May 19, 1823

In the name of God Amen. I MOURNING SEYMORE of the County of Camden & State of N. Carolina, being in a low state of health but in perfect mind & memory, calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all once to die, do make and ordain this my Last Will & Testament principally and first of all I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body to be buried in decent christian burial, at the discretion of my exer. Hereafter to be named, nothing doubting but I shall receive the same, and as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with in this life I give, devise & dispose of the same in the following manner & form.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son SETH SEYMORE, one gun & one large powder horn to him and his heirs forever, and also my crop that is now planted on his part of the plantation.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son JOHN SEYMORE the sum of Five dollars to be paid him out of my estate by my Exe. At his arriving to Twenty One Years, and two small powder horns to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my two Daughters MELENY BRAY and DINAH SEYMORE all the residue of my estate within doors & out to be sold & all the proceeds after paying all my just debts to be equally divided between my Daughters aforesaid, share & share alike to them & their heirs forever.

Item. Lastly of all I nominate, make and appoint SETH BELL my whole & sole Executor to this my Last Will and Testament entirely disannuling and revoking all other hitherto by me made in any wise ratifying, confirming & acknowledging this & this only to be my Last & true Will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 19th day of May Anno Dom 1823.


Her x mark

Signed, sealed & acknowledge

In presence of


His x mark


Her x mark

Camden County Court

August Term 1823

This was exhibited in open Court & proved to be the Last Will & Testament of MOURNING SEYMORE dec’d by the oath of SALLY SEYMORE a subscribing witness thereto in due form of law and SETH BELL esqr. an Executor therein named & qualified as Executor thereto by taking the oath prescribed by law. Ordered to be Recorded.



Will Book C

Pages 21, 22

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


ASA TUTTLE (1824 Will)




April 29, 1824

In the name of God Amen, I ASA TUTTLE being of perfect mind and memory but knowing that life is uncertain & death certain do make this my Last Will and Testament, disanuling of all others this the 29 day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Four.

To Wit. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife POLLY one feather bed & furniture, one small chest, beaufat etc. one linnen wheel her choice, one large pot & small one, one pot transmel, one loom & harness, one quilt wheel, six setting chairs, one tea kettle & creeper, one cow & calf her choice, all of my corn pork fish & hogs lard now on hand two of her first choice of the large hogs & also two her first choice of the last winter piggs & one stock of flax to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son in Law ARCHIBALD SAWYER one feather bed & furniture, one blue chest and one heffer my Wife’s choice and sixty dollars after paying all my just debts, to him & his heirs forever.

The balance of my estate after paying my just debts in manner above mentioned to equally divided between my children namely HAPEL (HASSEL?), POLLY, JOSEPH, PETER and ASA TUTTLE to them & their heirs forever. I also nominate and appoint my friend JESSE BELL Executor to this my Last Will and Testament.


His X mark

Sign’d, seal’d in the

Presents of



Camden County

May Term 1824

This Last Will and Testament of ASA TUTTLE dec’d was exhibited & proved in open Court by oath of DANIEL TUTTLE one of the subscribing witnesses thereto—-JESSE BELL the Executor therein named appeared and qualified according to Law. Ordered that the Will be recorded and letters testamentary issue.




Will Book C

Pages 34, 35

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse



Camden County, N.C. Deed Book “T” page 228 and 229

This the twelve day of May Eighteen hundred and twenty eight by and between Isaac Burgess and Polly Burgess his wife and Caleb Bell and his wife Phebe Bell and of the one part and John P. Wright of the other part all of the county of Camden and state of North Carolina. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of forty eight dollars to us in hand paid the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged and we therewith fully satisfied contended and paid. We have bargained and sold and conveyed and do absolutely by these presents bargain sell convey and confirm unto John P. Wright his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land lying in the county aforesaid it being the undivided part of the lands that was formerly of Peter Wright dec’d which desended to us from said Peter Wright after his death and is contained within a tract which is undivided among all the heirs at law of said Peter Wright and which tract is bound as follows. Beginning at a black gum in the head of a branch thence by a line of marked trees northwardly to said Peter Wright old farm thence to a swamp thence down the said swamp the various courses thereof to the mouth of the first mentioned branch hence along the said branch the various courses thereof the stream to the first station containing twenty one acres more or less. It being the lands that the said Peter Wright bought of William Parker by deed bearing date the fifteenth day of October seventeen hundred and ninety eight, to which tract of twenty five acres we are entitiled to one half. To have and to hold the above land and premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise pertaining thereunto free and clear from us our heirs executors admins and assigns to his own proper use benefit and hehoof to him his heirs executors admins and assigns to and with the said John P. Wright his heirs executors admins and assigns to warrant secure and forever depend the above land and premises free and clear from us and each of us and from the lawful claim or claims of any other person or persons whatever. In the witnesses we have each of us hereunto set our hands and seals theday and year above written in presents of.

B. D. Harrison Phebe Bell Isaac Burgess

Polly Burgess

Caleb Bell

This deed from Isaac Burgess & wife Polly Burgess & Caleb Bell & wife Phebe to John P. Wright was acknowledged in open court and Polly Burgess& Phebe Bell being married woman were examined in open court by Benj. D. Harrison esquire privately and apart from their husbands touching their consent to said deed. Which they acknowledged to be signed freely and voluntarily and without and constrain from their husbands.

Registered July 5th 1828

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle


GREGORY, EHRINGHAUS, MACKIE – of Pasquotank and Camden Counties

GREGORY - EHRINGHAUS - MACKIE Family Records - Pasq and Camden NC - 1GREGORY - EHRINGHAUS - MACKIE Family Records - Pasq and Camden NC - 2GREGORY - EHRINGHAUS - MACKIE Family Records - Pasq and Camden NC - 3

Source: Year Book – Volume 4 – Pasquotank Historical Society – Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Compiled and Edited by Edna M. Shannonhouse (1983).



  • Aby Bell departed this life July 31, 1815
  • Sister Salley Morgain departed this life 29 Nov 1815
  • Brother Windsor departed this life 15 Jan 1816
  • Brother Isaac Murdin departed this life 1 May 1817
  • Sister Betsey Tuttle departed this life 17 Oct 1817
  • Sister Sally Dozier departed this life 20 Oct 1817
  • Brother John Morgan died before 1815
  • Sister Mary Dozier wife of Philip departed this life 29 Jan 1818
  • Brother Joseph Tuttle departed this life 9 Feb 1818
  • Sister Susan Baxter departed this life Feb 1818
  • Sister Mary Trafton departed this life 27 Feb 1822
  • Sister Molly Sawyer and Pruella Hastings departed this life Apr 1822
  • Brother Wiloby Jones got burnt to death with brandy Friday about 10 at night 16 Aug 1822
  • Brother William Powers departed this life 13 Jan 1824
  • Sister Salley Collins departed this life 24 Jan 1824
  • Brother Asa Tuttle departed this life 30 Apr 1824
  • Brother Thomas Etheridge departed this life 22 June 1824
  • Sister Dency Taylor departed this life July 1824
  • Brother Cason Moressett departed this life 11 Mar 1825
  • Sister Susanah Sanderlin departed this life 13 Nov 1825
  • Brother Henry Lamb departed this life 25 Jan 1825
  • Sister Frankey Jones departed this life 11 May 1826
  • Sister Keziah Cartwright departed this life 27Aug 1826
  • Brother ? Elias McCoy departed this life 18 Jan 1827
  • Sister Sarah Granger departed this life 3 Jan 1828
  • Sister Polly Lamb wife of John departed this life 9 Sept 1829
  • Sister Peggy Williams departed this life Feb 1830
  • Sister Comfort Merry ? departed this life 9 Feb 1830
  • Sister Mary Sivils departed this life 1 Mar 1830
  • Sister Ann Sikes departed this life 11 Sept 1830
  • Sister Elizabeth Etheridge departed this life 21 Oct 1830
  • Brother Lemuel Gregory departed this life 11 Mar 1831
  • Sister Mikel Cooper departed this life 30 Mar 1832
  • Sister Gracy Dozier departed this life May 1832
  • Brother Kenion Jun 1832
  • Sister Nancy Kallam 28 Oct 1832
  • Sister Frankey Etheridge Nov 1832
  • Sister Alef Williams departed this life 15 Dec 1833
  • Brother Abner Humphries departed this life 24 Dec 1833
  • Sister Charity Divers departed this life 2 Jan 1834
  • Sister Milly Nash departed this life 11 Jan 1834
  • Sister Susanah Grandy departed this life 16 Jan 1834
  • Brother I. E. Dozier departed this life 30 Jan 1834
  • Sister Nancy Gregory departed this life 26 Nov 1834
  • Brother Joseph Jones departed this life 2 Sep 1835
  • Sister Meriam Sawyer departed this life 21 Aug 1835
  • Sister Mcpherson departed this life 11 Aug 1837
  • Sister Lovey Sawyer departed this life 11 Nov 1838
  • Sister Polly Dozier departed this life 27 May 1839
  • Sister Alif Sanderlin departed this life 24 Jun 1839
  • Sister Alif Sanderlin widow of Griffen
  • Sister Elizabeth Colins departed this life 28 Jan 1840
  • Brother Wiloby Dozier departed this life 24 Feb 1840
  • Sister Susan Faircloth departed this life 18 Mar 1840
  • Sister Lucy Burgess departed this life 29 Mar 1840
  • Brother Smith Mercer departed this life 18 Jan 1841
  • Sister Charity Jarvis departed this life 9 Jun 1841
  • Sister Ruthy Wilder departed this life 4 Apr 1842
  • Sister Henritta Ferrell departed this life 11 Apr 1842
  • Sister Molly Keaton departed this life Mar 1842
  • Sister Nancy Aydlett departed this life Sep 1842
  • Brother Ammon Grandy departed this life 3 Aug 1842
  • Brother Jesse Gregory departed this life 12 Sep 1842
  • Brother Thos’ Jarvis departed this life 5 Nov 1842
  • Brother Richard Jarvis departed this life 9 Nov 1842
  • Brother John D. Grandy departed this life 23 Mar 1843
  • Brother Wilson Parr departed this life 8 Apr 1843
  • Sister Margaret Dozier departed this life 7 Apr 1843
  • Sister Sally Sikes departed this life 18 May 1844
  • Brother Truman Sawyer departed this life 20 Dec 1844
  • Sister Polly Dozier departed this life 24 Dec 1844
  • Sister Lurany Gilbert departed this life 18 Nov 1845
  • Sister Polly Divers departed this life 12 Nov 1845
  • Brother Peter Forbes departed this life Dec 1845
  • Brother Lemuel Wilson departed this life Jan 1846
  • Brother Reddick Sexton departed this life 4 Feb 1846
  • Sister Susan Sawyer wife of Samuel departed this life 1846
  • Brother Isaac Berry departed this life 28 Nov 1846
  • Sister Mary ? Jolber departed this life 8 Apr 1847
  • Brother Jno. Humphries departed this life 25 Oct 1847
  • Brother Wm. Aydlett departed this life 17 Dec 1847
  • Brother Josiah West departed this life Feb 1852
  • Sister Seney Jones departed this life 1836
  • Sister Gracey Williams departed this life 1836
  • Sister Polly Tuttle departed this life 1837
  • Brother Willis Upton departed this life 1837

Contributed by: Darleen F. Ricci

Record provided by Thalia T. Jones