Camden County, North Carolina
page 13. John Sanderlin of Pasquotank…110 pds. to Joshua Sawyer… tract of land situated on N.E. side of Pasq. River bounded as follows…Brockett’s corner tree at head of swamp,..Wright’s line, Faircliff (Faircloth?) line.. 50 a. of land that Thomas Faircliff gave to Edward Faircliff..afterward belonging to William Bray then conveyed to John Sanderlin. Nov.6, 1775. Witts. Adam Forbes and Thomas Rhoades.
15. Joshua Sawyer Of Pasquotank for 40 pds. to Joseph O’Daniel…..50 a. tract N.E. side of Pasq.River….Mouth of a branch that forks out of a Beaver Dam and up branch to Abel Gallop’s line to Charles Britians corner to 1st station. Oct. 15, 1775..Camden Court 1777
16. Joshua Sawyer of Pasq. for 100 pds to Thomas Upton of Pasq….tract of land on the N.E. side of Pasq. River…granted by Bailey Needham to Cornelious Jones….butted and bounded as was divided to Thomas Needham by his brother….all that part except 5 a. that was conveyed to Phillip Torksey. The remaining land contained by and in begining at the river binding said Torksey’s line to Abel Gallop’s line to a corner pine of Joseph ? to 1st station. 70 a. Oct 18, 1775
23. Sept. 15, 1777….Robin (Robert) Gray of Camden to Silvanus (Sylvanus) Sawyer for 100 pds. a tract of land begining at a gum in Luke Lamb”s Mill pond thence W. Nw. course to Joseph Sawyer’s line thence along line to the branch thence to Creek Swamp, then binding the Mill pond to the 1st station. witts. James Sanderlin & Cornelious Sawyer.
24. Sept 11, 1777…Robert Gray to Corneilous Sawyer for 100 pds… begining at the branch along Creek Swamp to a branch joining Sill’s (Sylvanus) line & Lisha (Elisha) Sawyer’s branch. witts. James Sanderlin& Silvanus Sawyer
33. Sept 10, 1777..Robert Gray & Mary Gray for 50 pds. to Joel Sawyer…tract of land, N.E. side of Pasq. River joining Tull Sawyer’s line, Joseph Jones line to River Swamp. It being the same tract that Nathaniel Gray Pattened. 50 a. . witts. Jeremiah Leake, Maxey Leake and Thomas Gray.
65. Oct 18, 1777 James Sanderlin, wheelwright of the county of Camden& Joshua Sawyer, planter of said county for 100 pds..100 a. pattened by Thomas Taylor and bounded by David Spence’s corner at the river side thence along line to Joseph O’Daniel’s line to 1st station. witt. Henry Forbes, Joshua Burnham & Rebecca Curlin.
67. Joshua Sawyer, planter to James Sanderlin, wheelwright , for 110 pds….tract of land bounded as follows…begining at a pine formerly Brockett’s corner near the head of the swamp…thence to Wright’s Faircliff’s line down to the the Run. Being the 50 a. Thomas Faircliff gave in a deed to Edward Faircliff, afterward belonging to William Bray, then John Sanderlin to said Joshua Sawyer togeather with all houses, cleared land and woodland. Oct. 18, 1777
68. Dempsey Sawyer of Pasq. to Joseph Jones of Pasq., May 6, 1773 , for 90 pds… that was once granted to James Mc Daniel & by his assigned to Thomas Sawyer & by Thomas Sawyer & Robert Spence conveyed to Caleb Sawyer who died and fell to his son John Sawyer & by John Sawyer conveyed by deed of gift to said Dempsey Sawyer and now Joseph Jones 100 a. Beginning at a tree formerly Koen and now Ammon Grandy’s corner binding east to a line formerly Richards, thence southerly to a line formerly Edward Williams. witts. William Burgess, James Ferebee
79. Mar.7, 1778, Truman Sawyer planter to Levi Sawyer for 400pds. 50 a. binding Ross’s line to Solley’s thence to swamp. witt. James Sanderlin & Costen Sawyer
80. James Sanderlin, mariner, to Truman Sawyer, planter, for 400 pds. 60 a. N.E. side of Pasq. River . Beginning at a corner known by the name of John Scott’s corner to a beech on the Lakeside binding on a oak at Richards corner to the 1st station…home,garden,orchard…ect…witt. Caleb Sawyer & Costen Sawyer
82. March 7, 1778 Lewis Sawyer,planter to James Sanderlin, marriner for 400pds…tract of land 50 a. N.E. side ofPasq. River on the head of Arenuse Creek. ..It being part of a tract of land formerly belonging to John Winn & conveyed from Howard to Albertson & from Alberson to Williams & from Williams to Sawyer & from C. Sawyer to Lewis Sawyer..and bounded as follows. Begining at a gum in the Milldam Swamp thence to a line of trees that divide C. Sawyer & his son Lewis to a branch on William Humphries line thence to John Jones line to 1st station. signed Lewis Sawyer & Sophyer (Sophia) Sawyer, wife.
88. October 31, 1776 Joseph Relfe of Pasq. to Lemuel Sawyer for 280 pds 150 a. tract on N.E. side of Pasq. River. Begining at John Relefe’s landing on Sawyer’s Creek thence running a small distance down the creek to Joseph Jones line thence binding Jones line a northerly course so as the lane runs to William McCoys corner at Horn Ridge thence easterly to James Ferebee’s line thence westerly along said Ferebee’s Plantation then westward along causeway or road to the foot of a lane then binding the swamp& creek to the landing.
90. Joshua Sawyer & Mary Sawyer, his wife , for 400 pds. to Isaac Gregory…on the fork of Arnuse Creek 150 a. on the main road bounded by Job Sawyer, Dempsey Sawyer’s line near an old field called the “New Ground” thence along branch to the main road at a bridge thence down the main swamp to the mouth of a branch laying where Willie Wilson’s old bridge is, thence running up the eastside of the branch to the main road. Witt. Christopher Snail & Malachi Grandy
91. Malachi Grandy & Dorothy, his wife, of Camden to Joshua Sawyer, a tract of land granted by pattent to Joseph Gilford. Begining at a branch before Jacob Gilford’s door, thence up said branch to pattent line to a lane that was made for William Andrews thence to the pocoson to the branch. 80 a. Feb. 9, 1778. witt. Isaac Grandy & Christopher Snail
107. Joshua Sawyer to Job Sawyer for 60 pds a part of the plantation that fell to said Joshua Sawyer by the death of his father…begining on the road side of Lenard Williams corner to Dempsey Sawyer line to 1st station 15 a. Joshua Sawyer & wife Mary. Oct. 1, 1777 witt. Theophilius Gregory & Joshua Godfrey. 121. Aug. 19, 1778 Charles Grandy to Tully Sawyer 150 pds. that I bought of Samuel Ferill that was formerly the property of Isaac Albertson decs. & the land that was formerly Elias Albertson decs. bounded on the eastmost by Col. Isaac Gregory & on the north by the Mill pond branch and swamp…
123. Coston Sawyer & Rhoda, his wife, to Thomas Nickols for 25 pds…land bounded by swamp near Sawyer’s house to Col. Dauge’s road near William Humphries line. 14 a. formerly belonging to John Jones and conveyed to Coston Sawyer Sept.14, 1778.
Abstracted and Contributed by: D. G. Owens