Ada Jones Key was born Oct 15th 1877 and died July 9th 1894, thus living 16 years 8 months and 24 days. She was the oldest child of Elder and Mrs. G.O.Key.
From childhood she was noted for being kind and affectionate especially to her mother- a noble trait which followed her til death called her hence.
For two weeks prior to her departure she was seriously ill with typhoid fever, but not withstanding her own condition she seemed much interested in the welfare of all around and seemed fearful that her mother would over exert herself in caring for her.
She frequently expressed a desire to recover and told the writer the mourning of her death that she wanted to get well, if it was the Lord’s will, and go with her papa to church. Though she never belonged to the militant church nor made an open profession, she left much evidence that she believed in God saving of her soul.
North Carolina Voice 26 Jul 1894