• In “Paule” of London, July 16, 1635, Kathren Wilson, age 28, and children: Robert, age 6—Richard, age 5. (Hotten.)
  • William Edwards, Clerk of Surry Co Va, was grt (with Rice Davis) 1080a in sd county, for trans’ among others, Robert Wilson, & Henry White. July 10, 1648.
  • William Wilson “of the City of Bristoll, Mercht; apt’ son John of Isle of Wight Co, Va Att’ Aprill 26, 1666.” (Isle of Wight Records.)
  • George Hardy of Isle of Wight Co, in his will bequeathed, “Land, Housing, my Mill, with all movable Est, to be equally divided between Kinsman George Hardy, & Christopher Willson, after the decease of my wife,” He gave also 1000 lbs of Tob toward building a Church in this Parish, “to be Built of Brick.” To Christopher Willson “Land in Suit between me & Successors of Justinian Cooper, in case it be restored.” (Records Isle of Wight.)
  • Robert Wilson was living in Chuckatuck, Nansemond Co Va, 9, 12mo 1688, when he witnessed the mar banns of Levin Buffkin, & Dorothy Newby, at the house of Thomas Jordan. He recorded his mark in Perq Co N. C. April 1689, and his son Isaac did the same, May 1689.
  • At a quarterly meeting at the house of Henry White, in Perq, 1, 3mo 1695 Robert Wilson, Francis Tomes, & Henry White, were apt to “write a letter to friends in London, in behalf of the Meeting.”
  • The will of Robert Wilson, p in Perq Precinct Jan 11, 1696. Son: Isaac, dau Sarah Belman, gr-children: Robert, & Ann Wilson, Sarah, & Ester Belman; wife Ann Extrix. (This will was proven before John Archdale, Daniel Akehurst, Francis Tomes, & Samuel Swann, Justices; at the house of Samuel Swann.)
  • (1) Robert Willson died “at his own house, up the Narrows of Perq River” Dec 21, 1696. (Roman Calendar.) His wife Ann moved back to Surry Co Va, where her will was p 21, 5mo 1702, reads as follows: “Disposing of worldly Est itt hath pleased God to bestow upon me in Carolina, do bequeath unto Robert Borsman, & Ann, ye son, and dau of John Borsman; & Sarah His wife, except cattle etc, to be equally divided between Robert Wilson, & Ann Wilson, son & dau of Isaac Wilson, & Ann his first wife.” Jno Tooke, & Sam’ll Cornell Exrs. (Surry Co Rec.)
  • (1) Isaac Wilson, m Ann — issue: 1 Robert, b 10, 8mo 1690—2 Ann, b 16 7mo 1692—3 Benjamin, b 19, 10mo 1694. Isaac Wilson m 2d Ann Parker (d of Robert, & Hannah, “b at Nattensate in Ash Church Parish, in Glouster Sheer”) Mch 31, 1701, issue Isaac, b Nov 18, 1702. (The Quaker Rec’ds give the first three, the last are found in Berkeley Par Reg, Perq Co.)
  • Isaac Willson will Perq, p July 13, 1714. Sons: Benjamin, Robert, Isaac, dau Ann, wife Ann. He was a Burgess in Perq Co, Oct 11, 1709.
  • (2) Isaac Wilson d. s. p. will p in Perq Dec 29, 1724. Brothers: Benjamin, Robert, nephews: Joseph, & Isaac Wilson, to whom he left a plan’ on Perq River “where Capt Pettiver now lives,” niece Rachel Wilson, mother Ann Pettiver, uncle Ralph Bozman, other legatees: Joseph, & Thomas Elliott.
  • (3) Isaac Wilson, will Perq p April 1751. Sons: Robert, James, dau’s Rachel, and Miriam Wilson, wife Elizabeth (née Perry, married 2, 12mo 1742).
  • (1) Joseph Wilson (s of Benjamin) Will Perq, p July 1752. Son: Reuben, dau’s Elizabeth, & Mary, wife Mary. Wit’ Jacob Wilson, Wm Townsend, Rachel Winslow.
  • (2) Robert Wilson (s of Isaac & Ann) m Rachel Pricklove (Pretlow) (d of John, and wife Elizabeth). His will p in Perq, June 1758. Sons: Isaac, and Silvanus, dau Rachel Townsend, gr-sons: Reuben Wilson, Obed Winslow, Caleb Winslow, gr-dau’s Elizabeth, and Mary Wilson. Exrs Barnaby Nixon, & Jacob Winslow (gr-son).
  • Rachel Wilson, m 1st Timothy Winslow, issue three sons, & one dau; m 2d William Townsend, issue four children, m 3d John Williams, by whom no issue. Her will Perq county, p July 1777, is a very interesting document.
  • Isaac Wilson, (s of Benjamin) b Nov 16, 1694.
  • Robert Wilson, m Martha Gilbert, 4, 1mo 1739. (Quaker Records.)
  • John Wilson (s of Thos) m Mary Pearson (d of Peter) 20, 9mo 1740. (Quaker Records.)
  • Thomas Wilson m Elizabeth Newby, 6 8mo 1777. (Quaker Records.)
  • Isaac Wilson m Roda Chappel. 5, 6mo 1776. (Quaker Records.)
  • Jonathan Wilson, m Huldah Harrel, 4, 7mo 1795. (Quaker Records.)
  • William Wilson m Elizabeth Munden 3, 11mo 1765. (Symons Creek Pasq Co.)
  • Robert Wilson, m Anne Reed 2, 3mo 1752, Suttons Creek Perq Co.
  • Edward Wilson, came to Va in “Plaine John” May 15, 1635, age 22. He settled in Surry Co, from which place he moved to Perq Co N. C. When or where he married can not be certain, but his wife is given in Berkeley Par Reg.
  • Edward Wilson, & wife Rachell—issue: 1 John, b Jan 11, 1686—2 Edward, b Last of Feb, 1687/8—3 John (2d by name) b Sept 14, 1693—4 Elizabeth, b Feby 24, 1692—5 Sarah, b July 14, 1695. Edward Wilson died 1712. Dau Sarah m Daniel Jones.
  • (1) John Wilson, m Elizabeth Mayo (d of Edward (2) & wife Mary née Clare, d of Timothy Clare, & wife Mary née Bundy) & had according to Mary Newby’s (née Clare) will 1739, issue: 1 son John Wilson.
  • (2) John Wilson, m Ann — will p April 1785, Wife Ann, dau’s Rebecca, & Amey. His division, Nov 24, 1798, shows: dau Rebecca Webb, & Amey Wilson.

(See other Wilson Wills in N. C. Hist Reg, Vol 3-2 & 3-3.)

  • Jacob Wilson (1) m Rachel Hollowell (d of Thomas) m 2d Sarah. His will p Perq, 1793. Son: Jonathan, brothers, Zachariah, & Moses, dau’s Misala, Miriam Elliott and Julianna Elliott (buried in Episcopal Cemetery in Hertford, wife of Exum Elliott) Rachel Nixon, sister Sarah Copeland, (wife of Jesse) Jesse Copeland (s of Jesse) d Absala Seymour, kinsman Thomas Hollowell (s of Joseph) Ex.
  • (3) John Wilson, m Margaret White, 5, 11mo 1828, issue: 1 Alfred, b 9, 1mo 1830—2 Timothy, b 20, 1mo 1832—3 Christopher, b 4, 5mo 1834.
  • Joseph Wilson, m Sarah Charles, 7, 6mo 1780. (Welles Meeting, Perq Co.)
  • (1) William Wilson, moved from Pasq Co, to Tyrrell, where his will was p June 1741. Sons: Patterson, William, Thomas, Benjamin, dau’s Rebecca, Sarah, & Rosaman Wilson, & Mary Scarbrough, Elizabeth Barclifte. His wife Sarah evidently moved back to Pasq, where her will was p April 1754. Sons William, Benjamin, Thomas, dau’s Rebeckah Furbush, Elizabeth Bartlet. Patterson Wilson died in Pasq Co before his mother, so he is not named in her will. His will sd county: p July 12, 1746, names son: William, dau Mary, wife Elizabeth.
  • (1) Thomas Wilson, will Perq, p April 1785. Sons: Thomas, Samuel, William, wife Elizabeth.


  • Robert Wilson had 450a grt him, “upon ye West side of Perquimons River, near the mouth of Robert Wilsons Creek, to ye South East side of sd Creek, or branch” 1684.
  • Isaac Wilson, 490a, in Perq pre’ct, to line of Robert Wilson, by Cypress Swamp. May 22, 1694.
  • Edward Wilson, 250a in Perq pre’ct on the head of Albemarle River (Sound) near the mouth of a Creek. Feby 17, 1696.
  • William Wilson, 300a in Anson Co N. C. on North side of Broad River, & Dry Creek, Oct 3, 1753.
  • Capt John Pettiver, 240a in Perq, “by ye side of Perq River, adj Jno Spelman, Xber 10, 1712, and 400a on the head of Bentley Creek (now called Muddy Creek) adj James Cheston, to Spelmans corner, & line of Edward Wilson. Dec 10, 1712, (same) 377a on Cypress Swamp, along ye Indian Swamp. Dec 10, 1712. (same) 220a adj his own land, on Cypress Swamp. Xber — 1712.
  • John Pettiver was murdered by Joseph Haines. (See deeds.) He m Ann widow of Isaac 1716.
  • Ralph Bosman (called uncle by Robert Wilson) 166a in Perq Pre’ct, adj Samuel Phelps. Feb 10, 1718.


  • Wilson, Christopher, Intention, with Pharaby Saunders, 15, 11mo 1788. (Quaker Reg.)
  • Wilson, Jesse, joined the “Baptist Society” and was “out of Unity” 20, 12mo 1788.
  • Wilson, Thomas, m Martha Pendleton, Mar 31, 1806. (Mar bonds Pasq Co.)
  • Wilson, Francis, m Nancy Jennings, Nov 19, 1806. (Mar bonds Pasq Co.)
  • Wilson, John, Intention, with Millicent Trueblood, 20, 7mo 1799. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • Wilson, Sylvanus, m Rebecca Pierce (d of Joseph, sister of Thomas dec’d) Oct 18, 1757.
  • Wilson, Sylvanus, (son of Robert, & Rachel (Pricklove) Wilson). (See Robert Wilsons will.)
  • Wilson, Benjamin, (s of Isaac, & Ann née Parker) m Judith Docton (d of Jacob), & had son Jacob Wilson, whose dau Julianna, m Exum Elliott. (See deeds.)
  • Wilson, Reuben, (s of Joseph) m Mary Winslow (d of Timothy, & Rachel Wilson, d of Robert, & Rachel née Pricklove) issue: Silvanus, b 8, 9mo 1768—Jacob, b June 12, 1774. Mary, b 8, 1mo 1779—Huldah, b Mar — 1781. (Bible record.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


Thomas White was a subject in the colony at Jamestown, 1609. (Browns Genesis to America.)

James White in Va same date, at same place. Henry White of York Co Va, had a son Henry, who moved to Isle of Wight. From the dates it seems probable that this was the identical Henry White who migrated to Perq Precinct N. C., before 1670. He built the first Quaker Church in Perquimans, thought to be Little River Mo meeting, which was about where Woodville is situated. Just beyond the confines of this village can be seen at the present time an old Quaker burying ground, with small stones such as were in common use at that day among the simple Quakers. Meetings were held at the house of Henry White, 26, 4mo 1690, at which time, James Davis (s of William) and Elizabeth White (d of Henry) of Albemarle, took each other as man and wife. Another Quarterly meeting convened at the house of Henry White, 1, 3mo 1695, when it was “agreed that Robert Wilson, Francis Toms, & Henry White, doe write a letter in behalf of the Meeting, to friends at yearly meeting in London.” At a meeting held at the house of Arnold White, 24, 4mo 1679, there were present: Henry White, Timothy Meade, Francis Toms, Charles Moris, Jonathan Tailer, Arnold White, George Tailer, Mary White, Rebecka Simons, Solomon Pool, & Margaret White. The children of Solomon Pool were registered at this meeting, as follows: Richard, b 2, 3mo 1680—Ane, b 12, 2mo 1682—Mary, b 15, 10mo 1683—Solomon (2) b 23, 4mo 1687.

As Arnold appears in Perq simultaneously with Henry White, the inference may be drawn with some certainty, that they were brothers, but the records do not mention the fact. John and William White also made their entry into Perquimans about the same time, and they may also be brothers.

White, Henry, children as recorded in the Quaker Reg, of Perq Co, are as follows:Ann, b 5, 10mo 1669—

  1. Elizabeth, b 29, 10mo 1673—
  2. Robert, b 2, 11mo 1674—
  3. James, & John (twins), b 20, 5mo 1676—
  4. Elkanah, b 2mo 1679—
  5. Mary, b middle of 8mo 1682—
  6. Damaris, b —, 12mo 1684—
  7. Constant — —
  8. Henry (2), b 25, 4mo 1690—
  9. Arnold, b end of 7mo 1693—
  10. Mary (2d by name), b —, 7mo 1696—
  11. Jonas, b 24, 4mo 1700—
  12. Sarah, b middle of 4mo 1704.

His wife was Mary, who died 3, 3mo 1679, and mother of his first five children. His second wife is not given.

The will of Henry White, p in Albemarle, Sept 19, 1706, names the following issue: Henry, Arnold, Isaac, Robert, & John, to whom he devised his “Maner plantation,” dau’s: Content and Naomy. (No wife is mentioned.) Henry White bought land in Surry Co Va, June 9, 1655 (Surry records). He made an affidavit in Perq Co, 1689, giving his age as 57 years. (Gen’l Court, May 26, 1689.)

White, Arnold Sr, issue: 1 Philliman, b 10, 10mo 1670—2 Arnold, b 29, 4mo 1673—3 Paul, b 20, 1mo 1676. Mary White, wife of Arnold, died —, 1mo 1679.

White, Arnold Jr, (s of Arnold Sr) issue: 1 Paul, b 6, 8mo 1697—2 Ann, b 1, 1mo 1699—3 Joshua, b 28, 12mo 1702—4 Nehemiah, b 25, 12mo 1712—5 Pathenea, b 6, 10mo 1717. Mary wife of Arnold, died 23, 1mo 1680. He m 2d Phereby Nixon, 1, 9mo 1696.

White, John (s of Henry) m Elizabeth Newby (d of John) issue: 1 Abraham, b 3, 12mo 1700—2 Sarah, b —, 11mo 1703—3 Rachel, b — 1705—4 Jonas, b —, 11mo 1707—5 Elirabe, b —, 1mo 1711—6 John, b —, 11mo 1713—7 Rebecca, b —, 5mo 1716.

White, Arnold, will Perq, Mar 22, 1690. Names d Elizabeth, s Arnold, brother Henry, wife not named.


  • White, John (s of Henry of Little River) m Elizabeth Newby (d of John, & dau-in-law of Matthew Collins of same) 14, 11mo 1696, “at the house of James Davis.”
  • White, Arnold, m Rebeccah Overman, In, at Newbegun Creek, 18, 5mo 1717.
  • White, Arnold Sr, m Jane Pike (widow, of Pasq precinct) 9, 4mo 1720.
  • White, Jonathan (s of Robert), m Ann Pike (d of Samuel) 10, 2mo 1729.
  • White, Abraham, m Sarah Keaton, In, at Newbegun Creek, 9, 9mo 1723.
  • White, Henry, m Ruth Keaton, In, at Newbegun Creek, 4, 3mo 1727.
  • White, Nehemiah, m Hannah Overman, at Newbegun Creek, 3, 3mo 1732.
  • White, Nehemiah, m 2d Martha Pritchard, in, 7, 3mo 1734.
  • White, Joseph, m Sarah Newby, In, 4, 4mo 1736, at Symons Creek.
  • White, John, m Susannah Hill, In, 6, 9mo 1746, at Symons Creek.
  • White, Benjamin, m Miriam Pike, In, 3, 9mo 1761, at Symons Creek.
  • White, William, was a passenger for Va, in Primrose July 27, 1625, Comd of Capt Douglas. William, and John who came to Perquimans about the same date of Henry’s arrival, may have been his brothers. They quickly disappear from the records in Perq. John m Margaret Titerton (widow of William, née Hall), Jan 18, 1685. John Waite died Jan 14, 1691. According to his will p in Perq, Apl 4, 1692, he left no heirs. The legatees in said will being wife Margaret, William & Elizabeth Tetterton (Step-children).
  • White, William, m Margery Williams, September 1693. He had by a former wife Rebecka, issue: 1 Sarah, b Oct 13, 1681—2 Thomas, b Nov 17, 1684—3 Samuel, b Dec 2, 1687. William White died Jan 14, 1687. Margery his wife, d Oct 14, 1704.
  • White, Thomas (probably a brother of John, & William) m Diana Foster née Maners, widow of Wm Foster, m 1675 d Oct 9, 1687. She had by first husband Francis & Elizabeth Foster, named in his will—Oct 9, 1687. Diana White m 3 times, 1st Thomas Harris, Clerk of Perq, 2d William Foster, & 3rd Thomas White. Perq Court was held in the house of Thomas Harris, and after his death, 1679, at the house of Diana Harris, Sept 1679, and still later, at the house of Thomas White, presumably the same house each time. Thomas White in his will Mar 11, 1695, names wife Diana, and William Collins, who it is thought m Elizabeth Harris, d of Diana by her 1st husband.
  • White, Robert, (s of Henry) will Albemarle, April 19, 1698. Sons: Vincent, Robert, d Mary, friend Thomas Jones. Robert (2) lived in Pasq Co, where his will was p April 16, 1733, Sons: Jonathan, Zapaniah, Joseph, dau’s: Ann, Elizabeth.
  • White, Nehemiah, (s of Arnold Jr) will Pasq Co, p July 1751. Sons: Benjamin, Joshua, dau’s: Sarah, Mary, Martha, wife Martha. Joseph Pritchard (bro-in-law) Ex.
  • White, John, (s of Henry (1) m Sarah Clare (d of Timothy, & wife Mary Bundy). He died before Mar 10, 1730, will p on that date, names son John, and dau’s Rachel, Sarah, Elizabeth, Hulde, sister Mary, wife Sarah, who m 2d Jacob Elliott. She was John Whites 2d wife, he having m 1st Elizabeth Newby.
  • White, Jean, Relict of Roger White, m 2d John Wilkinson, Jan 9, 1686. (Berkeley Reg.)
  • Henry White made affidavit in Perq 1689, that he “knew Samuel Davis in Isle of Wight Co Va”, “where he was an apprentice of Henry White his father” before 1660, said Samuel also migrating to N. C.
  • White, Edmund, m Millicent Toms, In, 3mo 1788, at Welles meeting house, in Perq. It is not positively known which branch of Whites he belongs to. He certainly had one son Edmund (s of Edmund, & Mary dec’d) of Pasq Co, m Margaret Nixon (s of Samuel, & Rachel dec’d of Perq) 15, 5mo 1816, at Suttons Creek meeting house. Margaret wife of Edmond died 14, 11mo 1827.
  • White, Samuel, will Perq Co p April 1779, names sons: Gabriel, Joshua, William, Benjamin, & Arnold, wife Hepsibee. Henry White, & Levi Munden Exrs.
  • White, Gabriel, will Perq, p Nov 1824, names wife Abselah, s Andrew Knox White, d Juliana R. White, Sarah, & Martha Ann White. Samuel Nixon Ex.
  • White, John, (of the Thomas White line) m Mourning — issue: 1 Robert, m Rebeckah Albertson (d of Francis dec’d, & wife Caroline) 16, 9mo 1819 at Suttons Creek, issue: 1 Jordan, b 8, 9mo 1821, d 21, 6mo 1822—2 Elizabeth, b 18, 8mo 1823—3 Lucinda, b 19, 2mo 1826—4 William Albertson White, b 15, 2mo 1828.


Thomas White Line

  • In Perquimans Co. there seems to have been two separate, & distinct, lines of this family, that of Henry White, and the descendants of Thomas, of Isle of Wight Co Va. Henry White pioneered to N. C. much earlier than the last named. It is thought, but not proven, that Thomas of Isle of Wight, was a descendant of John White, who came to Va, from New England, & took up land in Norfolk Co.
  • Elder John White, b 1596 in Essex Co England, arrived in New England, 1632, settled at Cambridge, Mass. John White (uncle of Peregrine, s of William, & Ann (Fuller) White) came to Norfolk Va, 1679, where he m Mary — & had John Nicholas, b in Norfolk 1689. John White, of the Southern Branch of Elizabeth River, Yeoman—apt’ Anthony Bonford, of Chuckatuck, Nanzimund Co, planter—Att’ to sell unto Paul Luke, of Isle of Wight, Land, Cattle, Household stuff, in sd Co, belonging to his wife Edy Lewellin, d of Thomas, formerly of said Co, for 300 lbs of Tob. Apl 23, 1664. (Records Isle of Wight Co.)
  • White, Thomas (s of John of Isle of Wight) m Rachel Jordan (d of Joshua, & Elizabeth (Sanbourne) Jordan) 13, 7mo 1719. (Elizabeth Sanborn, was d of Daniel, and wife Sarah.) (See the will of Daniel Sanborne Isle of Wight.)
  • White, Thomas, & wife Rachel (Jordan) had issue: 1 Lydia, b 12, 9mo 1720, m John Robinson—2 Elizabeth, b 19, 10mo 1722, m Joseph Pritchard—3 Joshua, b 26, 11mo 1727, m Guliemma Jordan—4 Jordan, b 20, 3mo 1729—5 Thomas, & Rachel (twins), b 25, 12mo 1730—5 Rachel White, m Benjamin Winslow, (s of John, & Esther (Snelling) Winslow)—6 John, b 17, 3mo 1733, m Mary (d of Joseph, & Pleasant (Toms) Winslow)—7 Mary, b 29, 2mo 1735, m Joseph Winslow (s of Joseph & wife Pleasant (Toms) Winslow)—8 Matthew, b 10, 3mo 1738, m Mary Robinson—9 Caleb, b 8, 3mo 1740, m Rebecca Toms (d of Francis (3) & wife Rebecca Nixon, d of Zachariah Nixon, & wife Elizabeth Symons of Pasq Co.) Rebecca White was b Jan 8, 1743.
  • White, Thomas, will Perq, book C p 1, p Jan 1762. He bequeathed, to wife Rachel, a negro called Judah, & a negro girl Priscilla, a mare, called “Pink” and a horse, called “Sorrel,” 1 large looking glass, and 1 square table. Sons: Joshua, Thomas, Joseph, John, Matthew, Caleb, and Benjamin (not of age), dau’s Mary Winslow, (to whom he left a “large looking glass”) Sarah, gr-dau’s Sarah, & Mary Pritchard.
  • White, Joshua, (eldest son of Thomas) will Perq, p Apl 25, 1784, names s Jacob, (to whom he left 125a of land, on both sides of Cypress Swamp) s Zachariah, s Joshua (Plan’ where I now live) dau’s Mourning, Mary, & Elizabeth, wife Mary. (His 2d wife probably) d Margaret Moore, & son-in-law Samuel Moore.
  • White, Zachariah, will Perq, p Nov 1808, names legatees. Wife Miriam, dau’s Margaret, Mary Davis, s Joshua, dau’s Miriam, Sarah, s Francis.
  • White, Jacob, s of Joshua (1) will Perq, p Nov 1816, named wife Miriam, sons: Josiah, Robinson, Theophilus, Joshua, dau’s Jemmimah Guyer, & Polly White.
  • White, Joshua, (2) will Perq, p Feb 1831, names son James, wife Sallie, s Gabriel, s Theophilus.
  • White, Joshua, (3) will Perq, p Nov 1865, Wife Emily, son Joshua W. (Warren) White, Millicent Pearce, Charles Willis Pearce, Mary A. Winslow.

From this line sprang Dr White of Suffolk Va, who is a son of Joshua W. White, named in the last will. (See Jordan family, for Rachel Whites Will.)

White, Mourning, spoken of in the Henry White line, as wife of John White, & mother Robert, (who m Rebeccah Albertson,) may have been a d of Joshua (1) & wife Gulielma. The Whites, & Winslows, crossed so many times, it is difficult to distinguish, one from another. Robert (s of John) died 25, 6mo 1830. This seems all the more to be credited, from the fact that Robert, & Rebeccah had a son named Jordan White, b 8, 9mo 1821, died 21, 6mo 1822.

White, Joseph, (s of Joshua, & Rachel (Jordan) White) is mentioned in his will, but his age is not given. From the fact that five years intervened, between the date of Elizabeth, & Joshua Jordans ages, it is probable that he is the one between. Benjamin White also has no birth date, but we know from his fathers will, that he was the youngest child.

  • White, Thomas, (twin to Rachel) m Anne Barnes, May 11, 1755, issue: 1 Miles, b Apl 25, 1756—2 Nathan, b Nov 12, 1757—3 Seth, b Mch 1, 1759—4 Orpha, b Sept 25, 1761—Elizabeth, b Oct 27, 1763—Jonathan, b Mch 2, 1766—Miriam, b Oct 25, 1768—d. s. p. 1831. Ann White, wife of Thomas, died Nov 4, 1770.
  • White, Caleb (s of Thomas, & Rachel (Jordan) White) m Rebeckah Toms, Jan 14, 1761. Issue: 1 Peninah, b Dec 6, 1761—2 Francis, b Feby 24, 1764—3 Toms, b Mch 2, 1766—4 Caleb, b Oct 30, 1768—5 Rebeckah, b Sept 2, 1771—6 Mary, b Nov 12, 1773.
  • White, Caleb, will Perq, p May 1795, names sons: Francis, Toms, Caleb, James, Josiah, & Elisha, dau’s Penina Pritchard, & Rebecca Albertson, Mary, & Betty White, wife Rebecca. Test’ Wm Skinner, Caleb Winslow.
  • White, Francis, m Miriam Toms, 6, 1mo 1790, issue: 1 Toms (2) b 15, 12mo 1790—2 Miles, b 30, 8mo 1792—3 John, b 16, 3mo 1794, died 12, 10mo 1794—4 Caleb (2) b 12, 11mo 1796—5 Mary, b 12, 3mo 1799—6 John (2) b 17, 1mo 1801—7 Rebecca, b 4, 12mo 1802.
  • White, Francis, will Perq, p Nov 1813. Dau’s Mary, Rebecca, Sarah, & Mustia, Sons: Caleb, Francis, Toms, Myles, John, brother Toms White Ex.
  • White, Miriam, will Perq, 4, 3mo 1831, names sister Elizabeth Griffin, niece Jemima White (d of Josiah, & wife Orpha Robinson dec’d) Martha Jesop (d of Jesse, & wife Sarah) Benj, Jemima, Thomas, Miriam White, Mary Morgan, Mary Jessop, (children of brother Nathan White) Pheribe Wilson, (d of William, & wife Sarah) Anna Nicholson, Rebecca Albertson, Jonathan White, Achsah Nixon, Margaret Wilson, (children of brother Jonathan White), Eliza Ann, & Watson White, (children of Timothy White dec’d) Martha Bogue, (d of Thomas dec’d), Piney Woods Mo Meeting $200. (Miriam d of Thomas, died single.)
  • White, Nathan, (s of Thomas) m Miriam Albertson, 6, 10mo 1785, at Welles Perq Co.
  • White, Thomas, (s of Thomas, & Rachel) will Perq, p Aug 1809. Sons: Nathan, Seth, & Jonathan, dau’s Orpha Robinson, Elizabeth Griffin, & Miriam White.
  • White, Seth, will Perq, p Nov 1825—Brothers: Nathan, & Jonathan, sister Elizabeth Griffin, nieces; Sarah Jesop, & Jemima White.
  • White, Jonathan, m Rachel Winslow, b Nov 9, 1770 (d of Caleb, & Ann (Perry) Winslow, of Perq) issue: 1 Timothy, m Eliza Watkins, & had issue: Eliza, Ann, & Watson, Anna, m Wm Robinson, died 1868, age 71 years, issue: 1 Elizabeth, m Christopher Wilson & had Pharaba Wilson, & Wm Robinson Wilson—2 Rachel Robinson—3 Thomas Robinson. Anna (née White) widow Robinson; m 2d Josiah Nicholson, who died 1852, issue: 1 William (Dr) b 1826, m Sarah W. Newby (née Walton) 1854, 2 Timothy, b Nov 2, 1828, died Sept 15, 1924, age 95 years. He resided in Richmond Ind, m 1st Sarah N. White, Nov 8, 1853, died Sept 26, 1865, issue: 1 Marianna, b 1854, died 1888, m Sept 1877 David Buffmer?—2 John Nicholson, 3 Josiah, died 1908, 4 Thomas, 5 Sarah Ellen, b 1863, died 1864 (age 20mo) 6 Walter, b Aug 1865, died Mar 1867. Timothy Nicholson, m 2d Mary White, April 30, 1868, (sister of Sarah A, who died May 1911), issue: 1 Sarah, 2 Eliza, 3 Josiah (brother of Timothy, b 1831) m Ella Bassett of Rhode Island, 4 John Nicholson, m Mary Winslow, 1833, issue: 1 Ella (single), 2 Edward m — George (s of Timothy, & Sarah, b 1835, died 1855.)
  • White, Rebecca, (d of Jonathan White, & wife Rachel Winslow) m Anthony Albertson, issue: 1 Elias, 2 Edward, 3 Jonathan.
  • White, Jonathan, (s of Jonathan, & Rachel Winslow) m Mary Twine, issue: 1 Darius, 2 Addison, 3 Caleb. Jonathan White, m 2d Elizabeth Parker (née Skinner) sister of James C. Skinner (father of Thomas, Harry, & Mrs Fanny Whedbee, wife of Mr Monroe Whedbee) issue: 4 Timothy, 5 Jonathan (of Greenville, N. C., called “Jack White”) Achsah, 6 child of Jonathan, & Rachel, m 1st Wm Nixon, 2d John W. Wilson. No issue by either.
  • Margaret White, m John W. Wilson, issue: 1 Alfred, 2 Timothy, 3 Achsah, 4 Christopher, 5 Margaret, 6 Mary Ann, 7 Franklin, 8 Rachel, 9 Horace, 10 Pharaba.
  • White, Jonathan, will Perq p Aug 1823, names sons: Timothy, & Jonathan, dau’s Anna Robinson, & Rebecca Albertson, Achsah & Peggy W White, wife Rachel. Test’ Jos White, Nathan Winslow (bro-in-law).
  • White, Rachel, will Perq, p Nov 1835. Dau’s: Anna Nicholson, Margaret W. Winslow, Rebecca Albertson, & Achsah Nixon, gr children: Eliza Ann White, & Watson White, s Jonathan, brother Nathan Winslow.
  • White, Benjamin, (youngest s of Thomas, & Rachel) will Perq p Aug 1808, names sons: Thomas, John, Jesse, Josiah, Demsey, & Dewey, gr-dau’s Martha, & Mary White.
  • White, Jesse, (s of Benjamin) m Mary Albertson (d of Chalkey) of Perq, 25, 3mo 1802, at Suttons Creek.
  • White, Jesse, will p in Perq Feb 1814. Son: Cornellius, Chalkey Albertson, dau’s: Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah R. White, & Millicent Henley. Brother Thomas White Ex.
  • White, John, m Lydia Winslow (d of Joseph, & Pleasant née Toms) and had according to his will: (p in Perq Oct 1774) Sons: Francis, John, Samuel, Thomas, & Joseph, wife Lydia, dau’s: Dorothy, & Pleasant. The last m Wm Winslow (s of Jacob, & Elizabeth Winslow) 7, 3mo 1787. (Welles Mo Metting.)

(For a continuation of the White family, see wills, N. C. Hist & Gen Register.)

MARRIAGES (not placed)

  • White, Joshua, m — Cornwell, 15, 1mo 1750. (Pagan Creek, Isle of Wight Co Va.)
  • White, John (of the Arnold White line) m Mourning White (d of Joshua) no date.
  • White, Edmund, m Millicent Toms, 3, 3mo 1788. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • White, Jesse, m Abigail Anderson, 2, 4mo 1788. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • White, Charles, (s of John, will 1771), Mary Jones, Nov 21, 1780. (Mar bonds Perq.)
  • White, Thomas, m Sarah Rountree, Feb 16, 1791, Sec Jesse Rountree. (Mar bonds Perq.)
  • White, Thomas, m 2d Susannah Palin, Intention, 21, 3mo 1801. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • White, William, m Elizabeth Robinson, Intention, 21, 3mo 1789. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • White, Thomas, m Sarah Rolntree, Feb 16, 1791, See Jesse Rountree. (Mar bonds Perq.)
  • White, Zachariah, m Millicent Nicholson, 30, 2mo 1790. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • White, Zachariah, m 2d Miriam Elliott, Apl 8, 1795. (Mar bonds Perq.)
  • White, Edmund, m 2d Mary Morris (d of Aaron Jr) Intention, 21 4mo 1792. (Pasq Co.)
  • White, Joshua, m Mary Nicholson, Intention, 16, 3mo 1793. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • White, Robert, m Tabitha Alford, April —, 1702. (Early Quaker records, by Col Olds.) (Col. Fred A. Olds, Raleigh, N. C.)
  • White, Rachel (d of John) m John Smith, no date. (See deeds.)
  • White, Francis, m Lydia Winslow (d of Joseph Jr) before Apl 1783. (Legal papers.)
  • John White dec’d 12, 1mo 1774, will probated by son Thomas, & wife Lida, before John Hollowell J. P. His Inventory shows: 7 horses, 3 cattle, 19 sheep, 13 hogs, 63 hives of bees, 8 punch bowls, 4 dram glasses, 3 “sets of Shoemakers tools” 6 pewter dishes, 8 pewter basins, 27 plates, 24 spoons, & 1 pewter cup, 12 geese, 32 turkeys, “1 cow in the field” rice in the field, parcel of potatoes, (not housed) a barrel of fish, and cash £41 s4, on hand.
  • Margaret White, (wife of William) in her will p in Perq Jan 1790, names sons: William (2) Josiah, gr-dau Margaret White (d of Margaret Jones) gr-dau Rebecca, Margaret, & Elizabeth Toms, dau Sarah Robinson, gr-children: Edward, Millicent, Elizabeth, & Sarah White, gr-sons: Robert, & William Jordan, gr-dau Margaret Jordan, niece Ann Elliott, gr-son Jesse White (s of Joseph). Test Wm Bond, Job Bond, Exum Newby.
  • The will of William White, p in Perq Aug 18, 1772, names sons: Joseph (who died before his mother Margaret made her will) William, & Josiah, dau’s: Elizabeth Jordan, Margaret Toms, Sarah White, wife Margaret.
  • Benjamin White, “an Elder,” died 16, 11mo 1789, age 53. He had been an elder in the Quaker Meeting for 17 years. (Quaker records.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


After much careful work on this family, in N. C. and Virginia, the writer has arrived at the conclusion, that the Toms emigrant, to N. C., was living in Charles City Co Va, where he sold land in sd County, to Francis Gray, Feb 17, 1656. Only mention of him, so far found, but that is not strange, considering the fact, that nothing remains of the records in that Co, except one book. Gabriel Toms appears on the records in Essex Co Va, but no connection between the two, can be made. However, there may have been, some relationship. It is thought, but not proven, that the Francis who settled in Perq, is the identical one, who is named in sd record, as the dates would bear me out, in that opinion. From Edmundson’s Journal, we are led to believe, that he did not embrace Quakerism, until the time of Edmundson’s first journey to N. C. 1672. At which time, he & his wife, Mary (d of John Nicholson, sister of William) went over to the new cult. Mary being his 3d wife, by whom he had no issue. Her will p in Perq, 1717, does not name a single one of his children. She was probably a widow before m Francis Toms, as she names in her will, Vesty Lewis, who was wife of Edward Lewis, & probably her daughter.

Francis Toms, m before coming to Perq, Pershillah — by whom he had issue: Penelope, b Jan 27, 1670—Francis (2), b Sept 19, 1672—Pershillah, b Mch 19, 1674/5—Joseph, b Nov 16, 1677, died June 6, 1679—Caleb, & Joshua (twins), b Nov 25, 1679.

Toms, Francis, m 2d Abigail Lury (widow of John) Jan 6, 1683, by whom one d Abigail, b Dec 10, 1684. Abigail Toms, Wife of Francis, died Mar 17, 1687.†

Toms, Francis, m 3d Mary Nicholson, who survived him.

Toms, Francis Sr, lived near “Lower Pond, on Reedy Branch, at the head of Vosses Creek.” His land adj John Flowers, on western side of “Long Reach” in the “Narrows” of Perq River. The land on Vosses Creek, where his dwelling was erected, adj William Morgan. He had a stretch of land, running from Vosses Creek, to “Middle Swamp” called “Frog Hall.” This place still retains its original name, to this day. Francis Toms Jr owned land on S. W. side of Perq River, on “Bull Branch, adj land sold to Henry Grace, June 24, 1714. His land also joined land of William Jones. Francis Toms Sr, made a deed of gift, to Thomas Pierce, Wm Bogue, Isaac Wilson, & Gabriel Newby, 1a of land, “for the Society of Protestant Desenters, Vulgarly called Quakers, whereon a Church is now built,” in Perq Precinct, 11mo called Jan, 1705/6. This house of Worship, is supposed to have been Vosses Creek Meeting house, on said Creek, the exact location, being lost and uncertain. He was a member of the Council, for many years (see deeds). Clerk of Pasq Precinct Aug 8, 1692 (see will of John Nixon). Dept’ to Lord Amey, & his name appears on many grants given by the Lords Pro’r. His oath before the Gov Council, is of interest, to all historians, in its quaint wording, he promised “to Keepe ye Secrett of ye Council, to ye best of my advice, according to my Understanding.” This oath was administered in 1706. He had been a member of the Council, since Feb 6, 1683/4. Francis Toms “Collector of Customs” (no date).

On 15, 7mo 1696, he left Perq, on a two months journey (probably to London) but his business is not stated, maybe in the interests of the Quaker Church. Before leaving, he deputized “Wm Glover, his Lov’ Friend, to get timber for a big Mill, or a little one, & left it wholely to him, which thee thinks most benificall for me.” This was probably the beginning of Toms Mill, on Suttons Creek, in fact if his land ran to Middle Swamp, as before stated, & sd place was called even then, “Frog Hall” we are certain the “Mill” here mentioned, was built on this property. He made a deed, Feb 9, 1688, with consent of wife Abigail, for 300a at the head of Yeopim Creek, “called John Lasy’s Plan’,” land pat by Wm Charles, June 6, 1683. Another deed Jan 5, 1689/90, with the signature of his last wife Mary. In a deed Mar 24, 1687, he gives the information, that he had been grt 587a in Perq Precinct. (See deeds.)

The Hon’ble Francis Toms, had a grt, in Perq Pr’ct, 640a, adj Capt Ralph Fletcher, & James Morgan, to corner of Wm Voss, & along his line to the River (Perquimans). May 1, 1695. Francis Toms Esq, another grt, in Perq Pre’ct 375a on North side of Perq River, by beaver dam Swamp. Feb 26, 1696.

†Note: John Lacey (Lurey) 2d husband of Abigail Balie, in his Will Perq Precinct, Dec 1, 1682, names wife Abigail, & d Sarah. This may be the same Sarah, for whom Foster Toms put in a claim, for her Estate, in 1754. It is thought she m Christopher Denman, but no absolute proof is forthcoming.

  • Toms, Francis Sr, will Perq, 6, 10mo 1709. Names wife Mary, sons: Francis, Joshua, d Mary Newby (wife of Gabriel) gr-son Francis Newby, father-in-law
  • John Nicholson, makes bequest to “d Priscilla Kinsey,” late wife of John Nicholson.*
  • Priscilla Toms, had previously m John Nicholson, by whom she had, the children named in their father-in-laws will. He is named in Francis Toms will, also. (See Francis Toms will, & deeds in Perq Co.)
  • Mary Toms, will p Jan 15, 1717/18, made bequest to Vesty Lewis, & Rachel Laurence, & Elizabeth (d of my brother Wm Nicholson) Joseph Glaister (a Quaker preacher), & wife Mary were made Exrs.
  • Toms, (2) Francis Jr, (s of Francis & Pershillah) m Margaret Lawrence (widow of Wm, née Bogue) June 8, 1696, “at a meeting at said Lawrence’s house,” issue: 1 Mary, b 20 — 1696/7—2 Elizabeth, b Nov 20, 169- —3 Penelope, b Nov 19, 1702—4 Margaret, b Dec 5, 1707. (Wm Lawrence 1st husband of Margaret Bogue, died Aug 13, 1694.) Francis Toms Jr died 2, 7mo 1729.
  • Toms, Francis, will Perq p Oct 6, 1729, names: son Francis (3) d Mary Newby, & her husband, Nathan Newby, gr-son Francis Newby, d Elizabeth Phelps, d Priscilla Jones, d Margaret Toms, d Pleasant Winslow, wife Rebecca.
  • Rebecca, 2d wife of Francis Toms Jr, is thought to be d of Mary Simmons, whose will was p 1724, but no absolute proof exists. She was a d of John Pierce, & wife Mary Scott (d of Joseph) b Aug 9, 1680. (Mary Pierce, m 2d Wm Bundy, 3d Nicholas Simmons.) Rebecca 2d wife of Francis Toms, must have been mother of his son Francis (3), & d Pleasant, who m Joseph (2) Winslow s of Thomas (1) & wife Elizabeth Clare. The age of neither of these two can be found in Berkeley Parish Reg, Perq Co, where the others are recorded.
  • Toms, Francis (3), m Rebecca Nixon (d of Zachariah, & wife Elizabeth Symons, who lived at that time in Pasq Co, at Nixonton). (See Pasq Co Deeds.)
  • Toms, Francis, & Rebecca (Nixon) had issue: 1 Zachariah, b Apl 10, 1741—2 Rebecca, b Sept 26, 1743—m Caleb White, of Thomas, & Rachel (Jordan)—3 Mary, b Jany 8, 1745/6—4 Caleb, b Feby 3, 1747/8—5 Elizabeth, b May 25, 1750, m Samuel Phelps, & 2d Zachariah Nixon (2) her cousin.
  • (3) Toms, Francis, (3) will Perq, p July 1771. Sons: Zachariah, Caleb, dau’s Rebecca White, Elizabeth Toms, son-in-law Jos McAdams, & Caleb White.
  • (4) Toms, Zachariah (1), will Perq, p April 1774, names wife Margaret, sons: Francis, William, dau’s Rebecca, & Margaret Tow, bro-in-law Joseph, & Caleb White.
  • (2) Toms, Joshua, (1) (s of Francis, & Pershillah) m Sarah Gosby (d of John, & Hannah, née Nicholson) b Nov 12, 1687. (See Berkeley Par Reg.) Issue: 1 Sarah, b Mch 5, 1703/4—2 Hannah, b June 6, 1706, m Ezekiel Maudlin (2). Joshua Toms m 2d Rebecca Sutton (widow of Joseph, who was dec’d 1724, née Jones, d of Peter Jones Sr, will 1752). She m 1st Joseph Sutton, 2d Joshua Toms, & 3d 1737 Charles Denman, Clerk of Perq. Joshua Toms had by Rebecca one d Sarah, b July 4, 1727.

*Note: John Kinse (s of John, & Catherine) was b 6, 10mo 1692, in Nansemond Co Va. He m in Perq Co N. C. Pershillah Toms, (d of Francis Sr, & wife Pershillah). John Kinseys will, Perq April 14, 1717, names d Elizabeth, dau-in-law Mary Nicholson, son-in-law Samuel Nicholson, wife Preshillah.

  • (2) Toms, Joshua, Will Perq, p April 1732, names son, Foster, dau’s Sarah, Hannah Maudlin, & Miriam Sutton, son-in-law Christopher Sutton, gr-sons William, & Joshua Sherro (Sherwood). Wife Rebeckah. (Clerk of Court Charles Denman.) The two Sherro children, are thought to be step-gr-children, as Rebecca had a sister, who m Sherwood. (See divisions.)
  • (5) Toms, Foster, (1) made pet’ to the court, Oct 1754, for Est of Sarah Toms, “out of the hands of Charles Moor, Admix of Christopher Denman dec’d.”
  • (5) Toms, Foster, will Perq, p April 1, 1779, Sons: Joshua, John, Gosby, & Foster (2), d Martha.
  • (5) Toms, Martha, will Perq, p Feby 1794, names sons: John, & Foster, gr-son John (s of Joshua) gr-son Francis Newby (s of Francis) gr-son Zachariah (s of Gosby) gr-son Joshua (s of Gosby). Test’ Zachariah Nixon.
  • (6) Toms, Foster, (2) will Perq, p May 1794. Sons: Joseph, & Samuel, wife Elizabeth. Brothers, John, & Gosby, cousins: Francis Newby, and John Toms Jr.
  • (7) Toms, John, will Perq, p Nov 1808, names wife Mary, sons: Benjamin, Anderson & John A. Toms, gr-son John White, d Miriam White and her husband Francis, s Foster, dau’s Sarah, & Mary.
  • Francis Toms (2) had land grt him Nov 25, 1714, 200a—which he sold, July 12, 1726, to Thomas Winslow.
  • Toms, Zachariah (1) s of Francis (3), m Margaret White, (d of William, & Margaret). See his will 1774.
  • Toms, Zachariah, deed to s Caleb, with consent of wife Margaret. 1775.
  • Toms, Margaret, made a deed to son Francis, a negro, — 29, 1775. The same to dau’s Rebecca, & Elizabeth, April 29, 1775. Elizabeth Toms, (d of Zachariah, & Margaret, m — Tow).
  • Toms, Foster, & wife Mary, were Admix of Malachi Jones, (who died without issue) July 1777. Malachi Jones in his will, names niece Mary Jones (d of Thomas).
  • Toms, Foster, (s of John, & Mary) died 14, 12, 1807. He had no issue. Names in his will, p 1808, Brother Benjamin, sister Nancy Toms, cousin Foster Nixon, and sisters Miriam White (wife of Francis) Martha Nixon, & Sarah Elliott, Exrs brothers: John A. & Anderson Toms. It seems clear that John Toms, father of Foster (above) m Mary Anderson, d of John Anderson. John Anderson, will p in Perq, 1808, names d Mary Toms, & her sons Anderson & John A. Toms.
  • Toms, Anderson, (s of John dec’d) m Mary Bagley (d of Nathan) “at Suttons Creek Perq Co” 15, 12, 1808. Nathan Bagley in his will, Perq Co, 9, 11mo 1815, names d Mary Toms, & gr-children Mary, & Foster Toms, son-in-law Anderson Toms.
  • Toms, John Anderson, m Phariby Bagley, (d of Nathan, of Perq) “at Suttons Creek 1, 12mo 1805, issue: 7 Mary, b 24, 11mo 1806—2 Foster, b 5, 3mo 1809.
  • Toms, Benjamin, (s of John) m Martha Wilson (d of Christopher, & Pheribe) of Perq, “at Suttons Creek” 16, 9mo 1813. He seems to have died intestate. Christopher Willson, will Perq, p Feby 1824, names d Martha Toms, son-in-law Benjamin Toms, wife Pheribe.
  • Toms, Foster, (1) will 1779, m Martha — who for some reason is not named in his will, but she survived him, making a will, which was p 1794. (Her will already given.) Heirs of Martha Toms dec’d Jan 3, 1798. (Division.) Orphans of Gosby Toms dec’d, John Clary, (in right of his wife Penelope) Samuel Nixon, (wifes part) Jesse Copeland, part—Henry Copeland (wifes part) Isaac Barber, (wifes part) Willis Newby part, Nathan Newby part, Francis, Leah, Zach’ry, & Joshua Toms prt, Mary Clary part. (Auditors account.)
  • Another Audit, Aug 4, 1797, gives to John Toms Sr £58 s14, Foster Toms, Representatives, (same) Francis Newby Jr, (same).
  • Toms, Leah, account with her Gar, John Clary. Jan 27, 1805.
  • Toms, Mary (d of Benjamin, & Martha (Wilson) Toms) is buried in the Episcopal Cemetery, in Hertford. She died Sept 1855, age 25 years and 6 months.
  • Toms, Joshua, (s of Foster, & Martha) m Millicent Newby, —, 8mo 1779. (Welles.)
  • Toms, Benjamin, in a deed, names d Phereby Blount.
  • Toms, Zachariah, in a deed to Zach Nixon, 13, 11mo 1804, conveyed “all my part of a Grist Mill, on Suttons Creek, called Toms Mill.” In another deed, to Joshua Toms, 14, 5mo 1805, he sold land, “formerly belonging to our father Gosby Toms dec’d.”
  • Toms, Margaret, m Thomas Jones, 5, mo 1775.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


Capt John Ratcliffe arrived at Jamestown with Capt John Smith, in Discovery, April 26, 1607, with 20 other passengers. After Edward Maria Wingfield was expelled for wasting the “stores” he was elected president in his place. John Ratcliffe was one of the Council, “when the Colonists first reached shore” on their crossing to Accomac Co. (History of Accomac Co.) He was living at Jamestown May 23, 1609. (Browns Gen. to America.)

Roger Radclife was living “att West, and Sherlew hundred” Feb 16, 1623. (Hotten.) He arrived in Va, in “George” May 1619, with his wife Ann, age 40, and son Isaac 9 years old. He gave his own age as 44.

Charles Radcliffe had land grt him, in Accomac Co, July 10, 1664.

The History of Grant Co Ind, shows that James & Mary Ratcliffe came from England to Bucks Co Penn, with five children, as follows: 1 Richard, b April 8, 1676—2 Edward, b Aug 14, 1678—3 Rachel, b Feb 16, 1682—4 Rebecca, b Nov 11, 1684—5 James, b 1686/7.

The theory has been advanced that the Richard (s of James & Mary) is the identical one who was such a prominent Quaker in Isle of Wight County Va, but if one will stop to investigate the date thoroughly, it would be seen immediately, that such could not possibly be the case. The Richard in Penn, was only ten years of age when the Richard in Isle of Wight, made his will 1686. May we not more plausibly surmise, that Roger of West and Shirley hundred, might be the progenitor of Richard of Isle of Wight, for certainly propinquity would lend color to that version. Again he could have been a descendant of John Ratcliffe of Jamestown, however the records do not give any positive proof.

Richard Ratcliffe, first in Isle of Wight Co, made a will in sd county, which was Ack in Court Mar 4, 1686/7. Son Richard (2) to whom he bequeathed 200a of land, “if he die to s Cornelius” son John, dau’s Elizabeth, Sara, Mary, & Rebecca, wife Elizabeth, & John Copeland Exrs. Test’ Daniel Sandbourne, Wm Outland, Edmund Belson.

The children of Richard are given in Chuckatuck Friends Reg, Nansemond Co, as follows:

  1. Elizabeth, b 21, 7mo 1668, m James Jordan (s of Thomas, & Margaret, of Chuckatuck Nansemond Co) 9, 12mo 1688—
  2. Sarah, b 19, 9mo 1670, m Joseph Kennerly, of Dorchester Co Md, 20, 7mo 1696—
  3. Richard (2) b 13 7mo 1672, m Elizabeth Hollowell (d of Henry dec’d of Isle of Wight Co) 18, 7mo 1700—
  4. Cornelius, b 15, 1mo 1674, m Elizabeth Jordan, widow (thought to be Elizabeth Sanborn, wid of Joshua Jordan) of Isle of Wight Co) 3, 9mo 1721—
  5. Mary, b 5, 2mo 1679, m Thomas Newman, 13, 2mo 1699—
  6. Rebecca, b, 3, 5mo 1684, m Richard Jordan (s of Thomas of Chuckatuck) 2, 8mo 1706. The marriage Banns name her as “d of Richard Ratcliff of Trerasco Neck” and her father appears among the witnesses to the m certificate.

Richard Ratcliffe Sr attended a “meeting at Leavy’s Neck, 13, 4mo 1708.” Richard and John Ratliff are named in the m certificate of Rebecca (Jordan) as “brother.”

How to account for the fact that Richard Ratcliff (1) made a second will in Isle of Wight Co 8, 8mo 1713, p Oct 27, 1718, but from the fact that he names the identical children, and that they had the same husbands, we are led to conclude it was certainly the same Richard who made a will 1686, although a period of 27 years intervened. The 2d Richard could not have had a child ofr marriageable age, at the time the sons and dau’s of Richard Ratcliff did marry. Also the issue in the second will is in exactly the same sequence as the first, but the text of the will is different. Will of Richard Ratcliff of Lower pish Isle of Wight Co, p Oct 27, 1718, gives to son “Richard plan’ whereon I now live,” after the death of his wife Elizabeth, to her he left 5 negroes for her “Natual life,” to be equally divided between his children: Richard, Cornelius, John, Mary, Rebeccah, & the “children of my two dec’d dau’s Elizabeth, & Sarah, a childs pt to be divided among them.” Son-in-law Thomas Newman (husband of Mary) Richard Jordan (husband of Rebeccah) “a part of my Estate.” Test’ Wm Best, Humph’ry Marshall, Tho. Copeland.

  • Cornelius Ratcliff will Isle of Wight Co Va, p Feb 4, 1762. Leg: John Outland, Cornelius Moore, Marthy Winslow (wife of Jesse of Perq Co, (will 1771) John Jordan “over Nansemond River,” Richard Jordan & wife Elizabeth, John Newman, Rachel Outland’s heirs, Thomas Outland “my plan’ in Western Branch” Cornelius Outland (s of Thomas). He gave to Thomas Outland, & Gideon Moore “all ready Money.” Test’ Charles Driver, Henry Pitt, Samuel Cutchin.
  • Cornelius, and Gideon Moore were sons of John Moore of Perq Co who made his will Mar 11, 1750. Joseph Ratliff is named in this will as “bro-in-law.”
  • Richard (2) Ratliff moved to Perq Co, where he m for his 2d wife Damaris Nixon (d of Zachariah, & wife Elizabeth Page, d of Mark Page, b 8, 6mo 1682). His will p in Perq pre’ct, July 14, 1724. Sons: Thomas, Joseph, to whom he bequeathed “lands in Vir, & N. C.” Dau’s Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Huldah, wife Damaris, & brother Cornelius Exrs.
  • Damaris Ratlif also made her will in Perq, p Feb 24, 1734. Son: Joseph. Dau’s Mary Moore (wife of John, father of Cornelius, & Gideon) Sarah Winslow, “sons-in-law John More, & Thomas Winslow, gr-dau Betty More.
  • Joseph Ratcliffe, m Mary Fletcher (d of Ralph) 13, 3mo 1747. He was dec’d Apl 2, 1760, apparently without a will. Inventory on that date. His son Cornelius was bound apprentice to Josiah Jordan of Perq, July 1771, “to learn the Art of a Cordwainer,” & Thomas his brother bound at same time to said Jordan. (2) Joseph Ratlif will Perq, p July 1787. Names dau’s: Elizabeth, Mary, Peninah, & Catherine, brother Thomas, wife Sarah. Brother Cornelius, & Benj Albertson Exrs.
  • Joseph (1) Ratliff dec’d Feb 9, 1760; Mary relict. (Loose papers.)
  • Cornelius Ratliff was heir of Daniel Saint, Jan 18, 1783. (Divisions.)
  • Joseph Ratliff in Act’ with his Guardian Ralph Fletcher, Jan 20, 1771. (Audit.)
  • Mary Ratliff Admix of Joseph; William Newby who intermarried with Elizabeth Ratlif, petitioned the Court for division of negroes, “given the several Representatives” by Cornelius Ratlif of Va. Jan 19, 1769. (Loose papers.)
  • Joseph Ratliff m Sarah Newby, 3, 8mo 1774. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Thomas Ratliff m Hannah Munden, 28, 11 mo 1778. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Cornelius Ratliff m Elizabeth Charles, — 12mo 1780. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Daniel Saint, m Margaret Barrow, 15, 6mo 1744. (Welles Mo Meeting.)
  • Damaris (Nixon) Ratcliff, m 1st Joseph Pierce (s of John & Mary, née Scott) Aug 11, 1699, “at Little River meeting.” The Scotts also came to Perq from Nansemond Co Va, and were Quakers.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Samuel Pricklove a resident of Perq Precinct, prior to the coming of George Durant 1661, whose land was adj said grant to Durant from the Indian Chief, had his own grant directly from Sir Wm Berkeley. No mention of a grant to Samuel Pricklove can be found in Perq, but the records make mention of the fact that he had a grant from before stated source. Samuel Pricklove is supposed to have come to Perq from Nansemond Co Va, where that family was strongly entrenched. This family was united with the Quaker faith, but Samuel strayed far from the fold, “by taking up arms” and following the rebellion with the redoubtable Durant, at the time Thomas Miller was deposed from the Government 1677-79. For his part in this insurrection, he suffered the disgrace of being in the “Pillory,” and had his right ear amputated, and was sentenced to banishment from the Colony. The records do not show whether this drastic punishment was really carried out, but we do know his descendants remained in Perquimans. He was dec’d Apl 20, 1692, without a will, so no definite means can be found to establish his issue; except for one son whose age is given in the Berkeley Par Reg: His wife was Rachel, née Larance, m June 1, 1668, by whom he had son: Samuel b Dec 24, 1674, and it is thought another son (John) born before this date, of whom there is no birth date.
  • John Pricklove (1) m Elizabeth — issue: 1 Leah, b Mch 4, 1695, m Joseph Smith, and had several children, m 2d Thomas Winslow, (see Deeds)—2 Judith, b Dec 2, 1697, m Abraham Sanders—3 Elizabeth, b April 25, 1699, m William Elliott, & had son Pritlow Elliott—4 Rebecca, b Dec 10, 1705, m Zachery Chancey.
  • John Pricklove, Will p in Perq, May 1, 1728, names Dau’s: Rachel Wilson (wife of Robert) Judith Sanders, Elizabeth Eliot, gr-son John Smith, wife Elizabeth.
  • Pricklove, Elizabeth, will p in Perq July 23, 1728, names Dau’s: Leah Smith, Rachel Wilson, Priscilla Sanders, Rebecca Chancey, gr-children: John Smith, Silvanus Willson, Judith, & Priscilla Sanders. As a dau Priscilla is named in her will & not in his, Elizabeth may have been a widow when she m John Pritlow.
  • Pricklove, John, had a grant for land in Perq, 400a on Perq River, “at the mouth of Wolf pitt branch,” adj Jonathan Phelps. Jan 1, 1694. As Jonathan Phelps land lay on the mouth of same branch, up Castletons Creek, we may infer that John Pricklove lived near Hertford.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, b 1674, m Purina Penrice (d of Francis, & Elizabeth) Mar 25, 1696, issue: 1 Samuel (3) b Nov 6, 1698—2 Francis, b Mch 25, 1702.
  • His will (no County given, but Perq) p Jan 20, 1702-3, Sons: Samuel, & Francis, wife Peninah.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, had grant for land in Perq, 400a “at the mouth of a small Creek issuing out of Lillys Creek.” Mar 30, 1704.
  • Pricklove, Francis, had grant for land, 165a “in Perq pre’cs adj Jonathan Bateman. Mar 30, 1704. Both of these grants were in Durants Neck, and were probably taken up by their mother, as they were too young to be taking up land. The Perq records show that this was often done.
  • Pricklove, Samuel, (probably gr-son of Samuel (2) m Keziah Nixon, née Pierce, widow of Francis Nixon) 7, 6mo 1780.
  • Pricklove, Kesiah, was wife of Nathan Newby, Oct 1756, at the proving of her fathers will on that date. Her husband Nathan (2) Newby, succeeded his father at the Ferry, “on Nathans Point” and was one of the first Directors of the town of Hertford 1759, when it was incorporated. He was dead 1765 when Seth Sumner was made a Director in his place. Keziah his wife m 2d Francis Nixon, who died before Jan 1773, when his will was probated in Perq, whose will makes mention of the fact that Nathan Newby was “former husband” of Keziah. Francis Nixon, & wife Keziah made complaint to the Court 1765, agst Simon Perisho, for debt. Keziah Pritlow was allowed £13-13-1 “for keeping the Ferry, from her point to Hertford on public days.” Jan 1784. There can be no doubt that Nathan Newby inherited the Ferry House, & appurtenances on the point opposite to Phelps Point, and that Samuel Pritlow continued the same after he m Keziah.
  • Pricklove, Rebecca, m Zachary Chancey, who proved rights Apl 20, 1742.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


The name Piers is thought to be derived from a French family by that name. It is variously spelled, on the records in Perq Co, as well as elsewhere.

Peter Piers who lived in the reign of Edward IV, & Richard III, was an adherent of the house of York, & fought at Bosworth field 1485. He was standard bearer of Richard III. John Pierce was Bishop of York. The first grt for land at Plymouth Colony, was given to John Pierce June 1, 1621. Abraham Pierce was the first of that name to settle in New Plymouth, & was called a Freeman 1633. He was a householder 1637. Soldier under Miles Standish 1643, purchased Bridgewater 1645. He died about 1673, when his son Abraham was his Ex. He had also a son John settled at Gloucester 1712. (Ancestral families, & Portraits.)

  • John (s of John Pierce, & Elizabeth his wife), b 16, 4mo 1643. (Records of Boston.)
  • Elizabeth (d of John Pierce, & Elizabeth his wife), b 16, 4mo, 1643. (Records of Boston.)
  • Capt William Pierce, & John Pierce were among the living at James City Feb 16, 1623. (Hotten.)
  • Capt William Pierce trans to Va in Sea Venture 1620.
  • Richard Pierce, & wife Elizabeth came in Neptune 1624.
  • John Pers of No’wch weaver, age 49 years, & wife Elizabeth 36, “about to pass into foreign parts” took passage for Boston April 8, 1637, with children, John, Barbre, Elizabeth, & Judith. (Hotten.)
  • William Pierce was a Sea Capt, & trans William Edwards to Surry Co Va June 22, 1635. It is probable that the John Pierce mentioned, as living after the Indian massacre May 22, 1622, was a son of Capt William Pierce. His age is not shown, but it seems he would not be too old, to have been the same John Pierce who d in Perq Co 1692. At that time he probably was just a lad, in his ’teens There is no proof that he is the same, John, who moved to N. C., but he must have married before coming to Albemarle, as  no record of such a marriage was recorded, in the old Berkeley Parish Reg. His wife however, married for her 2d husband, William Bundy Dec 5, 1683. Her marriage is recorded in sd Par Reg, & announces the fact, that she was a dau of Joseph Scott. Her mother Mary Scott, had already passed away, Berkeley Reg, giving the time, as Feb 24, 1681/2, Her father Joseph Scott d Last of Oct 1685. William Bundy, had 1st wife Elizabeth, by whom he had a son: Samuel b Feb 4, 1682 & by 2d wife Mary Scott, a dau Sarah b Jan 23, 1685, m Francís Pettit, of Chowan. William Bundy d Nov 7, 1692.
  • Pierce, John, & Mary (née Scott) had issue: 1 Deborah b Mar 5, 1678—2 Rabacka b Aug 9, 1680—3 Mary b May 7, 1682, & Thomas age not given, but he is named in the will of his father John Pierce, Perq Co Sept 13, 1682. Sons Thomas, John, & Joseph, dau Rebeckah, wife not named, William Bundy was made one of the Ex, with Jonathan Phelps.
  • Thomas Perre, m Mary Kent July 30, 16— Issue: 1 John b July 30, 1691—2 Thomas b Nov 24, 1693.
  • Joseph Pierce (son of John, & Mary) m Damaris Nixon (d of Zachariah, & Elizabeth, née Symonds,) at Little River Aug 11, 1699. Joseph Pierce d Nov 16, 1705. Damaris Pierce m 2d Richard Ratcliff of Perq. (See their wills—Grimes.)
  • His will Perq Precinct, June 6, 1700, names brother Thomas Pierce, & wife Damaris. No other legatees.
  • John Pierce (2), b July 30, 1691, m Sarah (probably Copeland). His will probated in Perq Co Jan 10, 1726, names sons: Copeland, Thomas, & dau’s Mary, Elizabeth, & Hannah, wife Sarah. Brother-in-law Peter Jones. (Peter Jones m Mary Pierce, sister of John.)
  • Thomas Pierce (Eldest son of John, & Mary (Scott) Pierce), will probated in Perq Precinct Mar 30, 1732. Sons: Thomas, Joseph, & John. Dau Mary Jones (wife of Peter) gr-children Thomas, & Mary Pierce. Son-in-law Peter Jones.
  • Thomas Pierce (2), (son of Thomas) will p Oct Court 1756, names Dau’s Mary Nixon, Sarah Morris, Jamima Newby, Kesiah Newby, Kerrenhappuch Pierce, gr-son Pierce Nixon (son of Phineas & Mary) Brother-in-law Peter Jones. Exors: Phineas Nixon, John Morris, Robert Newby, & Nathan Newby. (Son-in-law.)
  • Mary Pierce m Phineas Nixon. Her sister Kesiah m 1st Nathan Newby (s of Nathan & Mary Toms) m 2d Francis Nixon, who made his will May 13, 1772, 3d Samuel Pritlow. (See N. C. Hist, & Gen Reg Vol 3—No 2.)
  • Thomas Pierce (3d) m Miriam, named in his will, Perq Co probated Oct Court 1772. Sons: Joseph, John, David, Abner, Nathan, William, & James. Francis Wright, & Ralph Fletcher Ex.
  • Nathan Pierce, m Kezia Carter. Aug 19, 170—.
  • Joseph Pierce, m Elizabeth Barrow. Oct 18, 1780.
  • Joseph Pierce 2d, m Zebrah Small. Aug 16, 1784.
  • Abner Pierce, m Mary Roberts. June 17, 1784. (Mar bonds Perq County.)
  • Division of the Est of Thomas Peirce dec’d, by Order of Court Oct 1757. To Alice Calloway, mother of dec’d, £5-11s-4p. To Sylvanus Wilson, (in right of his wife) £3-11s-4p. To John Chancey (in right of his wife) same. To Mary Bartro (sister of the half blood) same. To Caleb Calloway, (brother of the half blood) same. To John Calloway, (brother of the half blood) same. Thomas Jones Ex.
  • Peter Jones m Mary Pierce (d of John & Mary) & sister to Thos, & John Pierce (sons of Thomas).

Berkeley Parish Reg, has the following:

Pierce, John, & wife Sarah, had issue

  • Mary b Mch 11, 1716/17.
  • Copeland b May 11, 1719.
  • Elizabeth b May 11, 1721.
  • Thomas b Feb 11, 1722/23.
  • Hannah b Mch 25, 1725.
  • Pierce, Thomas Jr, m Mary Copeland 1719, issue:
  • John b Feb 16, 1720.
  • Mary b Sept 23, 1722.

Pierce, Joseph, & wife Alice, issue:

  • Rebecca b Feb 28, 1729/30,
  • and son Thomas (of Division).

Pierce, James, & wife Elizabeth, issue:

  • Hartwell b Jan 22, 1742/3.
  • Miles b Feby 23, 1745/6.
  • Florella dau b Jany 9, 1747/8.
  • Fan son b May 2, 1750.

James Pierce in his will p in Perq Co, April Court 1763, names son: Miles. Wife Susannah, Dau’s Kesiah, & Celia. Eldest children, Hartwell, Miles, Florida, & Fen. Test’ James, & John Gibson, & Amy Maudlin.

John Pierce, “an Elder,” departed this life, 10, 6mo 1812, 80 years of age. (Suttons Creek Mo Meeting.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • William Phelps came to America, from Tewksbury England in Mary & John, 1630. Tradition has it that Jonathan Phelps, who settled in Perq Co N. C. was an Englishman, but no record has been found, to prove that fact, and where he came from to Perq, can not be certified by any legal papers. The Land books however give the fact that he took up 400a “in ye pre’ct of Perq, on West side of Perq River, and South side of Wilsons Creek, running down the River 116 perches,” 1684. Robert Wilson in a grant to him (same year) names the same Creek, and calls it a “branch” so it was probably a very small stream. This grant is of especial interest, from the fact that it was exactly where the town of Hertford is now located. Seth Phelps was grt “240a in Perq pre’ct, June 24, 1704,” on So side of Albemarle Sound, adj Richard Buttenshall. Cuthbert Phelps had land grt him, 300a in Perq prec’t, on So side of Albemarle Sound, adj John Jennett. (same date). Samuel Phelps took up 150a of land Feb 10, 1718, on S. W. side of Perq River adj Sarah, & Hannah Lilly. It is a well known fact that Henry Phillips lived on the “Point” and Hannah his wife m 2d John Lilly, leaving several children. Old papers in Perq, show that Jonathan Phelps held land in the same locality, and he sold to the Directors of Hertford land to build a town, called Hertford. Jonathan Phelps petitioned the Court July 1755, for “Lycence to keep an Ordinary at his now Dwelling house” which was granted. An Act of Assembly was passed the same year, for “Establishing A public Ferry, from Phelps point, to Newby’s point, whereon the Courthouse Now Stands, on Perq Rier,” and agreed to pay said Jonathan “one of said ferry men £4, and Nathan Newby the Other Ferry man,” the same, for “setting over ferry free Inhabitants of said County at Court times, Elections, Members of Assembly, Vestry men, & Musters, In said County” Security; James Sitterson, Joseph Ratcliff. Jonathan Phelps, and Nathan Newby prayed for their pay, “for Maintaining a Publick ferry, from Phelps Point to Newby’s Point” April 1759, Granted. Jonathan Phelps was dead, July 1759. (Auditors Act.) Dorothy Phelps was granted Admix on Estate of her dec’d husband Jonathan Phelps, April 1759. (Minute book Perq Co.) His Inventory was presented in Court, by Dorothea Phelps, widow, May 20, 1759. Benjamin & Dorothy Phelps Orphans of Jonathan dec’d, in Act with their Guar John Skinner, who intermarried with Dorothy, Relict of sd Jonathan Mar 13, 1761. (Auditors Act.) This Jonathan Phelps was the third in descent, from Jonathan (1) in Perq, whose will was p April 4, 1689. His children are given in Berkeley Parish Reg as follows:
  • Phelps, Jonathan (1) m Hannah — & had issue: 1 Sarah, b Jan 15, 1671—2 Elizabeth, b Apl 2, 1679—3 Jonathan, b Nov 6, 1681—4 Samuell, b Aug 6, 1684 (the first Jonathan evidently died, at what date is not given, but he had a second son) Jonathan (s of Jonathan and Hannah), b April 13, 1687. Jonathan Phelps d Feb 21, 1688/9. His will on date above, is much faded and only the son Jonathan, and wife Hannah names are legible. The son Samuel certainly survived him however many years.
  • (2) Phelps, Jonathan (2) Jonathan (1), m Elizabeth Toms (d of Francis Toms Jr, & wife Margaret Bogue), issue: 1 Henry, b Mch 5, 1724/5—2 Elizabeth, b Aug 29, 1728. His will Perq, p Jan 1732. Sons: Henry, & Jonathan, to whom he left, “my manner plantation” & second, 300a “on Perq River,” dau Elizabeth, wife Elizabeth.
  • (3) Phelps, Jonathan (3) Jonathan (2) Jonathan (1) m Dorothy Jordan (d of Matthew Jordan & wife Dorothy née Newby, of Isle of Wight Co Va) Dorothy Jordans mother, was sister of Gabriel, William, & Nathan Newby, who came to Perq from Nansemond Co Va. She m 2d John Skinner before 1761. (See Auditors Act.) Loose papers, & Minute books in Perq, state plainly Jonathan (3) and wife Dorothy had issue: Benjamin, & Dorothy.
  • (4) Phelps, Henry, (s of Jonathan (2) m Margaret Nixon (d of Zachariah) issue: Jonathan and Elizabeth, named in his will, p in Perq July 1752. These children were still under age Mar 1758, when Elizabeth chose for her Guar, Robert Newby, and Jonathan (s of Henry) made choice of Mark Newby in the same capacity.
  • (4) Phelps, Benjamin, m Sarah, & had according to his will, p in Perq, Jan 1785: Dorothy, Margaret, Sarah, & Mary Phelps.
  • (2) Phelps, Samuel (1), Jonathan (1) will p in Perq, July 1728, Sons: Jonathan, John, William, James. Ex brother Jonathan.
  • Phelps, Samuel (s of Samuel & Hannah, m Elizabeth Toms d of Francis) b Nov 17, 1706—2 John, b Jan 13, 1716/17. John Phelps was of age Jan 1739, and made petition for his Est out of the hands of Zachariah Elton on that date.
  • Phelps, William (1) Samuel (1) Jonathan (1) d. s. p. will probated April 1752. Leg: John, Harvey, & James Sitterson (cousins) William Barker, Sarah Eliot, & Samuel Sitterson.
  • Phelps, Benjamin, petitioned the Court July 1774, for leave to “keep an Ordinary at his now Dwelling house in Hertford,” Which was granted. He served as Justice of Peace in Perq Co, 1778.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  •  Zachariah (1) Nixon (s of Zachariah, of Nottingham, Parish of North Masrom, Eng) m in Perq Co, Elizabeth Page (d of Hask? or Mark Page dec’d, of Albemarle) “according to Quaker rites, 2, 1mo 1681,” issue: 1 Damaris, b 8, 6mo 1682—2 Zacharias, b 22, 3 mo 1684—3 Barnabe, b 21, 11mo 1687—4 Francis,? b 20, 8mo 1689. (Quaker Record Pasq Co.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah, took up 323a of land in Pasquotank Co, 1684 on N. E. side of Little River, “adj lands where Wm Turner now dwells, running to the mouth of said River.” Zachariah Nixon, “dying intestate, his son Zachariah surviving him, inherited said land, and cultivated it for several years, who dying bequeathed same to his sons: Zachariah, & Barnabee” the first made choice of that part adj Wm Turner, and Barnabee the part near the main Road, running to the old School House.” Zachariah “moving” sold his part 152½a at public vendue, for £100, after having laid out part thereof, in half acre lots, for a Town-ship, and the rest for a common, known by the name of Nixonton, formerly called Wind Mill Point.” 9, 5mo 1748. (Records Pasq Co, N. C.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah (1), died 3, 12mo 1691. Mary Page “Laid down the body,” 4, 5mo 1680.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (3) had a grt for land in Perq county, Jan 21, 1712/3, 105a “in the fork of Little River, adj John Tomlin.” Another grt in Chowan Co, 110a “in the fork of Coniby Creek Swamp, adj Edward Moseley.” Xber 21, 1712.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, of Perq Co sold to Aaron Morris of Pasq “two half acre lotts, in Nixonton, on Water Street, adj Jos Newby Jr, con’ £38.” July 9, 1748.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, of Perquimans (Planter) and Elizabeth his wife, conveyed to Wm Simpson of Nixonton (Merchant) for “£15-10s, ½a lot in said Town, on the South end, near the Ship-yard.” Oct 6, 1750. (Records Pasq Co, N. C.)
  • Nixon, Zachariah (3), m Elizabeth Symons (d of Thomas, & Rebecca) “at a Meeting at Symons Creek, Pasq Co” 11, 1mo 1707/8, issue: 1 John, b 18, 10mo 1708—2 Phineas, b 7, 1mo 1710—3 Zacharias (4), b 15, 4 mo 1713—4 Rebeckah, b 11, 6mo 1715—(m Francis Toms Jr)—5 Mary, b 25, 6mo 1717—6 Hannah Newby, b —, 1mo 1718—7 Elizabeth, b 23, 4mo 1720—8 Barnabe (2), b 28, 3mo 1724.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, (s of Zachariah) “father of above children,” b 22, 3mo 1684, died 12, 8mo 1739. (Quaker Records Perq Co.) His will, p in Perq Oct 1739, names sons: John, Phineas, Zachariah, & Barnaby, dau Rebecca Toms, gr-children: Joshua, & Mary Moore.
  • Nixon, Barnaby (1), appears to have moved to Va, and lived in Prince George Co.
  • Nixon, John (1), m 1st Elizabeth (d of Gabriel Newby, & Mary née Toms) issue: Elizabeth, b 29, 4mo 1733. He m for his 2d wife, Mary (d of Wm Enervigin) 4, 1mo 1736, issue: 2 Miriam, b 16, 11mo 1736. Mary Nixon, wife of John, died 12, 10mo 1738. By the 3rd wife (name unknown) 3 Zachariah, b 20, 8mo 1744—4 Huldah, b 2, 11mo 1746—5 John, b 20, 5mo 1748—6 Ezra, b 17, 12mo 1751, d 14, 12mo 1773. John Nixon m 4th Hannah Albertson (d of Nathaniel, b 18, 2mo 1719) 10, 3mo 1753, issue; 7 Mary, b 10, 12mo 1753—8 Lidda, b 14, 3mo 1756, d 12, 11mo 1767—9 Frederick, & Abigall (twins), b 4, 11mo 1758. Hannah Nixon d 18, 2mo 1793.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (5), (s of John) m Mary White (d of John) 15, 9mo 1771, issue: 1 John (2), b 23, 10mo 1772—2 Margaret, b 8, 10mo 1775—3 Zachariah (6), b 10, 3mo 1778—4 William, b 5, 1mo 1781—5 Benjamin, b 19, 8mo 1784—6 Frederick, b 23, 7mo 1791—Sarah, b 14, 7mo 1786—7 Ann Skinner Nixon, b 15, 8mo 1794.
  • Nixon, Frederick, died 6, 9mo 1793; Sarah, his sister, d 16, 9mo 1793.
  • Nixon, Phineas, (s of Zachariah, & Elizabeth Symons) m Mary Pierce (d of Thomas, & Mary née Jones, d of Peter, & Mary Jones) issue: 1 Elizabeth, b 18, 12mo 1731/2—2 Mary, b 9, 7mo 1734—3 Rebeckah, b 27, 4mo 1741—Thomas, b 12, 2mo 1745—Sarah, b 17, 12mo 1756/7. Phineas Nixon “an Elder departed this Life” 28, 12mo 1771. His will p in Perq, Mch 11, 1772, names sons: Pierce, Barnaby, & Phineas, gr-sons: Nathan, & Phineas (sons of Thomas) dau-in-law Sarah Nixon, wife Mary, dau’s Rebecca Arnold, Sarah Albertson (wife of Benjamin), Elizabeth Lamb, Jemima, Hannah, & Kesiah Nixon, children of Mary Elliott; viz., Gabriel, Miriam, & Nixon Elliott.
  • Nixon, Thomas, (s of Phineas) m Sarah Smith (d of John) 13, 3mo 1768, issue: 1 Nathan, b 11 5mo 1769—2 Phineas (3), b 28, 11mo 1770. Thomas Nixon (s of Phineas) died 2, 11mo 1771, age 27 years.
  • Nixon, Pierce, (s of Phineas) m Penninah Smith (d of John) 16, 12mo 1770, issue: 1 Joseph, b 15, 10mo 1771—2 Rachel, b 1, 12mo 1773—3 Thomas (2), b 30, 1mo 1776—4 Mary, b 27, 2mo 1779—5 William, b 26, 10mo 1781—6 Jacob, b 28, 2mo 1784.
  • Nixon, Peninah “departed this Life” 17, 5mo 1787.
  • Nixon, Phineas, (s of Thomas dec’d) m Miriam Jones (d of Joseph) 13, 10mo 1808, his will probated in Perq, Aug 1813. Wife Miriam, child in ésse; other Leg: Abigail, Charles, Mary Nicholson (d of Thomas), Huldah Bundy (d of Josiah Jr). George, & Josiah Bundy Exrs.
  • Nixon, Nathan, (eldest s of Thomas, & Sarah (Smith) ) m Lydia Anderson 6, 3mo 1793, “at Welles Meeting house” issue: 1 Thomas, b 23, 1mo 1794—2 Lydia, b 29, 1mo 1797. He m 2d Margaret Bagley (d of Nathan) 14, 6mo 1798, issue: 3 Sarah, b 13, 9mo 1800—4 Phineas, b 2, 14mo 1803. His will p in Perq, Feb 1810. Wife Margaret, son John, Dau’s: Sarah, & Pheribe Nixon. Brother Phineas, & Francis White Exrs.
  • Nixon, Zachariah (6), m Martha Toms (d of Foster) 8, 5mo 1793, issue: 1 Joseph, b 12, 9mo 1794—2 Foster, b 7, 10mo 1796—3 Mary, b 21, 11mo 1798—4 Zachariah, b 16, 9mo 1800, d 7, 7mo 1806—5 John, b 22, 5mo 1803—6 Sarah, b 20, 12mo 1805, d 18, 7mo 1806—7 Toms Nixon, b 14, 5mo 1807—8 Elizabeth, b 27, 7mo 1811.
  • Nixon, Barnabe, (son of Zachariah, & Elizabeth (Symons) ) b 28, 3mo 1724, m Sarah Newby, “at Symons Creek,” 1, 1mo 1753.
  • Nixon, Zachariah, (s of Zachariah, & Elizabeth Symons, b 1713) m Elizabeth Nicholson, June 10, 1734, issue: Francis, b 2, 2mo 1735—2 Mehetebell, b 15, 11mo 1738—3 Zachery, b 10, 10mo 1741. He seems to have died intestate. The will of his wife Elizabeth, is however probated in Perq, July 1769. She names son Francis; gr-children: Joseph Nixon, Zachariah, Miriam, Caroline, Christopher, & Samuel Nicholson; Margaret, Miriam, Jonathan, Mourning, & Elizabeth Newby; gr-sons: Zachariah Newby, & Jonathan Phelps, gr-dau Elizabeth Winslow, Benjamin Phelps, Dorothy Phelps, Mourning Henley & Elizabeth Toms. Sons: Zachariah, & Francis Exrs.
  • Nixon, Francis (1), m Kesiah Pierce (d of Thomas, & sister of Mary wife of Phineas Nixon). She was a widow Newby when he married her about 1760. (Kesiah m 3d Samuel Pritlow.) His will p in Perq, Jan 1773. Wife Keziah, her former husband Nathan Newby (2) sons: John, James, Samuel, & Thomas.
  • Nixon, Samuel (1), will p in Perq, Nov 1815, Wife Sarah, daus: Elizabeth Copeland, Margaret, Sarah, Peninah, Mary, Ann, Kesia, & Martha Nixon, sons: Samuel, Francis, brother Wm Jones, son-in-law Henry Copeland Exrs.
  • Nixon, John, (s of Nathan dec’d) m Anna Henby (d of Thomas) 9, 4mo, 1815.
  • Nixon, Samuel (2), m Rachel Copeland, 2, 1mo 1793. (Wells Mo Meeting, Perq Co.
  • Nixon, John, m Ann Morris (Intention) 20, 9mo 1794. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • Nixon, James, m Sarah Robinson, 17, 10mo 1795. (Pasq Mo Meeting.)
  • Nixon, John, was made an Elder in Quaker Meeting Pasq Co, 15, 2mo 1786.
  • Nixon, John, removed to “Wain Co N. C.” and was given a certificate from the meeting in Pasq county, to “Contentnea Meeting” in Wayne Co, with children: Lydia, Sarah, Dorothy, Thomas, Josiah, & Mary, 1790.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


William Nicholson, weaver; of Nor’wch Norfolk Co England, embarked for Boston, Apl 8, 1637, age 33; with wife Anne, age 28, & children, Nicho, Robartt, Elizabeth, & Anne. (Hotten.)

*Christopher Nicholson emigrant to Perq Co, N. C., m before coming to Albemarle Hannah Rednap, issue: 1 Christopher (2)—2 Deliverance, m

*Edmund Nicholson, & wife Elizabeth came to New England from Bootle, Cumberland Co England. He died in Marblehead Mass, 1660. Issue: Christopher, b 1638, m Hannah Rednap (d of Joseph, who moved to Perq Co N. C. very early). 2 Joseph, b 1640—3 Samuel, b 1644—4 John, b 1646—5 Elizabeth, b 1649, m Nicholas Anderson—6 Thomas, b 1653. (New England Hist & Genealogical Reg.) See issue of Christopher, above Joseph Sutton (s of George & Sarah) Jan 1 — —3 Samuell, b Mar 12, 1665—4 Hannah, b Mch 4, 1667—5 Joseph, b Sept 28, 1670—6 John, b Dec 17, 1671—7 Nathaniell, b Jany 7, 1675. The ages of Christopher, & Deliverance are not given in the Reg.) 

  • Nicholson, Hannah, wife of Christopher, d Dec 2, 1678.
  • Nicholson, Christopher (s of Edmund), m 2d Ann Atwood (d of Thomas, of Middlesex,” in ould England) Aprill 11, 1680, issue: 8 Elizabeth, b Jan 13, 168— d Sept 11, 1682—9 Sarah, b Aug 5, 1682—10 Thomas, b Feb 7, 1687—11 Ann, b Feb 8, 1689.
  • Nicholson, Christopher, died Sept 10, 1688. Ann “Relict of Christopher” m 2d Richard Dorman, June 26, 1690, issue: Hannah Dorman, b Mar 30, 1695.
  • Nicholson, Christopher, the elder, seems to have died intestate.
  • Nicholson, Deliverance, issue can be found chronicled in the Sutton record.
  • Nicholson, Samuel, m Elizabeth Charles, at Quarterly Meeting, Dec 16, 1688 (d of Wm & Abigail Charles, b Jany 8, 167—) issue: 1 Abygall, b Sept 24, 1689—2 Hannah, b Aprill 9, 1692—3 Ida, b Nov 10, 1694—4 Elizabeth, b Jan 15, 1697.
  • The will of Samuel Nicholson, p in Perq Mar 22, 1728, names dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, son-in-law John Anderson, wife Elizabeth. Samuel Nicholson, d Mar 29, 1727. His wife Elizabeth, m 2d Zachariah Nixon (2). Her Will Perq, p Jan 1748, names, son-in-law John Anderson, Dau’s Elizabeth Anderson, & Sarah Jones, gr-sons: Samuel, John, & Joseph Anderson, gr-dau Sarah Anderson.
  • Nicholson, Hannah (d of Christopher, & Hannah, b Mch 4, 1667, m Ezekiel Maudlin (1).
  • Nicholson, Christopher (2) m Mary (s of Christopher, & Hannah) issue: 1 Thomas, b June 1, 1715 (loose paper) 2 Mary, b Nov 1, 1717—3 Ann, b Feby 20, 1719. His will p in Perq, July 23, 1723. Son: Thomas, dau’s Miriam, Dabora, Mary & Ann; wife Mary & brother Samuel Exrs.
  • Nicholson, Joseph (s of Christopher, & Hannah) m Hannah Albertson (d of Albert, & Mary, née Gosbey) b Dec 11, 1675, d Jan 2, 1695—m 7, 4mo 1693, issue: Sarah, b Dec 5, 1694. (According to the old Roman calendar.)
  • Nicholson, Joseph, will Perq, p Jan 1698, made bequest to his brother John, “his plantation on Perq River,” other brothers named; Benjamin, Samuel, Nathaniel, & Christopher. (According to this will his dau Sarah, & wife were both dec’d.)
  • Nicholson, Nathaniel, (s of Christopher, & Hannah) b 1675, m Sarah Harris (d of John, s of Thomas Harris (first Clerk of Perq) & wife Diana) issue: 1 Nathan, b Nov 22, 1716—2 Samuel, b Nov 26, 1722—3 Jonathan, b June 27, 1730. His will Perq, p July 1737, names only one son; Jonathan, to whom he bequeathed his “plantation” dau’s Sarah, & Elizabeth, wife Sarah.
  • Nicholson, John (son of Christopher, & Hannah) b 1671, m Priscilla Toms (d of Francis, & wife Pershillah) Nov 20, 1700. He d June 19, 1718. The division of his Est, April 14, 1719, gives his heirs: d Elizabeth, d Mary, s Samuel, wife Pershillah (who m 2d John Kinsey). Nicholson, Thomas, (s of Christopher (2) m Mary — issue: 1 Christopher (3), b Feby 20, 1733—2 Joseph, b Apl 15, 1736—3 Mariah, b May 12, 1738—4 Nicholas, b June 7, 1741—5 Mary, b June 3, 1744—6 Caroline, b Aug 21, 1748—7 Margaret, b Jany 1, 1752—8 Thomas (s of Thomas, & Sarah) b Feby 26, 1774.
  • Nicholson, Thomas, m Mary Griffin, 7, 6mo 1780. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Thomas, m Sarah White, 3, 9mo 1796. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Margaret, (d of Thomas) m Aaron Morris (s of Aaron) 30, 11mo, 1768. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Samuel (husband of Elizabeth) d 29 — 1727. (Quaker records.)
  • Nicholson, Joseph, son of Elizabeth, d 10, 1mo 1727. (Quaker records.)

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).


  • Henry Newby was transported to Va in Thomas, & John Jan 6, 1635. William Newby came from London to New England in Mary, & John Mar 24, 1633, age 24. (Hotten.) The records of Nansemond Co Va show that William Newby was a resident of said county 13, 10mo 1684, being at that date a member of “Chuckatuck” Mo Meeting, where he is found as a witness to a marriage, with wife Izabell. As neither of his three sons, had a wife by that name, and the name of Isobel came down in the family for several generations, among his descendants, it seems natural to suppose that this “Izabell” was William Newby’s wife. His sons named on Chuckatuck Reg, were Gabriel, who was the first to migrate to Perquimans, Nathan a Quaker minister about 1707, and Thomas, who is not named on the said Register, but is named in his brother Nathan Newby’s will, in Perq. From the records in Perq, it seems that Thomas remained in Isle of Wight Co Va, where his son (presumably) m Mary Pretlow. (Thomas 2.)
  • Thomas Newby is often called on the records in Perq, “Thomas Newby of Va.”
  • Newby, William (1) and wife Izabell, had issue: 1 Gabriel, b — 1659, d—, 12mo 1735, m Mary Toms (d of Francis, & Pershillah) b April 27, 1670, married 10, 2mo 1689, issue: I William, b 13, 1mo 1690, m 1st Jean Bier (widow of Richard, née Loadman) July 3, 1701, m 2d Ann —? and had one son William, born after his death, about 1720. (See deeds in Perq.)
  • Newby, Edward (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b 12, 10mo 1691. d. s. p. Will Perq Co, Aug 6, 1717, names father Gabriel, and brother William Newby.
  • Newby, Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b 7, 9mo 1693, m Elizabeth Nixon (d of Zachariah, & Elizabeth, of Little River) “at Little River meeting house” 9, 11mo 1715, m 2d Mary (widow of Edward Mayo née Clare d of Timothy).
  • Newby, Francis (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b 3, 11mo 1695, m Huldah Hunnicutt (d of Robert, & Margaret née Wyke, d of Peter Wyke, & Huldah née Ladd, of Prince George Co Va) Feb 9, 1723, issue: 1 Robert, b Apl 16, 1724—2 Mark, b Mch 25, 1726—3 Margaret, b May 29, 1728—4 Miriam, b Apl 20, 1730. Francis Newby’s will p in Perq, April 1744 names sons: Robert, Jesse, Mark, & Francis, dau’s: Margaret, & Sarah.
  • Newby, Jesse (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b Mar 30, 1704, m Mary Hunnicutt (d of Robert of Virginia, sister of Huldah, his brother Francis’ wife) 9, 11mo 1727. d. s. p. Will Pasquotank Co, p Oct 1765, names his brothers.
  • Newby, Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) (no birth date), m it is thought 1st Ann Mayo (d of Edward Jr, & Mary née Clare, who m 2d Joseph Newby, son of Gabriel, his 2d wife; Mary Newby’s will 1739, names her son-in-law Samuel Newby and three of his children. (See Grimes Wills.) Samuel Newby m 2d Elizabeth Sanders (d of Benjamin & Ann) 1, 8mo 1740 issue: 1 Joseph, b Aug 10, 1741—2 William, b Dec 30, 1743—3 Ann, b Feby 5, 1745—4 Gabriel, b Feby 13, 1747—5 Mary, b Oct 16, 1749—6 Gideon, b Sept 15, 1751—7 Elizabeth, b Mch 16, 1756—8 Miriam, b Oct 16, 1757—9 Samuel, b Mch 25, 1761. It is thought that Samuel Newby had by 1st wife, Ann (supposed to be d of Edward Mayo) dau Jemima, who m her cousin William Newby (s of William, & Ann, b about 1720) Mary Newby née Clare (widow of Edward Mayo) in her will p Jan 1739, names gr-children: Edward, Jemima, & Isabell Newby, who appear to be the children of her “son-in-law” Samuel Newby, and these children are not named among the issue of Elizabeth née Sanders. (See above.)
  • Newby, William, as seen died before 1720, and is not named in Gabriel Newby’s will p in Perq, Mar 1, 1735, but his son William received 300a from his gr-father, in equal division with the sons: Joseph, Jesse, & Samuel; Francis is named but no part allotted to him. He had probably had “set off to him” his share of his fathers Estate. No daughters are named in Gabriel Newby’s will, but he had three dau’s: Isabel, b 28, 10mo 1697—2 Mary, b 30, 11mo 1699—3 Miriam, b Dec 2, 1701, and a dau Elizabeth (no age given) who m John Nixon, and died 10, 7mo 1730, when John Nixon m 2d Mary—and 3d Hannah Albertson. (See Nixon family.)
  • Newby, Gabriel (1) of “piquemons” d — 12mo 1735 age 76. His wife Mary née Toms died 2, 9mo 1738, age about 70 years.
  • Gabriel Newby in his will left to son Samuel his “maner plantation,” which was usually given the youngest son, for the better maintenance of the widow, and mother, the younger son usually being single.
  • Newby, Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m 1st Elizabeth Nixon, and 2d Mary née Clare, and had issue (according to his will, p in Perq Oct 1766) Sons: Gabriel, Joseph, Benjamin, and “poor decrepit son Josiah” whom he left “in care” of his other sons, wife Patience (widow Jordan, See Jordan) 3d wife whom he married in Isle of Wight Co Va 15, 12mo 1746. (Pagan Creek Mo Meeting.) Dau’s: Mary Thornton, Elizabeth Mayo (wife of Joseph)gr-son Joseph Thurston, gr-dau Mary Newby, Elizabeth Newby (wife of Francis, d of Matthew Jordan, & his last wife Patience) widow Jordan. Brother of Samuel, and son Gabriel Exrs.
  • Three Joseph Newby’s appear in Perq practically at the same time, & this makes quite a bit of confusion, but the writer has turned the leaves of time over, & over to discover proof of each one, and still has some doubt, but of this last named Joseph, she is sure.
  • Joseph Newby (unplaced) made his will in Perq, p April 21, 1735, and names no legatees, but wife Mary. As he left no heirs, he isn’t pertinent to this history anyway, so we will dismiss him.
  • Another Joseph, will p July 1752, wife Elizabeth, and dau Mary. This Joseph in the legal papers in Perq is called Joseph Jr, therefore it seems probable that he was son of Joseph Sr, and gr-son of Gabriel (1). He certainly could not have been son of Samuel, whose son Joseph, was born 1741, which would have made him only eleven years of age at the time this will was probated. It is thought that Joseph Newby (1) m Elizabeth Turner, (no date however) and had son Samuel who made his will 1737, and probably son Joseph Jr, but no proofs appear.
  • Joseph Newby petitioned the Court Jan 1735 for permission “to build a Mill on Suttons Creek, for the public good.” His son Gabriel made the same request on same date “if my father doth not comply with the Law in Building a Mill on Suttons Creek” craved leave to finish it. A final audit of the Est of Joseph Newby, Dec 1777, shows that his son Gabriel died prior to this date. The heirs of Gabriel (2) dec’d were allotted £54, s2, p10½. Other heirs: Joseph, Benjamin, Mary Clary, heirs of Elizabeth Mayo dec’d, Mary Thornton, Dorothy Phelps (step-dau, and daughter of his last wife Patience, by her 1st husband Matthew Jordan of Isle of Wight Co Va. Dorothy m 1st Jonathan Phelps, and 2d John Skinner) Elizabeth, wife of Francis Newby (also step-dau), and one of the heirs being “dead without issue,” his part was divided between all the heirs. The supposition is that this dec’d heir was the “poor decrepit son Josiah,” as he is not mentioned in this division.
  • Matthew Jordan (s of Matthew & Patience of Isle of Wight Co Va) will Perq, p July 1763, names “mother Patience Newby, and sisters Elizabeth Newby (wife of Francis) & Dorothy Skinner.” (The division of Jonathan Phelps shows that his wife was Dorothy, & loose papers give the fact that she m 2d John Skinner. She had by Jonathan Phelps sons: Jonathan, & Benjamin, and dau Dorothy. (See Phelps.)
  • Newby, Benjamin (1) Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m Sarah Lilly, 1, 3mo 1775. As he died intestate his issue can not be traced.
  • Newby, Gabriel (2) Joseph (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m Pleasant White (d of Wm) 5, 12mo 1787. He also died intestate, and can not be traced.
  • Newby, William (3) William (2) William (1) m Jemima Newby, his cousin, (d of Samuel & wife Ann Mayo) issue: 1 Demsey—2 Anne, b 5, 16, 1750, m John Maudlin 2 — 1769, d in Henry Co Ind about 1845—3 Elizabeth, m Job Bogue, 3 — 1775—4 Isabella, m Truman Moore 10 — 1774—5 Sarah, m Josiah Albertson 3, 8, 1775. d Jan 10, 1793/96—6 Joseph, m Mary White “at Welles in Perq” 4, 8mo 1796—7 William, m Hannah Bundy (d of Caleb) 1, 25, 1797, she d 29, 9mo 1798—8 John (s of William dec’d) m Susannah Tatlock (d of Edward dec’d) of Perq, 22, 10mo 1801 (issue: son John, b 4, 9mo 1802)—9 Mary, b 7, 7, 1768, m Thomas Draper Feb — 1790 (2d wife, they moved to Ind)—10, Miriam, b 2, 2mo 1772, m Josiah Draper 12, 6, 1789, d 9, 1, 1812 in Highland Co Ohio.
  • Of Demsey Newby nothing is known. For descendants of Anna Newby, see Maudlin. Job, and Elizabeth Bogue both made will in Perq. (See N. C. Hist & Gen Reg, Vol 3-2). Joseph probably died intestate. Of William, & Hannah, née Bundy nothing is known. For descendants of Mary, & Miriam Newby, see Draper.
  • Newby, Joseph (2) Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m 1st Mary Moore 1, 12mo 1763 issue: 1 Joseph—2 Robert—3 Nathan—4 Ann—5 Jemima Elliott—6 Sarah, all named in his will p in Perq Nov 1814, with gr-children: Samuel and Ann Moore, wife Huldah (2d wife). Joseph Newby died 27, 9mo 1814.
  • Newby, William (3) Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) b Dec 30, 1743, d 5 30, 1831, m Elizabeth Ratcliff (d of Joseph) 10, 8 1766, issue: 12 children, m 2d Elizabeth (Symons) Small, widow, 4 — 1805, issue: four children. 4 Gabriel (son of Samuel) b Feby 13, 1747, m Rachel Townsend (d of William, & Rachel née Wilson, widow of Timothy Winslow, dau of Robert Wilson, & wife Rachel née Pricklove, dau of John Pricklove, & wife Elizabeth)—5 Mary (d of Samuel), b Oct 16, 1749, m Joseph Bogue—6 Gideon, b Sept 15, 1751, d 1, 29, 1816, m Mary Arnold, 1, 1mo 1788, issue: ten children.
  • Newby, Gabriel (2) Samuel (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) and wife Rachel (Townsend) who were m before 6, 3mo 1776, had issue, according to his will, p in Perq Co 1824. Dau’s Rachel Newby, Margaret Cannon (wife of Joseph) gr-children: Mary, & Sophia Cannon, Catherine Baker, & Edwin Newby, Rachel Winslow (wife of Francis (1) and dau of his son William) Achsah Bunch, & Lydia Newby. His wife Rachel is not named in his will, but she was living July 1777, when her mother Rachel (née Wilson) Williams will was probated in Perq, who named her “dau Rachel Newby” and gr-son William Newby (s of Gabriel). (See will of Rachel Williams, N. C. Hist Reg, Vol 3-2.)
  • Family tradition says that William Newby (s of Gabriel) m Lydia — and had among others, dau Rachel, who m Francis Winslow (1) son of William. William Newby’s division, shows “a part to Francis Winslow, & wife Rachel.
  • Newby, Mark (1) Francis (1) Gabriel (1) William (1), m Mourning Phelps, Jan — 1750. His will p in Perq July 1785, names sons: Jonathan, Zachariah, and dau’s: Margaret, Arrington, Miriam, Mourning, & Elizabeth Newby. Mark Newby m 2d Keziah Nixon (widow) 6, 12, 1775. Zachariah (s of Mark) m his cousin, Mary Newby (d of Nathan) (2) Nov — 1773. Jonathan, (s of Mark) m Mary Jones, 3, 8mo 1785.
  • Newby, Robert (1) Francis (1) Gabriel (1) William (1) m Jemimah Pierce (d of Thomas, whose will was p in Perq 1756) 1, 4mo 1748, issue: according to his will p in Perq Apl 1790. Thomas, Robert (2), Wyke, gr-son Willis Newby, dau’s: Karin Parker, Mary Walton, Sarah Cosand, Jemimah Cannon (wife of Jacob) and Huldah Newby. Robert Newby (s of Robert) m Mary Moore, 4, 3mo 1789. Thomas Newby (s of Robert) m Mary Saunders, 5, 11mo 1777.
  • Mary Newby (unplaced) about to move to Back Creek, in Randolph Co, N. C. 3, 12mo 1796. (Quaker records Pasq Co.)


  • Newby, John, m Elizabeth Nicholson (d of Christopher) June 11, 1701. (Quaker Rec.)
  • Newby, John (s of John), died 4, 1mo 1734.
  • Newby, Ann, m Francis Mase, at Newbegun Creek, Pasq Co, 5, 11mo 1726. (Quaker Rec.)
  • Newby, Thomas, m Miriam Nixon, at Symons Creek, Pasq Co, 1, 10mo 1756. (Quaker Rec.)
  • Newby, Thomas (s of Joseph), m Mary Bogue (d of Duke) at Suttons Creek, 20, 12mo 1797.
  • Newby, Mary, m Elias Albertson, 7, 12mo 1785. (Quaker records.)
  • Newby, Gabriel, m Pleasant White, (d of William) 5, 12mo 1787.
  • Newby, Jesse, m Elizabeth Townsend, 6, 4mo 1791.
  • Newby, Francis (2) m Elizabeth Jordan (d of Matthew) Nov — 1755.
  • Newby, Elizabeth (d of John), m John White (s of Henry Sr) Nov 14, 1696.
  • Newby, Elizabeth (d of Gabriel), m John Nixon (s of Zachariah) Before 1730.
  • Newby, Sarah, m Barnaby Nixon (s of Zachariah) Jan — 1753. She m 2d Ralph Fletcher, July — 1753.
  • Newby, Elizabeth, m Daniel Saint, Sept — 1753. She m 2d Esau Lamb, April — 1757.
  • Newby, Jemima, m Jacob Cannon, Nov — 1778.
  • Newby, Sarah (d of Thomas), m Josiah Albertson (s of Elihu) 3, 8, 1775.


  • Nathan Newby (1) William (1) (brother of Gabriel) m in Nansemond Co Va, Elizabeth Hollowell (d of Alice of Elizabeth River, 13, 10mo 1678, among wit Wm Newby, (father) Gabrell Newby, John Hollowell, Dorrithy Newby, Elizabeth Scott, Elizabeth Copeland. Elizabeth, (d of Thomas, & Alice Hollowell) was b 9, 7mo 1662, issue: one son Thomas, age not given, but named in his fathers will.
  • Nathan Newby was Clerk of the Mo Meeting, at Pagan Creek, Isle of Wight Co Va, 1702. “Att a meeting att Chuckatuck, Co of Nansemond,” 9- 8mo 1707, Quakers assembled registered their opinion of Friend Nathan Newby, in these words “to the best of our Judg’mts Nathan Newby, is a man that fears the Lord, we believe his call is to the Ministry, & we desire the Lord to Prosper him, and bee with him, to the end of his daies.” Lower Mo Meeting, Nansemond Co Va.)
  • After coming to Perquimans Co, N. C. Nathan Newby m Mary Toms (d of Francis Toms Jr, & wife Margaret Bogue) issue: 2 Francis (whose will was p in Perq July 1752. Naming “brothers Thomas, & Nathan, & mother Mary Moor.” He also names John Robinson, who m his sister Mary)—3 Nathan—4 Mary (m John Robinson), wife Mary.
  • Mary Newby née Toms, m 2d Samuel Moore. (Minute book, & division of Estates.)
  • Thomas (1) Nathan (1) Wm Newby (1) m Sarah Scott (d of Joseph of Va) early in 1700, (date illegible). He is spoken of on records in Perq, as “Thomas Newby of Va.”
  • Ann Scott of Vir, in a deed recorded in Perq, mentions her “nephew Exum Newby,” & apt’s him att’ to sell a place belonging to her in sd Co, called “Belvidere.” This estate is thought to be the same now called “the old Lamb place” across the River, from the town of Belvidere, & it is probable that the town derived its name from the adjoining plantation. Tradition has made it a fact. What relationship existed between Ann Scott, & Joseph, the records do not disclose, but this we do know; William Scott, of Nansemond Co, m Mourning Exum, & as the name of Exum continued to be carried down in the Newby, & allied families, in Perq Co, it seems more than probable, that Joseph Scott, was a son of said William. Mourning is also found as a given name of many of the ladies of the family. But as Thomas Newby did not make a will in Perq, no absolute proof can be found, to substantiate the fact.
  • Nathan Newby, lived over the “Causeway” at Bear Garden. He was one of the attendants of the “Ferry” over Perq River, to Phelps Point, & built the first “Goal” in Hertford. He was dead July 1735, “Mary Newby Relict.” She petitioned the Court July 1740, that “her tithables be taken off the main Road, to labour on the ferry Road, as it would be more convenient for her to ‘set over’ people and in that way ‘I shall get no Blame.’ ” The Causeway was at that time called “Newby’s Point” later called “Mary’s Point.” By Act of Assembly July 1755, a public “Ferry was Established, from Phelps Point, to Newby’s Point,” & Nathan (2) Newby was appointed “Ferryman” on his side, & Jonathan Phelps on his point. They were allowed the stipend of £4 per annum for their services. A ruling was made that they were to “Set over free; Inhabitants, of said Co, at Court times; Elections of Assemblymen; Vestry Elections; & Musters.”
  • Nathan Newby (2) Nathan (1) Wm Newby (1) m Keziah Pierce (d of Thomas) 6, 9mo 1752. His will Perq, p Feby 1763, Son Francis (his gr-mother Mary Moore) dau’s Mary, Millicent, & Sarah, wife of Keziah, & bro Thomas, Exrs.
  • Keziah Newby, widow of Nathan, m 2d Francis Nixon, May — 1763.
  • Francis (3) Nathan (2) Nathan (1) William (1) m 1st Elizabeth Jordan, (d of Mathew, & wife Patience née Darden) Nov — 1755, m 2d Rachel Winslow, (d of Joseph (2) & wife Mary, née White; d of Thomas White, & wife Rachel Jordan; d of Joshua Jordan, & wife Elizabeth Sanborn; of Isle of Wight Co Va.)
  • Francis Newby, will Perq p May 1807, names sons: Francis (4), Joseph, Nathan (3), & Thomas, dau’s Kesiah Sutton, Parthenia, Rachel, & Elizabeth Newby, wife Rachel.
  • Mary Newby, d of Nathan (2) m Zachariah Newby, Nov — 1772, (s of Mark Newby).
  • Keziah Nixon née Pierce, m 3d Samuel Pritlow, who took charge of the “Ferry.”
  • Mary Newby (d of Nathan (1) m Jonathan Phelps, & had a dau Elizabeth m Gabriel Newby. Nathan Newby m Keziah Pierce, 6, 9mo 1752. (Deed Perq.)

The Nathan Newby line is better defined, & easier to carry out, than the Gabriel Newby line, and it is evident that they crossed each other many times.

  • Nathan Newby m Peninah Copeland, 5 12mo 1781.


  • James Newby, m Sarah Nicholson (d of Christopher), May — 1699, issue: James, b Aug 1, 1702—2 Samuel, b 23, 8mo 1704—3 Benjamin, b 25, 6mo 1707—4 Ann, b 1, 11mo 1708—5 Jeams, b 24, 7mo 1710.
  • Sarah Newby (wife of Jeams) d 13, 3mo 1718. James Newby m 2d Elizabeth (d of Henry White) she d 1, 12mo 1728, age 55.
  • Jeames Newby “of the precinct of Pasq,” m Elizabeth Daniel (widow) of same, 18, 5mo 1715.
  • Samuel Newby (s of James, & Sarah Nicholson) m Elizabeth — issue: 1 Miriam, b —, 6mo 1726, m William Lamb—2 William, b 22, 7mo 1727—3 Huldah, b 16, 4mo 1729, m Joshua Morris, June 19, 1752—4 Dorcas, b Oct 4, 1730, m John Sanders, Aug — 1751—5 Mary, b July 28, 1732, d 9, 5, 1763, m Joseph Morris, June — 1755—6 Joseph, b Sept 2, 1734, d Aug 2, 1739—7 Dempsey, b Dec 20, 1736, m Mary Ross, Feb — 1760—8 Elizabeth, b Oct 30, 1738, m Esau Lamb, April 1757, or Jacob Jacobs April 1759—9 Pleasant, b Mar 2, 1740—10 Ruth, b Mar 20, 1743, d Mar 2, 1752—11 Samuel, b June 8, 1746, m Rachel Pearson, July — 1766—12 Mordical, b Jan 8, 1748, m Mary Maudlin, July — 1766. Will probated 1784.
  • Samuel Newby, & Rachel Pearson, issue: 1 Millicent, b 12, 20, 1766—2 Jesse, b 11, 7, 1768—d 4, 4, 1819, m Elizabeth Townsend, 4 — 1791—3 Elizabeth, b 9, 17, 1771, d 4, 14, 1844, m Benjamin Hill, 12 29, 1787—4 Margaret, b 8, 27, 1773—5 Samuel, b 3, 16, 1776, m Peninah Hobbs, 7, 30, 1801—6 Rachel, b 9, 16, 1779, m Reuben Lamb—7 Anna, b 10, 27, 1781, m Wm Osborn & 2d Obadiah Harris, 2, 17, 1851—8 Jemima, b 4, 5, 1784—9 Nathan, b 2, 22, 1787—10 William, b 7, 16, 1789.
  • Samuel Newby “worthy minister” died 16, 12mo 1770.
  • James Newby (s of James) m Naomi White (d of Henry Sr) May 12, 1732, issue: 1 Thomas, b 13, 4mo 1735—2 Enoch, b 19, 10mo 1736—3 Jeams, b 20, 12 mo 1740—4 Elizabeth, b 17, 4mo 1743. James Newby died 1, 11mo 1760, age 50. Naomi Newby d 2, 11mo, 1771, age 68.
  • Thomas Newby (1) James (2) James (1) m Sarah Overman, 9, 11mo 1763, issue: 1 Nathan, b 20, 7mo 1765—2 Naomi, b 30, 9mo 1767—3 James, b 6, 5mo 1770—4 Jemima, b 22 7mo 1774.
  • James Newby, m Sarah — issue: Henery, b 13, 10mo 1769. He m 2d Keziah Bowles, 22, 6mo, 1774, issue: (unknown).
  • Benjamin Newby (s of Benjamin) m Ruth Wilson, 13, 10mo 1765, issue: Mary, b 7, 9mo 1768—2 Sarah, b 22, 1mo 1771—. Ruth Newby d 16, 12mo 1771.
  • Benjamin (1) Newby m Sarah Albertson (d of Elihu) 21, 2mo 1737. He d 28, 9mo 1739.
  • Joseph (s of Benjamin (1) m Ann — issue: 1 Thomas, b 27, 12mo 1759—2 Enoch, b 29, 10mo 1761—3 Miriam, b 29, 1mo 1765—4 Robert, b 18, 10mo 1767—5 Joseph, b 3, 5mo 1770—6 Nathan, b 14, 4 mo 1772.
  • Thomas Newby (s of Jesse, & Elizabeth) m Nancy Wilson (d of Christopher, & Pheraba) all of Perq, at Suttons Creek, 23, 2mo 1826.
  • Elizabeth wife of John Newby died 6, 1mo 1720.
  • Sarah wife of James, d 10, 1mo 1770.
  • James Newby of Pasq Co, m Elizabeth Davis (widow) May —, 1719.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).