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JACOB FOSTER FORBES-—– Jacob Foster Forbes 57 prominent  Camden farmer and former sheriff of Camden county, died suddenly last night at 10;40 0’clock at his home in Riddle. Mr. Forbes was the son of  the late Elijah and Susan Foster Forbes. He served as sheriff of Camden co. for twelve years. He was a member of hall lodge No. 53 of Indiantown and a member of Shiloh Baptist church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ida Dozier Forbes; two daughters, Mrs. Ansell Staples and Mrs. J. Douglas, one son., Wilbert Forbes and a foster son, Clifton Williams; one sister, Mrs. Lydia  Forbes of South Norfolk; two brothers, S, F. and H. F. Forbes, both of Riddle; Six grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted at the residence Sunday afternoon at 3;00. Burial will follow  in the family plot near the home.  He was born Aug. 22, 1888 and died Mar.29, 1946.

Contributed by: Linda Mansfield



Joseph Elsberry Jordan———– 79, a native of Perquimans county and a  resident of  the sandy hook section of Camden co. for the past 32 years, died at the family residence Monday afternoon at 2;30 after an illness of two months.  He was the son of the late Brinkley Ellsberry Jordan and Elizabeth Davis Jordan and the husband of  Mrs. Annie Boyce Jordan, a retired farmer and member of Camden Methodist church, and a member of the junior order.   Besides his wife he is survived by  sons-   Leon Jordan of Belcross, Elton Jordan of Buckroe beach, Adrian Jordan of Hartford, CT . Marvin Jordan of Norfolk, Casper Jordan of Washington, DC, Grayson Jordan of Ft. Monroe.—-four daughters- Mrs. Gladys Elliott, of Chapanoke, Mrs. Lois Meads of Elizabeth City, Mrs. Clarice Squires and Mrs. Elizabeth Riggs of Riddle.  One brother Aleck Jordan of Winfall. Funeral services will be conducted  Wed. afternoon at 2;30  at the Twiford funeral home by the Rev. M. W. Grissom   assisted by the Rev. A. L. Stephenson. burial will be in new Hollywood cemetery.   He died in 1958.

Contributed by: Linda Mansfield



Jacob Jennings Lamb——–July 22. 1954——–Jacob Jennings Lamb 83, died today at 1;10 am. after  a lingering illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. pearl Hastings, in Camden.    He was the son of Lempel and Elizabeth Richardson Lamb and the husband of  the late  Maggie Brown Lamb. He was a member of Sawyers Creek Baptist Church.   Survivors are six daughters, Mrs. John D. Seymour of Belcross, Mrs. George Williams, Mrs. Laura Hodges, Mrs. Pearl Hastings, and Mrs. Morris Upton of Camden.  Mrs. Hazel Scott of Elizabeth City;  three sons—- Judson Lamb of Elizabeth City, Clarance lamb of Jacksonville, FL. and Horace Lamb of Camden. 24 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted  by the Rev. Paul  F. Burke, pastor of Merry Hill Baptist church at the Toxey , Berry and Lynch funeral home, Saturday at 2;30 . burial will be in the new Hollywood cemetery

Contributed by: Linda Mansfield


LAMB, MARY CATHERINE – (d. no dates)

Mrs. Mary Catherine Lamb, age 75, died yesterday at 1:40 a. m. at the residence in Hickory  after an illness of ten years. A native and longlife resident of Norfolk county, she was the daughter of the late John and  Henrietta Hastead Waterfield and wife of Lemuel W. Lamb.  In addition to her husband , she is survived by six daughters, Mrs. Cecil Riddick, Mrs. Ward Clendenning. Mrs. Arthur Nichols, Mrs. G I. Stone and Mrs. George Whitfield all of Norfolk county.  One sister, Mrs. C. W. Mitchell of Norfolk county, and seven grandchildren. Mrs. Lamb was a member of Good Hope Methodist Church.  The body was removed to the Graham Funeral Home, South Norfolk.   Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at 3 p. m. at Good Hope Methodist Church. Burial will be in Good Hope Cemetery. (No Date)

Contributed by: Linda Mansfield



Milton Needham Toxey, 84, of 104 w. Main St. died Monday at 4:30 a,m. in Albemarle Hospital after a short illness. He was a native of Shiloh and lived in Elizabeth City for the past  35 years.  He was the son of the late Wiley and Bettie Needham Toxey.  A member of the First Baptist Church, he led the singing  in the Mens Bible Class for 35 years. He was also a former school teacher and retired farmer.  He was the oldest  funeral director in this area. He started in the business in Camden County in 1932, moved to Elizabeth City and operated the Pierce and Toxey Funeral Home until 1939. He moved to main street  and operated until his retirement in 1964. He also operated the Shiloh Gining Co.  He is survived by His wife, Mrs. Mary Forbes Toxey, two daughters, Mrs. John A. Dwiggins of Greensboro and Mrs. Thomas J. Duren of Norfolk, One son Milton Wiley Toxey  of Shiloh  and six grandchildren. A funeral  service will be conducted Tuesday at  4:00 p. m. , in Twiford Memorial Chapel  by the Rev. Maynard Magnum, pastor  of the First Baptist Church, and the Rev. C. Aubrey McLellan, pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church. Burial will follow in Hollywood Cemetery. –March ,25. 1968

Contributed by: Linda Mansfield

WHALEY, MARY – (d. 1969)

Miss Mary Whaley———Miss Mary Ann Whaley 67, of Camden, died Sunday at 10:30 a. m.  at the Albemarle Hospital following a sudden illness.  She was a native  and lifetime resident  of Camden County and a member of  Sawyers Creek Baptist  Church.  She was the daughter of  the late  Dennis  and Lina Sawyer Whaley. She survived by one sister Miss Addie Whaley of Camden and two brothers, Charles W. Whaley and Mack S. Whaley of Elizabeth City.  A   funeral service was conducted this afternoon at 2:00 in the chapel of the Berry Funeral Home by the Rev. Rufus Corbitt, pastor of Sawyers Creek Baptist Church. Burial was in Hollywood Cemetery. —–April 22, 1969

Contributed by: Linda Mansfield

LEARY, NANCY J. (d. 1939)

Mrs. Nancy J. Leary  —– Old Trap.- Mrs. Nancy Jane Leary, 68, died suddenly at her home here at 10:45 Monday night of a heart attack shortly after returning from a club meeting.

She is survived by two sons, Wilson Leary and A. N. Staples of Old Trap; two daughters, Mrs. S. F. Forbes of Riddle and Mrs. S. N. Richardson of Norfolk; two sisters, Mrs. John Garrington of Popular Branch and Mrs. K. S. Sawyer of Beaufort; two brothers, C. C. Needham of Whiteville and G. M. Needham of South Mills.

(Date of death Feb. 13, 1939)

Contributed by: LaCresha Poteat Halley

SAWYER, MARY LOU (d. – no date)

Miss Mary Lou Sawyer died Thursday morning.   —-Miss Mary Lou Sawyer, prominent pioneer business woman of this city , died Thursday at 9;45 o’clock at her home, 500 west main st. , after a lingering illness.  Born in South Mills, Miss Sawyer was the daughter of the late Miniard J. Sawyer and Margaret K. Sawyer. She moved here in December, 1890. A former school teacher, Miss Sawyer later worked in several departments stores in the city, first at Mitchell’s dry  goods store, Chesson’s and then Rucker and Sheely, where she remained active until retiring about ten years ago.  Miss Sawyer was said to have sold the first yard of goods at Rucker and Sheelys.   She was a member of the First Baptist Church.  Four sisters, Miss Effie J. Sawyer of this city, Mrs. James Mercer Davis of Mt. Holly, New Jeresey, Mrs. G. J. Kirchheimer of Norfolk, and Mrs..D. Ray Karmer of this city; one brother , Dr. Blackwell Sawyer of Toms River, New Jersey; Three Nieces and seven Nephews, survive. Funeral services for Miss Sawyer will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2;30 o’clock at the home, 500 west main st.  with the Rev. E, H. Potts, pastor of the First Baptist church, Officiating.  The Rucker and Sheely co. of which Miss Sawyer was a Member for 26 years, will be closed during the funeral. Interment will follow in Hollywood Cemetery.

(No Dates Given)

Contributed by: Linda Mansfield      



P. H. Williams (Patrick Henry) former state Senator, dead.———–Mr. Williams was native of Camden County; Served two terms in the State Senate in 1923-25.  Patrick Henry Williams, former state senator from this district died at his home on Pennsylvania ave.  this morning at 3;30  following a heart attack.  Mr. Williams, son of the late Robert and Marenda Torksey Williams, was born in Camden County in 1869.  He attended Elizabeth City schools until 1886, went to Davis Military school at La Grange, then entered the university of North Carolina in 1888.  In 1889 he entered Smith’s Business School at Lexington, Kentucky. He took his bachelor of arts degree at Randolph Macon College and entered the law school of the university of North Carolina in  1897.

Contibuted by: Linda Mansfield   Date Hand written on Newspaper April 2, 1959


, DOLLY (d. 1846)

A colored woman, named Dolly, belonging to the estate of Richard Wilder, of Camden county, N.C., died on the 24th ult., at the age of 120 years! She survived her husband some three or four years, who was 119 at the time of his death! They lived together as man and wife nearly ninety years.


Source: “Aged Negroes.” Scientific American 3 Oct. 1846: 15. Making of America. Cornell University. Web. <http://digital.library.cornell.edu/s/scia/>

Contributed by: Taneya Koonce