Camden County, N.C. Deed book “V”, page 322 Division of Land 1839

Indenture to ? ? 9th Court of Pleas & Quarter session we the undersign commissioners being duly summoned was sworn by the ? ? person, have proceeded this 19th day of March 1839 to divide the lands of Benjamin Wright dec’d among his lawful heirs in manner following.

Lot 1- To Luke Stephens and wife Mary, bounded as follows beginning at a gax post at the angle of the road thence N35 E21 chs 40L thence N75 W23 chs 30L along a big ditch thence S4 W19 chs 40L rt on road thence binding the road to the first station containing 35 1/2 acres of cleared land also another piece of wood land lying in the neck beginning at a ? x maple thence S 50 E 16 chs 20L to Robert ? heirs line thence along said line to Pete Sigmours and others line thence along their line S80 E24 chains thence NE to the first station containing 10 ½ acres, being in full for their part of the lands of said dec’d.

Lot 2- To Burfoot Wright, bounded as follows, beginning at a gax post at lot 1, thence N35 E21 chs 40L thence binding Devotion Perkins heirs line to Ransom Porters line thence binding said Porters line to the road thence along the road to first station containing 28 ½ acres also another piece beginning at a gax post near Gamaliel W. Wrights house thence S34 W31 chs 20L from post thence S61 E31 1/2 chs to a cherry tree at the road thence N31 E70 chs 20L thence N61 W13 chs 60L to first station containing 11 acres also a piece of wood land on the road binding ? ? ?- No.1 thence S80 E 16 chs 20L to Robert ? heirs line thence binding said Brochetts heirs line to a beach thence N66 W5 chs 20L to ? ? thence S10 W12 chs 40L to first station containing 10 ½ acres, being in full for his part of the lands of said dec’d.

Lot 3- To Gamaliel Wright, bounded as follows, beginning at a cherry tree at the edge of the road at lot 2 thence ? to Gamaliel W. Wrights line, thence along said line to Lemuel B. Brochetts & William S. Berry heirs line thence binding said line to a corner beach thence binding Ransom Porters line to Isaac Garretts heirs line thence binding said line to the road thence along the road to the first station cherry tree containing 54 acres, being in full for his part of the lands of said dec’d.

Given under our hands and seals:

William Bartlette, seal

Peter Sigmour, seal

Abrm. Feeber, seal

T.B. Berry, seal

Bailey Barcas, seal

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle


Camden County N.C. Deed Book “S” page 326 Division of Land 1826

We the undersigned commissioners being duly gradified have in obedience to the annexed order of the county court of Camden and state of North Carolina this the 3rd day of August AD one thousand eight hundred and twenty six to set apart and divide the lands of Thomas Wright dec’d son of Austin Wright dec’d among his legal heirs in the following manner.

Lot No. 1 to Edmund Barco in right of his wife beginning at a delombardy poplar thence S 50 W one chain, thence N 41 ½ West 2 chains 30 links then N 50 E 1 chain thence S 41 ½ E 2 chains 30 links to the first station containing 37 poles.

Lot No. 2 to Stephen S. Snowden beginning at the corner of the first lot then S 50 W 30 links then N 41 ½ W 3 chains 20 links then N 43 W 1 chain 40 links then S 41 ½ E 1 chain 45 links then S 50 W 1 chain containing 37 poles.

Lot No. 3 to Elizabeth Wright infant of William Wright dec’d beginning at the corner of the 2nd lot N 41 ½ W 320 links then S 30 W 80 links then S 43 E 285 links then N 50 E 60 links to the first station containing 37 poles.

We further order that Lot No. 1 pay over to Lot No. 2 & 3 sixty eight dollars to be equally divided between Staphen S. Snowden & Elizabeth Wright.

Given under hands & seals day & date above written.

Padrick Gallop

Elijah S. Staples

W. Mercer


 Camden County, N.C. Deed Book “S” page 275

This indenture made the 19th day of April in the year of AD eighteen hundred and twenty six by and between Thomas G. Wright & wife Elizabeth Wright formerly Elizabeth Gallop of the county of Camden & state of North Carolina of the one part and Joseph Seymore of the county and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that they the said Thomas G. Wright and wife Elizabeth Wright for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars good and lawful money to them in hand paid by the said Joseph Seymore. The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged that this hath given granted bargained & sold and both fully and freely and absolutely sell alien convey & confirm unto him the said Joseph Seymore his heirs executors administrators and assigns a certain piece or tenement of land situated in the county of Camden laying between Raymonds creek and Pasquotank creek. Being a tract of land that Luke Gallop left to his heirs and joining the lands of Jane Tillett, John P. Wright and also the lands of the said Joseph Seymore containing by estimation six acres. To have and to hold the above named land and tenament with every appenature thereunto belonging in anywise to his purpose and benefit and behoof forever who shall from time to time and at all times hereafter have hold remain occupy posses and enjoy the same free and clear of all manner of incumbrances whatsoever from us our heirs executors administrators and assigns for us and we the said Thomas G. Wright and wife Elizabeth Wright both further consent to and with the said Joseph Seymore to warrant secure and we defend the afforesaid land and tenament from the lawful claim of all persons laying claim thereto the same in any manner or way whatever.

In witnesseth whereof we have here unto set our hands and affirm our seals the day and date above written.

Thomas G. Wright

Elizabeth Wright

May term 1826

The deed of bargain & sale from Thomas G. Wright & wife Elizabeth to Joseph Seymore was exhibited & the execution thereof acknowledged by the said Thomas G. & wife Elizabeth & on motion orderedthat Richard Berry Esquire a member of the court be appointed to take the presents examination of the said Elizabeth Wright as to her voluntary assent thereto who reported that she executed the same of her own free will & accord without and compusion of her said husband. Ordered registered

Registered June 21st 1826 M.G. Lurry clerk

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle



Camden County, N.C. Deed Book “T” page 228 and 229

This the twelve day of May Eighteen hundred and twenty eight by and between Isaac Burgess and Polly Burgess his wife and Caleb Bell and his wife Phebe Bell and of the one part and John P. Wright of the other part all of the county of Camden and state of North Carolina. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of forty eight dollars to us in hand paid the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged and we therewith fully satisfied contended and paid. We have bargained and sold and conveyed and do absolutely by these presents bargain sell convey and confirm unto John P. Wright his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land lying in the county aforesaid it being the undivided part of the lands that was formerly of Peter Wright dec’d which desended to us from said Peter Wright after his death and is contained within a tract which is undivided among all the heirs at law of said Peter Wright and which tract is bound as follows. Beginning at a black gum in the head of a branch thence by a line of marked trees northwardly to said Peter Wright old farm thence to a swamp thence down the said swamp the various courses thereof to the mouth of the first mentioned branch hence along the said branch the various courses thereof the stream to the first station containing twenty one acres more or less. It being the lands that the said Peter Wright bought of William Parker by deed bearing date the fifteenth day of October seventeen hundred and ninety eight, to which tract of twenty five acres we are entitiled to one half. To have and to hold the above land and premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise pertaining thereunto free and clear from us our heirs executors admins and assigns to his own proper use benefit and hehoof to him his heirs executors admins and assigns to and with the said John P. Wright his heirs executors admins and assigns to warrant secure and forever depend the above land and premises free and clear from us and each of us and from the lawful claim or claims of any other person or persons whatever. In the witnesses we have each of us hereunto set our hands and seals theday and year above written in presents of.

B. D. Harrison Phebe Bell Isaac Burgess

Polly Burgess

Caleb Bell

This deed from Isaac Burgess & wife Polly Burgess & Caleb Bell & wife Phebe to John P. Wright was acknowledged in open court and Polly Burgess& Phebe Bell being married woman were examined in open court by Benj. D. Harrison esquire privately and apart from their husbands touching their consent to said deed. Which they acknowledged to be signed freely and voluntarily and without and constrain from their husbands.

Registered July 5th 1828

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle



Camden County, N.C. Deed Book “S” page 263

In obedience to the annexed order of the court. We the commisioners therein named having wit on the lands set forth in said order on the 7th day of December eighteen hundred and twenty five and presented to divide and appropriate said lands among the heirs in the following manner to wit.

Lot No.1 To Jacah Wright, beginning on the main road at Seth Wright’s heirs line, thence down the warf road to a lambardy poplar the line of the heirs of Thos. Wright dec’d. thence N 46 degrees W to Raymonds creek thence up the creek various courses to Enoch Sawyers line thence binding said Sawyers land to the main road, then down the said road to the first station containing by estimation eighty five acres as also one other tract called the Neck tract. Beginning at a beach in Enoch Sawyer line thence binding said Sawyers line to a corner white oak thence binding the same to a holly in John Cartwrights line thence binding said Cartwrights line to a dogwood James Cartwrights line thence S 66 degrees E to a corner black gum thence by a ? various courses to the beginning containing by estimation twenty nine acres.

Lot No. 2 To Edmund S. Barco in right of his wife Jane Barco. Beginning in the main wharf road at Seth Wrights heirs line thence binging the same to the beaver dam swamp thence down that swamp the stream thereof to the river thence up the riverto the mouth of Raymonds creek to the lot belonging to the heirs of Robert Harrison dec’d thence to Levi Wrights line and to the main road thence along said road to the beginning containing by estimation one hundred acres.

Given under our hands and seals the day and year first written.

Jon H. Roberts

John H. Wright

C.C. Bryant

H. Williams

Enoch Dailey

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle


GILBERT Family Cemetery

Gilbert Family Cemetery is located in Camden County, North Carollina; About 0.2 mile west on Country Club Road (SR 1139) from junction with Treasure Point Road (SR 1130). On right heading west. Sets off the road in lightly wooded rural setting, Underbrush cut back in cemetery section. Some graves have plastic flowers.

There are three different families have graves: 



TURNER (2) Also named are FORBES (1), WEST (1) & LAMB. Relationships (if any) among these different families is unknown to me.

The following information was gathered on Saturday, March 4, 2000 by Betty Ann Wright (Gilbert) O’Donnell & Jack Arthur O’Donnell.


 Willie J. GILBERT; b 15 May 1923; d 31 May 1958;

Inscription: North Carolina; PFC Co. D; 320 Infantry; World War II; BSM PH


• James T. GILBERT; b 2 Sept 1891; d 29 Sept1950.

• NOTE: Father of Willie J.
• Pattie Lamb GILBERT; b 21 May 1897; d 11 Dec1951.

• NOTE: Mother of Willie J.
• James Henry GILBERT “Little Jimmy”; b 14 Feb 1919; d 14 Nov 1926.
• Pattie Gilbert FORBES; b 15 Feb 1921; d 29 Sept 1995;

Inscription:Daughter of James GILBERT and Pattie LAMB.


 Robert GILBERT; b 5 Aug 1915; d 9 Apr 1966.

• NOTE: brother of Willie J. GILBERT
• James GILBERT; b 1 Sept 1842; d 23 Apr 1928.


• Maria GILBERT; b 12 Jun 1848; d 18 Mar 1927;

Inscription: “Wife of James Gilbert”;


• Robert GILBERT; b 25 May 1888; d 21 Nov 1903;

Inscription: Age 15 y 5 m 26 d.


• Wealthy GILBERT; b 16 Jun 1886; d 3 Aug 1889; Age 3 Yr.

• Robert GILBERT; b 14 Feb 1812; d 8 Nov 1880; Age 72 Yrs
• William GILBERT; b 10 Jan 1836; d 14 Nov 1881; Age 45 yrs.


 Jane WEST; b 1 Jun 1844; d 15 Dec 1888; Age 48 yrs.

Inscription: “This Little Sister Has Gone Before Me, She Has Gone To Live With God.”


• NOTE: Buried beside William GILBERT.

• Alfred TURNER; b 15 Nov 1875; d 15 Feb 1937;

Inscription: “Father.”
• Jennie G. TURNER; b 25 Sept 1884; d 27 Dec 1986;

Inscription: “Mother.”

• Russell F. WHITEHURST; b 1905; d 1977;

 Inscription: “Husband.”
• Ethel T. WHITEHURST; b 1913; d _(?)_; 

Inscription: “Wife.”


• Ethel Louise WHITEHURST; born & died 17 Mar 1935

Inscription: “Daughter of R. F. & Ethel WHITEHURST.”
• Preston WHITEHURST; b 15 Oct 1901; d 16 Feb 1989.

Inscription: “BM2, US Coast Guard, World War II.”







April 3, 1820

In the name of God amen, I Aleaph Wright of the county of Camden and state of North Carolina being of sound mind and perfect memory do this third day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say.

Imprimis.  I give all of my clothes to be equally divided between the following persons hereafter named that is to say Franky Berry, Elish Wright, Macky Squires, Bathian Tillett, and Bigha Riggs the Wife of Thomas Riggs to them and their heirs forever.

Item.  I give unto my daughter Bathan Tillett one bed and furniture as following one bolster, two pillows, two sheets and two counterpiny, and one cow and calf, if there is one belonging to my estate at my death to her and her heirs forever.

Item.  I give my son William Tillett one teaster bedstead bed and furniture first choice and all other property belonging to my estate in doors and out that is not already given away, and at my death the property given to my Son I wish to be sold as much in as little as my Executor hereafter named may think proper at six months credit to him and his heirs forever.

I hereby nominate and appoint my friend Thomas Roberts Executor to this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills heretofore made by me acknowledging this to be my Last in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written.

Aleaph (“A” her mark) Wright

Signed, sealed witnesses of

Rich. (x) Barnard

James Sanderlin

Camden County        May Term 1824

This Last Will & Testament of Aleaph Wright dec’d was exhibited & proved in open Court by the oath of Richard Barnard a subscribing witness thereto. Thomas Roberts the Exor. Therein named appeared and qualified according to Law. Ordered to be recorded & that letters Testamentary issue.


M.S. Lewis  CLK

By A.C. Ehringhaus 

Will Book C 

Pages 35, 36

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


JOHN WRIGHT (1813 Will)

Will of



In the name of God amen. The last will and testament of John Wright senior of the county of Camden and state of N. Carolina made the 3rd day of February 1773 as follows. Principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of almighty God that give it to me and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent christian burial at the discretion of my executor and as touching worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life. I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

First I leave the use of my manner plantation thereon I now live to my wife Francis Wright during her natural life with all the priviledges to the same belonging. Also I leave the use of all my negroes to my wife during her natural life.

I give and bequeath unto my wife Francis Wright two mares, one horse her choice. Two feather beds and furniture her choice. Four cows and calves, five ewes and lambs, one yoke of oxen, one ox cart and yoke, all the hogs ? ?. The west side of my plantation whereon I now live. One beaufett and all my crockery ware. Two chest, one large oval table, seven windsor chairs, one arm chair, two flage chairs, one large iron pot, one small ditto with hooks, two pot trammels, two washing tubs, four pails, one churn, one large honey tub, three ploughs and harness, two axes, one large and four small hoes, one powdering tub, four pork barrels, one barrel with fat, one loom and harness, five linen wheels, one copper tea kittle, one hand mill, one walnut stand, one looking glass all her choice. Thirty barrels saune corn, three barrels salt pork, five hundred pounds bacon, fifteen bushells wheat, one side saddle. Also three negro women Judah, Patience and Aleaph to her and her heirs forever.

I leave the use of one certain piece of land known by the name of The Pand to my grand daughter Sally Bell Downing her natural life and to her heirs. If any lawfully begotten of her body and if the said Sally Bell should die without an heir lawfully begotten of her body. Then my desire is that the aforesaid land br equally divided between John Wright and Gamiel Wright sons of Mathais Wright and John Wright son of Peter Wright dec’d to them and their heirs forever. Also I leave the use of two feather beds and furniture, three cows and calves, four ewes and lambs, seven windsor chairs, one armed chair to my grand daughter Sally Bell and her heirs lawfully begotten of her body. And if the siad Sally Bell dies without an heir lawfully begotten of her body. Then the aforesaid things last mentioned to be equally divided between John Wright and William Wright sons of Gamiel Wright dec’d and John Wright son of Peter Wright dec’d and John W. Berry son of James Berry to them and their heirs forever.

Also I leave use of two negroes to my grand daughter Sally Bell Downing her natural life to her heirs if any lawfully begotten of her body forever. The names of the negroes Betts and Patience and provided the said Sally Bell should die without an heir lawfully begotten of her body. Then the aforesaid negroes to be equally divided between John Wright and William Wright sons of Gamiel Wright dec’d and John W. Berry son of James Berry and Alexander W. Gandon to them and their heirs forever.

Also I leave the use of one hundred and fifty acres of swamp land lying down the river binding the river and sound to my grand daughter Sally Bell and her heirs if any lawfully begotten of her body forever and for want of such heirs. Then for the said land to be divided in the same manner and between the same heirs as is mentioned in the clause last before this. To them and their heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto Cornelius Wright son of Cornelius Wright dec’d fifty acres swamp land binding his plantation and bearing towards the sound so far as will make the same to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Hughes daughter of William Hughes Jr dec’d one feather bed and thirty pounds current money to her and her heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto John W. Berry son of James Berry one certain piece of land known by the name of The Ridge binding north river swamp containing fifty acres to him and his heirs forever. Only observing that if the said John W. Berry should die without an heir lawfully begotten of his body for the said land to be equally divided between his two brothers namely Batson B. Berry and Jesse B. Berry to them and their heirs forever.

Also I give and bequeath unto John W. Berry one negro man named March to be delivered to him at the death of my wife Francis Wright to him and his heirs forever.

Also I give the said John W. Berry all the cattle that I hold in my possession which is marked posslan leaf in both ears and a whole cut in each ear.

Also I give the said John W. Berry fifty pounds current money to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto William S. Berry fifty pounds current money to be raised out of my estates to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto Alexander W. Gandon son of Thomas Gandon one negro boy named Ishmal to be delivered to him at the death of my wife Francis Wright.

Also I give the said Alexander W. Gandon son of Thomas one coalt by the name of Black to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto John Wright son of Gamiel Wright dec’d one negro man named Lamb to be delivered unto him at the death of my wife to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto William Wright son of Gamiel Wright dec’d one negro man named Jess to be delivered to him at the death of my wife to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto John Wright son of Gamiel Wright dec’d and John Berry son of James Berry one hundred acres of swamp land lying in north river swamp binding Jacob Cartwrights line thence extending out to Merrels patent. And also ten acres of land known the Great Island binding Tully Cartwrights line. The aforesaid land to be equally divided between the two last names, heirs to them and their heirs forever.

I give and bequeath unto John W. Berry son of James Berry one small piece of land by the name of Paston paint near the old wharf. Also I give the said John W. Berry one young mare to him and his heirs forever.

I leave the use of the land and plantation whereon I now live to my grand daughter Sally Bell and to her heirs lawfully begotten of her body. Altogether after the death of my wife Francis Wright and if the said Sally Bell should die without an heir lawfully begotten of her body. Then I give the aforesaid land and plantation to John Wright and William Wright sons of Gamiel Wright dec’d to equally divided between the two of them and their heirs forever.

My will and desire is that all the remaining parts of my estate which I have not given away or named off in legacies should be sold and after paying my just debts. That the ballance of the money should be equally divided between my wife and John Wright and William Wright sons of Gamiel Wright dec’d and my grand daughter Sally Bell and provided the said Sally Bell should die without an heir lawfully begotten of her body. Then her part of this legacy to be equally divided between John Wright and William Wright sons of Gamiel Wright dec’d to them and their heirs forever.

And also my will and desire is that all the property that I have left the use of to grand daughter Sally Bell. Except the land and negroes should be sold when the rest of my estate is and to be kept in the hands of my executor at interest for her with the land and negroes paid for them. My executor to deal out to her for her support such part of the same as they may think neccessary at their own discretion until she marries and has lawfull heir or dies.

Lastly my will is to nominate and appoint my trusty friends Mathias Wright and Caleb Perkins executors to this my last will and testament utterly revoking and disannulling all former wills by me before made ratifying and confirming this to be the last will and testament which I have made. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal, date first mentioned.

John Wright Sr. (seal)

Test: James Berry and Demsey Squires

I certify the foregoing to be a copy of the paper writing purporting to
be the will of John Wright Sr. dec’d which was filed in the papers of
the suit removed from Camden to? court.
Test: John Mead for
Edward Mead, clerk

Contributed and transcribed by Harry Schoettle



Will of



State of North Carolina, Camden county

In the name of God amen. I Mathias Wright being of sound mind and memory bless be God and calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time hereof do make, publish and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

Item: I lend to my wife Susan Wright during her natural life, the tract of land I bought from Arthur Gregory also a piece of land I bought from Batson Berry. I also lend her during her natural life negro man George, negro woman Fannah, negro boy Andrew and negro girl Jane, one gray mare, six stool chairs, one large table, one yoke of oxen and ox cart, two new bed stand. My will is the negroes I lent to my wife shall not be moved out of the county during her life.

Item: I give to my wife three feather beds and furniture her choice, one horse and gigg and the harness belonging thereto, one desk, two tables, two stands, one case of knives and forks, one pair hand irons, one case, six flaged bottom chairs, one loom and harness belonging thereto, two powdering tubs, two hogs heads, one large iron pot, one small iron pot, one spider, one pair smothing irons, one dutch oven, two chests her choice, three linnen whereis hr choice, one horse cart, two cows and calves her choice, eight head of sheep her choice, pne pair of working bars and screws. Eight head og hoggs her choice, one plow and harness her choice, two weeding hoes her choice, two axes her choice, four empty barrels, two metal tubs, one pair of tongs and shovel, one coffee mill, one beaufat and all the crockery ware, one looking glass, two iron pot trammels, one hand mill her choice, two sows and their pigs her choice, one dennijohn, one heiffer, two steer yearlings which was hers before I married her. I also save for my wife to have her years provisions set off to her out of my estate. I also give her all the poultry on hand and one pair of stilyards.

Item: I leave the bricks and lime I have on hand and all the cypress and juniper plank I have on hand, also for my executor to purchase three thousand shingles for the repairs of my buildings where I now live. Also for my executor to pay over to my wife fifty dollars, to pay the expense of the repairs of said buildings.

Item: I leave negro boy Joseph to be sold by my executor.

Item: I give to my grand daughter Margaret Wright at my death negro woman Bridgett and her increase. Also at my wifes death I give the lands I bought from Arthur Gregory and Batson Berry to my grand daughter Margaret Wright and one turned bed stand.

Item: I give Delphy Daley at my wifes death one of the bed stands I lent to my wife/

Item: I give to my grand daughter Maragret Wright one bed stand, one bed and furniture and one chest.

Item: I give to my son Benjamin Wright the following piece of land that is to say beginning at the main road at the corner of the fence near where my son Gamiel Wright made bricks thence running down the road fence a westwardly course, a straite course until it strikes the main road near where my son Benjamin Wright had a garden. I also give him all the lands I bought from Benjamin Wilson and Jess Torksey, one negro boy Harry, one half of negro man Simon and at my wifes death one half of negro man George.

Item: I give my son Gamiel Wright all the lands I bought from Leonard Martin except what I have already given away to my son Benjamin Wright. I also give him negro man Isaac, one half negro man Simon and at my wifes death I give him half of negro man George, at my death I give him negro boy Grandy.

Item: I give to my daughter Chloe Poter, negro woman Rhody and her youngest child.

Item: I lend to my daughter Francis Garrett, negro girl Venis during her natural life and at her death I leave her to be divided between her children.

Item: I lend to my daughter Presilla Standly during her natural life, negro woman Isabelle and her increase and after her death I give them to her children to be equally divided between them and my grand daughter Lydia Standly.

Item: The negroes that I have not already disposed of in this will I leave in the following manner that is to say, one fourth of them I lend the use of to Presilla Standly during her natural life, one fourth I lend the use of to Francis Garrett during her natural life and the other two fourths I give to my grand daughter Margaret Wright and my daughter Chloe Poter to be equally divided between them at my death.

Item: The negroes that I have lent to Presilla Standly I give at her death to her children and Francis Garrett my grand daughter, to be equally divided between them.

Item: The negroes that I have lent to Francis Garrett my daughter, I give at her death to be equally divided between her children.

Item: The negroes that I have lent to my daughters Presilla Standly and Francis Garrett, my will is for them not to be removed out of the county until their death.

Item: The property I have not already given away in this my last will I leave to be sold to pay my just debts and should there be any money left in the hands of my executor I wish to equally divided between Presilla Standly, Francis Garrett, Chloe Poter and my grand daughter Margaret Wright.

Lastly I appoint my worthy friend Joseph G. Hughes as executor to this my last will and testament and should he fail to qualify I leave Noah Hughes as executor, this July 8, 1835.

Mathias Wright
Signed, sealed and delivered in the present of us

Noah Berry
A. Walston
Wm. Berry

Camden county court Feb term 1836

This last will and testament of Mathias Wright dec’d was exhibited and the executor thereof was proven in open court by the oath of William Berry one of the subscribing witnesses thereof in due form of law and Joseph G. Hughes the executor therein named appointed in open court and qualified as such and on motion it was ordered recorded.

Test C.G Lamb, clerk

 Contributed and transcribed by Harry Schoettle


GAMIEL W. WRIGHT (1842 Will)

Will of



State of North Carolina, Camden county

I Gamiel Wright being of sound mind and memory blessed be God do this 29th day of January 1840 make and publish this my last will and testament. I give my property in the following manner.

Item 1: I give and bequeath all of my land and plantation where on I now live to be equally divided between Gamiel Wright and Burfoot Wright sons of Benjamin Wright dec’d to them and their heirs forever.

Item 2: I give and bequeath to Mary Williams the land that I bought of Jno. Williams to her and her heirs forever.

Item 2: I give and bequeath to Mary Porter two negroes namely ? and girl ? to her and her heirs forever.

Item 3: I leave the use of negro man Isaac to Francis Garrett during her natural life and at her death I give him to her lawful heirs forever.

Item 4: I leave my negro woman Phillis and one half of negro man named Simon to be sold by my executor and the money paid to Priscilla Legrange at fifty dollars from sale and if the said Priscilla should not to live to use the sale of said negroes and in that case I give the balance left at her death to her heirs forever.

Item 5: I give one half of negro man George to Mary Stephens at the death of Susan Taylor to her and her heirs forever.

Item 6: I leave all of my chattle, property not already given away to be sold by my executor and after paying all of my just debts and lawful expenses I give the balance thats left in his hands to Mary Stephens the wife of Luke Stephens.

Item 7: And lastly I nominate and appoint my worthy friend John S. Burgess executor to this my last will ans testament in witness whereof I here unto set my hand and seal day and date first above written.

G. W. Wright
Witness: D. C. Bell, Albert Rooker

Camden county court Sept. Term 1842

This last will and testament of G. W. Wright was exhibited in open court and the executor of said will was proved in open court in due form of law by D. C. Bell one of the subscribing witnesses there to and John Burgess executor named in said will come into open court and qualified as such by taking the necessary oath whereupon it was ordered by the court to be recorded.

Teste A. H. Grandy clerk

Contributed and transcribed by Harry Schoettle