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Trueblood Marriages (grooms)

Perquimans County, North Carolina  1856-2000

The above was taken from the Perquimans County Marriage Register. In many cases there is a great deal of time between marriages. I went through the Register name by name and have included all that were listed. Where no age is given, none was listed in the Register.

Trueblood Marriages

NathanNancy Brook 11-6-1856
Josiah Emely Stallings 12-04-1856
Nathan Margaret Lane11-12-1862
George W. Margaret J. Winslow 11-24-1870
Ephraim 22Rebecca Sylvester2311-12-1876
Joshua J. 31Elizabeth Copeland 2409-08-1882
William 28Mattie Winslow 20 12-16-1885
Wm. Thomas22Rebecca Williams 1912-28-1889
George A.40Mollie Symons 2401-05-1890
Nathan23Maty E. Raper 1704-14-1891
Nathan 26Elizabeth Colson 2112-13-1891
Jason31Sarah (Sally) Jessup22 12-12-1894
James S.26Ellen Chappell 2603-30-1898
Joseph W. 33Laura Ward 17 09-13-1903
Madison 26Henryetta Lane2012-15-1904
William 21Lillie Lane1806-10-1906
Clinton N. 21Bertie Hurdle 16 12-31-1918
Alonzo 24Lucille Hurdle 1912-31-1919
Nathan23Gertie May Thompson 1801-23-1921
Travers A. 26Martha Monds2009-09-1926
David Riddick 26Virgie L. Bagley2112-31-1926
George 23Geneva Smith 1801-02-1936
Nathan N.27Doris Louise Baker1704-23-1939
Jack19Kay Tarkington1710-02-1954
Johnnie 47Georgia Klein4107-11-1953
Will W.64Laura Jordan Sutton6611-12-1955
George David, Jr. 18Joan Corrine Madre1902-26-1956
Curtis33Barbara Y. Chenault1810-10-1959
Martin Elbert, Jr. 22Doris Marie Allen1504-09-1960
David 21Marian Gene Collins 1601-12-1961
Curtis Nathan18Annette Lane 1701-20-1963
Ricky Wayne17Doris Jean Lowe1807-29-1964
Paul JeromeGeorgia Mae Barnes06-26-1965
Ricky Wayne21Carolyn Kathleen Dail1705-17-1969
Edward Clifton,Jr.23Carolyn Marie Morgan2105-03-1970
William Floyd 19Betena Ann Lamb 1704-29-1977
Mark Vincent Judy Ann Lassiter05-27-1995
Paul Lynn Cynthia Denise Askew 06-29-2000
Reggie WayneDiane Louise Mills06-27-1998
Robin EarlPenny Marie Casper08-22-1922
Tony Curtis Evelyn Jeneal Perry 09-10-1989



A Brief History of the 27th NC at Sharpsburg taken from a manuscript by H.Z.Bogue III.

On September 28, 1861 by the direction of the governor, ten companies of militia were organized at New Bern into a military organization officially designated the 27th North Carolina Troops. 

The regiment first served as security forces, with companies located in several newly constructed fortifications along the south banks of the Neuse River, below New Bern and at Fort Macon. In August 1861 war came to North Carolina.

On August 27, as Federal General Ambrose E.Burnside captured Fort Hatteras on the Outer Banks, Confederate troops were reinforcing their defensive works at New Bern, bracing themselves for a fight that would determine who controlled the coastline north of Wilmington. 

On March 14, Burnside landed thirteen seasoned regiments below New Bern and quickly engaged six poorly equipped North Carolina regiments. With support from artillery and naval gunboats, the Federals broke the Confederate line in the center and won a decisive victory.

The 27th NC had been located on the far left of the line, their flank resting on the Neuse River. When the center collapsed, it was reported that many in the regiment never fired a shot, but bolted to the rear in panic. The disorganized retreat did not stop until the spooked regiments reached the outskirts of Kinston. New Bern remained in Yankee hands until the end of the war.

The 27th had been humiliated in it’s first action. The defeat had occurred on native soil and frightfully close to the homes of many of the regiment’s soldiers. The regiment was disgraced as was the Old North State.

By May 31, the Army of the Potomac had landed at Fort Monroe, Virginia and was pressing up the peninsula on the north side of the James River, within sight of the church spires of Richmond. Confederate President Jefferson Davis appealed to all governors for reinforcements. In response, the 27th boarded cars in Kinston and went to Richmond, where it was integrated into the Army of Northern Virginia. 

The regiment saw this as an opportunity to avenge the result of their first battle. This was not to be. Now in a veteran army of great acclaim, the 27th was a regiment of poor reputation. Confederate generals , many of whom had never lost a battle, thought little of the men who had panicked at New Bern. Morale was again dashed when the men were turned away from the sound of battle and marched south toward Petersburg where they were relegated to picket duty along the James River.

Yet again on August 26th, the morale of the 27th was crashed when they were told that they would not be called upon, so they waited and only heard the glowing reports of the great victory at Second Manassas. 

General Robert E. Lee was now beginning his movement to the northwest, the Maryland campaign was underway. A week of hard marching brought them to Fredrick, Maryland where they were assigned to Manning’s Brigade, Walker’s Division, of Longstreet’s Corp.

On September 12th, the 27th marched to Harpers Ferry where it occupied Loudon Heights, supporting General Jackson’s siege of the Federal garrison there. From there they were ordered to the town of Sharpsburg, Maryland. I won’t go into great detail setting up the battlefield, we all know the story. This narrative will focus only on the 27th and it’s involvement in that the bloodiest single day in American history. 

About 3:00am on September 17th, the regiment as a part of Walker’s Division, was marched from just west of the town of Sharpsburg, in a light rain, southeast where they took up defensive positions close to Antietam Creek. They were positioned as the last regiment on the far right flank of the army.

At 9:00 am, after the disaster of Miller’s cornfield and the continued momentum of the Federal troops through the North and East Woods, General Lee gambled by stripping his right to save his left. He dispatched urgent orders for Walker’s Division to displace from the right with all deliberate speed and move to Jackson’s support.

In their haste to Jackson, Walker was informed, by a staff officer, that a gap existed in the army line between the southern point of the West Wood, near Dunker Church, and D.H. Hill’s men.

Walker detached the 27th NC and the 3rd Arkansas of Mannings Brigade and placed them under the orders of Colonel John R. Cooke, of the 27th.

Colonel Cooke ordered his newly created light brigade, about 700 men, forward to fill the gap where S.D. Lee was withdrawing his artillery. He brought them to a halt, behind a wooden rail fence about 50 yards from the Hagerstown Pike which offered little protection from the musket and cannister fire from the pickets if the Union XII Corps.

To Cooke’s left was the south point of the West Woods, which was held by Jackson, and Dunker Church. About 200 yards on his right were the regiments of D.H. Hill’s Division that made up the center line of the army. In front lay more wooden fences and open ground that rose to a gentle crest. 

Cooke’s light brigade assisted Jackson against several charges made by Union Generals Tyndall, Sedgewick, and Greene who were assaulting Jackson’s position in the West Woods.

During a lull in the fighting, Cooke moved his troops twenty paces to the rear, into a cornfield where they were ordered to lie down.

Hill’s Division was heavily engaged in battle with with two fresh divisions of the Union II Corps from his position in the sunken road or what is known as “Bloody Lane” General Lee saw his army crumbling.

General Longstreet surveyed the the line and deduced that Cooke’s command was strong enough to mount a charge at the Federal center, and sent the much awaited order for him to advance.

Around noon, Cooke pointed his sword and gave the order, “Forrr Warrrrd!” and with high pitched rebel yells, approximately 650 men scrambled over the rail fences and advanced toward the Federal center.

Clouds of smoke spread over the high ground as they endured volley after volley of musket fire from Tyndall’s skirmshers. The Confederates advanced straight and true over pasture land littered with hundreds of bodies that had fallen earlier from both sides. Cooke’s men never took time to realize that they were outnumbered and took four volleys for every one they delivered while on the move. The Yankee skirmishers were driven into their main line; then elements of the Federal brigade began to falter, and finally fragment into standing and retreating groups.

Cooke’s charge carried over the crest and through two guns that had been brought up moments earlier. The attack wheeled to the right on the reverse slope and swept away the Union soldiers who remained. Tyndall tried twice to form a defensive line, but both crumbled as the Confederates pressed their advantage.

At one point Colonel Cooke called to 18 year old color bearer, Private William Campbell to slow the pace so the remainder of the command could keep up. With the 3rd Arkansas on the right, Campbell replied, “Colonel, I cant let that Arkansas fella get ahead a me.” 

General Walker observed the attack and commented. “The 27th North Carolina and 3rd Arkansas obeyed the order to charge in the face of such fire as troops have seldom encountered without running away, and with steadiness and unfaltering gallantry seldom equaled. Battery after battery, regiment after regiment, opened fire on them, hurling a torrent of missles through their ranks, but nothing could arrest there progress, and three times the enemy broke and fled before their impetuious charge.” 

Seven regiments of Tyndall’s command were so battered they were withdrawn from action. Scores of Union soldiers who could not keep pace with the retreat ran to the adjacent field and hid behind haystacks, waving white handkerchiefs. No one took time to organize those trying to surrender. The charge had assumed the character of a runaway locomotive, and now the Confederates were clearly getting too far into the Federal center.

To the right of the 3rd Arkansas stood the 1st Delaware. Now Cooke would be up against the II Corps infantry. At twenty paces the front rank of the Delaware delivered a volley. Then the regiment was ordered to attack. Their charge broke in confusion when their rear rank fired into the charging front rank. The inexperienced men lost their composure and stampeded from the field along with Battery G, 1st Rhode Island Artillery. 

The valiant charge lost momentum after covering 850 yards. They had penetrated McClellan’s line by 450 yards, an extrodinary accomplishment. Longstreet and Jackson had been hammering the federals all day – but only Cooke had broken through. The charge had several profound effects on the events of the day. Among them 12,500 fresh troops of the Union VI Corps were sent in and 5 regiments under the command of William Irwin, about 2000 men were detached and ordered to drive Cooke from his advanced position and restore the Union center. Cooke’s light brigade could muster about 550 effectives in a position that was clearly untenable.

Colonel Cooke ordered a parting volley at Irwin’s advance, and a rapid withdrawal toward the gap. Suddenly, the light brigade was subjected to galling fire. There was no cover for the men during the retreat, and no supporting regiments or artillery to retard Irwin’s pursuit. Some of Tyndall’s men who had been bypassed and tried to surrender now leveled muskets and were shooting the Confederates down as they ran past. Cooke’s men were forced to go through a blistering crossfire that took a terrible toll. The movement soon lost all semblance of order and disintegrated into a desperate run to save life and limb. A dreadful semblance to the panic of New Bern.

With Cooke’s command streaming back in disorder, the prime question for all concerned was if the routed troops could be halted and reformed at the gap. To the observer’s amazement, man by man, as if by heroic instinct, they quit their lively run at the same rail fence where it had begun. Here, fatigue and emotion forgotten. the soldiers stopped and faced about. Their practiced fingers snatched cartridges from the pouch, tore, rammed, capped and fired at the pursuing Yankees.Soon Cooke had his survivors, perhaps no more than 425, in line and delivering a disciplined fire. For fifteen minutes commencing at noon the gallantry of Cooke’s small command had held the spectators of both armies spellbound. Now they were in a fierce struggle to hold their ground …….and keep their newly won pride. 

Irwin’s five regiments began to falter at the Hagerstown Pike. They fell back to the reverse slope of the high ground that Tyndall had defended earlier.

General Longstreet determined that Cooke’s position held the greatest jeopardy. He sent Cooke repeated dispatches telling him that his command held the key to the whole line and he must hold at all hazard.

At about 1:00pm the 15th N.C. came upon the light brigade and their commander William McRae asked Cooke to share ammunition. It quickly became apparent that all cartridge boxes were empty! Disregaring this critical factor, Cooke invited McRae to stand with him at the gap. McRae accepted. No honor greater, no bond stronger than fighting men who willingly stand together with almost no hope of surviving the challenge.

Another courier arrived from Longstreet telling Cooke to hold on. Cooke shouted back “Tell Longstreet to send ammunition. I have not a cartridge in my command, but will hold my position at the point of bayonet.” The rider galloped off leaving Cooke little promise.

Federal bullets took their deadly toll on the gray infantry. Soldier after soldier slumped to the ground clutching bleeding wounds. Nevertheless, the North Carolina and Arkansas soldiers, in the face of a greatly superior force, obeyed Longstreet’s order. Displaying their colors, they cooly remained in line armed only with empty, bayoneted guns.

Longstreet, hearing of Cooke’s predicament, saw two unmanned pieces of artillery of Miller’s Louisiana Battery. He put his staff officers to the guns while he held the horses. It was easy to see that if the Federals broke through Cooke’s line , the Confederate army would be cut to pieces and probably destroyed. He had the guns loaded and sent a rattle of hail into the Federals as they came over the crest of the hill.

As the Federals would come up they would see the colors of the North Carolina regiment waving placidly and they would receive a shower of cannister fire. Once a regiment was out of ammunition, it was standard procedure for the regiment to be disengaged and replaced by a regiment from the reserve or second line. However there was not a single regiment available to relieve him. The Light Brigade stood well into the afternoon, constantly submitted to Irwin’s volleys. All the defiant Southerners could do was wave their tattered flags and show the bayonet in a rash attempt to make the Union generals believe the troops in the gap were in strength and anxious to have another go.

Union musket and cannon fire inflicted appalling losses on the regiment, but the North Carolinians vowed to hold the gap or go down together. For two painful hours, the troops stood to their line, empty cartridge boxes at their feet, and blood red battle flags flying defiantly above them.

Around three o’clock, Captain James A. Graham, of the Orange Guards at the side of Colonel Cooke, beheld the terrible sacrifice of life. “The rail fence, which was our only protection, was riddled with bullets and torn with shot and shell and our men were falling fast, but still the 27th NC and the 3rd Arkansas flinched not. Endued with the courage of their commander, they stood firm to their post.” 

Longstreet along with the two newly arrived 12 pounder guns of Captain M.O. Miller, continued to fire double cannister over the heads of the ragged Confederates and cruelly scored in the regiments from Maine and New York. Irwin found it a pointless waste to continue to expose his brigade to such fire.

The hostilities ceased about 3pm as the two armies lay panting and licking their wounds. The 27th NC and the 3rd Arkansas had held Lee’s left- center from the time they were committed, about 10 am,until all infantry action was completed. They had over- run Tyndall’s reinforced brigade and penetrated deep into McClellan’s center. This gallant Confederate assault, the most significant of the day, destroyed the momentum of II Corps which had shattered the Confederate center and nearly destroyed the Southern army.

The regiment that had disgraced itself at New Bern; that was relegated to picket duty during the Peninsula Campaign; that was shunted to the rear guard during Second Manassas, had won unprecedented fame. Stephen Southall Douglas, in his second volume of Lee’s Lieutenants refers to the 27th NC more than any other unit, describing them as “gallant”, “great”, “magnificent”, “earned immortality at Sharpsburg”‘ and crowns their great success by naming them “the rock of Sharpsburg.”

Among the most gallant events in recorded military history is the stand made by a distinguished British regiment, the Coldstream Guards, at the Battle of Waterloo. They along with the famed Scots Guards held Wellington’s right against determined attacks by superior French forces. in doing so they suffered a 27% loss. Their feat was eclipsed by the 27th NC at Sharpsburg. They held a vital position against a vastly superior enemy and refused to give ground despite a 61% loss. 





Singletary’s Infantry Battalion (until September 28, 1861)


Organized for 12 months in the field on September 28, 1861. Reorganized for the war on April 24, 1862. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia on April 9, 1865.



George B. Singletary (Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel) 



John R. Cooke (Colonel)

John A. Gilmer, Jr. (Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel)

Calvin Herring (Major)

Richard W. Singletary (Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel)

Thomas C. Singletary (Major, Lieutenant Colonel)

John Sloan (Colonel)

Joseph C. Webb (Major, Lieutenant Colonel)

George F. Whitfield (Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel) 



Department of North Carolina (September 1861)

District of the Pamlico, Department of North Carolina (September 1861-March 1862)

French’s Brigade, District of the Pamlico, Department of North Carolina (March 1862)

French’s-Ransom’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina (April-May 1862)

Walker’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina (June-August 1862)

Walker’s-Cooke’s Brigade, Walker’s-Ransom’s Divison, 1st Crops, Army of Norther Virginia (September 1862-January 1863)

Cooke’s Bridage, 3rd Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida (February-April 1863)

Cooke’s Brigade, District of the Cape Fear, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia (April-May 1863)

Cooke’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina (May-June 1863)

Cooke’s Brigade, Department of Richmond (June-September 1863)

Cooke’s Brigade, 3rd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (September-October 1863)

Cooke’s Brigade, Heth’s Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (October 1863-April 1865)



New Bern (March 14, 1862)

Seven Days Battles (June 25-July 1, 1862)

Malvern Cliff (June 30, 1862)

Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862)

Harpers Ferry (September 12-15, 1862)

Antietam (September 17, 1862)

Fredericksburg (December 13, 1862)

Gum Swamp (May 22, 1863)

South Anna Bridge (July 4, 1863)

Bristoe Campaign (October-November 1863)

Bristoe Station (October 14, 1863)

Mine Run Campaign (November-December 1863)

The Wilderness (May 5-6, 1864)

Spotsylvania Court House (May 8-21, 1864)

North Anna (May 22-26, 1864)

Cold Harbor (June 1-3, 1864)

Petersburg Siege (June 1864-April 1865)

Globe Tavernn (August 18-21, 1864)

Reams’ Station (August 25, 1864)

Jones’ Farm (September 30, 1864)

Squirrel Level Road (September 30, 1864)

Harman Road (October 2, 1864)

Hatcher’s Run (February 5-7, 1865)

Petersburg Final Assualt (April 2, 1865)

Appomattox Court House (April 9, 1865)

Information obtained from: COMPENDIUM OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMIES: NORTH CAROLINA (copyright 1992 by Stewart Sifakis)

FURTHER READINGS: Sloan, John Alexander. Reminiscesces of the Guilford Grays, Co. B, 27th N.C. Regiment.

Information on the 27th N.C. Infantry Reg. can be found in North Carolina Troops 1861-1865 “A” Roster,Volume VIII INFANTRY 27th-31st Regiments This book was compiled by: Weymouth T. Jordan, Jr. The Unit Histories By: Louis H. Manarin. There are 97 pages on The 27th alone!


Perquimans Beauregards, Co. F, 27th Regiment N. C. Troops

Perquimans Beauregards, Company F, 27th Regiment North Carolina Troops




Company F Roster 27th Regiment NC Troops (Infantry)

Company F Roster

27th Regiment N.C. Troops (Infantry)

North Carolina Troops  1861-1865 A Roster, Volume VII

Compiled by Weymouth T. Jordan, Jr.

This company, known as the “Perquimans  Beauregards” was raised in Perquimans County and enlisted at Hertford in Perquimans County. The company was composed initially of both infantry and cavalry contingents but was soon converted to a standard infantry organization. The company was mustered in on May 16, 1861; it remained in camp in Perquimans County until ordered to New Bern on July 3. On July 19 the company departed on board the steamer Curlew and traveled to New bern via the Perquimans River, Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, and the Neuse River. Upon its arrival the company was assigned to a battalion which later became the 27th Regiment, N. C. Troops (Infantry) and the Perquimans Beauregards became Company F of that unit. After joining the regiment, the company functioned as a part of the regiment, and its history for the war period is reported as a part of the regimental history.



NIXON, WILLIAM – Enlisted in Perquimans County. Elected Captain on or about May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until he was defeated for reelectionwhen the regiment was reorganized in April, 1862

JONES, THOMAS D. – Was by occupation a clerk prior to enlisting in Perquimans County. Elected 3rd Lieutenant on May 16, 1861, and was elected 2nd Lieutenant on August 20, 1861. Elected Captain on April 22, 1862. Wounded in the abdomen and kidney at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia where he died on November 7, 1863 of wounds.

SKINNER, BENJAMIN S. – Resided in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Sergeant and was elected 2nd Lieutenant on April 22, 1862. Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Returned to duty on an unspecified date. Promotes to 1st Lieutenant on November 15, 1862, and was promoted to Captain on November 8, 1863. Killed at Reams’ Station, Virginia, August 25, 1864


MARTIN, THOMAS DUNCAN, 1st Lieutenant – Born in Pasquotank County where he resided as a doctor prior to enlisting in Perquimans County at age 46. Elected 1st Lieutenant on or about May 16, 1861. Detailed in hospital in New Bern on or about July 1, 1862. Reported absent on detail at New Bern until transferred to a hospital at Greensboro on or about February 15, 1862. defeated for reelection on or about April 22, 1862.

MEBANE, WILLIAM A.,  2nd Lieutenant – Resided in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was elected 3rd Lieutenant on April 22, 1862. Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Returned to duto on an unspecified date. Captures at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capital Prison, Washington, D.C. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant on October 16, 1863, while a prisoner of war. Transferred from Old Capital Prison to Johnson’s Island, Ohio, November 11, 1863. Released on June 12, 1865, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. Records   of the Federal Provost Marshall dated 1865 gave his age as 32.

NIXON, FRANCIS, 3rd Lieutenant – Resided in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Sergeant. Captured at New Bern on March 14, 1862. Confined at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor. Exchanged on an unspecified date. Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant on May 1, 1862, and was elected 3rd Lieutenant on November 28, 1862. Wounded in the right leg at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. reported absent wounded until October 5, 1864, when he was retired to the Invalid Corps.

RIDDICK, ELBERT T., 1st Lieutenant – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as 1st Sergeant and was elected 3rd Lieutenant on November 15, 1861. Elected 1st Lieutenant on April 22, 1862. Present or accounted for until wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Died on November 16, 1862, of wounds. Place of death not reported.

WHITE, JOSHUA W., 2nd Lieutenant – Enlisted in Perquimans County. Appointed 2nd Lieutenant to rank from May 16, 1861. Appointed Assistant Quartermaster on or about September 5, 1861, and transferred to the Field and Staff of this regiment.

WILSON, WILLIAM A., 3rd Lieutenant – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in asa Corporal and was promoted to Sergeant on November 15, 1861. Elected 3rd Lieutenant on September 1, 1864. Present or accounted for through December 1864. [Paroled at Greensboro, May 1, 1865]


ALBERTSON, JOSEPH, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for through July 26, 1864; however, he was reported on duty as a teamster during most of that period.

ALBERTSON, THOMAS, Private – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted  for until he died “at home” on June1, 1862. Couse of death not reported.

ALDRIDGE, WILLIAM, Private – Resided in Union County and enlisted in Wake County or at Petersburg, Virginia, November 1, 1864, for the war. Present or accounted for through January 5, 1865. Captured by the enemy on an unspecified date. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland, until released on or about June 22, 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

ARRINGTON, HENDERSON, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for through December, 1864.

BANKS, WILLIAM H., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until July-August, 1862, when he deserted.

BARCLIFT, JAMES M., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for through October, 1862. No further records.

BARCLIFT, JOSEPH G., Sergeant – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private. Present or accounter for until captured at Frederick, Maryland, September 12, 1862. Confined at Fort Delaware, Delaware. Transferred to Aiken’s landing, James River, Virginia, October 2, 1862, for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on November 10, 1862.. Returned to duty on an unspecified date. Wounded in the right wrist at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Returned to duty prior to January 1, 1864. Promoted to sergeant on September 1, 1864. Present or accounted for through December, 1864.

BARKER, DANIEL, Private – Born in Randolph County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Wake County on December 7, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until discharged on March 12, 1864 by reason of “general debility, dropsy, & deafness.” Discharge certificate gives his age at 46.

BELL, H. F., Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863, for the war. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Richmond, Virginia, October 14, 1864 of “colitas [sic] acuta.”

BENTON, THOMAS J., Private – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Died on September 18, 1862 of wounds. Place of death not reported.

BERRY, JOHN A., 1st Sergeant – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to 1st Sergeant on May 1, 1862. Present or accounted for until wounded at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864.

BILLUPS, JOSEPH R., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County at age 16, May 1, 1862 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left ankle and captured at Sharpsburg, Marylany, September 17, 1862. Hospitalized at Frederick, Maryland. Paroled and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia where he was received October 22, 1862  for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on November 10, 1862. Reported absent wounded or absent on detail through February, 1865.

BILLUPS, ROBERT L., Private – Resided in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the side and captured at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Hospitalized at Frederick, Maryland. Paroled and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia where he was received October 22, 1862  for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken’s Landing November 10, 1862. Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland October 27, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout and transferred to Cox’s Wharf, James River, Virginia where he was received October 15, 1864 for exchange. Company records do not indicate whether he returned; however, he was paroled in “eastern Virginia” on April 30, 1865.

BOYCE, JOHN A., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on July 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured at New Bern on March 14, 1862. Confined at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor. Paroled and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia where he was received on July 12, 1862. Declared exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on August 5, 1862. Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland October 27, 1863. Arrived at Point Lookout on October October 28, 1863.  Paroled at Point Lookout and transferred to Aiken’s Landing on February 24, 1865 for exchange. No further records.

BOYCE, WILLIAM, Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being overage. Discharge certificate gives his age as 35.

BRASWELL, CHURCHWELL, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 30, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for through December, 1864.

BUNDY, JESSE, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Returned to duty on an unspecified date. Wounded at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864. Company records do not indicate whether he returned to duty; however, he was reported “sick at hospital” from October 25, 1864 through December, 1864. No further records.

BUNDY, MORDECAI, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the “bowels” at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia where he died on November 4, 1863 of wounds.

BURGESS, JOSEPH J., Private – Born in Currituck County and was by occupation an artist prior to enlisting in perquimans County on May 16, 1861. present or accounted for until discharged on April 28, 1862 by reason of “left inguinal hernia.” Discharge certificate gives his age as 30. Rejoined the company on an unspecified date (apparently subsequent to December 31, 1864) as a sutler. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

BURNHAM, RICHARD, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until he died at Goldsboro on April1, 1862. Cause of death not reported.

BURROW, J., Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863 for the war. Listed as a deserter and dropped from the rolls of the company prior to January 1, 1864.

BURROW, W., Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863 for the war. Listed as a deserter and dropped from the rolls of the company prior to January 1, 1864.

BURTON, BARCELL, Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until he died while “on sick furlough” on December 3, 1864. Place and cause of death not reported.

CALVERT, WILLIAM, Private – Resided in Polk County and enlisted in Wake County on November 23, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until he deserted to the enemy on or about January 7, 1865. Confined at Washington, D.C. until released on or about January 11, 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

CARDEN, LEVI, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 1, 1864 for the war. Captured near Hanover, Virginia May 24, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout where he died on August 10, 1864. Cause of death not reported.

CHESHIRE, JAMES, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on November 23, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for through December, 1864.

CRAVEN, B. YANCEY, Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1864. Present or accounted for through December, 1864. Paroled at Greensboro on May 18, 1865.

CROSS, WILLIAM M., Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1864. Deserted on December 9, 1864.

CULP, WILLIAM E., Private – Resided in Cabarras County and enlisted in Stanley County on March 1, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until transferred to Company A, 8th Regiment NC State Troops, May 1, 1863.

DAVIS, JAMES A., Private – Resided in Union County and enlisted in Wake County on May 30, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until he deserted to the enemy on or about January 7, 1865. Confined at Washington, D.C. until released on or about January11, 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

DESHIELDS, LUTHER, Private – Enlisted at Coosawhatchie, South Carolina, February 28, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until he died at Hardeeville, South Carolina April 16, 1863. Cause of death not reported.

DINKENS, BRYAN, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 20, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the right knee at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Reported absent wounded through December, 1863. Detailed for hospital duty in January-February, 1864 and was reported absent on detail through december, 1864. Captured at Raleigh on April 13, 1865 and was paroled at Raleigh on April 22, 1865. [Medical records dated 1864 give his age as 43.]

DIXON, JAMES, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on November 23, 1864 for the war. Died in the “div[ision] hos[pital]” on December 2, 1864. Cause of death not reported.

ELLIOTT, AUGUSTUS, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for through March 12, 1864. No further records.

ETHERIDGE, HENRY C., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on or about September 15, 1861 by reason of “sickness”. Enlisted in Company K of this regiment on May 15, 1862.

FLEETWOOD, ELISHA, Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being underage. Discharge certificate gives his age as 17.

FLEETWOOD, THOMAS J., Corporal – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Mustered in as Private. Present or accounted for until wounded in the breast and left arm at Wilderness, Virginia on or about may 5, 1864. Promoted to Corporal subsequent to November 30, 1864. Reported absent wounded through December, 1864. Paroled at Greensboro subsequent to April 29, 1865.

FOSTER, FRANCIS A., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861.  Present or accounted for until wounded  at Wilderness, Virginia on or about may 5, 1864. Hospitalized at Lynchburg, Virginia where he died on May 24, 1864 of a gunshot wound.

GODFREY, HENRY C., Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a student prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of his expiration of term of service. Discharge certificate gives age as 17.

GOODWIN, THOMAS J., Sergeant – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as a Private and was promoted to Sergeant on February 12, 1862. Present or accounted for until he died in camp near Petersburg, Virginia August 4, 1862. Cause of death not reported.

GRIFFIN, WILLIAM F., Private – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Hospitalized at Mount Jackson, Virginia where he died on November 2, 1862 of wounds and “pneumonia.”

HAITHCOCK, JESSE, Private – Enlisted in Stanley County on March 1, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until he deserted on December 9, 1864. Paroled at Albemarle on May 19, 1865.

HALL, JOHN A., Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1864. present or accounted for through December, 1864. Paroled at Greensboro on May 15, 1865.

HATLEY, NOAH, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on February 3, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left arm on or about July 8, 1864. Reported absent wounded through December, 1864.

HENDRICKS, CALVIN, Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being overage. Discharge certificate gives his age as 35. Reenlisted in the Company on August 18, 1862. Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Returned to duty prior to May 1, 1863. Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on October 27, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia on February 24, 1865 for exchange.

HOBBS, ALEXANDER B., Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861.Mustered in as Private. Promoted to 1st Sergeant on December 12, 1861 but was reduced to ranks on or about November 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 20, 1862 by reason of “pulmonary consumption.” Discharge certificate gives his age as 23.

HOBBS, DAVID R., Sergeant – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the head at Bristowe Station, Virginia on or about October 14, 1863. Returned to duty and was promoted to Sergeant on or about November 1, 1863. Present or accounted for until wounded in both thighs at Wilderness, Virginia on May 5, 1864. Reported absent wounded through December, 1864.

HOLLOWELL, JOHN B., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861 for the war. Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on October 27, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia on February 24, 1865 for exchange.

HUMPHRIES, ALFRED, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until  wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland September 17, 1862. Reported absent without leave during March-April, 1863. Returned to duty  prior to November 1, 1863. Present or accounted for until wounded on or about August 20, 1864. Reported absent wounded through December, 1864.

HUMPHRIES, THOMAS, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for through February, 1862. No further records.

IVEY, NATHAN, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on December 23, 1861 by reason of disability.

JACKSON, WILLIAM L., Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Fredericksburg, Virginia on December 13, 1862. Company records do not indicate whether he returned to duty; however, he deserted to the enemy prior to October 20, 1863 when he was received at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Released on October 27, 1863 apparently after taking the Oath of Allegiance. Records of the Provost Marshall dated 1863 give his age as 28.

JONES, WILLIAM F., 1st Sergeant – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a draftsman prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861.Mustered in as 1st Sergeant. Present or accounted for until discharged on February 11, 1862 by reason of “promotion in the navy.” Discharge certificate gives his age as 21.

JORDAN, EDWARD M., Corporal – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal on July 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until transferred to Company C, 19th Regiment NC Troops (2nd Regiment NC Cavalry), August 12, 1861. Later served as 2nd Lieutenant of that unit.

JORDAN, JOHN P., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until transferred to Company C, 19th Regiment NC Troops (2nd Regiment NC Cavalry), August 12, 1861.

KEATON, JOSEPH, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1862. Present or accounted for until December, 1864.

KNIGHTS, JOSHUA, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861.Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Confined at Fort Delaware, Delaware where he died on November 20, 1863 of disease.

KNIGHTS, JOSHUA, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until killed at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863.

KNIGHTS, WILLIAM, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the leg and captured at Sharpsburg, maryland on September 17, 1862. Confined at Fort mcHenry, Maryland. Paroled and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia on October 22, 1862 for exchange. Declared exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on November 10, 1862. Died in Perquimans County on January 1, 1863. Cause of death not reported.

LACY, GEORGE H., Private -Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia May 10, 1864. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

LANE, CHARLES A., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until September 17, 1863 when he was reported absent without leave. Listed as a deserter in November-December, 1863. Returned to duty prior to May 6, 1864 and was wounded at Wilderness, Virginia. No further records. [North Carolina pension records indicate he survived the war and was wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland on or about Seprember 17, 1862.]

LANE, EDMUND, Private – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Died on or about September 19, 1862 of wounds. Place of death not reported.

LANE, ELIAS, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until killed at Bristow Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863.

LANE, HENRY H., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until January-February, 1864 when he was reported absent without leave. [North Carolina records indicate he was wounded at Reams’ Station, Virginia in August, 1864.]

LANE, JOSHUA, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded and captured at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Hospitalized at Frederick, Maryland where he died on November 27, 1862 of wounds. Federal hospital records give his age as 22.

LANE, NEHEMIAH, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded and captured at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Died of wounds. Place and date of death not reported.

LANNING, ROBERT, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 1, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted until he surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia on April 9, 1865.

LAUGHLIN, SETH W. N., Private – Enlisted in Wake County on September 1, 1864 for the war. Company muster roll dated September-October, 1864 indicated he was “a Quaker and will not sign the payrolls.” Died in hospital at Richmond, Virginia December 8, 1864. Couse of death not reported.

LEIGH, LEE W., Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 10, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

LEMMOND, W.T., Private – Previously served in Company F, 2nd Regiment N. C. Junior Reserves. Transferred to this company on September 2, 1864.  Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

LONG, W. W., Private – Previously served in Company F, 2nd Regiment N. C. Junior Reserves. Transferred to this company on September 2, 1864.  Present or accounted for until he died in hospital in Richmond, Virginia on October 31, 1864 of “diarrhoea chron[ic].”

MALLORY, WILLIAM S., Private – Born at Norfolk, Virginia and resided in Perquimans County where he enlisted at age 15, May 16, 1861. Mustered in a Private. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being underage. Reenlisted in the company on an unspecified date. Present or accounted for until wounded and captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capital prison, Washington, D. C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on October 17, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout  on May 3, 1864 and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia where he was received May 8, 1864 for exchange. Returned to duty on an unspecified date and was promoted to 1st Sergeant on September 1, 1864. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

MAY, JONATHAN, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 1, 1864 for the war. Captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland where he died on August 18, 1864. Cause of death not reported.

MILLER, JOHN, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864. Company records do not indicate whether he returned to duty; however, he was issued clothing on July 25, 1864. No further records.

MISENHEIMER, WILLIAM A., Private – Born in Cabarrus County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Stanley County on March 1, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the right knee at Bristoe Station, Vinginia on October 14, 1863. Reported absent wounded or absent on light duty until November-December, 1864 when he rejoined the company. Retired from service on March 21, 1865 by reason of disability from wounds received at Bristoe Station. Retirement papers give his age as 20. Paroled at Albemarle on May 19, 1865.

MOFFAT, DENNIS, Private – Resided in Randolph County where he enlisted on December 3, 1863 for the war. Deserted on December 12, 1863. Returned from desertion on September 20, 1864. Deserted to the enemy on or about October 1, 1864. Confined at Washington, D. C. until released on or about October 10, 1864 after taking the Oath of Allegiance

MOORE, ANDREW, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on an unspecified date. First listed in the records of this company on December 7, 1864 when he was reported sick in the hospital. No further records.

MULLEN, JAMES W., Sergeant – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Sergeant and was promoted to 1st Sergeant on February 12, 1862. reduced to the rank of Sergeant in May-June, 1862. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being overage. Discharge certificate gives his age as 36.

MULLEN, JOSEPH, Corporal – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal on September 18, 1862. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on April 29, 1865.

MUNDEN, THOMAS, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Returned to duty in January-February, 1864. Present or accounted for through January 11, 1865.

MYERS, WILLIAM S., Corporal – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal on July 15, 1861. Present or accounted for until he was killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862.

NEWBY, GEORGE, D., Corporal – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal  on November 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on or about August 18, 1862 after providing a substitute.

NICHOLSON, THOMAS, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on October 27, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout on May 3, 1864 and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia where he was received May 8, 1864 for exchange. Reported absent on sick furlough through December, 1864.

NIXON, HENRY H., Private – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted July 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until he died in camp at Petersburg, Virginia on July 31, 1862. Cause of death not reported.

NIXON, JAMES R., Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured by the enemy in September-October, 1862. Confined at Baltimore, Maryland and at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Paroled and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia where he was received October 12, 1862 for exchange. Discharged on April 22, 1863 by reason of “chronic diarroea.” Discharge certificate gives his age at 29.

NIXON, NATHAN W., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County at age 20, July 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on October 5-6, 1861. Reason discharged not reported.

NIXON, THOMAS R., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on July 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured in September, 1862 after he was “found sick” near Buckeytown[Buckletown?], [West] Virginia. Paroled on or about September 26, 1862. returned to duty prior to May 1, 1863. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Lynchburg, Virginia , January 3, 1864 of “diarrhoea chron[ic].”

OVERMAN, ISAIAH, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Returned to duty in January-February, 1864. Present or accounted for through December, 1864.

OWNLEY, WILLIAM F., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Petersburg, Virginia, February  23, 1863 of “effects of vaccination.”

PARKER, JACOB HENRY, Corporal – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted at age 19, August 20, 1862 for the war. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Corporal subsequent  to December 31, 1864. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

PARKER, JAMES E., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for through February, 1864. No further records.

PERRY, THOMAS J., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for  until wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Company records indicate he was captured at Sharpsburg; however, records of the Federal Provost Marshal do not substantiate the report. No further records.

PHILLIPS, JOEL, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on September 15, 1864 for the war. Deserted on October 1, 1864. No further records.

PLYLER, DANIEL, Private – Enlisted in Stanley County on March 1, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left leg at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Reported absent wounded until August 19, 18664 when he was retired to the Invalid Corps.

POE, F. H., Private – Enlisted in Wake County on February 2, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted  until he died  in hospital at Lynchburg, Virginia, June 18, 1864 of “febris typhoides.”

PRICE, JOSEPH H., Private – Previously served in Company A, 8th Regiment N.C. State Troops. Transferred to this company on May 1, 1863. Killed at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864.

REGAN, HENRY C., Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 30, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

RIDDICK, JOSEPH H., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on July 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on or about August 1, 1862 after providing a substitute.

RIDDICK, THOMAS, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until killed at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863.

RIDDICK, THOMAS T., Corporal – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promote to Corporal on August 20, 1862. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left thigh and captured at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Confined at various Federal hospitals until confined at Forth McHenry, Maryland. Paroled at Fort McHenry and transferred to City Point, Virginia where he was received May 2, 1863 for exchange. Reported absent wounded until January 28, 1864 when he was discharged by reason of disability.

RUSH, A. G., Private – Enlisted in Randolph County on December 3, 1863 for the war. Discharged on December 26, 1863 by reason of being a member of the Society of Friends.

SCAFF, WILLIAM E., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on July 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured at Petersburg, Virginia, October 1, 1864. Confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until released on June 3, 1863 after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

SEXTON, SIMON, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until he died on June 21, 1864. Place and cause of death not reported.

SHARP, D. P., Private – Enlisted in Wake County on April 13,1864 for the war. Wounded at or near Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864. Reported absent wounded through December, 1864.

SKINNER, BENJAMIN F., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Corporal and was promoted to Sergeant in November-December, 1861. Reduced to the rank of Corporal in January-February, 1862 and was reduced to the ranks in March-April, 1862. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

SKINNER, WILLIAM J., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Never mustered into the company and was dropped from the rolls on or about January 1, 1862.

SMALL, CHARLES C., Private – Previously served in Company I, 17th Regiment N.C. Troops  (1st Organization). Enlisted in this company on August 20, 1862 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the “body” at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862. Returned to duty prior to May 1, 1863. Present and accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland, October  27, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia, February 25, 1865 for exchange. Paroled in “eastern Virginia” on April 25, 1865.

SMALL, GEORGE W., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Musician (Drummer) but was reduced to ranks in March-April, 1862. Present or accounted for until killed in Virginia in June, 1864.

SMALL, ROBERT P., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County at age 33, May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the chest and left arm at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Discharged on March 30, 1863. Reason for discharge not reported.

STACY, JOSEPH, Private – Resided in Hertford County and enlisted May 1, 1862 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left leg at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Hospitalized at Frederick, Maryland where he died on November 12, 1862 of “pneumonia.” Death records give his age as 16.

STEPHENS, JOHN W., Private – Resided in Stokes County and enlisted in Wake County on November 23, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until he deserted to the enemy on or about January 7, 1865. Confined at Washington, D.C. until released on or about January 11, 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

STEVENSON, JOSEPH R., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for through December, 1861. No further records.

STEVENSON, NATHAN, Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on April 28, 1862 by reason of “rheumatism.” Discharge certificate gives his age as 36.

SUMNER, WILLIAM T., Corporal – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as a Private and was promoted to Corporal on August 15, 1862. Present and accounted for until killed at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863.

SUTTON, WILLIAM, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on November 1, 1863 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded at or near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia  on May 10, 1864. Reported absent wounded through December,1864

SYLVESTER, JOSEPH, Private – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861.Present or accounted for until he died at Winchester, Virginia on November 8, 1862. Cause of death not reported.

TRUEBLOOD, JOSHUA L., Private – Born in Pasquotank County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being under age. Discharge certificate gives his age as 17.

TURNER, JACOB, Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being over age. Discharge certificate gives his age as 35.

TURNER, RICHARD HENRY, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded and captured at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Paroled at Keedysville, Maryland  on September 20, 1862. reported absent without leave through April, 1863. No further records.

WARD, LEMUEL, Private – Enlisted in Wake County on September 1, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until paroled at Greensboro on May 16, 1865.

WEEKS, THOMAS B., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to sergeant in November, 1862-April, 1863. Present or accounted until wounded at Fredericksburg, Virginia on December 13, 1862. Returned to duty prior to May 1, 1863. Present or accounted for until wounded at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864. Hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia where he died on May 12, 1864 of wounds.

WESTMORELAND, JOHN B., Private – Enlisted in Wake County on May 30, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Richmond, Virginia on October 7, 1864. Cause of death not reported.

WHITE, ANDERSON M., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on August 18, 1862. Reason discharged not reported.

WHITE, ANDERSON M., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County at age 27, September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. until transferred  to Point Lookout, Maryland on October 27, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout  and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia on February 24, 1865 for exchange. [ North Carolina records indicate he was wounded in both ankles at Petersburg, Vitginia in November, 1863.]

WHITE, CALEB, Sergeant – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to 1st Sergeant on November 1, 1861. Reduced to ranks prior to January 1, 1862 but was promoted to Corporal in March-April, 1862. Present or accounted for until captured at Winton on May 31, 1863. Confined at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Paroled and transferred to City Point, Virginia, July 16, 1863 for exchange. Was reportedly transferred to Company D, 66th Regiment N. C. Troops in November-December, 1863; however, records of that unit do not indicate that he served therein. No further records.

WHITE, ERIE, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Richmond, Virginia, January 19, 1864 of “pneumonia.”

WHITE, HENRY E., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on August 1, 1862 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded and captured at Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Paroled at Keedysville, Maryland on September 20, 1862. Reported absent wounded or absent without leave through April, 1863. No further records.

WHITE, ISAIAH, Private – Born in Chowan County and by occupation was a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured at or near Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Confined at various prisons until paroled and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia, October 27, 1862. declared exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on November 10, 1862. Returned to duty prior to May 1, 1863. Present or accounted for until killed at Wilderness, Virginia on or about May 5, 1864.

WHITE, JOHN W., Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 1, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for through December, 1864.

WHITE, JOSEPH H., Corporal – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until captured at or near Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. Confined at Fort McHenry, Maryland and at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Paroled and transferred for exchange on October 27, 1862. Returned to duty prior to November 1, 1862. Present or accounted for until he died on September 17, 1864. Place and cause of death not reported.

WHITE, THEOPHILUS, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Mustered in as Private and was promoted to Sergeant on May 1, 1862. Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia on October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland, October 27, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout and transferred to Aiken’s Landing, James River, Virginia on February 24, 1865 for exchange. Paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

WHITE, TIMOTHY, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County at age 20, May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until wounded in the left side at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862.Present or accounted for until captured at Bristoe Station, Virginia, October 14, 1863. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. until transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland on October 27, 1863. Paroled at Lookout Point and transferred for exchange on or about October 30, 1864. Company records do not indicate whether he returned to duty; however, North Carolina pension records indicate that he survived the war.

WHITE, WILLIAM FRANK, Private – Enlisted in Perquimans County at age 21, May 16, 1861. Never mustered into service and was dropped from the rolls of the company on or about January 1, 1862. [North Carolina pension records indicate he was wounded in the arm at Camden Court House, North Carolina in 1863.

WILLIAMS, WILLIAM T., Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of being over age. Discharge certificate gives his age as 35.

WINSLOW, WILLIAM A., Private – Born in Perquimans County where he enlisted on June 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until he died in a hospital at Kinston on May 28, 1862. Cause of death not reported.

WOOD, GEORGE H., Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on September 1, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862 by reason of the expiration of his term of service. Discharge certificate gives his age as 17.

WOOD, JOSEPH R., Private – Born in Perquimans County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Perquimans County on May 16, 1861. Present or accounted for until discharged on July 16, 1862. Reason discharged not reported. Discharge certificate gives his age as 28.

WOOLEY, JOEL, Private – Enlisted in Wake County  on May 30, 1864 for the war. Present or accounted for until wounded at Reams’ Station, Virginia on August 25, 1864. Returned to duty in November-December, 1864. Present or accounted for through December, 1864.




will, 14 February 1734, Perquimans County

Proved in Court 9 July 1735, Perquimans County

In the name of God, amen the fourteenth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundren and thirty four Benjamin Hurdle of Perquimons in North Carolina in the County of Albemarle plantor being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament  that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian mannor at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurection(?) I shall relive the same again by the Almighty Power of God and as <word illegible> such worldly estates herewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis: I give and bequeath to William Hurdle all my close(clothes) and three yards of cloth and a m??? bridel and saddel and a Negro boy named Sam unto Moring Hurdle after the decease of my mother Elizabeth Hurdle.

This my Last Will and Testament.

Benjamin Hurdle (his B mark)  Seal

Nathaniel Williams  (his mark)       

Daniel Rogeson  (his mark)

Joseph Riddick

Signed Sealed publish and delivered in the presents of the Subscribers


NOTES: Benjamin was the son of William and Elizabeth Hurdle of Surry County, Virginia. He was one of three brothers who came to North Carolina from Surry County, Virginia. His brother, Martin, settled in Chowan County and his brother, William, purchased land in Perquimans County as evidenced by an April 17, 1732 deed. Benjamin apparently did not marry nor did he have any children.



Will of



In the name of God Amen, I Rachel Jones of the county of Perquimans and state of North Carolina, being at this time sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory and being desirous of settleing and disposing of my Temporal Estate, do make and ordain this pressent wrighting for to be my last will and testament Revoking and making void all former wills by me heretofore made

First of all I do order that all my Just Debts be paid by my Excutrix hereafter made the same to be Raissd out of my Estate which I shall leave at my Decease

I give and Bequeath unto my grandchildren , the children of my son, Silas White, Deceased, one womans saddle, one large Iron pot to be equally divided among them to them and their heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my grandchildren, the children of my daughter, Abigail Winslow, dec, two silver Dollars to be equally divided amongst them, to them and their heirs forever

I give and Bequeath unto my grandchildren the children of my son John White, Dec, one feather bed and furniture, one pine chest to be equally divided anongst them to them and their heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Lydia Griffin, one heifer and one Sesin of wheat to her and her heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my grandaughter, Elizabeth White, the daughter of my son JORDAN White, one book —history to her and her heirs forever.

I give and Bequeath unto my grandson John White, the son of my son, John White, one church Bible, One pewter dish and one pewter bason to him and his heirs forever.

I leave unto my Daughter-in-law, Christian White, the widow of my son Benjamin White, Decs., the use of one feather bed and furniture, one walnut table , one case of bottle and all the residual or Remainder part of my Estate of whatsoever nature or kind during her natural lifetime and at her death I give and Bequeath the same unto her two children, Senah White and Daniel White, My grandchildren unto them and their heirs forever.

Lastly I do nominate and appoint my daughter-in-law Christian White, Executrix to this my last will and testament, desiring her to see this same fully Executed and performed

In witness where of –

The said Rachel Jones has hereunto set my hand and seal

This 15th day of July 1797 

Signed and Sealed in the presence of us

Rachel Jones (Seal) her mark

Benj Perry

Philip Perry


Perquimans County} November Term at Hertford 1797

The within will was exhibited unto open court and proved by the Oath of Benjamin Perry and Evidence this is at the same time appraised Christian White, Quallified as Executrix agreeable to same.  Recorded this the 20h day of December 1797

test M. H.




will dated 25 April 1750

Rachel was the wife of Peter Pearson (1679-1735)

North Carolina

Perquimons County

Know ye that I Rachel Pearson being sick & weak of body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be to God;  Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make & ordain this my last will & Testament, That is to say I will ye all my just Debts & Contracts be well and truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid in Convenient time & place after my Decease by my executors hereafter named; & as touching Such worldly Estate whereas it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give Demise & dispose of in the following manner & form

Imprimis   I give to my son Peter Pearson one large iron pot containing Seven or Eight gallons to him and his heirs for ever and one hand mill

Item    I give to my Daughter Rachel Bogue one blew Rugg, one feather bed being new, one pair of sheets, one bolster, and two pillows, one small iron pot containing about three gallons, Also to my Grandaughter Lida Bogue one two year old heifer to them and their heirs

Item    I give to my Daughter Mary Winslow one iron pot containing about four gallons  to her and her heirs

Item    I give to my son Jonathan Pearson one Small Iron Pot containing about three gallons to him and his heirs

Item    I give to my Son John Pearson, one large Pewter Dish to him and his heirs-

Item    I give to my Daughter Betty Bagley  one Iron  Pott that I bought of James Cobb also one Iron Skillet containing about three quarts, also one small pewter Dish & one new Pewter Bason & two new pewter Plates, to her and her Heirs for Ever

Item    My will is that the residue of my whole estate be equally divided between my six children  viz——-Peter, John & Jonathan & Rachel Bogue & Mary Winslow & Betty Bagley to them and their heirs for Ever

Item    I likewise Nominate Constitute & appoint my Trusty Son in Law John Winslow and Robert Bogue Executors of this my Last will and Testament and I do utterly disallow, revoke & disannul, all and every other former wills & testaments Legacies bequeaths & Executors by me before this time. Names willed & bequeathed, ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my Last will & Testament  In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 25th of the fourth Month in ye year 1750

Rachel Pearson  (her R P mark)      her seal

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by the Said Rachel Pearson as her Last will and Testament             

in Presence of Joshua Hobard

Arthue   Croxen   his mark  affd

John Moore    J M  his mark   affd

Both qualified by affirmation


North Carolina Perquimans County

January Court anno Dom 1750

Present His Majestys Justices

Then was the within will proved in Open Court by the affirmation of Arthue Croxen and John Moore in due form of law and at the same time John Winslow and Robert Bogue Executors to the within will was duly qualified by taking the affirmation of law appointed to be taken by Executors Ordered that the Secretary or his Deputy of Said province have notice that ???? Testamentory issue thereon as the law directs

Test Edmund Hatch  Cl–  




will dated 4 December 1751

 Proved in January Court, 1752, Perquimans County

N. Carolina

Perquimans County Pc.) Know all men by these presents that I Nathaniel Albertson, Farmer of the place aforesaid being very sick & weak of body but of sound disposing mind and memory thanks be given to God therefor, and calling to mind the mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain these presents to  contain my Last will & Testament in manner & form following

(Viz) Principally & first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, & my body to the Earth to be buried in a Decent & Christion manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named: And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to belss me in this life, I give & dispose of the same as follows,

First I will that all my just debts be  Defrayd & paid in convenient time after my Decease by my Executors hereafter named

Item.  I give to my Son Joshua Albertson all of my Land  from Long Branch down to the Creek Swamp and so down to the branch at the upper end of my Mannor Plantation & so out to the back line to him & his heirs for ever, also one feather bed & Furniture on which I lie, also the one third part of all my stock of cattle & hogs to him & his disposial.

Item.  I give to my Son William Albertson my Mannor Plantation I now Dwell on with all the Land from the aforementioned Branch at the upper end of sd. Plantation, running with a direct course with the Branch from the Creek Swamp to the back line & thence down to the line of that Land that was former by his Grandfather Samuel Nicholsons, to him and his heirs for ever, Only my will & desire is that my Daughter Hannah Albertson have the liberty of  the use of my non Dwelling Houses as long as she shall remain unmarried  Also I give to him the one third part of all my stock of cattle and hogs to him & his Disposal Also one Negrow woman named Joan with what issue she may here after happen to have to him & his heirs lawfully begotten of his body them failing then to return to the Heirs of my body; Also I give to my Grandsons  Benjamin & Chalkley Albertson, Sons of William one young Negrow boy named Abraham, to them & the heirs of their bodies them failing then to return to the Heirs of my Body

Item,  I give one Negrow girl named Rose she and her increase to my Son Joshua & Daughter Hannah Albertson to be equally divided betixt them But if it should so happen that my Sd. Daughter Hannah should Depart this life without heirs of her body Lawfully begotten  then my will and intent is that the Sd. Negrow and her increase shall return to my Sd. Son Joshua & his Heirs

Item   Give to my Said Daughter Hannah Albertson one third part of all my sheep, Also one featherbed & furniture also one chest to her & her disposal

Item,  I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Newby one Barrell of Pork   to her & her disposal

Item   I give to my Son Aaron Albertson one hundred weight of fresh Pork and also the one third part of all my stock of hogs & Cattle to him & his disposal—

Item   I give to my Daughter Lydda Trueblood  one third of all my sheep to her & her heirs

Item   I give all the rest of my personal estate to my Son William Albertson to him & his heirs for Ever

Item,  Also I constitute and appoint my three sons, Viz. Aaron, Joshua, & William Albertson Executors of this my Last will and Testament Hereby disallowing & Disanulling all & every other former will  or Will Legucie, Bequests & Executors before this time by me named willed & Bequeathed— Ratifieing & Confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament— This fourth Day of the tenth month commonly called  December 1751

Nathaniel Albertson   (his N mark)

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by  the said  Nathaniel Albertson  to be  his last will and Testament in the presence of

Joshua Perisho

James Henby

Mary Morris  


North Carolina

Perquimans County January Court anno Dom 1752

Present His Majestys Justices

Then was the within will proved in Open Court by the affirmation of James Henby and evidence thereto in due form of law and at the  same time Aaron Albertson and William Albertson Executors to the within will was duly qualified by taking the affirmation by law to be taken by Exec. Ordered that the ???? or his said Deputy of said province have notice that ???? Testamentory issue thereon as the law directs

Test  Edmund Hatch



Will of 



North Carolina

Perquimans County

Be it known to all men by these presents that I Matthew Jordan of the county and province aforesaid being sick and weak in body but sound in mind and disposing memory thanks be to God and calling to mind its uncertainity of this life and knowing that is once appointed for all men to die and the time where is uncertain there I make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say — Principally and first I recommend my soul to the hand of God that gave it and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried I give devise and dispose of my estate in the following manner and ??? after all my just debts be paid.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved brother Gabriel Newby my ??? which belonged to my father Matthew Jordan.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sister Anne Jordan my Negro woman named Rose and my Negro girl named Sue after my mother’s death.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved mother Patience Newby ten pounds  ??.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sister Mary Clay five shillings sterling.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sister Elizabeth Newby twenty pounds ??.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved brothers Francis Newby, Gabriel Newby, Joseph Newby, & Benj Newby all my wearing apparel to be equally divided amongst them. Also it is my will and desire that my land and my Negro man named Peter and all my other estate to be sold for six months credit. Likewise I desire after my mother’s death that my Negro man named Sam be sold also and all the monies arising from the said estate to be divided as followests.

ITEM  I give and bequeath to my beloved sisters and brothers — namely Dorothy Skinner, Elizabeth Newby, Gabriel Newby, Benj Newby, Joseph Newby, and Josiah Newby all the money arising from the said estate which is to be sold and equally divided amongst them & is to be sold by my exors– I do nominate and appoint my loving mother Patience Newby, Anne Jordan and John Skinner to be my exex and exors of this my last will and testament and I do by these presents ??? revoke and disavow all and every other will by me before made and no other to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three.

Matthew Jordan   (seal)

Signed in the presence of us as

my last will and testament                       

Robt Jordan          John Hensley

Elizth Carver


July Court 1763. This certifies that the foregoing will was proved in court by the affirmation of Robert Jordan and at the same time appeared Patience Newby, Ann Jordan and John Skinner and qualified as exex and exors according to law.

Test  Miles Harvey  C   Crt

December the 4th 1764  this was the said will recorded according to law.

Miles Harvey   C   Crt


NOTES: Matthew was the son of Matthew Jordan and Patience  Jordan of Isle of Wight County, Virginia. He died without issue. Patience Darden Jordan married 2. Joseph Newby of Perquimans County, North Carolina.
