December 11, 1822

In the name of God Amen ! I SALLY SANDERLIN of the County of Camden & State of N. Carolina, being sick & weak in body, but of sound mind & memory thanks be to God for the same, do this Eleventh day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Two, make and ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following that is to say.

Item. I give & bequeath to my Daughter POLLY SANDERLIN one trunk to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I leave all the remainder of my estate within & without to be sold on six months credit and after paying my just debts & the remainder to be equally divided between my five children that is to say ISAAC SANDERLIN & BETSY SANDERLIN & CALEB SANDERLIN Son of my Husband FERBY SANDERLIN dec’d POLLY SANDERLINWELTHY SANDERLIN BRITTANIA SANDERLIN to have an equal share with my five children as above named.

Lastly I appoint my friend CORNELIUS WRIGHT my Executor to this my Last Will & Testament disanulling all others before this made & acknowledging this to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above written.


Her x mark

Sealed, signed, published & declared

By the testator to be her Last

Will & Testament in presence of us



Her x mark


Her x mark


Her x mark

Camden County Court

May Term 1823

This was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will & Testament of SALLY SANDERLIN by the oath of JOSE BURGES a subscribing witness thereto—-and CORNELIUS WRIGHT an Executor therein named appeared & qualified by taking the oath prescribed by law. Ordered to be recorded.



Will Book C

Page 21

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






June 12, 1823

In the name of God Amen. I LEMUEL STANDLY of the county of Camden & State of North Carolina being weak in body but of perfect sound mind and memory thanks be given unto God and calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament.

Item. I lend the use of all my lands, stock, household and kitchen furniture to my dearly beloved Wife RHODA STANDLY during her natural life or widowhood after selling enough of my estate to pay all my just debts & lawful expences such articles as my Executor shall think proper and at her death or marriage as hereafter named.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my dearly beloved Son THOMAS B. STANDLY my tract of land down the River near Raymonds Creek containing by estimation fifty acres to him and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever.

Its further my will that at my Wife death or marriage the residue of my estate to be sold and equally divided amongst my children JOHN FORBES, THOMAS B. STANDLYSARAH STANDLY & MARY ANN STANDLY to them and their heirs lawfully begotten of their bodies forever.

Its further my will that if my Son JOHN S. FORBES should not have no heir lawfully begotten of his body or die before he comes to lawful age that his part should be equally divided amongst the surviving heirs above named.

Last of all I appoint and denominate my faithful friend SILAS FORBES and THOMAS STANDLY to be my whole and sole Executors. This 12th day of June 1823.


Signed and sealed and

Acknowledged in presence

Of us



His x mark

Camden County Court

August Term 1824

This Last Will & Testament of LEMUEL STANDLEY dec’d was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of JOSE BURGES a subscribing witness thereto. And THOMAS STANDLEY one of the Executors therein named appeared and qualified according to Law. Oredered that the Will be recorded and letters Testamentary issue.




Will Book C

Pages 37, 38

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






February 25, 1755

North Carolina Pasquotank County

I PHILLIP TORKSEY being very sick and weak of body but of perfet sence and memory thanks be to God for it do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in maner form as followeth that is to say first I recominend my soul to God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried at the descreution of my Exect. Hereafter mentioned.

Itom. I give and bequeth to my beloved Brother —— TORKSEY one two year old hefer.

Itom. I give and bequeth to my beloved Brother JOHN TORKSEY one two year old heiffer.

Itom. I give and bequith to my beloved Cosen MAIGIL(?) REED(?) one negro boy Daniel at the decese of my Wife to her and her haire for ever.

Itom. I give and bequeth to my well beloved Wife (blacked out) of my estate both rail and pal?????.

And I appint and ordain my beloved Wife ELIZEBETH to be my whole and sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and do utterly disannul all other Wills by me made and acknowledge this to be my Last Will and Testament as witness my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of Feb. 1755. Elizbeth and ???? was underlined before sined.


Sined seled and published

In presence of


ABEL GALLOP jurat Exe. Qualifed

His “A” Mark

Benjeman Torksey

His X Mark


North Carolina

Pasquotank County

June Court Anno Dom 1755

Present His Majesties Justices

These may Cortesie that Abel Gallop one of the Evidonce to the within Will appeared in open Court and made Oath that the said PHILLIP TORKSEY sign seal publish and declard the within ??????? this Last Will and Testament and that the said PHILLIP TORKSEY was at that time of sound and disposing memory and that —– said the other evidonce sign ????? ???? Then appeared ELIZABETH TORKSEY Executrix and duly qualified as the said ?????? that the Honorable Henry McCullock(?) Esq. Secretary Notary(?) that letters ?????????

Test. Thos. Taylor 


Letters issued

30th of June 1755

in Pasquotank County

Copied from NC State Archives

Probate of Wills

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


JOHN TORKSEY (1747 Will)




November 10, 1745

 In the name of God Amen I JOHN TORKSEY of Pasquotank County in the Province of North Carolina being sickly and weak of body but of perfet mind and memory thanks be given unto God for it calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is apinted for all men to die do mak and ordain this my Last Will and Testement that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul in to the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried at the descration of my executers and as tuching such worldly estate whore with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I dispose of in the following manner and form—–

Itom. I give and bequith to my well beloved THOMAS TORKSEY one negro man named Bossen and eight burels of pork thet he owes me and one feather bed to him and his heirs for ever.

Itom. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Son BENJAMAN TORKSEY the plentation that I now live on and all the land thar unto belonging and one feather bed to him and his heirs for ever.

Itom. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughters ELIZABETH and SUSANE — negros if there be to many of my negro woman named Jeane with ??? self and her two childern Pegg and Wappen and thare encrease betwn this and tim of delivery and if not to memey what there is liven at the time and if thare be more then fore of the sead negros my said Dafters to have which fore thay please to them and hares lawfull begotten of thare one bodys and if my childern that are liven and my will and desire is that shall not recive thare said negros nor devide them tel such time my youngest Dafter SUSANE arrives to the age of eighteen years or the day of marrye only my will and desir is that my Daughter ELIAZBETH shall have the use of the sd. negro garl Pegg at the day of marrye tel the time of devition then to be equelly devided between them likewise I give and bequeath my two Daughters each of them a good ??? furniture and a stone jugg at the day of mariage likewise my will and desir is that if ?? are be a negro or negros of the sd. Jeane and her childern and theire in creese then the fore apinted for my two Daughters to be equilly devided between my two Sons THOMAS and BENJAM and the rest of my estate to be equally divided among my four childern above named likwise I constitute make and ordain my two Sons above named my hole and sole Executere of this my Last Will and Testement and I do utterly dissalow ?????(to dark) testament heretofore as witness my hand and seal above written


His “E” Mark

(the E is backwards)

sined sealed and acknowledge

in presents of us



His Mark


His Mark

North Carolina

Pasquotank County

April Court Anno Dom 1747

Present His Majesties Justices

There may ???? Wm. Burgess(?) Wright(?) two subscribing Evidones to the within Will appared in Opon Court and made Oath upon Holy Evangelist that they ware presant and saw JOHN TORKSEY sign seal publish (too dark) to be his Last Will & Testament, and that the said JOHN TORKSEY was at said time of sound disposing memory and that they also saw Abasana Perkins the other subscribing ??? sign his name thereto at the same time.Then also approved BENJAMIN TORKSEY Executor and took the Oath appointed for his qualification & ordered (too dark) Honorable N. ????? Esq. Secretary —– Notice that letters may issue

Witness Thomas Taylor Clerk of County Court at Broomfwtosthe (Broomfield?)

Thos. Taylor Clerk

5th day of July 1747

Copied from NC State Archives

Probate of Wills

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse



Deed Book  B

page   6. Jan. 20, 1779 John Sawyer to James Johnson…John Sawyer here unto moving….for 500 pds. 10 a. of land & swamp…north side of Sawyers Creek. witt. Samuel Ferill & Thomas Perkins
39. Jan. 9, 1779 … Dempsey Sawyer Admins. of the estate of Theophilious Gregory… Richard Gregory..part of a tract of land that Theo…bought of Davis Grandy & in will that the land be sold. …..for 150 pds the land near the head of Sawyers Creek Sw binding James Sawyer, Malachi Grandy, Philip Gregory…50 a. witt. Joseph Morrisette & Isaac Seborn
44. Barbara Powell to Stephen Sawyer..1,000 pds 50 a. bounded by John Peddnick, Dempsey Burgess, John Griffin, George Ferill decs., John Gilbert, Henry Miller, Joseph Jones and me, Barbara Powell. Jan. 5, 1779

 51. Tully Sawyer & wife Ruth to Willis Sawyer for 100 pds , land on the Mill Dam prong of Arranuse Creek ..containing 51 a. begining at a willow by the well in the head of a branch near the house and running near north 1/4 mile thence S.E. to Ivey Neck then to the branch…
115. Oct. 9, 1779 Lewis Sawyer to Jacob Sawyer for 1,000 pds. 40 a. binding Ferills pocosin, Ross line to Solly’s line…
172. Feb 7, 1781 Willis Gregory to James Sawyer 10,000 pds. State money, 50 a. land in North River Swamp bounded by Noah Gregory…
176. Dempsey Sawyer, Sheriff of Camden County to Dempsey Burgess March 12, 1781. Goods, chattel,tenements & lands of Thomas McKnight late of said County. (McKnight was a Tory during the Rev. War. He left the county and went back to England.) Mc Knight’s land …on the public road in the neighborhood of the Down River Chapel. bounded by the road, John Wright, Brockett, Torksey….60 a. tract of land formerly sold by Peter Brown to said Thomas McKnight. 1,000 pds…..
186. May 29, 1781 Macke Morgan & Ann, his wife , to Thomas Sawyer.. for 200 Spanish Milled dollars  40 a. given to Ann by her father Joseph Humphries…
187 Caleb Grandy Jr. to Thomas Sawyer, Feb. 20, 1781..Tract of land that said Caleb Grandy Jr. bought of Jesse Godfrey called the New Survey on North River. Bounded by James Dauge, Caleb Dauge… Ezekiel Sanderlin that he bought of John Humphries, Thomas Sawyer, Joseph Mercer & Peggy Nash.
192. June 17, 1781 – William Burgess to Richard Sawyer for 72 pds. 58 1/2 a. ..tract sold by Dempsey Burgess to Costain Barco & by Barco to William Burgess.
211. June 17, 1781 Richard Sawyer Jr. to Lemuel Crain alias Linton for 60 pds. 37 a.. The land conveyed by Jarvis Jones to Richard Sawyer…… .

DEEDS Book C  

Pg.   4. Joshua Sawyer for 50 pds. gold to Joseph Godfree (Godfrey)….N.E. side of Pasq. River. A tract pattent to Joseph Guilford..beginning at a branch before Joseph Godfree’s door thence up the branch to Nathan Bell’s Thomas Smith thence down into Beech Neck to Robert Harrison’s line. Dec. 31, 1781
  8. Dec 28, 1780 Authur (Arthur) Sawyer to John Hammon for 500 pds 50 a… Beginning on the western side of Sawyer’s Creek thence to… it being all the southern part of the land agreeable to the last will & testament of John Sawyer Jur. decs.(Pasq. Will Book HIK p. 391 Aug. 1771) witt. Caleb Grandy & Phillip Morgan
12. Willis Gregory & Mary his wife, 200 dollars species to Coston Sawyer land bounded by Peter Dauge, north to swamp & North River then up river opposite a hickory to James Sawyer’s line thence to Peter Dauge’s line 150 a. ..being part of a larger tract formerly belonging to Mark Gregory. witt. Thomas Nickols & Peter Dauge (Dozier)
13. Coston Sawyer & wife Rhodah for 200 pds. to Willis Gregory…beginning in..branch of Mill Dam Swamp between James Sanderlin’s line & mine to William Humphries land & Thomas Nickols land to a line tree by a pole bridge it being part of a larger tract formerly belonging to Joseph Jones & by him conveyed to John Jones by deed March 7, 1782
18. Joshua Sawyer for 25 pds. to Nathan Bell, tract of land granted to Joseph Guliford. Beginning at a maple in Cabin Neck Branch down to Joseph Godfree’s a line formerly belonging to William Anderson now Thomas Smith’s line and Robert Harrison’s corner 20 a. Dec. 12, 1781 witt. Asa Burgess, Joseph Godfrey & Isaac Godfrey
22. May 18, 1782, Thomas Sawyer to Luke Lamb for 100 pds. 90 a. head of Sawyer’s Creek. Beginning at..oak by edge of a branch to Amon Grandy’s ditch at the old Road, thence westerly as the ditch runs to a corner tree of Richard Sawyer’s pattent. Thence a southerly course to a pine that was formerly Willis L. ?..mans line. witt. Isaac Lamb & Benj. Brown
20. June 27,1780 Isaac Gregory to Dempsey Sawyer for 50 pds 178 a. land near the head of the east prong of Aranuse Creek. witt. Joseph Gray & John Gray
49. Coston Sawyer for 50 pds. to Peter Dauge 30 a. formerly belonging to Willis Gregory and conveyed by him to Coston Sawyer 1783..?
  57. Authur Sawyer to Caleb Grandy Jr. Aug. 1, 1783 for 60 pds. 50 a. high ground & swamp bounded by James Johnson’s on the southwest binding Johnsons land that he bought of John Sawyer Jr. deces. then east binding the land laid off for Millar Sawyer, orphan of John Sawyer Sen. deces. to the creek. Then up the creek & swamp binding Luke Lamb & the old causeway …& Caleb Grandy’s deeds they had from Thomas Perkins. Thence west to Authur & Millard Sawyer’s line….witt. Caleb Gregory & John Hammond.
  81. Feb. 17, 1783 Joseph Sawyer to Ammon Grandy for 50 pds. 65 a. beginning near the ditch on the Lake Road binding Williams line on a Easterly course to Humphries line then binding John Murden pattent…witt. Caleb Grandy Jr. & Levi Sawyer
  82. March 15, 1782 (COURT HOUSE DEED) Thomas Sawyer & Margaret Sawyer, his mother to Lemuel Sawyer, Isaac Gregory, Dempsey Burgess, Caleb Grandy & Joseph Jones …..a plot of ground to build a Court House, prison, and stocks for the county. witt. Thomas Humphries Cornealious Gray
  90 Sylvanus Sawyer to Edward Upton, Jan. 4,1783 for 50 pds ….being the land I bought of Robert Gray, 100 a. begining at a sweet gum on Luke Lamb’s Mill pond then binding on Benjamin Brown’s line to a line of marked trees to Joseph Sawyer’s line thence down to the creek swamp…Sylvanus Sawyer, wife Mary Sawyer
  98. March 18, 1769 Pasquotank Co. Sylvanus Sawyer exect. to the last will & testament of Col. Griffith Jones deces. to Isaac Gregory.Whereas the said Griffith Jones by his will…dated Oct 27, 1766 to sell the estate & divide among his seven children. Exectors appointed Sylvanus Sawyer & Samuel Swan…..Samuel Swan being deces. on the 18, Mar. 1769…did expose to public auction…land known by the name of Ivey Neck 50a. bounded by Jacob Jones line close to the side of a beech ridge up line to swamp to Isaac Gregory’s line…the land Griffith Jones deces. bought of William Hughes. witt. Charles Grandy & Mirriam Sawyer
99. Sept 24, 1782 Caleb Sawyer to William Perry, 60pds 25 a.  .. mouth of a branch that forks out of a bever dam & up branch to water oak. witt. Lodwick Williams & Coston Sawyer
121. Lemuel Sawyer Grant Aug 18, 1783 – 28 a. beginning at an old cypress a small distance below River Bridge at the riverside thence running south to Relfs pattent to Jonathan Hearrings house thence sw thence back to river.
127. Richard Sawyer Grant – 475 a. Beginning at River Swamp bounded by James McDonald’s grant…John Murden to Jennings Ridge west to Thornton Gray’s line thence binding Joshua Parrisho’s Grant ..thence back to McDonald’s old pattent….Oct. 27, 1784

Abstracted and Contributed by: D. G. Owens


Camden County, North Carolina

page 13. John Sanderlin of Pasquotank…110 pds. to Joshua Sawyer… tract of land situated on N.E. side of Pasq. River bounded as follows…Brockett’s corner tree at head of swamp,..Wright’s line, Faircliff (Faircloth?) line.. 50 a. of land that Thomas Faircliff gave to Edward Faircliff..afterward belonging to William Bray then conveyed to John Sanderlin. Nov.6, 1775. Witts. Adam Forbes and Thomas Rhoades.

  15. Joshua Sawyer Of Pasquotank for 40 pds. to Joseph O’Daniel…..50 a. tract N.E. side of Pasq.River….Mouth of a branch that forks out of a Beaver Dam and up branch to Abel Gallop’s line to Charles Britians corner to 1st station. Oct. 15, 1775..Camden Court 1777

  16. Joshua Sawyer of Pasq. for 100 pds to Thomas Upton of Pasq….tract of land on the N.E. side of Pasq. River…granted by Bailey Needham to Cornelious Jones….butted and bounded as was divided to Thomas Needham by his brother….all that part except 5 a. that was conveyed to Phillip Torksey. The remaining land contained by and in begining at the river binding said Torksey’s line to Abel Gallop’s line to a corner pine of Joseph   ? to 1st station. 70 a. Oct 18, 1775

  23. Sept. 15, 1777….Robin (Robert) Gray of Camden to Silvanus (Sylvanus) Sawyer for 100 pds. a tract of land begining at a gum in Luke Lamb”s Mill pond thence W. Nw. course to Joseph Sawyer’s line thence along line to the branch thence to Creek Swamp, then binding the Mill pond to the 1st station. witts. James Sanderlin & Cornelious Sawyer.

  24. Sept 11, 1777…Robert Gray to Corneilous Sawyer for 100 pds… begining at the branch along Creek Swamp to a branch joining Sill’s (Sylvanus) line & Lisha (Elisha) Sawyer’s branch. witts. James Sanderlin& Silvanus Sawyer

  33. Sept 10, 1777..Robert Gray & Mary Gray for 50 pds. to Joel Sawyer…tract of land, N.E. side of Pasq. River joining Tull Sawyer’s line, Joseph Jones line to River Swamp. It being the same tract that Nathaniel Gray Pattened. 50 a. . witts. Jeremiah Leake, Maxey Leake and Thomas Gray.

  65. Oct 18, 1777 James Sanderlin, wheelwright of the county of Camden& Joshua Sawyer, planter of said county for 100 pds..100 a. pattened by Thomas Taylor and bounded by David Spence’s corner at the river side thence along line to Joseph O’Daniel’s line to 1st station. witt. Henry Forbes, Joshua Burnham & Rebecca Curlin.

  67. Joshua Sawyer, planter to James Sanderlin, wheelwright , for 110 pds….tract of land bounded as follows…begining at a pine formerly Brockett’s corner near the head of the swamp…thence to Wright’s Faircliff’s line down to the the Run. Being the 50 a. Thomas Faircliff gave in a deed to Edward Faircliff, afterward belonging to William Bray, then John Sanderlin to said Joshua Sawyer togeather with all houses, cleared land and woodland. Oct. 18, 1777

68. Dempsey Sawyer of Pasq. to Joseph Jones of Pasq., May 6, 1773 , for 90 pds… that was once granted to James Mc Daniel & by his assigned to Thomas Sawyer & by Thomas Sawyer & Robert Spence conveyed to Caleb Sawyer who died and fell to his son John Sawyer & by John Sawyer conveyed by deed of gift to said Dempsey Sawyer and now Joseph Jones 100 a. Beginning at a tree formerly Koen and now Ammon Grandy’s corner binding east to a line formerly Richards, thence southerly to a line formerly Edward Williams. witts. William Burgess, James Ferebee

  79. Mar.7, 1778, Truman Sawyer planter to Levi Sawyer for 400pds. 50 a. binding Ross’s line to Solley’s thence to swamp. witt. James Sanderlin & Costen Sawyer

  80. James Sanderlin, mariner, to Truman Sawyer, planter, for 400 pds. 60 a. N.E. side of Pasq. River . Beginning at a corner known by the name of John Scott’s corner to a beech on the Lakeside binding on a oak at Richards corner to the 1st station…home,garden,orchard…ect…witt. Caleb Sawyer & Costen Sawyer

  82. March 7, 1778 Lewis Sawyer,planter to James Sanderlin, marriner for 400pds…tract of land 50 a. N.E. side ofPasq. River on the head of Arenuse Creek. ..It being part of a tract of land formerly belonging to John Winn & conveyed from Howard to Albertson & from Alberson to Williams & from Williams to Sawyer & from C. Sawyer to Lewis Sawyer..and bounded as follows. Begining at a gum in the Milldam Swamp thence to a line of trees that divide C. Sawyer & his son Lewis to a branch on William Humphries line thence to John Jones line to 1st station. signed Lewis Sawyer & Sophyer (Sophia) Sawyer, wife.

  88. October 31, 1776 Joseph Relfe of Pasq. to Lemuel Sawyer for 280 pds 150 a. tract on N.E. side of Pasq. River. Begining at John Relefe’s landing on Sawyer’s Creek thence running a small distance down the creek to Joseph Jones line thence binding Jones line a northerly course so as the lane runs to William McCoys corner at Horn Ridge thence easterly to James Ferebee’s line thence westerly along said Ferebee’s Plantation then westward along causeway or road to the foot of a lane then binding the swamp& creek to the landing.

  90. Joshua Sawyer & Mary Sawyer, his wife , for 400 pds. to Isaac Gregory…on the fork of Arnuse Creek 150 a. on the main road bounded by Job Sawyer, Dempsey Sawyer’s line near an old field called the “New Ground” thence along branch to the main road at a bridge thence down the main swamp to the mouth of a branch laying where Willie Wilson’s old bridge is, thence running up the eastside of the branch to the main road. Witt. Christopher Snail & Malachi Grandy

  91. Malachi Grandy & Dorothy, his wife, of Camden to Joshua Sawyer, a tract of land granted by pattent to Joseph Gilford. Begining at a branch before Jacob Gilford’s door, thence up said branch to pattent line to a lane that was made for William Andrews thence to the pocoson to the branch. 80 a. Feb. 9, 1778. witt. Isaac Grandy & Christopher Snail

107. Joshua Sawyer to Job Sawyer for 60 pds a part of the plantation that fell to said Joshua Sawyer by the death of his father…begining on the road side of Lenard Williams corner to Dempsey Sawyer line to 1st station 15 a. Joshua Sawyer & wife Mary. Oct. 1, 1777 witt. Theophilius Gregory & Joshua Godfrey. 121. Aug. 19, 1778 Charles Grandy to Tully Sawyer 150 pds. that I bought of Samuel Ferill that was formerly the property of Isaac Albertson decs. & the land that was formerly Elias Albertson decs. bounded on the eastmost by Col. Isaac Gregory & on the north by the Mill pond branch and swamp…

123. Coston Sawyer & Rhoda, his wife, to Thomas Nickols for 25 pds…land bounded by swamp near Sawyer’s house to Col. Dauge’s road near William Humphries line. 14 a. formerly belonging to John Jones and conveyed to Coston Sawyer Sept.14, 1778.

Abstracted and Contributed by: D. G. Owens


Division 1833

Camden County, N.C. Deed book “U” pages 514 & 515

Camden County, In obedience to the annext order of Court we the commissioners therein named have met on the lands named in said order on the 26th of January 1833 and have proceeded to divide and appropreate said land among the heirs in the following manner.

Lot 1- Containing 59 acres commencing at a marked pine in Polly Godfreys line thence south ward accross to the beaver dam swamp. All between said line and Isaac Harrisons line and containing the land over the road that said Wright bought of Michael Gray to Leah Wright.

Lot 2 – Containing 49 ½ acres beginning at a stake in Polly Godfreys line thence south ward accross to the beaver dam swamp. All the lands between said line and the line of Leah Wright to Jane Wright.

Lot 3- Containing 46 acres it being all the lands between said Jane Wrights line, Polly Godfreys line and Seth Wright’s heirs line and the beaver dam swamp to Benjamin H. Gregory in right of his wife Susan

And each of the claiments to have all the swamp against their respective shares of their land.

Given under our hands the day above written.

Silas Forbes, seal

Jacob Forbes, seal

H. Williams, seal

J.G. Burgess, seal

Nov. Term 1835 Ordered by the court that the written report be conformed as to Susan Wright’s part in the lands of Levi Wright dec’d

C.G. Lamb, clerk

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle




Camden County, N.C. Deed book “X”, pages 15 and 16

Camden County Court Nov. Term 1839

To the worshipful the Justices of the court aforesaid the petition of Nathanial Wright, Ebergean Davis and wife Phebe of full age, Peter Wright, John Wright, Thomas Wright and Margaret Wright heirs at law of John Wright. Respectfully show that they are tenants in comman of a tract of land in said county bounded by lands of Phebe Torskey, Isaac Tillets heirs and lands of Peter Saymour containing about one hundred acres and they pray your worships to appoint commissioners to make division among them and your petitioners.

C.R. Kenny, sol

Camden County Court Nov. Term 1839

Ordered that the prayer of the petition be granted and that John Burgess, Abner Forbes, Peter Saymour, Charles Taylor and John J. Forbes be appointed commissioners to divid the lands named in the petition and make report thereof to the court.

29th Nov. 1839 A true copy, C.G. Lamb, clerk

State of North Carolina, Camden County

We the commissioners in obedience to an order of court to us have this day March 6th, 1840 proceeded to set apart and divide the lands of John Wright dec’d amongst his lawful heirs in manner following.

Lot 1- Beginning at the gate at the main road running south 7 W 11 ½ chs to a stake thence S25 W to a head of a sleuth thence running down the middle of said sleuth to a branch thence running up an eastwardly course to the fork of a branch thence up the N.E. spring of said branch to a blown up gum thence to main road and along it to the first station containing 20 acres more or less, valued at two hundred and twenty five dollars, to Peter Wright.

Lot 2- Commencing at a stake at the stable and running No67W to a pine at the swamp binding Nathan Bells line to the main road thence accross the main road along a line of marked trees to an oak and beach at a pine stump thence S50E3 chs and 80 links to a pine thence S41E3 chs 56 links to a gum S67E1 ch 67 links to a maple N66E2 chs to a gum No69E2chs and 90 links to an oak thence S18E6 chs to an oak thence S15E to the road down the road to the gate thence S7W11 ½ chs along Lot no. 1 to the first station, containing sixteen acres more or less, valued at one hundred and fifty dollars, to John Wright.

Lot 3- Beginning at the corner of Lot no. 1 & 2 running S25W to mouth of a sleuth thence down said sleuth to a branch thence down center of the westwardly branch to the swamp thence up the said swamp to Lot no 2 at a pine thence S67E along a line of No. 2 to first station containing 25 acres more or less, valued at one hundred and twenty five dollars, to Thomas Wright.

Lot 4- Commencing at a gum and beach of Lot no. 3 running down the branch of Lot no. 3 to the fork of said branch thence down the southerly branch to a cypress at the river thence westwardly along the river to the center of the swamp thence up said swamp to line of J. Tillets heirs to the first station containing 32 acres more or less and valued at one hundred and twenty five dollars, to Ebergean Davis in right of his wife Phebe.

Lot 5- Beginning at a cypress at the river in line of Lot no. 4, thence eastwardly along the center of the swamp to a ditch thence northerly along said ditch binding the line pf Phebe Torskey 14 chs and 37 links to a crab apple tree thence S72W to the mouth of a branch to a maple thence binding said branch to the first station cypress at the river containing 30 acres more or less and valued at one hundred and fifty dollar, to Nathanial Wright.

Lot 6- Beginning at the crab apple tree of Lot no. 5 down said branch to the fork of the branch of Lot no. 1 thence up the NE branch of Lot no. 1 to a blown up gum thence along Phebe Torskeys line to the first station apple tree containing twenty eight and one half acres more or less valued at one hundred and twenty five dollars, to Margaret Wright.

And we further say that Lot no.1 pay to Lot no. 3, 4 & 6 twenty fives dollars each.

Given under our hands and seals day and date first above written. Signed in the presents of Tho. N. Berry, sheriff

J.T Burgess, seal

Abner Forbes, seal

Charles Taylor, seal

Camden County Court May term 1840

This division of the lands of John Wright dec’d was returned to court and ordered registered and confirmed.

Test C.G. Lamb, clerk

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle



Camden County, N.C. Deed Book “T” page 228 and 229

This the twelve day of May Eighteen hundred and twenty eight by and between Isaac Burgess and Polly Burgess his wife and Caleb Bell and his wife Phebe Bell and of the one part and John P. Wright of the other part all of the county of Camden and state of North Carolina. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of forty eight dollars to us in hand paid the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged and we therewith fully satisfied contended and paid. We have bargained and sold and conveyed and do absolutely by these presents bargain sell convey and confirm unto John P. Wright his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land lying in the county aforesaid it being the undivided part of the lands that was formerly of Peter Wright dec’d which desended to us from said Peter Wright after his death and is contained within a tract which is undivided among all the heirs at law of said Peter Wright and which tract is bound as follows. Beginning at a black gum in the head of a branch thence by a line of marked trees northwardly to said Peter Wright old farm thence to a swamp thence down the said swamp the various courses thereof to the mouth of the first mentioned branch hence along the said branch the various courses thereof the stream to the first station containing twenty one acres more or less. It being the lands that the said Peter Wright bought of William Parker by deed bearing date the fifteenth day of October seventeen hundred and ninety eight, to which tract of twenty five acres we are entitiled to one half. To have and to hold the above land and premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise pertaining thereunto free and clear from us our heirs executors admins and assigns to his own proper use benefit and hehoof to him his heirs executors admins and assigns to and with the said John P. Wright his heirs executors admins and assigns to warrant secure and forever depend the above land and premises free and clear from us and each of us and from the lawful claim or claims of any other person or persons whatever. In the witnesses we have each of us hereunto set our hands and seals theday and year above written in presents of.

B. D. Harrison Phebe Bell Isaac Burgess

Polly Burgess

Caleb Bell

This deed from Isaac Burgess & wife Polly Burgess & Caleb Bell & wife Phebe to John P. Wright was acknowledged in open court and Polly Burgess& Phebe Bell being married woman were examined in open court by Benj. D. Harrison esquire privately and apart from their husbands touching their consent to said deed. Which they acknowledged to be signed freely and voluntarily and without and constrain from their husbands.

Registered July 5th 1828

Contributed by: Harry Schoettle