• Ezekiel Maudlin, first in Perquimans, came from London, according to family tradition. This name does not appear on any of the records of the Lower counties in Virginia, neither do the Quaker records show a person of this name. So the opinion is advanced, that he came straight from England to Perq, or landed first in New England, where he m Hannah Nicholson (d of Christopher, & Hannah —, b Mch 4, 1667). It is positively known that Christopher Nicholson came to Perq from New Eng, where he had already m Hannah Rednap. The names & ages of his children are recorded in Berkeley Par Reg, but his marriage is not mentioned.
  • Ezekiel Maudlin, & wife Hannah, issue: 1 Edward, b Feby 11, 1695—2 Ezekiel, b April 2, 1698—3 Mary, b Mar 2, 170-1—4 Elizabeth, b Nov 20, 1703—5 Sarah, b April 28, 1706. Ezekiel Maudlin died Mch 16, 1705-6. (According to the Roman Calendar.)
  • Hannah (née Nicholson) m 2d Charles. Her will p in Perq Co, July 1752, names son: Edward Moudlin, dau’s Elizabeth White, Sarah Perry, & Ann Cox (son-in-law Robert Cox), gr-sons: John Moulin, & John Cox, gr-dau Mary Moulin (d of John).
  • Ezekiel Maudlin grt for land in Perq, June 20, 1703, which he conveyed to Timothy Clare, April 26, 1705. (Deed book F, No 60.) He evidently died intestate, as no will appears in Perq, made by him.
  • Hannah Maudlin (above) was 2d wife of Samuel Charles Sr, he had for 1st wife Elizabeth, by whom he had issue, d Elizabeth. (See Charles record in this book.)
  • Ezekiel (2) Maudlin, m Hannah Toms (d of Joshua, & Sarah née Gosbey, b June 6, 1706), issue: 1 Jeremiah, b Aug 21, 1725—2 Joshua, b Apl 19, 1727—3 Edward, b Apl 7, 1735. Hannah wife of (2) Ezekiel m 2d Edmund Chancey. (2) Ezekiel Maudlin, in his will p in Perq April 17, 1732, names sons: Jeremiah, Joshua, & James, wife Hannah. His son Edward is not named for some reason, & as Edward b April 7, 1735, was born 2 years after the death of sd Ezekiel, we do not see how he could have been one of his sons. He is certainly given in Berkeley Par Reg, however, as “son of Ezekiel, & Hannah.” (Probably the 2d Ezekiel & Hannah Toms.)
  • Sarah Maudlin was a legatee in the will of Samuel Charles, Mar 12, 1727-8. (3) Ezekiel Maudlin, is thought to have m 1st Hannah — & had Edward, b April 7, 1735; he m 2d Mary — issue: 1 Elizabeth, b July 13, 1738—2 Sarah, b March 20, 1741. Ezekiel Maudlin was “Overseer of the Roads” in the district of John Perisho Apl 1740. The division of Ezekiel (2) Maudlin Est, 1737, shows Hannah as his wife, sons: Jeremiah, Joshua, & Thomas.
  • Among Tithables; May 25, 1743, Edward Modling, Edward Jr, Wm Modling, & Ezekiel Maudlin. Tithables 1768; Mary Modlin, & son Ezekiel, Edmund Modlin, Jacob Elliott & Joseph Draper.
  • Hannah Chancey, & Thomas Weeks, made petition to the Court, Jan 1736, for a division of the Est of Ezekiel Maudlin Dec’d.
  • Mary Maudlin widow of Ezekiel, July 1746, John Maudlin petition to sell perishable Est of sd dec’d. Jan 1754.
  • Edward Maudlin, in a deed Oct 15, 1739, called Thomas Nicholson “cousin.” He bought of James Henby Jan 24, 1735, 150a of land, “near the head of Vosses Creek.”
  • (1) Edward Maudlin (Ezekiel (1) m Mary — issue: 1 John, b May 26, 1718—2 William, b Feb 27, 1721-2. He was dead Jan 19, 1754, when John Maudlin petitioned the Court for liberty, to sell pt of his Est, which was done Feb 7, 1754.
  • (1) Thomas Maudlin, will Perq, Nov 16, 1758, names wife, Sarah, son Jeremiah, brother Edmund Chancey, father-in-law John Clayton, bro-in-law Richard Clayton.
  • (4) Ezekiel Maudlin, m Ann Stafford, Sept 2, 1743, Sec Thos Stafford. (Mar bonds Perq Co.)
  • (1) John Maudlin m Hannah (dau-in-law of John Stokes, will 1772, Perq Co) issue: (twins) Joseph, & Mary, b Jan 26, 1742/3—2 John (2) b Mch 1, 1745.
  • John Maudlin moved from Pasq, to Perq Co, 17, 3mo 1787, with children: Hannah, Elizabeth, Jesse, Joseph, Charles, William, Pleasant, & Mary. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • John Modlin moved from Perq, to Back Creek, Randolph Co, date not known.
  • Joshua Maudlin Planter, Court 1755.
  • Edward Maudlin m Sarah Ashley, widow, before July 1745, when an Order of Court was rendered them, to sell Est, & divide with the Orphans.
  • (1) William Maudlin, will Perq, p Oct 1774, wife Martha, Sons: Miles, Thomas, Jacob & Micajah, dau’s Elizabeth, Martha, brother John. Ex.
  • (1) Gideon Maudlin, m Mary Mullen (d of Abraham) & had issue, see his will Perq p Jan 1777.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


The supposition seems very plausible, that the family by this name in Perq, came as so many others had done, from Nansemond Co Va, where John Lawrence, was living very early, according to the records of Isle of Wight Co. These records show that Ann Exum of Isle of Wight, wife of Jeremiah, appears to be a daughter of said John Lawrence. No proofs are to be found, but he probably came south with the immigration from New England, where he married Elizabeth Adkinson, 8, 12mo 1653. (Records of Boston.) The Lawrence family appeared in Perq Co, N. C. simultaneously with the Clare’s, and others, about 1680-85. The land of John Lawrence adj that of Timothy Clare, July 30, 1701, and said Timothy married for his last, & third wife, Hannah (widow of Israel Snelling, née Larance) before 1705.

  • Lawrence, William, m Rachel Welsh, issue: 1 Elizabeth, b Dec 24, 1655—2 Will Larance, b July 20, 1661—3 Rachell, b Apl 16, 1665—4 John, b Mar 14, 1667—5 Hannah, b Dec 1, 1669, m 1st Israel Snelling, July 30, 1687, issue: 1 Rachell, b Aug 17, 1690—2 Ester, b Sept 20, 1699, m John Winslow. (See Hannah Clares will, Grimes.) Hannah Lawrence, m 2d Timothy Clare, & had dau Hannah, who m Benjamin Bundy, before Aug 26, 1726.
  • Lawrence (2) William (William 1) m Margaret Bogue Jany 7, 1689. He died Aug 13, 1694, when Margaret m 2d Francis Toms Jr, son of Francis Sr.
  • Lawrence (2) John (William 1) m Hannah Bundy, “at a quarterly meeting at Francis Toms ys” 22, — 1692, issue: 1 William, b Jan 3, 1693—2 Elizabeth, b Jan 12, 1695/6, m Thomas Meriday. (See Deed book A, No 325.) John Lawrence died, Oct 28, 1700.
  • William Lawrence, son of John, & Hannah, died Aug 27, 1697.
  • William Lawrence (2) will p in Albemarle (Perq) Aug 1694, names dau’s: Jane and Rachell, wife Margaret; Cousin’s: Rachel Snelling (sister) and William Lawrence. Exrs: Israel Snelling, & John Lawrence.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



  • Samuel Jordan arrived at Jamestown with Sir George Somers fleet, 1609. Samuel Gourden of Charles City Co, “an ancient planter, who hath abode 9 years in this colony and his wife Cicily, who hath abode 2 years in the colony” received a Patent for 450a in three plantations, part adj John Rolfe (Surry Co) 2pt “abuts the great River, upon a Swamp, adj Martins hope, and 3d pt near Sandys, south upon Ye Great River” Sept 10, 1620. This land lay in the “Territory of Great Weyonoke” and was already planted. Samuel Jordan represented Charles City Co, in the House of Burgesses 1619. He settled at a place called “Jordons Journey” in the present confines of Prince George Co Va, and fortified his house, called “Beggars Bush” and defied the Indians during the massacre of Mar 22, 1622. His wife Sisley arrived in Va, in the Swan, Aug 1610, age 24 years. Among those living at Jordans Journey, Feb 16, 1623 are found, Cicily Jordan, and two children: Mary age 3, and Margaret age 1, born in Virginia. Cicily Jordan m soon after 1632. Capt William Farrar. Samuel Jordan was living 1632.
  • Samuel Jordan had three sons, born in England, who came to America, one of them Robert being killed by the Indians, 1622. The other two Samuel, who settled Surry Co, and became ancestor of a branch of Jordans who moved west, and north, Thomas his brother born 1600, came to Va in the ship Diana 1624, age 24. He settled in Isle of Wight Co Va, where he had a grant for 900a of land “at the head of Warricksqueake River” adj Mr Butler Aug 20, 1635. He was a soldier under Sir George Yeardley, and represented Warrasquoke, in the House of Burgesses Oct 1629, 32. His son Thomas (2) patented land in Nansemond Co Va, 1666, and lived in, or near Chuckatuck. In lower Mo meeting records, he is spoken of as “Thomas Jordan of Chuckatuck.” He gives the information in these records, that “he was born 1634, and received the truth in ye year 1660, and abode faithful in it unto ye end of his days” (Records Lower Mo Meeting, Nansemond Co.)
  • Jordan, Thomas (s of Thomas) m Margaret Brasseur (d of Robert) French Huguenot, issue:
  • (1) Jordan, Thomas (3), b 6, 6mo 1660, m Elizabeth Bough (d of William dec’d) 6, 7mo 1679. He left the Quaker Church, and became an Episcopalian, serving as Vestryman in Nansemond Co, 1702-9; was Sheriff of said county 1708-18; Lieut of Militia 1715, Justice 1732. He had by wife Elizabeth issue; 1 Martha b 22, 11mo 1680—2 Thomas, b 19, 5mo 1681—3 Elizabeth, b 18, 9mo 1683—4 William, b 22, 11mo 1688. Thomas Jordan (4) was a Church Warden of Suffolk Parish, Nansemond Co, year 1757, and was probably dead July 13, 1759, when he is spoken of as a “former Church Warden.”
  • (2) Jordan, John (s of Thomas, & Margaret), b 17, 6mo 1663, m Margaret Bough, in Isle of Wight Co, 8, 10mo 1688. His will p in Isle of Wight Co Va, Feb 1, 1709. Wife Margarett, to whom he left plan’ “where I now live, for her Natual life, and at her death to son John,” if he die without heirs, to four youngest dau’s: Mourning, Elizabeth, Mary, & Susanna. To dau Martha a negro girl “named Moll.”
  • Jordan (a) John (2) John (1) Thomas (1) will Isle of Wight, p Dec 7, 1758, names son John, gr-son Edmund Jordan, d Mourning, d Elizabeth, Tharp, d Margarett Sebill, son Joseph, s Billingsley.
  • Jordan (b) John (3) John (2) John (1) Thomas (1) will Isle of Wight, p Nov 5, 1778, names his father John Jordan, brother James, sister Patience Jones, brothers Thomas, and William, sister Elizabeth.
  • Jordan (III) James (s of Thomas, & Margaret) b 25, 11mo 1665, m Elizabeth Ratcliff (d of Richard) In, 9, 12mo 1688, issue 1 John, & James (twins) b—1689, and dau Elizabeth, who m Stephen Scott of Pasq Co N. C. They were members of Levy Neck Mo meeting Isle of Wight Co. Elizabeth Jordan, wife of James d 30, 6mo 1695 was b 21, 7mo 1668. James Jordan m 2d Anne Roester of Elizabeth River, 28, 7mo 1700. His will p in Isle of Wight Co, Oct 13, 1732, names son John, dau Elizabeth Scott, gr-son James Jordan Scott (s of Stephen, & Elizabeth) son James children, gr-son James Jordan. (Blackabee Terall in his will Isle of Wight, p Aug 27, 1733, left to gr-son James Jordan “all my land at Blackwater,” gr-son Joseph Jordan £10 gr-dau Ann Jordan, son-in-law James Jordan.)
  • Jordan (IV) Robert (s of Thomas, & Margaret) b 11, 7mo 1668, m Christian Outland (widow of William) dau of Thomas Taberer of Trerasoo Neck, Isle of Wight Co) 9, 12mo 1687, issue: Christian, b Jan 25, 1689, m William Scott (s of John dec’d), issue: 1 Mary, b 4, 7mo 1708. Christian Scott died 12, 11mo 1708. Christian Jordan wife of Robert, died 26, 6mo 1689.
  • Robert Jordan m 2d Mary Belson (d of Edmund, & Elizabeth) b 24, 3mo 1673, married 10, 5mo 1690, issue: 1 Thomas, b 13, 4mo 1692—2 Robert, b 27, 10mo 1693—3 Joseph, b 18, 9mo 1695—4 Mary, b 24, 12mo 1699—5 Margarett, b 12, 2mo 1702—6 Elizabeth, b 17 12mo 1705—7 Edmond, & Belson (twins) b 17, 6mo 1707, Belson died 9, 10mo 1707—8 Samuel, b 29, 4mo 1711.
  • (a) Robert Jordan (2) Robert (1) m Dorothy Pleasants of Charles City Co Va 3, 6mo 1718. (Weyonoke Mo meeting.) She was his widow 9, 7mo 1718.
  • Robert Jordan (younger), became a Quaker minister in 1718, serving in that capacity for 17 years. He died 26, 9mo 1735, 40 years of age.
  • (b) Joseph (1) Robert (1) Thomas (1) became a Quaker minister, and married Ruth Glaister of Pasquotank Co. Children of Joseph Jordan “that great and worthy man, & minister of the Gospel” by Ann his wife, 1 Sarah, b 12, 2mo 1731—2 Abigail, b 19, 7mo 1733—3 Margaret, b “after her fathers Decease ye 29, 10mo 1735.” (She d an infant.)
  • Jordan (V) Richard (1) Thomas (1) b 6, 6mo 1670, m Rebecca Ratcliff (d of Richard) In, 20, 8mo 1706. Richard Jordan of Nansemond Co, died 29, 10mo 1723. Richard Jordan Sr “of Lower pish of Isle of Wight Co, planter” made a deed of gift to his son John of afsd, planter, 100a of Land at the mouth of Cypress Swamp. Mar 30, 1679, Test’ Richard, & Alice Jordan. This Richard had m prior to this date Elizabeth Reynolds, sister of John, who bequeathed to his sister, (wife of Richard Jordan) 800 lbs of Tob in his will, Mar 11, 1668. Isle of Wight Co, records.) The Richard here mentioned was probably a brother of Thomas (1) as he could not possibly have been Richard (s of Thomas). It is thought that John son of Richard Sr came to Chowan Co, at a very early date.
  • Jordan (VI) Joseph (1) Thomas (1) b 8, 7mo 1672. m Sarah. (untraced.) He may have been “Joseph of N. C.”
  • Jordan, Benjamine, b 18 7mo 1674, m Sarah —. His will Isle of Wight Co, Dec 8, 1715, Wife Sarah, sons: Thomas, Benjamin, dau’s: Margaret, & Sarah. Brothers James, Robert, & Richard, Exrs.
  • Jordan (VII) Matthew (1) Thomas (1) b 1, 11mo 1676, m Dorothy Bufkin (widow of Leaner (Levin) dau of William Newby, & wife Izabell ? of Nansemond Co Va) 6, 7mo 1699. His will Isle of Wight Co, p Oct 13 1748. He made bequest to wife Dorothy, “6 negroes, ⅓ of money, and plantation where I now live, with Copper Still, & Utensills” at her death to son Josiah. To sd son “7 negroes, 1 Silver Tankard, 6 Silver Spoons, marked H” To son Mathias “Land bought of cousin Matthew Jordan (nephew) called Bells Point” with all stock, 6 negroes 1 Silver Brecor, 1 Silver Cup, 6 Silver Spoons and ⅓ of money. To dau Charity 4 negroes, 1 Silver Porringer, 1 Silver Tea Cup, & 6 Silver Spoons, To dau Comfort 4 negroes, “1 Silver Porringer, 1 Silver Cupp, and — Large Silver Spoons.”
  • From this will it would not appear that Matthew Jordan, was not a man of spare means. “Disunion” papers were served upon Dorothy Jordan, widow, 17, 3mo 1750, for “Disorderly walking.” Soon afterwards she obtained a “Certificate” to the Meeting in Perq Co, and as her two sons Josiah & Matthew had already preceded her, she probably lived a while in N. C. But in Josiah Jordans will p in Perq, he mentions his “mother in Isle of Wight Co Va,” sd will p in Perq 1789. She m 2d James Pleasants 7, 12mo 1764.
  • Jordan (VIII) Samuel (1) Thomas (1) b 15, 2mo 1679, m Elizabeth Fleming, 10, 10mo 1703.
  • Jordan (IX) Joshua (1) Thomas (1) b 30, 6mo 1681, m Elizabeth Sanbourne (d of Daniel, & Sarah, named in his will). Joshua Jordan will Isle of Wight, p Feb 28, 1717. In his will he “desired that his mother-in-law Sarah Sanborn, shall be Hon’bly taken care of by my wife, and daughter, and shall not want for any thing that can be done for her, likewise shall have a horse & saddle to go to Meeting when she thinks fitt.” Wife Elizabeth, Dau’s: Sarah, Rachel, Mary, Elizabeth, Margrett, Susanna, sons: Joshua, and Matthew, brothers Robert, & Matthew. Test’ Thos. Copeland, Cornelius Ratcliff, Henry Davis. His descendants also moved to Perq Co, N. C.
  • Matthew Jordan, son of Joshua, was evidently the “cousin Matthew” spoken of in the will of Matthew (1) son of Thomas (1) 1748.
  • Elizabeth, wife of Joshua, m 2d Cornelius Ratcliff, of Isle of Wight Co Va, 9, 3mo 1721. Their descendants (if any) also came to Perq. (See deeds in Perq.)
  • Jordan, Matthew (2) Matthew (1) Richard Sr, (son of Matthew, & wife Patience Darden) moved with his “cousin” Josiah to Perq, where his will was p July 1763, naming: Brother Gabriel Newby, sister Anne Jordan, sister Mary Clay, and Elizabeth Newby (wife of Francis) brothers: Francis, Joseph, Benjamin, & Josiah Newby, sister Dorothy Skinner (wife of John) mother Patience Newby (wife of Joseph Sr).
  • The will of Matthew Jordan, father of Matthew above, Nov 19, 1742, names: son Matthew, dau Dorothy, dau Elizabeth, dau Martha, and wife Patience. His Estate was appraised, May 23, 1743 . (Isle of Wight Co.) Patience Jordan m 2d Joseph Newby of Perq. (See Newby family.) Rebeccah, Richard, Joe, Patience, & Matthew Jordan, heirs of Richard of Isle of Wight Co, Newport Parish, “with consent of our mother Rebeccah, relict of said Richard dec’d.” Apl 18, 1739. (Isle of Wight Rec.) Patience Jordan (2) m her cousin James Jordan, and was “disunited” for so doing. Matthew Jordan of Perquimans died without issue.
  • Jordan, Josiah (1) Joshua (1) Thomas (1) will Isle of Wight Co, Jan 24, 1783, names sons: Thomas “plantation whereon I live” Joshua (2), Robert, and children of “my dec’d son Hezekiah, all Estate I possessed him with in his life time,” gr-son Samuel Jordan, dau Doley Brown, son-in-law John Pleasants. “As my son Hezekiah, and dau (not named) have left this life, I give to their representatives, parts as to children.” Wife (not named) Son-in-law William Brown, & Jacob Randolph Exrs.
  • Josiah Jordan m Mourning Ricks 17, 2mo 1746. She was an Elder in Western Branch Quarterly meeting — 11mo 1745. They served as Exrs, Will of Abraham Ricks dec’d, Sept 23, 1745. (Isle of Wight records.)
  • Hezekiah (gr-son of Josiah) moved to Gates Co, N. C. where he m Mary Cook, and had son Daniel Jordan, m Miss Hunter, Mary Tatum Jordan, m Francis E. Winslow, Susan, who died young. Their descendants also lived in Perq.
  • Jordan, Rachel (1) Joshua (1) Thomas (1) dau of Joshua, & Elizabeth Sanbourne, of Isle of Wight Co Va, m Thomas White (s of John, of said Co) 13, 7mo 1719, issue: I Lydia, b 12, 9mo 1720, m John Robinson of Perq—2 Elizabeth, b 19, 10mo 1722, m Joseph Pritchard of Pasquotank Co—3 Joshua, b 26, 11mo 1727, m Gulielma Jordan—4 Jordan, b 20, 3mo 1729—5 Thomas, b 25, 12mo 1730, m Anne Barrow—5 Rachel, b 25, 12mo 1730 (twin to Thomas) m Benjamin Winslow (s of John Winslow, & Esther Snelling dau of Israel & Hannah, his wife née Larance)—6 John, b 17, 3mo 1733, m Lydia Winslow (d of Joseph Sr & wife Pleasant)—7 Mary, b 29, 2mo 1735, m Joseph Winslow (s of Joseph Sr, & wife Pleasant)—8 Matthew, b 10, 3mo 1738, m Mary Robinson—9 Caleb, b 8, 3mo 1740, m Rebecca Toms (gr-daughter of Francis (1) dau of Francis Jr, of Perq).
  • Thomas White will Perq, p Jan 1762. Made bequest to son Benjamin (not of age) “plantation on which I now dwell, and water mill,” and should not “debar his mother from the dwelling house, and a third of the said plantation.” To wife Rachel “chattels, one large looking glass, and a square walnut table,” to son Joseph property “I possessed him with” and half of the water mill, until son Benjamin comes of age. Sons John, Matthew, Caleb, same. To dau Mary Winslow “one large looking glass & chattels,” dau Sarah White, gr-dau’s Sarah, & Mary Pritchard, “negroes which I lent to my dau Elizabeth.” Appointed son Thomas, & Benjamin Ex. Test’ Thomas Newby, Mary Pritchard, Israel Perry.
  • Mary Pritchard (d of Elizabeth née White) will Oct 1765, names brother Benjamin Pritchard, to whom she left “all my land,” sisters: Elizabeth and Miriam, mother-in-law Sarah Pritchard (step-mother) aunt Sarah Albert—(son) bequest, to gr-mother Rachel White, to whom she left “a negro man named Jacob,” at her death to uncle Benjamin White, uncles Joshua, Joseph, Thomas, John, Matthew, Caleb, and Benjamin White, “remainder of Estate.” Brother-in- law Zephaniah Jones, and uncle Caleb Exrs.

The will of Rachel White, née Jordan was found behind an old looking glass in an antique shop in Suffolk Va, only a few years ago, with an original grant to Timothy Clare 1707, and another to Benjamin Winslow 1794. As said Rachel (d of Thomas) m Benjamin Winslow, whose will Perq, p Nov 1794, & it seems probable that some of his descendants sold the looking glass to the antique dealer. Benjamin Winslow names in his will sons: Joseph, John, Jordan, & Benjamin (2) Dau’s: Sarah, and Rachel. Test’ Israel, & Lawrence Perry.

The will of Rachel White, found behind the looking glass, was unfortunately unsigned, & not dated, but she names the same children, named in her husband Thomas Whites will p 1762, so there can be no doubt of her identity. As this will has never so far been published, the writer gives it in full, for the benefit of future generations.

Will of Rachel White, of Perq Co.

I Rachel White, of the Province of Carolina, and County of Perquimans, being weak of body, But of Sound, and Disposing memory, do think Proper to make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following; Firstly I give and bequeath unto my three sons, Joshua White, John White, and Caleb White, my negro girl Called Priscilla, She and all her Increase to them and their heirs forever, also I give unto my son Joshua, one Brass Kittle, and one Stone pot, to him and his heirs; also I give unto my son John, one Small Round table, and two Chairs; also I give unto my son Caleb, one feather Bed, and furniture, and three earthen plates, to him and his heirs forever. Secondly I give, & bequeath unto my son Thomas, my Desk ? and one Cow, and one Walnut framed looking glass, and one Couch, to him and his heirs forever. Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph two Cows, and two heifers, one Ewe, and lamb, one Side Saddle, and bridle, one great Chest, and one Pewter Dish, and three plates, two white chairs, to him and his heirs forever. Fourthly I give and bequeath unto my son Matthew, two heifers, one tub and pail, two Ewes, and one looking glass, and one Candle Stick, and one Cofey pot, to him and his heirs forever. Fifthly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rachel Winslow, one Small Square table, and one brass Candle Stick, and one negro wench Judah, and one old feather bed and some furniture. Sixthly I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Winslow, Eight pounds proc— money, three Earthen plates, and one Earthen prinah ? bole, one Small Stone mug, to her and her heirs forever. Seventhly I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Nicholson, one feather bed, and furniture, that Mary Pritchet left me, one half Duzen Earthen plates, and one punch bole, one large pewter Dish, one Deep puwter Dish, one tee pot, and five tee Cups, and sas—(saucers) one large Stone pot, one Square table, one Chest, to her and hers forever. Eightly and lastly I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin, one feather bed and furniture, and one Case and bottles, also I give all right of that Negro man Called Jacob, which Mary Prichard left me, to him and his heirs forever. No signature, and no probate, not dated.

A true copy, made by Mrs. Watson Winslow, July 9, 1930.

Rachel White was still living 1774, when her son John (d. s. p. will Perq) made his will said year. The grant to Timothy Clare 1707, called for 300a on Perq River, and it is supposed that the original was kept by some member of his descendants and finally fell into the hands of Rachel White, who hid same behind the old looking glass for safe keeping. Benjamin Winslow who m Rachel White (d of Rachel, and Thomas, as before shown) was ancestor of Jordan Winslow late of Winfall, who was father of Mr. Alonzo Winslow now residing there. Benjamin Winslow was son of John Winslow, and wife Esther Snelling, d of Israel, & Hannah née Larance, who was 3d and last wife of Timothy Clare. The writer has now in her possession an old “square walnut table” which was given to her husband Watson Winslow, by his grandmother, and the question naturally arises, could this table be the same mentioned in the will of both Thomas, and Rachel White? The style of the table proves it to be at least 225 years of age and it may very well be the same. (See other White will; N. C. Hist Reg, Vol 3-

Of Joseph Jordan, who also moved to Perq at an early date, and settled near Little River Bridge, the Quaker records give data as follows:

  • Jordan, Joseph, departed this Life, 11 11mo 1725. (Reg of Suttons Creek, Perq Co.)
  • Jordan, Joseph (2) departed this Life —, 12mo 1752. (Reg of Suttons Creek, Perq Co.)
  • Jordan, Joseph (3) departed this life 4, 7mo 1760. (Reg of Suttons Creek, Perq Co.)
  • Jordan, Mary (widow of Joseph) died 6, 10mo 1767, and was buried in Friends burying ground at Newbegun Creek, in the 63d year of her age.
  • Jordan, Jane, (widow of Joseph, dau of Joseph Barrow) died 7, 10mo 1789, age 63.
  • Jordan, Joseph, Gent, appears first in Perq, with wife ffelia Christi, and purchased 200a of land in Pasquotank Co called “Chanceys,” where said Jordan “now lives,” 1704. ffelia Christi was probably the first wife of Joseph who died 1725, or there may have been a former Joseph who was father of Joseph who died 1725, and this seems to be the most plausible conclusion, taking into consideration the fact that, “Joseph Jordan (s of Joseph of North Car) m Mary Rix (d of Abraham, of Isle of Wight Co Va) in 10, 2mo 1723, therefore we see that Joseph (s of Joseph) m a sister of Mourning Ricks, who m, as before seen, Josiah Jordan of Isle of Wight Co, being cousins once removed, and marrying sisters.
  • Jordan, Joseph (3) was a Schoolmaster in Perq, teaching perhaps in or near Woodville where he lived, this being the first school spoken of on the records of Perq Co. He petitioned the Court Jan 1756 for license to keep “an Ordinary at his now Dwelling House, near Little River Bridge.” He was also a Quaker minister, and probably held forth in the “Little River meeting house” near by on the River by same name.
  • Joseph Jordan m Penelope Pendleton, at Symons Creek, 7, 3mo 1747. Marriages unplaced.
  • Robert Jordan, m Elizabeth Carver, 7, 3mo 1765. (Simons Creek, Pasq Co.)
  • Miriam Jordan, m John Murdaugh, In 7, 2mo 1726.
  • Jacob Jordan, m Patience Small, 5, 4mo 1751 (Welles, Perq Co.)
  • Excursus Brasseur.
  • Robert Brasseur, French Huguenot, was granted 1200a of land in Nansemond Co, Va, April 12, 1653, at the head of Nansemond River, for transporting, himself, his wife Florence, children Mary, Persid, Kathe, Bennet Brassuer, William Wooten, Tho. Parker, Jno. Sutton, Jno. Stephens, — Barefield, Elizabeth Paleman, Nicho. Moroise (Morris), Tho Russell, and Ra, Ellis. This grant was located on Southern branch of Nansemond River.
  • Margaret Jordan (daughter of Robert Brashare) b —, 7mo 1642, “united with the truth in her 16th year, who about 63 years of age was taken with an Indisposition of Body, which continued for three years, came to the end 7, 10mo 1708. She was an Elder in Friends meeting at Chuckatuck, and had taken from her by the high Sheriff of Isle of Wight Co, 120 lbs of Tob, 25, 1 mo 1701, she being a widow 11, 7mo 1700. (Sufferings of Quakers.) Thomas Jordan her husband “Departed this Life, ye 8, 10mo 1699, on ye sixth day of the week.” He also suffered persecution at the hands of authorities, being imprisoned six weeks for “being at a meeting at his own house” but was released by order of Kings Proclamation. Of the Jordan family too much can not be said, as they seem to be from beginning to end a family of great worth, true, strong, public spirited, every where holding places of honor, and public offices, they have blazed a way for their good name through all generations, since the first intrepid adventurer Samuel Jordan set foot on American soil, down to the present day.

My own husbands mother being of this splendid family, I feel that I can not say too much about them, she herself being a fine example of all that good womanhood stands for in this life.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Not a great deal is known about this family, before coming to N. C. The Virginia records do not yield anything of importance about them, and the Quaker Rec in Nansemond Co, are silent on the subject. They came probably straight from New England, with the Nicholsons, & other families. One — Jessop landed in Mass, with—Robinson, from Holland, early after the settlement of the Puritans. This of course is only conjecture, as there is no data at hand to prove the said statement. Without records one can not be positive about family movements.
    • Thomas Jessop, came from London in “Bonaventure” Jan 1634, age 18. (Hotten.)
    • Edward Jessop settled at Fairfield Conn, 1639, and had son Edward.
    • Joseph Jessop was granted 190a in Perq Pre’ct, “adj Timothy Clare, through the Dismall” Feb 4, 1713/4. Joseph Jessop was brother of Thomas, and names him in his will, probated in Perq Co, Aug 1735. According to this will, Joseph Jessop had no male descendant. He names his nephews: Thomas, to whom he left “plantation on which I now live” and Timothy, & Jonathan Jessop. He left to gr daughter Mary Mayo, “my plantation at the meeting house,” wife Margaret, nieces Mary & Elizabeth (dau’s of Thomas). He appointed his brother Thomas Ex. The “meeting” house here spoken of was Wells, which stood across the road from the old Jessop home, and was later moved out on the main road, and is still standing, as part of a barn, owned by Mrs. Jack Trueblood, formerly Jessop. Wells Meeting house was used as a public school house after its abandonment by the Quakers, & was known by the name of “Jessops School house.” Mary Mayo here named was a dau of Edward Mayo (son of Edward) who m Mary Clare (d of Timothy). Thomas Jessop from whom descent can be traced, m 1st Jane (widow of Joseph Robinson) dau of Timothy Clare, before Nov 10, 1724, and 2d Mary Ann Martin (d of John of Pasq Co). He died in Perq county before 15, 10mo 1744. Division of his Estate on that date, shows: Wife Mary Admix, children: Thomas (2) Joseph, Munden (part) Elizabeth, Jonathan, & Enoch Jessop, each a part.
    • Jonathan Jessop was Constable in Perq, July 9, 1766.

    The Quaker records of Perq, now at Guilford College, would no doubt throw much light on this family. From that source the following was copied:

    • Jessop, Jesse, m Sarah—issue: 1 Martin, b 17, 12mo 1822—2 Miriam, b 21, 3mo 1825—3 Sarah (d of Jesse, & wife Mary), b 6, 1mo 1828—4 Jonathan, b 17, 9mo 1829.
    • Sarah wife of Jesse Jessop died 21, 6mo 1825.
    • Miriam, d of Jesse, & Sarah, died 17, 5mo 1825.
    • Jonathan, s of Jesse, & Mary, died 6, 10mo 1830.
    • Mary wife of Jesse, died 7, 9mo 1831.
    • Thomas Jessop (son of Thomas) (1) died 14, 12mo 1818.
    • Rachel Jessop (wife of Thomas) died 3, 3mo 1830.
    • Anna (dau of above) died 29, 12mo 1831.
    • Jessop, Joshua (son of Thomas dec’d of Perq) m Rachel Evans, (d of Joseph) 19, 5mo 1819, at Suttons Creek.
    • Thomas, will Perq, p Feb 1819, Sons: Joshua, & Jesse dau’s: Elizabeth Lacey, Mary Hollowell, Anna, & Margaret Jessop, son Thomas, wife Rachel.
    • Jessop, Rachel, will Perq, p May 1824. Dau’s: Margaret Saunders, Mary Hollowell, Ann Jessop, son Joshua, son Jesse, son-in-law Joseph Lacey.
    • Jessop, Timothy, will Perq, p May 1805. Wife Miriam, child in esse, sister Peninah, and her two children: Thomas, & Mary Willard.

    Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


    Of George Durant very little is known before his arrival in Perq Co, but it is an undisputed fact that he landed in Va before 1658. He made deposition in Northumberland Co Va, July 1658, that he “came to Virginia in the ship Potomack, age 25 years.” As this book is very much faded with age, all of this statement can not be deciphered. (Northumberland Co record, 1658-66. Archives Richmond Va.) In Berkeley Parish Reg Perq Co, his marriage is given as follows: “George Durant and Ann Moorwood was Married the 4th of January 1658/9, By Mr David Lindsey, Minister of gospel and was Licensed by Mr George Cowbough Magistrate, in Northumberland County Verginia.”

    He had several grants for land in Va. prior to coming to N. C. One of these 400a in Lower Norfolk Co, on East side of North River, Sept 30, 1670, by Sir William Berkeley, for trans’ fourteen persons, and another grant by same authority, on same date, 700a on East side of North River, “which falleth in to Corotock” adj Thomas Tullies land, in what is now Currituck Co N. C. Prior to this date he had taken up land in Perq Co, and was already settled in what is called to this day, “Durants Neck.” This deed, or grant from the Indian Chief Kilcocanen, King of Yeopim, for all the land between the River Perquimans, & Roanoke Sound, March 1, 1661, where he had seated a Plan’ before Aug 4, 1661. In the second conveyance of the Indian King he spelled his name Cuscutenew, but they are supposed to be one & the same person, and it was the usual procedure at that time, to spell a name just as it sounded to the copiest. This deed is found in Deed book A, No 374, and has as Test’ Thomas Weymouth, & Caleb Calleway. Thomas Weymouth was a great navigator, and adventurer, sailing with Capt Pring, and he was among those who started out in 1603, in search of the ill fated colony on Roanoke Island.

    How he came to be in Albemarle at this time is not explained. Caleb Calleway was of course already settled in the Province. This deed of the Indian King to sd Durant, is the oldest recorded document in North Carolina. If there were older records they were all destroyed in the uprising of 1677/79. Fifty-five years elapsed between the making of the deed by King Cuscutenew, and its recording on the books in the Reg Office, which was done by John Stepney “Reg of all writings for Perq Precinct” Oct 24, 1716 George Durants Plan’ was known by the name of “Wicocombe” and was situated between “two Rivers, Perquimans, & Kototine” (Little River). According to the record George Durant seems to have been a fair minded man, and quite honest in his dealings with both the Indian Chief, and George Catchminy, who set up a counter claim for said land, claiming a prior right, by a grt from Sir William Berkeley, therefore Mr. Durant, “who had cleared a small Peice of Ground,” at once “desisted” on hearing the contention of sd Catchmaid, who on Mar 13, 1662 made a bona fide deed to sd Durant for the disputed land. Later the Lords Pro’ made a secure deed to Mr. Durant for this land, Dec 26, 1673. No man with the exception of Timothy Clare, is more often, or more honorably mentioned in Perq. He stand out, virile, hardy, opinionated, with a following of all faiths, and from the records died much respected in the community. Some have classed him as a Quaker, but the records do not verify that fact. He was certainly married by an Episcopal Minister (Rev David Lindsey) and his children all but one (Deborah) m into Episcopal families. Not once is his name mentioned in the Quaker records, nor are the ages of any of his children recorded there. It is the opinion of many that he was a Scotchman, and therefore of Presbyterian faith, but his Church affiliations in Perq are uncertain. From the records he appears to have come from London to America. Exactly where this renowned man lies buried is shrouded in mystery. It is said his grave was once to be seen on the bank of a large drain, in Durants Neck, and that in cutting out the ditch, mud from the bottom was thrown out over it, until it disappeared. In the will of William Sherrell, Perq Co, George Durant’s place of residence is named as “Berty Point,” and the deeds in Perq speak of his “seating” being on a “Point which divides sd land from a Neck called Langleys.” His house has long ago disappeared, and even the location is now in doubt. There can be small doubt, however, about its being in the lower part of Durants Neck somewhere near the village of Little River. (See N. C. Hist & Gen Reg, for this family.)

    DURANT - History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).

    Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



    • Thomas, and Sarah Draper are found among adventurers to America, 1620 (Hotten.) Robert Draper was transported in ship Jacob, by John Bainham 1624, age 16. (Researcher Mag.) Henrie Draper came in George 1621, age 14 years. Thomas Draper in Paule of London, July 16, 1635. Joseph Draper in Falcon, Apl 1635 Thomas Draper of Heptonstall Yorkshire, arrived in America 1647. Henry Draper was one among the living at Warrasqueake (Isle of Wight) Feb 16, 1623, when the census was taken after the Indian massacre, of May 22, 1622. (Hotten.)
    • Joseph Draper was granted 232a of land in Nansemond Co Va, July 12, 1709 “in the Upper Parish, on Poters, and Basses pocoson,” and John Draper received a grant for 200a in same locality, July 18, 1709. He was transported to Norfolk Co Va, Mar 19, 1643, by Capt Thomas Willoughby. Richard Draper had 300a granted him, in Currituck Precinct, N. C. Oct 21, 1687, “on East side of North River, adj Robert Swaynes.” William Draper was a Tithable in Sunken Marsh Parish, Surry Co Va, 1675, and June 8, 1681. He moved to Pasquotank Precinct N. C. prior to 1704, when he conveyed 100a of land in said county, “which was granted George Cooper, June 24, 1704, and by him assigned to my father Charles Draper.” John Akehurst appeared as Att’ for John Damon Draper, “Citizen of London” and made release of land, 200a in Pasquotank Co, unto Robert Morgan, and wife Elizabeth, “on which James Williams now Dwells, called Burds folly, said Morgan agreeing to build on said land a dwelling house, 30ft long, by 15 ft wide, at his own cost, and maintain same.”
    • Thomas Draper m in Isle of Wight Co Va, Patience Denson (d of John, who names “dau Patience Draper” in his will, p in said Co, July 1, 1748) at Pagan Creek, 2, 6mo 1739. This Thomas was a son of Peter of Perquimans Co.
    • Draper, Peter, first in Perquimans, came to N. C. from Nansemond Co Va, at what date is not known. He may have been a son of Joseph, or John of said county, but as the records of Nansemond were burned in 1867, very little of value can be derived from the county records. The Quaker records found there are however of the best, but unfortunately very little is said on those about the Draper family. Therefore it is problematical whether anything further can be unearthed about this family, in Nansemond county prior to their coming to Perquimans.
    • Draper, Peter (1), of Perq, m Hannah Albertson (d of Peter, & Ann, née Jones, who was son of Albert Albertson, & wife Mary. Ann Jones d of Mary Beasley widow, b June 15, 1701, mar Aug 27, 1715). Peter Draper by wife Hannah had issue: 1 Joseph, m Lydia Bogue Aug 1766—2 Millicent, m Benjamin Morris Nov 1772—He was b 20, 8mo 1738, d before 22, 12mo 1796) Millicent Draper Morris, m 2d Jessie Simonds, and died 12, 5, 1809)—3 Silas, m Mary Morris, Feb 1773—4 Thomas, m Lydia Bundy, 2d Mary Newby (d of William Newby, and Jemima née Newby, d of Samuel) Feb 1790.
    • Draper Joseph (1) Peter (1) and Lydia née Bogue, issue: 1 Josiah, b 9, 8mo 1768, d 27, 6mo 1837 in Henry Co Ind, m Miriam Newby, b 2 2mo 1772, d 9, 1, 1812, in Highland Co, Ohio. They were m 12, 6mo 1789, issue: 1 Jesse, b 2, 12, 1792, m Delphia Davenport—2 Elizabeth, b 9, 13, 1793, m Jesse Small—3 Joseph, b 23, 11mo 1795, m Biddie Jackson—4 Josiah Jr, b 14, 1mo 1798, m Catherine Pearson, d 10, 12, 1865—5 Miriam, b 13, 9mo 1799 m Ephrim Overman—6 John, b 7, 1, 1801, m Martha Palmer—7 Joshua, b —, 12, 1803, m Huldah Pearson. (All of whom were born in Perquimans Co.) 8 Mary Ann, b 20, 11mo 1810, in Randolph Co N. C. (From old Bibles, and Quaker records, located by Mrs. J. E. McMullen, of Ada, Ohio, and kindly passed on to the writer for publication.)
    • Josiah Draper kept a diary, that Mrs. McMullen was fortunate enough to come across, which gives the information “I Josiah Draper, and family set of from perquimans county, in State of North Carolina, the 14th of 12mo 1803, to move to Randolph County in same State,” and later made another entry in same diary, “Josiah Draper set off from Randolph the 14th of 5th mo 1811, and got to Hiland the 20 of 6th mo 1811, in the Ohio State.” He m 2d Jemima Gant, and had dau Rebecca, b 11, 12mo 1811-16.
    • Draper, Millicent, (d of Peter (1) and wife Elizabeth) b 1745, d 12, 5, 1809, m 1 Benjamin Morris, b 20, 8mo 1738, d before 22, 12mo 1796, when she m 2d Jesse Simons. (For her descendants see Morris.)
    • Draper, Silas (1) Peter (1) & wife Mary Morris had issue: Joseph, Samuel, Chalkey, Jesse, David, Daniel, & Benjamin, wife (not named) according to his will, p in Perq Co, Feb 1794.
    • Test’ Daniel Willard, Rachel Hasket, Jos Draper Jr.
    • Draper, Thomas (1) Peter (1) and Lydia Bundy apparently had no issue, m 2d Mary Newby (d of William, & Jemima née Newby, d of Samuel (1) and wife Ann, née Mayo, d of Edward, & Mary née Clare, d of Timothy Clare, and wife Mary née Bundy, d of William Bundy, & wife Elizabeth, all of Perq Co) Feb 1790, issue: 1 John, b 12, 12, 1790, d 1, 6, 1791—2 Achsah, b 4, 6, 1792—3 William, b 7, 10, 1794, d 28, 5mo 1855—4 Jemima, b 12 2mo 1795—5 Gulielma, b —, d 10, 4, 188- —6 Hannah, b 27, 9mo 1900. Thomas Draper moved with his family to Indiana before 1820.
    • Draper, Joseph (2) Silas (1) Peter (1), b 3, 11, 1775, m Penninah Bundy, b 24, 1mo 1781, (d of Abraham Bundy) “at Vosses Creek Mo meeting,” 2, 6, 1801, issue: 1 Benjamin, & Jesse (twins) b 7, 6, 1805. He m 2d Mary, who died 13, 11mo 1849, issue: 3 Joseph—4 John—5 Alfred, d 3, 8, 1848—6 Hannah, d 20, 12mo 1844, m Jobe Hadley, 22 9mo 1841.
    • Joseph Draper will Perq Co, p May 1811. Sons: Nathan, & Josiah, dau Rachel Jessop, cousin Isaac Draper, wife (not named).
    • Test’ Daniel Willard, Joseph Willard, Richard Wood.
    • Draper, Chalkey (1) Silas (1) Peter (1) m Rhoda Willard (d of Martin) 17, 3mo 1803, “at Wells meeting house in Perq Co.” All his family migrated to Indiana and settled near White Water Mo Meeting, in said State, before 1820, White Water being the first established in the new territory.
    • Draper, Samuel (1) Silas (1) Peter (1) m Mary Albertson (d of Josiah, & Kesiah) after 1800, as she is not named as Mary Draper in the will of said Albertson, but is so named in her mothers will, p in Perq Co Feb 1825. In the latters will she is called “daughter Mary Draper,” and her husband Samuel Draper, was one of the Exrs of Mary Albertson’s will. Samuel Draper died without issue, 1829.
    • Draper, Rachel, (d of Joseph (2) m Thomas Jessop, 3, 2, 1790.) (See Jessop family.)

    Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).



    • Ambrose Clare was grt land in James City Co Va, Oct 15, 1664, “at the head of Spring Branch, adj Hickmans line. (Land book 5—No 28, Richmond Va.) He had another grt, 1155a in Rappahannock Co Va, on N side of Sams Creek, Sept 6, 1667, for trans’ Mark Sanders, Tho Jones, Nich Wilson, Sam Wilson & others; and had deeded to him 300a in James City Co, Oct 15, 1664.
    • John Clare was trans’ to Va by Joseph Crowshaw, of York River, Feb 27, 1649. In a grant New Kent Co Va, William Clare names himself “son of Ambrose Clare” who resided in what is now Essex Co Va. The Clare family is of Royal descent. Christopher Cleave was a “subject in the colony at Jamestown,” May 23, 1609. (Browns Genesis to America.)
    • William Cleve is named in the will of Giles Cory, of Lynn Mass, July 25, 1692, as “son-in-law,” and Thomas Hire (Hare) of Surry Co Va, in his will, Mar 6, 1704 names Thomas, & William Clare, as his “grand-sons.” As the Hares also moved to Perq Co N. C. we may very well say with a certain amount of certainty, that the William here spoken of, is the same which Timothy Clare of Perq, calls “father” in his marriage certificate.
    • Timothy Cleare granted 473a on Perq River, adj Wm Bundy dec’d. April 25, 1694. Tymo Clare grt 250a “on Perquimans River, adj land whereon he now lives” on E. side of sd River. Feb 4, 1713/4. He purchased of Patrick Kenedy, a plan’ on Franks Creek, Feb 15, 1689, and another plan’ at the head of Perq River, from Caleb, & Jean Bundy, 25, 2mo 1692/3. His land appears to have been situated on South West side of the Narrows of Perq River. Thomas Harvey of Perq, sold to Timothy Clare 200a on “Upper Vosses Creek,” adj John Morgan, & Francis Toms. His land on North side of Perq, was on Brambly Branch, and was called “Round House land.” His name is variously spelled on the records in Perq Co; Clare, Cleare, Clear, Clar, but it is each time the same person, as he is the only one of that name in the county, and had no male descendants. The line became extinct when he died. He was Burgess from Perq, Oct 11, 1709, Justice of Peace. (Col Records.) Berkeley Parish Reg gives the date of his marriage as follows:
    • Timothy Cleare (ye son of Will Cleare) & Mary Bundy (ye dau of William Bundy, & Elizabeth his wife) weare Maried, ye 7 of June 168— and the Quaker records the same, with the date a little different; as follows: “At a Meeting at Jon’a Phelps house, Timothy Cleare, declaring his intention of Marriage with Mary Bundy (d of William) 6, 3mo 1685. Not being familiar with the Quaker marriage rites in this case will not say positively that the dates are the same.
    • The ages of his children are also given in Berkeley Reg, as follows: Mary, & Elizabeth (twins) b Feb 21, 168—(6), Ann, b Nov 10, 1687, Sarah, b Dec  24, 1683. Mary Cleare (wife of Timothy) died Dec 30, 1694. He m 2d Elizabeth — by whom he had no issue—3d Hannah née Larance (widow of Israel Snelling) by whom one dau Hannah; whose age is not mentioned. (See her will, Grimes, page 72.) Timothy Clear’s will is found in Deed book E—No 12, in which he names his wife Hannah, and five daughters. This will is a very interesting document, and gives much valuable information. (See deeds, in this book.)
    • Mary (one of the twins) m Edward Mayo, & had by him: Edward, b 7, 2mo 1703, John b 27, 11mo 1705/6—Mary, b 26, 12mo 1709/10—Ann, b 23, 1mo 1713—Elizabeth, b 21 8mo 1717—Sarah, b 19, 12 mo 1719, & Joseph (no date). She m 2d Joseph Newby, by whom she seems not to have had issue. (See her will Grimes 1739.)
    • Elizabeth (twin to Mary) m Thomas Winslow. (See Winslow, for her descendants.)
    • Sarah Clare m 1st John White, & had one son John Jr. (See deeds in this book.) m 2d Jacob Elliott (untraced).
    • Jane Clare, m 1st Joseph Robinson, whose will was p in Perq July 9, 1717, and had son John, & dau Sarah. She m 2d Thomas Jessop. (See Jessop family.)
    • Of Ann Clares descendants nothing is known. Timothy Clare mentions in his will dau Hepsibeth Perry. She is thought to be a step-daughter, as she is not named in the last part of his will “as daughter.” His second wife Elizabeth may have been widow Perry, but there is no proof at hand. Timothy Clare was a Quaker, and wielded a strong influence in the county for the betterment of settlers, and the usefulness of its citizens. He owned large bodies of land in Perq, and there is still extant one original grant to him made in 1709, for 300a on Perq River, which is now in the writer’s hands.

    Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).

     UPDATE: 2-14-2015 – Information from Doris Ann White Younts shows per the Quaker Records that Hepsibeth Perry was in fact the daughter of Timothy Clare and his wife Mary and not the step-daughter as Mrs. Winslow had thought when she wrote the book in 1931.

    CLARE - QUAKER RECORDS - 1 Contributed by Doris Ann White YountsCLARE - QUAKER RECORDS - 2 contributed by Doris Ann White Younts



    William Bundy, the first by that name to appear in Perq, married Mary Pearre (Rellicke of John) Desember 15, 1683. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.) Caleb Bundy, (who was a brother of William) m Jane Maners, “at ye quarterly Meeting,” July —, 1690.

    William Bundy, had previously married Elizabeth —, probably before coming to N. C., who died Mar 4, 1676, by whom he had one son Samuel, b Feby 4, 1676. Also a dau Mary, who was 1st wife of Timothy Clare. In her marriage bond, she is named as his dau. He had by his 2d wife Mary (née Scott) widow Pearre) a dau, Sarah b Jan 23, 1685, who married Francis Pettitt, of Chowan Co.

    William Bundy Dept this Life, Mar 27, 1692. Mary Bundy m (3d) Nicholas Simons, June 30, 1692. (Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)

    Bundy, Caleb, will Pasquotank Co, names brothers: William, & John. (No date.) He appears to have died childless, & no wife is mentioned.

    Little River, Mo Meeting Reg. Gives the following:

    John Bundy’s Children: 1 Johnua b 4, 4mo 1717—2 John b 12, 1mo 1719—d 8-2, 1745. 3 Caleb b 12, 5mo 1721—4 William b 21, 1mo 1723—5 Jean b 12, 1mo 1725—6 Benjamin b 12, 12mo 1729.

    Bundy, Samuel, (s of William) Planter; of Pasq Co, m Tamer Symons (d of Jeremiah) 5, 10mo 1696, “at the house of Henry White, in Perq.” Had son Jeremiah, b July 21, 1725. Samuel Bundy also had a son Samuel, b July 24, 1724.

    The will of Samuel Bundy, Pasq Co, p July 1740, names sons: William, Abraham, Gideon, Josiah, d Jane Pike, (wife of Benjamin) Wife Anne. Cousin Samuel Bundy, wife, Ann, & Thomas Nicholsin Exrs.

    David Bundy of Perq, will p April 1750, names brothers: Jeremiah, Moses, & Caleb. Uncle Josiah Bundy. (He evidently died without issue.)

    Caleb Bundy, of Pasq Co, will April 27, 1721, Sons: John, Benjamin, Samuel, (to whom he left all his land, “up Little River”) d Mary Bundy (land bought of brother Samuel) gr-dau Liday Bundy, (d of son William). His wife is not named.

    Anne Bundy, will Pasq Co, p Dec 1744. Sons: Gideon, (his wife Miriam née Bogue) Abraham, gr-dau Lydia Bundy. (She was widow of Samuel Bundy.)

    Benjamin Bundy, of Pasq Co, names in his will, Pasq Co, p Oct 26, 1728, Wife Hannah, to whom he left a plan’ of 1,200a. Brother Samuel Ex.

    William Bundy of Perq, will p Jan 1749, names dau Sarah Barrow (wife of Joseph) wife Mary.

    The Bundys lived on the edge of Pasquotank Co, & some of them in Perq. They were identified as much with one County, as another.

    The children of Samuel Bundy are given in Little River Record, as follows: 1 Mary (d of Samuel Bundy, & Jean his wife), b 24, 2mo 1732—2 Liddah b 23, 7mo 1733—3 Sarah b 5, 3mo 1736—d 19, 9mo 1739—4 Caleb b 28 2mo 1738—d 9, 9mo 1739.

    Children of William Bundy: 1 Joseph b 2, 6mo 1745—2 John b 4, 6mo 1752—3 Mary b 28, 6mo 1754.

    Joseph Bundy m Sarah—issue: 1 Josiah (no date) 2 William b 15, 11mo 1760—d 27, 11mo 1760.

    Josiah Bundy m Elizabeth—issue: 1 Sarah b 22, 8mo 1736—2 Joseph b 26, 10mo 1738—3 Ellis b 1, 7mo 1741—d 14, 3mo 1762—4 Joshua b 18, 4mo 1744—5 Josiah b 12, 4mo 1748—6 Jane b 8, 5mo, 1751—7 Caleb b —, 11 mo 1753—8 Sarah b 18, 9mo 17—.

    Caleb, & Elizabeth Bundy,—issue: 1 Dempsey b 16, 4mo 1746—2 John b 10, 11mo 1747—3 Miriam b 1, 8mo 1749—4 Samuel b 28, 3mo 1756—5 Sarah b 9, 1mo 1759.

    Bunday, Dempsey m Mary—issue: 1 Zadock b 20, 9mo 1777—2 William b 1, 1mo 1780—3 John b 22, 5mo 1782.

    Bundy, Gideon, m Miriam Bogue, (d of William) issue: 1 Lyda b 2, 10mo 1740—2 Samuel b 27, 10mo 1742—3 Sarah b 11, 8mo 1745—4 John b 17, 1mo 1748—5 Miriam b 27, 10mo 1753—6 Christopher b 20, 4mo 1758. Miriam wife of Gideon Bundy d 14, 3mo 1762.

    Bundy, Josiah, m Mary Symons, (d of Jehosaphat) 25, 12mo 1766, issue: 1 Lydia b 29, 9mo 1767—2 Elizabeth b 4, 4mo 1769—3 Sarah b 17, 6mo 1770.

    Bundy, Joshua, m Elizabeth Bailey, 7, 8mo 1763, issue: 1 Elizabeth b 4, 7mo 1764—2 Sarah b 24, 4mo 1767—3 Ellis b 4, 6mo 1769—4 Hannah, & Penninah, (twins) b 1, 3mo 1773.

    Bundy, Caleb, m Miriam (Nicholson) issue: 1 Benjamin b 30, 10mo 1763—Caleb b 16, 5mo 1765—3 John b 24, 10mo 1766—4 Jeremiah b 21, 2mo 1768—5 James b 28, 7mo 1769—6 Hannah b 26, 3mo 1772—7 Moses b 26, 11mo 1774—8 Samuel b 26, 9mo 1776—9 Christopher b 13, 9mo 1777.

    Bundy, John, m Lyda Griffin (d of Joseph) issue: 1 Gideon b 31, 3mo 1774—2 Reuben b 25, 11mo 1776.


    • Bundy, John, m Elizabeth Keaton (Newbegun Creek In) 16, 6mo 1716.) (Quaker Records, Perq Co.)
    • Bundy, William, m Anne Keaton (Newbegun Creek In) 19, 9mo 1719. (Quaker Records, Perq Co.)
    • Bundy, Sarah, m Joseph Barrow, (Symons Creek), 2, 3mo 1745.
    • Bundy, Abraham, m Naomi White, (Symons Creek) 3, 1mo 1748.
    • Bundy, William, m Hannah Morris (d of John & Mary) 6, 10mo 1750.
    • Bundy, Miriam, Zadock, William, & Mary Bundy, (children of Demsey, received “Unity” in Quaker Meeting, Pasq Co, 19, 1mo 1788.
    • Bundy, Josiah, was one among those holding slaves, in Pasq Co, 15, 9mo 1787.


    • Bundy, Jane, Dept this Life, 23, 11 mo 1719.
    • Bundy, Caleb, Dept this Life 31, 11mo 1723 (21?).
    • Bundy, William, (s of Caleb) Dept this Life 9, 2mo 1721.
    • Bundy, Caleb Sr, Dept this Life, 4, 3mo 1721.
    • Bundy, Mary (d of Caleb Sr) Dept this Life, 10, 3mo 1721.
    • Bundy, Benjamin, Dept this Life, 13, 8mo 1728.
    • Bundy, John, Dept this Life 22, 2mo 1731.
    • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of John, d 17, 3mo 1731.
    • Bundy, Jean, dau of John, d 30, 1mo 1735.
    • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of William, d 7, 10mo 1748.
    • Bundy, Miriam, dau of sd Elizabeth, d Last of 9mo 1748.
    • Bundy, Samuel, Dept this Life — 10, 1750, in the 49 year of his age.
    • Bundy, Samuel, Dept this Life, 18, 5mo 1753, age 22 years.
    • Bundy, Gideon, Dept this Life 17, 2mo 1762.
    • Bundy, Mary, (wife of Caleb) Dept this Life 19, 2mo 1762.
    • Bundy, John, s of Caleb, Dept this Life 14, 2mo 1762.
    • Bundy, Miriam, d of Caleb, Dept this Life 13, 2mo 1762.
    • Bundy, Samuel, s of Caleb, Dept this Life 22, 2mo 1762.
    • Bundy, Elizabeth, wife of Caleb, Dept this Life 11, 5 mo 1752.

    The will of Josiah Bundy, is found in Minute book, 1755-61, (Perq Co Records). Said will dated 28, 12mo 1760. Made bequest to son Joseph, 39a of Wood land, adj where he now lives, To s Gideon all land in Pasq Co, To wife Elizabeth, all land in Perq, “for her Natual life, but not so as to hinder, my sons Ellis, & Joshua, from settling on their part of sd land” also 76a in Pasq Co, on the head of Little River, called “the forks.” To s Joshua the other half of land, adj Francis Nixon, & half on a new Survey in Perq. To sons: Ellis, & Joshua, “all Right in 300a in Pasq Co, & all three patents in Perq, taken up by myself, Thomas Nicholson, & Gideon Bundy.” To s Caleb 76a in Pasq Co, “which I had of Gideon, & Lydia Bundy.” To d Jane a negro girl. Brother Gideon, & sons: Joseph, & Ellis Exrs. Test’ Phin’s Nixon, Tho Nicholson, Joseph Nicholson.

    Pasquotank Mo Meeting

    • Bundy, Sarah, (Intention) m with John Bell, 21, 11mo 1789.
    • Bundy, John, (Intention) m Jemmima Low, 21, 8mo 1790.
    • Bundy, Josiah, (Intention) m Miriam Perisho, 15, 12mo 1792.
    • Bundy, Moses, (Intention) m Elizabeth Jones, 15, 12mo 1796.
    • Bundy, Guliema, (Intention) m Christopher Morris, 18, 2mo 1797.
    • Bundy, Pheribe, (Intention) m Isaac Morris, 20, 2mo 1802.
    • Bundy, Miriam, was “very much decayed, in mind” 21, 3mo  1801.

    Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).