietta Speight. Lydia’s share was 46 acres.)

7. Jemima Trueblood, Division of Joseph Evans estate, 1848, Platt Book 1, #178. (Jemima was the wife of Joshua Trueblood. Her part of the land was 40 acres. Heirs were Jemima (wife of Joshua Trueblood), Rachel Jessop, Minerva (wife of Josiah Boyce), Mary (wife of John Whitehead), Margaret (John Moon)

8. Joshua Trueblood from John Bogue, 1856 deed for 126 1/2 ac. Book DD, #724. (This deed was between John Bogue of Perquimans County and Joshua Trueblood of Pasquotank County. The acreage was in the Bagley Swamp area of Perquimans County.) 

9. Samuel Trueblood from Ellen Haskett, Willis Haskett, et al, 1868 deed for 50 ac., Belv. T.S. Book HH, #108 (This land was at Newby’s Bridge, formerly owned by Samuel Trueblood, Sr.) 

10. Samuel Trueblood from Ann Pike, et al, 1868 deed for 50 ac., Belv. T.S. Book HH, page 108



  • Francis Speight age 21 years, came to Va, in Thomas, & John, June 16, 1635, from London. He was granted 300a in Nansemond Co Va, Mar 17, 1654, “by a White Marsh.” This grant was probably in what is now Gates Co N. C. as the deeds mention land called by that name in said county, and it is positively known that the early Speights lived in Gates before coming to Perq.
  • John Speight was granted 300a, April 21, 1684, “formerly granted to Francis Speight; and William Speight received a grant for 520a April 21, 1695,” on East side of Bennetts Creek. As Bennetts Creek runs through Gates Co, and persons bearing this name were later found there, we are led to believe both these grants were situated in the same locality.
  • William Speight of Nansemond Co Va, made a deed in Chowan Co N. C., June 26, 1735, to his “son-in-law” Moses Hare, 100a “on Horse Pen Branch,” witnessed by Edward Speight, Thos. Speight, and Ann Speight. From legal papers in Perq it appears that Thomas Speight m Mary — issue: 1 Isaac—2 Ruth, m Joseph Jordan—3 Zilpah, m Timothy Walton—4 (daughter) m Solomon Sheppard—5 Elizabeth, m Christopher Benn of Isle of Wight Co., Va. Priscilla Speight m Thos. Jordan of Va.
  • Thomas Speight made his will in Perquimans Co, p April 27, 1737. Sons: Isaac, and Moses, dau’s: Rachel, Ruth Jorden, and Zilpah Blanchard (wife of Aaron) wife Mary. (His wife may probably have been — Rountree.)
  • Mary Speight, will Bertie Co, p May 7, 1743, names the identical children, except that she names two gr-dau’s Mary, & Elizabeth Speight, but whose children they were is not specified.
  • <Francis Speight of Chowan Co, will p Jan 1749. Names sons: Moses (to whom he left a “plantation at Contenteny,” (which is in Wayne Co N. C.) John, and Joseph, (to the last, “land in wolfpit valley,” (which appears as a location in several deeds in Perquimans Co) Brother William Speight. wife Kathern.
  • Isaac Speight had issue: Mary, Isaac (2) and Elizabeth.
  • Joseph Speight m Anne King. Mar 3, 1752. Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Isaac Speight m Ann Montfort. July 24, 1764. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • William Speight m Ann Phelps. Aug 8, 1772. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Josiah Speight m Mrs Elenora Bond. Jan 11, 1775. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Nancy Speight made her will in Perq Co, p Feb 1834, naming: Sister Celia White, Ruth Elliott, & Margaret Whitehead, brother-in-law Foster Whitehead, brothers: John, & Jeremiah Speight.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • John Elliott, son of Bennett of Nasing Essex England, bapt 1604, arrived in America 1631, and settled in New England.
  • Jacob Elliott, brother of Rev John Elliott the Apostle, who died before 28, 2mo 1651, at which time his will was p in New Eng. He made bequest to son Jacob a “House” and to dau Hannah the same. His Inventory shows wife Margery, and that he had in money £579-23-8, 29, 11mo 1651. Margery wife of Jacob, died Oct 30, 1661, heirs: son Jacob, Theophilus Frary, & wife Hannah, Susannah, & Mehetabel Elliott of Suffolk Mass. (New Eng Hist & Gen Reg, Vol 4-p 257.)
  • Mehetabel Elliott, m Seth Perry of Boston, before 14, 8mo 1662. Her fathers Est was estimated to be worth £280.
  • William Elliott was transported to Va by Frances Yardley, Nov 15, 1648. (Lower Norfolk Co Rec.)

    He was granted land in Gloucester Co Va, 110a, 1672, and appears as a tithable in Surry Co (Sunken Marsh) June 8, 1681. He was probably a brother of Thomas, of Perq Co. John Elliott came to Va as a headright of Richard Jordan of Surry Co Va, Oct 20, 1689. (Surry Co     Rec.) Also thought to be brother of said Thomas.

  • Thomas Elliott (s of Joseph who d 1697) emigrated to Va, with brothers William, & John, date not given. He acquired large landed Est in Carolina, and served in the Assembly 1696. He was granted 555a in Perq Co, Aug 27, 1714 “on ye N. W. side of Crane Ponds” adj Joseph Smith, & Nathan Newby. John Elliott took up 350a in Anson Co N. C. Feb 25, 1754, adj his own land.
  • Elliott, (I) Thomas, m 1 Sarah, issue Lydde, b 6, 12mo 1718. This could not have been his first child, as William his son was m to Elizabeth Relph Dec 2, 1690, or this may probably be his brother William who came to America with Francis Yardley. William Elliott had a son Pritlow who was m in 1744, a long period of time between marriages, but he may have married late in life, or been born ten or fifteen years after this date. There is no certain proof of either point.
  • Elliott, (1) Thomas, m 2d Margaret, who survived him. His will Perq, p Dec 16, 1729. Sons: Caleb, to whom he left “plan’ on which I now dwell” Joshua 200a of land, Isaac the “remaining part of tract,” William 1 shilling, Thomas (2), Abraham, Solomon, Moses, Joseph, Benjamin, Dau’s Mary Brown, & Ursley, wife Margaret.
  • Elliott, (a) Caleb (1) m Mary Winslow.?

Issue: 1 Ephrim, b July 5, 1731—2 Haig (Hange) b Aug 6, 1735—3 Caleb  (2), b Feb 21, 1737—4 Solomon, b Aug 20, 1743—5 Miriam, b Feb 16, 1745—6 Peninah, b Nov 18, 1746, m Joseph Scott, 12, — 1759. Caleb Elliott will p in Perq, Jan, 1777. Sons: Solomon, Ephrim, & Haig, dau Pennah Scott, gr-sons: Elliott Scott, & Winslow Elliott.

  • Elliott, (b) Joshua, m Anne —. Issue: Joshua (2) b Mch 24, 1740. (untraced.)
  • Elliott, (c) Isaac, m Elizabeth Morgan, 18, 1mo 1743. His will p in Perq, April 1789. Sons: Joshua, Isaac (2), Joab, Nathan, dau’s Margaret, Rebecca, Miriam, & Sarah Elliott, wife Elizabeth.
  • Elliott, (d) William, (Thomas (1) m Elizabeth Pritlow, (d of John). Issue: 1 Pritlow (no date), who m Sarah Croxton (d of Arthur) 19, 7mo 1744, m 2d Betty Moore 3, 1mo 1753 and 3d Mary, who survived him. His will p in Perq, Oct 1787. Sons: Pritlow (2), John, Job, Thomas, Jesse, & William, dau’s Rachel, Mary, & Elizabeth Elliott, Leah Jordan, Huldah Elliott, & Sarah Pearson (wife of Jonathan), wife Mary. Rachel Elliott m out of Unity, before 5, 12mo 1787. Mary Elliott, m — Smith before 5, 9mo 1787.
  • Elliott (e) Thomas (2) m Mary Morgan (d of John).
  • John Morgan, who made a deed of gift to her, Jan 12, 1724. (Deed book B—No 192.) He died intestate before July 1752, on which date his Estate was divided, widow Mary Admix, heirs: James, Rachel, Mary, Moses, heirs of son Thomas dec’d, gr-child Ruth Munden.
  • Elliott (f) Abraham, died “without a will” July 21, 1766, wife Miriam relinquished her right of Admix, and Cornelius Moore became Ex. (Minute book Perq.)
  • Abraham Elliott Planter, 1756. (Loose papers.) He figures as a householder on Tax list of James Sitterson 1762, with 330a of land in Harveys Neck. On this list he is called Abraham Elliott Sr. In 1764 he appears on same list with son Joseph.
  • Elliott Abraham (2) m Juliana Wilson (d of Jacob, will Nov 1793) whose will was p in Perq, Feby 1813. Sons: Jonathan W., Benjamin, Ephrim, & Isaac, dau’s Achsah Saint (wife of William), Rachel, Keren, & Cynthia Elliott, wife Juliana.
  • Elliott, (g) Solomon, m Miriam Winslow, issue: 1 Winslow (who had son Exum)—2 Exum—3 Francis—4 Solomon—5 Joseph, b 1775, d 1778—6 Thomas, b 21, 12mo 1779, m three times, d 3, 11mo 1845—7 James, b 1781, m Sarah Toms, 18, 6mo 1807—8 Caleb—9 Haige.
  • Elliott, (1) Exum (1) Solomon (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1), m Lydia Parker, 4, 8mo 1790 (2d wife) m first his cousin Sarah Elliott (d of Thomas, & Abigail (Anderson) Elliott) by whom he had a dau Mary Ann, who m James W. Groves, 2d David Copeland.
  • Elliott, (II) James, (1) Solomon (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1) m Sarah Toms, (d of John & Mary) at Suttons Creek, 18, 6mo 1807, issue: 1 Benjamin Toms, b 9, 2mo 1809—2 Zachariah Nixon, b 26, 9mo 1811.
  • Elliott (III) Thomas (s of Solomon dec’d) m Abigail Anderson (d of Joseph dec’d) at Suttons Creek, 17, 4mo 1800, issue: 1 Sarah, b 16, 1mo 1801, m Exum Elliott (her first cousin) 2 Joseph, b 18, 1mo 1803, m Margaret L. White, no issue, m 2d Isabella Parker, issue: 1 William L., b 16, 1mo 1832—2 Joseph P., b 12, 7mo 1833—3 John A. (s of Thomas), 2, 2mo 1806, m Hannah Morris, d 27, 6mo 1829—4 Aaron, b 19, 9 mo 1808, m Mary S. White, issue: David, b 28, 3mo 1829, who m 9, 10mo 1856 Mary Ann Hill—Aaron, m 2d Roda C. Mendenhall (d of James, & Miriam (Hoggott) Mendenhall, issue: 1 Aaron, b 24, 1mo 1844, m Lilly Tyner Manley, 4, 14, 1905—2 James, b 8, 4mo 1847—3 Robert Barclay, b 15, 11mo 1849—4 Sarah S., b 27, 10mo 1851, m Poran Reynold, d 5, 5, 1925—5 Roda C., b 22, 4mo 1854, m Arthur C. Leadbetter—6 Mildred Ada, b 16, 4mo 1856, m — Lee—7 J. Gurney, b 19, 7mo 1858.
  • Elliott, John A., (s of Thomas & Abigail) by Hannah Morris (d of Joshua, & Margaret) (Henly Morris) issue: 1 Abigail, b 1, 12mo 1826, d 1832—3 Mordicai, b 2, 12mo 1828, m Martha Paulin (d of Joseph, & Lydia, (Garrett) Paulin), d 20, 1mo 1892, issue: 1 John E.—2 Mordicai.
  • Elliott, (h) Moses (1) Thomas (1) m Judith Sanders, issue: according to his will p in Perq, Jan 1756. Joseph, Moses (2) Benjamin, dau Margaret, wife Judah.
  • Elliott, (i) Joseph, m Hannah Gordon, His will p in Perq, April 1788, gives the issue; as follows; sons Mordicai, Caleb, Dempsey, & Joseph, his dau’s Delilah Barrow, Orpha Mayo, & Mary Elliott, wife Hannah.
  • Mordicai Elliott (s of Joseph) m Leah Smith, 1, 8mo 1778. His will p Perq, Nov 1816, names Gr-children: Peninah, Kesiah, & Martha Elliott (dau’s of s Charles) son Willis, d Jemima Speight, Lydia, a gr-dau Lydia Elliott, s Barnabas, & Jesse, wife Leah.
  • Lydia Elliott (d of Mordicai) will Perq p May 1823, names brother Willis, nieces: Grizzell Speight, & Mary Ann Elizabeth Speight, (br-in-law Noah Speight).
  • Elliott, Charles (s of Mordicai) lived near Edenton, and was Attorney Gen’l of N. C., he moved to Craven Co, & is buried in New Bern N. C.
  • Elliott (j) Benjamin Thomas (1) m Sarah. Will p in Perq, Apl 1774, Sons: Josiah, Benjamin (2), Seth, Exum, & Obed, wife Sarah.
  • Elliott, Ephrim (1) Caleb (1) Thomas (1) will Perq, p Feby 1802. Sons: Caleb, Miles, Townsend, & Josiah, heirs of s Stephen dec’d: Stephen, & Mary Elliott, dau’s Mary Wood, Peninah, & Avis, gr-sons Thomas, & Ephrim Roberson.
  • His wife who was probably dead when this will was probated, was Sarah, (d of William Townsend, by his first wife) who names her in his will 1766. (See other Elliott wills, N. C. Hist Reg Vol 3-3.)

Marriages in Perq

  • Elliott, Sarah, m Benjamin Hall, at Symons Creek, 6, 9mo 1753.
  • Elliott, Elizabeth, m Joshua Overman, at Symons Creek, 7, 6mo 1759.
  • Elliott, James, (s of Thomas, m Mary Jones (d of Peter) 6, 11mo 1754.
  • Elliott, James, m 2d Martha Winslow (widow of Jesse) 17, 3mo 1781. His will Perq, p Jany 1791, names sons: Nathan, Gabriel, Nixon, dau’s Miriam Lou, Sarah, wife Martha. The first wife of James Elliott, was Mary dau of Phineas Nixon, who in his will p 1772, names “Mary Elliott’s three children: Gabriel, Miriam, & Nixon Elliott.”
  • Elliott, Thomas (2) William (1) Thomas (1) m Mourning Wilson, 7, 3mo 1778. (Wellses.) He was dec’d Feb 23, 1797. Heirs: Miles, Abraham, Peninah, & Docton Elliott, wife Mourning Admix. She was dau of Abram Wilson, whose will Perq p May 1795, (names all three of these children, & wife Lydia.) Miles Elliott was Sheriff of Perq Co, 1821. He m Patience Jordan, 1, 10mo 1778.
  • Elliott, Docton, was of age before 1766, appears on Tax list on that date.
  • Elliott, Miles, on same list, with 172a of land in Perq, Harveys Neck. His brother Gabriel on same list, 46a in same District.
  • Elliott, Exum, of age 1792, poll 1, List of James Sitterson.
  • Elliott, Ephrim, owned 256a in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Pritlow, 650a “on Sipres Creek” in District of Jacob Perry 1792, sons Job, William, 1771.
  • Elliott, Solomon, 200a called “new neck” in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Sarah, on Vosses Creek, in District of Jacob Perry 1792.
  • Elliott, Jacob, with 4 Tithables 1748, Joshua with 6. List of James Sitterson. This Jacob was probably the one who m Sarah Clare (d of Timothy, & Mary née Bundy). She m 1st John White, & had son John, m 2d Jacob Elliott.                                                 


  • Elliott, Leah, (d of Pritlow) m Josiah Jordan 7, 3mo 1781. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Francis, m Sarah Park, 3, 11mo 179-. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Margaret, m John Barrow, 4, 1mo 1792. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Joshua, m Rachel Sanders, (d of Samuel) 2, 10mo 1793. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Seth, m Mary White, 3, 7mo 1776. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Caleb, m Rachel Jordan, 6, 1mo 1779. (Wellses.)
  • Elliott, Thomas, m Judith Wells (d of Dorothy) before 1778, and had dau Anne.
  • Elliott, Nixon, m Rhoda Scott, 12, 2mo 1795. (He son of James; she d of Joseph Scott) “at Piney Woods Meeting house,” issue; 1 Penina, b 15, 11mo 1796—2 Job Scott, b 7, 10mo 1798—3 James, b 4, 9mo 1800—4 Elias, b 23, 1mo 1803—5 Mary, b 11, 8mo 1805—6 Nixon (2), b 20, 1mo 1809—7 Henry, b 14, 10mo 1814.
  • Elliott, Thomas (s of Solomon) m 3d Margaret Cox (widow of Joseph, d of John & Ann Roberson) at Suttons Creek, 19, 12mo 1830. She was b 12, 1mo 1789.
  • Elliott, Abraham (2) and wife Priscilla with their children were given a Certificate, for removal to Cane Creek Mo Meeting, 14, 7mo 1764.
  • Elliott, Exum, (s of Jacob, & Zilpha Davenport) b 10, 4mo 1765, m Sarah Pearson, (d of Jonathan & Sarah née Bundy) 19, 3mo 1788. She lived only three months, when Exum, m 2d Catherine Lamb (d of Jacob, & Sarah née Stone) issue: Sarah, b 15, 3mo 1792. (Center Mo Meeting, Gullford Co N. C.)
  • Elliott, Jacob, (so of Abraham, & Mary) m Hepzibah Stanton (d of Benjamin, & Mary) 24, 5 mo 1804. (Center Mo Meeting.)
  • Elliott, Exum, moved to Guilford County before 1776, and to Ind in 1815.
  • Elliott, Rodah, b 3, 3, 1750—Hannah, b 1, 9, 1752. (unplaced.)
  • Elliott, Haig, was apt Inspector of Perq by Gov Tryon, Jan 23, 1771.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



As this family lived until early in 1800, in Gates County, very little can be found on the Perquimans Records about the Blanchards. Mr. Julian Blanchard of New York City, is preparing a lengthy history of this good family, for publication it is hoped, so this book will grant to Dr. Blanchard the privilege of doing his family in his own way, and we feel sure it will be done right, if he follows all the traditions of the Blanchard family. A few stray items will not come amiss, however, and these may have escaped the vigilant eye of said Dr. Julian Blanchard.

  • The earliest known records of a person by this name, was a grant to Benjamin Blanchard, of 455a “upon Wareck (Warrick) Swamp, at the mouth of Beaver Dam” Oct 16, 1701. This land lay in what is now Gates Co N. C. but was then in the limits of Chowan County.
  • Sarah Blanchard was daughter of William Walton, of Chowan Co and she was m to — before Dec 24, 1760. William Walton was father of Palatiah Walton whose will was p in Chowan Co, Nov 6, 1776.
  • Mary Blanchard (d of Aaron, & Zilpah) married James Sumner. Aaron Blanchard was dead before 1758, Heirs wife, sons: Aaron Jr, Moses, Mary Sumner, and Sarah Blanchard. Zilpah Blanchard, wife of Aaron, was dau of Mary Speight of Bertie Co. Aaron Blanchard was granted 152a adj George Spivey, Sept 28, 1728. (Land in Gates Co.) He is called at this time of N. C. but the grant is listed on the Nansemond Co Land Book.
  • Mary Speight of Bertie whose will was p in said Co, May 7, 1743, was wife of Thomas Speight of Perquimans, who in his will, said Co, p Apl 27, 1737, names sons: Moses, and Isaac Speight. Her will names dau Zilpah Blanchard. Zilpah was Admix of her dec’d husband Aaron Blanchard, 1751, children named in his division: Rachel, Monica, Aaron (2) and Moses Blanchard.
  • Mary Blanchard widow of Robert, 1733. (Records Chowan Co.)
  • Mary Blanchard Admix of her dec’d husband Abraham, 1749. (Chowan Records.)
  • Josiah Blanchard was the first to move to Perquimans, and his name is found on Tax List in Perquimans about 1826. He married Martha Winslow, Nov 3, 1856. (Mar bonds Chowan Co.)
  • From 1832 the Blanchards have been identified with Perquimans Co, their mercantile business being the leading Store in Hertford, and their dealings with the residents of the town and country, always the fairest, have won for them a reputation for honest, square dealing, which makes the Blanchard countersign a solid byword of every one in the county.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).