What’s New

WHITE Family Bible (CALEB WHITE 1839-1886)


Marriages & Births

  • Caleb White & Mary Eliza Felton was married on the 24th Jan 1861.
  • Caleb White & Elizabeth Ann White was married on the 7th day of March 1867.
  • Whitaker Myers & Elizabeth White were married on the 21st of Dec 1887.
  • Elihu White & Albertice White were married on the 2nd Jan 1889.
  • Onella White & Carl Winslow & Lizzie Myers & Nathan Relfe were married Sept 11, 1913.
  • Mary Onella Daughter of Elihu & Albertice White was born on the 12 Feb 1890.
  • Caleb Wayland Son of Elihu & Albertice White was born June the 2nd 1891.
  • Lizzie Myers Daughter of Elihu & Albertice White was born September 23, 1892.
  • Charlie Edward Son of Elihu White & Albertice Whte was born Feb 17th 1894.
  • Mary Emma Daughter of Caleb & Mary Eliza White was born on the third day of May 1864.
  • Albertice Daughter of Caleb White & Elizabeth Ann White was born on the 14th day of Feb 1868.
  • Marietta Daughter of Caleb & Elizabeth Ann White was born on the 18th day of November 1869.
  • James Dillard Son of Caleb & Elizabeth Ann White was born the 6th day of November 1873.
  • Jacob Timothy Son of Caleb & Elizabeth Ann White was born the 29th day of April 1876.
  • Adelaide Elizabeth Daughter of Caleb & Elizabeth Ann White was born on the 6th day of December 1877.
  • Caleb White the son of Jonathan & Mary White was born on the 17th of April 1839.
  • Elizabeth Ann, Daughter of John & Elizabeth Felton White was born July the 19th 1846.


  • Mary Eliza wife of Caleb White departed this life on the 12th day of September 1866.
  • Mary Emma Daughter of Caleb & Mary Eliza White departed this life on the 5th day of December 1866.
  • James Dillard Son of Caleb White & Elizabeth Ann Whte departed this life on the 21st day of August 1874.
  • Caleb son of Johnathan & Mary White & husband of Elizabeth Ann White departed this life on Feb 9th 1886.
  • Elihu Son of Edmond & Esther White & consort of Albertice White departed this life Dec 30th 1894.
  • Whitaker Myers died Aug 17th 1897.
  • Onrella White Winslow wife of Carl Winslow died Apr 16, 1915.
  • Elizabeth White Myers wife of Whitaker Myers died May 26, 1918.
  • Albertice White Hawkins wife of Geo. Hawkins died Oct 17th 1939.

Contributed by Don White

Other records on Caleb White:

Caleb White’s place of burial

Caleb White’s service record from the War Between the States     


JOSHUA WHITE (1865 Will)

Joshua White

In the name of God Amen I Joshua White of the County of Perquimans and State of N Carolina being at this ____ ____ of lazy but of sound and disposing mind Thanks as to God for the ____ ____ ____ and ordain this writing to confirm my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows

First I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Emily White all the property that s____ by him to her & her heirs forever. I also leave to the use of her all the lands together with all the buildings where I now live except the Roundtree lands also the field called the back deading beginning at a gate and running along a big ditch to the East end of ____ field including all that is ditched round on the right hand side as ____  ____ together with my household &  ____ ____ ____ ____ during her natural life or widowhood ____ ____ to the use of my beloved wife my riding Carriage ____ ____ ________and gray roan sorrel during her life or widowhood I also give to her one hundred pounds Corn & fivethousand pounds fodder two thousand pounds Pork one hundred pounds Sugar fifty pounds Coffee also two Sows & pig to her & her heirs forever I also leave to her use one yoke of oxen and her Control ____  ____ during her life or widowhood.

Secondly I give devise and bequeath unto my son Joshua W White (Joshua Warren White) all my lands at Bagleys Swamp together with all that I have heretofore possessed him with to him and his heirs forever.

Thirdly I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Milicent Pearce all my Rountree lands and at the death or marriage of my wife Emily White the plantation whereon I now live by her paying to Mary A Winslow Five Hundred dollars to her& her heirs forever.

4th I give devise and bequeath unto grandson Charles Willis Pearce all the remaining part of my Cyprus lands and at the death or mariage of my beloved wife for him to have that portion given to her by his paying over Five Hundred Dollars to my daughter Mary A Winslow to him his heirs and assigns forever.

5thly I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Mary A Winslow one note that I hold against her of One Thousand Dollars to be paid by my daughter Milicent Pearce & my grandson Charles Willis Pearce that is to say Five Hundred each and all that I have heretofore possessed her with to her & his heirs & assigns forever.

6thly I give devise and bequeath unto my three grandchildren namely Sallie Twine, Cornelia F. White & Joseph Judson White Fifteen Hundred Dollars to be equally divided between them on condition that I have nothing to pay for their father Jos R White dec’d to them their heirs and assigns forever.

7thly I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Martha (or Marsha) Jane Cooper ____ ____to her her heirs and assigns forever.

8thly I give devise and bequeath the remaining part of my Estate at the death or marriage of my beloved wife Emily to my three children namely Joshua Warren White, Mary A Winslow & Milicent Pearce to them their heirs and assigns forever.

9thly & lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my son Joshua W White my whole and only ____ to this my last Will & Testament desiring him to see the same fully executed & performed.

In  ____ whereof I have presented ____ my hand & affixed my seal This 14th day of September _ _ 1865.

Joshua White seal

Signed in the presence of

E W Riddick

William White


Nov Term 1865

Perqe Co Court of the foregoing Will of Joshua White was admitted to probate and ordered to be recorded & filed

See minute docket Nov term 1865 page 287

Transcribers note:

Will book H Perquimans

In 1860 Joshua White had assets

$7,000 real estate

$40,000 personal property

Contributed and transcribed by Frances Callaghan


Will of

William Pearson

16 January 1805

Perquimans County, NC

I William Pearson of the County of Perquimans  & State of North Carolina do make & ordain this my last will & Testament in manner as followeth.–

1st It is will that all just debts should be discharged by my Executor, in due time.–

2nd I give & bequeath unto my son Peter Pearson all my land & appurtenances thereunto belonging (only reserving the use thereof to my wife Miriam Pearson during her widowhood) to him & his heirs forever but if he should die without legal isue, I give said land & premises to be divided between  two of my Daughters Lillias & Miriam Pearson to be divided in the following manner beginning at Josiah Elliotts line opposite the head of the large branch that runs up by my house, thence running down said branch till it coms to the mouth of a small branch near the main road, thence up said small branch to the fork thence from said fork a strait line to a marked tree in my back line the corner of John & Thomas Evens, Miriam to have that part whereon the buildings stands and Lillias to have the other part to them & their heirs forever.–

3rd I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Peninah Elliott that part of my estate which I have possessed her with, & five dollars to her & her heirs forever.–

4th I give the use of my land & plantation & all the remaining part of my estate to my wife Miriam Pearson during her widowhood, but if in case she should marry I give all the remaining part of my estate not before given (except my hand mill and my gun) to be equally divided between or amongst my said wife & four of my Daughters, to wit, Elizabeth, Lillias, Easter, Miriam Pearson but if in case my Daughters Lillias & Miriam should fall heirs to the land as provided in the second paragraph, then it is my will that my Daughters Elizabeth & Easter should have said remainder to them & their heirs forever.

5th I give and bequeath unto my son Peter Pearson one hand mill & one gun to him & his heirs forever.–

6  If my said wife should not marry but should die in widowhood, I give all the said remainder as mentioned in the gift number four to be equally divided amongst my four Daughters Elizabeth, Lillias, Easter & Miriam in the same manner as is directed & provided on said gift that is if Lillias & Miriam should fall heirs to the said land, then for Elizabeth & Easter to possess said remainder of my estate to them & their heirs forever.–

7th And lastly I nominate constitute & appoint my wife Miriam Pearson my Executrix & Thomas Hollowell my Executor to see this my will fulfiled & done hereby ratifying & confirming this and no other to be & contain my last Will & Testament in manner & form as it now stands according to the true intent & meaning thereof, in Witness where of I the said William Pearson have hereunto set my hand & seal this 16th day of the 1st month 1805.

William Pearson       Seal  

Signer Sealed & published in the presents of                                                        

Mary Hollowell

Sarah Hollowell


In the room of Thomas Hollowell who I have appointed Executor to the above will I do nominate and appoint Thomas White of Josiah Executor to the above will in Presents of this 1st mo. 15th 1807

Wm  Pearson      (his mark)   Seal                                                                           

John Bogue                                                                                                                       

Joseph  Evans       (his X mark)


Perquimans County } February Term at Hertford AD 1807

This certifies that the foregoing will was exibited into open Court & proved by the Oath of Joseph Evans one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & at the same time the Exex. therein named

appeared & qualified agreeable to law.–

Test Thos. H Harvey Clk

May Term 1807 Thos White

appeared & qualified agreeable to law

Test Thos. H. Harvey Clk



Will of

William Charles

2 November 1770

North Carolina}

Perqu. County}            

Be it known to all men by these presents that I William Charles of the place afsd. being sick & weak of body but of perfect sence and sound disposing memory. Therefore calleing to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed once for men to die do make and ordain these presents to contain my last will & Testament in the following manner & form that is to say–

Item   I give to my loving wife the use of the whole land plantation & improvements that I now dwell on for the term of fifteen years and from the end of that time one third of the afsd. land plantation & improvements during her natural life to her and her disposal.–

Item   I give to my two sons William Charles & Joshua Charles all the land & improvements that I now dwell on to be equally divided betwixt  them  and their heirs for ever but if either of the sd. Wm. or Joshua should die under age the other to have the whole land & improvements.–

Item   I give to my brother in law John Henby thirty two acres of land lying between the gum swamps (now in hands of Foster Tomes ) to him and his heirs for ever–

Item   I give to my son Aaron Charles the uper half of all my land between the gum swamp (that I had of Jno. Pinner & that in the hands of Foster Tomes) to him and his heirs for ever–

Item   I give to my son John Charles the other lower half of my land between the gum swamp (that I had of Jno. Pinner & that in the hands of Foster Tomes) to him and his heirs for ever.–

Item   I give to my daughter Margaret Charles one feather bed and furniture to her and her disposal when arived to age or marriage–

Item   I give to my daughter Anne Charles one feather bed and furniture to her and her disposal when arived to age or marriage–

Item   I give to my loving wife all the residue and remaining part of my estate that is not already given away to her and her disposal for ever–

Further more I nominate constitute and appoint my loving wife Jane Charles Executrix and my father in law Aaron Albertson Executor of this my last will and Testament and I do hereby revoke and disanulall and every other wills and testaments and bequests and Executors by me in any wise before this time named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament–

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this second day of November in the year 1770–

 William  Charles     (his X mark)

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of

Benjn. Albertson

Wm Albertson                                         __________________________________

proved in January Court 1771, Perquimans County



Will of

Samuel Charles 

12 March 1727/28,

Perquimans County

In the name of god amen the twelth day of March 1727/28 I Samuel Charles of poquimons being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to  god therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye to make and ordain this my last will and Testament  that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the Hands of god that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in in Decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection that I shall receive  the same again by the mighty power of god and as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased god to bless me. I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Item  I give to my wife half my plantation where I now live during her widowhood if she sould marry she is to have but her thirds.

IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Charles the plantation and land whereon I now live to him and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body for ever. If he should dye without such heirs then to falls to his brother John Charles and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body  for ever.

Item I give to my son John Charles a tract of land out back betwix the head of the lower gum swamp and the head of the bull branch to him and his heirs forever.

Item  I give to my son Josuay Charles a small tract of land on the north east side of the lower swamp to him and his heirs for ever.

Item I give to Sarah Maudlin one young cow.

Item I give to my Grand Daughter Eliz Overman one two year old heifer.

Item I give to my Daughter Lidey Charles one young cow and calf.

Item I give all the rest of my cattle be equally divided betwix my wife and my Daughter Sarah Charles and my son Josuay Charles and my Daughter Hannah Charles.

Item I give to my daughter Mary Overman two ews and lambs .

Item I give all the rest of my sheep to be equally divided betwix my wife and other children.

Item I give my wife the use of the feather bed and furniture that I now lie in for her natural life and after her death to my Daughter Hannah.

Item I give all my hogs to my wife for to pay what debts I owe and to bring up my small children.

Item I give to my two sons Samuel and John my two guns each of them one.

Item I give the labor of my Negro woman to my wife during her widowhood for the maintainment of my small children after her deceas or marriage then the Negro woman to work one year with my son Josuay Charles and one year with my Daughter Hannah during the Negroes life.

Item I give to my son John Charles one feather bed with an osenbrigs tick 

Item I give to my wife my white horse called Smoker 

Item I give to my son Samuel my greate table and form

Item I give all the rest of my household goods that is not already given to equally divided betwix my wife and children.

Item I give to my son Josuay Charles one young two year old horse.

Item I give to my Daughter Lidey one yearling mare.

Item I give to my daughter Mary Overman one bay mare 

Item I give one gray mare and her increase betwix my two daughters Sarah Charles and Hannah Charles

Item I leave my great horse called Caper for the use of the plantation and if he proves unluckey then my Executors has power to swap or sell him for money to buy another

Item I likewise constitute make  and ordain my two sons Samuel Charles and John Charles of this my Last Will and  Testament and I do hereby utterly disannul all other wills that have here to fore been by me made. In witness my hand this day and the year above written–

Samuel Charles     (signature) — SEAL

Signed Sealed in the presents of us

 John Keatton

 Nathaniel N. Albert,

 Edward  EM  Maudlin__________________________________

Proved in open court by ye oaths of

Mr John Keatton, Mr. Edward Maudlin and affirma” of Nathl Alburt evidences(?) hereto.

Test Charles Denman Clk Ct–

Letters granted by me 7th(?) 18th  1728–



 Will of

Peter Pearson

Will Written 27 May 1779 

North Carolina

Perquimans County                 

Know all men by these presents that I Peter Pearson of the aforesd County and Province being sick and weak in body and knowing the uncertainty of this life do for settling of my temporal concerns make this my last will and Testament in manner as followeth, that is to say—

1       I give unto my wife Marry Pearson the best bed and furniture in my house two cows & calfs a side saddle two  iron pots three pewter dishes & one bason half dozen plates & one third part of the Delft ware to her & her heirs forever

2       I give unto my two sons Nathan & William Pearson my Negro boy Isaac to be equally divided between them I also give my son Nathan one feather bed & furniture to him & his heirs forever

3       I give unto my son William Pearson one feather bed without furniture  my yearling colt & one cow & calf to him & his heirs forever —

4       I give unto my son Peter Pearson one feather bed & furniture & my mains after paying my son Jonathan the value of eight pounds gold & silver to him & his heirs forever

5       I give unto my Daughter Mary Moore one feather bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever—

6       I give unto my son Jonathan Pearson one feather bed & furniture & the value of eight pounds gold and silver which he is to receive from my son Peter Pearson to him & his heirs forever-

7       I give unto my Daughter Ruth Boyce one feather bed & furniture to her & her heirs forever—

8       I give unto my son Christopher Pearson twenty five pounds  I mean the value of that sum in gold and silver to him & his heirs forever—

9       I give unto my Daughter Rachel Newby four pounds seventeen shillings which is all ready hard—

10    I give unto my three grand children Nathan Peter & Josiah Lacy one cow & calf a piece to each of them  to them and theirs forever—

11     I give all the remainder part of my estate not before mentioned & desire it may be equally divided amongst my six children Peter  Nathan  William  Mary  Ruth & Jonathan to them and their heirs forever—

Lastly I nominate constitute & appoint my son Nathan Pearson & my friend Matthew White Executors to this my last will and testament hereby revocking all other wills heretofore by me made and publishing this to be my last

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and have this 27th day of may In the year of out Lord one  thousand seven hundred seventy nine.

Peter Pearson   (his mark)

It is my desire that Josiah White Matthew White Josiah Jordan may divide my estate agreeable to the above mentioned will-  

Signed Sealed & Published &                                                       

Delivered by the sd. Peter Pearson to be & contain his last will In the Presents of

Nathan Lacey

Mary White

Josiah Jordan Junr



Will of

Mary Ann (Martin) Pearson

16 July 1780

                 Proved in April Court, 1781                 

North Carolina

In Perquimons Countey 

In the name of god the 16th day of July in the year of our Lord 1780: I  Mary Ann Pearson in the Countey of Perquimons Being in perfect mind and memory thanks be to god there fore caling to mind the mortality of my bodey and knowing that it is apointed for all men to Die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principaly and furst of all I give and recomend my soul into hand of god that gave it and for my bodey I recomend it to the Earth to be buried in A Christian and desent like maner at the Discretion of my Executor and as touching such wourldly estait where with it haith pleaised god to Bless me with in this life . I give and devise and dispose of the saim in the following maner and form.

First. I leave unto my grandater Mary Wilson doter of Robert Wilson one cow and ??? or calf and one linen wheal and one large puter dish and one small one  itm. I leave to her 1 two 2’quart bason. Itm I leave untow my grand doter Mary Wilson two puter plaits and I leve unto hur six puter spoons and I leve to hur too ???? nives and too fork. itm I give unto my soon Enock Jesop one feather bead and bolster and bedstead and cord and cover lid. too pilers and own blanket and two sheats itm. I give unto Meriam Jesop dauter to Enock Jesop one year old heffer itm-I give unto my soon Enock Jesop 1 chert 1 baking(?) iron—

I give untow my Dauter Ruth Boice one large iron pot–Itm. I give unto my grand doter Mary Wilson one small trunk and too chairs and I give unto my grand doter Mary Wilson 1 iron pot and if my grand doter Mary Wilson should die without Isew of bodey then it is my will that the above mentioned goods left to my granddauter should be equaly devided with all the rest and remainderof my estait a mongst all my children– Jemima HasketEnock Jesop  Cristefor Pearson  William Pearson  Jonathon Pearson  Mary More  Ruth Boice and I constitute and apoint — Enock Jesop and Calob White to be my executors and I do hereby uterly disalowe and revoke and disannul all and every other former testaments, wills legiaser, bequeath and executors by me in any wise be fore named wiled and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seall this sixtenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty

Maryann Pearson   (her mark)       

Signed Sealed published pronounces and declared by the said Maryann Pearson hur last will and testament in the presenets of us who In Presents and in the presents of each other have here to subscribed our names                                                            

Pritlow Elliot  

Mary Elliot  (her M mark)    

Elizabeth Perry


Perquimans CountyApril Court 1781                        

This may certify that the forgoing will was then and there proved in open Court, g’ Enoch Jesop the exor therein named was qualify agreable to law

By ?? Skinner (?)        ??? Clk



Will of

Daniel Stallings (Sr.)


North Carolina          } 

Perquimons County } 

In the name of god amen I Daniel Stallings being sick of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory thanks be to god for the same do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz–

Item I give and bequeath unto my Well Beloved Daughter Mary Stallings to her and her heirs for ever one Negro girl named Siller she and her increase–

Item I giv and bequeath unto my son Patih (this is no doubt his son Palatiah) Stallings all my land in Gates County to him and his heirs for ever–

Item I giv and bequeath unto my son Henry Stallings my Plantation that I bought of Wiliam Lilley and all the Land joining there unto to him and his heirs for ever–

Item I giv and bequeath unto my three sons Simon Stallings Daniel Stallings Joseph Stallings all the remaining part of my Land to them and their heirs for ever to be devided equaly when they all come of age and if (word illegible) of the three should die without heir then the Surviving heirs of these three to have this land   —

My will and desire is that my well Beloved Wife Milison Stallings shall hav the use and prevelidgs of all my Lands till my Sons comes to Lawfull age or her Marrage

My desire is that my wife shall hav the Plentation during her Natural Life whereon I now live–

Itim I give and bequeath all the Remainder part of my Estate be it of what kind or nator soever to be equal devided beteen my Loving Wife Millison Stallings and my six children Palliah Stallings Henry Stallings Simon Stallings Mary Stallings Daniel Stallings and Joseph Stallings

The above prevelidge of my land to my Well Beloved Wife is to Raise and Chool my small children–

My wish and desire is that my land not to be rented nor my Negros hired out —

I all so ordain and appoint my Brother Simon Stallings Joseph Riddick and Pittiah Stallings to be whole and Sole Executors.

(one or two lines are missing due to a copy error by NC State Archives which is not uncommon)

set my hand and seal this 17th April 1800 in the presents of —

Daniel  Stallings     Seal   (his X mark)  


Will King                                                                          

Rubin Riddick                                                                        

Betsey Bagley

proved in May Term of Court, 1800, Perquimans County, NC



In the name of God Amen: I Daniel Stallings of the County of Perquimans & State of North Carolina being at this time sick of Body but of sound and Disposing mind thanks be to god for the same, do make and ordain this writing to contain my Last Will & Testament in manner and form as followeth, to wit– 

First it is my desire that my Executor here after named shall sell a sufficient number of my Negroes at Private sale to pay all my Just Debts & Funeral Expenses–

Secondly I leave all the remaining part of my Estate to my Beloved wife Elizabeth Stallings for the support of herself and all my children & for the educating of them untill my son James Stallings shall arrive to the age of twenty one years Then it is my desire that all my Estate, Excepting Land & shall be equally Devidid between my Beloved wife & all my children then living–

Thirdly, I leave the use of all my Lands & Building unto my Beloved wife Elizabeth Stallings During her natural life and at her death to be equally divided amongst all my sons then living–

Fourthly, I give devise and bequeath unto my Four sons Namely James, Asa, William & Whitmill Stallings my Brandy still to them and their heirs for ever–

Fifthly, I nominate Constitute and appoint Elisha N. Riddick my hole & sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament desiring him to see the same fully Executed and Performed, In witnes whereof I the said Daniel Stallings have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 5th day of January in the year of our Lord 1837.

Daniel Stallings   Seal 

Signed and sealed in the presence of us }

Simon Stallings             

Benjamin Hinton    (his X mark)          

proved in Feb Term of Court 1837, Perquimans County



Will of

Simon Stallings

written 20 Jan. 1776; probated October Court, 1788,

Perquimans County

North Carolina}

In the name of God amen I Simon Stallings of the County of Perqmns, in the province of North Carolina, being at this time in perfect sence and sound memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body and being Desirous of setling and Disposing of my temporal Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me Do make publish and Declare this present writing to be my Last Will and Testament which is in manner following–

Imprimis I will order and appoint that all my funeral Charges and Expenses together with my just Debts to be paid by my Executors here after named and that the same be Deducted out of my Estate which I shall leave behind me at my decease–

Item I give Devise and bequeath unto my Daughter Ruth Bagley five shillings and every other article that I have before given her to continue to her and her heirs for Ever–

Item I give Devise and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Riddick five shillings and every other article that I have before given her to continue to her and her heirs for Ever–

Item  I give Devise and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary King five shillings and every other article that I have before given her to continue to her and her heirs for Ever–

Item I give Devise and bequeath unto my son Simon Stallings five shillings and every other article that I have before given him to continue to him and his heirs for Ever–

Item  I give Devise and bequeath unto Son Seth Stallings five shillings to him and his heirs and every other article that I have before given him to continue to him and his heirs for Ever–

Item  I give devise and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Stallings one feather bed and furniture two cows and calves & one iron pot & one linen wheel to her and her heirs for Ever–

Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Daughter Christian Lilly one feather bed and furniture two cows and calves & one iron pot & linen wheel to her and her heirs for Ever–

Item  I leave unto my Loving wife Mary Stallings the use of my home Plantation and all the land there unto belonging and also the use of every Indevi??? of my Personal Estate During her widowhood Excepting one gunn given to my Son Daniel Stallings and if in case my said wife shall marry or dye all that part that I have given the use of it is my will and Desire that it be equally devided between her and all my Children

Item  I give and Devise and bequeath unto my Son Daniel Stallings the same Plantation and all other Lands that I hold and one half of the Benefit ariseing by the Apple Orched to him and his heirs for Ever and lastly I do hereby nominate and appointe my wife Mary Stallings & Joseph Riddick & Simon Stallings my soul Exeutrix and Executors of this my last will and testament Desireing them to see the same fully Executed and Performed in witness where of I the said Simon Stallings the testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twentieth Day of January in the year of our lord one thousand and seven hundred and seventy six–  

Simon Stallings     Seal

Signed Sealed Published and Declared to be the     }

last Will and testament  of the Testator in the  Presents of    }

Robert Riddick Snr   Jurat

Christian Riddick     her X  mark


Perquimans County  } 

October Court at Hertford NC 1788

This may certify that the within will was duly proved in open court by the oath of Robert Riddick  Snr an Evidence thereto, at the same time Joseph Riddick one of the Extrs therein named came

into court ??? as qualify’d agreeable to law.

Test J. Harvey

Recorded the 21st of October AD 1788

by J. Harvey CPT

Transcriber’s note:  Simon was the son of John Stallings, Jr. late of Nansemond County, Virginia and Perquimans County, North Carolina.

Contributed and transcribed by Bob Stokley

(Transcribed as written, including errors in spelling and grammar.)