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After much careful work on this family, in N. C. and Virginia, the writer has arrived at the conclusion, that the Toms emigrant, to N. C., was living in Charles City Co Va, where he sold land in sd County, to Francis Gray, Feb 17, 1656. Only mention of him, so far found, but that is not strange, considering the fact, that nothing remains of the records in that Co, except one book. Gabriel Toms appears on the records in Essex Co Va, but no connection between the two, can be made. However, there may have been, some relationship. It is thought, but not proven, that the Francis who settled in Perq, is the identical one, who is named in sd record, as the dates would bear me out, in that opinion. From Edmundson’s Journal, we are led to believe, that he did not embrace Quakerism, until the time of Edmundson’s first journey to N. C. 1672. At which time, he & his wife, Mary (d of John Nicholson, sister of William) went over to the new cult. Mary being his 3d wife, by whom he had no issue. Her will p in Perq, 1717, does not name a single one of his children. She was probably a widow before m Francis Toms, as she names in her will, Vesty Lewis, who was wife of Edward Lewis, & probably her daughter.

Francis Toms, m before coming to Perq, Pershillah — by whom he had issue: Penelope, b Jan 27, 1670—Francis (2), b Sept 19, 1672—Pershillah, b Mch 19, 1674/5—Joseph, b Nov 16, 1677, died June 6, 1679—Caleb, & Joshua (twins), b Nov 25, 1679.

Toms, Francis, m 2d Abigail Lury (widow of John) Jan 6, 1683, by whom one d Abigail, b Dec 10, 1684. Abigail Toms, Wife of Francis, died Mar 17, 1687.†

Toms, Francis, m 3d Mary Nicholson, who survived him.

Toms, Francis Sr, lived near “Lower Pond, on Reedy Branch, at the head of Vosses Creek.” His land adj John Flowers, on western side of “Long Reach” in the “Narrows” of Perq River. The land on Vosses Creek, where his dwelling was erected, adj William Morgan. He had a stretch of land, running from Vosses Creek, to “Middle Swamp” called “Frog Hall.” This place still retains its original name, to this day. Francis Toms Jr owned land on S. W. side of Perq River, on “Bull Branch, adj land sold to Henry Grace, June 24, 1714. His land also joined land of William Jones. Francis Toms Sr, made a deed of gift, to Thomas Pierce, Wm Bogue, Isaac Wilson, & Gabriel Newby, 1a of land, “for the Society of Protestant Desenters, Vulgarly called Quakers, whereon a Church is now built,” in Perq Precinct, 11mo called Jan, 1705/6. This house of Worship, is supposed to have been Vosses Creek Meeting house, on said Creek, the exact location, being lost and uncertain. He was a member of the Council, for many years (see deeds). Clerk of Pasq Precinct Aug 8, 1692 (see will of John Nixon). Dept’ to Lord Amey, & his name appears on many grants given by the Lords Pro’r. His oath before the Gov Council, is of interest, to all historians, in its quaint wording, he promised “to Keepe ye Secrett of ye Council, to ye best of my advice, according to my Understanding.” This oath was administered in 1706. He had been a member of the Council, since Feb 6, 1683/4. Francis Toms “Collector of Customs” (no date).

On 15, 7mo 1696, he left Perq, on a two months journey (probably to London) but his business is not stated, maybe in the interests of the Quaker Church. Before leaving, he deputized “Wm Glover, his Lov’ Friend, to get timber for a big Mill, or a little one, & left it wholely to him, which thee thinks most benificall for me.” This was probably the beginning of Toms Mill, on Suttons Creek, in fact if his land ran to Middle Swamp, as before stated, & sd place was called even then, “Frog Hall” we are certain the “Mill” here mentioned, was built on this property. He made a deed, Feb 9, 1688, with consent of wife Abigail, for 300a at the head of Yeopim Creek, “called John Lasy’s Plan’,” land pat by Wm Charles, June 6, 1683. Another deed Jan 5, 1689/90, with the signature of his last wife Mary. In a deed Mar 24, 1687, he gives the information, that he had been grt 587a in Perq Precinct. (See deeds.)

The Hon’ble Francis Toms, had a grt, in Perq Pr’ct, 640a, adj Capt Ralph Fletcher, & James Morgan, to corner of Wm Voss, & along his line to the River (Perquimans). May 1, 1695. Francis Toms Esq, another grt, in Perq Pre’ct 375a on North side of Perq River, by beaver dam Swamp. Feb 26, 1696.

†Note: John Lacey (Lurey) 2d husband of Abigail Balie, in his Will Perq Precinct, Dec 1, 1682, names wife Abigail, & d Sarah. This may be the same Sarah, for whom Foster Toms put in a claim, for her Estate, in 1754. It is thought she m Christopher Denman, but no absolute proof is forthcoming.

  • Toms, Francis Sr, will Perq, 6, 10mo 1709. Names wife Mary, sons: Francis, Joshua, d Mary Newby (wife of Gabriel) gr-son Francis Newby, father-in-law
  • John Nicholson, makes bequest to “d Priscilla Kinsey,” late wife of John Nicholson.*
  • Priscilla Toms, had previously m John Nicholson, by whom she had, the children named in their father-in-laws will. He is named in Francis Toms will, also. (See Francis Toms will, & deeds in Perq Co.)
  • Mary Toms, will p Jan 15, 1717/18, made bequest to Vesty Lewis, & Rachel Laurence, & Elizabeth (d of my brother Wm Nicholson) Joseph Glaister (a Quaker preacher), & wife Mary were made Exrs.
  • Toms, (2) Francis Jr, (s of Francis & Pershillah) m Margaret Lawrence (widow of Wm, née Bogue) June 8, 1696, “at a meeting at said Lawrence’s house,” issue: 1 Mary, b 20 — 1696/7—2 Elizabeth, b Nov 20, 169- —3 Penelope, b Nov 19, 1702—4 Margaret, b Dec 5, 1707. (Wm Lawrence 1st husband of Margaret Bogue, died Aug 13, 1694.) Francis Toms Jr died 2, 7mo 1729.
  • Toms, Francis, will Perq p Oct 6, 1729, names: son Francis (3) d Mary Newby, & her husband, Nathan Newby, gr-son Francis Newby, d Elizabeth Phelps, d Priscilla Jones, d Margaret Toms, d Pleasant Winslow, wife Rebecca.
  • Rebecca, 2d wife of Francis Toms Jr, is thought to be d of Mary Simmons, whose will was p 1724, but no absolute proof exists. She was a d of John Pierce, & wife Mary Scott (d of Joseph) b Aug 9, 1680. (Mary Pierce, m 2d Wm Bundy, 3d Nicholas Simmons.) Rebecca 2d wife of Francis Toms, must have been mother of his son Francis (3), & d Pleasant, who m Joseph (2) Winslow s of Thomas (1) & wife Elizabeth Clare. The age of neither of these two can be found in Berkeley Parish Reg, Perq Co, where the others are recorded.
  • Toms, Francis (3), m Rebecca Nixon (d of Zachariah, & wife Elizabeth Symons, who lived at that time in Pasq Co, at Nixonton). (See Pasq Co Deeds.)
  • Toms, Francis, & Rebecca (Nixon) had issue: 1 Zachariah, b Apl 10, 1741—2 Rebecca, b Sept 26, 1743—m Caleb White, of Thomas, & Rachel (Jordan)—3 Mary, b Jany 8, 1745/6—4 Caleb, b Feby 3, 1747/8—5 Elizabeth, b May 25, 1750, m Samuel Phelps, & 2d Zachariah Nixon (2) her cousin.
  • (3) Toms, Francis, (3) will Perq, p July 1771. Sons: Zachariah, Caleb, dau’s Rebecca White, Elizabeth Toms, son-in-law Jos McAdams, & Caleb White.
  • (4) Toms, Zachariah (1), will Perq, p April 1774, names wife Margaret, sons: Francis, William, dau’s Rebecca, & Margaret Tow, bro-in-law Joseph, & Caleb White.
  • (2) Toms, Joshua, (1) (s of Francis, & Pershillah) m Sarah Gosby (d of John, & Hannah, née Nicholson) b Nov 12, 1687. (See Berkeley Par Reg.) Issue: 1 Sarah, b Mch 5, 1703/4—2 Hannah, b June 6, 1706, m Ezekiel Maudlin (2). Joshua Toms m 2d Rebecca Sutton (widow of Joseph, who was dec’d 1724, née Jones, d of Peter Jones Sr, will 1752). She m 1st Joseph Sutton, 2d Joshua Toms, & 3d 1737 Charles Denman, Clerk of Perq. Joshua Toms had by Rebecca one d Sarah, b July 4, 1727.

*Note: John Kinse (s of John, & Catherine) was b 6, 10mo 1692, in Nansemond Co Va. He m in Perq Co N. C. Pershillah Toms, (d of Francis Sr, & wife Pershillah). John Kinseys will, Perq April 14, 1717, names d Elizabeth, dau-in-law Mary Nicholson, son-in-law Samuel Nicholson, wife Preshillah.

  • (2) Toms, Joshua, Will Perq, p April 1732, names son, Foster, dau’s Sarah, Hannah Maudlin, & Miriam Sutton, son-in-law Christopher Sutton, gr-sons William, & Joshua Sherro (Sherwood). Wife Rebeckah. (Clerk of Court Charles Denman.) The two Sherro children, are thought to be step-gr-children, as Rebecca had a sister, who m Sherwood. (See divisions.)
  • (5) Toms, Foster, (1) made pet’ to the court, Oct 1754, for Est of Sarah Toms, “out of the hands of Charles Moor, Admix of Christopher Denman dec’d.”
  • (5) Toms, Foster, will Perq, p April 1, 1779, Sons: Joshua, John, Gosby, & Foster (2), d Martha.
  • (5) Toms, Martha, will Perq, p Feby 1794, names sons: John, & Foster, gr-son John (s of Joshua) gr-son Francis Newby (s of Francis) gr-son Zachariah (s of Gosby) gr-son Joshua (s of Gosby). Test’ Zachariah Nixon.
  • (6) Toms, Foster, (2) will Perq, p May 1794. Sons: Joseph, & Samuel, wife Elizabeth. Brothers, John, & Gosby, cousins: Francis Newby, and John Toms Jr.
  • (7) Toms, John, will Perq, p Nov 1808, names wife Mary, sons: Benjamin, Anderson & John A. Toms, gr-son John White, d Miriam White and her husband Francis, s Foster, dau’s Sarah, & Mary.
  • Francis Toms (2) had land grt him Nov 25, 1714, 200a—which he sold, July 12, 1726, to Thomas Winslow.
  • Toms, Zachariah (1) s of Francis (3), m Margaret White, (d of William, & Margaret). See his will 1774.
  • Toms, Zachariah, deed to s Caleb, with consent of wife Margaret. 1775.
  • Toms, Margaret, made a deed to son Francis, a negro, — 29, 1775. The same to dau’s Rebecca, & Elizabeth, April 29, 1775. Elizabeth Toms, (d of Zachariah, & Margaret, m — Tow).
  • Toms, Foster, & wife Mary, were Admix of Malachi Jones, (who died without issue) July 1777. Malachi Jones in his will, names niece Mary Jones (d of Thomas).
  • Toms, Foster, (s of John, & Mary) died 14, 12, 1807. He had no issue. Names in his will, p 1808, Brother Benjamin, sister Nancy Toms, cousin Foster Nixon, and sisters Miriam White (wife of Francis) Martha Nixon, & Sarah Elliott, Exrs brothers: John A. & Anderson Toms. It seems clear that John Toms, father of Foster (above) m Mary Anderson, d of John Anderson. John Anderson, will p in Perq, 1808, names d Mary Toms, & her sons Anderson & John A. Toms.
  • Toms, Anderson, (s of John dec’d) m Mary Bagley (d of Nathan) “at Suttons Creek Perq Co” 15, 12, 1808. Nathan Bagley in his will, Perq Co, 9, 11mo 1815, names d Mary Toms, & gr-children Mary, & Foster Toms, son-in-law Anderson Toms.
  • Toms, John Anderson, m Phariby Bagley, (d of Nathan, of Perq) “at Suttons Creek 1, 12mo 1805, issue: 7 Mary, b 24, 11mo 1806—2 Foster, b 5, 3mo 1809.
  • Toms, Benjamin, (s of John) m Martha Wilson (d of Christopher, & Pheribe) of Perq, “at Suttons Creek” 16, 9mo 1813. He seems to have died intestate. Christopher Willson, will Perq, p Feby 1824, names d Martha Toms, son-in-law Benjamin Toms, wife Pheribe.
  • Toms, Foster, (1) will 1779, m Martha — who for some reason is not named in his will, but she survived him, making a will, which was p 1794. (Her will already given.) Heirs of Martha Toms dec’d Jan 3, 1798. (Division.) Orphans of Gosby Toms dec’d, John Clary, (in right of his wife Penelope) Samuel Nixon, (wifes part) Jesse Copeland, part—Henry Copeland (wifes part) Isaac Barber, (wifes part) Willis Newby part, Nathan Newby part, Francis, Leah, Zach’ry, & Joshua Toms prt, Mary Clary part. (Auditors account.)
  • Another Audit, Aug 4, 1797, gives to John Toms Sr £58 s14, Foster Toms, Representatives, (same) Francis Newby Jr, (same).
  • Toms, Leah, account with her Gar, John Clary. Jan 27, 1805.
  • Toms, Mary (d of Benjamin, & Martha (Wilson) Toms) is buried in the Episcopal Cemetery, in Hertford. She died Sept 1855, age 25 years and 6 months.
  • Toms, Joshua, (s of Foster, & Martha) m Millicent Newby, —, 8mo 1779. (Welles.)
  • Toms, Benjamin, in a deed, names d Phereby Blount.
  • Toms, Zachariah, in a deed to Zach Nixon, 13, 11mo 1804, conveyed “all my part of a Grist Mill, on Suttons Creek, called Toms Mill.” In another deed, to Joshua Toms, 14, 5mo 1805, he sold land, “formerly belonging to our father Gosby Toms dec’d.”
  • Toms, Margaret, m Thomas Jones, 5, mo 1775.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • William Swann was grt 1200a in James City Co Va, Nov 5, 1635, for trans 24 persons, some of whom were Richard Jones, John Swann, Nicholas Stallings, Nicholas Foster, Edward Champion, & Richard Perry. This grant was reissued to Thomas Swann, by Sir John Harvey.
  • Thomas Swann had land grant, Mar 1, 1638, 1200a (as above) on South side of James River, “to half way Neck.” Another grt, May 9, 1638, on South side of the James, “at a place called Swanns Bay.” He was a member of the House of Burgesses, from James City Co, (Surry) 1645-49, and from Surry Co, 1657-58. In Council 1660-80; d Sept 16, 1680. His home was on Swanns Point, Surry Co Va, & the English sent to suppress Bacons Rebellion, met at his house. He married five times, Miss Codd being his first wife, by whom he had, 1st Samuel, b May 11, 1653, who moved to Perq Co, N. C.
  • Maj Samuel Swann, “Eldest son of Thomas Swann Esq, of Southwarke pish, dec’d, for £30 pd by Mary Swann Widow of afsd” sold 300a in Surry Co, upon Grays Creek, “part of a grt unto my dec’d father, for 1930a, Oct 4, 1645.” Seal Feb 25, 168½. Sarah Swann Ack’ sd Deed, Mar 7, 168½. (Surry Co records.)
  • Sarah Swann, wife of Maj Samuel, (by letter) apt’ Capt Thomas Swann of James City Co, her Att’ to recover “goods, Chattels, & money due my sd husband.” April 30, 1694. Test’ Will Foster, Will Gray, Roger Williams. (Surry Co records.)
  • Samuel Swann “Sone and heir of Thomas,” for £75 s4 pd by John Tuke of Surry Co, sold “All Right in Est of my father, the late Capt Thomas Swann,” and apt’ Maj Arthur Allen Att’ Feb 8, 1704. (Surry Co records.)
  • Samuel Swann “of N. C. gent; sold to Joseph John Jackman of Surry Co Vir” for £450, land called Swanns Point, 1650a, was 300a grt by sd Samuel, by deed, to Mary Swann Relict of Thomas, which was grt sd Thomas “his father” by patent, Feb 15, 1645, in Southwarke Parish, on South side of the James River. Mar 4 1706. Elizabeth wife of Samuel Ack’ her Dower right. (Samuel Swanns 2d wife née Lillington.)
  • Samuel Swann proved rights for 13 persons, in Perq precinct 1694, & received for importing them 640a of land; himself, wife Sarah (d of Wm Drummond) & sons: William, Samuel, Sampson, Henry, & Thomas, Elizabeth Hunt, & 5 negroes.
  • He was grt by John Archdale 450a in Pasq Co, Feb 26, 1696, “at the mouth of Newbegun Creek,” which he conveyed to said Archdale, the next day.
  • On Oct 29, 1702 Samuel Swann Esq, was grt 850a, “in ye prect of perquimons, adj Mr Thomas Durant, and Roan Oak Sound, Northerly on Batemans Creek, & Easterly on lands of Geo Katchmaide (now in poss’ of Mr Jno Hawkins) being part of 3333a grt by Sir Wm Berkley, late Gov of Vir, to sd Katchmaide, late of the precinct of Perq dec’d.” April 1, 1663.
  • Hon’ble Maj Samuel Swann Sec of State. (At a Gen’l Court in Perq pre’t 1700.) The ages of his first children, can not be found in Perq. His wife Sarah, died April 18, 1696. Samuel Swann (1) m 2d Elizabeth née Lillington (d of Alex & wife Sarah née James) widow of John Fendall. (See deeds, for mar contract.) Issue: 1 Elizabeth, b June 26, 1698—2 Sarah, b Dec 29 —.
  • Maj Samuel Swann d 7 ber 14, 1707. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)
  • Samuel (1) Swann, m Elizabeth Fendall (widow) before Oct 10, 1698.
  • John Fendall late of this County, died Dec 20, 1695, at Capt Walkers house. (Capt Henderson Walker, one time Gov of Albemarle m Ann Lillington, sister of Elizabeth, 2d wife of Samuel Swann.)
  • For the will of Maj Samuel Swann, see Grimes N. C. Wills, p 368, which was p April 20, 1708. He bequeathed to s William “a Bible, & seal ring,” to sons: Sampson, Henry, & Thomas, “land between Muddy Creek, & Marshy Gutt” sons: Samuel, & John, dau’s Elizabeth, & Sarah; wife Elizabeth.
  • Henry Swann of Perq, Merchant: apt’ Mr William, & Thomas Swann his Att’ Sept 21 1709.
  • Thomas Swann of Pasq Co, conveyed 127a in sd Co, “to his cousin Wm Drummond of Vir, to him & his heirs forever” Oct 18, 1726. (Pasq County Records.)
  • Samuel Swann of Perq was dec’d 1704. Mary widow & Admix. (Col Rec Vol I.) This could not be Maj Samuel’s son, as he names a son Samuel in his will, 1708. If the Samuel who died 1704, left any issue, there is no record of it in Perq.
  • (3) Samuel (s of Maj Samuel & Sarah née Drummond) m Mary — (Widow Vail) issue: Mary, b Mch 5, 1726/7, m Richard Clayton—2 Sarah, b Sept 3, 1729—3 Samuel, b Dec 8, 1731.
  • Samuel Swann (3) will Perq, p April 1753, names his dau Mary “wife of Richard Clayton,” to whom he left “land on the Sound side,” other dau’s Sarah, Ann, Elizabeth, Martha, Jane, Margaret. Exrs John, & Jeremiah Vail (brothers). Test’ Susannah Vail, William Woolard.
  • Thomas Swann (s of Maj Samuel & Sarah Drummond) lived in Pasq Co, where his will was p Aug 9, 1733. Sons: Samuel, & William. He made bequest to Dau’s Rebecca, & Elizabeth, “land at Moyock, in Currituck Co,” wife Elizabeth.
  • John & Thomas Swann moved to Hyde County, where their descendants are now living. The county seat of Hyde, Swan Quarter, was probably named for this branch of the family.
  • (3) Samuel Swann, was Speaker of the Assembly in 1715. Samuel Swann Gent, was sworn in by George Nichols, Att’ Gen’l, for the Counties of Currituck, Pasquotank, Perquimans, & Chowan, Oct 3, 1752.
  • Samuel Swann, & son John were Exrs of the will of Thomas Snowden, p in Perq Oct 1736.
  • One of Maj Samuel Swanns dau’s m John Baptista Ashe, another m Frederick Jones, of Chowan County, Chief Justice of N. C. 1720.
  • Major Samuel Swanns record in Perq, is without a blemish. The family adhered faithfully to the faith of their fathers, & Samuel Swann was instrumental in establishing a Church according to his belief, the Church of England, believed to be “old Nags Head Chapel” which has long since disappeared. This Chapel, not far from his home, was still unfinished at his death, but it served the people of “Durants Neck” for many generations, finally falling into decay, it was turned over to the Methodist congregation, and it is said the present New Hope Church rests upon the old foundations of Nags Head Chapel. This Methodist Church, is the oldest in the county, so it seems. Here New Hope took root upon “old hope” buried in the past.
  • At the present time there is not a living representative of this influential family in Perq, the last to be found, being Samuel, who was dec’d June 13, 1771, without heirs. Like so many other families, once numerous in our county, they have drifted away, & only the records are a reminder that they at one time wielded a strong hand in the public affairs of this section.
  • The New Hanover Land Grants, in N. C. show that Samuel Swann, was grt 320a in said county, on East side of the road, from Wilmington, to Brunswick, below his line, Feb 23, 1754, and 300a on same day, same runnings, and 200a on Long Creek, all same date. Thus we see the Swann family continued to migrate ever southward. The Counties of Hyde, Beaufort, & New Hanover, would probably yield valuable information, about this splendid family.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Thomas Sutton, was a subject in the Colony at Jamestown, May 23, 1609. (Browns Genesis to America) Robert Sutton came to America, 1635, age 17 years. (Hotten.)
  • Nathaniel Sutton, (first in Perq Co) m in Nansemond Co Va, before coming to N. C. Deborah Astine, “by Mr. Babb, minister of gospel” Aug 12, 1668. They became Quakers soon after, arriving in Perq, as we find their names on all the Quaker records.
  • Sutton, Nathaniel (1), & wife Deborah, issue: George (2), b Mar 2, 1669—Joseph (2), b Aug 6, 1673—Rebecka, b Aug 8, 1676—Nathaniel (2), Aug 29, 1681.
  • Sutton, Nathaniel (1), died Dec 29, 1682. (His will Grimes, p Mar 12, 1682.) He left to son George, “plan’ where I now live,” to Joseph plan’, son Nathaniel 150a of land, d Rebeckah, cousin John Godby (Gosby). Wife not named, but she survived him, & m 2d John Whedby, May 10, 1685, who died leaving her a widow, when she m for her 3d husband, Dennis Macclenden.
  • Sutton, Joseph (1), (s of George, & Sarah) brother of Nathaniel, m Delemance Nicholson (Deliverance), (d of Christopher, & Hanah, of New England) Jan 1, 167-, issue: Christopher, b Aug 3, 1685—George (3), b Aug 7, 1687. Joseph Sutton Sr, died Jan 17, 1695. His will, p April 1696, names sons: Joseph (3), Christopher, George (3), & Nathaniel. Wife Deliverance.
  • Sutton, George, (s of Nathaniel (1) m Rebecka — issue: Elizabeth, b Nov 14, 1694—Deborah, b Jan 2, 1699—Richard, b Sept 12, 1697.
  • Sutton, George (2), will p Mar 11, 1699 (Grimes). Names son Richard (1), d Elizabeth, to whom he left “plan’ at Richland,” d Deborah, to whom he left, “plan’ at the Hickory.” His wife is not named in his will.
  • Sutton, Joseph (2), son of Nathaniel, & Debro) m Parthenia Duren (Durant) (d of George, & Ann) b Aug 1, 1675, m June 18, 1695, issue: George, b Aug 22, 1696—Elizabeth, b Sept 15, 1703—Parthenia, b Aug 8, 1705—Sarah, b Oct 10, 1711.
  • Sutton, Joseph (2), will Grimes; p Mar 10, 1723. He left to sons: George, & Joseph, plan’ “I now live on” d Pashence (Parthenia) d Elizabeth, to whom he left, “6 silver spoons, 1 silver cup, and silver tankard,” Gr-son Thomas Sutton. Made brother (bro-in-law) Richard Whidbee Ex.
  • (Thomas Sutton, gr-son of Joseph, moved to Bertie Co, where his will was p Mar 2, 1750, naming sons: Thomas, William, George, Joshua, & Jasper, Dau’s Parthenia, Mary, Elizabeth, & Judith, wife Elizabeth.)
  • Sutton, Joseph (3), (s of George, & Deliverance) will p Mar 26, 1724. Son: Christopher, Dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, to d Mary, “land on Suttons Creek” Hannah, “land on Cypress Swamp,” wife Rebeckah, brothers, George, & Nathaniel. Peter Jones, & Richard Whidby Exrs. (Rebecca Sutton (née Jones, d of Peter) m 2d Joshua Toms, & 3d Charles Denman.)
  • Sutton, Mary, (d of Joseph, & Rebecca) in her will, p Jan 1738, names her “mother Rebecka Denman,” sisters, Sarah Thomas, & Elizabeth Moulin (Maudlin) cousin & Ex Joseph Sutton.
  • Sutton, Joseph, called Jr, m Bennett — (d of John, & Merry (Bailey) Stepney)? Issue: Hannah, b Jan 6, 1705/6—John, b Dec 23, 1707—Joseph Sutton Jr, died Jan 18, 1723.
  • Sutton, Richard (1), (s of George, & Rebecka) m Mary — issue: William, b Mch 5, 1719.
  • Sutton, Richard (2), b Dec 9, 1722—Mary, b June 23, 1726—Elizabeth, b Mch 2, 1728—Sarah, b Dec 20, 1730.
  • Sutton, George (3), m Mary — issue: Mary, b Apl 18, 1725—Joseph, b Aug 9, 1727.
  • Sutton, Nathaniel (2), (s of Joseph, & Deliverance) m Elizabeth Chancey, (named in the will of William Chancey, as “sister” & her children, Joseph, & Deborah as “cousins”) had issue: Joseph, b Aug 21, 1727—Deborah, b Mar 13, 1729/30.
  • Sutton, Joseph (4), m Mrs Rachel Lee, Jan 11, 1732/3, issue: Elizabeth, b Feby 5, 1737/8.
  • Sutton, Nathaniel, m Elizabeth Chancey, In, 3, 1mo 1726. (Newbegun Creek Mo Meeting.)
  • Sutton, Samuel (1) (not placed) m Sarah, d of Peter Jones Sr, (see his will in Grimes) issue: George, b Sept 24, 1752, George (2d by name) b Jany 18 1754, John b Jany 31, 1756—George (3) b Nov 16, 1757—Mary b Feb 22, 1760—Samuel (2) b Nov 13, 1762.
  • Sutton, George, m Sarah Barclift, Dec 27, 1777. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
  • Sutton, Samuel (2) m Elizabeth Barclift, Dec 3, 1784. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
  • Sutton, Ashbury, m Nancy Reed, (d of Wm, & Penelope) Sept 11, 1779. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
  • Sutton, Francis, m Deborah McConnell, Sept 6, 1783. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
  • Sutton, George (3), Inventory, May 2, 1733, (Auditors act) Children Hannah, Samuel, and Mary Sutton. Division shows: “Cattle, a parcell of Smith Tools.” Hannah Robins Admix.
  • Sutton, Christopher, will Nov 4, 1723/4, Bequeathed to son Joseph, & wife Miriam, 344a of land, on No Est side of Suttons Creek, down to the River. (Deed of Joseph Sutton, 1772,) Christopher Suttons will, can not be found in Perq, & does not appear to have ever been probated, but this deed mentions the fact that he made one. Miriam Sutton, wife of Christopher, was d of Joshua Toms, named in his will, 1732.


  • Sutton, Deborah, (widow) grt 280a “on E. side of Piquemons River” being the Westermost bounds of another tract to sd Deborah, 1684. And 294a on E side of Perq River, “to ye mouth of Little Creek.” 1684.
  • Sutton, George, grt 344a “on ye So East side of Suttons Creek, to ye head of same.” (No date.)
  • Sutton, Nathaniel. 150a “in ye precinct of Perq, on ye East side of Suttons Creek, by a Branch, called ‘Eye branch’ along Joseph Suttons, line.” (No date.)
  • Sutton, Elizabeth, grt 125a “in precinct of Perq, called ‘ye rich thickett’ adj Jno Whidby.” Aug 19, 1713.


  • Sutton, Hannah, (d of Joseph) m John Keaton, before Oct 27, 1728.
  • Sutton, Sarah, (d of Joseph) m Robert Hosea (No date).
  • Sutton, Christopher, m Sarah Jones, July 2, 1745. (Mar bonds, Perq Co, she was d of Peter.)
  • Sutton, Susanna, d of Abraham Warren, & Sarah his wife, gr-d of Mary Norcom.
  • Sutton, Ann, d of Francis Penrice, whose will 1758, names her.
  • Excursus, Wood:
  • Sutton, Deborah, (d of George & Rebecka) m William Wood May 8, 1718, by Dr Urmstone, of the Church of England. Issue: 1 Richard, b Oct 30, 1720—2 Sarah, b Oct 25, 1721—died Mch 21, 1722/3—3 William, b Sept 3, 1723—4 George, b Sept 2, 1724—5 Deborah, b Mar 25, 1726—6 Rebecca, b June 3, 1727—7 Elizabeth, b Dec 18, 1728. Deborah wife of William Wood, died Dec 18, 1728. Sarah Wood died, Mch 17, 1722/3. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)
  • Wood, Richard, (s of William, & Deborah) m Hannah Lowry, 19, 10mo 1746, issue: 1 Tamer, b 21, 9mo 1747—2 Winnefred, b 29, 3 mo 1749—3 William (2), b 12, 11mo 1750—4 Roda, b 23, 1mo 1753—5 Benjamin, b 16, 4mo 1756—6 Samuel, b 29, 11mo 1758—7 Rachel, b 3, 1mo 1761. Samuel Wood, died 13, 11mo 1782.
  • Wood, William (2) m Mary — issue: 1 Deborah, b 25, 1mo 1764—2 Rebeckah, b 29, 5mo 1765—3 William, b 4, 10mo 1766.
  • Wood, Richard, m 2d Sarah Morris, (d of John of Pasq Co) at Simons Creek Mo Meeting, 20, 8mo 1764. (Suttons Creek Mo Meeting, Perq.)

This Wood family lived in, & around Woodville, & it is thought the place derived its name from this line of Woods. Another line of Woods, came to the county much later than this date, & made their home near Hertford. Edward & John Wood family who came to N. C. from Norfolk Co Va.


  • Sutton, George (1), Dept this Life, April 12, 1669. (Father of Nath’l, & Joseph (1).
  • Sutton, Sarah, Dept this Life, March 20, 1677. (Mother of Nath’l, & Joseph (1).
  • Sutton, Nathaniel, Dept this Life, Dec 29, 1682. (Son of George, & Sarah.)
  • Sutton, Joseph, Sr, Dept this Life, Jan 17, 1695. (Son of George & Sarah.)
  • Sutton, George, Dept this Life, April 7, 1700.
  • Sutton, John, (s of Joseph, & Benet) died Feby 16, 1707/8.
  • Sutton, Bennett, (d of Joseph, & Benet) died Nov 8, 1711.
  • Sutton, Christopher, died Nov 27, 1711.
  • Sutton, Joseph, Jr, died Jany 18, 1723/4.
  • Sutton, Nathaniel Sr, died Feby 3, 1724/5.
  • Sutton, Mary, (wife of Samuel), died May 7, 1754.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


In deed book 10, page 62, Norfolk Co Va, can be seen the will of Matthew Spivey dated Feb 16, 1718. He bequeathed to Extrix “the use of my water Mill, & Rents of my lands, use of Cattle, and old Cows, with my Stock of Hoggs in the hands of Edward Wood, Edward Weston, and William Ward, in the Government of N. C.” To said Extrix, use of lands “for bringing up my four youngest Children” dau Sarah, son Matthew, “when he comes of full size, to him my Maner plantation, with Water Mill, at age provided he affirm Saile for tract of Land in the tenor of John Staford, unto my son George Spivey.” Children: Sarah, Judith, Tamer, Elizabeth, Matthew, & George Spivey. To Wm Joshson “one coate.” Appointed “Mother, Mrs. Judith Nichols, & dau Sarah Extrix” jointly. Test’ Hannah Holiday, Robert, & John Bowers, Thomas Maning.

  • John Granbery of Nansemond Co Va, made a deed in Norfolk Co Vir, “with consent of Ann his wife,” unto Moses Prescott of Norfolk Co, “Land on Northwest River,” patented by John Creekmore, April 20, 1689, and sold by him to Daniel Browne, June 24, 1691, by said Browne, conveyed to Maj John Nichols, and bequeathed by him to his dau Ann “now wife of said Granbery” 100a. July 13, 1704. Test’ Nath’l Wilder, Matthew Spivey, Sarah Spivey, Judith Nichols.
  • Ann Granbery of Nansemond Co, appointed “brother Matthew Spivey” to act as her attorney, July 15, 1704. (As Judith, mother of Matthew, will 1718, m 2d Nichols, as before seen, Ann was probably a “step-sister” of Matthew Spivey, Jr.)
  • Matthew Spivey was J. P. in Norfolk Co Va, July 16, 1704.
  • George Spivey, obtained a grant in Nansemond Co Va, Oct 22, 1666, “near the head of Southern Branch,” and John Spivey had a grant Oct 28, 1697, “at a place called ‘planters delight’ ” on E. side of Southern Branch.
  • Thomas Spivey of Chowan Co N. C. deeded land, 150a to his son Jacob, on west side of Catherine’s Creek (Gates Co), and he with wife Mary conveyed 100a on South side of said Creek, unto Moses Hill, Apl 18, 1720. William Hill of Chowan, was “son-in-law” of Thomas Spivey, and had son Moses Hill, wife Mary. (Will Chowan, p 10, 1mo 1750/1.) Thomas Spivey, & wife Mary, sold 200a on North side of Catherine’s Creek, called “Meherrin Neck” unto—James Griffin, July 15, 1717. Test’ Abram Spivey, Thomas Rountree.
  • The will of Thomas Spivey, p in Chowan Co. Feb 7, 1729/30. Sons: Benjamin, Jacob, Thomas, & William.
  • Benjamin Spivey of N. C. sold to John Edwards of “Lower pish” Isle of Wight Co, Va, “for 16 barrels of Tarr, and 600 lbs of Tob” Land in Lower parish, which was part of a patent for 1800a, patented in 1680. Seal April 20 1723.
  • Thomas Spivey made a deed of gift to his son Benjamin, 496a “as per Patent to me” on N. E. side of Katherine’s Creek. 1715/6.
  • George Spivey, conveyed 100a, on Catherine’s Creek, unto Thomas Walton Jr. Dec 4, 1734. Test’ Benj Spivey.
  • Littleton Spivey made a deed in Chowan Co, to John Benton, conveying 40a “where John Spivey, father of said Littleton, lately lived, which he bequeathed to Littleton, & John Spivey his sons.” Jane Spivey of Nansemond Co made a deed soon after this, and she is thought to be wife of John dec’d.
  • Champion Spivey was dead, 1794, division names the following children: John, Dorothy, Delia, & Rachel.
  • Sarah & Zilpha Spivey were dau’s of Palatiah Walton of Chowan Co. Nov 6, 1776.


  • Spivey, John, m Rhoady Ward. May 9, 1790. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, Josiah, m Orpha Hurdle, Mar 9, 1802. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, William, m Charity White, Dec 21, 1807. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, Seth, m Lovey Ward, July 25, 1808. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, William, m Louisa Vandermon, Nov 25, 1831. (Chowan mar bonds.)
  • Spivey, Nathaniel, died 1758. (Records Chowan Co.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Francis Speight age 21 years, came to Va, in Thomas, & John, June 16, 1635, from London. He was granted 300a in Nansemond Co Va, Mar 17, 1654, “by a White Marsh.” This grant was probably in what is now Gates Co N. C. as the deeds mention land called by that name in said county, and it is positively known that the early Speights lived in Gates before coming to Perq.
  • John Speight was granted 300a, April 21, 1684, “formerly granted to Francis Speight; and William Speight received a grant for 520a April 21, 1695,” on East side of Bennetts Creek. As Bennetts Creek runs through Gates Co, and persons bearing this name were later found there, we are led to believe both these grants were situated in the same locality.
  • William Speight of Nansemond Co Va, made a deed in Chowan Co N. C., June 26, 1735, to his “son-in-law” Moses Hare, 100a “on Horse Pen Branch,” witnessed by Edward Speight, Thos. Speight, and Ann Speight. From legal papers in Perq it appears that Thomas Speight m Mary — issue: 1 Isaac—2 Ruth, m Joseph Jordan—3 Zilpah, m Timothy Walton—4 (daughter) m Solomon Sheppard—5 Elizabeth, m Christopher Benn of Isle of Wight Co., Va. Priscilla Speight m Thos. Jordan of Va.
  • Thomas Speight made his will in Perquimans Co, p April 27, 1737. Sons: Isaac, and Moses, dau’s: Rachel, Ruth Jorden, and Zilpah Blanchard (wife of Aaron) wife Mary. (His wife may probably have been — Rountree.)
  • Mary Speight, will Bertie Co, p May 7, 1743, names the identical children, except that she names two gr-dau’s Mary, & Elizabeth Speight, but whose children they were is not specified.
  • <Francis Speight of Chowan Co, will p Jan 1749. Names sons: Moses (to whom he left a “plantation at Contenteny,” (which is in Wayne Co N. C.) John, and Joseph, (to the last, “land in wolfpit valley,” (which appears as a location in several deeds in Perquimans Co) Brother William Speight. wife Kathern.
  • Isaac Speight had issue: Mary, Isaac (2) and Elizabeth.
  • Joseph Speight m Anne King. Mar 3, 1752. Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Isaac Speight m Ann Montfort. July 24, 1764. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • William Speight m Ann Phelps. Aug 8, 1772. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Josiah Speight m Mrs Elenora Bond. Jan 11, 1775. (Chowan Mar bonds.)
  • Nancy Speight made her will in Perq Co, p Feb 1834, naming: Sister Celia White, Ruth Elliott, & Margaret Whitehead, brother-in-law Foster Whitehead, brothers: John, & Jeremiah Speight.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Nothing is known of Thomas Snoden prior to his entry into N. C., except an affidavit made by John Foster 1703, that “he knew Thomas Snoden, & Elizabeth his wife in Pennsylvania, where he died, and that his son Thomas came from Maryland to Perq, with his step-father Thomas Hassold.” Thomas Snoden according to his own statement, was 24 years old Mar 1703. How long he had been here at that time the records do not show, but he was serving as Clerk of Court 1704. He married in Perq, July 18, 1705 Thomazin Mercer, who appears to have been his 2d wife.
  • Snoden (Snowden) Thomas and wife Constance — issue: 1 Joseph, b Dec 7, 1703. This is the only son by his first wife. His other children being by the second wife Tonsen: 2 Rebeckah, b Nov 23, 1706—3 John, b July 29, 1707—4 Thomas (3), April 18, 1711—5 Willis, b Dec 24, 1713—6 Joseph (2d by name), b Jan 24, 1716/7—7 Samuel, b Feby 6, 1720/1—8 Solomon, b Aug 26, 1724—9 Lemuel, b Feby 26, 1726/7. With all these sons, the name of Snoden could hardly suffer for lack of perpetuation.
  • Snoden, Thomas (2) will p in Perq, Oct 1736. He bequeathed to son John “land in Bertie Co,” and to son Joseph same. To sons: William, George & Samuel “land in Perq Co,” sons: Solomon, & Lemuel.
  • The division of his Estate Dec 1736, by Richard Whedbee, shows heirs: William, Joseph, George, Samuel, Solomon, & Lemuel, to each a part; wife Elizabeth. She is named in the will of John Wilson Aug 6, 1760, as “daughter.” From the records it seems that Thomas Snoden had by his third & last wife one daughter, whose name is not mentioned, therefore one can not be certain of the fact. She was widow of Francis Layden whose will was made in Perq, Feb 23, 1727/8, and he names the identical children in his will that she does in hers.
  • Snoden, Elizabeth, will Perq p Jan 1744, Sons: William, Francis, George, & Isack Layden, gr-dau Elizabeth Layden, gr-sons Robert, & Joseph Warren. Francis Layden possessed 337a of land in Durants Neck 1794, and Mary his wife 100a.
  • Snoden, Solomon (1) Thomas (1) m Mary Hawkins widow of John (no date). Richard Whedbee petitioned the Court (date not given) “having married Relict of Solomon Snowden” for care of his son Zebulon Snowden, and a division of negroes left by deceased.
  • Snoden, Jane, relinquished her right of Admix on Estate of her dec’d husband
  • George Snoden, in favor of Joshua Barclift, Oct 15, 1743.
  • Snoden, Lemuel, dec’d July 7, 1758, widow Mary Admix.
  • Snoden, William, m Ann Holloway, d of Thomas whose will p Nov 3, 1750, names her. He was dead Oct 1756, Ann Admix.
  • Snoden, Isaac, gr-son of Mary Sanders of Bertie Co, will 1734. Exrs: George Wynns, Robert Evans.
  • Snoden, Elizabeth, m William Stokes, before April 1762. They petition the Court on that day for part of “our Brother Frederick Snowdens Estate, who died March last under age.”
  • Snoden, Joseph, d. s. p. will Perq Jan 1740. Brothers: John, George, & William, niece, Thomsen Snoden. The last named was widow of Francis Layden Oct 1756.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


As the Skinner family has been well written up in N. C. Historical & Genealogical Register, it will be beyond my power to make a tracing of them which will be fuller, or more adequate. So it is my object only to give some data, not to be found in the above named work, prior to their coming to Perq County. Most of these notes were found in Isle of Wight Co Va, from which in my opinion Richard Skinner emigrated to N. C. A Richard Skinner appears in York Co, at an early date, as “servant of Capt Thomas Thorpe” but there is nothing to prove that he was the same in Isle of Wight, although he may have been identical. Being a “servant” in this case, does not imply an act of servitude, as we are in the habit of applying it. These so called “servants” were often times of a higher station in life than their masters, and were either political prisoners, sent to the Colony for some minor offense against the government, or were merely paying for a passage to this country, by service, for some stated period. And as Thomas Thorpe is mentioned as “Captain” the latter would seem to be the most plausible conclusion, in the case of Richard Skinner of York Co.

Arthur Skinner, was “foreman” of the jury, in Isle of Wight Co Va, April 14, 1664. William Skinner of Bristoll, Eng, Merchant, appears on the Isle of Wight records, as “Att’ for Mary Markes of Barbados, Widow; and appointed Robert Ked of Isle of Wight his Att’ to Recover from Francis England of Blackwater 5500 lbs of Tob, removed by order of Attorney, 1668. Test’ Robert Harris, James Edwards. John Norsworthy of Isle of Wight Co, leased for 14 years, unto Henry Skynner 160a of land in said Co, for the yearly rent of 400 lbs of Tob. Dec 23, 1664. Test’ George Norsworthy, Bryan Knowles.

Mary Skinner of “Runnison” Isle of Wight Co widow: sold to George Cripps of Blackwater, for 6000 lbs of Tob, “a divident of land” on said River 15000a. Test’ Edward Poynter, Thos Smyth, Daniel Palmer. June 7, 1680. She was married to John Collins of Upper pish of Isle of Wight Co, before Sept 7, 1680.

Richard Skinner made a deed in Isle of Wight July 11, 1676, and gave “all my lands to my wife and two daughters.” Unfortunately they are not named. He also mentions his gr-son Skinner Rawlings. Elizabeth (d of said Richard) m Rober Rawlings, of Surry Co Va, who was a mariner, and owned a “Shipp, which was lying att Warrick squick Bay” July 8, 1677. John Dunford gave bond to pay to Lt Richard Skinner, & James Griffin, 30000 lbs of Tob, July 26, 1674, from Estate of Robert Warren dec’d, of Lawnes Creek. Wit’ Wm Edwards, Rog’r Deeke. Roger Rawlings appointed his “father-in-law” Richd. Skinner Att’. Jan 13, 1675.

Mary Skinner made deposition in Surry Co, July 26, 1675, that William Hill, in his will “gave all his property to Wm Edwards.”

The Parish Reg of St Peters Church New Kent Co gives the ages of two of the children of Richard Skinner as follows: Rich’d, son of Rich’d Skinner, was bapt Feby 15, 1690—2 Margaret (d of Richard, & Mary) born Aug 6, 1699.

He was in Perq Co, N. C. 1701, and was granted 400a in Perq precinct, “at the punch bowles” adj Nathan Newby, along Bear Swamp. Dec 29, 1718.

As Mary Skinner was a widow in Isle of Wight Co & m 2d John Collins 1680, we are led to believe the Richard who came to N. C. must have been a son of the Richard, who had dau married to Roger Rawlings. He seems a better bet for our emigrant, and the records show that Richard of Isle of Wight was dead 1680. Richard (1) in Perq, in a deed to his dau Margaret Walston (Walton) makes plain he had a dau by that name, & her age is given in St Peters Reg He certainly had a son Richard (2) who m Sarah Overman, issue: 1 James, b 5, 10mo 1715—2 Samuel, & Richard (twins) b 15, 11mo 1717—Evane, b 15, 1mo 1719—4 Joseph, b 11, 8mo 1722—5 Joshua, b 25, 5mo 1724—6 Jonathan, b 13, 7mo 1726—7 William, b 25, 12mo 1728—8 John, b 21, 11mo 1730/1. Joseph (s of Richard) died 15, 9mo 1739. (Quaker Reg.)

A long line of Skinner births can be found in N. C. Hist & Gen Reg.

Richard Skinner, and wife Mary, were still alive in Perquimans, 1722.

Major F. S. Skinner of Providence, R. I., is at work on a book, lining up this old family, which he intends to publish at a future date.

Richard Skinner had land grants in Perq, 400a as above stated, and 356a on Bear Swamp, Nov 27, 1727. William Skinner was granted 600a, adj Ephrim Hunter, Mar 11, 1740. Evane Skinner granted 381a in Bear Swamp, Sept 7, 1761, & 130a, Mar 5, 1780, same location.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


Joseph Scott of Perq, probably came from Nansemond Co Va, where this family was well entrenched. The Quaker records there, however, fail to mention the ones who evidently moved to N. C.

The will of Joseph Scott, Perq precinct, is so illegible, that it can not be deciphered, only one legatee, being traceable, that a son Joshua. This will is dated Oct 26, 1685. There are however other items of interest, to be found, in the old Parish Reg, of Perq, which is still extant. The first mention in this old book being the death notice of one, Caleb Scott, who Dept this Life, Aug 7, 1679. Probably Caleb was a son of Joseph. He certainly had a dau Mary (m John Pierce).

  • Mary Scott, Late wife of Joseph, of this Co, Dept this Life Feby 24, 1681-2.
  • Joseph Scott, Late of Perq, Dept this Life, the last of Oct 1685.
  • Joshua Scott Dept this Life ye 14 of Jan 16—.
  • Joshua Scott m Mary — & had issue: 1 Grace m Wm Friley of Perq (see deeds), b Sept 21, 1682—2 Sarah b Mar 20, 1685. His will, Albemarle (Perq precinct) Jan 8, 1685/6. Made bequest to dau’s Sarah, & Grace, wife Mary Extrix. Test’ John Kinsey, Richard Evans, & John Wolfenden.
  • Two at least of these witnesses came from Va to N. C. John Kinsey from Nansemond, & Richard Evans from Isle of Wight. Wolfenden, was an Englishman, & came it is thought directly from that Country.
  • Mary Scott, wife of Joshua, Dept this Life May 22, 1692. Her will probated in Perq, Oct 3, 1692, names dau Hepthenia Walker, Julyanah Taylor, & gr-dau Johanah Taylor.
  • Mary Scott (wife of Joseph) m 2d Thomas Blount (s of James) 1685. On the records, she appears as wife of Joseph, who died 1681-2. Berkeley Par Reg, Perq precinct.)
  • Joshua Scott, (s of Joshua, & Lidia) b 12, 6mo 1643. New Eng Hist Reg, Vol 2.)
  • Joshua Scott may have come into Perq with the strong New England migration, which brought hither, Christopher Nicholson, Robert Cannon, Joseph Winslow, & many others.

The Tailor family is represented in Berkeley Par Reg, by the following:

  • John Tailor, s of John & wife Julianna, b Mch 7, 1690.
  • Thomas Tailor, Dept this Life, Desember 9, 1687.
  • John Tailor, Dept this Life febuary 2, 1688, at Grassy — (Point).
  • Elizabeth Tailor, d of Jonathan, & Elizabeth b Desember 5, 1693, died Sept 28, 1694.
  • Jonathan Tailor, died Sept 16, 1698.
  • Julianna Tailor, m 2d Benjamin Laker Esq, May 17, 1696. (His third wife.)
  • Juliana Laker (d of Henry Hudson, & wife Mary) died Dec — 1738.
  • John Hudson, merchant of Boston, New England, died Oct 5, 1733.
  • Benjamin Laker died, Apl 21, 1701, at his house, on Saseltons (Castletons) Creek.
  • James Scott, & wife Exelpe, had a d Rachel, b Feby 12, 1738.
  • Stephen Scott m Hannah Nicholson, Apl 13, 1721. (Second by that name.)
  • Stephen Scott, will probated Sept 11, 1716 (no Co given), names sons: Edward, to whom he left “land on Newbegun Creek” (Pasq Co), Stephen, & Henry (plan’ to each), John, & Joshua, dau Sarah, & Elizabeth, wife Elizabeth (née Jordan).
  • Stephen Scott (2) will p in Pasq Co, Jan 1753. Sons: Joseph, Samuel, Dau Mary Conner, (wife of John) Gr-children; Joseph, & Mary Scott, Mary, John, & Cado Conner; Stephen, & William Scott.
  • John Scott, of Pasq, will p Jan 8, 1738. Dau’s: Eliphel, & Hannah, wife Sarah. (See Grimes N. C. Wills.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


Capt John Ratcliffe arrived at Jamestown with Capt John Smith, in Discovery, April 26, 1607, with 20 other passengers. After Edward Maria Wingfield was expelled for wasting the “stores” he was elected president in his place. John Ratcliffe was one of the Council, “when the Colonists first reached shore” on their crossing to Accomac Co. (History of Accomac Co.) He was living at Jamestown May 23, 1609. (Browns Gen. to America.)

Roger Radclife was living “att West, and Sherlew hundred” Feb 16, 1623. (Hotten.) He arrived in Va, in “George” May 1619, with his wife Ann, age 40, and son Isaac 9 years old. He gave his own age as 44.

Charles Radcliffe had land grt him, in Accomac Co, July 10, 1664.

The History of Grant Co Ind, shows that James & Mary Ratcliffe came from England to Bucks Co Penn, with five children, as follows: 1 Richard, b April 8, 1676—2 Edward, b Aug 14, 1678—3 Rachel, b Feb 16, 1682—4 Rebecca, b Nov 11, 1684—5 James, b 1686/7.

The theory has been advanced that the Richard (s of James & Mary) is the identical one who was such a prominent Quaker in Isle of Wight County Va, but if one will stop to investigate the date thoroughly, it would be seen immediately, that such could not possibly be the case. The Richard in Penn, was only ten years of age when the Richard in Isle of Wight, made his will 1686. May we not more plausibly surmise, that Roger of West and Shirley hundred, might be the progenitor of Richard of Isle of Wight, for certainly propinquity would lend color to that version. Again he could have been a descendant of John Ratcliffe of Jamestown, however the records do not give any positive proof.

Richard Ratcliffe, first in Isle of Wight Co, made a will in sd county, which was Ack in Court Mar 4, 1686/7. Son Richard (2) to whom he bequeathed 200a of land, “if he die to s Cornelius” son John, dau’s Elizabeth, Sara, Mary, & Rebecca, wife Elizabeth, & John Copeland Exrs. Test’ Daniel Sandbourne, Wm Outland, Edmund Belson.

The children of Richard are given in Chuckatuck Friends Reg, Nansemond Co, as follows:

  1. Elizabeth, b 21, 7mo 1668, m James Jordan (s of Thomas, & Margaret, of Chuckatuck Nansemond Co) 9, 12mo 1688—
  2. Sarah, b 19, 9mo 1670, m Joseph Kennerly, of Dorchester Co Md, 20, 7mo 1696—
  3. Richard (2) b 13 7mo 1672, m Elizabeth Hollowell (d of Henry dec’d of Isle of Wight Co) 18, 7mo 1700—
  4. Cornelius, b 15, 1mo 1674, m Elizabeth Jordan, widow (thought to be Elizabeth Sanborn, wid of Joshua Jordan) of Isle of Wight Co) 3, 9mo 1721—
  5. Mary, b 5, 2mo 1679, m Thomas Newman, 13, 2mo 1699—
  6. Rebecca, b, 3, 5mo 1684, m Richard Jordan (s of Thomas of Chuckatuck) 2, 8mo 1706. The marriage Banns name her as “d of Richard Ratcliff of Trerasco Neck” and her father appears among the witnesses to the m certificate.

Richard Ratcliffe Sr attended a “meeting at Leavy’s Neck, 13, 4mo 1708.” Richard and John Ratliff are named in the m certificate of Rebecca (Jordan) as “brother.”

How to account for the fact that Richard Ratcliff (1) made a second will in Isle of Wight Co 8, 8mo 1713, p Oct 27, 1718, but from the fact that he names the identical children, and that they had the same husbands, we are led to conclude it was certainly the same Richard who made a will 1686, although a period of 27 years intervened. The 2d Richard could not have had a child ofr marriageable age, at the time the sons and dau’s of Richard Ratcliff did marry. Also the issue in the second will is in exactly the same sequence as the first, but the text of the will is different. Will of Richard Ratcliff of Lower pish Isle of Wight Co, p Oct 27, 1718, gives to son “Richard plan’ whereon I now live,” after the death of his wife Elizabeth, to her he left 5 negroes for her “Natual life,” to be equally divided between his children: Richard, Cornelius, John, Mary, Rebeccah, & the “children of my two dec’d dau’s Elizabeth, & Sarah, a childs pt to be divided among them.” Son-in-law Thomas Newman (husband of Mary) Richard Jordan (husband of Rebeccah) “a part of my Estate.” Test’ Wm Best, Humph’ry Marshall, Tho. Copeland.

  • Cornelius Ratcliff will Isle of Wight Co Va, p Feb 4, 1762. Leg: John Outland, Cornelius Moore, Marthy Winslow (wife of Jesse of Perq Co, (will 1771) John Jordan “over Nansemond River,” Richard Jordan & wife Elizabeth, John Newman, Rachel Outland’s heirs, Thomas Outland “my plan’ in Western Branch” Cornelius Outland (s of Thomas). He gave to Thomas Outland, & Gideon Moore “all ready Money.” Test’ Charles Driver, Henry Pitt, Samuel Cutchin.
  • Cornelius, and Gideon Moore were sons of John Moore of Perq Co who made his will Mar 11, 1750. Joseph Ratliff is named in this will as “bro-in-law.”
  • Richard (2) Ratliff moved to Perq Co, where he m for his 2d wife Damaris Nixon (d of Zachariah, & wife Elizabeth Page, d of Mark Page, b 8, 6mo 1682). His will p in Perq pre’ct, July 14, 1724. Sons: Thomas, Joseph, to whom he bequeathed “lands in Vir, & N. C.” Dau’s Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Huldah, wife Damaris, & brother Cornelius Exrs.
  • Damaris Ratlif also made her will in Perq, p Feb 24, 1734. Son: Joseph. Dau’s Mary Moore (wife of John, father of Cornelius, & Gideon) Sarah Winslow, “sons-in-law John More, & Thomas Winslow, gr-dau Betty More.
  • Joseph Ratcliffe, m Mary Fletcher (d of Ralph) 13, 3mo 1747. He was dec’d Apl 2, 1760, apparently without a will. Inventory on that date. His son Cornelius was bound apprentice to Josiah Jordan of Perq, July 1771, “to learn the Art of a Cordwainer,” & Thomas his brother bound at same time to said Jordan. (2) Joseph Ratlif will Perq, p July 1787. Names dau’s: Elizabeth, Mary, Peninah, & Catherine, brother Thomas, wife Sarah. Brother Cornelius, & Benj Albertson Exrs.
  • Joseph (1) Ratliff dec’d Feb 9, 1760; Mary relict. (Loose papers.)
  • Cornelius Ratliff was heir of Daniel Saint, Jan 18, 1783. (Divisions.)
  • Joseph Ratliff in Act’ with his Guardian Ralph Fletcher, Jan 20, 1771. (Audit.)
  • Mary Ratliff Admix of Joseph; William Newby who intermarried with Elizabeth Ratlif, petitioned the Court for division of negroes, “given the several Representatives” by Cornelius Ratlif of Va. Jan 19, 1769. (Loose papers.)
  • Joseph Ratliff m Sarah Newby, 3, 8mo 1774. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Thomas Ratliff m Hannah Munden, 28, 11 mo 1778. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Cornelius Ratliff m Elizabeth Charles, — 12mo 1780. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Daniel Saint, m Margaret Barrow, 15, 6mo 1744. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Damaris (Nixon) Ratcliff, m 1st Joseph Pierce (s of John & Mary, née Scott) Aug 11, 1699, “at Little River meeting.” The Scotts also came to Perq from Nansemond Co Va, and were Quakers.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Samuel Pricklove a resident of Perq Precinct, prior to the coming of George Durant 1661, whose land was adj said grant to Durant from the Indian Chief, had his own grant directly from Sir Wm Berkeley. No mention of a grant to Samuel Pricklove can be found in Perq, but the records make mention of the fact that he had a grant from before stated source. Samuel Pricklove is supposed to have come to Perq from Nansemond Co Va, where that family was strongly entrenched. This family was united with the Quaker faith, but Samuel strayed far from the fold, “by taking up arms” and following the rebellion with the redoubtable Durant, at the time Thomas Miller was deposed from the Government 1677-79. For his part in this insurrection, he suffered the disgrace of being in the “Pillory,” and had his right ear amputated, and was sentenced to banishment from the Colony. The records do not show whether this drastic punishment was really carried out, but we do know his descendants remained in Perquimans. He was dec’d Apl 20, 1692, without a will, so no definite means can be found to establish his issue; except for one son whose age is given in the Berkeley Par Reg: His wife was Rachel, née Larance, m June 1, 1668, by whom he had son: Samuel b Dec 24, 1674, and it is thought another son (John) born before this date, of whom there is no birth date.
  • John Pricklove (1) m Elizabeth — issue: 1 Leah, b Mch 4, 1695, m Joseph Smith, and had several children, m 2d Thomas Winslow, (see Deeds)—2 Judith, b Dec 2, 1697, m Abraham Sanders—3 Elizabeth, b April 25, 1699, m William Elliott, & had son Pritlow Elliott—4 Rebecca, b Dec 10, 1705, m Zachery Chancey.
  • John Pricklove, Will p in Perq, May 1, 1728, names Dau’s: Rachel Wilson (wife of Robert) Judith Sanders, Elizabeth Eliot, gr-son John Smith, wife Elizabeth.
  • Pricklove, Elizabeth, will p in Perq July 23, 1728, names Dau’s: Leah Smith, Rachel Wilson, Priscilla Sanders, Rebecca Chancey, gr-children: John Smith, Silvanus Willson, Judith, & Priscilla Sanders. As a dau Priscilla is named in her will & not in his, Elizabeth may have been a widow when she m John Pritlow.
  • Pricklove, John, had a grant for land in Perq, 400a on Perq River, “at the mouth of Wolf pitt branch,” adj Jonathan Phelps. Jan 1, 1694. As Jonathan Phelps land lay on the mouth of same branch, up Castletons Creek, we may infer that John Pricklove lived near Hertford.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, b 1674, m Purina Penrice (d of Francis, & Elizabeth) Mar 25, 1696, issue: 1 Samuel (3) b Nov 6, 1698—2 Francis, b Mch 25, 1702.
  • His will (no County given, but Perq) p Jan 20, 1702-3, Sons: Samuel, & Francis, wife Peninah.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, had grant for land in Perq, 400a “at the mouth of a small Creek issuing out of Lillys Creek.” Mar 30, 1704.
  • Pricklove, Francis, had grant for land, 165a “in Perq pre’cs adj Jonathan Bateman. Mar 30, 1704. Both of these grants were in Durants Neck, and were probably taken up by their mother, as they were too young to be taking up land. The Perq records show that this was often done.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, (probably gr-son of Samuel (2) m Keziah Nixon, née Pierce, widow of Francis Nixon) 7, 6mo 1780.
  • Pricklove, Kesiah, was wife of Nathan Newby, Oct 1756, at the proving of her fathers will on that date. Her husband Nathan (2) Newby, succeeded his father at the Ferry, “on Nathans Point” and was one of the first Directors of the town of Hertford 1759, when it was incorporated. He was dead 1765 when Seth Sumner was made a Director in his place. Keziah his wife m 2d Francis Nixon, who died before Jan 1773, when his will was probated in Perq, whose will makes mention of the fact that Nathan Newby was “former husband” of Keziah. Francis Nixon, & wife Keziah made complaint to the Court 1765, agst Simon Perisho, for debt. Keziah Pritlow was allowed £13-13-1 “for keeping the Ferry, from her point to Hertford on public days.” Jan 1784. There can be no doubt that Nathan Newby inherited the Ferry House, & appurtenances on the point opposite to Phelps Point, and that Samuel Pritlow continued the same after he m Keziah.
  • Pricklove, Rebecca, m Zachary Chancey, who proved rights Apl 20, 1742.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).