June 14, 1824

 In the name of God Amen. I THOMAS ETHERIDGE of the State of North Carolina Camden County being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that give it and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in decent christian burial, at the descretion of my Executor, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

I lend unto my beloved Wife CHLOE ETHERIDGE the plantation whereon I now live together with all the buildings thereon except the house that I moved up to my dwelling house which I give to my Son THOMAS ETHERIDGE but his Mother is to have the use of it until he comes with age or marries, also Twenty Thousand of my new ground and that to be rented out for his support, with the privilege of rail timber and fire wood raising of stock etc. Also I give my Wife my bay horse Bird and sorrel mare Floreelesh, one riding chair and harness, my set of tables, three feather beds & furniture, twelve setting chairs, one bureau, one blue chest one beaufat & all the crockery, all the table and tea spoons one loom and harness wasping bars and screw, one spining wheel & one woolen ditto, one iron pot, one tea kettle, one dutch oven, one creeper, one sow and pigs, ten head of hogs, two candlesticks all of the above articles her first choice, fifty barrels of corn, thirty bushels of wheat, twenty five ???? of coffee, one hundred weight of sugar, one set of knives and forks, my spring back bible, drseys hymn book and my watch, one small trunk, one pair pot tramels & 1 pair of pot hooks, two axes, two hoes her choice, one negro woman Phoebe, one man Joseph, two cows and calves the sheep that is now on hand, one horse cart and harness, one plough and harness all my fire dogs irons, one pair of tongs and shovel, all her choice, one hand mill, all the winder curtains, two meat tubs to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son JOHN ETHERIDGE ten dollars to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son JOSIAH ETHERIDGE ten dollars to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son SETH ETHERIDGE one hundred dollars to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son WILLIS one hundred dollars to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son WHITFIELD ETHERIDGE one hundred dollars to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter POLLY ETHERIDGE the land and plantation on the North side of the road called the Casey Plantation, containing by estimation twenty one acres more or less, one bed and furniture, one wheel one green chest to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my ACHSAH ETHERIDGE one negro boy Demsey one feather bed and furniture, one wheel one chest to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter MIRIAM SMITHSON One Hundred dollars in full for her portion of my estate to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son THOMAS ETHERIDGE the land and plantation whereon I now live containing about seventy eight acres also my juniper swamp containing seventy eight acres formerly the property of JOSEPH JONES dec’d sold by a decree of the Court of equity and one colt by the name of Boxer to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath the following negroes namely Penny, Peter, Mary, Aaron, James and Jemimah to be equally divided between my three Daughters namely HENRETTA, NARISSA and CHLOE, when the eldest arrives to the age of twenty one or either of them marries, then the said negroes and increase to be equally divided between the above said Daughters or any part of them surviving to them and their heirs forever.

Item. My will and desire is that all the remainder of my estate both real and personal that I have not already given away be sold at six months credit excepting my lands that to be sold in a credit of six, twelve and eighteen month credit, and after paying all of my lawful debts my desire is that the balance if any be equally divided between my five Sons namely JOHN, JOSIAH, SETH, WILLIS and WHITFIELD ETHERIDGE to them and their heirs forever.

And I also nominate and appoint my Brother RICHARD JARVIS my whole and sole Executor to this my Last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this the Fourteenth day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Four


Witness present



Camden County Court

August Term 1824

This Last Will and Testament of THOMAS ETHERIDGE dec’d was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oaths of ISAAC M. HERRINGTON and JEREMIAH ETHERIDGE subscribing witnesses thereto. And RICHARD JARVIS the Executor therein named appeared and qualified according to Law. Ordered that the Will be recorded & letters Testamentary issue.




Will Book C

Pages 40-42

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






April 5, 1822

In the name of God Amen! I THOMAS FERRILL being weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for it do this 5th day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Two, make, ordain, constitute and appoint this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form as follows.

First of all I give to my beloved Wife SALLY FERRILL the use of all my lands during her life or widowhood and after her death or marriage to be divided between my two Sons WILLIAM FERRILL and THOMAS FERRILL to say WILLIAM FERRILL to have the piece of land I purchased of ANN BELL together with all my land on the west side of the branch and all my lands in the east side of the branch to my Son THOMAS FERRILL.

Item. I give the use of all my chattle property to my beloved Wife SALLY FERRILL during her life or widowhood and at her death or marriage after paying all my just debts to be equally divided between my three Daughters SUSANNAH FERRILLPEGGY FERRILL, and MARY FERRILL.

Last of all I make ordain and appoint my beloved Wife SALLY FERRILL and loving Son WILLIAM FERRILL Executors to this my Last Will and Testement.


Signed, sealed & delivered

In the presence of



Camden County Court

February Term 1823

This was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will & Testament of THOMAS FERRELL dec’d. by the oath of WM. MERRY a subscribing witness thereto & at same time WM. FERRELL one of the executors therein named appeared & qualified as Exer. Thereto by taking the oath prescribed by Law. Ordered that the same be recorded & that testamentary letters issue.



Will Book C

Pages 17, 18

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






May 26, 1815

In the name of God Amen. I SOUTHEY FORBES of the County of Camden & State of North Carolina doth this 26th day of May Eighteen Hundred & fifteen make this my Last Will and Testament in the following manner To Wit. Calling to mind the mortality of man & know it is appointed for all men to die.

First. I recommend my Soul to God-who gave it & my body to earth & as touch such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give in the following manner To Wit.

Item. I give the use of all my property both real & personal unto my beloved Wife POLLY FORBES for & during her natural life for her support & she the said POLLY FORBES has liberty to sell my part of the chattle property for decent support at her own discretion, but reserving never the less a sufficient part of said chattle property sufficient to pay all my just debts to be sold by my Executor & of such as my Wife may think she can spare best. It is my will & desire that after the death of my Wife POLLY FORBES that my negro Nelly should not be Hare to any person but be under the protection of CALEB PERKINS & in case he should die then & in that case, she be under the Protection of Baptist Church in Camden known by the name of Schylo, & in case the said negro woman Nelly should out life my Wife, & become sick or old & not be able to work & maintain herself that my Executors are hereby authorised to support her out of my estate.

Item. I give unto CALEB FORBES my Son, all the property which may be at my Wife’s die, both real & personal, except one feather bed & furniture which I give at her death to MORDICAI GREGORY Son of WILL GREGORY Sen. and one negro woman Nelly which I have left in CALEB PERKINS care & of the Baptist Church in Camden as above.

Lastly I nominate & appoint my friend CALEB PERKINS my whole & sole Executor to this my Last Will & Testament revoking all former Wills by me made & owning this to be my Last. In Testimony of the same I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & date first above written.


Signed, sealed & delivered

In presents of



Her X mark

Camden County May Term 1822

This was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will & Testament of SOUTHY FORBES dec’d. by the oath of COURTNEY BRAY subscribing witness thereto. No executor appearing to qualify is Ordered to be Recorded.


M.S. LEWIS clk

Will Book C

Page 1, 2

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






June 17, 1822

In the name of God Amen! The Seventeenth of June in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Two. I MALACHI GODFREY of the County of Camden in the State of North Carolina being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of my body, & knowing that it appointed for man once to die, do make, ordain and publish this my Last Will and Testament—viz.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter WEALTHY GODFREY one chest & feather bed & to my Daughter MARY GODFREY I give one chest & ???

I lend unto my beloved Wife LYDIA GODFREY, all my lands & plantation together with all my household goods and chattels. Rights & credits, and all my stock of every kind unto her her life time and at her dec I give to my two children MARY GODFREY & WEALTHY GODFREY all my lands and plantations together with all the remainder part of my household goods & chattels rights & credits, and all my stock of every kind unto them and their heirs and assigns forever to be equally divided between the two children at her dec’d.

I also appoint my beloved Wife LYDIA GODFREY and my two children my hole and sole Executors to this my Last Will and Testament disalowing all & every other Will by me made before this confirming this to be my Last & Testament.


His X mark

Sealed, signed, published & declared

By the testator to be his Last

Will in the presence of us who

Were present at the signing thereof



Camden County

May Term 1824

This Last Will & Testament of MALACHI GODFREY dec’d was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of JOHN KITE one of the subscribing witnesses thereto. LYDIA GODFREY the Executrix therein named appeared & qualified according to Law. Ordered that the Will be recorded & letters Testamentary issue.




Will Book C

Pages 33, 34

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






November 13, 1821

In the name of God Amen! I TAMER GODFREY of Camden County & State of N. Carolina, being of sound & perfect mind & memory calling to mind the certainty of death & the uncertainty of the time thereof do make, publish & ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following that is to say.

Imprimis. I give & bequeath to my Brother SAMUEL GODFREY, five shillings to be paid him out of my estate.

Item. I give to my Brother WILLIAM GODFREY five shillings to be paid him out of my estate.

Item. I give to my Brother JAMES GODFREY one note of hand signed by him & payable to me for fifty nine dollars & sixty cents, dated the 8th of February 1821. Also one bed & furniture. Also one Red Cow to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Brother MALACHI GODFREY forty five dollars, which he now owes me.

Item. I give & bequeath unto POLLY SNOWDEN, one sorrel horse, one mahogany table ½ dozen tea spoons, one seit of bed curtains, also one negro girl by the name of Molly, all my wearing apparel to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I lend to BETSEY GODFREY Daughter of WILLIAM GODFREY one bed & furniture, one cow & calf & one linen wheel, her choice, & in case she has a lawful heir or heirs, then I give her the afsd. articles to her & her heirs forever, & in case she should die without a lawful heir, then in that case I give the said property which I have lent her to my Brothers JAMES & MALACHI GODFREY share & share alike.

Item. I give negro man Charles to my neighbour WILLIS WILSON that is to say to be under his care & direction. To be hird out & the one half of the net proceeds of his hire to be paid over to my Brother MALACHI GODFREY, annually for & during the term of his natural life. And at the death of my Brother MALACHI I give the one fourth of the net proceeds of the hire of negro man Charles to WELTHY GODFREY Daughter of MALACHI GODFREY & the other fourth of his hire I wish my friend WILLIS WILSON to retain for his trouble.

Item. It is my will that my Executors hereafter named pay to my negro man Charles, five barrels of Indian Corn, and one sow & shots which I owe him, to be delivered to my friend WILLIS WILSON for him.

Item. All the remainder of my estate which I have not already given away I leave to be sold by my executors, and after paying all my just debts I give the net proceeds if any, to my Brothers JAMES MALACHI GODFREY to them & their heirs share & share alike.

Lastly I nominate & appoint my Brother JAMES GODFREY & my friend WILLIS WILSON Executors to this my Last Will & Testament revoking & disannulling all wills heretofore by me made ratifying this & this only to be my Last Will & Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 13th day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty one.


Her x mark

Signed, sealed & acknowledged

In the presence of us



Camden County Court

May Term 1822

The foregoing was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will & Testament of THAMER GODFREY dec’d. by the oaths of SAMUEL WILLIAMS & ABNER H. GRANDY the subscribing witnesses thereto. And at same time JAMES GODFREY one of the executors therin named appeared & qualified as executor thereto. Ordered to be Recorded.



Will Book C

Pages 9, 10

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


LYDIA GRANDY (1822 Will)




November 13, 1821

In the name of God Amen! Know all men that I LYDIA GRANDY of the County of Camden & State of North Carolina being in a poor state of health but in sound memory do make this my Last Will & Testament.

Item. I give & bequeath to my Son CALEB GRANDY my part of two negro girls that was sold, named Channy & Cloe.

I give & bequeath to my Son CALEB GRANDY all my cattle, that has come since his Father’s death & likewise all my sheep and three stocks of Bees his first choice.

And I give & bequeath to my Son CALEB GRANDY all my crockery ware & one half of my sithye(?), and one half of my poultry, and one dutch oven & one frying pan.

I do acknowledge this to be my Last Will in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this the thirteeth day of November 1821.


Her x mark

Signed in presence of us



Her x mark

And I LYDIA GRANDY do leave my Son CALEB GRANDY to be Executor to my will.

Camden County Court

November Term 1822

The foregoing was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will and Testament of LYDIA GRANDY by the oath of PEGGY WILLIAMS a subscribing witness thereto. And at same time CALEB GRANDY an Executor therein named appeared & qualified as executor thereto. Ordered that Testamentary letters issue & that the same be recorded.



Will Book C

Page 12

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


CALEB GRAY (1823 Will)




August 28, 1823

In the name of God Amen! I CALEB GRAY of the State of North Carolina, Camden County being of sound & perfect mind & memory blessed be God do this 28th day of August 1823. make & publish this my Last Will & Testament in manner following that is to say.

I leave the use of my maner plantation to my Loving Wife MEKEL GRAY during her natural life it being land whereon I now live containing forty three acres be the same more or less, binding on DEMSEY GREGORY’S, PETER FORBES heirs land and Deep Branch.

I also leave the use of all the remainder of my land to my loving Wife MEKEL GRAY during her widowhood or life for the supporting of my children. My will that the above land only half to be attended in a year in each tract & to be shifted every year.

I also leave the use of as much of my perishable estate as my Wife MEKEL GRAY needs for the supporting of my children during her widowhood or life & no longer.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son JOSHUA GRAY one tract of land I bought of THOMAS STAPLES formerly called the SIKES Tract containing twenty four & half acres be the same more or less binding JOHN FERRELL, WILLIAM ETHERIDGE, and JOHN BAMARY(?) (BARRARY?) and the heirs of JAMES GREGORY to him & his heirs forever and the said JOSHUA GRAY is to have posesion at the death or marriage of his Mother and the said JOSHUA GRAY is bound to pay unto my two Daughters POLLY JEAN GRAY fifty dollars apiece for their interest in said land.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son BAILEY GRAY & my Daughter SUCKY GRAY one tract of land I bought of WILLIS UPTON to be equally divided between them beginning at the main road thence runing across the plantation so as to make an equal division of clear a land also beginning at main road thence across the plantation so as to make an equal division of cleared land, also beginning at main road thence running across the wood so as to make each hare an equal share to them & their heirs forever. The said BAILEY GRAY & SUCKY GRAY is gave posession of the said land when the said BAILEY GRAY comes to the age of twenty one years. Also the said BAILEY BRAY & SUCKY GRAY is bound to pay unto POLLY GRAY fifty dollars & JEAN GRAY fifty dollars for their interest in said land.

If my Wife MEKEL GRAY should die or marry before the said BAILEY GRAY should arrive at lawful age the rent of said land shall go to my two Daughters POLLY & JEAN GRAY.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my two Daughters POLLY & JEAN GRAY after the death or marriage of my Wife all the perishable part of my estate which my Wife held at that time. Also I give to my two Daughters POLLY & JEAN GRAY all the perishable part of my estate which my Wife MEKEL do not need at this time to them & their heirs forever. Also I give all my crop to POLLY & JEAN GRAY after taking out my Wife’s & family’s one year provisions, also my debts either due by notes or accts to them & their heirs forever. The above property to be sold on a credit of six months. If POLLY or JEAN should die under twenty one the survivor shall their legacies.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter SALLY GRAY one tract of land which I now live on that I bought of MALACHI W. BOUSHALL, binding DEMSEY GREGORY, PETER FORBES heirs & Deep Branch, containing forty three acres be the same more or less to her & her heirs forever.

And I hereby make & ordain my worth friend BAILEY BARCO Executor of this my Last Will & Testament in witness whereof I the said CALEB GRAY to this my Last Will & Testament set my hand & seal the day & year above written.





His x mark

N. B. Also make & appoint my friend BAILEY BARCO Guardian to my children. August 28, 1823.




His x mark

State of North Carolina

Camden County

November Term 1823

This Last Will & Testament of CALEB GRAY was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of JOSEPH CARTWRIGHT one of the subscribing witnesses, thereto at the same time BAILEY BARCO the executor therein named appeared & qualified according to law. Ordered to be Recorded.



Will Book C

Pages 25-27

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


WILLIAM GRAY (1823 Will)




May 14, 1821

In the name of God Amen! I WILLIAM GRAY of the State of North Carolina and County of Camden being of sound mind & memory this 14th day of May 1821 do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following Viz.

Imprimis. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter LENA CHAPLIN one dollar to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son PETER GRAY one dollar to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give unto my Son EDMUND GRAY one dollar to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son NATHAN GRAY one dollar to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son NATHANIEL GRAY one dollar to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter SALLY GREAVES one dollar to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter SOPHIA GRAY one dollar to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter ELIZABETH GRAY one feather bed & furniture not to be delivered to her till she marries or comes of age to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son WILLIAM GRAY one gun to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I lend all the remainder of my estate after paying all my just debts & funeral expences to my Wife POLLY GRAY during her life or widowhood & if she marries I give her one third of the said remainder to her & her heirs forever (with this Promise) that she shall take care of & support the small children (viz) CHLOE GRAY, JANE GRAY, WILLIAM GRAY, & CYNTHIA GRAY till she or they come of age.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my four following children viz CHLOE GRAY, JANE GRAY, WILLIAM GRAY, & CYNTHIA GRAY at the marriage or death of my wife the two thirds or the whole of the said remainder of my estate as the case may be, to be equally divided between them.

Lastly. I nominate & appoint my two friends CALEB PERKINS & MY Wife POLLY GRAY my Executors to this my Last Will & Testament REVOKING ALL FORMER Wills by me made heretofore, In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & date above written


Signed & sealed in presence of



State of North Carolina

Camden County

November Term 1823

This Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM GRAY dec’d was exhibited & proved in open Court by the oath of LUKE G. LAMB one of the subscribing witnesses thereto CALEB PERKINS one of the Executors therein named appeared & qualified agreeable to Law. Ordered that the Will be Recorded & Letters Testamentary Issue.



Will Book C

Pages 24, 25

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






March 3, 1823

In the name of God Amen! I ELIZABETH GREGORY being in sound mind & memory but weak in body hath this day March 3, 1823. make this my Last Will & Testament in the following manner.

First of all I recommend my Soul to God who gave it me and my Body to the earth from whence it come. And as Touching such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give in the following manner to wit.

Item. I gave and bequeath unto my four Sons ISAAC GREGORYDORRIS GREGORYNELSIN B.GREGORY, and CASIN M. GREGORY all that land and plantation where in I now live to be equally divided between them, share and share alike to them & their heirs.

Item. I give my Son ISAAC GREGORY one Roan horse Callia(?) his to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son DORRAS GREGORY his choice in the spring the old mare or the colt which she is now with fold with—and I give my Son NILSON B. GREGORY the other after his Brother takes his choice and the colt to stay with the mare until weaned at the expence of my estate.

Item. I give my Daughter POLLY GILBERT one linnen wheel that is to say the use of it.

Item. Give unto my Grand Son FRANKLIN GILBERT 1 feather bed & furniture one cow & calf, but her mother to have the use of both.

Item. I give my Son FRANCIS MITCHEL one looking glass to him and his heirs.

Item. I give my Son JOHN MITCHEL four bushels of wheat to him & his heirs.

Item. I give my Daughter ANN GREGORY four bushels wheat to her & her heirs.

Item. I leave all the balance of my estate to be sold by my Exec. At private sale, and after paying all my just & lawful debts the balance to be applied as follows

First for my three children to have a quarters schooling each, and I want my Son ISAAC GREGORY to purchase one & half acres of land for the use of my Grand Son FRANKLIN GILBERT but his Mother to have the use of it her life and the balance to be equally divided between my four Sons ISAAC GREGORYCASIN M. GREGORYDORRAS GREGORY, and NELSON B. GREGORY share & share alike.

Lastly I nominate my Son ISAAC GREGORY & my friend CALEB PERKINS my whole & sole exec. To this my Last Will & Testament.


Her x mark

Signed & sealed in

Presence of us



Camden County Court

May Term 1823

This was exhibited in open Court & proved to be the Last Will and Testament of ELIZABETH GREGORY dec’d by the oath of HANNAH GODFREY a subscribing witness thereto and ISAAC GREGORY one of the Executors therein named appeared & qualified as Executor thereto. Ordered to be Recorded.



Will Book C

Pages 18, 19

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






October 21, 1753

In the name of God Amen I JUDITH GREGORY being very sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to almight God for it do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testement in maner and form as followeth that is to say furst I recommend my soul to God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried at the discracion of my Exc…hereafter menthened——–

Iom. I give and bequeath to my well belove Son ISAAC GREGORY my new Desk

Iom. I give and bequeath to my beloved friend MARY LOYED one cow and cluf and one three year old hefer and two head of sheep and all my gees and one new coten gown and three head of yong cattel of two years old apeas.

Iom. I give and bequath all the rest of my estat that shall beleft after my lawfull debts be paid to be equally devided betwose my four children ISAAC, DEMSEY, MARY and LOVEY except my waring cloath to be equally devid between my two Daughters MARY and LOVEY.

And likewise I ordain and constute and apint my well beloved Brother JOSEPH MORGEN to be my whole and sole Executer of this my Last Will and Testement as witness my hand and seal this 21th day of October 1753.


Sined sealed and published

In presencce of us




As it happened to be forgoten in the body of my will to order the desposhal of my childern of mak this adishon my will and desir is that my exec.t take these of my children ISAACDEMSEY and MARY and keep them and there estates tel thay arafe to full age or marry and likwise my desir is that my beloved Daughter issies WILL Son have my Daughters LOVEY and my will is that my children may not be removed nor suppeted to Chase Gardens as witness my hand and seal

North Carolina

Pasquotank County

January Court Anno Dom 1754

Present His Majesties Justices 

???? that WILLIAM BURGES Esq. Appeared in open Court and made & oath on the Holy Evangelist that he was present and saw JUDITH GREGORY sign seal publish and declare the within to be her Last Will and Testament, and that she was then of sound and disposing memory and that he also saw JOHN EVERIGIN and SAMUEL SCOTT, the other Evidoneois(?) sign their names thereto at the same time then appeared JOSEPH MORGAN Exer. And Relinquished his right to MARK GREGORY thereupon it was ordered that MARK GREGORY have the Admin. with Will annexed ??? security in one hundred pounds proclamation money declared that the Honorable JIMPS(?) MURRAY Esq. Secretary have ???? that Letters issue dated at the Clerkes Office the 12th day of January 1754

Test: Tho. Taylor.

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse