JOHN KELLY (1822 Will)




October 1, 1822

In the name of God Amen! I JOHN KELLY of Camden County and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind & memory & knowing that I have to die, think proper to make this my Last Will & Testament—commencing with resigning my soul to God that gave it with a full hope in my redeemer and as to my worlaly(sic) goods, I give and bequeath as follows.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my loveing Wife NANCY, the use of one half of the plantation, whereon I now live, beginning at the south end at the Swamp, and running northerly the width of the plantation, say all to the eastward of the Mill, until it comes half way or includes one half the said lands, with the use of rail timber and firewood off of any of my land to support the same, likewise I give her the use of one half of my mills, until January, Eighteen Hundred & Thirty two, should she live so long, and after that period one third part of the mills during her natural life which is understood to be the case with the plantation. Likewise I give her the choice of two beds & furniture, one green chest, one trunk her choice of two tables, six chaires all the crockery & glass ware, and all the kitchen furniture, one loom, one spinning wheel, one bay mare, two cows & calves her choice, one doz. Steer, four sheep, seven dry (?) hogs her choice two breeding sows, eight shoats her choice, all the poultry, all the crop of flax & two hundred weight rough cotton, one half the present crop of corn & peas, one plough her choice, with harness, two hoes, one ox, one meat stand, & two barrels in the smoke house.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son JAMES the half of the plantation I live on at the north end to be divided by a direct line between him and his Mother, and twenty five acres of Juniper Swamp, one sorrel horse, to him & his heirs forever—-Likewise one half of the mills and my Lake land to him & his heirs forever.

Item. I give to my Son EDMEN BAXTER, the half of my plantation, given to his Mother, that is after her death, and likewise the half of the mills after January, eighteen hundred & thirty two, he allowing his Mother, the one half of his half during her life—likewise twenty five acres of juniper swamp, & one half of my Lake land to him & his heirs forever—–and should either of my Sons die without heir legally begotten, the survivor to take the property devised to them both.

Item. I give to my Daughters BETSY, PEGGYBELINDA, & NANCY all the remainder of my property real & personal to be equally divided among them with the exception of one dollar to be paid by my executor out of my property to my Daughter SALLY EARLE, with this reserve, should either of the four first mentioned Daughters die without lawful issue, that share of the property to be equally divided among the other three, and so on in rotation with the girls.

It is to be understood that if my property to be collected by my Executors falls short of paying my just debts that the residue shall be paid out of the part devised to my four first mentioned Daughters.

And lastly I leave my trusty friend, GEORGE FEREBEE Esqr. my sole executor to this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills, heretofore made. In testimony whereof I set my hand & seal this 1 Oct. 1822


Signed & sealed in

Presence of



Camden County Court

November Term 1822

The foregoing was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will & Testament of JOHN KELLY dec’d. by the oath of CHARLES GRICE a subscribing witness thereto and at same time GEORGE FEREBEE an Executor therein named appeared & qualified as Executor thereto. Ordered that testamentary letters issue and that the same be recorded.



Will Book C

Pages 13, 14

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


ISAAC LAMB (1825 Will)




March 20, 1824

In the name of God Amen, I ISAAC LAMB of the State of No. Carolina and County of Camden being of sound disposing mind and memory blessed be God, and calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time when it will come, and being willing to dispose of my worldly substance, that it has pleased God to give me, at my own will and desire do this 20th day of March 1824 make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, in the following manner that is to say.

First, I lend unto my beloved Wife POLLEY LAMB the use of all the lands on which I live and the lands I bought of JOHN WILROY and Wife, for and during her natural life and no longer, I also leave her the use of negros David, America, Bill, Susan and girl Nancy and five beds and furniture her choice, and also as much of my household and kitchen furniture, flax, cotton, spin stuff, cloth of homespun, plantation tools utensils and harnis as she may chose to retain for herself and family, all my hogs, four cows and calves a yearling one yoke of oxen, three dry cattel, ten head of sheep her choice, one horse Practier one horse Skip my joubell(?) chair and harnis, and my waggon, and one year’s support for her self and family to be sett off by herself and my two Sons ISAAC and LUKE at there discretion out of the provisions on hand, for and during her natural life and no longer except the provisions, I also give her two hundred dollars in notes on hand for my negro hire.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son LUKE G. LAMB a tract of land I bought of JAMES M. GRANDY to him and his heirs forever, I also give him one negro man Davis that I bought of him, one negro man Latchem, and the balance of my swamp up the river called Prichard’s Juniper to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son ISAAC N. LAMB a tract of land laying on the Eastwardly side of the main road it being part of the lands I bought of JOHN WILROY and Wife joining the lands of MALICHI SAWYER and others reserving the use to my Wife as aforesaid as also negro Robin, horse Jack, and negro David after the death of my Wife to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son LUKE G. LAMB all the lands contained in the deed from my Father to me in my last purchase from him where ABNER SAWYER now lives, in trust to be rented out by him and the rents and profits to be aplied to the use and support of HENRY N. LAMB and his children at the discreation of said LUKE G. LAMB, and at the death of said HENRY N. LAMB the said lands to be equally divided between his lawful children that may be then living, if any but if said Son HENRY should leave no lawful children at the time of his death, my will is that the said land should go to my Grand Son ISAAC N. LAMB, son of LUKE G. LAMB if he should be then living, if not to the said LUKE G. LAMB and his heirs forever.

Item. I give unto LUKE G. LAMB in trust for the benefit and support of ALLEN J. LAMB one negro man Ned or Edmond and all the property that has fallen to me by the death of my Brother THOMAS LAMB, and a small piece of land I bought of FREDERICK GRANDY and his Mother, all which said property is to be mannaged by the said LUKE G. LAMB to the best advantage for the benefit of the ALLEN J. LAMB and his family, and the said LUKE G. LAMB is at liberty to sell any part or the whole of said property for the purpose aforsaid if he should think it most beneficial to do so.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter CYNTHIA L. HALL one negro man Lamb and his Wife Tamer and there children now in her possession, also one negro man Billa after the death of my Wife to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter LUCRETIA SAWYER all the furniture she has now in her possession of mine, I also lend her negros Robin, Hannah, Grace and her children for and during her natural life and no longer, and at her death the said negros to be equally divided between her children if she lives any at the time of her death if not my will is that the said negros should be equally divided between ISAAC N. LAMB and ALLEN J. LAMB the said ALLEN’S part to be under the discretion of ISAAC N. LAMB and by him to be delt out to said ALLEN at his discretion and any other wise mannaged as he the said ISAAC may think proper for the said ALLEN and his family.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter POLLY G. LAMB one half of the lands on which I now live including the swam and pine thickit to the main road the line at ISAAC N. LAMB’S part say one half, reserving her Mother’s life in the same as aforesaid and if my said Daughter POLLY should die without children my will is that the said land should go to her Sister ELIZA H. LAMB, I also give to my Daughter POLLY G. LAMB negros Isaac, Lewis, Jerry, Reading and Judah and negro Nancy after the death of her Mother to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter ELIZA HALLAN LAMB the other half of the lands on which I live in the same manner I have give the other to her Sister POLLY and if she should die without children my will is that the said land should go to her Sister POLLY G. LAMB reserving the use to her Mother as aforesaid, I also give unto my said Daughter ELIZA H. LAMB negros Mark, Moses, Leani, George son of Susan, girl Estar and man America, at the death of her Mother to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son HENRY N. LAMB all the lands on the east side of Williamses Branch that I have not already given away to him and his heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson ISAAC L. HALL Son of my daughter CYNTHIA one negro boy George (Son of Edie) to him and his heirs

Item. I give and leve my negro woman Susan and her future increase after the death of my Wife, to be equally divided between my Son ALLEN and my Daughter NANCY’S children if they leve any at the time of the death of my Wife, but if my Wife should chose to give up the said negro Susan at any time sooner, then and in that case the said negros are to be at the expence of said children.

Item. All the residue of my property not already given away or lent I leve to be sold by my Executors on a credit of six months and the sum arising from the sale to be applied to the payment of my debts and legacies given away in this my Will, say what is lacking in notes on hand and the balance if any to be applied to the use of ALLEN J. LAMB and his family at the discretion of my Executors.

Item. The balance of the movable property I have lent to my Wife during her life, that I have not already disposed of I give unto my two Daughters POLLY and ELIZA after the death of their Mother to them and there heirs forever.

Item. I hereby appoint my Wife POLLY LAMB gardian to my two Daughters POLLY G. LAMB and ELIZA HALLAN LAMB and if any of their negros should behave themselves improperly to be judged of by her, my will is that she should sell them at her discretion and purchase hers in there room and stead of equal value of them as sold and the bills of sale to be taken in the name of the one to whom the negro belonged that are sold, I also impower her to sell any of those loned to her if they misbehave provided she replaces others in there room of equal value to go as they were, nevertheless this power I have given to my said Wife by this claus of my will to clear(?) and end if she should marry, and in that case I hereby appoint after her marriage ALFRED M. GATLIN gardian to my Daughter POLLY G. LAMB with the same powers that was granted to her my (said Wife) I also appoint my Son ISAAC N. LAMB gardian to my Daughter ELIZA HALLAN LAMB after the marriage of my said Wife, with the same powers that was granted to my said Wife.

I hereby nominate and appoint my beloved Wife POLLY LAMB Executrix and my Son ISAAC N. LAMB and ALFRED M. GATLIN Executors to this my Last Will and Testament, acknowledging this and this only to be my true Last Will, in witness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seale the day and date first above writen.

I. LAMB seal

Camden County Court

May Term 1825

This Will was exhibited in open Court and ISAAC N. LAMB being duly sworn deposeth that the Last Will and Testament of ISAAC LAMB dec’d bearing date 20th March 1824 was since the death of Testator found among his valuable papers in the presence of deponent and others. Sworn to in open Court




We the undersigned being duly sworn do say that we are well acquainted with the hand writing of ISAAC LAMB of Camden County dec’d and having particularly examined ??? Last Will and Testament of the said ISAAC LAMB and the writing on the back of the envelope do believe the same and every part thereof ??? exhibited in open Court is the hand writing of the said ISAAC LAMB thereunto subscribed as well as the name of the said ISAAC LAMB thereunto subscribed.

Sworn to in open Court









Will Book C

Pages 47-50

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






September 13 1823

In the name of God Amen! I ELISHA SAWYER of Camden County in the State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind & memory do this 13th day of September in the year of our Lord 1823 make & establish this my Last Will and Testament in manner & form following, that is to say.

Imprimis. I give & devise all the lands of which I am now seised & possed unto ELISHA SAWYER & LEMUEL SAWYER Sons of WILLIAM SAWYER to be divided between them in such manner that each of them shall have an equal share of woodland & if either of them should die under age, for the other to have his share, & if they should both die under age & without heirs of their body then & in that case for the children of SALLY SAWYER (now the Wife of WILLIAM SAWYER) which she may hereafter have, to inherit the said lands jointly, and for want of such children for the lands to return back to my family & kindred.

Item. I leave the use of my part of the building to my Brother & Sister as long as they may choose to remain in the plantation.

Item. I give & bequeath negro Synthia to ELISHA SAWYER son of WILLIAM to him & his heirs forever.

And I hereby make and appoint my friend JOURDAN LURRY Executor to this my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the date above written.


His x mark

Signed, sealed & acknowledged

In presence of



State of North Carolina

Camden County

November Term 1823

This Last Will and Testament of ELISHA SAWYER dec’d. was exhibited & proved in open Court by the oath of JOSEPH MORGAN one of the subscribing witnesses thereto. JOURDAN LURRY the Executor appeared and qualified according to law. Ordered that the will be Recorded & letters Testamentary issue



Will Book C

Page 28

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






March 30, 1824

In the name of God Amen! I MALACHI SAWYER of the County of Camden and State of North Carolina, being sick, but of sound disposing mind and memory and having in mind that it is appointed unto all men to die, and being willing to dispose of my worlaly affairs do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say.

Item the first. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Wife SUSANNA SAWYER all of my negroes viz. boy March, Jerry, John, Miles, Rose and Jane to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife SUSANNA SAWYER one tract of land lying in said County bounded on the South and Westside by the lands of ISAAC LAMB and on the North & East by the lands of JOHN GRANDY being all of the land which I bought of NATHANIEL WILROY and that which I now live on to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife SUSANNA SAWYER one tract of land in said County near the Court House being all of the land which I bought of THOMAS BELL, bounded as follows on the East by the lands of ISAAC LAMB, on the West by THOMAS GORDON & on the N. by the main road & the walking lands, to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife SUSANNA SAWYER one tract of land lying about one half mile below Camden Court House on the W. side of the main road bounded as follows, on the West by the lands which belong to the heirs of JOHN WILROY and on the North by the lands which formerly belonged to CALEB PHILLIP’S and on the East by JOSEPH DOZIERS’ lands & the lands of ISAAC LAMB it being all of the tract which belonged to JOHN WATKINS to have & hold the same she and her heirs forever.

Item. I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife SUSANNA SAWYER a certain tract of land lying in Forty Pound Neck bounded as follows, bounded on the West by the lands of MARK UPTON, on the North by the lands of HENRY AYDELETT’S heirs, on the East by the lands of THOMAS ETHERIDGE and on the South by the lands which belong to the heirs of JOHN GREAVES being by estimation Seventeen & three quarters of acres which formerly belonged to the estate of JOHN WADKINS to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife SUSANNA SAWYER after paying of all my just debts all the residue of my estate of every kind & nature whatsoever to her and her heirs forever.

Lastly. I hereby nominate and appoint my Wife SUSANNA SAWYER whole and sole Executrix to this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills and Publishing this and this only to be my true Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this the 30th day of March One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Four. 1824 


Signed, sealed and acknowledged

By the Testator as his Last Will in

Our presents




Camden County

May Term 1824

This Last Will and Testament of MALACHI SAWYER dec’d was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of SILAS O. NORRIS one of the subscribing witness thereto SUSANNAH SAWYER the Executrix therein named appeared & qualified according to law. Ordered that the Will be recorded & that letters testamentary issue




Will Book C

Pages 31-33

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse





October 14, 1822

In the name of God Amen ! I WILLIAM SAWYER of the County of Camden and State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God, do this 14th day of October, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Two make and publish this my Last Will & Testament in manner following that is to say.

1st Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son STEPHEN SAWYER the South end of my plantation, wheron the houses stand that is to say, beginning at the swamp side, near a large Beach, so as to run straight course to the end of an old ditch, that runs from the road about one third across the plantation a straight course, and then turns to the west but the line is to be straight from the swamp, with the straight part as it runs from the road so as to make the line straight from the swamp by running a straight course as the above mentioned ditch to the back line to the HOLLOWELL OLD’S land. One bed and furniture, one desk, one beaufet, one table, one case & bottles, one iron pot trammel, one woolen wheel, and two cows & one calf the ones that he claims, one hand mill to him and his heirs forever.

Item 2nd I give & bequeath unto my Grandson JOHN SAWYER the North end of my plantation that is to say from the ditch up to NEHIMIAH RIGGS’ line and to run from the swamp a straight course to HOLLOWELL OLDS’ line being the remainder of my land beside the peace that I have given to my Son STEPHEN SAWYER to him & his heirs forever, with the exception of my Son WILLIS SAWYERS’ lifetime in the land that I have given unto my Grandson JOHN SAWYER the Son of WILLIS SAWYER and I also give and bequeath unto my Son WILLIS SAWYER one chest to him & his heirs forever.

Item 3rd. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter POLLY SAWYER one bed and furniture, one chest, one red table chest & drawers, two cows and one calf that she claims, one pewter dish, one iron pot, one loom and harness one linnen wheel to her & her heirs for ever.

Item 4th. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson LEWIS SAWYER one horse to him & his heirs forever.

5th Item. I give & bequeath unto my Grandson NELSON SAWYER one bed to him & his heirs forever.

6th Item. I give & bequeath unto my Grandson STEPHEN SAWYER one bed to him & his heirs for ever.

7th Item. I give & bequeath unto my Grandson WILLIAM SAWYER one heifer and her increase to him & his heirs forever.

The remainder of my property not given away I wish my children to divide among themselves, and I hereby make and ordain my Son STEPHEN SAWYER Executor of this my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I the said WILLIAM SAWYER have to this my last Will & Testament set my hand and seal the day & year above written.


His x mark

Signed, sealed & published

& declared by the said 

WILLIAM SAWYER the testator as his

Last Will & Testament in the

Presence of us who were present

At the time of signing & sealing thereof



Camden County Court

February T. 1823

This was exhibited in open Court & proved as the Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM SAWYER dec’d by the oath of MILES CARTWRIGHT a subscribing witness thereto—and at same time STEPHEN SAWYER an Executor therein named appeared & qualified as Exec. Thereto by taking the oath prescribed by Law. Ordered that Test. Letters issue



Will Book C

Pages 19, 20

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


ASA TUTTLE (1824 Will)




April 29, 1824

In the name of God Amen, I ASA TUTTLE being of perfect mind and memory but knowing that life is uncertain & death certain do make this my Last Will and Testament, disanuling of all others this the 29 day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Four.

To Wit. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife POLLY one feather bed & furniture, one small chest, beaufat etc. one linnen wheel her choice, one large pot & small one, one pot transmel, one loom & harness, one quilt wheel, six setting chairs, one tea kettle & creeper, one cow & calf her choice, all of my corn pork fish & hogs lard now on hand two of her first choice of the large hogs & also two her first choice of the last winter piggs & one stock of flax to her & her heirs forever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son in Law ARCHIBALD SAWYER one feather bed & furniture, one blue chest and one heffer my Wife’s choice and sixty dollars after paying all my just debts, to him & his heirs forever.

The balance of my estate after paying my just debts in manner above mentioned to equally divided between my children namely HAPEL (HASSEL?), POLLY, JOSEPH, PETER and ASA TUTTLE to them & their heirs forever. I also nominate and appoint my friend JESSE BELL Executor to this my Last Will and Testament.


His X mark

Sign’d, seal’d in the

Presents of



Camden County

May Term 1824

This Last Will and Testament of ASA TUTTLE dec’d was exhibited & proved in open Court by oath of DANIEL TUTTLE one of the subscribing witnesses thereto—-JESSE BELL the Executor therein named appeared and qualified according to Law. Ordered that the Will be recorded and letters testamentary issue.




Will Book C

Pages 34, 35

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


1930 Census listing for WILL SAWYER

1930 Federal Census ED #1

Camden, North Carolina Page 16A

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 4-29-1930

Side Road

Sawyer, Will H-R M-W-48-M-30 N-Y Farmer

Mary W F-W-35-M-17 N-Y

Will, Jr. S M-W-16-S Y-Y

Oscar S M-W-14-S Y-Y

Ray S M-W-9-S Y-Y

Emma D F-W-7-S Y-N

All family listed from North Carolina

Contributed by Shelley Arnold



1900 Census listing for ARCIE SAWYER

1900 Federal Census ED #24

Camden, North Carolina Slide 11 of 30

Courthouse Township Enumeration Date: 6-8-1900

Sawyer, Arcie H-W-F 1848 51 W 4 Cannot read nor write

William S-W-M 1877 23 S

Alfrid S-W-M 1880 19 S

Harriett D-W-F 5- 1885 15 S

All family shown as being born in North Carolina. Shows 4 living children. Only three living with her. An older child could be married.


Contributed by Shelley Arnold

1880 Census listing for WILLIAM SAWYER

1880 Federal Census Courthouse Township

Camden, North Carolina Pg 52D

National Archives FHL 1254956 Film #T9-0956

William Sawyer H M W 45 NC Farmer

Mary V. W F W 30 NC

Nathan S M W 19 NC Farm Laborer

Lee S M W 17 NC Farm Laborer

Ann O. D F W 13 NC At Home

Willie S M W 11 NC

Jennie D F W 9 NC

George S M W 6 NC

Lizzie D F W 3 NC


Contributed by Shelley Arnold