A Guide
Military Organizations
and Installations
North Carolina 1861-1865
50th Regt. N.C. Militia50th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
Col. M.D. Craton
Col. Jas. A. Washington
Col. Geo. WorthamOrganized Apr. 15, 1862.
Local Designations
Co. F, Moore Sharp Shooters
Co. G, Capt. Geo. W. Andrew's Co.
The Rutherford Farmers
Co. I, Capt. John B. Eaves' Co.
Rutherford Regulars
Co. K, Capt. Sam'l Wilkins' Co.
Green River Rifles
51st Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. John L. Cantwell
Col. Hector McKethanRegt. organized Apr. 30, 1862, for the term of the war.
Co. A- Some of the members of this company formerly served in/Co. A,
Wilmington & Weldon R.R. Guards, N.C. InfantryLocal Designations
Co. B, Capt. Caleb B. Hobson's Co.
Warsaw Sampsons
Co. C, Capt. Wm. A. Allen's Co.
Duplin Stars
Co. D, Capt. Jas. R. McDonald's Co.
Scotch Tigers
Co. E, Capt. Willis P. Moore's Co.
Clay Valley Rangers
Co. F, Capt. Alfred B. Walter's Co.
Ashpoll True Boys
Co. H, Capt. John R. Kelly's Co.
Columbus Light Infantry
Co. I, Capt. Hector McKethan's Co.
Co. K, Capt. J.B. Underwood's Co.
Confederate Stars
51st Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. W. B. Richardson
52nd Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Jas. K. Marshal
Col. Marcus A. ParksThis Regt. was organized Apr. 1862, for three years or the war.
Local Designations
Co. A, Cabarrus Riflemen
Co. B, Randolph Guards
Co. C, Orapeake Guards
Co. D, McCullock's Avengers
Co. E, Richmond Regulators
Co. F, Wilkes' Grays
Co. G, Dripon Dixies
Co. H, Spring Hill Guards
Co. I, Stanly Rebels
Co. K, Fighting Boys
52nd Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. John A. Spears
52nd Regt. N.C. Vols.Co. A, 4th Regt. N. C. Inf.
53rd Regt. N. C. Militia53rd Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
Col. Wm. A. Owens
Col. Jas. T. MoreheadOrganized May 5, 1862.
Local Designations
Co. E, Farmer Boys
Co. G, Capt. Geo. W. Clark's Co.
Mountain Greys
Co. H, Capt. Spotswood B. Taylor's Co.
Danbury Blues
Co. K, Wilkes Rangers
54th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. W. McL. McKay
54th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. John Wimbish
Col. Jas. C. S. McDowell
Col. Kenneth M. MurchisonOrganized May 16, 1862.
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Anderson Ellis' Co.
Holtsburg Guards
Co. B, Capt. Jas. C. S. McDowell's Co.
Co. C, Capt. K. M. Murchison's Co.
Co. D, Capt. Jas. A. Rogers' Co.
Rebel Guards
Co. E, Capt. Dabney W. Parks' Co.
Highland Guards
Co. F, Capt. Win. P. Watlington's Co.
Stonewall Boys
Co. G, Wilkes Guards
Co. H, Capt. David S. Cockerham's Co.
Western Rangers
Co. I, Capt. Napoleon B. Hamilton's Co.
Tryon Mountain Boys
Co, K, Capt. Sam'l J. Parham's Co.
Carolina Boys
55th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. John H. Connally
Organized May 19, 1862.
Local Designations
Co. A, Wilson/Wayne Cos.
Co. B, Wilkes Co.
Co. C, Cleveland Grays
Co. D, Cleveland Farmers
Co. E, Pitt Co.
Co. F, South Mountain Rangers
Co. G, N.C. Rebels
Co. H, Capt. Vandaver Teague's Co.
Alexander Boys
Co. I, Franklin Farmers
Co. K Granville, Co.
55th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Neill Kelly
Col. J.J.D. Lucas
56th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
Col. Paul F. Faison
Organized July 31, 1862; transferred to Confederate States Service Aug. 8, 1862;
Mustered in Confederate States Aug. 31, 1862.Local Designations
Co. B, Capt. Frank N. Roberts' Co.
Cape Fear Guards
Co. C, Capt. Alexo P. White's Co.
Pasquotank Boys
Co. D, Capt. John W. Graham's Co.
Graham Rifles
Co. E, Capt. Jos. Gray Lockhart's Co.
Moore Guards
Co. F, Capt. Henry F. Schenck's Co.
Cleveland Riflemen
Co. G, Capt. Henry E. Lane's Co.
Henderson Blues
Co. H, Capt. Thos. C. Halyburton's Co
Pettigrew Guards
Co. I, Capt. Jas. W. Kilpatrick's Co.
Rutherford Rifles
Co. K, Capt. Frank R. Alexander's Co.
Confederate Boys
56th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. H.C. Leonard
57th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S. T.)Col. Archibald
Col. GodwinOrganized July 17, 1862.
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Wm. Howard's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Win. Brown's Co.
Co. C, Capt. John Beard's Co.
Co. D, Capt. J.E. Mann's Co.
Co. E, Capt. Dan'l W. Rhine's Co.
Co. F, Capt. Jas. C. Cannon's Co.
Co. G, Capt. J.F. Speck's Co.
Co. H, Capt. Win. H. Howerton's Co.
Co. I, Capt. Wm. A. Albright's Co.
Co. K, Capt. A.A. Miller's Co.
57th Regt. N. C. MilitiaCol. John H. Stephens
58th Batallion Home Guards, N.C. (Maj. J.M. Neal)58th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
Col. John B. Palmer
The 5th (Palmer's )Batallion N.C. Partisan Rangers, consisting of seven companies, was organized under authority of the Sec. of War, dated May 13, 1862. It was increased to a Regt. about July 29, 1862, by the addition Of other companies and designated the 58th Regt. N.C. Infantry About Apr. 9, 1865, this Regt. was consolidated with the 60th Regt. N.C. Infantry and formed the (new) 58th Regt. N.C. Infantry, which was paroled at Greensboro, N.C., May l, 1865.
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. John B. Palmer's Co.
Mitchell Rangers
Co. B, Capt. Jacob W. Bowman's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Wm. W. Proffitt's Co.
Yancey Boys
Co. D, Capt. Drewry C. Harmon's Co.
Co. E, Capt. John C. Keener's Co.
Co. F, Capt. Jason Conley's Co.
McDowell Rangers
Co. G, Capt. John W. Peek's Co.
Co. H, Capt. Thos. H. Dula's Co.
Co. I, Capt. Wm. Miller's Co.
Watauga Troopers
Co. K, Capt. Sam'l M. Silver's Co.
59th Batallion Home Guards, N.C. (Maj. Clem. Dowd)Carthage
59th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Cobb
59th Regt. N.C. Infantry61st Regt. N. C. Inf. (S.T.)
59th Regt. N.C. State Troops
4th Regt. N. C. Cav.
60th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Jas. T. Roper
60th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Jos. A. McDowell
Col. Washington M. HardyThe 1st (McDowell's) Batallion N.C. Infantry, consisting of seven companies, was organized about Aug, l, 1862. It was increased to a Regt. about Oct. 8, 1862, and designated the 60th Regt. N.C. Infantry About Apr. 9, 1865, this Regt. was
consolidated with the 58th Regt. N.C. Infantry and formed the (new) 58th Regt. N.C. Infantry, which was paroled at Greensboro, N.C. May 1, 1865.Local Designations
Co. A, Buncombe Light Artillery
Co. B, Capt. L.A.B. Duckett's Co.
Co. D, Henderson Rangers
Co. E, Buncombe Farmers
Co. I, Capt. G.M. Roberts' Co.
French Broad Guards
Co. K, Capt. W.R. West's Co.
61st Regt. N.C. Militia61st Regt. N.C. Infantry (S. T.)
Col. Jas. D. Radcliffe
Col. Wm. S. DevaneThe 61st Regt. N.C. Infantry was organized about Sept. 1862, with ten companies, A to K, which had previously served as independent companies. Some of the rolls show 59th Regt. N.C. Infantry, which was probably due to a misunderstanding of the line number the Regt. was to receive.
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Wm. S. Devane's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Henry Harding's Co.
Capt. Wm. M. Stevenson's Co.
Beaufort Plow Boys
Co. C, Capt. Edw. Mallett' s Co.
Neuse Guards
Co. D, Capt. Nathan A. Ramsey's Co.
Vance Guards
Co. E, Capt. Allen Croom's Co. .
The Easter Star
Co. F, Capt. Andrew J. Moore's Co.
The Trio Guards
Co. G, Capt. John F. Moore's Co.
Co. H, Capt. Wm. B. Lanier's Co
Hill Guards
Co. I, Capt. Avas B. Cox's Co.
Co. K, Capt. Francis D. Koonce's Co.
Koonce's State Guerrillas
62nd Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Robt. G.A. Love
Col. Geo. Wesley ClaytonOrganized July 11, 1862.
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Asbury T. Rogers' Col.
Co. B, Capt. N.W. Moore's Co.
Co. C, Capt. John Turpin's Co.
Co. D, Capt. R.M. Henry's Co.
Co. E, Capt. L.C. Neill's Co.
Co. F, Capt. A.B. Cowan's Co.
Co. G, Capt. Andrew D. Hooper's Co.
Co. H, Capt. Rufus A. Edmonston s Co.
Co. I, Capt. Wm. J. Wilson's Co.
Co. K, Capt. T.G. Henson's Co.
62nd Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.F. Colton
63rd Batallion Home Guards, N. C.Lt. Col. T.H. Brem
63rd Regt. N.C. TroopsCo. D, 3rd Regt. N. Co Cav.
63rd Regt. N.C. State Troops5th Regt. N.C. Cav.
63rd Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. H.L. Steed
64th Batallion Home Guards, N.C. (Maj. J. Masten)Winston
64th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Wm. F. Foushee
Lt. Col. J. W. Staley
64th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Lawrence M. Allen
The 11th Batallion N.C. Infantry was organized under authority of the Sec. of War, dated May l0, 1862. It was increased to a Regt. about July 20, 1862, and designated the 64th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.). It was also known as Allen's Regt. N.C. Infantry.
Local Designations
Allen's Legion
Co. A, Capt. Jaso A. Keith's
Co. Co. B, Capt. Thos. P. Jones'
Co. Co. C, Capt. John Peek's Co.
Co. D, Capt. Arthur A. Dewees' Co.
Co. E, Capt. B.T. Morris' Co.
Co. F, Capt. Dan'l W. Anderson's Co.
Co. G, Capt. Wm. M. Keith's Co.
Co. I, Capt. John S. Love's Co.
---- Capt. A.P. Wigg's Co., subsequently,
Co. G, (Carter's) Regt. Tenn Cav.
---- Capt. Michael Staley's Co.
---- Capt. John F. Fitzgerald's Co.
Units identified as:
2-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-31 32-49 50-64 65-121
[example 1st Batallion, 32nd Regiment,
Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
Last Modified: 07/08/2008 21:16:30